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hey welcome to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's that how's it going it's really good to see you again I hope you're doing well you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos so press that subscribe button for an extra reading alright folks please no comments about how stupid my hair looks I haven't had a haircut in a while and neither of you have shut up hostile way to start the video I'm sorry you guys ready to get deep huh I don't think you are I don't think you're prepared for how deep we're gonna go today okay even James Cameron and his little tiny submarine would go wild dude this is deep whenever I see like a photo or something that is meant to be taken seriously or and then it has like a deep message and stuff i but my first reaction is to just make jokes about it because i use comedy as a defense mechanism so I don't have to confront my own issues and and worries head-on you know I can appreciate when people try to make content that has like a deep message you know like perfect example would be the movie parasite that movie perfectly depicted the poverty and problems with class struggle I did it in a very beautiful clever way okay but there's a lot of content mostly on the internet that is known as fake deep kind of speaks for itself it's content that that's trying to be deep but it just falls way short and just a little over a year ago I made a video about fake deep content and it's actually like one of my my best videos I've ever made well just in terms of use I don't know it that's subjective I guess so according to my watch that I'm not wearing its sequel time so this is fake deep to going deeper just realized how gross of a name that is so let's let's not call it that let's just call it to you invade this pristine world claiming it as your own simply by your presence you slaughter innocent animals for their hides and their flesh you devastate the landscape and gouge out the earth to build your monuments to vanity and you call me the monster damn that's pretty deep let's see who said this really meaningful quo creeper oh man I really hope this is like a parody or just like someone trying to be funny because if it's not Wow whoever made this they probably fucking use their turn signals when they play GTA dude and you can't even do that in the game that's not even a thing you can do controller I grew a new button because they're like fuck this person is so lame they need this their fuck pushing my buttons it's just so funny having like a book like a minecraft like activist like whenever they play the game they're just they don't build anything they just organize like huge protests fuck nudes send me photographs of your aura oh fuck it look day I said I want to photograph so your aura okay all those clothes you're wearing making it hard for me to see which color you are radiating this why don't you just take those off and send me another photo because I can't see your orange okay dude I this until his next photo no joke might be the funniest photo I've ever seen in my whole life she was a poem [Music] but he couldn't read poor Steve Harrington doesn't even know what this meme says even if you wanted to read this he couldn't she was a poem but he was a fucking dumbass when I see stuff like this it's like it's rich so good that it's like there's no way that they're not joking right cuz I just can't believe that in at any point from coming up with the idea to making it on Photoshop it had no point they were just like oh wait hold up hold on a second this is the funniest photo I've ever seen in my entire life no point did they say that this format is great that was very versatile she was a soccer ball but he was the goalie she was a peanut but he was allergic to peanuts she gave him the divorce papers but he couldn't read okay so you guys understand what fake deep is now for we've got a few photos I think you get the idea and I think now it's time we address the elephant in the room something huge happened in the world of fake deep since my last video and that is of course the movie Joker I really enjoyed that movie I thought it was really well done but with the release of that film came a lot of weird fake deep inspirational photos featuring the Joker but while I was looking for these fake deep inspirational Joker pics my sümbül across a very weird side of YouTube that's dedicated to these Joker quotes that obviously aren't actual quotes from the Joker because obviously the Joker never said bro texting to lots of girls will make you a stud not a billionaire I don't remember that in any Batman movie but there's a whole community on YouTube that on ironically makes video montages of fake inspirational Joker quotes set to trap music I am not joking this is a real thing that's going on let's watch this one it's called 17 break-up motivation Joker's quotes inspirational quotes to help you through a breakup [Music] guys I know we're going through a worldwide pandemic right now but this is the worst thing that's going on currently in 2020 dude I'm losing my mind picturing someone who just got dumped out of like a 10-year relationship or something and the first thing he does it's going to YouTube and types in Joker quotes help breakup okay good okay there's a video for that okay good thank god there's a Joker quote video for for any situation seventeen Joker quotes to help you come to terms with the untimely death of your hamster and obviously the funniest thing about these Joker quote videos it's the the fact that the Joker has never said any of these things and he never will they're just putting pictures of the Joker behind weird super generic inspirational quotes that anybody could come up with but after I watched way too many of these it got me thinking what would it be like if the Joker actually said these things so to answer my question I went on Fiverr and I hired an aspiring voice actor to say some of these quotes as Heath Ledger's Joker so here's that you wanna be's beats that's the only way to respect you if you remove here you better show me when I woke up you're so fucking dead some sort of solution me facing usual itch leave it backwards percent of boys have girlfriends no exaggeration that is the best money I've ever spent okay let's look at some more she believed that this is freedom but she did not know that she has lost her security things a silent message for modern females I like that they put silent message for modern females because sometimes I look at a photo and I'll just be like I've been saying this for a while dude listen up modern females you're always crawling out of your skeleton and leaving your skeleton upside down and sad all alone and you're on the ground like oh like a weird little pile of skin and organs things also aren't turtles like turtles can't come out of their shell right that's like part of their body so I don't know what animal that is that just stole a turtle shell and is standing on top of it oh ok next one when you turn 13 you learned a new emotion sadness yep nobody under the age of 13 has ever been sad that is impossible if you see a frowning crying baby you shove that baby and you go hey sup lying to me okay you ain't 13 yet bitch when I was seven years old and I found out that my great grandfather died I wasn't crying because I was sad that I lost a man that I looked up to and loved a lot and I was crying because I couldn't read I'm kidding obviously you can be sad when when you're a kid if my great grandfather is watching this video from heaven I'm sorry I love you and when you die may be sad your way to bring the video down it's fine well it's not okay let's move on before Corona watch TV during Corona watch TV after Corona watch TV bro I should have put on fucking water wings before I looked at this photo cuz I think I'm in the deep breath dude this if you don't get it you need like you get out of your really smart to get this photo I know so some of you might not I get it because I'm smart but so here's there's what it is well I'll just fucking sheeple with our eyes glued to the the boob tube okay stop watching TV all right read book TV bad but good we've been over this even though this is the one time that it's actually more than okay to stay at home and watch TV all day you're still a dumbass I know this is about coronavirus but it'd be very funny if this was actually about the beer [Music] whoa whoa okay now we're getting into the deep tweet section and these are always good I heard someone say marry a man who runs to God when you have problems not to other women I felt it okay so they're saying it's bad whenever someone is in a relationship and whenever there's a problem they run to a different woman and that that's true that's a bet you shouldn't do that but what you should do instead is run to God and sleep with him I guess that's the answer okay whenever you got a problem you go to a church is any church and you you get down on your knees all right you wet your whistle and you suck come to God's will by sucking is dude don't be deep on Twitter you know that's like putting a comic strip in the obituaries part of the newspaper hit like hey man you're in the wrong section bro I guess that's like the beauty of Twitter though right you could see like a really like deep meaningful tweet you go like wow that was I felt that wow and then like you scroll down for like one second it's a tweet from like lizard fuck 420 that says I really haven't wiped my booty hole in weeks that's the beauty of Twitter dude all right here's another deep tweet that really pissed me off the right person will make you fall in love with yourself to read that again okay the right person will make you fall in love with yourself to read that again okay the right person will make you fall in love with yourself to a great person will make you fall in love right so is the right person hey it's me Kurt those tweets really bug me I've seen so many tweets that end with read that again hey fuck you hey straight up fuck you man no I read the tweet that's it hey read that again what read that again read buddy but this tweet I just read that again read what again read that again I I don't get it I'm talking about my book that again oh I can't read yeah me neither okay I feel like if we're gonna talk about fake deep content we got to talk about the king Nova sense in a oh there was of course that really deep profound speech that he had at the People's Choice Awards before I go I just want to say it matters not what you've done but what you do with what you've done for others in his defense I think award show speeches are inherently awkward but you really only have to say thanks see ya I don't really know what you're trying to say here right it matters not what you've done but what you do with what you've done for others so let's let's dissect this okay let's figure it out what he means with with an example it matters not what you've done okay so say you just gave 20 bucks to a homeless guy that doesn't fucking matter to you that doesn't that does me shit okay it matters what you do with that homeless man for others this is what Noah Centennial is saying do not give money to a homeless man unless you are prepared to open a small antique shop with that homeless man and provide antiques to the local neighborhood that is the translation of Noah sensitive speech and I'd have to disagree Noah is really the epitome of fake deep like I don't really know what goes on in his head but let's read one of his recent Instagram captions the immaculate attention you give to surfaces under those rocks that most of us just skip across the lakes of our viewers minds without a thought other than how many can I get that's why I would love you whoever you are whenever you are well I swear he has just a hat full of different words that he could possibly use for a caption and he eats the work that little pieces of paper one by one mmm he waits a while shits the mouth looks in the toilet bowl and whatever words are in the poop he's like yeah that's my caption because that is no joke literally the shittiest caption I've ever read and I'm not alone here the comments on this are ruthless what I think he's trying to communicate maybe if we put him in right amen they hated Jesus so Who am I to say yes I am squirty's trial finishes off with a couple videos that I found mine tick-tock I don't even know what to say to introduce them so let's just watch them help help why no one can hear me I could feel something down there Wow okay so the moral of this they'll let the take away no no no one cares about you unless you turn into a shiny little rock then people will pay attention to you because they feel something down how did he feel that this account just does these videos that's it and they're all bonkers to say the least help help come up I find a way to save you I can feed the crocodile with the elephant's nose ah I'm really sorry that I'm subjecting you guys to this cuz now you're only gonna be thinking about these for the rest of time but I guess the lesson here is a never chop an elephant's nose off because an elephant never forgets and also you'll fall into a pit and I'm thank you wait antlers gimme your antlers wait skateboard gimme our skateboard like why on earth does this take place right where an animal is just like don't worry I'm a bridge first and a gazelle second here you go that's why bridge is like collapse sometimes right cuz cuz they ain't gazelles bro that's what we need the famous Golden Gate gazelle the gazelle to Terabithia I guess these are actually like literally really deep because every single video features someone falling down into it deep bottomless pit so they took it pretty literally and I respect that okay I think that's all I got today I think I learned too much I'm too smart now so I order lay down while I do that let's hear a word from today's sponsor ray Khan do you like listening to music podcasts audiobooks for hours and hours of course you do there's nothing else to do nowadays and if you're listening to stuff for a long time you want to make sure whatever is in your ear is comfortable and that's where Ray Khan comes in brake on is a longtime friend of the channel but if you've never heard of them listen out and if you have heard of them still listen up please brake ons every dayi 25-year buds are their best model yet for six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass and a more compact design that gives you a nice noise isolating fit it also comes in new fun colors and unlike some of your other wireless options ray con earbuds are both stylish and discreet with no dangling wires or stems other wireless earbuds I've tried are always running out of battery super quick and I was always worrying if I had to charge them or something it was annoying but ray cons compact carrying case can charge the earbuds four times on a single charge and just because they're high quality doesn't mean you got to break the bank to break on earbuds start at about half the price of any other premium wireless earbuds on the market and they sound just as amazing as other top audio brands you know and don't just take my word for it celebrities like Snoop Dogg and cardi B are obsessed with ray cons can you blame them no ray cons are great for working from home working out and listening to music and podcasts for hours without driving your housemates crazy and this sounds pretty snazzy right well it gets even snazzy or believe it or not ray gun is hooked up the great citizens of Curtis with a great deal all I got to do is click the link in my description for 15% off your order oh yeah again 50% off your order check out the description thanks again to Ray conference con stream this video I hope you check them out and that's it see ya nice all right that's gonna do it for this week's video I hope you enjoyed it that was fun man I forgot how funny those fucking photos work so yeah if you enjoy the video please press that like button because believe it or not one like equals one gazelle bridge that I will build with my bare hands comment down below let me know you thought of the video if I'm gonna do a part 3 in another year I guess and yeah press the subscribe button because once you press the subscribe button you become a valued citizen of Curtis town if you didn't know Curtis sound is the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me it's the law oh yeah check the description for the other stuff I do you can check my Instagram my Twitter I got a weekly podcast you got merch down there my twitch alright that's it I hope you enjoy the video I have to go though I gotta go open up my small antique shop so see ya [Music]
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 1,825,088
Rating: 4.9722099 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, fake deep, deep content, deep, fake deep content, kurtis conner deep, im14andthisisdeep, reaction, commentary
Id: 2JlXB_HDuR0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sat May 30 2020
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