Exposing the Truth of YouTube (ft. akidearest) | Trash Taste #42

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It is on the coffee cup.

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πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/The-Yaoi-Unicorn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 06 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- There's always that thing, everyone knows that crime is really low in Japan, but when shit happens in Japan, it's from like zero to 100. It's like, I'm going to burn (people screaming) everyone alive and post it on 2chan, just 'cause I feel like it. (upbeat music) - I'm gonna do an impression of Garnt 'cause I'm a guest. Hello, welcome back to another episode of the Trash Taste Podcase. - Really, that was your impression of me, well, Joey. - You really, cut up the Trash Taste Podcase. - You gotta pull your thing up to here. - Oh, yeah let me pull it. Hello welcome back to another episode of the Trash Taste Podcase. The show where we talk about food, shitting and occasionally anime. - Oh my God! - I'm your host for today not Garnt. And with me is Garnt and the other not Garnt. And I'm a guest, I mean, I'm a host. We're the guest. - You can tell this is the first time Joey's hosting our guests now, "I'm the guest guys." - I'm the guest. I'm the host with the guest and the guest is Aki, hello. - Hi, I'm Agnes. How are you guys doing? - That's your name? - Yeah, it is. - The long awaited. - The long awaited. - Is this a main reveal. - It is, yeah. - It's not really reveal. You can look me up on Wikipedia, it's like right there. - Why'd you have to flex it? You have a Wikipedia right off the bat. - You have one too. - I don't. - I have the YouTube- - You have the famous birthdays. - What does that mean? - What does that mean? - Famous birthdays are a plague on the earth. They just keep fucking emailing you, asking you for information. - Yeah, and also half of that info is like kind of not correct. Yeah, it's pretty wrong. - I think I had to email them back like three times 'cause they kept getting my birthday wrong. - I think there's like a Wiki YouTube. - Like the one thing you shouldn't get wrong. I think is birthdays. I think it was your birthday. - I know that there's like a Wiki YouTube, and that is more like- - That's also a play. Yeah, that one's the most inaccurate Wiki of all time. - There's this one called like celeb dating. Have you seen this one? - [All] No. This one has it like- - Wait, I think this one just randomly takes it and then it will be like dating and it will be like, summarize if you're dating and if you're married, but they have no information. So everything's just like unknown. - Speculation. Unknown, unknown. - [Aki] Oh my God! - It would be like, CDawg VA was last spotted dating at this time and it's like 2014. - Wow. - Unless you're dating another YouTuber. - It's kind of creepy, to see how deep, some of these people really look back into your photos and then that like, that's who you are. But they don't even take into account that there's been literally so much time between this photo and who you are. - That's the other thing I hate about famous birthdays, is that they use photos from like 2012. - [All] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And it's just like, "Oh yeah, if I go look up this person now, "they're gonna look exactly like this." And you realize you look like an eight year old photo. - I think like on YouTube Wiki, they even have like your top 10 friends, they've decided like, "Oh, I'll keep this photo." Yeah that shit, it's actually to fuck you with. And then like, sometimes I'll put some where I'm like, I haven't even talked to that person since like... I don't know, like 2011. - There's two types of YouTubers who collab often. That's people who only interact through the collab and people who interact all the time outside of the collab and occasionally in the collab . - We YouTubers, we don't have friends outside of YouTube at all. - It Depends on how you meet, if they like to collab a lot and how they like to do that for YouTube friendship. - Like, I recently went to an event with like people who had nothing to do with YouTube and it was just kind of refreshing actually just to talk to people who are just- Doing normal jobs. - Garnt discovers people outside of the internet exist. - It's like "Wait, there are people that aren't YouTubers?" - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - On YouTube and have nothing to do with the anime industry. 'Cause now that like... It's weird because now that our hobby has turned into our jobs, we naturally socialize with people who are just also to do with our job because that's our hobbies. So, it was weird talking to people who were just like working, walk- - So, TLDR you went to a bar. (all laughing) - Yeah, pretty much. - Place with normies, "Guys they are pretty cool." - They exist. - Yeah, like I have a whole part of my life that has literally nothing to do with like YouTube or anything. Why are my fucking earring just fell off (laughs). But anyways, so I'm gonna just try and get that. But there's like a whole part of my life that has nothing to do with- - Like I could say- - Fucking. - Outside of your earring falling down. I think pretty one of the more private YouTubers that I have met. - I like how we just went straight into it and you didn't even introduce yourself. - And maybe you should explain it. - We know everything. - They know you, but go on, go ahead. - Why don't you- - Just in case for the 1% who don't know who you are. What your relationships are, and who you are. - Oh gosh, where should I even begin? - If you had to explain to someone at the bar, what your channel is about and what you do. - Oh man, like- - Pretend you're talking to a normie. - Yeah, pretend your talking to a normie, yeah. - I actually like just hang out with mostly normies outside of just YouTube and whenever... like someone who doesn't know who I am, when they ask, "Oh, what do you do?" I literally just say, "I work from home." It's just the easiest thing to say, 'cause the moment that I say that, I'm a YouTuber or maybe you guys have like had this, but I just feel that just opens so many doors of like- - But that means nothing in 2020, 'cause everyone's working at home now. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - Oh, I'm just like, "I do like marketing." I try to pick the- - I do marketing. - I do, (laughs). - That's basically how I started explaining my job to my parents, the first time I started doing it, I had to tell my grandma that I'm a comedian. It's just like, "Oh, I know those." - And then I do have like those moments where I say that I'm a YouTuber. And then I just go into the details of all of that. - What your YouTube channel about? - My YouTube channel, honestly, people have just said, she's not on anime channel anymore. Or she's still in anime channel. Honestly, I don't even- - We should get into that later though, into all of that stuff, I think. - What would you call yourself? - I'm just more of like a no Otaku channel. I'm just someone that lives in Japan that just shares their life and what they like to do here. But I don't know, it's weird because I still don't really know what I am because I used to call myself just anime YouTube, but then like I'm too J blog to be anime, but then I'm too anime to be J blog. So I just thought, "Oh, Otaku channel, "that's probably the easiest thing." - Who needs labels, I don't really give a shit. - Yeah, I'm just Otaku dearest. - I feel Coal is in the same realm though, right? It's like- - Yeah, pretty much. - People call me anime on YouTube and I'm like, "Never have I talked about anime." - I mean we both do stuff around Japan. And it's just like... I don't know, I feel like as an anime fan, I do all these other things in Japan because when you like anime, it just puts Japan in front of you. And then it just puts like all of these other things. So, that's why I'm okay with talking about... I don't know, just Japanese products or just... When I blew up, I talked about Vocaloid because I always just thought, "Even though it's not an anime, it's just something, "every anime fan knew." It just somehow made its way. - It's coming just like the weed culture. - Yeah, yeah essentially. - I feel like you don't need to know anything about anime to watch my content, but I feel like you get a lot more out of it, if you are to that culture and that kind of humor, I guess. - I feel there's a lot more like quote unquote, unachievers who are kind of going in that direction too. Like, I'd say I'm going in that direction. - I think that's where most anime YouTube is going because anime content, is just not performing well 'cause not performing as well. - Yeah, as it was there. Like you can't make like a 30 minutes- - I think this season's been really good for anime content, but for the past year it was pretty rough. - Like 2020 and 2019 was really rough for anime content. - And it's funny, 'cause I feel like, it's really just the hype that attack on title that has brought that. That has just reminded people, "Oh yeah, animate exists guys, anime actually exists." And that kind of trickles down to everything else. - But like you can't make like a 20, 30 minute analysis video on some seasonal show that's not the biggest one now, and get half as many views. - I never even really watched them too much in the first place. I just kind of watched stuff, and that's why like- - Because you went to anime conventions and stuff. - Yeah, I went to anime but I was a plub, I just watched shit, but I don't actually like think that deeply, which is weird because like in the beginning of my YouTube, I used to do a lot more analytical stuff. And one of them, I think is like your favorite series that I dropped a long time ago. - "Everything You Didn't Know About", right? - Yeah, that one was pretty fun. That's when I did like some detective work going into an anime of like what every reference meant. My favorite ones though. - That got so oversaturated on YouTube. - It did, eventually it did. - 107 things you need to know about Naruto. - No, no, it was more like, "A hundred things you didn't know about Naruto," but like 97 of them really obvious. - I think it was like the Vocaloid videos that popped up and like the Vocaloid, I think Ghibli videos that popped up originally. - This literally just one Ghibli video. And I remember like there's so... I don't know why the fuck that blew up, but I know also Vocaloid. What's funny, is that the Vocaloid video, the first one that went up, I originally was not going to post that 'cause I just thought, "Oh no, I'm just going over "like Vocaloid songs, who cares." But then the file almost crashed like the night that I was going to upload that, but then luckily enough, there's auto-save stuff. So, I went through like all these fucking files, I was like, "Please tell me that you saved this somewhere." And I just uploaded it, and then the next morning, actually within that week, then it started to blow up. And I remember, we were still really early in our friendship. And I think when I blew up, I got in a call with you. I wanted to like vomit. At like the numbers that were growing 'cause I didn't know how to handle it. - Yeah because you were getting like... I think it was like a hundred K a week or something, something ridiculous like that. - How did you guys even meet? 'Cause I don't think you've ever like told the story. - We have, but like- - I pretty forgot. - Oh no, it's okay. So let's see, it was like... I don't think I was even at a thousand subscribers, but- - More like 800 I think, 700 subscribers. - Okay, so I was looking for other YouTubers to talk to. So the last time I was on YouTube, it was under another name, it was called school girl, 101. (all laughing) - Amazing, why didn't you stick with that? - Okay, no, I will tell- - The anime man and School Girl 101. - This will all wrap up too when I meet Joey. So when I was like 12 or 13, when YouTube was first starting, I had like schoolgirl 101 and I used to upload a lot of AMVs. I loved making AMVs and it was like, a community in itself, animemusicvideos.org, is anyone here old enough to remember? You know that? - Of course, of course. - Oh, Garnt is in that yard. I think Connor and I were a little too young for that year. - Oh yeah, yeah, oh my God, yeah. So, I was that website was religious to me, so I used to upload that stuff. And this is before copyright music and any of that was a thing, so it was- - Did you put Lincoln park and shit like that? - I absolutely fucking did. (all laughing) - The amount of times I've watched the one big upload of "AMV Hell 3", or that was uploaded to YouTube was just like uncountable. - Remember we used to call compilations, cracks. - Yeah, I remember that. (Aki laughing) - Dude, oh my God, I remember that. So yeah, no, I was uploading AMVs and then I dwelled into... I don't know how, but somehow in my deep searching of anime related stuff, I found visual novel openings, but I couldn't download visual novels 'cause they were really strictly just in Japan, - And ever fucking impulsive to download back then too. But the openings were available on YouTube, which I still have those saved on my current account today, in private. So then, I found all these websites and I uploaded all of the opening songs on that. And then they were all like Hentai, so I got banned. - So uploaded Hentai on to School Girl 101? - Yeah I did. - Why did you pick the name School Girl 101? - I promise it was not nothing perverted. I thought it just sounded cool. And I was watching "Zoe 101", and I went to school. (all laughing) - I was trying to figure out where the 101 came from. - 'Cause I was watching Zoe 101 back then and I was a school girl (laughs). But when I look back, I'm like, "Fuck." - I think one of my names was like, X-Box best corner or something. 'Cause I'm the best in X-Box. - Yeah, no the cringer username, honestly- - That's like the same logic I came up with. - Honestly, I'm glad that, that YouTube account got banned, but I'm kind of sad, all those AMVs just went down, like the shit got banned. - All those Lincoln Parks. - I know it was like evanescence and... I definitely went down that route. - Okay, so you are School Girl 101? - Yeah, that all went away. And then I just watched YouTube from behind the scenes. Then one day, I decided I wanted to do YouTube. I wasn't even at a thousand subs. And because I was so close in that AMV community, I didn't know where anyone was anymore. So I was like, let me get in another community. Joey was the first one that I found that was closest to my age. And I thought that, he was really funny when he was playing NekoPara. So the very first mistake- - I bet he was so fun. (indistinct chatter) - I loved it. (all laughing) Watched it all the time. - It was like put in one more time, put it on. - I loved that one. - What a classic. - It wasn't even like the first video of that NekoPara series. But when I was watching it, I just thought that you were really funny. So I was like, is YouTube DM still a thing, I've been gone a long time. - YouTube Dms. - That's how far back we're talking. - We are going far back now. - Legit, so, I messaged him on YouTube and I said- - How many subs did Joey have at this time- - Oh, not even like 10 K I think. - Oh, wow! - Yeah, I maybe 20, 30- - We were both very small. - No, I think I was like 20, 30K maybe? - So Joey dated a fan? (all laughing) - No, I messaged him- - Joey, the anime man exposed. - Yeah but like, look. Okay, so I'm from a part of YouTube where subscribers weren't really that big of a thing. - Anything under like around that size, like a thousand. - It would be a bit of a different story, if I had like 3 million and she had 800. - [All] Yeah. - I mean like it's whatever. But so, I sent him a message and I said... I called you anime man. And I was like- (all laughing) So fucking weird, but said, "Hi anime Man, I saw your NekoPara video, "thought you were hilarious. "Do you like dogens? "If you want, let's read one together." - No, you found this fucking pokemon dogen of god of war. - Yeah and I just was like- - And was like, "We should read it on camera together." And I was like, "All right." So I got on a call with her. - No, no, no, hold on. But there was something in between. But because it was YouTube DMS, I was not expecting a reply. 'Cause I was like... I think it was like 2014, 15. Times have changed, but my mind was so all the way back, but literally in an hour, you replied back to me and you told me that like later on, that you had not really looked at your YouTube DMS until that night, and I was at the very top. And had you not seen it that night, this wouldn't have happened. - It was purely coincidentally. - Yeah, and then after that... - 'Cause who the fuck went through their YouTube DMs. - Exactly, YouTube got rid of it. I think YouTube got rid of it now, right? You can't- - I think it still technically exists somewhere. - Yeah, I have tried to look. - Cause if not, they could have completely buried it. - So, I don't have- - You don't have an archive. - No, I know. - That's so sad. - I don't know, maybe- - I don't know if I want to, to be honest. I don't wanna see a message of, "Hello anime man." (all laughing) - I mean, that's the beginnings there, right? - No but there is a video on his channel of where I still called him anime man. It's when we were playing orange juice 100- - Some shitty anime game. - No, its called orange juice 100% or something. I'm doing it for them, like what was it called? - Oh, I don't want them to look at the video. (all laughing) - So, I'm trying to be inconspicuous, it's some shitty anime game. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't know which one I'm talking about. - (indistinct) Don't put it on the screen, I swear to God. - So we were just really good friends for like a couple of years. And then he got trapped in Canada and- - You got explain why I got trapped in Canada? You're not gonna just say that. - Because then he. - I lost my passport. - I remember he told the story. - He lost his passport, he was really stressed, but I had no idea that you were in Canada, but this was like, we had been friends for a long time and we had been calling so frequently. I was like, "I'm gonna just tell him, I like him. "I don't even care, I'm gonna just get in the call." And that was like, you were still at your hotel, stressed out of your mind, I was like, "I really like you." - And did, "Now is not the time, I lost my passport." - Was there a process where you thought about this is the right time to tell him? Or were you just like, "He's fuck out of his mind, fuck it!" - I didn't know that he was in Canada. I didn't know that he was trapped there. I didn't know that you were like going through other shit. I was like, "I'ma just tell him, uh whatever." (all laughing) - What did you think? - I hadn't eaten in like two days. And the first thing I get is, "I like you," from Aki Dearest and I was like, there's a Danny's down road and like I'm fucking starving. - No but then, you know, what's funny? You were so disoriented. And also like... So, I don't know if anyone knows this, but I'm Joey's first girlfriend, like real girlfriend. - Like proper girlfriend. - Yeah proper girlfriend he had... you had seen some other people in the past past, but... - But it was like high school relationships, I don't count those. - Yeah, yeah, so what was funny, is I think he was so dense. Like I literally said the words, I like you a lot. And then he said, "Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?" And then I said, "I think I said it." (Aki laughing) - I am dead ass that dense, like heroin protagonists. - Say you like me, I don't know what are you saying. - What are you trying to say right now? - And I was like, "I think I said it'. (all laughing) Yeah, but from there actually, I think we talked for like 10 or 15 hours that day. - Yeah, 'cause I had nothing else to do. 'Cause I was in my fucking Toronto hotel room. - So, I was just a liar bell. That was a special moment for me. - I miss being like 19 and just being able to spend all day on a Skype call. - Yeah, right. - What the fuck (mimicking sobs). - We used to be able to do that all the time. And it was like with that group of friends where it's like, it didn't matter if nobody talked, like you were just on it. - Like, what's the longest Skype call you guys have ever been in? - Together or just ever? - Just in general. - I think it was the one with her where I was in a Skype call for like 12 hours or something? - Yeah, 12 hours, and then after that, I think one time came, when you finally got back to Australia and then we gave it time to think, and we were both blowing up around like the same time. - You mean our channels were, not us. - Yeah, yeah, sorry, sorry. (all laughing) - I can't hear the word blowing up without thinking about that meme, of where that guy's like, "When I blow up, I don't know nobody. (all laughing) sorry, sorry. - Because... No it's cool. And then when our careers were like finally taking off, we just kind of got in a talk and said, "This isn't going to work and we're too busy." And I don't know I feel like we were both- - Well, it was also because I was in my last year of uni at the time. And I was stressed out of my fucking mind because I'm like, "If I don't knuckle down on this shit, "I'm not gonna graduate." - I've been playing Kolbe's party 18 hours. I can't, be doing free translations for Kolbe's party visual novel, like I gotta fucking knuckle down. So, I was like, at that point, I not only like ghosted you, I ghosted everyone on YouTube for like three months. - Last year of uni do be like that. - And then in the meanwhile, I was just kind of my doing my own thing. Fast forward though, AX comes around and then we both messaged each other. And I think there's also my Samurai bio video had just come out that day, and that's when you DM'd me. - Good old Samurai bio, you remember that shit? - I guess we've just gotten like this private talk, but I was just like, okay. Yeah, we're going to AX. I'll see you there, and so we met and yeah. - That was AX 2016? - I think so, yeah. - That was like... I think watching you guys at AX just before you even like... did we speak at that point? I think so. - We spoke, but we hadn't met. - I think so, that was when I was like, I don't care. I'm going to AX next year. I felt so left out, seeing how much fun it was that the AX. - Was that at the AX I first met you or was that the AX before that? - Before, I think. - It was the AX, was it before? God I don't remember. - I can't remember. - It might've been the one... No, it might've been that AX, it was that AX. It was the first time we met. - 'Cause I think my first one was 2017 AX. - So mine was 2015, I think 2016? - 'Cause you've been a few times before me. - Yeah, that's right. - Yeah, 2016 was the first year I met you and Jeff. - Yeah that's right. - But I think I'd gone to one before that. I don't know if anyone else had gone? - No, 2016 was the first one. - I've gone to AX like every year, since I was like 13. - I'm so jealous. - So you've seen the scene evolve over time. - It's honestly just been so fucking great, like it's... - What was the first year you went, like what year? - I don't even know. I actually, I- - Do you remember how old you were, roughly? - I was maybe almost 14 or 15. - [Connor] Oh my God. Yeah, I was 14 or 15, my first. - That's 2013. - Not even, that was like 2010. - That was back then where like the line was big, but it went by fast, like day zero wasn't a problem. Now seeing it nowadays, like I love day zero, like I don't even want. - Line con. - Yeah, yeah, line con basically, so yeah, I know it's been crazy to see just the progression of things. And I used to watch videos of AX back in 2007. And if you look at any blogs of AX of 2007, they will say, "Oh my God, it's like, so packed here." Literally, It's just like empty. - Its like 3000 people. - Yeah, but that was a lot back then. - It's the Pedro De Flores videos that you watched because I watched exactly the same thing. 'Cause I remember back in- - Oh, sorry who is this? - Oh, sorry no, go for it. - Okay, so it's basically a guy who seemed to be very influenced by Kassem G. like some, you know, the good old Kassem G. - Old YouTubers. - Old YouTubers but what he would basically do, is he would go around AX every year and just vlog in and do interviews. And it's like in the Kasem G kind of style, and me- - So it was like trying to put them out to be kind of more stupid. - Yeah, exactly. And me as a Wiebe, growing up in like the mid two thousands, never been to a convention in my life. And especially the UKC. - Well in UK, I mean what do we have. - Especially in the UK scene, seeing these vlogs, this was like Mecca to me. I remember watching these vlogs and I remember thinking, "I'm gonna be there one day, I'm gonna be there one day." - It was legit. Like the greatest thing I had ever seen in my life. Like, okay, by the way, if you guys ever wanna look at him Pedro De Flores, I don't know if you were still around watching this, but it's like P-E, P-E-E. - P-E-D- - It will be on screen. - P, literally P-D-F-L-O, I think. - Looking at the AX vlogs, I was like, "This is blowing my fucking mind." - I think one thing I was always jealous of Americans, is that like, it seems they just accept any side of weird culture. - Yeah. And then in the UK, and probably Australia as well, right? It felt that like, if you were into stuff that wasn't like super normal, it felt like everyone treats you like weird. - I mean AX brought money and money talks. - But watching like being from the UK or Australia, watching American conventions or seeing just the way they treat nerd culture in general, and I was always so jealous, is one of the reasons why I always wanted to move to the U.S. I mean, obviously now, its very different advice. - Kids have it easy. - I didn't give a shit back then. I was like, I'll go anywhere. Right, because back then, to me, America was like this whole like mystical place. And than obviously now. - Mystical place? - It was, it was like a place where everyone could just do what they wanted. And like, everyone could like whatever they wanted. And it always like a huge place to go. If you liked a specific thing, there was always a big convention of like-minded individuals. - I think its also because... Especially conventions like the UK, especially like America was just so much fucking bigger. So there's this, it just felt like there was more stuff there. - And then there was like huge nerds and look, "Otaku is in the UK." But because again you were just like looked on. - We couldn't find each other. That was the biggest thing. Because in America, it seems like there was always a place for somewhere, wherever you wanted to belong. And I remember looking at AX or like all these con videos and thinking, "Man, oh God, I wish that was me. "I look like I belong there." - Oh my God, I remember when I went to my very, very first convention and I just felt like this was right. Like, I knew that this was where my heart was supposed to be. - I saw that too, when I went to a convention. I was like my people. - Oh yeah, 'cause then it's just like, remember back there, 'cause we could not find each other and even in the U.S, it was still like this, it was more online than anything. But when you found someone was like, "Oh, you're like Naruto too." Like, and then you just instantly connect. - Well, in Australia there wasn't even an online scene like- - I feel almost like in America... I don't know if this is true, but like parents kind of like are more accepting of like weird hobbies for the kid. In the UK man, my parents would give me shit. - My parents were like that close to- - I would come down for dinner. I'd be like, "Oh, it's the anime fan, "Oh, oh okay." - Yeah, my parents used to be really kind of weirded out about the fact that I liked anime, but now, my parents are very rare for their generation. They love YouTubers and streamers. They tell me shit that even I haven't caught up to yet. Like, yeah, yeah, yeah, they know literally everyone. And then, what's funny, is I'm logged into my YouTube account also on the one at home, back in Vegas. The reason for that, is because of time zones, my mom checks to see if I got like a content, like copyright claim, and she goes to my account and then... - She, is literally your manager. - Yeah, she claims out for me. And then I wake up the next morning. I was like, "Mom, did you claim this story?" She's like, "Yeah, I was just looking at it." - Meanwhile my mom's like, "Who's your Swiss friend PPD?" - My mom will occasionally go in. When there's been a big YouTube in the news. She'll be like, "I heard these Logan fellow, "who was in a fight. "I couldn't believe it." (all laughing) - Do you know him? - Yeah, we're friends with Logan. (all laughing) - No, my parents have definitely done their hardest to try and like keep up with the times. - My parents, do try but they are just too out of it. - My parents are also the same, yeah. - My parents have really changed since Trash Taste started. 'Cause that's just given them so much content to watch. And now it's gotten to the point where every single clip and every single... Now, we have like official and then unofficial clip streams as well. And that's all been recommended to her and she watches, like way more content than I do now. She's purely off like us, I guess. - Yeah, my parents are kind of just like, we don't support what you do, you just kind of do it. - We don't support what you do but you do your own thing. - No, no, my dad. - We do not support Joey and his job. - No, my dad's straight, like in the Q&A that I did, was with my dad. My dad was straight up, like, "I don't really like support what you do. I just kind of let you do it." And I'm like, "Thanks, dad." (Joey laughing) - The only thing about having parents that are so in tune with what I do, is like- - That would annoy me. - It would annoy me, yeah. - Them giving me feedback about my thumbnail. - My dad doesn't give a shit about what to do. And yet he's still like, "Yeah son, I didn't really like that video you made, "it's was like-" - Same as my parents as well. - I didn't fucking made it for you, I- - Yeah, no, and then dude, my parents, like they used to back when it was like used more, they looked at like social blades and stuff. Like they're very into like- - That's like old a little too. - I don't look at my own social way, I don't want my parents to tell me about it. - My dad, he went through a point when he was just literally clicking and refreshing it. And I was just like, "Dad, this is not healthy. "Why are you doing this, please stop." - That's kind of cute though. I don't know why, it's like, "Oh, I wanna see your girl." - Oh man, yeah. - I occasionally get my mom, she'll be like, "Oh, the last video didn't do as well as the other video." I'm like, "Mom not everyone can be a (indistinct), no mom." - Don't rub it in. - Come on, I know it did bad, I don't need you telling me. - My dad would sometimes find me and be like, "Son, last week, you only grew like 1000 subscribers. "Normally you grow like 2000, what's going on? "What, is your channel dying?" - Is your channel dying. - Yeah, is your channel dying, what's going on? - My dad right now, he's like having his own version of like, "You winning son?" It's more like, "Oh yeah." "Your video doing well?" Like, it's just every upload. He just has the say. - That's cute though, I'd like to think that. - This episode is sponsored by liquid I.V. - Guys, you know I love drinking water, do a plenty on the podcast, plenty of pee breaks. And one goal I have for myself for the new year, is just to stay hydrated. 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I mean, when I started YouTube, I didn't intend to be a YouTuber or anything like that. - I don't think anyone is, you just kind of do it. - I don't think anyone just wakes up and- - 'Cause I just made this video 'cause I thought I could make this funny video and I wanted to show my friends. So I was like, "I'm gonna make this for me and my friends." And I just put it up, put it in a nice little package and then I thought one and done, that's it. - I feel that's like the kind of secret formula to being a successful YouTuber. It's like people who start a YouTube channel with the intent of like, "Yeah, I'm gonna be the fucking next puddy pie", it's like it never works. - I'm curious, like what made you wanna do that first video? What was your first video as well? - That wasn't like an AMV or anything like that. - Oh, I remember. I think it's still on there. I was playing this visual novel of a dramatical murder and it's literally like a five minute clip 'cause it was during the final scene of me trying to get with like a one- - Did you have heavy breathing? - Actually it was, it's still on my channel and it's me and my microphone. I was like, "Okay guys so I just got clear here, let's see. "Oh my God." It's like like me just doing that the whole time. - Was it like the whisper scream? Like, "Oh my God, guys." - Yeah, yeah, yeah because it was like 12 minutes. I think that made my first video, which was like Christmas Eve. - Were your parent in the house? - Yeah they were. - So I was like. - What the fuck. - I was super like, Minecraft YouTuber. I'm like, "Oh my God I can't believe "that this is happening right now." But yeah, so that was my first one. And then I knew I wanted to do YouTube once I got my first paycheck. - Right. (all laughing) But that's true. - I appreciate the honesty. It's literally with anything, when you figure out that, "Oh my God, I can get paid for something." 'Cause you want to do it, yeah. So I don't know, so there was a video. I'm not gonna say what blow up, but what blew up, but it blew up. And then I got my first paycheck and it was $300. And I remember, I felt like- - The big dough. - No, no, no. I mean, you say that by that time, that was a lot of dough. - That was a lot of dough. - True, true, true. - And what's weird is like, this is gonna sound like really cheesy, but I felt like I was at a crossroad tour here, that $300 was perfect for the rest of my meals for college, for the rest of the month, or that was the perfect amount to get lights and a better camera. So, I went that way and my mom was very concerned about the choice that I made. But I was like, "You know what? "This is just money from YouTube. "So if this doesn't work, it's not like, "it was my own money from work." I used to work in a movie theater. And then yeah, once that happened, I remembered how much I loved making videos from the School Girl 101. And I was like, "Fuck." And then I just felt like this fire going on. And I was like, I want to do YouTube. I knew from that point, I wanted this to work. I was gonna give myself a year, to try and make this work. So what I did and I guess it's questionable to some, but I told them all my friends around me that you're not gonna see me for a year. 'Cause I want to do this. 'Cause I had a part-time job, I was a full-time student getting my psychology degree and I only had time for one other thing, and that was YouTube. So, I did that. And then also, I was in a relationship and that person didn't want me to do it at all, and I had cut it. Like when we had... I tried talking it out and- - Anyone who would stop you from doing something you're passionate about, normally isn't the one for you. - Yeah. no and I knew then and there that YouTube was what I wanted from that moment on. And when he said he didn't want me to do it, I had no problems cutting his- - You were like, "Bye." - No, like it was- - Understadable. - Well, have a nice day. (all laughing) It's like, and also I mean, it was a lot of pressure to try and balance your relationship out and give it a year. I remember, I would go to school, go straight to work. And then, because I had to come back at midnight after the last showing, then I would work sometimes up until 7:00 AM or something. - I think back when you first start, you have like, no problem working. 'Cause at the time, it's not like, it's something new. It's only later on when you you've been doing it for a while and you realize, "Holy shit, this is unhealthy as fuck." - At the beginning, you think, "Whoa, I'm getting paid to do something I like. "This is changing the system." - I'm just gonna keep going then. - This is just a life hack, I'm gonna do this forever. - Well in psychology, we do say that a job, is when you say, "Oh, I only got paid that much for doing all that." A career is when you say, "Wow, I got paid that much for just doing that." So, I don't know. - I mean, it's pretty true. (all laughing) Big brain. - So there was that, yeah. And so since then, like YouTube just had its ups and downs, but I've loved it ever since. I don't seem like- - You've been doing it for what, how many years now, five, six? - Maybe like six, I think. - When did you start, like 2014? - I uploaded my first video, 2014, and then I blew up in 2015, I think. - I feel like since I met you, your like perspective on YouTube has changed. - It has a lot. - I feel like you were the one who was like the most grindy out of anyone I knew. And then you like flipped the opposite way. Like I had never heard you talk about it or when you do, it's always like one big thing that you're working on. - I think it's because, especially with personality, like you just... I don't know. At some point you just wanna get grounded again and you just realize YouTube, isn't everything. It's still something I love to do. And now, it is just my job. And now, I don't really... That fire of me wanting to like, "I wanna grow as a YouTuber," I'm already there. So I'm just like, now I just wanna go back to my roots. And that's why I just talk with my other personal friend. - That just happened over time? - Over time, yeah. YouTube just does some weird stuff to you. I think fame does that a lot as well. And just like the pressure of being a personality, there's like now this whole part of my life that has nothing to do with what I do. And I think you already know some stuff that I do in private, like just for fun. - Was there a point where you've realized that or was it something that's gradual, that like build up with time? - I think it was a gradual thing because- - I feel like if you're- Some people love being in the spotlight and love having all the attention on them, and then others I meet, and they get crushed by it. - Yeah, because I feel like, some YouTubers who I've met, who their YouTube is so intertwined with not only their job, but their self-worth as well and I feel like- - I know it's like, "If I'm not successful on YouTube, "then I'm not successful as a person." - I'd say it was like the first time I started to feel like I was looking at it like a job, was like really scary. 'Cause I was like, "Am I losing my touch?" I'm like, "Am I going to be a bad YouTube now, 'cause I'm not thinking about it 24 seven?" For the first few months I was really struggling to just understand that it's okay to not think about this all the time. And then now, I feel like I have a pretty healthy balance with it, where I honestly don't really think about it that much. I kind of plan what I need to do. - I think it also helps us all to like... Especially you and I have really like gone down in terms of how sporadic we upload. 'Cause we used to upload way more frequently than we did. - We used to try and do two a week, and that was like- - I'd say daily. - Daily is like, "I don't know how you do that, but-" - I went from daily to weekly. - Fucking psychos right here. (all laughing) - You used to do a lot, right? Four, three times a week, right? - No, I didn't. I used to upload just three times week, that's it. - Just three times. - It really wasn't that bad, I mean, Joey, at the time, like you did upload daily. I was like three times a week, and- - But that's what YouTube wanted back then. Like three times a week ,I don't think it would work now. It would be unoptimized. - Yeah, I think I'm at a point now, like you know- - Not me maxing. I think I'm at a point now, where I just upload like once a week or whatever. - I think the audience has changed. I think audiences would just rather get something. Well, I think two weeks is kind of long, but one week, shoot a good video once a week and it seems to do the job. - [Agnes] Yeah, pretty much. - Exactly because it's so saturated now and there's so much choice. - And it gives me a lot of time to just live my life rather than... 'Cause YouTube is kind of weird. I feel like people kind of go on either side of the spectrum. It's either like the business versus the artists, if you are too far into the artists, then you kind of lose focus on how your business is doing. And some people don't care about that, which is fine. But then you get people who like care about the numbers way too much. And then it kind of integrates into their life and their self-worth and even just the people that they hang out with. Like, "Unless they're a big YouTuber, "I won't hang out with them", kind of thing. - Definitely. - That's weird - It's sad because I've seen both sides. - I think it's just like that side. Like I've seen that so frequently, which is why I'm like, "Okay, I don't wanna fall into that." So, I decided to back up and just make my own private life. - It really infuriates me when I've had people who I thought were good friends and then maybe I introduced them to one of my friends and they are not a YouTuber, and they'll be like, "I don't care who they are." - Yeah, I think that's the biggest tell for me. Where, especially 'cause, whenever we travel or something like that, we always try to bring our friends with us, if they're not YouTubers or doing something else. - Even if they are peasants, bring them along, it's fine. - Even if they are normies, those commonies. Imagine working in an office job, ( laughs) I'm joking. - No, like some times you do that. - I used to work at the BBC. - Yeah, I know. (all laughing) I didn't mention that you did. - Like we always hear it as kind of a joke, but it's true, sometimes you... I hate saying it like this, but remember the little people, but more like, remember your roots, go back to that, and like- - I just think, because normally YouTubers tend to hang out with other YouTubers because the lifestyle is similar. - I mean like you're just there and that's fine. Like you can make YouTuber friends. I just don't like it when people like, it's obvious. - Only have YouTuber friends. Yeah and it's so obvious, a lot of the times where it's like, "Oh, hi." Like, when they start sucking another big YouTubers Dick so hard, like to the point, it's just like... Then the point, like, what is the point of that friendship, if all you ever want is... Just like, your friendship only exists on YouTube, but if it doesn't exist outside of YouTube, then it's like- - For me, the telltale sign of that might be happening with someone that I know, is when the only times they will ever DM me, is for YouTube collab. And that's where I'm just like, "Ooh, okay you don't give a shit about me at all." - Yeah, I've had a few messages where it's like, it's really obvious that the only time they message is when they need something, which is also why I very rarely do collabs on my channel. The people I've done collabs on my channel, is people like I genuinely had like a connection with because I'm very much a person that will show their emotions on camera because I'm not gonna fake anything. So for example, just recently, I just collaborated with Sharla and Emma, but those are two people that I've been friends with for years. And just recently, have I felt comfortable enough to actually do a video with them. So, that if anyone wanted to know why I don't collaborate with that many YouTubers, that's why, and it's also the introvert in me. Any introvert will understand that, we keep the people, we're very picky with people, but the people that we do pick, we keep very tightly. - Yeah, you're very much like the opposite to me on that. I'm like, "Hell yeah, come on, let's go, let's go hang out." - Yeah, but like... And that's fine. Like for me, it's easier. 'Cause then I just know what people, I already know, want to hang out like at night. But when there's too many people, I feel like, "Man, I gotta balance everyone out." And then I don't. Like it's too many people to deal with. - It's hard to maintain. - A little bit just for me. - I just hope that the people I make friends with, that they don't expect me to like- - The actual friends, they don't expect anything out of it other than your friendship. - Yeah, they, understand if we're both busy, I don't know. - It's not about like, I'm friends with this person to get something out of them. - Yeah, exactly because for me, I don't do collabs on my channel at all. That's just because my content, I felt it doesn't really lend well to collabs, especially since it's very scripted content. So, I just wanna hang out with people. I don't care, I never care about the collabs, that's never in my mind, I just like meeting new people. - Well, that's the thing, it's like, I probably only collabed with like half the YouTubers I actually have become friends with. That's just purely because some YouTubers I know, where it's like, it doesn't matter how much I've been this concept of anime content, there's just no way I can integrate their personality, what they're about, into the content. And you know, nothing against the YouTubers I know, it's just how the content is. - I'm not even against collabs, 'cause watching you guys collab, I'm just like, that seems kind of fun. (all laughing) - It is fun, its really fun. And there is a part of me where it's like, I really want to be able to make content that I can literally get any type of YouTuber onto, but because I've fucked myself over with what I've called myself, so I can't really just do like a outfit of the day shit and bring you on like, just a female YouTuber. - 'Cause one of the biggest things I worry about as well, is just the chemistry. 'Cause sometimes I see people collab, and like, "You know, that's-" You can tell on camera, that that's the first time they've ever hung out. Had like a IRL conversation. - Yeah, I actually recently did a video where I got my fortune told in Japan and I even... And there's like two things that are happening. So, I show like the actual raw footage of me talking to the fortune teller, I had never met her before in my life. So my introvertedness, actually came out in that where I only said like one word answers, but to be fair, I was also listening, 'cause she had a lot to say, it was a lot for me to process. But then there's the part of me that's like in my room, where I was actually very outspoken. And I think I even said in that video, I'm like, "Yeah, you're looking at two different Aki's here." That AKI right there is actually the introverted one and I'm just listening. The one, you're seeing- - That's the real one. (both laughing) - And then the one that you're seeing right now, is just my thoughts and I'm comfortable to get them out right now. - 'Cause I think when we hang out, it's like very different to when we hang out and there's someone else that you don't really know. - Pretty much, and that's with anyone that... Like, when there's someone that's new. Again, I've learned this in psychology, but you tend to look at the person that you're most comfortable with. Even if you're talking to someone else it's like, "Yeah, you guys went to that park, right? "Yeah, okay, yeah." (laughs) Like, eye language just says so much about it and I'm definitely someone that- - I love making eye contact right away, I'm just like, "Hi, how are you doing?" - With no other expression? - I actually had to learn how to make eye contact because- - It's a skill, I think it's a skill. - As a kid, I was like a socially awkward kid. I'd be talking to someone and be like, "Hey, how's your day going? "Yeah its good." - I have no idea where I learned social skills. How do you learn that shit? I swear, I was terrible. - I don't know. - I think it just like... Especially when you become an adult, you're forced to. 'Cause like if you're that one adult where you just can't maintain eye contact- - I swear I couldn't talk to anyone when I was a kid. Like I was terrible. - I never learned, like I've never talked to someone and been like, I have to keep looking into their eyes. - I have. - Really? - Actually, there's been one anime that's been airing the season and it's like- - Anime talk (laughs). - We just need to remind you guys that this is an anime podcast. - No, this is real 'cause it's like relevant to me. And that's why I'm watching it. And it's like, I think it's like Jacku or something like that, is a bottom tier character. - Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. - And it's about this like pro gamer who has like zero social skills and he meets this hot anime girl, it's like a Howard rom-com. But the premise, is that she teaches him social skills. Like they're a game. So like, she gave him a five. She gave him a place, - Look at the eyes(indistinct). No, exactly, she was just like, "Okay, so this person brought up X topic. "And that like really define the flow of this conversation." And it really like broke down like social skills and social circles and like gamified them. And that was like really interesting to me 'cause that's basically what I had to do in university. 'Cause I was just like, "This is not natural to me. "I've got to fucking engineer this shit." And then it became second nature along the way. But like I needed those training wheels when I was learning it because I was like that socially awkward as a kid. - But that's like a cool way to learn it. Because it's a concept that you can kind of understand. - I think there's a healthy way and an unhealthy way to go about it. 'Cause some people just like take this and game-ify it too much that they just kind of become a robot. And I feel like it's healthy. It's like, look at this person, and then look at this person. And then look at this person again. - It's just helpful. It's just helpful, it's kind of like training wheels. - Eye contact is hard, like too little and you're like, talk to me. And too much, it's like, whoa, whoa. - I've meet those people where it's like hard eye contact. They don't even blink. That's like, I'm talking to an Android. - Just occasionally look right, look away, look back. And that's kind of what's happening. - Exactly, exactly. - Who teaches this shit? How do I learn this shit? - No, no one does. No one does teach it. - You know it's one thing that drives me insane that some people do, and some people don't do, okay, let's say we're all here, and then, let's say Aki brings a friend to the group. It drives me insane, when the person who brought the friend in, doesn't introduce them to everyone. I'm like, "I'm waiting, who is this person?" Is that's awkward? I feel feel awkward for them. Please tell me who they are. - I've had times where, because that person didn't do it, I've had to awkwardly go up to and be like, "Oh, I'm Joey, by the way." - I don't have to be, "Who are you by the way?" It should be like, "Aki, Connor, Connor, Aki." Right away, do it right away. - Do you know one of the biggest things that I've found is important, even though I never thought about it, as a kid, the handshake. (all laughing) Now that we've gone through like met so many people, you can judge so much about a person by just the handshake. - The confidence in which they whip out their hand. - Yeah exactly, it's an entire process and it's like an entire science behind it. And then sometimes someone whips out like the weakest handshake and you're just not looking forward to this handshake. - It is like the slimiest coldest, like wet hand. - Or like, when they just do this, and they're just waiting for you. - Sometimes you just feel like you're grabbing a dead piece of meat, and you're just like, "Hello, how are you?" - I love it, when the strength comes out, they turn their body slightly. They are like, "Hello." - The shoulder needs come out. - That's how, you know that they are keen for the hand. - Honestly if you want to make a good impression, handshakes are so fucking OP. They are, they really are. - The strongest ones that I've learned is like, the shoulder upfront, but also going in while maintaining eye contact like that. Don't even look at the hand. - That's what my dad did to you, the first time he met you. - Yeah, that was scary. - That was more of like saying a message when he did it like this, like just shake. If I was like my dad and you were Joey, he was like, "Hi, how are you doing?" - He like whipped the handout, and I was like, "Oh fuck, I gotta catch this." - Yeah, and then after that I remember like my dad, he boxes and we have also like a sandbag in our garage. And then like, Joey is just like, "You wanna see my new sand bag?" And he fucking punches the shit out of it. He's like, "Oh, it's pretty good, huh." - But I was like, "Maintain eye contact, "maintain eye contact." (all laughing) - But yeah, my life's kind of weird, I'm sorry. - No, that's fine. - I remember, I'll never... Can I tell a story of when I had dinner with your family without you? - Was that in London? - Yes (laughs). - Oh my Lord, oh God okay. - Can you imagine how (indistinct) (all laughing) - I had dinner with Aki and her whole family without Aki there. - Wait, can you please give them context? - I will, okay. - I wasn't invited to my own family dinner. - So, Aki's family was staying in a hotel in London, but I think it was quite... I mean, hotels in London are very expensive. - Yeah, but I wanted to give it as a gift to them. - So they were staying in a nice, in bank. Quite nice area of London, quite posh. - Meanwhile, these two were just staying at my house. - At a guy's place. - In my room. - Not even in the same city, quite far away. It's like that the Apple was Gatwick. So it's like 30 minutes up, 30 minutes down. - Yeah, so I had Connor kind of helping my family there. - I felt so bad, 'cause it was in the middle of July or August, July. - It was during the heat wave. - And I took them on the underground, on the central line, which is basically like the domino table. I took them on the worst busiest train, with all that luggage. It was so hot, and I was like, "I'm so sorry." I could tell Aki's dad was like having a mental breakdown 'cause it was so hot. He had so much luggage- - And there's no AC in the (indistinct). - My dad also has, a really bad back as well. - And I was trying to help carry as much luggage as I can. Like, "You good, you good? "You wanna hydrate?" - (laughs) You wanna hydrate? - So I took them all the way to their hotel and I think it was thanks. They were like, let's invite Connor out for dinner. So, I just had dinner with Aki's family. - Mean while Aki and I chilling in Brian (indistinct). (all laughing) - Joey was like on my hammock or something. (all laughing) - It was so bizarre. - Yeah, I know. I can't imagine. - Yeah, I remember Connor texting me. He's like, "I'm so sorry." My mom's watching this too. - Hello. - Hello. Your food is lovely that you prepared for me. - I remember he was texting me, being like, "Dude, I feel so fucking bad." - But your mom's always so nice to me. So she knows wants me to feel really welcomed, so I was like- - Your mum's nice to everybody I feel. - Yeah she is. - It's very hard to piss your mom off. - Your parents are always super open and super nice. - Yeah, I like the way they- - I like. (all laughing) - I don't know what to say? - I like my parents the way they are. Your parents are just like, if you're a friend of Aki, you're part of the family. - Yeah, yeah, pretty much. - Yeah and even more kudos if you're a YouTube streamer. 'Cause like at the moment they find that out, they'll keep like, do you guys watch Harry? - They'll be like, "Give me your anolis right now." Like, did you guys watch Harry Potter? Like, do you guys watch Harry Potter? You know, Ron's dad like being really obsessed with like muggles? - Yeah. - Yeah, that's my parents like with YouTubers and streamers. - So its a different bread of humans. - I remember that my mom, she texted me being like, "Oh my God, Bill Delfina's back." And I was like, "What?" (all laughing) - I watched their sex tape. - Yeah, she was like, "How do you think her only friends is going?" I was like, "I don't care, I don't care dude." So my parents are very like on point. - I feel that whole like welcoming side of your parents, especially though like, I feel ties in with like the Philipino like mentality. - So my family, funny enough, we actually are all introverts, but when you meet them, you wouldn't think so. It's mainly because if you're a friend of mine, then they'll more than be happy that to open up to you. - Yeah but I feel- - Your mom kept giving me food, I was like- - That's just a Philipino thing. - That's South East Asian. - I was in AX and her mum was checking up on me more than my mum was. (all laughing) I was like what's going on here. - I don't know what it is about Southeast Asian parents, they're just families where they try to solve every fucking life problem by offering food. - Aki's mom has bought me more underwear and socks than my own parents have, that's says a lot. - Yeah, my mom well, she always like delivers just some stuff from overseas. And she always gets like six bags of like Cheetos. - Like every time when I was a kid, I'd visit my family. I'd either be like, "Oh, you don't seem like you're eating well, "here have more food. "Oh, are you feeling well? "Here, have more food." "Oh, you're not feeling well? "It's 'cause you haven't eaten, have more food." - And if you're fat, then they'll just be like, "Oh, you're getting so fat, eat." (all laughing) Which is weird, you know, like... I don't know if it's like in any other family. I just noticed with a lot of Asian families, being called fat is a good thing because it means that you're being- - You're being fed well. - I feel that's a specifically Southeast Asian thing. - It's like, "Oh, you're so fat now. "Oh my God, do you have a boyfriend?" Like it's, yeah, so its always- - Because that's just how it works in Japan. Like even if you lose weight or like gain muscle, you're like, "Damn, he got fat." I was like, "I just gained muscle but all right, thanks." Thanks for destroying my self esteem. - That's definitely, one thing about Asian culture, that's like very different from the West, where people aren't afraid to comment on other people's weights. - Yeah, right? - Yeah, where it's a very sensitive topic in like, if you comment on someone else's weight in England or the US especially, but here in Asia, it's a free for all. - It's like, we're just saying what we're seeing. - You just meet like the amount of family reunions or family gatherings I've gotten to, I've been to sorry. And people, the first thing they say is like, "Damn you're getting a bit fat aren't you?" And I'm like, "I'm fucking thin as fuck, "what are you talking about?" - [Aki] I remember- - And you're the only thinnest guy. - I remember when we were staying at a gardens place and then like, I don't eat spicy food, which I know is like really blaspheming in Southeast Asia. - It is. - Yeah, I know, sorry, but I remember like your mom was gonna make us food. And then she asked like, "Is there anything that AKI can't eat?" And you said, "Oh, she can't eat spicy food." And then she's like, "Well, I'm making curry. "What do I do?" (all laughing) So she tried to work around it and it was like those amazing fucking spicy noodles. I don't know what the name of it is. - Like, Garnt's mom dead ass came up to me and was like, "I have never made a Thai curry without chilly. "I don't even know if it's gonna taste good at all. "I've never done this before." - Yeah, it was still really good. I had never had like those, like... What is it like, those noodles? - It's like a Southeast Asian- - What is it called? - It's like a rice noodle. - Yeah, it's like a rice noodle. I can't remember the name right now. - It's fucking good. - Topical people are fuming right now, what is it? - It's not (speaking in foreign language). Oh, what's even the English name of that? - I don't know. - Rice noodles. - It's like these, yeah. It's just like these piles of like noodles and then you just take them and dip them in the Curry, I think. - It's on the screen, Moodan you can figure it out. - I don't know, what it is, but - Every Southeast Asian, is just like (gasping heavily). - Fuck, am failing my own language. - I don't know, at what age I realized there was more than one type of noodle. (Joey laughing) - Wow. - Yeah, how did you like, as a white man, as the token white man- - I feel like your view of noodles was like my view of bread. Cause like, for me, every bread was just the same. I'm sure I'm saying this and everyone in Europe just like dies a little. - No what, bread is so varied. There's definitely way more types of bread than are noodles though. - No. - No, I don't think so. - Yeah, there is. I know there is, come on. - We're gonna have to... Ashley, can you look up to see if there are more types of bread than there are types of noodles? - A hundred percent. - I think there are more types of noodles. - No there is not. - We'll figure that out. - No pastas, no. - No pastas, pastas no. (all laughing) Yes, I'll have a noodle bolognese please. - Oh my gosh. - Well at least you don't try to eat it with chop sticks. - We're gonna start world war three or that won't come up. - We should stop talking about food. We should stop talking about food. So you mentioned your real name at the beginning of this episode, right? - I did, my name is Agnes. - Is there anything- - Why would you say it like that? - My name is Agnes. - You're saying it like an Android, my name is Agnes. - It's for the record, not even my family calls me that. So that's why I also didn't come out with it 'cause it was- - It was freak ass. - Yeah. - But like, is there like anything else? I mean, I guess we're just gonna dedicate this Trash Taste to like news things that Aki's never said. - 107 things you didn't know about Aki Dearest. - Oh God, okay. I don't even know where to start. I mean, like I was mentioning earlier, I could probably talk about the fact that I was in military school for like, or for military class for like four years. - What is that? - Yeah what is that? - So its called N-J-R-O-T-C, Navy Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps, and it's like- - Damn, that was drilled in to you man. How many times did you have to repeat that? - What's the purpose of this? - Its when you wanna go into the military. And so when you- - You want to go into the military? - Yes. - Oh, okay. - To fight for their country, but yeah. - I noticed that's a very American thing, 'cause it's like, I feel like in England- - Its very patriotic. - It's very patriotic, cause in England, nobody talks about wanting to go to the military, I feel like people just find themselves in there. - You rarely hear about kids who are like 15, 16, who wanna go in the army and last that parents in it. - Yeah, so, I remember when I came out on Twitter, I was just like, "Oh, you know." 'Cause my mom had showed me this old photo album. And there was one of me in high school, in my dress, blues, sorry, that's the term for the uniform. And I was like, "Oh shit, you know what?" I never actually came out about that. And that was like a huge part of my life. - What age do you start that? - When the moment you hit high school, you can do it. - So what do you have to do? - And do you decide to do that Or do your parents decide? - I did. - Because from age like 14, you like decided I wanna join the military? - So I did not join- - That is so American. No, no, no, so my reason for joining wasn't exactly for like the most patriotic reason, it was because how to crush back in high school, he was part of it. And then he was like, "Oh yeah, it's pretty cool in here." And then I joined and it didn't work out, but I stayed because I actually started to like it. - I actually joined the military to impress a boy. - Yeah, I know right. It was weird, I had, so when I came out about it on Twitter, I had like this huge imposter syndrome, no one expected that of me, but- - You're not like, so you can join this thing, but you're not like you don't have to join the military. - No, so the one that I took in high school, which by the way, mine was actually the strictest in the entire country. This isn't just me saying it, you can look it up, but like when you can join military if you want and you get credited more like when you join ROTC in university or go to military academies. - So like an extra curricular? - But yeah, basically, but you get credited really well. Especially at the one that I went to- - So how many hours a week would you do for? - Well, the average high school student has eight classes. ROTC is part of that schedule plus another one. So I had nine classes. - So what do you have to do in military school? - Oh God, so a lot of people have misconceptions that like, you have to learn how to fight and use a gun or whatever, but that's not for high schoolers. - Was it like super strict? You have to wake up at a certain time. - It's a very disciplining thing, it's not for everyone. A lot of people get out in their first year. I stayed for all four, but basically like, so you have like, once or twice a week, you have to wear your uniform. And yet it has to be completely perfect. They look at every crease and fold that you had to iron it well. Like every time I put my hair up in a bun, they had to check for a little flyaway. So that should have to be like gorilla glued down, you know? Which I didn't do. - Put some gorilla glue- - Which I didn't do. - You saying this, makes so much sense because we obviously hang out, like outside of this and flex. - I think this has caused me to have the biggest resting bitch face ever. - There, will be certain moments, where you go into what I call, Aki mum mode, where you know, everyone else is a fucking monkey. And then you're just like there and you're just there to sort shits out. It's when something goes wrong, and you're just like, "Okay, mum mode, activate." And you're like, "What are you doing? "What are you doing? "I'ma sort this out, I'ma sort that out." Hearing, this makes so much sense now. - She walks into a room and it's like, "There's not enough discipline in this room." Trying to slap it in. - But the program I was into, it's an extremely disciplining course. And you get credited a lot back if you go in to university. - So what's like a typical day? So in the school, you have to go through inspection. So you all march outside and then you stand at attention and you have to learn the art of not showing any expression. And then you have to sound off. Like, someone comes in front of you, the drill inspector or instructor, and then he asks you a question and then you have to yell it in his or her face and say, "Sir, ma'am," and answer the question that he had. If you stutter, then you get chewed out a lot. Like, it's a very disciplining thing there. So for example, in front of me, you would shit your pants every time, when it was inspection first thing in the morning. So if I had a girl in front of me, I'd be so nervous. I'd say like, "Good morning, sir." And then she'd chew me out a lot. - Chewing out, as in like screaming at your face. - Chewing out, is the term that we use when you're getting yelled at a lot. So, oh and then along with... I don't know if any other ROTC course ever did this in high school as well, but I did train also for four days every year at USMC, United States, Marine Corps in San Diego. And that's with real drill instructors where you have to go into the barracks, you get pushed. - This is so bizarre. - I know, I'm telling you, I had a huge, big imposter syndrome and I can't believe I never came out about this on the internet. - Because it just completely goes against your personality. - I know, it's like I tell you, it's a whole different part of my life has nothing to do with this. - All I think of, when it comes to like military classes, like, you know, that scene in "Full Metal Jacket." Where the dude is just like fucking yelling at them. - I honestly thought to make a video of me reacting to military movies and like ROTC movies, just to see if they're accurate enough, but like yeah. - Ex military professional. - Okay, so I'll just tell you this, that being at USMC, you're never gonna get like more verbally abused than like having four marine instructors. - I can imagine. - When did you decide you weren't gonna join the military because if you completed all four years, I guess, what percentage of the class that completed four years went on to join the military? - Wait, like, everyone that enlisted, like how many guys- - How many ended up going to the military? - I'd say like, at least like maybe half. Yeah, it was 50, 50. Because the thing is, when you're in this program- - Probably university, it's like four years, you figure out you don't like it. - Well no, because people join this program, not just to join the military. It's because it looks very good on your resume. So like, you can literally do a lot of things just by saying that you even did this in the first place, 'cause it's literally not for everyone. - It's like doing like Duke of Edinburgh. It just looks good on your resume. - That's what they say. - That's what they said. - When you first... When I first joined every friend that I made, I'd say, I only had one friend left by the end of it. Like, and you know. - Did you enjoy it? - You know what? You feel actually a sense of accomplishment when you do it, especially- - That doesn't sound like you enjoyed it. (all laughing) - I don't feel a sense of partially things I enjoyed. When you're in it, like every day of your life, you're like shitting your pants. Like not wanting to get yelled at. And it's like, I really hope I don't fuck up, like shining shoes and all that. Like, and just the physical and mental, like- - I just don't get how people would wanna do this. - It's because, it makes you feel- because you toughen up and I feel like people are a lot stronger than they think. - There's other ways to toughen up. - It's a learning experience. - Yeah, it's a learning experience. And I feel like in any other situation, people would call what I went through, abuse. But like, you go in like with the possibility of going to the military and you have to be strong. So in order to do that, you're pushed to your limits. - I've met some people who joined because they felt like they needed someone to like guide them, like tell them what to do and get their shit together. - Pretty much, and it's not for someone who doesn't like being told what to do, I can tell you that. - Yeah, obviously. - Yeah and the actual Marine Corps base, I remember like, you'd wait, you'd be yelled at for pretty much the entire day. Then you'd go to bed at midnight and you get to sleep for four hours. And that's the only time of peace that you have to yourself and that four in the morning, the drill instructors, like come banging on the door and then like rip your sheets off. And then they tell you to get up and you have to stand at attention, but you're like all dizzy and stuff. And then by the time I ranked up to chief petty officer, which I guess it's just high ranking. I got to be one of the people to chew out other cadets. - That would have been fun. - You know what? All of that. - How did that feel? - So satisfying. (all laughing) So, I went through like three and a half years by this point and being yelled at. And then now you get to be the person, to yell at other people. - Its making a bunch of psychopaths. - So basically like, we'd have our platoon leader, we'd be lined up in front of the door of our assigned cadets. And then she'd like, whisper and count to three. And then on three, you all have to like smash the door and get open. And then just go ahead. - You basically like fucking Kool-Aid man, actually. - Essentially, yeah, that's essentially what I did. And I made a few people cry at that, so I'd like- (all laughing) - Yeah, I fucked them up. - Is there like a badge of honor that wear there? Because like, it's so unexpected when you first meet me. - Achievement unlocked, cause trauma. - We've got three cries in here, let's see if we gonna cry. - I don't wanna see your medals or achievement. How many have you made cry, how many kids you made cry? - So, no, I don't know. It was a learning experience. And again, it's not for everyone, but once you're done, you're at least proud that you did it. - You know what the equivalent is? That's the equivalent of like, being the youngest in high school and you having to wait for the seniors to go on the bus first. And then when you become the senior, you're like, "Get out of the way kids, "I waited five years for this shit." - That's exactly what that is. - All I'm thinking, is you must have really fucking liked this boy, what the fuck? (all laughing) - I mean, I was a freshman and I was like 14 or 15 so. - But still, even if there was like the girl of my dreams and she's like, female guard of the army, you wanna come? I'll be like, "I'm good, I'm good." - I wasn't really like told properly like how strict ROTC was. And I didn't realize that we were the strictest in the entire country. But then like- - But you wanna figure that out. Like first couple of times. - But then I stayed. - I'm the kind of person who's like, "I'ma do it and ask questions after." - I am, and when I was experiencing it, I stayed because I was like, "I don't know. "I actually really like this." - What did you like about it? - I don't know, because it's really pushing you to your limits. To rank up, you have to do well in academics, and you have to do well in physicals, and you have to completely pass it with flying colors, if you wanna get to the rank that I did, which took four years. - So you say you got into this because you liked a boy. Was there like a point or moment when in your first year- - This boy isn't worth it? - In your first year, when you just had this realization of, "Oh, shit this is what I've gotten myself into, fuck me." - Oh yeah, no, that was, like in the first day. (all laughing) - I feel like- - And yet you're like four years easy. - I feel like without people like you, we wouldn't have raves because you know, you're the kind of person who would turn up to something like, "Well, I guess I got to do it now." No one likes the brave when they turn up and I just leave. - You know what's funny when I was 18- - I'm committed, I'm here now. - What's funny, when I was 18, I actually held a rave. That was during very different Aki time. - Where? - My house. - What? - You held a rave in your house. - My parents would execute me on the spot if they found that out. - Sounds like an American pie plot there. - That was a very crazy party. But yeah, I think nowadays I have my fault, like other, like fellow cadets, I went with like, they send me DMS and they still call me by my last name. We never call each other by our first names. And they're just like, "Holy shit'. Like you're on YouTube and meanwhile, like- - (indistinct) Without my bill provider. - Yeah, have any of your friends? - That's my tax. Have, you guys ever seen messages from people that you didn't even talk to? That recognized what you do now? - Yeah, oh yeah, all the time. - I actually, got one message of this person who I hadn't talked to since school and she she's a teacher now. So last time I met her, was like years and years and years ago. And she messages me out of the blue to be like, "Yo, I haven't talked to you in years, but can you do me a small favor? And she- - That's a never a good sign. And she asked me to record a message for her, for her students. 'Cause apparently her students were like big fans of me. And, I was just like, "You know what, fuck it I'll do it." You know, "You can be the cool teacher for your kids, "I'm gonna let you on it. "Yeah, I'm gonna let you have this." And so I record the message. And apparently after that, yeah, she was the cool fucking teacher. - It's so bizarre because like ever since during uni, when I was doing it, like I never told my uni friends or high school friends that I was a YouTuber. So, like when I got all these messages on Facebook from like high school friends that I haven't seen, in like fucking 10 years almost, them being like, "Yo, I saw you on YouTube the other day, "I've be watching you for a while. I'm like- - What'd you say to that? How do you react to this? - I was like, "Thanks", but also, hey, it's been 10 years. Like, "What are you doing?" You know it's like, yeah. Like how do you react to that? - Would you guys go to your high school reunion? - I don't know. - My high school was tiny, so I felt like I was pretty good friends with most of them. - I think I had like, like 30, 40 people in my year. Yeah, it was really, really small. - I had like 800. - Jesus Christ, you had more people in your class than we did our entire school. - My school was attached to another school, which was an English speaking school. And I think one of their years was nearly the same size as our whole school. - Our entire school, I think had like 600 kids. - Yeah, something around that. - And we were considered one of the biggest schools too. - Oh wow, Australia really be- - Australia really be all over the place with that shit. - I don't know, 'cause do reunions happen every 10 years, is it? - I think it's meant to be 10 years. - 'Cause who arranges these? - I recently looked to see if my school was doing one. And usually it's on- - Where are you looking? - Your school's website. And there is a specific section for alumni. - Your school has a website? - Yeah - Yeah, our school had a website. - Oh, really? My, school has like a section that does alumni. - I've always wondered who or is it like someone from the year? Or is it like one of the teachers or? - It's the school. It's the school. - My high school- - I think it's the students sometimes. - My high school union, which I couldn't go to because I was busy at AX. (all laughing) - I was busy partying in LA. - I was just in LA. - I was busy in lA, I'd say, yeah, but it was sorted out by one of the people in my class. So, it wasn't even the school that sorted my one ass. 'Cause for me it would be next year 2022, would be 10 years. - I imagine that's when high school reunions were a thing, it served a pretty good purpose, which was, you could actually see these people who you hadn't seen in 10 years. But now, it's like, well, I've got a friend on Facebook and you see their Instagram photos. - Even if you have some on Facebook- - I feel like the purpose of it has really like diminished. It's still good. I think I would still go because I'd like to see everyone I talk to everyone about. - I actually I really wanted to go, but I wasn't like- - I like to go if there was like, the teachers there as well that you were like... Catch up with teachers that you were really friendly with. - Surely it's gotta be like... Depending on how you wanna go, is depending on, is your life better than when you're in high school, right? 'Cause some people it's up or down. It should be up. Some people maybe went down a little bit, maybe their golden era was school. Then it's like, "Do I wanna go?" - That's true, well, yours was last year, right? Or this year, I guess. - What the high school reunion? - Yeah, 10 years. 'Cause when did you graduate? - 2011. - Yeah, so it'd be this year. - Yeah, it'd be this year. And that's why I was checking. 'Cause I was like, Oh, it's reaching 10 years. And they're like for us, we have our school's website and there's literally a section for alumni and it says like homecoming and you get to log in and say, "Are you going?" And I saw a list of everyone who's going. And it's so organized. Like it's because our school has actually been around for a while, so they've had the time, I guess. - Our school barely has a Twitter I think. I don't even know what that- - I don't know if my school has a Twitter go on. - And like I just- - That'd be weird. - Yeah. - I'd follow my school on Twitter. - Really? - Yeah. - I think I just wanted to check who is going, but in order to do that, I had to sign up to the website. But I think it put me on the list. So then, I got these messages from like old high school people like being, "You're going?" And I'm like, Oh yeah. - No, no, I'm just stalking you. - Yeah, yeah, I'm just seeing. - I just wanna know what you're all up to. - I'm just looking, promises, no promises, I'm gonna show up. - 'Cause I've heard like there are some high schools where like say it, like they don't have a website, where it's literally just someone from that year being like, 'I've like booked the pub down the road." - That's exactly what happened in my school. - Yeah, exactly. - It was literally just a Facebook group that everyone got invited to. And apparently some people showed up and I kind of wish I did. - I remember when I was in high school, I used to see them on TV all the time, high school reunions. "I'm like, I don't fucking see anyone. "I don't want to meet anyone." I'm just like that one edgy anime characters. Like they don't know- - They all bullied me back then. - They don't know that I'm 1200 rating in chess. I'm kidding but- - It's that fucking meme, where the guy standing in the corner being like, "They don't know I'm a pray con player." (all laughing) - For the first three years I was like, " Fuck high school reunions, I'm too cool for that." But then more and more, it goes down. I'm like, "You know what? "I think I'd actually like to see how everyone's doing. - [Joey] Yeah, it'd be nice. - I'm genuinely curious, especially during quarantine, I had this weekend when I'm just like, "Man, I wonder what everyone's up to. 'Cause I feel like you get that day one, like one day. - Hire a PI, what would you do? - Just like you see what people were up to on Facebook 'cause you haven't talked to them in years. They had all these dreams and aspirations. You do see some people who are able to like... Some people who have just been stuck in their hometown. - I feel like most people wanted that, where I grew up. I think it was almost expected that you never really leave the town. - I feel like that's like a small town mindset because I feel like a lot of people, I talked to Sidney's family a lot and the people living in her town and everyone kind of just stays in that one town. And you're kind of like part of a clan. And if you leave the clan, you're like you're banished. - You're dishonoring the clan. - You're like the one who thought you were too good for the lifestyle. 'Cause nearly like, I think most people in my family, like the old generations live near the same area, like within an hour drive. And that's really weird to think about, now that everyone lives within like an hour drive, like generations of families. So I'm like, "Wait, did no one have the idea "to just like to leave?" - I feel like as a kid, it's a really like exotic idea to live somewhere else and be somewhere new. But then I feel like you underestimate just how much you like comfort. Like, it really takes a lot for someone to be like, "I'm going to live in a new country." And even for those of us who live in different countries, I know there are a lot of things about home that I'm sure you miss. And even if you really like the place that you live in, there's a lot of things you miss as well. - Like it's, massive props to like, I think all three of our parents, right? At least that had the balls to be like, I'm just gonna go to this country I know fucking nothing about. - Yeah, so my parents took it pretty like easily for me. - Yeah, because it's like Thailand to the UK, Philippines to America, and in my case, Japan to Australia, right? It's like I've always wanted... - For me I had like five generations, that lived in the same town. - Yeah my DNA test is like a hundred percent British. Like there's no one in my family who's from any other country in any like way. - Well, because like you also, not only will your parents not only moved from the Philippines to America, but they also moved to probably the most like non-friendly place for like non-white people, right? - So, I was technically born in Bakersfield, California 'cause the labor clock was ticking. But then as soon as I was born, they went to Virginia and then I lived half my life in a place that honestly sounds like the beginning of an RPG game, it's called Mechanicsville. (all laughing) It sounds like something in Ni no Kuni, honestly. - Yeah, it's like JLPG name. - And then I- - Starting village. - Mechanicsville. - what was weird is like, I didn't even realize, I had like this weird, I guess almost country twain to my accent until I came to the West coast to Las Vegas. And then people were teasing of like the way I say, y'all or the fact that I even say y'all a lot. So I had to kind of like- - I didn't realize that Virginia, they say, y'all. - Because it doesn't... Because you look at it on a map and it's like, "Oh, that's in a Winnie, Texas." - Of course, they're not- - Texas is not the only in Las Vegas. - No but just like someone who knows nothing about America. Like when you hear, y'all, you immediately think, "Oh yeah, Texas." - You think southerner, like that's what I think. - Well, like Virginia is not even in the South. It's like kind of halfway up on the East coast. - But it is also kind of like the founding ground. - Yeah, but most people don't know that. - No one knows that except me. - I know that, I like U.S. history. - Oh, really? I like- - Because there's barely any of it. - Oh yeah, that's true. Well compared to the UK. - It's true there's nothing. UK history is so fucking confusing. - I went through a weird period where I was obsessed with you guys' history and culture. - There so much of it. - And there's like so many bands that like, I love that none of my friends in the U.S. can relate to, like, I think when we were at karaoke, Garnt was so surprised I was playing Kaiser Chiefs, "I Predict a Riot," 'cause it doesn't seem like, or "Take That Shine." - Take that, just to give you like my mom and her friends love "Take That Shine." That's the kind of demos that they have in the UK. - The first time she was playing "Take That", And I saw the music video I was like, "Wow, the Backstreet Boys gone really old." - Especially at the UK Backstreet Boys for middle-aged women who are married, kind of like that target then- - (laughs) Yeah, but like, that's the thing, right? It's not until you look deep into the whole U.S geography that you realize that, "Oh, just because it's not in a particular area, "it doesn't necessarily mean they don't talk the same way." Like I thought... I don't know what I thought people in Virginia sounded like, I thought maybe they sounded close to people from New York. Yeah, I don't know. - New York sounds like it's own thing. - I feel like the way, like some Americans are probably hearing this right now and being like, and cringing because I feel like the way we talk about American geography, is how we feel when we hear Americans talk about Europe or something. - I think like someone from the UK, I think that British accents and like where that laid out, is 20 times more confusing. - Oh, 100%. - I think they are as well. - U.S. is so easy to keep track of where someone's from, based on the accent. In the UK it's like, "Oh, this guy sounds completely different to person, like A person sounds different from B person. They could either be like two hours apart or literally five minutes in a different town. - 'Cause, what's confusing about UK accents, is that you can travel a small enough distance and have a widely varied accent. - Well, I mean, just in London, there's like 20 different accents. And that's just a city, whereas in Australia, I think Australia is the only English-speaking country that doesn't have regional dialects or accents. - They just have like degrees of like strength- - Yeah but that's not based on you are, that's based on how far off the coast you are. It's like the further inland you are, the less you're able to understand them. - Its just an Aussie scale basically. And you, scale up. - You scale up the further inland you go. (all laughing) It's like, "Oh yeah, you're definitely from the inland. "If I can't understand what the fuck you're saying, because like, you know, like Kevin for example, he's from Perth, which is all the way on the West coast and I'm from the East coast. But if you ask someone who doesn't know Australian accent- - Yeah, you do sound the same. - We would sound exactly the same. - You two sound exactly the same, yeah. - That doesn't work in America at all. Like in America, you can clearly tell if someone's from New York versus California. - You can pinpoint pretty well, like even like Louisiana or like just from Texas to California, they just say like a lot. Yeah, and I don't know, and- - I wonder did your obsession with the UK start with the crown? Is that why? - No, actually way before that. - Really? - Yeah. - Sorry to interrupt you. - No, no, it's cool. - Harry Potter? - No, actually, no. - What's your UK obsession? You can normally pinpoint which show gets people into like-. - "The Beatles." - What was the start for your TUB face. (indistinct chatter) - What is she saying? - Black battler? - Did it start with black battler? - No, no, no, I don't know, like is The Click Five British? What the fuck is The Click Five? - Come on, oh man, I feel like- - What's is it, is it a TV show? - Yeah, a band. - After you watched "The Crown", you were like- May, can you look up The Click Five? Yeah, after you watched "The Crown", you were like, "Connor, "I'm gonna learn Welsh." - Are they British? What? - Yeah, Aki. - Did she say that? - Yeah. - Nevermind. - They're from Massachusetts. I don't know who the hell it was. I know, I just listened to a band and then it just got me into British music. And then from there I just got into British culture. I just happened to also be watching Harry Potter at the time. I guess I might have somewhere in there. - Yeah, but then you watched "The Crown." And then you told Connor, I'm gonna learn Welsh. - Oh fuck I love "The Crown." - You were trying to speak Welsh. And I was like, "Whoa, whoa no one does this." - Because it was so pretty. Like I was just like, man. - Thank you, it is. So many people were like, "Well, it sounds disgusting." And I'm like "You should listen to it." - Really, I think Welsh sounds fucking dope. - Yeah I liked, Welsh, I don't know. - Best five in the world. - Disgusting. - Best five in the world. You've seen our flag? It's just a dragon. - Fucking UK. - It's just a dragon. - It's so fucking epic, I love that flag, man. - Just a dragon. - It's just a dragon. I'm actually saying it's just a dragon. - It's just a dragon. - Don't play with your stars and stripes. I'm gonna play with a fucking dragon. Oh yeah, I remember, sorry, one last point about the flag. Remember Jay said, it's so hard to draw, no it's not. You just draw a basic shape, you know it's that flag, easy. - You're so patriotic, you have a picture of your flag above your bed. - I did, I did, yeah. I did in London, yeah. - He has a picture of his like... Is it a picture or painting? - It is a canvas. - Yeah, it was a canvas of the Welsh flag. - Just to remind yourself in the morning being like, "Yep, still Welsh." - 'Cause what happened mostly when I was filming videos on that live stream, my wall was always in the back. So I thought, "Well, why not let people know "where I'm fucking from, "so that they stop asking me. - I didn't know that was your flag at the time. I thought like, when we were like on (indistinct)- - Was like a Harry Potter house. - I always saw it in the back, like behind Connor. I always thought it was like some kindergarten project that you worked on. (all laughing) 'Cause it looked like a painting. - From macaroni (indistinct). - 'Cause it looked like a painted on the little canvas, I was like, "Huh, cute." - Flags nowadays are fucking boring, right? Even back then. - What do you mean, nowadays? They haven't changed. - The UK flag is a new flag before that, It was like these weird coat of arms, they were like fucking bad-ass and had shit all over them and it was from when all the countries United. - Yeah, it's the what's it called? The Union Juck? Is that what you're talking about? - Yeah, The Union Juck. - Are family crests just a UK thing or is it- - I think someone pointed that one time and just said, I wore a kilt to a wedding. It's only if fair if you are in a clan in a Scottish clan, actually my second name is a Scottish clan name. And then you would get like a coat of arms or symbols for like family association. - That's cool. - So, it's like this small clan. - There's something about clan, that just sounds cool. Except now the like gaming has just ruined the term, clan. - Join my gamer clan. - I like history, you know? It would be pretty cool, it would be like, "Yeah, I'm in Scottish clan. It's bad, my second name is Scottish, and a lot of my older, older family is from Scotland. We had Scottish family names. - I don't know what it is about the word clan, that those are so much cooler than like the word family, it's like join my family, join my clan. - Families, everyone has a family. Clan sounds like a ghost of war. - So you fight and you fight- - Yeah, we die for each other. - We die for the clan. - You took a blood oath. (all laughing) 'Cause like, especially in Asian culture, like one thing that confused Sydney so much, it's just, we refer to everyone, as like brother and sister. Like, so whenever I'd introduce like- - Some places in America do that too. - No, but like, in Southeast Asia, like if some stranger I've never met, says they're my uncle I will a hundred percent believe them. Like, you know what I mean? Just maybe that's another reason, I also have never like thought of dating another Southeast Asian, 'cause I'm like, "It feels like I'm dating my brother or whatever." - Honestly, I'm exactly the same. - I' cant date a white girl. (all laughing) - I'm just like, oh yeah, and like Joey, you're just half of it, so it's okay. - Oh yeah but am not Southeast Asian am just Asian. - When I first saw you on web, when I first saw your videos, I thought you were like Hispanic or middle Eastern. - Everybody says- - You're a Bollywood star. - Everyone links me like a Bollywood star. And it's like this year, like that's the thing it's like, it's three things. Do they have the scruffy heads? Do they have the beard? And is like the skin slightly brown? That's Joey. - In Japan, like especially when I wear a mask and he is wearing a mask, people think that I'm the one that speaks fluently when really it's Joey. - Yeah, I know, I hate it. I hate it. It's useful when you're taking your friends around. 'Cause I can tell sometimes when Joey just cannot be bothered to play translator. - I love, I love doing that sometimes. Like I remember I took my uni friends, my three Australian uni friends to Kyoto for the first time. And they'd never been to Japan. And of course, cause I'm the only one who can speak Japanese. They all have been to Kyoto. Of course, I had to play the translator slash tour guide, but I was like, one day I just woke up, I was like, "Fuck, I'm so tired of this. "You know what? "I'm just gonna pretend I can't speak a word of Japanese. "They'll never know." And we went to this really nice restaurant and I remember the clock was ticking and we had to order right now, 'cause the place was closing, and it was like, "Joey, we want this., this and this" And I was like, (speaks in foreign language) they were so pissed off, but I was like, "And now you know how fucking it feels. "I get paid for this shit." - No, 'cause that's why I feel whenever I have like a friend round in Thailand, where it's like, you're doing it for like a week or something. And then it just gets tiring, and it really dogs me. - That'll be you. - Tell them what I want. (all laughing) - All the fucking time. - You just have to, like, you just feel like you're hanging around with a bunch of babies and you just got to do everything. 'Cause I feel guilty, whenever I ask you to do something, 'cause I know exactly how that feels. - Like, this baby, want some milk. - That is flickering. - One thing I've always wondered is that... One of the difference, is that you guys definitely had a point where you kind of blew up with your YouTube and everything, which was like kind of unprecedented in our community. What was that like? Because I've always had this gradual growth where I've never had a point, when I suddenly just woke up one day and woke up and a month later I gained a hundred K subs or something like that. - I think 'cause you guys at one point got like 250,000 subs in one month. And I think that's the most that- - I think hers was bigger. I think, yeah the max I ever got was like 100, 5200 K in a month. - That's when you all started collabing. - Yeah and then I think your biggest one was almost like 400 K a month, right? - Yeah. - You had like a hundred K in a week. - Yeah. - It's ridiculous. - I remember that too. I think I said it earlier in the podcast that like, when I called you, I wanted to throw up because like... I don't know, it's like, I knew I wanted to do YouTube, but then once you see that number going up, I suddenly felt like someone pushed me in the middle of a stage and said dance. And then all of a sudden there was this huge amount of pressure over a video that I didn't even really take that seriously and then- - Well, 'cause I remember like you- - Vocaloid, is it? - Vocaloid, yeah. - 'Cause I remember you made like a video, which was like, those good old like obligatory like, "Thank you for a hundred thousand subscribers." - I remember, yeah. - And then literally a week later, - I made a 200. - You made a two, thank you for 200,000 subscribers. - I did do it 200 K and then like I think a week later, I was like, "Should I do the 300 K?" I'll just say it in passing, in the video. So yeah, no, that was really crazy. And I still can't believe that, that happened like over six years ago, but I mean, maybe I wasn't really part of the anime community itself to really feel what that must've felt like, especially for you, like where you've been in it, like really heavily invested. I was in AMV, which is like a tier of its own. So I wasn't really... I watched like a lot of your older stuff on that old account. - The School Girl 101? - Yeah, the school girl 101. - Yeah, the School Girl 101, maybe, I don't know, maybe I commented on one of those old videos, but other than that, I was just more focused of what I was supposed to do. And by that point, Joey and I had already made a decision that we weren't going to work out. So, I was just very much on my own thing and he was doing his own thing, but yeah. - 'Cause you've kind of like transitions. You have like... Talking to you like more recently, you've definitely tried to transition away from just doing anime contents. Like was there anything that pushed you to do that or was it just like your interests kind of diverged a bit? - No, I think it's just because like everything I go, everything I do now, is stuff that I'm just honestly genuinely interested in, and like I said before, like anime just puts Japanese culture in front of you. And that's why I called myself an Otaku channel just because I'm not here to really give an analysis on an anime. There's so many other YouTubers that I think can do the job better than me, so. - Even though you technically started in that field, though. Everything you didn't know about was technically an analysis. - Yeah, but like, I didn't go doing that series to think, like, "Oh, this is gonna surpass everyone." I just did it, 'cause it was fun to do at the time. But yeah, I don't know. Totally forgot what you had just asked. (all laughing) - It's kind of funny though, basically every anime YouTuber we know now, is trying to do their best to move away from anime content. - Okay, now I remember, yeah so I don't know. I think it's just also, it comes with being a personality. I have that privilege that I can explore and I know that everyone's gonna be okay with it as long as I'm in it. And so, I just do stuff I genuinely like to do. Unlike when it was anime, I felt like there was a lot of pressure that I have to talk about a specific anime and then like have to talk about like, "What's hot right now. "What is something I can say "that no one else has said?" When you're just a personality and the world's your oyster, things are a lot more easier for you. - I think anyone who gets like boxed into any type of content eventually feels like, "Oh, I wanna do something else for my audience." - Yeah, clearly me. - I think every single YouTuber like goes through that. Well, not every single one but every single YouTuber definitely thought about doing other content and is either, makes a second channel to do that content or they to use their own account. - I guess I almost was on that path of like, almost becoming a top 10 channel, with everything you didn't know about series and I was like... - But it was a huge thing back then. - It was a huge thing but I was like, "Oh, I don't wanna keep doing this." So slowly, I just thought it was just natural to just show my face. And the face that I decided to put myself in was the Vocaloid one, which I think also helped perpetuate my subscriber count at that point, because now you could see who I was, who was the person that was talking about the shit. So then through that, people wanted to know me. So then I started. I still did Vocaloid, but in between I had fillers of who I was. And then eventually, I gradually got rid of the Vocaloid stuff and just wanted to do my own stuff. And now that I'm in Japan, I was like, "What anime fan doesn't want to go to Japan?" And what anime fan doesn't wanna go to like, different types of cafes. So I was like, "I'm gonna just do just that "'cause I know that my audience wants to do this stuff "and I'm feel like I'm kind of like their..." What is it? Not gateway and I'm like- - Introduction. - Yeah, introduction, they're living vicariously through me, I guess, through this content. And yeah, I don't know, that's just the way I've- - Yeah, I get that, 'cause especially one thing that makes me uncomfortable with my own content, is when people kind of see us as like say, ambassadors of anime where like, I'm just a guy who just has an opinion, but- - What did the gigs last call us again, The Heroes of Anime? (all laughing) It makes me uncomfortable when people are like taking my opinion really, really seriously, when I say like- - Like your word is gospel. - Yeah, like I like X or like Y and people were just like, "Yo Gignac said it, he ruined this, "humanity or something." And it's just like, "Dude, I know as much as... "I'm just me me, I know as much as anyone else." - It really says something when like the audience takes your opinion more seriously, than you take your own opinion. - Yeah, exactly, I feel that way with just not my content but with the Trash Taste as well, and some people will take what we sell on Trash Taste very seriously, and sometimes we do talk about serious topics, but when it's just something about anime or something, I'm just like, "Come on, dude." - Its like who cares. - But one thing I have noticed, like I have to ask though, True Crime. - Every girls (indistinct) topic. - So, recently, we've caught up and you started talking about your newest obsession and some of your new contents, which are, it's very true crime mask. You know, you've released, we've recently released a video on the, Otaku Killer. I found it funny because we hadn't talked for awhile and Sydney also very much went into this phase. And she's like serial killers for a lot of times, but now, it seems like every girl is into True Crimes and True Crime Podcast. - So you wanna see from a female's perspective of why the fuck this is a thing? - Why? - What happens? - I like True Crime and I don't really know why I like true crime. I just find it real life- - I find that shit fascinating as fuck. But there's a difference between liking the content and it being the first thing I watch in the morning. - I did ask one of the girls, sorry, before you answer that, you wanna... This made me laugh a lot. I asked why do you like True Crime? They were like, Oh, it's like preparation to defend myself. This happens, and I'm like, "Yo, how often are you gonna come across a serial killer who specifically duct tapes, like 10 victims together, come on. - 'Cause it was funny. Cause like, being with Sydney for so long, she's from Wisconsin. And one of the things that apparently proud of, is that there are so many killers that have come from Wisconsin. - Isn't it like the number one state with the most amount of serial killers? - You guys come to Vermont, we have the most sex offenders in Vermont. (all laughing) - So, she had always prided herself on like, "I'm the serial killer in Tokyo." And then suddenly in like the past year or two, every girl started getting into serial killers and True Crime. And I'm just here thinking, where did this come from? Where did it start? - Honestly I feel like just the blow up has happened because true crime YouTubers, specifically criminal psychology, just started getting recommended and it's like, awoken something. I think we all really... Like as for me, I never thought of this as a girl thing until like you told me when we met up and then I was like, "No, that's not a thing." And then the next day, I just remember like Charlotte texted me. She's like, "Yes, you're coming up. "We're gonna watch the True Crime stuff." I said, "Yeah, Oh my fucking God, this is a thing." So, for me personally, I always thought it just came from me really liking horror. And me taking psychology, The reason I loved serial killer stories, is not what they did, but it's like the psychology that goes through it 'cause serial killers, a lot of them are very intelligent and the shit that they have to do to get to that point, it's almost like the more I read, the more I don't want to think it's real. It seems like it's just so- - It's stranger than fiction. - It's so strange, so that's where, that's why I liked True Crime. And then like with, the YouTube channel criminal psychology, I just like it that someone had the patience to take like the raw interrogation and break down why they ask these questions. 'Cause you can't help, but applaud some of these like interrogators that they do this for a living and they know exactly what questions to ask you. Not for you to answer, but to just see how you're gonna respond. Like sometimes they leave you alone just for you to stew in your own thoughts and I just... And Garnt was laughing at this 'cause I was like, I sometimes feel like when I watch it, I'm the one being interrogated. Like I feel like I have to lock myself out of this. I'm just watching the fucking thing. But yeah, so then I started the True Crime stuff in Japan because in Japan I've always just thought, there's always that thing, everyone knows that crime is really low in Japan. But when shit happens in Japan, it's from like zero to a hundred. It's like in America, it's nothing like... This is weird. Take this with a grain of salt, normal, like guy kills girlfriend for cheating on him. It's not that, it's like, I'm going to like burn everyone alive and post it all like on 2Chan, just 'cause I feel like it. And it's like, nothing builds up between that. So my True Crime stuff is like, I wanna look back at what the fuck happened to this guy. - Just like a fucking episode of "Black Mirror", sometimes. - Essentially, and I love "Black Mirror." - I think it seems like, in, in the U.S. they might assume that it could be something bad that's happened. "Cause crime doesn't happen that much. And then the police never would like think, that this guy might be going after children or something like that. And they also... I've also noticed that with at least Japanese like True Crime, a lot of people in Japan don't talk about it "cause they don't like it. - Its taboo. - Yeah, it's like, no, but don't forget it, let it be. So it's pretty interesting seeing like people, I like yourself trying to find stuff out about it. 'Cause it's like so buried 'cause they don't wanna talk about it. - Pretty much, and so- - And before you go on, sorry. I completely forgot, I was gonna say it. - Again, I totally get the obsession in that. And I totally get like, watching these interrogation stuff, super fucking fascinating. - But you wanna know why its all girls? - Yeah but like, this is the difference again between, looking at an interrogate doing his job and being like, "Wow, the psychology behind this is fucking fascinating." And fucking waking up like seven in the morning and you just from the living room, you just hear- - [Both] His arms were cut off. (indistinct chatter) And I go in, I'm like, "What the fuck is happening?" You're just like sitting at the table, eating cereal. Like it's nothing, - That's just our mornings. I was like bonding of Joey and it's weird like, "Did you wake up to True Crime Podcasts? "And you're listening to True Crime Podcasts?" 'Cause I do. - Yeah and just having this- - I'm just imagining, it's like the sunlight's coming through, the birds are chirping, it's a lovely day, and you just hear like, "And so he brutally murdered these girls, "in the most gruesome way possible, here's how they did it. - Number 10. - Yeah, number 10. - Remember we even went up to the North and we were meeting Sharla and then like, you guys wanted to go to bed, but she's, like, "Hey guys, I'm gonna go upstairs. "Does anyone wanna watch the True Crime thing with me?" I'm like, "I'll do it." And then she's like, "All right, let's go." And so literally you and Luke are just- - Yeah me and my friend was just like, "All right, see you later, have a nice day." - I don't know, it's just like, because it's just people talking and well, no, I'm not- - Yeah, but then, at the same time, it's the, double edge thing of like, you know what the girls will be like, "Yeah, we love watching True Crime." But then when you tell a girl that, you know, you watch the two hour Fredrik Knudsen, Down the Rabbit Hole video, they'd be like, "Why would you watch that?" - Bro they're amazing? What do you mean? - Meanwhile, it's like, "I don't wanna watch a two hour Down the Rabbit Hole." It's like, "I am gonna go with a six hour interrogation." It's like, "What?" - With some guy commentating over (indistinct) like button. - Like, what's his name, I bet he's thinking about other girls, the boys watching super monkey (indistinct). (all laughing) - Did you watch the Netflix documentary about the hotel? It's about like the- - Yeah, "The Hotel," where they find the girl in the water tank. - The water tank one. - Yeah, that's a really famous case. - I really like that one because it was like, you thought like it's about this case. And they suddenly were like, "Yeah, so about these redditors man." It was really cool, 'cause they actually like... 'Cause it was quite recent. It was like giving you the perspective of the cops at the time, and they were getting so frustrated. The people online kept trying to fucking solve the case. Wouldn't stop coming up with crazy ass conspiracy theories. And it made me think, I was like, "Oh yeah, it must be so annoying being a policeman now, "where everyone is trying to do your job." And it's like, "Release every detail to us." - I was gonna watch that documentary and I brought it off Tokyo, I was like, "Oh, they made a documentary about this case. "And she was like, "I already know." - Yeah, she already knows the details. - So I never ended up watching it. - I think I got to ask that 'cause if you consume a lot, like where's the line with YouTubers talking about real life cases. - What do you mean? - Like because do you think it's free game, they can say whatever they want conspiracy theories and all they can talk about it, 'cause it's like kind of rough because it's like, you only have X amount of facts. How far are you allowed to talk about? - So I went pretty fucking deep with the Otaku killer one with that one, I- - But you aren't presenting any theories, right? Like you just told the case, like facts. - Yeah, when it comes to presenting theories, I would say that like it's, I don't know. 'Cause for me, I wanna go over cases that are already closed by that point. And it's been a substantial amount of time since that. - You don't wanna accidentally solve a case. - I don't know if you guys knew about... You've probably heard of that Twitter killer in Japan. I didn't even wanna touch that 'cause that was still going on and I didn't wanna fuck it up. Like with my video, you know. - I feel so bad for these... Like in the documentary as well, like the cops and also the families. Like this whole documentary was going on about this hotel. You should watch it by the way. What is it called? Do you guys know? - No, I don't. I don't know what it's called. - I'm sure it's a good documentary. My problem with a lot of Netflix documentaries, I've found nowadays, is that it feels like, they drag it out so much. I remember, 'cause I knew the basic details of this case because I've heard it from like second hand, just hearing Sidney listen to different cases. So, I knew the case and I was like, "Okay, maybe I'll find out a bit more about the details." And then I watched 60 minutes and the first episode, where just literally building up the hotel itself and I'm just like, "I already know what happens." - Who cares? - I don't care about this. We get it, it's a bad hotel and they focus on this couple, who's just... There's this British couple, whose like staying in the hotel and I'm like, "I don't give a shit about a couple. " Just give me the damn facts please." That's been my big problem. - It was really interesting 'cause it was like the only one that looked at the online critiques or online people who are trying to solve it in like a critical way. 'Cause there was another one that was called like, "Don't Fuck With Cats." I love that one. - I love, "Don't Fuck With Cats." - I liked it but I could not fucking stand the woman. - Stand the girl. Oh my God! She was ending it like, "We're just a couple of guys online "about to solve a murder." - No, it wasn't even that it was just like, "We're just like internet nerds, just trying to like..." It was like, Oh God. - I understand it like, the modern cases and a lot of (indistinct). - But I like the way, "Don't Fuck With Cats," builds it up. - Yes, they keep building up well. Like it doesn't... They don't even show you Luka Magnotta's face until the very end, even though they usually could have, because they want you to like see everyone's perspective, like that was involved in this. - No that one was crazy and it would have been so much better, if they had just replaced that woman with just a standard narrator or something. No offense to the woman. It was infuriating how she was just talking about cats being murdered. And then she was like, "Whoa, that was wacky. "And then we found him killing other people." - Or if she's pushing or if she could have just stuck with the facts. - It was the acting term. - It's like you don't need to act on something that is about murder and cats being killed, like I don't need this shit- - I don't need to know the personality of the presenter. Like just give me the facts. - I think, one of the big reasons I could never get into True Crime or like I've never been able to fully invest in it, is just because it feels to me like, I know it's not an intentional, but it feels like to me, it's you kind of view this as a fictional story. You view it as like an entertainment based thing. I remember watching "Don't Fuck With Cats," and very, very fascinating story. That's not what I'm saying, and they had a segment on this, but it just feels for me a little bit wrong. I just feel a little bit dirty when I know that I'm watching this for entertainment. When I know that someone got fucking murdered, that this is like some family's lives as perhaps has been ruined by this. And you know, all the attention is on the murderer. And I know they did do like a segment on, how nobody remembers the victim and that's just the fucking ugly truth. And that's the big line for me when it comes to True Crime and watching like a good horror movie or a good like fictional story, is I can't, like wash away this feeling that I'm just kinda like listening to this, like, I don't know what the right word is, but it's just like, I'm viewing this real life event, this real life tragic event as an entertainment piece. 'Cause that's what it is. It's an entertainment piece and that's why I've not been able to get into it. - So would you prefer it then say hypothetically, if they like, properly go over like the family? - Like I don't know, what the right way to go about it, it's just... - Maybe there is no right way. - I don't know if there is right, 'cause it's just my mental block because I find something like, for example, "Monster" fascinating, 'cause it's like a really deep character study on, what it means, are you born evil? Or is evil something you learn along the way? But the reason I'm in it, the reason I can invest in it, is because I know it's a fiction. There's that's barrier that I know that no one's- - Its like a moral barrier, - It's kind of like, I guess telling a story about wars and stuff there as well. There's tons of death in that. And that's just because more often than not, you're just used to tell stories about stuff that had happened and stuff in real life. Even though they have to... unfortunately I think at times stories, do have to be boiled down in a way that will make people listen. So, it does almost feel like you say like, I mean, I understand why this story needs to be sad and why it almost does feel wrong that it's entertainment, but I understand completely why it is that way. For human nature, we've always been telling stories about horrific things 'cause they are stories. - And then the stories and sometimes it feels... I don't know if wrong is the right word, but it just feels weird to have it presented in a way that is entertaining. - I will admit that the modern-like gold rush of True Crime is getting a little bit weird. Like its trying to feel a little bit uncomfortable with how much stuff is being milked and how much it's being like kitchen nightmares, editing ask, and stuff, it's like, it used to go from these are the facts of the case to now. It's like, "Mary didn't know what was coming, but it came." - The points is if you just present the facts of a case, it's boring, it's fucking boring. And I especially feel this whenever I watch like, American news broadcast versus like British news broadcast because British news broadcasts, are like the most boring news broadcast ever. And then in America, I remember the first time I went to America, turned on the news and it felt like I was watching a movie. - Like I did ask, I didn't notice sometimes if I was watching the news in America or I was watching an episode of the cops right away, 'cause it's edited in the exact same way where it's just like a little too... And that, I guess kind of boils down to like that whole genre of films of like exploitation films. It's like, some people find it really fucking fascinating. While others are like, "That's not really cool." - I also really like documentaries because I like to figure out. I'm like, "All right, who they trying to get me to root for? "What are they---" 'Cause there's someone telling a story. And they've Kathleen picked out all these interviews, Kathleen asked people questions to present in a certain way, and it's fun. Sometimes I like watching it just to figure out like why are they trying to make me think of this way? Why are they trying to get me to have this opinion of the next character, its really interesting. - I guess that's what made Tiger King so good. - It was a video by like Quintin reviews about it, about documentaries, it was really good. - Because, I think what made me realize this, is watching "Don't Fuck With Cats," where... What was his name again? - Luka Magnotta. - Luka Magnotta, Magnotta. - Just say Luka. - Luka, where all he wanted was to have the spotlights and what was to have the attention. And, I remember at the end, thinking, "Oh, he fucking succeeded. "This is everything that he wanted." "This is literally like dark night joke a moment." - He got a four part Netflix documentary series, dude. He was the real winner out of this. It just felt, dirty to me. I don't, I was just like, "Damn, I don't know." - I guess, when his sole aim was to get attention and then he gets it. That is kind of yeah. - I mean, I just think it all just comes from the human nature of like looking at a car crash that you can't look away from. Like we love to torture ourselves. - We're simple beings. - One other thing I would do wanna know is that, because I wake up to this and I hear a different story or like I hear a new episode every time. How, many stories have you listened to? How many, like how deep does the True Crime well go. That's what I want to know. - Yeah because I feel like, the gentlemen have only stepped into the kiddie pool. - I'm sick of it because I've watched so many now, that I can feel like the formula being full. It always starts right. They're like, "Timmy was a little different, "but we never thought he would never do anything like this." And then it'd be like, it cut to the victim. And it's like, "She was only good things, the victim." And then cuts back to the thing it's like, "And then something weird started to happen at the school." And it's like, alright, okay we get it, we get it. He was okay, he was weird, right. But like, they would never say this shit unless he was a serial killer, you know what I mean? Like it's when they find out, is that they only remember bad things. Everyone always says the same shit about every serial killer, it drives me insane. - Is that true? - After you've watched like 10 documentaries, you feel like you're going insane, watching more. 'Cause you're like, "These feel all the same." - I feel like that with a lot of, especially like... Again, I'm making this sound like it's fucking film, but like Western crime, like it starts to feel like the same thing. But I mean, I don't know. I'm sorry, I feel again, I mean, with my series, like the one in Japan, every case isn't really the same in my opinion, 'cause I mean, I don't know though, at least I literally have- - No, no, no, I wasn't saying about the case of the same, it's how the documentary makers present the- - The story. - Well, the thing is like with True Crime Podcasts or True Crime YouTube videos that I can see, it's not always like a documentary is lit. Like she's just listing out the events and the facts. - Particularly like that. - I mean, 'cause to me it feels like, I've seen like top 10 lists of like the weirdest crimes or top unsolved crimes. - We have top 10 deaths caught on camera. - My favorites are the top 10 breakdowns in courtroom cases. - Top 10 unsolved crime. Like you, you go through one on top 10- - So, what dictates number seven, over number eight? Like I don't understand, they're both horrible. - And like, I've heard of a few and you get to a point where, it's like asking people what their top 10 anime is, after you've seen enough anime, you see the same cases, you know what the say? You know what everyone's like. - I love that about... Go on, sorry. - You know what the mainstream anime are, right? 'Cause that's why I feel like, "What are your top 10 crime cases? What are the ones that stick to your mind? List them off, chill style. - Oh my God. - Number 10. - You want me to list? - Like off the top of your head? What's your favorite? - What are the, some of the ones that stick out to your mind? - Well, I literally have like a bookmark list, like this fucking big on my computer. - What is your favorite True Crime documentary? Like it comes to mind when you think. - God, legit, like "Don't Fuck with Cats", is perfect to me, honestly. But honestly that was perfect. Besides like the, CEG the fact that you know, this is a close case and yet you feel like it's still open. Like, I dunno the whole presentation. - I love those videos where it's like, it presents itself like a rudy big mystery and that like, they let like two episodes in and then they present like what actually happened, like the very plausible, very simple explanation and then the life. But some people don't believe that. I mean, it's like 30 more minutes of like complete auto nonsense. - And it's just like theories that don't make sense. - It's complete bullshit, it's like you already have the explanation just accepted that it's boring like real life is. - Or because like weirdly enough, you didn't really like Tiger King. - No, I actually really didn't like it. - Which is weird because you think that the fact that, at the end of the day, it's a true crime. It's a true crime story, that's just a little bit unique. - Its a crime that any of those people got to be filmed and- - But like, you didn't like it. I thought you'd like that. - Yeah, I don't know. What was it that like you didn't like about Tiger King that you liked about everything else? - I don't know maybe I've just seen and heard, so much fucked up stories that like, it was just not entertaining to me. I was like, "Oh yeah." - You've literally just numbed yourself. I honestly think it's probably that. - We should start watching a playground argument just unfold, but with guns and tigers. - I didn't like about Tiger King, was the fact that I couldn't believe these were real people. Like I thought they were playing. I dead ass thought first two episodes, I thought they were playing a character. - I, watched it all and I thought, "Fuck I just wasted all my time." (Joey and Aki laughing) - For nothing. - I'm just surprised how popular it got. I didn't expect- - I just really appreciate, especially I'm rolling back to that YouTube channel criminal psychology, just because it takes a lot of research to understand why this interrogation is being played out the way it is, it's not just question and answer. It's like, they're trying to like create pressure for you, for you to fucking just confess. - I guess, because you have a psychology background, It's like more instant for you. - Feel like even without a psychology background. I think that's just fascinating the way that it's just presented, they explain it like you're five and I don't know, like my heart starts racing. Like the closer they get to getting to the person- - To get that confession out. - Yeah, to get that confession, I was like- - Here it comes, here it comes! - I have noticed that there is like, reaction YouTubers to interrogations. Yeah, yeah, there's people who like to watch interrogations and give their thoughts on that thing. And I'm like this is weird. - That's going too far. - And like, "Oh my God, what!". - I don't imagine anyone like, doing all of that stuff. I just like, watch that thing. - That's like reacting to public hanging. It's like, "Whoa, that just happened!" - It's like shocked face underscore dot PNG. We all have that PNG file. - It's bizarre, how... - It is bizarre that it has been like commodified. - I was wondering what the word is, it was like entertainmentfied, is that a word? I was like, I'm sure there is a word. - I actually had no idea that you guys had talked about The True crime thing on your podcast. So when I uploaded the Otaku killer video, like half my comments were like, "Wow, the podcast was right about you." I said, "Well, no, I don't. "What, Joey, what the fuck did you say?" - I called you out. - That's all right. - Yeah, I dunno, I think obviously, due to the fact that there's more mobile phones and that things are being recorded more for like the evidence purposes in court, and so there's just more and more stuff getting released. - Public journalism. - And this is the side of the crime that the public never saw. You barely ever hear about this through like stories from cops, which obviously was presented with full of bias and stuff like this. So I think it's just like a renaissance almost of the public being given access to crimes for good and bad. 'Cause you know, now those people get outraged all the time for stuff that cops do rightfully serve, so shouldn't they pull. Like, and so it's kind of... I wonder if this'll be an ongoing thing where you know, crime from now onwards has to be put in mind or I'm like, "Huh, what's the YouTube comment gonna say "about the way that they are." I wonder if there's gonna be crimes in future- - What it there's like serial killers who are like, "I wonder, what clickbait they gonna use for my crime." - I wonder now, like if I'm in an interview, I'm being interrogated, I might think, "Well, this might be an issue." "But I'm on a good show." I wonder, it's really... I guess there like sensitive ways that like, yeah, We've been desensitized to it, but also it's a system that hasn't been built to be exposed to the public. - Yeah, I don't think it's just that, but because I think like another big thing, is that the reality, I mean, the barrier between like reality and fiction has kind of like been slowly broken down because sometimes we kind of view social media as entertainment nowadays. So, like council culture is like a big thing nowadays. And I feel like with so many YouTubers making like apology videos and outing other people like this, there is a reason people do that. There is a personal reason people do that, but we got to admit that through the vast majority of the public, this is just watching, this is just entertainment. This is just watching the high school... This is listening to high school drama and gossip. And like, it's what has slowly turned into where it's... Our entertainment has just become other people's reality. This is our modern day reality TV. - I can definitely see the difference. I've mentioned this to a couple of people, but it's still only just seems like a few years ago, when the internet and real life, they were just, there was such a thick wall between two of them. Like you could tell that anything that was said on the internet was not taken personally. And then like being in reality, it was whatever. But now, the news gets like half of their shit from Twitter. And reality and the internet has fused so heavily into each other that everything you post, that's the kind of person you are. At least that's what- - It legit like cyril experiments lane, like straight up call for (indistinct). - Essentially yeah. - It did. - Like 10 years ago, it would be like, "Oh, did you catch the latest 'Love Island'" Or "Big Brother?" "Did you hear what X did?" And now nowadays it's more like, "Yo, did you see that apology video? "Yo, that was saucier." - Did you see that Tweet along that dude? - That was a yikes no Tweet land. And it's just like, okay. And we are kind of commodifying other people's drama in that case. - Essentially yeah, and people's lives are being ruined over just people trying to create conspiracies out of just posts. Some of those posts are just... Actually a lot of those posts are just twisted to make these conspiracies of anonymous people that honestly don't give a shit about you and it ruins careers. It ruins lives, it ruins people's mental health. And I feel like, I don't know, I kind of hope at some point that that line of anonymity, not caring about other people on the internet, like where's the line gonna get drawn? - I don't know because I don't see it stopping and that's the problem. And one of the biggest things I see now is like, it doesn't matter how right you are in the court of law, 'cause what's more important nowadays, is the court of public opinion. And it's a really unhealthy way to think about things because sometimes I do feel that there is like sometimes online witch hunts and sometimes peak, you know, it's so broken down to basic mob mentality nowadays, and it can get really dangerous, so- - That's why I tell people that anyone who wants to like be a YouTuber, streamer or any influencer on the internet, it takes thick skin, a lot of thick skin. You have to always be prepared for the inevitable, that there will always be a community out there who like you'll be a scapegoat to someone, anything, and everything you do and say, will just be wrong, like to these people. And they will wait for you to fuck up so badly, where they can finally drag you down. And I don't know, I just feel like that's one of the biggest reasons why there is this whole side to my personal life that I want nothing to do with YouTube, because then at least, you know, I wanna be able- - 'Cause everything's being monitored, right? - Essentially, yeah. I feel like people who get like, counseled really badly on the internet, it affects their own personal lives to the point like they cannot live normally, like there's... I don't know, I feel like on the internet, it's if you make a mistake, you deserve to die kind of mentality and there's no second chances. - The thing about council culture nowadays, is that we're trying to counsel people who say don't deserve their famous or something like that, but it's gotten to the point where if someone is getting counseled, People who are not even in their circles or hear and talk about it. Most of the people, some of the people that have this big apology or counsel, or was getting counseled, I have never heard of these people, until they got counseled. Like I have nothing to do with that industry or in their circle. But as soon as they're getting counseled, as soon as their drama, suddenly it's literally everywhere. Literally everyone has to have an opinion on it. - And they kind of throw around that name, as if you're the weird one for not having an opinion on it. It's like, I've never heard of this dude. But people like, "What's your opinion on them getting counseled?" It's like, "Fuck, I just knew about them five minutes ago." - You know what's sad about all of this, is like when someone gets counseled, and eventually Twitter does kind of the math org of seeing where it came from and the person that came from, then let's say that that influencer, that got counseled finally calls out the person who started it all, that person, all they have to do, is just close their account, and run off as if it never happened. But then the influencer has the damage leftover and has to deal with trying to repair their reputation over something that probably wasn't even a big deal in the first place. - 'Cause, the big problem I see, is that the big difference between this and say reality TV shows, is that people signed up to be fucking clowns on reality TV shows. You know what I mean? They knew what they were getting paid to be- - They were getting paid to be clowns. - Yeah, they're getting paid to be clowns and they signed themselves up to be like commodified and viewed as a piece of entertainment. But like nowadays, literally that could be anyone with a social media account, that could be anyone who has an online- - Without their permission. - At all and some people have done some pretty bad stuff, but like what the problem nowadays is, is that I feel like even if someone did something bad, I can't help but feel that some people are just looking for their five minutes of fame, even if something bad did really happened to them. And I'm not like, I'm really hoping this doesn't come off that I'm trying to victim blame or something like that, because that's really not what I'm trying to say, because it feels like... It can sometimes feel like not every case, but in some cases that people are just doing this for the cloud, they're doing this 'cause they know they can get some attention out of it. And that's what- - And people are gonna rag on about them for a while. But then they probably in the back of their heads, they probably know by a week, its going back to normal. - And that's why we start ending up like fucking ranking apology videos, be like, "Yo, he fucking slammed on this person "in the apology video." - I do love the idea for the apology video. - But you gotta remember these are people's fucking lives that we're judging and it's not about, who's actually right, it's about who can present their case the best. And, it's about pleasing the court of public opinion rather than being behind the scenes, he was actually morally, right. - Like honestly, I'm just gonna say, I really hate how there's like a sense of humanity just taken away from us. Like the moment that you become someone in the public eye, like you can't make mistakes, you are not given second chances. And every mistake you've made that is you. And you're a piece of shit. And there's no redemption, there's no room for redemption on the internet. So that's why, I'm just gonna say- - As if every human being is perfect- - I'm just gonna say it right here, just in case I know what's going to happen. Like I'm going to make a mistake and I'm going to learn from it. And it's whether up to you guys, if you want to forgive me or not, but it's through those mistakes, that you can change as a person. And I feel like it's the most basic thing that everyone knows. And yet we just kind of blow it off like it's nothing because you know, we're public figures that ruled the... For some reason does not apply to us or whatever. So I don't know, I've always just wanted to kind of get that out. - Yeah, I mean, I don't mean any harm to anyone and I'm sure if I've ever made a mistake, I'd like the opportunity to fix it. It is very scary knowing that chance might not be given to me. - You're like always on the line of that basically. - It's fucking scary, how much a mob can turn and there are people, it seems like the opposite of the way things should work, 'cause whenever someone gets outed, it's guilty until proven innocent. And it shouldn't be like that, but that's just the way the mob mentality works. - There's just not enough people who are like, "Hey, why don't we just wait and see what happens. - Yeah, exactly. Because 90% of people are like frothing at their mouth ready for the drama. And then there's just that 10% of people who are like, "Yeah, I mean, we could just wait "and hear both sides, maybe." It's unfortunate that- - No, I don't wanna wait. I want something to happen now. - Its unfortunate that most people's reaction to X person to this X thing is that, "Oh my God, let's go for it." Instead of being like, "Let's just wait, see what they say? "And kind of hear their point." - I think coming from like being more personality based on YouTube, it sucks that like... It seems like the only thing that anyone has to go by, is literally just the videos I've done or any posts that I've made. And it's like, again, there's every single person on the internet has like a whole life that is completely different. You can't, base a person off of just what their post is. You know I see some of the weirdest shit like, "Oh, Aki was in a video with that person. "She didn't look very happy or like that person. "Oh, did you see the way "that they looked at that other person? Or, "The way that Joey just did this to his nose?" I thought like, who the fuck cares? - Was it your video I was in where I was like, I was just being me and letting you guys talk. - All the comments were like, "Man, Connor looks really annoyed, I'm like, "That was just him." - Maybe, Connor has the same problem I do, which is we just have really bad resting bitch face - I have really bad resting bitch face- - Me too. - And people think I'm angry all the time. I'm just British. (all laughing) I hate it but what can I do? - Yeah, I know, it's just my listening face. That's why I've just been super transparent that also I'm introverted. And I just want to listen. - Its that whole mentality of the whole fucking, "I know your life better than you know your life." - Like I think every- - I hate that you have to justify any of that in the first place. - Every issue we've met, is like different steps away from that personality, a personality that they share. Some people are exactly the way that they show themselves. I'd like to think I'm pretty fucking spot on to how I present myself. There's some people who are like a hundred percent, could not be more different from the person they present. - It's like two different people. - Right, right and it's kind of, you don't know if that is really them. So, don't assume that that's how they act a hundred percent of the time. Obviously, I think one thing that probably is for most people, except for like Sydney, is that they're not as energetic. They're not as high intensity as they are shown. - I think there's a reason for that though, and this is also like applying to me as well. - People have had that much fucking energy. - No and you know what Connor just said applies to me. It's like, I will be really outspoken on my video, but like I did in the fortune teller video, I literally just showed what I'm- - Yeah, you're fucking different to how you are presented. - Yeah, I'm very different with how I am with someone else. But that's because at the end of the day, we were just kids that I sound like that fucking girl from "Don't Fuck With Cats," but- - We were just- - We were just a couple of kids. - We were just, like people that had a camera and just happened to get a following on the internet. But at the end of the day, we're still in that room just by ourselves. And when the doors are closed and no one's there, we have the confidence to say exactly what's on our mind. But you know, I feel like everyone has that problem. Like, you have a lot that you wanna say, but the moment like someone is in front of you, you can't get it out, you know what I mean? So I don't know. - 'Cause I feel- - I, oh, go, on. - I feel like one of the biggest toxic talk that the most toxic mentality that's kind of being brought up with something, newer generation, especially raised on the web, is that they feel like they're privileged to know everything about a certain case or so old people's lives, especially when it comes to a drama, they feel entitled. Like they deserve to know everything that happened, even though it's got nothing to do with them. - You know, what I really hate that people do, is when people are forced to influencers to be friends, you know what I mean? Like, so I- - Why are you not friends with so-and-so? It's like, "Because I don't wanna be friends "with so-and-so." - 'Cause I'm a picky person in general. Like you can't force me to like someone, like, it's gonna show on camera. You like, you can tell when two YouTubers... I think you said this earlier, like that's our first time meeting or we just don't... We're not close and it shows, but then you're happy that we're finally together, but I don't know, it's just- - Worse than that, is I haven't met any people who have done this, but other YouTubers who use that pressure from the public to force someone, to being friends. To read at you a bunch in a way that like, kind of- - Sorry, I wasn't understanding. - So for example, another YouTuber who wants to be friends with you, so what the other one just keep tweeting at you publicly. - Or they get their fans to tweet at you. - But then if you tweet at them publicly, like the fans reply, it's like they are kind of twisting your arm. - It's a little bit worse than the fan base of that person tweeting back. - I mean, I understand why fans do it. More often than not, they might like to tweet creators as well, so I get it why they wanna see people collaborate. But it's quite frustrating when someone in your position who should know better, does it. Like, tweeting at someone is not... I'm not saying YouTubers can't tweet at each other, but there is a way that some YouTubers do it and the frequency at which they do it, which is obviously an attempt. To like, "Hey-" - There is nothing wrong with like tweeting. - "Hey, follow me, follow me back, "let's talk., let's be friends." Yeah, there's nothing wrong with two YouTubers tweeting at each other. I tweet at YouTubers all the fucking time, but what's annoying, is when every time it has nothing to do with anything, I'm just like tweeting being like, "Ha ha, yeah, cool." And the 17 responses being like, "Collab, collab, collab." - You always do the same thing, when you talk about collabs, you do, collab (laughs). - It legitimately sounds like a bunch of seals at sea wall. This just fucking collab, collab, collab. It's like, no, that's not. - It appears like you're a jelly bag. (all laughing) Yeah, like no, you sometimes like you can tell when a YouTuber is really trying to force their way into your circle by getting their fans to do it. - Not many people do it but- - I've seen it happen. - I've definitely seen that happen. But yeah, what's another thing on YouTube? Oh yeah, I saw this like a really long time ago, I think with just Joey and Garnt. But one thing that is- (indistinct chatter) (laughs) I don't think you were there that's why. But you know how like, a lot of YouTubers say, "I don't care about the views "and the views don't mean anything." I think it's a load of like shit at some point, because it's okay to care about your views because that's like being at a job and caring how many hours you're getting, how much you're getting paid. It's okay to care about how many views you're getting. But like also not being a dick about it. - I think the important thing, is to think about the views after the video has been made. People, if you're going into a video, with the views in mind of like, "What's gonna get the views?" In a way that's- - You're doing it purely for the viewers. - Unhealthy obsession way not like... 'Cause sometimes I'll think of a topic and I'm like, "This is a popular topic. "This is probably gonna have some interests, "but I'm not thinking like this needs to get views." Or, "It's done." Or I'm not like, "I think that I'll look after." And if it does well, I'm like, "Sick." If it does bad, I'm like, "Well, that sucks." But onto the next thing 'cause what are you gonna do? Sit here and fucking mourn? - 'Cause, I feel like what I've meant when I said that, 'cause I have said, I don't care about the views before. - Everyone's had that obligatory. - I wanna defend myself. - I'm gonna defend myself. - Honestly, I think we've all said that at some point. - Everyone has made that obligatory update video where they're like, "Guys, I'm just doing it "because I love doing YouTube, "I don't care about the views." - I've, kept the saying to heart, it's like expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised. - What were you gonna say? - Because it's gotten to the point where you know, every YouTuber has this point when they realize that there's a point in your life, when you realize, hey, your mental health is really affected by how well your videos do. And that's really fucking unhealthy. So like I had to get to a point in YouTube, where I just stopped looking at the views. Like I had to stop looking at the views and just focus on the content. - That's hard to do. - It is hard, it's a skill. - It's just something I knew I had to do, because we have this tool. I don't know if we've talked about this before, but we have the tool on YouTube where you upload a new video and YouTube will tell you how well it's performed out of 10. That's your last 10 videos. And to me, it's just a lose, lose game, because you'd never- - We should share the Trash Taste one right now. - It is, the most mind breaking mechanics. - It is because what I've realized, is that you lose most of the time, right? Because if a video is below five out of 10, you feel like shit the entire day. - I guess I'll die. - Exactly, like with me me, but like your day can literally be ruined and it's fucking stupid by knowing that your video performed nine or 10. - You feel like little fucking fireworks animations, if you are number one. - [All] Yeah. - (claps) Yes, yes but the thing is... What I realize, is that if it's like a four or five, then you're just like, "Okay." You don't feel good. You feel relieved. And that's just so unhealthy, 'cause that just means the only time you actually feel good, is when you get the number one or two. Which statistically speaking, you can't always get the number one or two. - And what's worse is like, when you do get that number one, the next thing you expect is, "Well, the next video has to be number one as well. "I just have to keep one-upping myself "and it never happens." - So like, I always leave a least like four or five days before checking the views of my video. That gives me enough time. - Bro, you must survive (indistinct) November easily then. (all laughing) - I guess before we wrap this up, what's next for Aki Dearest, what's the next plans? What are you gonna do? What are your goals? - I'm working on the next case video. I've been doing it. I can't give you any hint, I already told that. - Would you say that you're more like a short-term planner? Like you don't really think about like the like year or two from now, you're like, "I'm just thinking about what's going on the next month." - Yeah, I feel like it's just good to just stay, in the present 'cause that just shapes out how your future is gonna be. - Damn. - That's a T-shirt. - That's a T-shirt right there. - I was not expecting something so deep. - You've been watching Trash Taste. - I'm pretty sure I've seen people with chess pieces. I say that. - I don't know , I've been so stressed over what could have been or like, "What did I do? "Oh man, I fucking did that yesterday." When at the end of it, it doesn't really matter. So, I just feel like I just have to fix it now. - If like for every one thing I'm like, "I could have done that." I got like a hundred other things where I'm like, "Holy shit, I was so lucky with this thing." You win some, you lose some, right? - Yeah. - Exactly. - But I guess you wanna do the outro, Joey. Yeah, hey, if you have no idea who Aki is, then as always, we'll leave the links to socials down in the description and also, hey, look at all these patreons who are living in the moment as well. - Whoa, oh my God, Jesus Christ. - It's viral. - Who's your favorite patreon, Aki? - This one, right? - Jimmy. - Jimmy got a point from where they are. - Which one? This one or that one? - You, oh my God. - This one, right? (all laughing) But if you wanna be pointed out on screen blindly, then make sure to go over to our patreon, patreon.com/trashtaste. Also follow us on Twitter, the subreddit, and hey, if you don't wanna see our faces, follow us over on Spotify. But yeah, thanks for coming onto the show Aki. - [Aki] Yeah, thank you. - You finally come on, so you can stop asking the fuck (indistinct). - When are we gonna continue the anime show? - No, we don't talk about that. - We did not talk about that. - We'd not talk about that show. We have buried that show long ago. - I didn't make the name by the way, - I wonder who made the name, The Anime Man. - Joey's podcast prolonged. - Couldn't tell you. - But yeah, guys, hopefully you enjoyed this episode of Trash Taste and I've been with the boys. - Thank you very much, Aki, for coming. - Thank you very much. - Yeah, no worries, thanks for having me. - It's been a long time coming. - And we'll see you guys in the next episode. - Bye. - Bye. - And mic, bye mic. (soft upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,883,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: xqurcPbqKs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 49sec (7969 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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