Canada's Worst Driver: A Very Dangerous TV Show

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13 Hours ago!

It didn't even show up in my YouTube feed. Thanks.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 30 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love when Kurtis divulges into his canadianness. I used to watch this show religiously with my sister when we were kids. This Kurtis video was nostalgic.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AnnaK22 📅︎︎ Nov 30 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey guys where the video starts i want to let you know there's a super epic cyber monday sale going on shoe sales on my merch right now until december 1st okay get after it get the sales i'll get it enjoy the video [Music] all right folks it's that time of year again new season of weather is is premiering the winter the winter months are upon us okay the winter is among us you could say it's true man it's gonna be winter pretty soon and some of you are lucky enough to live in parts of the world that don't turn into a slushy snowy freezing hellscape for six months out of the year but for us losers up in the northern hemisphere about to get real shitty especially up here in the great white north which i feel like we should stop calling it that putting the word great in front of white if it's not a shark let's not do that okay as most of you know i am canadian i feel like i mentioned that a lot but still i get like 10 messages a day from people being like wait how did i how could i not no you're a canadian i don't know dude i don't know you're an idiot is that the answer you're looking for you're dumb i was born in canada i live in canada currently and i'm probably gonna live here for the rest of my life man i love it i mean it's it's fine but you know what i often forget how different canadian culture is from our from our neighbors down south uh this thing yeah that's not a beanie that's a toque brother that is a toque this letter you call that z that's the letter z up here dude and this [ __ ] up here we call that a basic human right huh what and i know it's tough to compare the entire country of canada because just the population of the state of california is bigger than the population of all of canada so canadians were in a pretty weird spot especially with media i've made several videos about canadian television over the years i'm also currently wearing a [ __ ] ytv shirt which is the uh which is youth television in canada it's where they play all the cartoons and stuff i just i just think it's so fascinating i love sharing pieces of like old canadian media with my audience because a lot of you guys have never even heard of these [ __ ] shows before because canada's weird man canadian shows are so weird up in canada we get like all the best stuff from america right we get like the cream of the crop that you guys let us have as a treat but the rest of the time we have to like fill in the blanks with our own [ __ ] because canada fact incoming there are laws in canada that require radio stations and television programs to make sure a certain percentage of whatever content they're broadcasting is canadian content or uh can con is what we call it in the business or the biz is what we call in the biz that also explains why there are some bands and artists up in canada that are like household names but if you go anywhere in america they don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about let me tell you dude if i if i were to go down to a house party in the united states of america and i plug my phone into the speaker and i put on a favor drive song i'm getting [ __ ] kicked out but in true canadian fashion literally we're gonna be talking about another canadian television show this week and this show was called canada's worst driver it aired from 2005 to 2018 it was a reality show hosted by a man named andrew young husband and i'm not [ __ ] joking that is his name andrew young husband guy you know that last name was just made up on the spot like hundreds of years ago you know what i mean there's a bunch of last names like that what's what's another one shoemaker the last name shoemaker are you kidding me hey what's your last name i need it for this government document uh i don't have one come on man you need a last name uh what do you do for a job i uh i make shoes perfect shoemaker is your family's last name forever oh shoot andrew young husband are you [ __ ] kidding i cannot get over that dude do you think when he proposed he was like do you want to be my young wife because i hope he didn't but anyways the premise of canada's worst driver is uh they get a group of like eight people together who've all been like submitted by family or friends and these eight people are [ __ ] terrible at driving and as the season goes on like the best person of each episode like graduates from the driving school until they're left with canada's worst driver hence the name man speaking of drivers uh does anybody want to listen to some favor drive come on heard of that we're a good canadian band and uh believe it or not i actually have a personal connection to this show it's true my driving teacher when i was 16 i was actually a judge on this show for a season so yeah no big deal and don't ask me his name because i forget because it was like 10 [ __ ] years ago and i hardly paid attention in driving school okay didn't have to red means stop green means go i think i [ __ ] get it okay but anyways i thought we'd watch an episode today because the whole idea of the show is pretty [ __ ] crazy and you'll see going forward uh that this should not have been allowed to be on television at all so the first episode starts with some brief interviews with the bad drivers where they go into detail about how dangerous they are to be out on the road and this takes place right before the host makes these terrible drivers drive 45 minutes on the highway from niagara falls to the driving school which they actually call rehab on the show to get there to the rehab center you're going to have to drive yourselves folks which seems a little insensitive to people who are in actual rehab it's not like these drivers are [ __ ] addicted to driving poorly all right this is an intervention okay you need to stop oh my god all i ever hear is stop stop this stop here stop that you sound like a [ __ ] stop sign right now dude how do you sound like a stop sign there's stop signs they don't do anything they don't make noises yeah you tell that to all the stop signs i've hit they make noises buddy all right so let's meet the drivers first up we got tyler admits to being a habitual hit and run artist 20 hit and runs in the last year yeah how does that happen like um taking looking around before i know i hit something and i just get out of the way you know it's like make sure no one's looking and take off 20 20 hit and runs okay maybe canada is too nice after all i like i feel like after two hit and runs we should have been like okay man like you're clearly a like a danger on the road let's let's get your license away and you can take a bus or something but 20 and the government is just like hey man don't even worry about it everybody makes 20 mistakes uh thank you here take your license back there you go i'll give you a little noogie give you a little noogie on the head yeah let's get back out on the roads you little rascal jesus that was awesome tyler's wife janna says he has a habit that's worse than hitting and running yeah it's drinking and driving yeah for real yeah you drink and drive i have sometimes i have to have a few beers just to relax and so i can drive yes bro okay canada we we got to get our act together man we got to figure it out this guy's had 20 hit and runs and he drives drunk and he's still allowed to just keep driving what the [ __ ] i mean i understand having like a few beers to like gain courage to like maybe talk to someone that you're trying to court this is totally different i think unless unless he's trying to [ __ ] his car manser style park your car on the garage and then screw it in that case love is love man you have to have a few beers in order to calm your nerves enough to drive sometimes yes be safe tyler yes sir thanks andrew young husband don't let him leave what are you doing letting this guy dry dude i didn't edit that at all either like that was the progression oh you need beers to drive all right have a good drive that's a perfect example of like what i'm trying to say here they say how dangerous all these people are when they're inside a vehicle and then they send them off in a vehicle like the producers of the show have [ __ ] zero concern for people's safety as long as it's good television right what other shows what's next what what's what's the [ __ ] show they're gonna make after this from the producers of canada's worst driver comes canada's stabbiest little fella where we drop eight serial killers in a remote location with 100 innocent and very slow victims and we see who can be the stabbiest little fella hosted by meghan trainor okay anyways they go through the rest of the drivers now there's one girl named daniela who has panic attacks while driving [Music] i don't want to be here just drive and this is funny right audience let's exploit this person's mental health issues associated with vehicles on national television that's hilarious this lady is scared of going a hundred kilometers an hour in a steel box full of flammable materials while also being surrounded by other steel boxes that are going 100 kilometers an hour that are full of flammable materials what a [ __ ] straight up daniella's reaction to driving should be everybody's reaction to driving it's [ __ ] terrifying okay we've been desensitized we have driving is not normal okay humans are not supposed to go that fast and you know what maybe that's what this show is really trying to say maybe the show is just a big commentary on modern civilization the show is simply saying driving isn't for everybody so it shouldn't be for everybody people shouldn't be forced to drive cars just to live comfortably maybe we should be investing more money into safer better more accessible public transportation systems and we really should be paying more attention to city planning and infrastructure that favors the civilian rather than the vehicle correct is that what the show is saying this shows a bunch of [ __ ] socialist propaganda huh probably not is that what socialism is even i don't think it is socialism is when no car sorry back to the show so they show the rest of the drivers and they're all just absolute [ __ ] menaces on the road menaces menaces menaci i don't correct me if i'm wrong but also don't because i'll feel stupid okay then we meet this psychic girl named diana who can't drive because she's too busy looking at tarot cards i guess you could say her driving is terrible yeah diana i bet you didn't see that [ __ ] epic burn coming yeah must have missed that one in your [ __ ] barrel guards didn't read your palm well enough suck my crystal ball also this psychic girl uh reminds me of my high school english teacher because one time she bragged to the class that she uh reads while driving and not like you know reading street signs or like speed limit signs no no she read books straight up she was like boasting about the fact that she reads books while driving and hey not a very good example that you're setting for all your impressionable teenage students misses i should bleep that huh i [ __ ] totally forgot about that dude that is so insane mrs reading books is smart people [ __ ] okay reckless driving is dumb people [ __ ] you can't have smart people in dumb people [ __ ] going on the same time all right that's like if a that's like if a surgeon was like performing surgery and halfway through he just started like kicking a hacky sack around right can't do that hey guys check this out oh my god see mrs kind of crazy missus okay let's meet the rest of these drivers there's a guy named cody who loves doing donuts obviously because his name is cody and he looks like that then there's lou who also cries whenever she drives a car which is just hilarious then there's amarinder who loves speeding i love speeding and then we get to possibly the worst person not the worst driver i think the worst person i've ever seen in my life and their name is crystal crystal terrified the crew who shot her bio last week so much no one will ride with her that really hurts my feelings that nobody wants to get in the car with me hey man i'm not gonna lie this is me when i rip insane amounts of ass in the front seat so none of my friends want to get in the car with me that really hurts my feelings that nobody wants to get in the car with me dude it's crazy because i don't even feel bad about laughing at this girl i don't feel bad at all because you're going to see going forward she sucks she's the worst during the first five minutes of her drive crystal goes 70 in a 40 zone what's the speed limit here steven directions only she drives on a sidewalk it's okay i'll get off the sidewalk she sends numerous text messages oh how embarrassing she bursts into tears i'm not the worst driver yeah no i think you are actually i think you are the worst driver crystal bro like if you're gonna act like a maniac behind the wheel like at least own it don't [ __ ] do a bunch of crazy [ __ ] and then cry about it what the [ __ ] why are you crying you were just on a sidewalk that's where people go it's okay i'll get off the sidewalk i know i drove into that kindergarten class and i [ __ ] floored it through the other wall in the kindergarten class and i launched off of a hill and i landed in a bird's nest killing a bunch of baby birds and then yeah sure maybe i did a donut into a [ __ ] donut shop and i [ __ ] i i started a fire but i'm not the worst driver man i just like i don't understand like why anybody would agree to go on this show you know what i mean i don't want to be the worst anything even if the show was like canada's worst mean guy don't associate me with those people you know what i mean even if i was a [ __ ] straight-up german sausage still don't want to be the worst like i said earlier man it's like this is like the weirdest part of the whole show it's like at one point they're like you need to be safe okay you need to be safe behind the wheel okay here are your keys like do you guys take it seriously or not like i can't tell because it gets like really serious for a bit when we get to this guy named mike who like 10 years ago he was struck by another driver who fell asleep at the wheel so mike was in a coma for seven weeks he was left with permanent brain damage so they're aware of like how [ __ ] like dangerous driving can be but like number one [ __ ] super messed up to put someone on canada's worst driver because they have literal brain damage two whoever in his life suggested for him to go on this show [ __ ] you hey mike get them out of your life please and three if i was mike and i went through all that and i saw crystal drive the way that she [ __ ] drove i would have tossed her into the [ __ ] sun seriously again these producers have like no compassion because here is this guy whose life was ruined by a careless driver and the producers were just like hey let's surround this guy with seven other careless drivers for a few weeks that'll be great what the [ __ ] are you thinking maybe i'm thinking about this too hard i don't know but anyways they all make it to rehab thank god seven canada's worst driver nominees have arrived and have put their driver's licenses into the box and dude crystal gets absolutely dunked on it's incredible i'm gonna look in the eye and tell you you're a selfish idiot i think you're you're probably the worst driver we've ever had and so much of that comes from a a place of selfishness the way you drive gear can only be described as the driving of a horrible person whoa andrew young husband wow holy [ __ ] dude there's your [ __ ] psa right there bro you better drive safe unless you want to get absolutely degraded by andrew young husband totally unrelated to that if you happen to see me driving recklessly around canada mind your business but anyways later in the episode mike the guy who was in a coma confronts cody and his reckless driving and that really changes his perspective on everything mike definitely changed my life i never used to think when i was on the road i always did stupid things and i realized how much of an idiot i was damn imagine discovering empathy on live television man i never thought my own actions had consequences the [ __ ] i thought all the other people in the other cars were just sacks of potatoes tell me they're [ __ ] real people this whole time that's the end of the first episode but i skimmed through the entire season because i just want to know who the worst driver was and uh believe it or not the worst driver was crystal wow shocker yep i'm the worst driver so what happens now right what happens if they're the last person there what happens if they're canada's worst driver let's find out we tried our best what can i tell you buckle up alberta she's coming home yeah she just goes home now andrew hey andy hey andy young husband hey andy young hubby with great power comes great responsibility okay you could have swallowed her driver's license whole to prevent that monster from going back out on the road you could have torn that thing apart but you just let her go i missed the part where that's my problem i mean she's going back to alberta so i think it's fine there's only like 10 people who live there anyway yeah sorry alberta you thought you were safe here you thought you were safe in a curtis connor video no still getting made fun of you can't escape it moral of the video i think we can all try our best you know to to drive a little better pay a little more attention because it can be dangerous if if you don't do that obviously but all in all that show is a canadian treasure and speaking of canadian treasure let's hear a word from today's sponsor inkbox hey do you want to get a bunch of cool tattoos but you can't because of your age or your parents or your fear of needles i don't know why i put the air quotes those are all pretty valid reasons but whatever obstacle is stopping you from getting a tattoo inkbox is the solution inkbox 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just some random company sponsoring your videos no not true fun little fact about inkbox i used to work there full-time i had a full-time job there before i was a youtuber so i can literally say firsthand that they are a terrific company run by really great people so if you want to get a fun creative gift for your loved ones or just say screw them and keep them all to yourself and get some wicked tattoos just click the link in my description to get 35 off with their cyber monday sale okay thank you so much to inkbox for sponsoring this video and for employing me back in the day love you bye okay thank you so much for watching the video i hope you enjoyed it if you did please press the like button because believe it or not one like equals one red light that i will stop at so you [ __ ] better press the like button leave a comment let me know if you remember this show let me know if you uh what you thought of the video and let me know if you want more canadian tv reviews press the subscribe button if you want because i make a video all the time and as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a valued citizen of curtis town if you didn't know curtis town is the best place to live in the world and i'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me it's the law yeah you can check the description for the things i do you know my podcast uh merch all that fun stuff is down there all right that's it i would stick around but i unfortunately have to go i have to go do donuts in my driveway so see ya [Music]
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 5,348,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, canada, canadian show, old canadian shows, canadas worst driver, commentary, weird tv show, old tv
Id: ECA6qu8khQ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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