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- Man, I'm tired. - Gamers, gamers, gamers, you didn't even have class today and you're like more dead than when you had class. - You're doing the Skype? - Yeah. - What's wrong with you? (upbeat music) - Welcome to this episode of "Trash Taste" where I don't know what we're talking about today, but I'm joined by the boys who also don't know what we're talking about today. - It's good to have a normal episode. Like we've had a few now where, God, I'm finding it hard to talk now, Jesus Christ, I need to like fire up my brain. - There're so many things that I wanted to talk about like a week, two weeks ago, but I just couldn't cause we had like themed episodes. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Like, okay, for example, I'm gonna just go right into the topics. - Sure. - Okay, okay. I've had a few topics that I wanna talk about as well, but we can just quick fire through every topic that we wanted to talk about. - Go for it. - About three weeks ago, I was scrolling on the app at like midnight, pretty late, I was getting ready for bed. Some reason, this genre of video is starting getting recommended to me, which was about like dangerous caves. - Okay. - Okay. - Have you ever seen these videos? - No. - Maybe I have. - Basically, it's just about caves that people go, I think it's literally called caving, where they go and explore caves. - Yeah. - All right. - Is it like uncharted and unexplored caves or is it like- - There's sometimes uncharted ones, sometimes explored ones. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And it was just one of those things where I was like, I do not understand why people do this. Like I could not fathom it. So there was this one video, I can't remember what it was called, it was talking about a cave in the UK and this cave had a section in it, right? Where the person has to crawl through the cave on there, like you cannot turn around, right? So you are crawling like this, right? For like a mile. - [Joey] Oh, I feel like I've seen that and it's like just wide enough to fit a single person, right? - One person go in it and you can't turn around until you get to the end of the part or the middle section, where there's a part where you can stand up and turn around. And it was like very-- - That sounds horrible. - I could, to myself, I'm like, yo wow! - That is a claustrophobe's worst nightmare. - I watch some of these videos and I get anxiety just from like, not even watching it, but just from the idea, thinking about it and some people do this with uncharted caves as well, which to me just blows my fucking mind and I get, if we don't do it, somebody is gonna have to be crazy enough to do it. - Like who dead ass looks at like a hole but just goes on forever and is like, "I'ma crawl through that." - Yeah, so it's horrifying cause there was like the thing about this video and the cave is blocked off now, so you can't get into it. Like you still can in different ways apparently, but what ended up happening was there was a flood while four people were inside the cave and yeah, they obviously drowned cause they were stuck in the part where you were crawling. - This reminds me of that scene from "Japan Sinks." - Yeah, it's so horrible and I was like, I have seen, I've watched documentaries about horrible stuff, you watch some videos about horrible stuff, like all kind of horrible stuff and nothing got my anxiety going like this. - Yeah. - Yeah. - And it was just awful, I was like, oh my God. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And yeah, there's YouTubers, who their whole channel is that they just explore caves that have never been explored. Which is like simultaneously the coolest thing, but also why the fuck would you, why don't you just like review stuff? I don't know, why don't you like react? - You could've made your YouTube channel around anything else. - It's so cool though cause like you sit there and there's someone was asking one of these YouTubers, "Like why do you do it, why are you climbing caves?" It's like, "Oh, cause it's like the only place on Earth where like no one can communicate to you and no one knows anything about and it's a secret to discover" and then that way, I kind of-- - Go to space. - Yeah. - Go to space, I don't know about that, Joey. Oh yes, I'll get on my rocket ship, Joey. - I feel it's a lot cooler. - Maybe, but there was this one video about this cave in, I think it was Utah. It's called like the Nutty Putty Cave - [Joey] All right. - And that's because apparently, the soil is of a texture- - Nutty Putty. - It was Nutty Putty. - Yeah, so apparently, the cave was like putty. - That just sounds like a euphemism. - And there's like, so let me paint a picture of this cave. So it's basically, this cave is essentially just one cave that just goes down, deep and it was a pretty well-explored cave, so most of this cave was all really, like really well-documented and mapped out. So it wasn't a cave for like super, super experts, it was like, oh, if you'd like caving, go in there, it's fine and there's two paths points in this cave. One were you supposed to go down and one that is too thin to go down. - [Joey] All right, right. - And the other part is called like the birth canal in this cave, it's so tight, right? That you have to grab, once you get your hands through this cave, you have to pull yourself vertically down cause it's too tight, so you have to pull yourself. So what happened was, right? The reason why this cave is now closed and why it's famous is that there was a story where this guy went down the wrong way and he thought, because he it was getting really tight, that, "Oh, I'm in the right point "cause this is the birth canal, as it's called." - Right. - All right. - So instead of thinking, ah, maybe I should like stop, wait for my mate, he's like, "All right, I should keep going." So he keeps going down a point that's too small and just get stuck headfirst down a cave. - [Garnt] Oh my God. - And we're talking like proper like tight, the whole thing and it's really brutal, cause this guy's stuck there for 12 hours and there's like tons of rescue attempts from like people and eventually just dies cause obviously, he's upside down for 12 hours and it's just horrible hearing this and also, could you imagine being a rescue worker? Like having to get someone out of a cave? - I felt like being a rescue worker in that sense, you're as likely to die rescuing the person-- - Yeah. - At one point, one of the rescue worker get stuck with him because he tries to go down the same way just to pull him out and gets stuck, but luckily, they get the rescue worker out, but then I was thinking like, is this just a bunch of people who are rescue workers? Who are trained in like cave rescue? Cause that seems like harder than the actual caving. - Yeah, like you already have to be good at exploring a cave, right? - I mean, how can you even be properly trained for an environment like this? - Yeah, yeah, because surely, I feel like that's such a specialized job. - [Joey] Yeah. Cause you have to set up a bunch of winches in a cave that's not set up for any kind of-- - Yeah, also, like what life choices make you decide, yeah, you know what? I'm gonna do something that's even more dangerous than cave diving and that's helping people who get stuck cave diving. - At least people who skydive or do risky stuff like that, at least you get a quick death if you fuck up, but with like caving-- - That's the part that fucked me up, is that if you're stuck, you're stuck. - It's a slow death. - It's just a slow death and you're in a tight space. Ooh, I'm getting anxiety just talking about this. - I'm not even claustrophobic and that makes me-- - Yeah, I was like exploring caves, that sounds kind of cool, I'm down for that. Exploring caves where, I once I go in, I can't turn around, that scares the shit out of me. That sounds terrifying. - [Garnt] Yeah. - I wanna turn, I wanna be like fuck, go back. Because if also, more often than not, it's recommended obviously not to go alone. - [Garnt] Yeah. - What happens if the guy in front of you starts panicking? - Yeah. - And you're the one behind him. - Cause there's nothing you can do. - Yeah - You're like, cause then you're gonna start panicking cause you're like, fuck, I'm stuck, the guy in front of me is stuck cause he's freaking out, should I be freaking out? He told me this was a good idea, fuck! - Like in the horror movies where you're in a group, there's a group and then someone says, "Oh, let's split up, "that's the smart thing to do" and you think, who in real life would actually do that? And I feel like these are the people who are just like making the decisions where you're just questioning, why the are you making this decision right now? This seems like a really stupid decision. - That's why I hate most like modern horror movies because they always throw in that trope, as if people watching this in the cinemas are like, "Finally, someone made a good choice "in a horror movie, to split up." - Also, another scary thing about being stuck underground, no signal, so you can't call for help. - Yeah. - Yeah, fuck! - The only reason in that Nutty Putty thing is why someone got help because his brother was with him and was like, "Oh, he's stuck" and went up to get help. - [Joey] Yeah. - But that's brutal, imagine watching just your family member just die. - Just slowly die. - Yeah, that's horrible, yeah. - Yeah, I can't fucking imagine it. - Sorry to start this podcast on a morbid note. - And to top it off, it's not even like a cool sounding place to die either, it's like-- - Is that cool? What are you like, bro, at least die cool bro, what the fuck? - My brother got stuck in a cave. - Yeah, yeah, I know, it's like there's like a difference between like, Oh yeah, my friend got stranded in death valley and died versus my brother got stuck in the Nutty Putty and died. It's like, it's a little unfortunate. - This sad as well, cause in the part of the story as well, it's like he just had like two newborn kids or something. - Ooh! - Ooh! - And it's like, why? It's like the video starts. He had a kid, he decided to celebrate by going caving and I'm like, no, why? - Yeah, It's funny cause I've been recommended like I would say not like a similar genre of YouTube videos, but just like in the opposite sense, which is just YouTube was who just climbed really high places. - Oh! - Oh, the over climbers. - And to like-- - I kind of get that, I don't know why. - I don't. - I don't like similarly how watching these cave divers, you get like a claustrophobic. I get vertigo watching these people just climb really high places. - I also have a fear of heights, so just watching it. - I guess I can understand Max I'm like, all right. One, normally climbing is like arguably climbing a tall skyscrapers, probably safer than going down a cave that's unexplored. - I mean, there's a difference between the feeling of being trapped and just falling from a very high place. I can see why you get that sense of freedom which is exactly the opposite of what you're getting. - Yeah, that's what I can understand that. We get the view and it's pretty cool, I kind of get it even though I know it's in the same. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And normally, I'm not going to lie either way, fin apostle-- - Yeah, yeah, because like I go recommend this video and the title of this video was, "Reflecting On The Day I Almost Died" and I'm just like, oh man, this is getting a bit too real here and it's just this guy who is climbing up this really tall building in Hong Kong, right? And it's just like this POV shot and it's just him doing commentary over it. - [Joey] All right. - And so he climbs up this really tall building in the middle of a, like from kind of like dawn. So before the sun rises and by the time he gets to the top the sun starts rising and so you have this really tall skyscraper and on top of this skyscraper, there's just like this really rickety scaffolding that goes like off like another mile or something. You know what I mean? - Right, right. - And so he starts climbing up this when it's like dark and then by the time he gets to the top, the sun has risen and he can see the view and then it starts raining - Oh no. - And he's up there by himself and in the commentary, he says that, "I had two choices, "either I could wait up there, wait out the rain "and just kind of risk. "Someone would see me and getting a rescue attempt "and I'd probably get arrested "or I could just attempt to climb down "even though I would be more likely to slip off and die." So of course-- - I'd climb down. - He decides to climb down. (all laughing) Like getting arrested and being rescued. - This is literally the horror movie split up or stay together. - No, that's what I'm saying, right? These people make the decisions to do what we see as like the dammer decision. - But I feel like if you're the type of person who's gonna climb a skyscraper, you're gonna be the type of guy who climbs down a skyscraper. - I mean, I guess in his head he was like either way I have to climb down, so I might as well just do it now. - I think there also is a fair amount of people who would rather die than be arrested. - Maybe, probably. - Maybe. - No, I genuinely believe there's a sacks of people like that. I don't want a criminal record so bad, I'd rather not exist. - I'm gonna die here it before I turn to all of you. - I think there's people who would rather take that risk, honestly. - Yeah, probably. - Cause there's some countries, especially where you get that shit, oh your life's ruined. - True, true. - Yeah. - America. America they don't, I mean, most of most developed countries, bigs up. - Yeah, I mean like it's, I mean, I find it interesting to watch people go through this stuff, but yeah, I mean, I could never do it myself. I think the most I would wanna do is skydive and maybe bungee jump, but the more I hear about bungee jumping, the less I wanna go through it. - For me bungee jumping is a hard pass. - Well, I think it's bungee jumping, it very much depends on where you're doing it and what company you're doing it with or is it some dude and his mate with a truck and bungee. - Are you in a country with health and safety regulations? That's the biggest thing I think about. - I hear people would like doing it in like places where I'm like, I don't think you be bungee jumping there. - I've seen and heard more bungee jumping accidents happen than skydiving accidents, so just like weighing out the ratio, I find that skydiving might be slightly better. - More so bungee jump over like water more often than not and you don't wanna slap that water. - Yeah, exactly. - No, yeah. - And bye-bye skin. - Yeah. - Water fucking hurts when you slap it at that stage. - Yeah. - That's speed, sorry. - I mean, it hurts when you're like belly float from like two meters up. - Yeah. (Garnt and Joey laughing) - Let alone like 30 meters. - I do wonder, I'm like what causes, like what happens in your, are you born wanting to do extremes like explore caves or go to extreme heights? Is that like something you're born with? Or is that something you like? - It has to be something you're born with? All right? - Or is that something that like over your life, something happens when you're a kid and it just. - No, because like I feel that from a young age, there's always like the kids who are going to be like, "Yeah, I'm gonna climb this really tall tree. "Watch me do it." - I was like that as a kid. I would climb anything and then I don't know what, I think maybe the first time you fall over badly and you're like, fuck, this shit actually hurts if you fall. - I think it's a difference between when you fall off that tree and you hurt yourself, it's the difference between, fuck, I'm never doing that again or fuck, that was worth it. - Yeah, can you pinpoint the moment at any point in your life where you've like, you know exactly where your fear came from for something. I mean, your B, right? - My B one. I still have that memory to this day. - For me, well, I'm afraid of heights, but like not to bad, like it depends on-- - I think like this, there was a little experiment on kids, right? There're some kids are born, like people are born with naturally a fear of heights. - Yeah. - Right, right, but I feel that my fear of heights came from the fact that at my parents' place, we have this kind of spiral staircase that goes down. - Oh shit, did you fall? - And I fell down that. - Oh no. - Oh no. - Yeah and luckily I didn't like break any bones or like hurt myself that badly, but I think I was only maybe like two or three years old when I did and it's the earliest memory I have of me just falling down and I'm pretty sure that caused a slight, maybe like fear of heights or something. - Doesn't it scare you that like little things happen to you as a kid could just like, fuck you up? - Yeah. - Yeah. - It makes me scared to have kids, I'm like, whoa, what if I like accidentally give him like too much broccoli? And he won't have chicken and broccoli ever again. Man, like I traumatized him, right? How do I know what's gonna traumatize the kid? - Hold on, that's the first thing you come up with. - I don't know. - Getting traumatized with chicken and broccoli. - If my kid, right? Doesn't eat the fucking cross, I'm gonna be sitting down the table with like the bottle of whiskey being like, why do they all go wrong? - Where's the fuck go that one? - I used to be really claustrophobic. I don't really get that anymore, but I used to be really much the kid. I know exactly why and it took me like years to realize like, oh, that probably was traumatizing. So one time our parents were out and it was me and my brothers messing around and we though, bro, that's just a suitcase. We can do so much fun stuff with a suitcase for some reason. So for some reason I think me and my brothers decided we're gonna take turns locking each other in the suitcase, right? So, I don't know why we decided to do this, again we were like fall four or five, I forgot how old we were. So I got locked in the suitcase, bear in mind, for some reason I thought I should eat my Coco Puffs in the suitcase. (Joey and Garnt giggling) So I was in the suitcase just eating Cocoa Puffs, right? My brothers-- - What was the point of this. What what'd you get out of this? - I legitimately don't know why we did this. I just have this memory and then they started-- - It's just a kid thing to do, right? - And then my older brother thought it'd be funny to start flipping the suitcase with Cocoa Puffs and then that was where I drew the line, I was like, get me out, get me out of here that he wouldn't let me out for like 10 minutes and I was like-- - I feel as well with that kind of like childhood trauma, it really depends on like what your siblings did to you. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I mean, I'm very glad that I had siblings cause I feel like man, I don't know, I learned a lot of valuable lessons. - I think it's because me and my sister we kind of like think the same way in a lot of things, so like we wouldn't do something to the other person that we would hate to do. - See this is is if you have-- - Only child, whoa! - When you have like three brothers, like I said man, it's like fucking "Wrestle Mania." It's like we would like genuinely have like full fist fights, we'd like punch each other in the face, all that stuff. - Yeah, I hear brothers would like Sydney and Russell had a similar thing where like, apparently they would just like punch the out of each other and that's just like sibling love, I guess - But we didn't do it often, but if like if stuff got really like bad, like we had a really bad argument, like we pretty end up fighting. (Garnt giggling) - Yeah. - I mean, going back to, with a fear thing, do you know what fear like fascinates me? I forgot what the name is, like Tyraphobia or something. - I had that. - The one with like the holes. - [Joey] Trypophobia? - Yeah, Trypophobia. The one where you like see like a lot of small holes-- - Yeah, that one makes me feel disgusting. - Cause like I didn't have a fear of this and I think that literally was a fear that got garnered because of the internet. - Yeah. - Because we had like the lily pond plants in Thailand and I grew up with them, so the little seeds. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! - So I was used to seeing this site everywhere. So I had no fear of it and then watching enough fucking YouTube videos about it, about this fear, I slowly gained it over time because I just saw these different like fucking-- - Disgusting, yeah. - Disgusting Photoshop edits. - For me it wasn't even like a YouTube video. It was literally just typing Trypophobia onto Google images and just the first thing you see is just this row and row. - I mean, don't fucking show any pictures. - Don't show it, don't show it in the video, but you guys if you want to then go for it, I'm warning you though. It's fucking gross. - I'm kind of glad that I had that though cause that made me like understand. Cause when I was growing up, I didn't really have, again, even though I was claustrophobic, I'm not really anymore, I don't give a shit now. Like I feel that that helped me understand when people have fears that don't make sense. - [Joey] Yeah. - Because before that I didn't really get it. Like if someone was scared of like falling, I'm like, oh it's just a fall and you'll be fine. That's a little bit of height, it's safe, but now I get it, cause from that, I'm like, this makes no sense why a bunch of little circles make me feel gross, but now I get it. - My fear of heights is really weird because it's only like certain levels of heights that get me queasy. - Cause like if you go up to like the Tokyo Tower. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! - There's parts of it where the floor is made out of glass. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! - So you can see that. - I'm totally okay with that, but you take me onto the balcony of like a 10 story building and make me look down, that fucks me up. Yeah, I think it's because it might be because like say with like Tokyo Tower, like the glass thing, right? Like, you know, that is safe. Like you could stand on that, you can jump on that. - Like you trust the engineering. - Yeah, I do. It's like they wouldn't, this is Japanese standards of engineering. They wouldn't put this here if there was a fear that somebody could jump on this and you could break through it, right? So I know I can stand on that, look down on it and fuck around with it because I know that's safe - Fuck around with it, what are you doing? Getting your chisel out. - No, I could like fucking stamp on it and jump around the stuff just to like freak out whoever I'm with and I'm fine with that. That doesn't scare me at all cause I know that's safe, but you put me onto like a balcony and I know nobody won't do it, but the fear of somebody could come behind me right now and just push me over the edge. - That's what I have-- - That scares me. - I have that fear whenever I stand on the platform edge in Japanese... Trains. - Oh really? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because I've seen enough anime where the main character gets shoved off and there's nothing they can do and I feel that, so whenever I'm like standing on the edge of a platform, I literally have to stand at a 90 degree angle because otherwise, I just feel uncomfortable. I feel like someone could push me-- - Cause it's harder to push this way, right? - Yeah, yeah, exactly. At least if someone tries to push me on the side I can like try to stop the momentum, but that's literally nothing I can do. - I don't walk cause like normally the platform is so full, right? And people don't stand on the yellow part which is like the danger zone, but like, if I need to get to the other side, I'll walk on the danger zone, but I won't walk there if the train's coming. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Because I'm like, I'm not risking being nudged or something, but if there's no train, if I get pushed on the tracks, I'll just get back up. Someone will grab me around. - I don't know man. I've seen someone get, like falling onto the tracks before. - Oh really? - Yeah. - What happened, did people help him? - I mean obviously like, they have those like emergency buttons that alerts everybody, so like I think it was obviously like some drunk dude just out of his mind trying to like get on. - I think there's posters all around the Japanese stations being like, oh don't get drunk, don't fall-- - I think it's something like 60 to 70% of people who fall into the tracks usually because they're drunk. Which makes sense, but yeah, I saw some dude like kind of stumble around and I was like, oh God, this guy is getting pretty close to the edge and then sure enough, he just went. - Oh wait, there was someone at our station one time. I remember seeing that. - Oh really? - Yeah, cause there was a bunch of stretchers and stuff, unfortunately, they fell and hit their head pretty bad. - Yeah. - All right. - Well, that's the thing, right? It's like-- - The gap is big. - It's really deep. - Yeah, yeah. Yeah, so if you're not careful, you can hurt yourself even if there's no train coming, but yeah. Do you guys have this like a unfounded, like feeling or fear or whatever, whenever you see like a big red emergency button that you shouldn't press and your mind's like, what if I press that? (Joey laughing) - What? No, I don't get that. - I totally get that, yeah. Like every time like you would go through the school hallways, there'd be like the fire alarm button. - Yeah, yeah. - Every time I would just stop and look at and be like, God, I wanna press this. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - I've never gotten this urge. - Because it's like I feel that's an experience that only like the 0.1% of kids you knew ever got to experience it, like-- - Well, you just wanna press the button? - Yeah, why you wanna press the button? - That was almost a bragging right as a kid, I feel being like, yeah, I've pressed this button before. We like, well, how was it? It's like, of course it's like pressing any button. - Cause I don't know what the emergency buttons or the fire alarm buttons you had in your school, but in like British School or my school, we had like this, it wasn't a button, it was like a very thin piece of glass that you have to break and I always wondered, what does it feel like to break that piece of glass? Like I just wanna know. I just wanna know what happens to that if I break that piece of glass. - Yeah, yeah, it's like what does it feel like? Like it does it hurt? Is it hard? - Like how thin is it? How much force would it take to press this button? - I do think, when you're on a bus sometimes, you see that little puny little hammer. - Yeah, yeah. - There'll be like this giant window, there'll be this tiny little like, it looks like an ice pick and a tiny-- - That's another one. Every time I came back from school and I saw that little hammer, I was like, I wanna use that. - I think what happens is when you literally that thing like touches your thing, it just shutters. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I was on a bus one time when the windows exploded. - Really? - Really? - Yeah, so what happened was, I was near the back of the bus and it was our university and it was a varsity event, so they drove the bus to the like one hour university over from Sandy to Cardiff. - [Garnt] Yeah. - And when we were on our way back, the bus driver went down the wrong road. Now, as you put it, you are aware, roads in the UK. If you don't go on the right one with a bus, it's way too narrow. - All right, right. - Yeah. - So what happened was, is that he went down the wrong road and he had to turn around, but it was like the road was like this, right? It's like a three-point, like-- - [Garnt] Yeah. - So we went down this way and so he backed it up the hill to try and turn around and as he was trying to swing the bus back round, the house that was in like the end of this road had like a pointing out, like a thing on the edge of that property. Like a tile and so as the bus is turning, you could see, I saw, cause I was sitting here like on this side and that was the side where the window was, you could just see this thing coming and I think they were like started screaming when they saw it cause he was getting real close and it just went and just exploded the window. - Wow. - Oh my God. - Yeah, yeah and then the guy obviously heard the fucking shutter and was like, "Oh!" So he backed up, goes to try it again, boom! Other window goes and there's glass everywhere, but-- - Wait, was that like near any of the students or? - Yeah, but they all ran to the other side. - Oh, fucking hell. - So like it was like, it was terrifying and then the bus driver didn't stop or anything. He just like-- - I'ma try this again. - He smashed I think in total three of the big ass windows on the side of the bus and then just drove back like normal. - Jesus Christ. - I'm sitting here, like glass everywhere, like what do I do? - Did the glass explode on someone? - Yeah, but the thing is right on the windows, it's common as you know this as well. When they smash them into their like the way they made, the window smashed into like non sharp-- - They're like blunt, little-- - Then they're a little like bolts, so they don't like cut anyone. - Still, that's scary. - It was fucking terrifying. - So what happened afterwards? - What happened was is that we just drove the last 20 minutes with no windows on the side and then we got off and everyone was like, what the fuck? And we all went and was like, what the fuck just happened? And I'm sure that guy lost his job. - Oh yeah, probably. - No idea what happened. University never said anything. - How old were you guys? - I was like 20. - Oh, okay. - Jesus. - This like a university bus. - This is my third year of university and I was like, what the fuck? What the fuck? And I just went on with my day. I was like, that was weird. - Jesus Christ. - Yeah, never heard anything about that. Felt like I deserved an apology for having glass flash on my face. - Was it loud? - Dude, yes! You ever had glass explode? - No I haven't. (all giggling) - I have had like probably the loudest sound I ever heard was, have you guys ever had like lightning strikes like hit really close? - Yeah. - To were you are? - No, actually, no. - Like you could feel the shockwave at that point. - So I had one moment where like, I legitimately thought I was gonna die, but it was in high school and like L, the front part of our school has this like big courtyard looking thing and it's kind of on an uphill climb, so if you're standing like right at the top of the hill and look up, you can basically look across the entirety of the school, which is kind of cool. So then me and my couple of my friends were there and it was like very lightly raining and you can hear thunder off in the distance, but it wasn't like a thunderstorm, right? So everybody was outside just kind of chilling and we had this like one really massive pine tree. I wanna say it's maybe like 15, 20-meter tall pine tree. It's huge, just like on the other side of the school. - Right. - And I was looking at it for some reason, just kind of like waiting for the bus, just like-- - What a beautiful pine tree. - Yeah, no, no, because it's so massive that it basically just fills up your entire view and then all of a sudden it was just this like flash of white and this the largest fucking crashing sound I've ever fucking heard and what turned out was a lightning bolt had struck that pine tree and that pine tree was probably only about like 20 meters away from me. - Oh, wow. - But it was fucking massive and it was crazy as well because like we're at the top of the hill, so you can see all the other students across the courtyard and everybody simultaneously was like, like that. - Obviously, I think I'd shit myself. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But it was so weird because that entire crash happened and for like 20 seconds the entire courtyard was just silent and we're kind of just like standing and then fucking seventh grader, like kids whose balls haven't dropped, you all over sudden like, "Aaah!" - This girl fucking shell shocked and PTST? - And there was just this fucking panic across the school. All the teachers like shitting themselves. The tree was on fire. - Yeah. - So like straight up, it was just like a fire, like this 20-meter tall pine tree was just on fire. - That was satanic shit. - But it was crazy because it was like it from, I'd say between a five minute span, no, sorry, five seconds span, it went from beautiful large pine tree to just a burning 20-meter log. - Darn, bro. - It's fucking crazy. - Darn This episode is sponsored by Honey. - Guys, listen, we all shop online and we've all seen the promo code field torn to us us at the checkout, but thanks to Honey, manually searching for coupon codes is a thing of the past gentlemen. Imagine it. - I am. - You're shopping on one of your favorite sites. - I can see it. 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That's practically everything in the industry. - Everything you can think of, Honey can save you money on. - Gentlemen, I gotta ask, how much should you save using Honey? - About 20 bucks. - On what? - On pizza. - Oh my God. - Yeah, because pizza in Japan is expensive. - Yeah, I mean, I would take any save. - Yeah, I could buy a whole lot of pizza-- - Garnt, what about you? - I saved 15 bucks on online delivery for my clothes. - Wow, I saved $15 on a new boom mic. - Ooh - But did you know gentlemen that Honey has found it's over 17 million members over $2 billion in savings. - Get out of here, Mr. Beast, we found a new king of YouTube. - If you don't have Honey already, I will come to your house and install it for you, but you could also be straight up missing out on free savings. It's literally free and installs in just a few seconds. - And by getting it, you'll be doing yourself a solid and you'll be doing the boys a solid as well by supporting this podcast. - So get Honey for free right now at That's - Back to the episode. - It really was scary. I mean, again like that was probably, I thought I was gonna go deaf cause it was so fucking loud. It was insanely the other loudest sound I've ever heard was-- - Clap my ass chick. - Yeah, that's it, of course you can't escape from me snake, but the other one was, we were playing cricket. - Of course, as the-- - Just give me some anime shit. - We were playing cricket and have you ever felt like how hard a cricket ball is? - Yeah, I think I do. - Yes, yeah. - That thing is fucking hard, it's like a rock basically. Yeah, it is a solid piece of whatever it is, but we were playing cricket in school and I was in the outfield and one of the kids like kind of smacked it really, really high up into the air and it was going towards one of my friends and he was underneath, he was ready to catch it. He was like, "Come on, catch it, catch it, catch it," but I think he miss timed it because the sun was in his eyes or something, so the cricket ball landed right in his forehead. - Ooh, God! - And the only way I can describe the sound was as if someone in the distance had slapped two pieces of wood together. It was just like this clack sound and the kid just dropped to the floor. We straight up thought he died. Cause he just-- - That shit is hard bro. - Yeah. - Was that like the Mortal Kombat moment where. (all murmuring) It's like a fucking fatality. - Yeah, honestly, because it went crack on his forehead and he literally just dropped to the floor. - Right. - Was he okay? - He was fine, like he had like a massive bruise on his head, but he-- - Man, this man's got a dummy thick skull. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah. We straight up thought he had died, we were like, Oh my God. - The hardest I've ever hit my head, this is gonna be a strange story. So I was in sex ed. - Okay. - Okay. - Let me tell the story all, right? It was I think second or third class of sex education, right? So you know how it is, teachers wanna seem cool. - How old are you at this point? - Like 13. - Okay. - So teachers like that, we wanna seem cool. This one, yes, he's sitting at the table some watching the video. I don't know why, is it a universal rule where the tables in the science class are taller than the ones in the other classes? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - You have that as well? - Cause you have like stools. - Yeah, it's like stools, like marge, right? So it's a pretty large table and we're sitting on it and so we were watching this and when we were all on the table, all sitting together with the boys watching the sex ed and the girls obviously. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - And on this day I decided that I was going to forego breakfast. I thought I don't need a breakfast, I'm a king, I'm gonna go to my sex education mother and I'm gonna watch it and I don't need no breakfast. So I was feeling a little queasy, but I was like it's okay, it's okay. - You're feeling queasy watching the video? - I was feeling queasy before and then I felt even more queasy hearing about this stuff because I was 13, they were like, yeah, so goo comes out of the woman's thing and I'm like. (Joey and Garnt giggling) All right, so I'm sitting there and I'm like, all right, okay, okay and then I'm suddenly like, I just started feeling like, oh, whoa, stuff's getting blurry and then I fall on my friend next to me, right? And my friend thinks classic Connor, classic Connor fucking around, isn't it? So he just shrugs me off. (all laughing) And so I go from this like pretty high tall table, like fell on my friend. I just dunk my head on this like pure like concrete floor. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And I wake up and I come to and I just hit like screaming and I'm like, what the fuck? And I look around and all the kids have like ran to the other side of the room and I'm just waiting here like, what the fuck's going on? I can't see shit, cause like my eyes are so blurry, so I hit my head so hard and I'm like, oh, what's going on? Like, I'm literally, I remember I sit up and I'm like, what's happening? - Yeah, you initially fainted from a sex ed. - Yeah, I got so much shit for it as well obviously. - That's such an anime moment. - I know, right? Yeah and obviously in school I was like, "Ah, Connor fainted cause he saw a dick." (all laughing) That's when I started fighting. I'm kidding though and so I couldn't see for like two hours. Vision was blurry and I was like, fuck, am I blind? But then luckily it came through and I think I was just very heavily concussed. - You're blinded by the dick. - Blinded by, they was showing Johnny sins his first wo-- - It's like, oh God. - Well, that's like a death sentence in school man. - It was okay. - Okay. - So now you know, not to skip breakfast. - Yeah, that was my bad cause yeah, I often felt pretty fucking sick all the time. So yeah it was my bad. - I mean, they just didn't help. - I know, just hearing all this stuff at that age, I was like fuck, that sounds disgusting. I hate like slime and goo so much, so hearing it come out of like body parts makes me feel so gross... Yeah. - It's the way they phrase it too, right? Because the only thing I remember from my sex education thing, cause I think I was like 11 or 12 when I do the first sex education thing. So already it's like, argh, for a lot of kids, right? But like the only thing I remember they told us which is the only reason I remember is cause it's so fucking weird to this day, but it was dead ass the first thing the sex education teacher said she was like, "Okay everybody, get your index finger "and put it on the inside of your mouth "and feel your cheeks" and I was like, okay, then that's like "That's what the inside of the vagina feels." - Oh! - Oh! That's so cruel. - And all the girls are like, "Oh!" And all the guys are like," Oh, hell yeah!" (all laughing) - Well you were to it, you went to an all guys school. - No, no, no, no, this is in elementary school. - Oh. - Elementary school, right? - Darn, that's the only thing I remember. - I just don't remember what it was that like set me off and it was like, I don't know why the fuck they showed this. - Yeah. - All right. - But they were talking about, I this is way too much information. So here's a timestamp on screen where we skipped talking about this stuff, so go and sketch it, maybe it's kind of likely to leave the room, so they were talking about discharge. - [Garnt] Okay. - For girls, right? - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - And it wasn't enough to just talk about it. - [Garnt] Yeah. - They had this like reenactment of this girl who goes to the toilet and they dead asked to do a closeup shot of like white shit on her pants and I'm like, that's disgusting. Why would you show that? We're like 13. That's what like made me feel gross. - Did you have to watch the obligatory, like woman giving birth? - Yeah, I was gonna talk about that cause I swear to God, whoever was like editing-- - That was like on a British TV there as well. They showed births. - You serious? - Yeah, there's a whole TV show. - Well, you had like specialists videos that schools like bought to show us like-- - It's fucking awful. That's so graphic. - Yeah and I mean, the person who edited like our video, they must have known what they were doing, right? Okay, so this guy, this old British guy was basically describing the process of a baby coming out of a vagina, right? And so what they use to describe what happens, the process of this happening, is they take a rubber band, right? He takes a rubber band and just like, he just goes, imagine this is the hole in the vagina, right? This is what happened when a baby comes out and he literally stretches it like that and then the class goes, "Oh," and shit you know, they then hard cut to like a baby that's just like crowning and just like coming out and I'm just like, thinking back to that moment and I'm just like, I think like in the moment, I'm just like the fucking editor knew what he was doing there. - It's not even like a cross dissolve, it's just a hard cut. - It's just a straight up hard guy. He knew exactly what he was doing. - Just like one of those like, whooshes in like that, just a fucking baby's head. (all laughing) God, they were so disgusting. I mean, obviously I'm glad that I was taught this stuff, but at the same time did they gotta go in so goddamn hard on that shit, that like eases in. - It was brutal. - No one enjoyed it. - [Connor] No, no. - No one was like, "Oh, this is interesting." Everyone's like, "No, oh fuck!" - I feel like it's a thing that does need to happen though cause-- - Yeah, obviously I'm glad that I taught cause I speak to Americans and sometimes they're like, "I have no sex education at all." - Yeah, I mean, like Sydney learned her sex education through her toy and I mean-- - That's boring. - That is boring. - That's like, what is it like? A lot of the States they just say, "Oh, abstinent. Wait until marriage." That's legitimately like I think many of the States-- - And I think it depends on the States. - It's not mandatory or something? - No, no, no. - Oh , really, wow! - In many States, the only certification is abstinence. Promote abstinence. - Yes. - So like Christian school, so it's not like. I think in England you have to do it, but you have to teach it by law, right? - Yeah, so in every, I think like in age 13 gets taught, like how to put on a condom, how to do all that shit. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - How did you get towards, did you get like the fucking banana? (all laughing) - No, it was so embarrassing. This woman, right? She was like, have you seen "Matilda" that movie? Like what's that woman called? Like the devil teacher in that, literally the woman looked like that, dead ass. - [Joey] Okay. - Took out this like fucking 12-inch dildo, smacked it on the table and she was like, who wants to put a condom on this? Who wants to try? And then everyone was like, "What the fuck?" Why is it so big? (all laughing) - A fucking dead ass dildo. - It was massive. It was huge. - So, I got this from my own collection. - That was why like, I remember, I went home that day and I'm like, what is average dick size? Cause I was like, that cannot be normal. That is like, that is 12 inches. The girth of it was ridiculous. That was clearly her own personal one that she brought in. - Yeah, had to there and there. - Jesus Christ. - Yeah, I have to do the banana. - Yeah, I thought that was just industry standard. - Yeah. - Oh, she put it, maybe there was a banana and she was like, "No, I'm gonna bring my own." - Let me just bring my Aunt Summer's like fucking pussy pleasure. (all laughing) - Dragon dildo. - Cause I think what happened was they ended up teaching it, like we had so much of it cause where I grew up was like the worst place in the UK for teen pregnancies. There's so many, there's so many that happened where I grew up and it was, yeah, obviously the government was like, "Hey guys, we know you're gonna do it. "Just please, please don't have babies." - Yeah. Just do it properly. - Yeah. - At the right time. - Remember like a few weeks ago when I was talking about how my mum told me that babies came out of the belly button? - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - So like she watched the episode and she messages me the day afterwards reminding me that actually my very first sex ed class, which was in primary school. I can't remember how old I was, I think I was-- - I'd have sex in primary, I don't think so. - I think I had like a very early sex ed. - Yeah, yeah - I had two or three during my entire childhood, I think and it just like every sex I'd got like progressively more graphic Like the older you get which is how it should be, but she reminded me that the first time I learned that babies didn't come out of the belly button and came out of the vagina. I dead ass didn't believe them. (all laughing) - I came home and I remember this so vividly because I remember the very first time I tried lying to my mum and it was like such an innocent little kid lie where I went to the toilet and I didn't wash my hands and she asked me if I wash my hands and I said, yes. That was the first time I attempted a lie in my life. It was like the most vanilla lie and she was like, "Let me smell your hands. "Let me smell your hands." And I'm like, oh shit. But the first time I tried lying, I got caught, so that was embedded in me from like a very early age just like people don't lie cause people get caught when they lie. - Let me smell your hands. - Yeah, yeah. - Oh, so you believed your mum. - Yeah, so my mum's like, "All right, I won't punish you this time, "but let's just make a promise "that we're just not going to lie to each other ever." And I like me, bright-eyed like, five-year-old, I believed her until like I hit teenage hood. So I go to this class and people and their teachers were telling us how babies came out of the vagina and I'm just like, actually. (all laughing) - Actually miss, I believe that they actually come out of the belly button. I know this, my mom taught me - Oh no. - And she was trying to console me, "No, they come out down there, your mom--" - I'm sorry your mother is a liar. - "I'm sorry your mom is wrong," so me being like the eight or 10-year-old, I'm like, okay, there're two adults in my life that have said two different pieces of information. I go back to my home. I go back and I tell my mom, mom, the teacher taught me this. She said, "You are a liar," but you know what? You promise me that we wouldn't lie to each other. So I believe you. I believe you, mother. I know that babies come out of the belly button and it's just like. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - Yaiks! - And yeah, she just reminded me that, that was a thing. I can't actually remember when I realized that babies didn't come out of the belly button. Message, just blanked that out. Oh yes, thank you mother for lying to me from a young age, I know you're a liar now. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - I remember one time I had like a bit of hair sticking up and for some reason when I put like water in it, it didn't go down. - [Garnt] All right. - That's like, fuck, that's real annoying and I'm like 10 years old and I'm like, I'm just gonna cut it. It's in the way, because it wouldn't go down. So I cut like a chunk of my hair out and then my mom's like, "Connor, did you cut your hair?" I'm like, no, no mother, of course I didn't cut my hair. She was like, "There's a piece missing." I'm like, I think it got trapped in the door. It was all I said. (all laughing) She's like, "So you're telling me that it got stuck "in the door with enough force "that it pulled your hair out?" And I was like, of course, as if she's like, "Let's try it again." (all laughing) And I'm like, God, no. I've never prayed for more of my life that my hair gets ripped out. (all laughing) So you go to the door, the hinge, first of all, she's like, "How did you get your head in the hinge at the end" and I'm like, I have no idea about that. So I put my hair in the door and I close it and of course, no hair falls out and she's like, "What happened Connor?" And then she's like, okay, mom, I cut it cause it was annoying me. She's like, "Why did you do that?" I don't know, it didn't go down with water. That's what I normally do and she's like, "Well, you didn't need to do that" and I'm like, oh, okay, okay, shit! - Mine started earlier when I was like stolen, like nappies and stuff like that, all right? Yeah, yeah, like cause I had this really, for some reason I had the fear of sitting on the toilet. For some reason. Like, because I think it was like two or three years old, right? It's like the last stage of you still wearing nappies, right? - Yeah. - And like, I really hated taking a shit. (Garnt laughing) Like I was really scared and I think it's because, I think my mom explained it to me later, she was like, "I think you were scared "not to like actually sit on the toilet, "but to like flush the toilet "because you thought "you were gonna get sucked in as well." - I mean, not gonna lie, there's those airplanes toilets. - Yeah. Yeah. - Oh shit, oh my-- - It's the airplane toilet fear and I thought that same force was in my home toilet as well. - I had the same fear. I just fucking remembered this and it came from an airplane. Cause when you flush the airplane, it feels like you're gonna get like sucked into oblivion now. - When I was like 10, what I would do is I would like, fucking close the door, cause you had like two seconds, you pressed the button and it goes two seconds. Yeah, yeah, so you have like two seconds to get out. - So, I thought I had that in my home toilet. So at that point, so two, three-year-old me was just like I figured out of resolution, just don't shit. (Connor and Garnt laughing) I'm wearing nappies. - Isn't that like a South Park plot? - It's like I'm wearing nappies, just don't shit, but like at that stage as well, I was like, I was too embarrassed to admit to my parents that I literally just shat in my nappies. - [Connor] Yeah. - So what I would do is like I would hide behind the couch and kind of just like subtly do it behind the couch. (all laughing) While my parents weren't looking. - What the fuck! - And my mom would like walk into the living room and be like, "Joey, what are you doing?" - I would try and get a refund on the kid if they were doing that. - It's like, "Joey, what are you doing?" And I'm just like nothing and she's like, "You're pooping, aren't you?" And I'm like, no. (Garnt laughing) Me while my face is straining like. (all laughing) And my mom's like, "I could literally smell the shit from here." (all laughing) What are you talking about? "Go to the fucking toilet." - Oh my God. - And I would literally do that for like the longest time until like finally, you get to the stage where you have to get out of nappies, right? And so I'm just like for the first like-- - You prolonged as much as you could. - Yeah, for the first, like two or three months out of nappies, I dreaded having to take a shit. I'm like, oh, I have to like psych myself up and be like all right, I'm not gonna get sucked in today. You can do it. (all giggling) It was horrible. - Man. - Honestly, I still have, like, I still have a fear of going to the toilet on airplanes, just because of that noise. Like if, if I need to-- - But don't mind, shit's not pleasant. - It's not pleasant, yeah. - It's like, I just get like a small flashback every time I hear that noise. I need to wear like fucking thick headphones every time I go, man. I'm turning that music. - Bro, that's what noise canceling headphones weren't built to feel like. - I feel like, cause you were saying that you didn't you'd never like lie, we've never like lying like your whole life up to like 14, whatever? Like when did you realize you could lie? - I think it was when I realized my parents lied to me and I'm just like, I can't believe they've bamboozled me like this - I just realized it and I was like, oh, I pretty started to like lie a lot more for a younger age because I had brothers. - Yeah. - Right, right. - Because like you can't lie to your parents cause they're your parents, right? They own you. - [Garnt] Yeah. - You don't get to like talk back. - Yeah, cause I didn't lie to my fucking parents. Like I said, like I got caught the first time I attempted this, so after that I was like, this is a loser's game. I'm gonna lose when I try. - For me, it was like, when you'd like go visit a friend or something and you'd like, the friend would be like, "Oh, I'm just gonna say to my parents that we're here "to do homework or whatever, but we'll just go to my room "and play games" and I was like, no, that's not gonna work. My parents would immediately see through that shit and I would see my friend, Dwayne being like, "Yeah, we're just gonna do homework" and the parents like, "Okay." I'm just like, you can do that? Oh my God. I'm gonna do that from now on. - Yeah, I think cause you only have like siblings. I don't know, I feel like you end up having to lie cause you're always fighting and arguing-- - Right and but like I was such a terrible thing cause you have older brothers, right? - Yeah. - Yeah, cause I was the oldest in the family, so I had to like teach my sister to be like, listen, you can lie to the parents. I've seen it happen, I've done it before, she's like, "Oh my God, thank you brother." - Parents hate this one trick, but people know it. (all laughing) - Oh my God. - Obviously. - Yeah, yeah. I mean, I didn't like to me learning I could lie or learning that people was like watching that like, one life hack, YouTube video that was literally an actual life. That was actually a literal high-life act. - Oh my God. - But no, I feel like that's why some people were just like so bad at lying because sometimes you play a game of Among Us. You can tell who the good lies from the bad lies are. - [Connor] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - I think I've always had this fear, like ingrains me from a kid that I shouldn't lie and even as an adult I have a harder time lying than some other people. - That's right, that's why I hate playing games like Among Us and like Werewolf or shit like that, cause I just can't lie. - Yeah, but it isn't fun place to just like, just have like a safe space where you can all just fucking lie and like laugh at each other-- - No, because I'm like, I can't trust any of you motherfuckers-- - Why? What, no! - Like after this game is over, I don't think I'll be able to believe anything you say. - Cause it's fun, right? Cause it's like you get to experience what it'd be like being interrogated if you committed like murderer or something. - Why was that fun? - I don't know, it's fun seeing if you can lie, if you can bullshit your way out of it, I don't know. - But you can never bullshit your way out of it. We should know this. - Sometimes. - That's why it's fun to watch interrogation videos. - Yeah. - Well, they are naturally be-- - I'm glad I'm not that guy right now. - [Connor] Yeah, true. - It's like the reason why I watch Leaguey Sports rather than actually wanting to play League myself. It's funny to watch other people go through pain rather than to have it hit myself. That's a really weird tangent, but that's the closest person I could think of. - I like seeing people suffer, not me. - Yeah, pretty much. - I mean, who doesn't. - Oh, I think the reason why mangas did so good is cause it did give like a thing where you can be like, "Hey man, there's not many games out there "where you can just like lie" and that's the whole game. It's like lying and deceiving and that's fun to get to do that and like blow off some steam doing it. - Yeah, I definitely do enjoy it. I've played like plenty of games of Werewolf where I really enjoyed that. Among Us, I just didn't get to play enough games to really get used to it cause I was still at the stage where they'd ask me what I was doing, I was like, I don't know what else I was doing. - I'm following the map. I don't know what the fuck is going on. - I like those games, it was fun when you would like realize after like one or two rounds, you're like, I know who the gut liar is. - Yeah. - Gotta take em' out. So they don't get to lie. - I'd say I never got to that stage because in my head I'm just like, how am I gonna bullshit my way out of this? - Yeah, by the time I had started playing Among Us, there was already a fucking meteor. - It's like, what task were you doing? And so-and-so okay, I know your innocent. - Like I just, I was getting smirked on. - I really enjoyed it, but I think after like the first two weeks the novelty really walled off on me, but obviously it didn't on YouTube cause it was like, it had like, well, like four, five months? - Entire career is what created from that game. - Yeah, I haven't seen anything blow up that much in a long time. It's got crazy. - I don't know. - I mean, I feel like I started watching Twitch contents way more after Among Us and four guys really took off last year and before that I had I'd hardly had watched any Twitch streamers at all and the only live streams I watch was like VTubers back then, but I was mostly on YouTube. So it kind of really, I feel like, I don't know if it's just me, but I like Twitch streamers is like way bigger personalities than they were in 2019. I don't know if that's just my perspective, but I definitely see a lot more Twitch people now. - I think at least, pretty cause were on YouTube, right? And I think what has happened is that Twitch Streamers, their content that's being put on YouTube is doing much better than before. - [Garnt] Right, right. - I think it's before the biggest channels would get maybe 100,000, 200,000 views if they air that videos, they upload it, but now the Among Us clips are getting like five, six, seven, 12, million views and it's like wow, that is nuts. - Well, I think it's because I still don't watch as much Twitch, but I see so many clips on my recommended and on my YouTube feed. I can't not see it now and I'm way more aware of what's going on even though I hardly actually watched Twitch. - Yeah, I don't know, I'm really enjoying it right now. I'm really enjoying streaming so much. I don't know. - And you've been playing like Apex every day. - Yeah, I'm gonna take Apex man, so much. - You found your new addiction? - Yeah. - Yeah, I have. - You're just gonna end up being like an Apex streamer. - Probably-- - Full time, yeah. I don't know, I feel like, cause right now what it is is that I just wanna play this game and I'm just like, all right, I just happened to put the stream on as well. - You see, like I can't do that because like my not stream gaming mode and my stream gaming mode is like completely different. - I agree, same thing here. - In my head I'm just like, if I'm not constantly commentating while I'm streaming, then I'm gonna look boring whereas if I'm off stream, I am fucking silent for six hours. - Yeah, me too, me too. - Yeah. I mean like, when you're getting filmed, I had to like really force like comments out of myself, but that's how I feel with Twitch as well where sometimes I'm playing a game in Twitch mode, sometimes I feel like I have to force myself to say something. This isn't like my natural default self. - I don't think that's normal though. Like no one normally just talks while they're playing video games themselves. Let's say that you actively learn to-- - Yeah, but I feel like sometimes you think at least, right? Or you, I don't know. - Actually, in some video games, I don't verbalize any of my thoughts, even it might mentally cause you can like mentally verbalize your thoughts, but I don't even do that. I'm just like, I'm playing the game, and it's just all like instincts. - I only got used to it because I used to do let's plays on my channel, but like before that, like my first couple-- - Why did you do the let's plays? - Yeah, my first couple lets plays, I was boring as hell just cause I was at that stage where I was like, okay I have to say something. I can't just like keep advancing with the game silently because I'm on camera, but as I did it for like fucking three years or however long it was, I just kind of learned to be like, here's something that I can say, here's something I can say to the point where I found myself sometimes in my non-recording gaming sessions, commenting to myself and I'm just like, oh no, this is a problem. It's like 2:00 a.m and I'm playing Final Fantasy 13 and I'm commenting to myself. - Commentating to yourself? - Are you streaming sharing? No, Why? - No, cause I was still living in my parents back in the time and so my parents would come in being like, "Who are you talking to?" And I'm just like, oh my God, who am I talking to? There's no camera rolling. I'm not recording this. - My parents thought I was, cause I was always on X-Box voice chat talking to people, they thought when I started voice acting they were like, "Oh Connor's just talking to his friends on X-Box." So they didn't know what I was doing. - He's just talking in funny voices. - I said, "Why is he saying the same thing "over and over again, huh? "Doing different inflections. "That's really fucking weird. "Nevermind, he's probably playing X-Box, "Connor's a weird one." (all laughing) - You got some weird hobbies, right? - Yeah, I think my parents definitely when I was kid, they saw me as like the weird kid of like the four, they were like, "He's the strange one, "but normally things work out in the end." - He'll find his way. - Yeah, that's normally the way it was. - I mean, like growing up, sometimes I do wish that I did have brothers and sisters cause I feel like, I dunno how you guys feel about your siblings, but I feel like there's nothing-- - I wouldn't wanna be raised without brothers or sisters, I think now that I've had them, I just couldn't imagine not being raised with siblings. - Yeah. - Yeah, same. - I don't know. - I can't imagine just having to share everything though. That's-- - Well, you don't have to. - That's how you learn to lie, right? (all laughing) Although I did have to share my X-Box and that was horrible. We have to like swap every hour and I'm like, I can't even get a good gaming session in here for now, are you kidding me? - I mean, that's why I'm glad like the first like game console we got was Game Boy Advances cause we had one each. - That was the first console you got? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well yeah, like any console that we could actually share, right? Or wasn't like a, two-play thing cause we had like the N64, I used to like that too, but if you have two controllers you can play together, but can't quite do that on a on a handheld console, right? - [Connor] True, true. - So it was fucking fun. Like sometimes I'd wanna get on the N64, play a one-player game, like fucking Donkey Kong 64 or Super Mario 64 or something. You can't play that with my sister. - Yeah. - So I was like fuck, what do we do? Let's get a handheld console and just play whatever fuck the games we want together. Problem solved. - Man, I miss being stupid as a kid and I do because-- - I had this thought the other day, I miss how simple it was just to like find happiness in something. - Right, so my first game-- - Getting real deep here. - Sorry, my first game console or game device was a Game Boy Color. - Okay. - Right? And my parents bought it for me in France and they were like, "What games do you want?" I'm like Pokemon. - [Joey] Yeah. - I didn't know at the time. - [Joey] Yeah. - So it says that the game is in French obviously cause we're in France, but somehow still managed to complete the whole thing. - [Joey] Wow! - When I was like eight or something and I'm like, I would not have the patience to fucking do that now. - No, no. - No, I don't know what the fuck was going on. I don't know what any of the moves did, but I think like eight-year-old me had just understood that this set of letters did this funny thing that did a lot of damage cause I had just been playing it so much. So I think by the time I got to the elite four, I think nearly all my Pokemon were level a 100. - Oh my God. - That was literally just trial by fire, right? - It was literally just grinding and I'm like, how the fuck did I do that? I'm so dumb or at least being that dumb where I could just throw myself at something like that. - Yeah, like I remember cause I also, I mean I got the Game Boy Advance, but the first couple of games I got were Game Boy Color games because you could play the Game Boy Color games in the Game Boy Advance which I was like, Oh my God, technology, but I remember like the part where I think about it now where it's like, I definitely had too much time as a kid that I could not sink into my adulthood was when I managed to on my Pokemon Sapphire cartridge. I played it so much that I maxed out the in time clock. - Oh my God. - Yeah, like I found out that on Pokemon Sapphire on Game Boy Advance. - Is it 1,000 hours or-- - Yeah, 999 hours and 99 minutes is the furthest it will go. - Did you just leave this thing on 24/7? - No, that's how much I played it. - I see it, man. When you're a kid, you just get obsessed. - Like every moment, because especially the Game Boy Advance, like looking back on it now, this thing's fucking tiny. Well, you can put that in like jeans pocket or like a jacket pocket, take it everywhere. - The best one cause I think it was literally when we were kids was that Game Boy Advance SP. - Oh, yes, oh! - Oh! That was so good. - Only the cool rich kids had a-- - Wow, the SP was like the best one cause that like just it would literally fit in your tiny child jeans. - Yeah. - Yeah. - It was amazing. - I remember one of my Japanese friends brought it to school once and he was like, "Boys, check this out." I was like, whoa and it was like, "And it's got a backlight on it" and I was like, whoa! You can play that at night. - Oh yeah, the backlight. I completely forgot that was the massive thing. - The SP was the first one that had a backlight and before then you had to attach like those like fucking reading lamp. - The fucking reading lights, like the awful glare. - I think actually the first model of the SP didn't have a backlight. It was like the second model which is the more popular model I think. - [Garnt] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - But I had an SP and I got one cause my friend got one and I saw him playing it and for like Christmas I was like, mom I want nothing more than the Game Boy Advance SP. You know what game I played the most on it? - What? - What? - Fucking GBA game. I played Pokemon Trading Card Game. Have you played that game on Game Boy? - Yeah, yeah. - It was so good. - It was fucking great. - I remember like, oh go ahead. - Oh, sorry, sorry, I had a finalization to this story. One time I thought, I was so addicted to this thing, right? I would literally walk around the house with it. I would sleep with it. - [Joey] Oh yeah, of course, of course, yeah. - If I was walking down the stairs I would play Game Boy walking down the stairs. - Yeah, yeah. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - If I was down at the table, that'd be there, if It was going to bed, I'd play it. - [Joey] Yeah. - I would even if I went to pee, I would play with it. - [Garnt] Okay. - So I would pee with it. One time I dropped it down the toilet. - No. - Not sure how it happened, I was playing, I was just playing Pokemon Trading Card Game and that was the cartridge that was there, I was playing it while I was peeing. You're like 12, your little dick's out, you're like. I don't know how I dropped it, I dropped it and I was like, how do I explain this to my mom? How do I tell her that I don't have a Game Boy SP anymore? (all laughing) And yeah, it didn't work. - Did you lie? - No, cause it smelled of piss as well. For some reason I checked if the Pokemon Trading Card Game still worked. - Of course. - But of course. - So I plugged it into the old Game Boy Color I had. - Yeah. - Yeah. - But yeah, so I had to go to my mom, I was like mom, so this is kind of like embarrassing. I dropped my Game Boy down the toilet and she was like, "How did you drop your Game Boy down the fucking toilet?" And I'm like, I don't know. I just really enjoy playing it and my family fucking rinsed me for like five years. - Oh yeah, if that was my kid, I'd fucking rinse him too. - Do you know how expensive a Game Boy Advance SP is at that age? - Yeah, but they loved it purely for the comedic purposes. Every time we'd meet someone, they're like this is Callum. He's very successful, very smart. This is Connor, he dropped his Game Boy down the fucking toilet. (all giggling) And I was so sad for like four months. I was just like this on every window, I was like what do I do? - Did you ever get another one? - I did six months later for my birthday. I was like, - Wow, really? Yean and literally I remember like for six months I was like playing Game Boy Color again, just playing Pokemon Trading Card Game with other shitty Game Boy-- - Your parents are nice man. If I did that, my parents would never buy me a game cartridge. - I think they felt so bad for me because of how like distraught I was and I think they thought I was gonna get over it, but I was sad for like half a year. - Oh yeah, it's like dropping a laptop down the toilet. - I could not get over it and I think my parents at some point were like, "All right, I think we should get him another one "or maybe like he's not gonna recover. "Maybe he's never gonna let this go" and I wouldn't have, I wouldn't have let this go. - Yeah, because like for me Game Boys were the only game console or like handheld consoles that I could actually get every game I wanted and that's because every year we'd visit our family in Thailand and there's always like that one store that my parents would take me to and it wasn't a legit Nintendo store. - Really? Really don't know. - I don't know if you could tell, but you basically go in the store and they didn't have the game cartridges. They would just have just the book and you'd go for this book and you tell these people which games you wanted. - Right, right. - So like my entire life, I would have to wait like a fucking one year to get two games. One was for Christmas and one's for my birthday and that was like the N64. Game Boy was like, this was like the early steam sale. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - I would just like the humble bumble. - Was free will instead. - Yeah, I would just go, I would just go and come in every year and be like, motherfucker, I'm about to buy 15 games for like 10 bucks or something like that. I felt good. - You don't like the Chad like fucking like, "I'll take everything from here to here please." (all laughing) - Oh, it was such a good childhood experience. Just like to sit down and just I would be there for about two hours and they would like, every game would have a different code. I would fill up like A4 piece of paper with just codes. I'm like mother, give me all these games and I wouldn't even play all them games, but it just felt good buying them. I felt rich for once. - It's because there was so many. I don't know what it was about the Game Boy Advance where it was like didn't know there was a game with that, but there is on the Game Boy Advance. - Yeah. Well, I used to trade games with the other kids. - Oh, I did that too. - Yeah. - Just the games that I was done with like Scooby-Doo Adventure, I'm pretty okay knowing I won't play this again. - If we go back to the lying thing, I've lied to one of my friends-- (all laughing) - What did you lie? Why? - So, I had this fucking like Mickey Mouse game on Game Boy Advance which I fucking hated. I don't know where I got it. - Did you hustle some kid? Did you hustle some 12-year-old? - I don't know where I got it from, I think I got it from like a cousin's hand me down or something, right? But it was like, it was in that bundle of like two or three, like shitty, like not known IP, get why does this exist type of Game Boy Advance games that you get and one of them was this Mickey Mouse like fucking platform a game. I don't even remember what the fuck it was, but yeah, I was in school and my friend was like, "Oh I got the new," this is when Emerald came out. - Right. - But side Ruby and Sapphire at the time, right? But I didn't have Emerald and I was like, I really wanna play it. - No, no! - So I was like and his friend, my friend wanted like to play this other like, I don't remember if it was a Pokemon game or Mario game or something, like one of the main line games. He's like, "I really wanna play this" and I said, y'all got that game. (all laughing) - No. - So what I did was I had, the thing is I did have the game, but I didn't wanna give it to him. - Yeah. - But I had the box for it. - No! - No! - So I did it. - Mickey Mouse. I fucking gebated him and I slipped the Mickey Mouse game into the Mario box and I was like, here you go mate, inbox. Don't have to check it, now you can check it when you get home, right? And I took Emerald from him and I still have that Emerald cartridge to this day. - Wait, did his mom not call you out your mama who like, be like, "What the fuck, your kids scammed my kid." - I don't know, maybe he really liked the Mickey Mouse game. - Cause in the UK, there was these like you'd have like footballer cards. - Yeah. - Right? - Right, right, right. Like Fantasy Football? (Connor murmuring) - I don't know who was good. I didn't care about football. I just wanted the best stuff cause I was like, it's a game, I want the best and I was a real hustler, man. I would do deals, I'd be like that stockbroker being like, "I can give you this, I can give you that." "Maybe, I don't know" and one time I remember, I was really annoyed cause this one kid, he did a really stupid trade with me and I was like, sucks to be human. He gave me like one whole DTO for like some two players that were terrible and I was like profit, stocks and I went home, right? I thought, great. I'm looking at my collection of cards. This is amazing, I've done such great business today. I was literally like Trump out of the deal at school. - Yeah. - Yeah, making good trades and I'm just chilling at home, admiring my collection and my mum comes in being like, "Connor, what have you done?" I'm like, what have I done? She's like, "Tim's mom has called up. "She's furious. "You apparently you stole a card from him." I'm like I didn't steal a car from Tim. Tim's a fucking liar. Tim gave me Ronaldinho for two of these shitty players. She's like, "Really?" And I'm like, yeah, yeah, get him on the phone. I'll tell him what happened. And so I'm arguing with him and he's like crying on the phone, being like, "That wasn't a fair trade, you scammed me." I'm like, I didn't scam you, I don't know who's good. I just saw that this game was shiny and you gave it to me and then I got fucking, I had to apologize and give it back cause he made a dumb trade. I'm like, that kid got lucky. - That doesn't happen in the real world kid. - Yeah. - I'm like in the real world that guy never would've got his money back. He deserved to take the other guy. I was so pissed, I was like, mom, you interfered in my negotiations. Do you know how irresponsible that is? That kid should have learned the hard way, that he made a bad trade. - Your mom literally did like a CIA drug bust. (all laughing) - I was like-- - Doom, doom, doom, open the door! - Even like 12-year-old me is like, I think he should deal with the consequences. It was a bad deal. - He agreed to it. - He should learn now that this shit hurts when you make a bad deal. - He needs to learn a valuable lesson. - Yeah. - Yeah. He learned the hard way. - Clearly, his mom is cuddling him too much and helping him. What is this? Like the fucking Melvin capital? Like the fucking the stock trade? What's the American stock trade, like people who watch the things being-- - I don't know. - I don't fucking know that. - Game stops getting out of hand. We have to stop this, no, no, no. They literally did that to me. This is fucked up, terrible. I was furious. - I kind of like talking about this is bringing back memories for me as well cause the only time I've ever liked tried to hustle people was during like the Pokemon card era. - Oh yeah. - Yeah, I do. - There was so much, I think he just got normalized that just kids would just try to hustle each other. - I'll give you a 100 energies for Ho-ho. Please, please. - I swear like around the world, like we had the fucking like, the big like cocaine thing in the 80s, but like the 2,000 was like the Pokemon card equivalent and like everyone was like, "I'm gonna fucking scam everybody for this." - You don't know real hustle man until you've been in school trading Pokemon or pugs or whatever the it is like. I said, that's like, that's where the real negotiations happen, I'll tell you what? That's where I learned the art of the deal. (all laughing) - Cause like away from the streets. - I lived the hard way. - Cause like I remember when I first getting into Pokemon, I just had like the worst "Gacha" luck. I was buying so many expansion packs that I got nothing. So I had like no value that I could trade with. So I'm just like, what can I scrounge up that I could sell to people with value. So going back to the the old game game cartridges that I would always buy. - Right. - So I knew, right? Even as a kid, I knew like those game cartridges that you get that says 400 games in one game cartridge, I would always buy them and I'd tried playing them, but you know, they would have like the shitest games. - And it's normally 30 games or like 30 games that repeat. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, it was like 30 games from like a game that was like a Chinese rip off from like the older generation cartridge. - And there's like eight different versions of Tetris on that. - Yeah, so I'm just like, I don't need these in my life. I'ma try to sell them. I'ma try to hustle these for Pokemon cards. So, because I got these in like Southeast Asia, I don't know what it was like in your town, but like you couldn't really get like knockoff game card cartridges or knockoff game as well. - I only ever like saw them once and my mind was blown. I was like, how the fuck did you get this? - Yeah. - Yeah. So I would go up to kids on the playground and be like, yo, you gotta Chinese Charles OD, lemme let me introduce to you to my game cartridges. Yo, this game cartridge says 30 games on it. - Going as the recommended retail price of one game. That could be up to $10,000. - So I basically pawned off these cartridges that I wasn't gonna play for shiny Pokemon cards and that's how I got like at one point the most like shiny Pokemon cards on the playground and then I left three of them in my life fucking jean pocket in the wash and they were just gone. - Oh no! - Lost. - I used to do something similar to that, but with Yu-Gi-Oh cards, cause Pokemon cards got very quickly banned from my school cause like all the kids would just like, even during class would just be fucking playing around with it, right? So we were like, all right, well, the teachers already know what a Charaza looks like. - [Connor] Shit, they're in it on the inside. - But they don't know what blue eyes, white dragon looks like. - What part of greed looks like. - So let's move on to Yu-Gi-Oh cards and I got so into like the hustling of Yu-Gi-Oh cards, like to the point where like it was the peak of fucking Obelisk? The fucking like, you collect the five pieces of Obelisk in your hand and you're like automatically win the game like that. - Yeah yeah. - Xodia. - Xodia, Xodia, sorry. - Obelisk. - Obelisk is a different one. Sorry, Xodia, yeah. So it was the five pieces of Xodia, right? - Well, you could, that was like a starter deck that you could buy, everyone had Xodia. - Yeah. - Right, but not everyone had all the pieces, right? Because the Xodia, cause you usually in those starter packs, you'd get one piece of Xodia. - I remember in the UK, I don't know why I just did remember this? They literally sold a deck that had all the five Xodia that you could do buy for like 20 bucks. - Really? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Because for us, it was like the old the booster pack was like you'd maybe get one piece of equipment. - Yeah, there was booster pack, there was like starter packs, I had all of them. - Yeah, yeah. Okay, okay, so we didn't have that luxury in Australia, so the only way someone could physically get all pieces of the Xodia, was to do a bunch of hustling and trading and get all the pieces and so as like a 10-year-old, I had like one Xodia thing, but I was like, I love this guy so much, I wanna collect all of them. All my friends have all these other pieces, but they're not gonna trade it to me because they realize the value of Xodia on this market right now. So I did ask, went up to my dad and I was like, father you work for a printing company, don't you? You have a high quality printers at your work. Here's some P and Gs of Xodia. (all laughing) Could you print them out onto card paper and give them to me? - [Connor] Yeah, yeah. - Any full-on like printed out these like pirated fucking Xodia and they were like shitty, like 240P qualities of Xodia, right? But as a 10-year-old, you don't know the fucking difference. - Oh shit, I just got mad flashbacks. Holy fuck! - So I would come to school and I'd be like boys, I have all my pieces of Xodia. - On terrible, like printed ink stained. - One of them is in like 1080 P and the other is like three pixels. (all laughing) Kids are like, "Wow!" It's like, I can trade them off to you as well, if you want. - Man, I remember that like, I really, really wanted like, I think there was like element heroes or something and there's like Yu-Gi-Oh XD collection or something. - [Joey] Right, right, right. - And my friend had them all, but I wish I looked a little closer because he traded me them and I was like I want them pretty badly and then I got them and I was like, oh wait. They're like the descriptions really weird and it was all just like gibberish, like fake Chinese sounding stuff and then I realized, when I looked a little closer, it was like printed all like fucked and I was like, wait, I just got hustled. Yeah, it was all fucking and I was like, so sad. I was like, where the fuck did you get this. - You literally got scammed into a Chinese knockoff. - But like you feel them, they look good. It doesn't look bad. Then when you look at the quality a little more and you're like, oh wait. - Enhance. - Yeah and then you see like the text and you're like why is it weird fucking like Chinese sounding ass thing. - If you wanna see something like anxiety-inducing right? So I remember I talked about rhystic studies before about how he makes magic videos. So in his Black Lotus videos, so like black load is a thing, like one of the rarest cards or expensive magic. Most expensive cards, so he talks about how you would like figure out what a fake one is to a real one and apparently one of the ways they used to test this is called the bend test where you will take this card and you will literally have to bend it. Like, imagine this is the card, so you literally have to bend it there and if it's a real card, it won't crease at all, but seeing this like $2,000 card being bent like that, no matter if it bends or not, I get anxiety and I have zero knowledge about magic or any investment in magic at all. - All I know is there's a video where a guy just casually talking and he's opening packs and then he opens it and he gets a Black Lotus and he starts. (Connor screaming) Like that, it's so funny. He's like casually talking and then just starts freaking out. I gotta find the link to that clip, it's so weird. - [Narrator] And then the other on is boo! Holy boosh! (Narrator giggling) That's a fucking Black Lotus. Holy God. - That's like the one thing I've been enjoying about like this resurgence of like opening Pokemon cards. It's just like people just like casually talking and then just pulling something really and be like. - People turn it into gambling. That's flat return. - Pretty much. - Cause if you turn anything into gambling, it's 10 times more fun. - Is this how people feel when they watch us roll for fucking "Gacha" you on this? - Yeah, the exactly. This is why I went on a rant. - This is why "Gacha" streamed for a long time. Did so fucking well cause people love it when. Like that dude who fucking, that Japanese, like streamer, who was, what was he fucking doing? He was doing Arknights rolling. - There was a guy rolling in Arknights, he was dressed up as a Yogi. - [Garnt] Yeah, that's right and he had life? - [Connor] Yeah, every time he did a "Gacha" poll, like his life points would go down and the Yogi was like. And he was like screaming - He did like a fool, voice acting. - Yeah, he was voice acting and then he was like and when he pulled every time he would make it sound like he was like summoning. - He would like draw. - Yeah, he was like draw and then-- - That sounds amazing. - It was fucking amazing. - It fun really fucking good clip. It's so funny. Hopefully we can play it for like one second. It's really funny. I'm like, God, that's way too much act. - Yeah. I can't be bothered to like come up with like exciting things like that for streams which is why I'm always impressed with like how recently you've been doing. - I mean, I feel like at that point you have to treat streams the ways the same way you treat YouTube videos. - Yeah, that's what I kinda I do sometimes. I mean, right now when I'm just playing Apex over and over again, I'd already say it that way, but like when I'm doing certain things, I do think of it as like, oh, just think of it as if you're making a video. - All right. - Yeah. - And then just talk to the audience that happened to also be watching you made this video. That's the way I see it and I think that when you think of it like that it's a lot easier to actually make good content live streaming, but if you don't have that frame of reference of how does it feel to make a video? Cause obviously we have like five years of experience of talking to the camera, making a video, but if you'd never had any of those, it's like, how do I explain how you should behave? - [Joey] Yeah. - Good content, but then again, I think I've still like a lot that I can improve on, so I'm getting there. - I mean, it's a different field, but the way I see it is that, I think either of us can become successful streamers. I just think I don't have the energy to put into it because I would have to use the energy that I put into making YouTube videos into making Twitch streams. They come like whole and-- - I mean, there's, there's so many YouTubers here end up just stopping YouTube and gotta be a Twitch streamer or vice versa, it's normally YouTube has become too expensive. - For me, the thing that is just stopping me from making that transition is the fact that I wouldn't be able to take a vacation. - Yeah, that's like YouTube. Before I moved to Japan, people didn't know that I didn't do any work for a month cause I was busy doing stuff, but I prepared enough videos in advance like everything was running perfectly smooth. - [Joey] Right, right. - But I was able to take a month off. - [Joey] Exactly. - Which is like, oh my God, that's nuts. - You take a month off as a streamer, like basically your fucked. - People would know. You just disappear off the face of the earth. - Yeah, pretty much. - Yeah. - Yeah, which is why, I don't know. Right now it's just like a fun little side hobby right now, but I've noticed that I tend to, I use still, when I would do YouTube videos, once I finished with the video, I would think about, alright, what's the next YouTube video I'm gonna make? And I would think about that all day. What am I gonna make? What am I gonna do? Oh, I can make this, I can make that, but like now I don't really think that way. I think like, I plan what videos I'm going to do and then I don't really think about them. I just kind of, until the day comes where I'm making it I'm like, all right, trying to make a YouTube video which I feel is more healthier in some ways, but it feels weird. It feels like I care less, but I think it's a good thing. I don't know. - I've had to try and change my mentality towards that as well, where especially hanging out with you guys and just all constantly compared to you guys feeling like I'm behind schedule and that's because I'm very like, my content is very like inspiration based. I find it so hard to work on a video if I don't feel like working on the video. I can't just like force the video out, so I have to basically try and schedule enough ideas ahead of videos I wanna work on in order for me to be able to meet that like schedule. - See, I think inspiration is a little bullshit. I think, I think you can't rely on inspiration at all. - [Garnt] Right. - I think if you did what you did for the BBC. - [Garnt] Yeah. - You don't have a choice if inspiration or not. - Yeah, I mean, it's a different career path, right? I mean, it's comparing like a office job to a creative path. - Yeah, but I think for any creative field it's important to discipline yourself to-- - Well, yeah. - It's something you have to learn, but it's just-- - If I get inspiration, it's fantastic, I love it, but it's so fleeting and motivation is so fleeting as well, it's like, you just have to discipline yourself to work. - I'm kind of like halfway in between I think. Like, yeah, of course if I have to, if time is crunching and I have to record something in order to make the deadline then obviously, regardless of if I'm feeling inspired or not I'll have to do it, but for the most part, it's like, I wake up in the morning and I think, okay, do I have to record today? Then okay, I'll record, but if I don't have to and I don't feel like it, I'm not gonna fucking force myself to do it. - Yeah, I mean there's some days where my mood is so bad that I'm clear it's gonna come off in the video, so I just don't wanna do it, but then it also in that time, okay, if I was gonna make a video, well, I can't do that today, I'll do something else that's productive that can force me to keep on top of things. I don't know. - But like recently I feel like I haven't really had that choice because I think the past like four videos I've recorded this week have all been pre-scheduled on like certain days and certain times, right? - Yeah, I mean that's what I try and do. I try and leave a lot of videos that are in the works, a lot of videos that are ahead, so there's always something I can work on. I don't like to just finish a video and be like, I got nothing, what am I doing? What's next? Huh? I think it's good to have multiple things your working on. - It's like, you have to plan for the next one as your making the previous one. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, which is also a thing that's quite difficult for the way I used to work. Cause I used to like, I had to do one thing at a time. - Yeah, same, same. - But now yeah, I've got-- - Now I'm juggling like seven different videos. - Yeah, something like that, I've got quite a lot. - For me, I'm either working on seven or I have no idea what I'm working on. No in-between and I need to change that, but that's why I feel like I find it so scary if I was a Twitch streamer, cause the Twitch streamer, you have to start streaming no matter what mood you're in and I feel like that it's so much harder to hide that on a Twitch stream rather than a YouTube channel, where you can just-- - Yeah, because it's constantly on camera. - Yeah. - It's true. I mean, I think the one thing that's even worse than starting the stream when you're in a bad mood is when your mood sours midstream. - Oh, yeah. - You totally shit God. - I can call that. - When you'll start, liken whole happy-- - You'll start in like an hour and then maybe you'll get like a text from someone that's like telling you like bad news or maybe someone will say something that's like real fucking mood or maybe something happened, like the stream starts to go wrong. - [Joey] Yeah. - Like when stuff starts going wrong whilst you're streaming, it is so much more mentally taxing than when if then starting the stream in a bad mood cause you're like, it can't get worse. I'm already in a bad mood. - It's like fucking up on stage in front of an audience, right? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Versus just up in a recording booth. - Right, right, yeah. - It's big difference. - Like some fucking clown. This actually didn't bother me that much, but this is like an example of something that could happen, so like whilst I was streaming one time something happened on my discord server, where one of the mods made someone else a mod who was pretending to be a mod. So someone joined my discord server saying, "Hi." For some reason, I'm not a moderate anymore and they have the same profile picture and the same name as a moderator and someone else on my server thought, "Oh yeah, that checks out. "That makes total sense." Gave the moderator and then they just start injecting a bunch of bots into my server and started like spamming it, so my discord server completely got raided whilst I was streaming and the whole purpose of this person doing this was to do it to people who are streaming live, so they could get a reaction. So I'm there, it's happening and all my chat is like, "Connor, Connor, your fucking discord's on fire" and I'm like, oh, okay. All right. I mean, it'll get dealed with. - Yeah, yeah. - Who cares. - Yeah, it's something you can deal with later. - Yeah, that's like that, but it's frustrating when everyone was like, "Bro, bro, you need to look at this. "Look at this thing." I'm like, I don't really give a shit, like I'll deal with it later. - [Joey] Yeah, yeah. - But I was good cause that guy was going around trying to film TikToK reactions of streamers getting angry and I was like glad I didn't know that at the time, but I was like, I'm glad I didn't fucking react cause I was like, oh, okay, cool. - Sounds like an asshole, dick thing to move. - Yeah, don't do that. - Who does this shit? People want attention, right? It is what it is, nothing new. - Yeah, nothing new you in the world. - You just gotta deal with people who always look in to attack you. - Yeah. - Yeah, I get that sometimes. I get every now and then these like obviously people who are just coming into Twitch chat just to fucking get a reaction out of you, just spam bullshit and the best thing I do that just works is like, I respond to them, but in the most dead pan fucking voice ever where it's like-- - Your normal-- - Yeah, literally just my normal like talking voice as if I'm like responding to chat and sure enough they eventually just go away because that's what they want in the end. In the end they want you to be like, how fucking dare you say something like that. You're such an asshole. - I don't know, I already worry too much about it. I just stare at them, do what they wanna do. - Yeah, but like a lot of streamers who are just starting off can't really process that, right? You're just buying into the bait. - It's hard to wrap your head around that people are just gonna do mean things to you and you don't know why. - It's nothing personal. - It's nothing personal, people just do this. - And it's sad that, that's part of the job, right? I could like, there's someone out there who I have no idea who they are, I have no interaction with them ever, I've never spoken to them and for some reason they just wanna see bad shit happen to me. I'm like that's really difficult to accept that, that's a reality. - [Garnt] Yeah. - Cause it takes you a few years I think to like actually accept that. - Yeah. - Right? - [Joey] Absolutely. - I don't know when I started just kind of like getting over it and just being like, all right, you know what? It's gonna happen. I feel like it was like two, three years ago, I was just like-- - Probably when it happened enough times and you just kind of get used to it and it's sad enough-- - Yeah, you can't do anything about it. You just gotta not let it ruin your day. - You think about a logically, right? Your being like, well I've never interacted with this person, I don't know what this person looks like or what they're like as a person. They don't know what they look like, right? I've never interacted with them. So they're obviously not saying all this shit out of any logical basis. - Yeah. - Yeah. - So why would I take any logical basis out of what they're saying? - No, it's true, it's true. I guess it was always to be sad as long as I'm like, man if they actually just spoke to me, I'm sure they'd pretty see that I'm a nice guy and they wouldn't wanna do this. - Yeah, exactly. - Yeah, that's the thing. - Speaking of assholes online. I wanna quick rant. - Okay, go for it. - Because I know we've talked about "Attack On Titan," like plenty. - All right, all right, here we go. - Great start. - Is it the weekly "Attack On Titan". - The weekly "Attack On Titan" rant segment. I'm getting so fucking tired of spoilers. It's gotten to the point now where my enjoyment of this is getting fucking ruined because of spoilers online. Like logging on to Twitter now, especially on a Monday, right? It's like I'm trying not to be spoiled on the "Attack On Titan." It's like trying to go to like a crowded hospital without a face mask and expecting not to get Covid. That's like it's, I've been spoiled now on so many plot points of "Attack On Titan" that I feel like as someone who likes to binge shows and as someone who doesn't wanna, I don't wanna keep up with it like weekly, right? But I feel like I'm being held at gunpoint just to keep up with this weekly. - Yeah, I feel you on that. - You should go through the Wiki and get every character name and you should mute them on Twitter. - That's what I've done. I've done that and yet still I would be on a run for it. - It sips through the cracks. - There's no way to stop the cracks and what I don't understand is why is it that when we talk about spoiler culture, why is it that with a show like "Attack On Titan" it's fine to talk about it as soon as it airs? - It's because everyone, all the "Attack On Titan" fans expect that everyone is watching it as the episode comes out. - Because we have something like the "Avengers." - So wait, so wait, you think it's not okay to talk about it after it airs? - I mean, I think there should be a buffer period. Like we have this for the "Avengers." Why can we not have this for "Attack On Titan" or any other TV show? - What's your buffer period? I don't remember. - Yeah, I mean, there was a massive fucking buffer period where like the directors and everyone was just like, "Please do not talk about the "Avengers End Game" "for like a good two, three weeks." And there is just no buffer period for like TV shows and like, we're living in an age where it's like on demand. So it's not even the same as it was before where things are airing on TV and people are watching at the same time. Everyone's watching at different times. It's literally an on demand service. This episode is sponsored by BookWalker. Gentlemen, have you ever heard of BookWalker before? - No, explain it to me. - It is an official ebook store and app for digital manga and light novels. - Wow. - This is Maylene's collection right here. You've well, my God you've normally did this out. That is not. Actually "Attack On Titan" front row, yeah Maylene. - So this is the list Maylene list I've ever seen. - Okay Maylene. - Okay Maylene. - Sorry, go back to it. - Yeah, okay. Why don't you get the app on your Android iOS device. You can view your purchases and read them offline if you download them. - And the best of all you can customize the bookshelf like Maylene has. She just put the "Trash Taste" logo on it like the true fan she is. - Most importantly, they are simultaneously releasing the "Attack On Titan" manga. - Is that a good manga? I've never heard it. - Guys, guys, stop talking. There's only two chapters left, so if you don't wanna get spoiled, read it right now on - The second to last chapter was just released three days ago. - What? - So check it out right now. - I'm going there right now. - Link's in the description. - Sorry guys. I'm going right now. - "Attack On Titan" is a good manga. - I just came back to confirm I'm reading the new chapter, it is amazing, it's amazing gone. It's not good, it's amazing. - Okay. - Go and read it on right now. (Joey laughing) Back to the episode. I really like the community aspect of when an episode airs, everyone talks about it, I kind of like that - No, but there're ways to talk about it in ways that are not spoiling and there're places there're like open forums that you have to physically go and look up, right? - When I talk about the show on Twitter, I try not to mention spoilers. - Yeah, I know. - Yeah. - Every tweet you've tweeted about "Attack On Titan" it's fine because you're not spoiling it, but you still leave open for discussion, right? - But there're some-- - I mean, I still mute it right away. - There're some fucking kids who just do not understand that and they're just like, "Yeah, of course everyone is watching it." - (indistinct) 4K picture, I can't believe this character died. - Yeah. - Yeah, yeah. - It is like, oh my God. - It is like there's like some motherfuckers who will literally like put a full spoiler and then like put a spoiler warning five minutes after they just spoiled with the fucking thing they talked about man. Right now, social media is like setting a minefield. - I've understood the whole like spoiler warning at the beginning of a tweet. It was like, how about you just don't tweet it - Actually it's I honestly not gonna lie, it saved me a few times. - [Garnt] Really? - Cause I'll read the top of it about a show and I'll see a picture and I'll quickly scroll cause I'm like, all right, sick. That's for the warning actually saved me. - All right, to me, it's just the most pointless fucking warning. - It's better than nothing, right? - No, I would rather just you not spoiling it to be honest. - But I understand, right? Cause "Attack On Titan," I wish I could tweet about like the details of the show a little bit more, but I know that because I've like quite a large following that I'm gonna have spoil it up for someone, so I don't wanna do that. - Right, right. - Yeah. - Like I literally like every time I-- - But I do think that if you go on Twitter on a Monday in Japan and you haven't watched the newest episode, honestly, that's kind of on you. - Well, thanks for the victim blame right there. - So if you guys don't know "Attack On Titan" airs I think in the evening in America, but it airs like 5:00 a.m on a Monday for us. So first thing I do every Monday when I wake up is I watch the episode, I don't open Twitter, I don't do any cause I'm not being funny. I know the internet, they're gonna spoil it. There's nothing you can say here or ever do that will stop them from doing that, so why not just watch it? - I feel though that this "Attack On Titan" incident is like almost unprecedented. Like I don't think there's ever been an anime that has been where the amount of spoilers on Twitter has been this prelevant. - There's been none and I remember because "Attack On Titan" season three, part two, I thought, I got spoiled on some like minor things, but-- - Is it that bad? I don't see that many spoilers online. - I see so many. - I see it on Twitter trending page. - Yeah! - Oh! - Like that's how you know it's getting bad. When literally when you go to Twitter trending some weeks and I've seen it some weeks, it's it shows you the tagline or the hashtag or whatever word is trending and then underneath gives the spoiler and I'm like what? - Okay, that is a little scammy. Okay, I can understand. - That's never happened to any anime series. - That has never happened. Like recently I got, or like I knew like, it's the equivalent of being like, yo, something's gonna happen with this character. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Nine times out of 10, it's probably a death. It's probably gonna be about death and the problem is that "Attack On Titans" is one of the easiest like shows to spoil out there cause it only takes like one sentence or one word. - I'm pretty sure I've seen pictures of stuff, of like where the current manga is at and that like I'm sure that I have seen very glimpse vicks and when I see it and I recognize a character, I'm like, I skip, but I've seen it and I don't know what it is, so I'm like, well, if they have no context this picture, I don't know what's going on, I'm not gonna be spoiled until the moment I see that frame. - Okay, I actually disagree about that. - Yeah, I disagree too. - I mean, it's still like spoils your experience a bit cause there's been like for example, there's been so many, like, let's say anime or manga or where you see like a meme panel, right? And this meme gets passed around and you don't know the context it, but then you finally read or watch whatever shows everyone's memed about and then it could be like this read, some of the most serious moments in like media has been like, just ruined for me because I've seen the meme of it and so the moment happens and it takes you out and be like, oh, that was, that was the moment they got memed. Like, right now I'm reading "Tokyo Ghoul" because I wanna see if the "Tokyo Ghoul" manga readers are right? And I know when that fucking Carnegie final comes up, I'm gonna laugh. Like, I don't know what the context of it is. - Isn't that fun though? That's fun? - No, it is not fun. - That's fun, that's fun, I had fun. - Biggest to me, like I've had this happen where I-- - I'm not saying that it's okay to post pictures from the manga, I don't think anyone should be fucking posting pictures in the manga. - No, no, but what I'm saying-- - People are still posting pictures from the anime, fresh after the anime just airs. - What I'm saying though is that people should just avoid posting it entirely because even if, right? You like read the spoiler warning and you see the picture for like a fraction of a second, right? Like, wait, just like no, I'm not gonna watch it. Somewhere in the back of your head, that image is subconsciously planted. - No, no, no, it is, right? - Yeah. - Yeah. - But here's what I've realized, right? When you see an image of a show, right? That you're really into and it's like it could be ages away, you're making your own theory in your head of why that image is happening. - All right. - Yeah. - If you've seen it, right? - Yeah. - And so most of the time you're gonna be wrong, right? It's not gonna be accurate. So are you technically spoiled? Because you've sort of seen something that's given you a vague idea of what you think could be happening, but you could be totally wrong. Are you spoiled that? - I honestly want to come into a show with as least a zero expectations as I can. - Me too, me too. But what I'm saying is that like, if seeing one frame of a panel of a manga and anime, obviously if it's literally a character dead on the floor, yeah, okay, that's very obvious. - Yeah, that's being heavily posted around, - Yeah, yeah, but if there's a shot of something happening that I can't quite make out, I don't look at it long enough. I just have some kind of vague feeling in the back of my head. I don't really think that's a spoiler - Because something like that happened when I decided to finally watch "Demon Slayer." - Yeah. - Right. - And like the first example we ever had at that was when episode 19 was trending on Twitter, right? And everyone was posting pictures and gifts of that scene. - Yeah. - Right? And of course, because I knew immediately on the trending page, it says "Demons Slayer" episode 19 and at that point I hadn't started here, right? And I'm like, wow, eventually I wanna get to it. So obviously I'm not gonna look at it. I'm gonna try and avoid all pictures, but obviously when you're on Twitter or your on the internet, you're gonna see like fraction of a frame or a fraction of an image, right? And not gonna lie, when I finally caught up to "Demon Slayer" and I got to that scene in episode 19, I was like, this is impressive, but I feel I would have been even more impressed if I had no idea that this was coming up, like everybody else, if I'd not experienced it. - Does it take away? - A little bit. - It does take away. - To be honest. I feel like it does absolutely take away. - I can understand that, but I don't know. - I was like this is epic, but this could have been fucking mind blowing like it was for everybody else. - Yeah. - Yeah. Cause I mean, like I said, we we've thought about spoiler culture when something as big as the "Avengers" was aired in cinemas. - Well, like "Game of Thrones." - Hope to put that, but you can argue that when it is such a big moment in any media that obviously it deserves to be talked about the moment it happens that you're like, oh my God please tell me someone else has watched this, this is insane. - I feel like it hasn't caught up with the culture right now because I could understand that for example, when things were airing on TV, you had one run of it and people would go around the water cooler and discuss what just happens, but now, we're in a time when it's on demand. People watch things when they want to and yet we still have the same like idea around spoiling things as if people were watching things on TV because I don't wanna watch things as soon as they are. I like binging it, hat's just how I enjoy it. - You should adapt to the way that you can't on Twitter. - This is why I missed like dedicated forums because with a dedicated forum on a show, right? You won't know anything about the spoils of the show unless you decide to click on the forum. - No, cause the way to adapt is just like I said-- - How do you solve this problem on Twitter? - There is no. - This is never gonna go away, so why not just adapt to what's happening cause you can't change it all the time, change with the time bro. - Because I don't wanna fucking wait an entire week for the next episode, I wanna binge it. - Yeah, cause like-- - I hate watching shit weekly. - The reason I said it was because when this idea came up for the "Avengers," everyone was like, yes, good, finally, someone said it. - That is bullshit. I saw people swirling it on Twitter. - Yeah, but probably not nearly as much as without them. - But the thing is-- - I don't think it mattered. - And like everyone got shamed for doing it. Everyone was just like, "Yo, you did a bad thing. "Don't fucking do this." Yeah, when we talk about TV shows and especially now with the "Attack On Titan" it's just everyone's just doing it willy nilly and the mentality is, well, everyone's doing it. So I guess that's okay and that's just acceptable. - This is such a hard topic to discuss. I wish I had like more time to prepare like an actual rebuttal, but I mean, I understand where you're coming from. I just think that in the age that we live in now, it's always gonna be like that, so why not just adapt to what's happening. - Yeah, I mean, I like for me, I grew up watching anime and manga, I mean, I've gotten used to just watching it in a bubble, I like enjoying like my entertainment in a bubble and it's only recently that I've gotten a different kind of enjoyment to see, like to discussing it with friends and everything like that, but when it's something that's, I mean-- - In a perfect world, right? You'd go in a coma and you would wake up and the doctor's like, "Bro, here's your crunchy roll account. "Here's "Attack On Titan." "Don't get up yet, just pretend you're still asleep. "Watch the rest of the episodes and then leave "and then go on Twitter." That's the perfect world, right? Where you can experience it, full run, no breaks, no weeks, no bullshit on Twitter, but that's just not how it works. - Yeah, I know it's not how it works. All I'm trying to argue is that, why is it this? Why is it like, why do people not have a problem with this? - I think people do have a problem with it. They're just kind of like-- - I think especially in time like-- - Can't do anything about it. - In times like now, right? Where everyone's also at home all the time, who you're gonna talk to? Your mom about "Attack On Titan?" No, you're gonna go on Twitter and talk about with your friends cause everyone's at home. - But there's other venues to do that in. Like isn't that the whole reason why fucking discord was invented? Just so you can create a private room where you know the people you're discussing it with. - There are some people who, not me personally. - Yeah. - They don't really talk about stuff with their friends, they just like to throw it into a void, which is okay. - Right. - Yeah. - But people like that need to understand that no one gives a shit about what you say. - Like what I'm trying to say is if you want to discuss it, why not discuss it on like the relevant subs vitus and stuff like that. - Probably where it belongs. - Yeah, I mean, there's a difference between discussing spoilers in a dedicated here are the episode, here's the episode, let's just go on a thread versus let's just post screenshots and stuff publicly on Twitter that anyone can see. - It's the whole assumption that, yes, everybody who was a fan of "Attack On Titan" and anyone who had ever search the "Attack On Titan" is searching it because they're watching it weekly and it's that whole missed assumption where it's like and that's why, again, like if you wanna discuss the fucking episode that just happened, do it on a private discord server, do it on a fucking subreddit do it on a fucking closed forum. - What we need is spoiler etiquette. We need a system in place where everyone just agrees, "Hey, this is how you're gonna spoil it." - Yeah, I mean, that's all I was talking about. I was talking about-- - That's never gonna happen. - Yeah, it's never gonna happen. - What I was trying to say is, it's never gonna get to a point where everyone follows this etiquette and everyone like, this is like a hard and fast rule that everyone will follow. No, all I'm saying is like, why is there no ethicacy around this where people were just like, "Yeah, that would be--" - There should be common sense. - There's all also you gotta think to the fact that okay, 90% of people who were posting stuff, aren't intending it so they ruin your day, but there's 10% of people who are hoping that they get people who they spoil. They get enjoyment knowing ruin someone's-- - What I'm saying is like, what it seemed around the "Avengers" is that it was that 10% of people that the only spoilers you got were people who are really looking to ruin other people's day, right? But at least we can all point to them and say, yeah, they were an asshole. - Yeah. - Yeah. So you wanted us to become more of a normalized asshole thing to put any-- - Yeah. - Yeah. - The fact that 90% of people who were posting spoilers on Twitter about a "Tap On Time" aren't being called out for it, I think it's the problem. - Do you think it's, I mean cause the anime is arguably more popular than the manga. - Yeah. - Right? I think it's a little dickish people to post panels from the manga when you can just talk about them, not post them to Twitter when, you know that the majority of the people are anime only. - Right. - Right? That kind of annoys me cause that makes sense to me. - But even still just, just keep it privately bro. - I get it posting the anime cause I'm like, all right, everyone's watching the anime-- - I found it a real problem where the last time I stream, literally the first thing I had to say was, don't ask me questions about that "Tap One Time" because of the fact that people will like type to me in the chat immediately, like five minutes into me streaming binge, "Hey Joey, what are your thoughts on the "Tap One Time?" I'm like, I'm not gonna fucking talk about it cause why would you assume that I've caught up to it? Why would you assume everyone in this chat has caught up to it? I'm not gonna do that. So to avoid spoilers, let's just not fucking talk about it at all. That's the best way to do it. - Yeah, yeah. - You wanna talk about it, do it in your own fucking DMs. - I mean like it's a different conversation to say, how much spoilers do ruin a show or ruin something? I mean, that's a different conversation. - That's a good conversation going. - I just wish there was some basic etiquette. - You know what I mentioned earlier about the picture, that when you see a picture or a frame or an image from an anime, you're like, oh man, I wonder what that's all about. Why has Conoci thrown his head back? Why he been doing that? I kind of think it's pretty cool when you have an idea of why this is happening and that it's totally wrong. You're like, oh, that's how it happened. I thought this was gonna happen. I kind of liked that. That's kind of cool. Not that I want, please don't do this, but sometimes when it happens, you don't feel too spoiled and you're like-- - Yeah, but I feel it's a bit of a different story with the Conoci thing, right? Because it's like in the manga that's a really serious scene and all I can imagine is (indistinct). That's all that is playing in the back of my head, right? But like in the funny way, right? So it really does kind of like, it's not so much a spoiler, it's just kind of like the gap between what you expected and what actually happened is like a disappointment, right? - Cause I feel like it really much depends on the show. Cause like, for example, I don't think it's physically possible to spoil with Jojo. - It's not, you can post a panel, you can fully explain what's happening in the scene and it won't prepare you for it. - Yeah, yeah yeah, exactly. - Exactly. - I remember that time that limp dick fought biscuit soup and they kissed each other to death and you're like, oh, is that spoiler? Yeah, I mean, yeah (indistinct) - Yeah, to her I know. That is how the fight ends. (all laughing) - Yeah, but like something like Jojo, it doesn't hurt your enjoyment of the series. Part of that is the enjoyment of the series. - Honestly, it pretty makes it better if someone explains what's happening to you-- - You totally understand it, right? - I mean, you're like, oh. - But a character dying in "Attack On Titan," anyone can understand that and it ruins it. - Yeah, it's a minefield right now. I just wanted to go on a quick first world problem rant. This isn't actually an important problem. I just wanted to go in an off Titan rant. - Yeah and the spoiler culture is pretty fun to talk about. Just discuss it, what's going on with that. - Yeah, because like, have you ever been spoiled in like any big plot points that has kind of ruined your enjoyment of every, any show or you think you would like-- - I'm amazed at some shows that I didn't get spoiled, like with certain plot points in "Attack On Titan," I am like, how the fuck did I not get spoiled on this? This shit was so goddamn obvious that everyone was pretty talking about it and I'm the only idiot that didn't know. I mean, obviously I won't say it. - [Garnt] Right. - But there're moments. In recent memory, I can't remember last time I got spoiled. - I got spoiled on the "Code Geass" ending. - Oh! - Oh no! - Which is why I'm so fucking passionate about this, - My condolences man. - Which is why I'm so fucking passionate about it cause I didn't even finish season one when I got spoiled on that shit. - How did you get spoiled? What happened? - Because I was on some forum where they were talking about "Code Geass" and I didn't realize that, oh there's a second season of "Code Geass" and people were talking about, "Yeah, so the last three episodes of season two "was like, that was a crazy ending." Was it? I was like, Is there's two seasons. - You can talk about the "Code Geass" ending now, right? It's like Bruce Willis at the end of, everyone knows it. - I think my buffer is like 10 years. - I guess. - I feel like everyone has seen it, right? You can spoil it, it's common knowledge, right? - Maybe we shouldn't be cause otherwise it will sound really fucking hypocritical. - Yeah, yeah. - Once enough time has passed and a show is iconic enough, I think it is totally fair game to talk about cause it's part of pop culture at that point, but the cookie you're sending is universally loved and often cited as one of the best endings in anime. You should know how it ends. - To me though, like that buffer is still too small, right? Like I can go ahead and spoil like something like, "Soylent Green" cause that's like a 60-year-old movie, right? But like, I feel "Code Geass" is like they're still kids today coming in, probably having no idea what the show is about, right? - Yeah. - So I don't want, look, I've been through the pain, especially with "Code Geass," so I'm not gonna say shit. - Yeah, I mean, like I got spoiled on something of a similar capacity I'd say. I got spoiled on like the halfway point of "Death Note" where saw something big happens. Yeah, I was a manga spoiler as well. - That's the worst. That's the worst. I feel that's worse than getting spoiled on the ending of "Death Note." - That is worse than getting spoiled on the ending of "Death Note." - I think it's worse than getting spoiled for in the end. - Cause that was the ending of "Death Note" for me. - So that's, you talk about that, right? (all laughing) That's so iconic, you know what I mean? Like there's some things in anime like-- - I feel like I need to like make a survey of this and like, depending on the survey results is whether I can spoil it or not, right? It's like dude 90% of people who know me know the halfway point of "Death Note?" - It's like saying like fucking Walter White makes meth. Like yeah, that's universally no. - No, it's not. - Come on. - It's not even close. - I mean, I just think that after a certain point where something is so well loved and so well-known and so universally like watched by everyone instead of community, that it is fair to just openly discuss it. - Yeah. - By the way, please don't spoil "Code Geass" and "Death Note" in the comments of this episode - It's been how many years since "Death Note," is like what? 13? - Yeah. - Yeah, played early 2000s, right? - 2006. - Right? - "Code Geass" was 2007, I think. - Yeah. - Yeah. So it's been a lot of time. - I'm not gonna do it just in case, but I think that it should be. - What's your buffer? What's your buffer? - If I'm an anime fan, I would be like, the first thing I'd be like, what do you think of that? Think of that? (all laughing) - Wow, you really just said that. - There're some things, if you say you are like a fan of egg genre that you should know. Like if you're like, I love Bruce Willis movies you should know that he's dead in "The Sixth Sense," right? Everyone knows, that's like the meme spoiler. - Let's just spoil all the B plot twist of like, but no, no, I get it, I get it. That's that's like-- - Making me out to be the fucking bad guy. - No, no, no, I mean, I get it cause that's become like part of pop culture now I would say. - Yeah, exactly, it's not the show anymore. The twist is so iconic that the twist-- - Has become part of pop culture itself rather than watching the shows. - I've never seen "The Sixth Sense," but I know the twist because everyone's like, cause it's always used as like anecdotally like, oh it's like the ending. Fuck, I haven't watched it. I'm not gonna watch it now. - Are you really not gonna watch it? It's still a really good movie. - I'm pretty gonna watch it at some point. - Yeah, yeah, it's a little good movie. - Yeah, because like, I feel like right now, how would you feel if someone's spoiled "Attack On Titan" for you? - I think I'd be crushed and I'd get over it. You know what I mean? - Would you get over it? Cause I was not over when I got spoiled for "Code Geass." - It depends, what, how bad of a spoiler we're talking, right? - I'm talking like ending of "Code Geass" levels of spoilers. - And the ending of "Attack On Titan." Someone spoiled the ending of "Attack On Titan" for you. - It depends what it was, right. Cause if I already feel like it's going in a certain direction right now and if the film was like confirmed that it was going there, I'd be like, kind of sucks that you confirmed my suspicion, but I'll get over it. You know what I mean? - Would you though? - Yeah, I mean, cause I've been spoiled on stuff before and I've been like, you know what? At the end of the day, the experience is still a banger and this ain't gonna ruin it. - Right, right. I mean, look, yeah, like granted, like I finished "Code Geaas" and even after knowing that spoiler. - It doesn't spoil it, it doesn't ruin it, right? The scene's so goddamn good. - It didn't ruin it, but I'm thinking of like the what if scenario of if I wasn't spoiled, like how much of a mind factor-- - If the scene is so reliant on the fact that you like don't need to know this plot point that like the emotions, the voice act in the music, the animation, but all of that can't bring in like an emotional reaction out of you, then I don't think it deserves to be like guarded in the first place. - But at the same time, I feel like it took something away from you. It took that fresh experience from you because they're like, there are shows like I've re-watched "Code Geass," right? Fucking the ending is excellent every time out of none, but the like by far, the most unique experience I had was that first time that holy shit moment where I experienced it for the first time. - Absolutely. - And you can only get that once. - Yeah, I'm just trying to be positive here. Should I say if it gets spoiled man, don't watch at the end of the world, you gonna be okay. The scene's still good, it holds up, don't worry. - I mean, there are even shows where you enjoy more the second time you watch it, but I still value having that first fresh experience when I don't know what's gonna happen. - Yeah, it's that first moment that's so strong that you look back on it years later and be like it's that obligatory like, I wish I could erase my mind about X show, so I could experience it all over again. Like that, to me, that was "Code Geass." - Yeah. - Because I was like-- - Probably because you don't re-watch shows which is why you don't care. Your taking one, you've put in a zip folder and you file it away. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - Compress that shit. - You compress that shit and then you throw it in the trash. (Joey and Garnt laughing) - I'm not really (indistinct) and I think that I'm in like the middle of like, I care, but I don't really care. Like it's not gonna take away my, if the show's good, I'm still gonna enjoy it, but I definitely feel that most people are on the end of I don't want anything spoiled for me, don't tell me anything. - Yeah. - Yeah. I want like the full on experience. I don't want someone. Yeah, I'd rather fall on the experience than someone just paraphrasing it to me in a shit way. - Yeah, yeah, exactly. - I'm tired as fuck, so we're gonna end this episode right now. - You know who's not tired as fuck though? Our patreons - They're not tired of supporting us yet. Look at these great people. - They're hustling and bustling. They are on that grind. - Look at these great people. - I better fair traded my Pokemon cards to me. They wouldn't be a little bitch about it and asking for that. - I bet they don't post "Attack On Titan" spoilers on Twitter publicly. - Yeah, don't do that please. But hey, if you wanna support us then make sure to go to Also follow us on Twitter, the subreddit and if you wanna listen to our audio stuff, go over to Spotify. - [Garnt] Yeah and I think that's basically everything, right? - I think that's it. - Who wants to do the outro today? - The host? - Didn't we didn't we just do the outro. Is that not the outro. - No. - That was an outro, was it not? - No, the final say. - Yeah, the final say. - Okay, bye. - Okay. - What you mean we did an outro? - That was the most flacid outro I ever heard in my life. - [Connor] I am flacid gone. (upbeat music)
Channel: Trash Taste
Views: 1,697,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TrashTaste, Trash, Trash Taste, Taste, Trash Taste Podcast, Anime, Manga, CDawgVA, Gigguk, TheAnimeMan, Joey, Connor, Garnt, Podcast
Id: 6AILeSMxtiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 54sec (6714 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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