TYRANITAR! and other kaiju pokemon too, i guess. | Gnoggin - Origins of Tyranitar Explained!

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Yeah, Tyranitar is not Godzilla, been saying that for years, glad someone made a video on it

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/salamander_dynamite πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Only thing I didn't know here was that Tyranitar is based on Bemular. Everything else was either something I knew or a flat-out lie.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bemdora πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 23 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
Tyranitar is 100% based on Godzilla all my homies agree so it must be true no what what how can you say it's Godzilla when similar exists I mean look at it oh yeah and Ben wheeler is one of the most iconic classic ultraman monsters and the first one ultraman caught in a kaiju capsule pokeball style it's what literally inspired foe c'mon as a whole tech before they settled on the name pokemon they originally were going with kaboom on capsule monsters but the higher-ups worried that it was too similar to ultraman too risky because it's literally the ultraman thing but smaller scale so they've changed it to Pokemon Pocket Monsters cares about all that Tyranitar is totally just Godzilla hey Chi Jews are super cool right big monsters and all Godzilla is the most iconic one but did you know that King Kong is technically one as well but while Godzilla made global fame one Japanese super hero not only furthered the whole concept of kaijus but also created a number of genres on his own it's ultraman maybe you've heard of him as his influence has spread outside of japan a bit plus i mean it's one of the longest continually running TV shows on earth his size and popularity and well-known miss can be best explained like this ultraman is to japan what Superman or spider-man are to the United States the big most iconic superhero that just about everybody knows about and even if you don't know about Ultraman specifically you likely know his influence the Power Rangers it's the American version of the Super Sentai which are a team of Japanese superheroes akin to kamen rider or ultraman ultraman created this whole mass of genre the monster of the week formula the guys in monster suits do in bed kung-fu with ridiculous special effects and starfish Hitler yeah that was a thing and perfectly enough the people behind Godzilla are the same people behind Ultraman and come I mean they are essentially the same thing dude in a suit destroying miniatures but anyway in our last video I went over what to star you even is the answer being one big reference to Ultraman crossed with starfish purple and in that same video I mentioned some of what this video is about that being that a lot of Pokemon were inspired by classic kaijus and we know this because Tajiri said so quote everything I did as a kid is kind of rolled into one that's what Pokemon is playing video games watching TV Ultraman with his capsule monsters they all became ingredients for the game and if you look at the Pokemon they designed at first they pretty much all fall into one of two categories either it's inspired by kaijus or it's inspired by your typical JRPG enemies I mean you have mimics tentacle bush van eye things fairies monstrous plants slimes ghosts Zenda like it's all very Dragon Quest very generic JRPG but here we're talking about kite shoes so star U is a reference to starfish sci-fi tropes mixed with Ultraman himself but here are some more ever wonder what Nieto King is well wonder no more whose Barragan a Godzilla enemy not only does he have the same ears face structure horns thorns is vaguely purplish and can stand up but is unique for a kaiju most kaijus are either aliens from space or live in the ocean or are simply some suddenly mutated creature but Barragan comes from underground and one of its abilities is the ability to dig and burrow rapidly heck it's known as the god of the earth and all that is what neato king and queen are all about they add the ground type to their previous mono poison and have many earthen powers such as digging burrows rapidly and looking to the other monstrous pokemon from the first created set they pretty much are all generic dinosaur esque spiky kaiju things Rhyhorn is if you mixed a rhino with an gross another classic ultraman kind you and a large number of kaiju had sword arms like Azure or Komaki Rus which is known as the dual bladed monster and gigas is well known for being the first kaiju to actually make Godzilla bleed so they could have inspired this Veda design of Scyther or later with Kabutops this is not Scyther it was green out of the corner of my eye so I thought it was site there it is not site there here he is I have too many plushies Gamera is another really big kaiju hero never quite as popular as Godzilla but not too far behind in Japan anyway and he was just a big turtle that stands upright and of course there's also turtle bazooka from Kamen Rider a turtle with a bazooka coming out of it's shell Blastoise was also among the first Pokemon created along with this missingno that looks like a robot kaiju which is incredibly common ultraman godzilla the sent eyes fighting giant robots was a big part of all of these and later seasons of these shows you would see the studio's recycling old monster costumes but with some parts replaced his robot parts now turning them into super-powered cyborgs heck Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla is incredibly iconic though in the end Sugimori and Tajiri decided against having a robot Pokemon which is a good call for that early on in the franchise honestly but speaking of manmade Pokemon even the concept behind Mewtwo is a common depiction in classic kaiju films and TV shows you a majority of the monsters in many of these monster-of-the-week shows are created because of man heck Godzilla was the result of a nuclear test causing a lizard to mutate and some kaiju are purposefully created either by aliens wanting to invade or by humans with ill intent this explains why plenty of kaiju just look like monstrous versions of regular animals and isn't that what Pokemon are two monstrous versions of regular animals I found the impostor I mean take a gander at not Pinsir here all right well to be fair stag beetle battles have been a thing in Asia since like the Year 700 so of course it's going to be referenced in all battle focused media and so you can't really say that pincer is based on this guy one really this guy and pincer are both just based off of real stag beetle battles it's not nearly as direct as they constantly rolling around self-destructing takong from ultraman clearly inspiring Gollum know that Gollum can learn flamethrower like actually let's see here's another maybe one a lot of people don't know what electabuzz is but like it's a thunder only but that still doesn't stop people from pointing to la king from ultraman I mean I don't know what ella king is but it's not electabuzz that's for sure I mean similar fur pattern and electric powers I guess but that's it but real quick I just want to point out how this thing dies but alright you're here for Tyranitar so let's get into that most say it's Godzilla and I'm currently being a pedantic clickbait err by saying it's not really like it can be both come on most Pokemon are based on more than just one thing but still let's look at some facts here just put Tyranitar next to classic Godzilla and classic bimbo lar I mean look at this some points do go to Godzilla for sure it's body type is much more triangular like Tyranitar whereas bemol are doesn't really get triangular until the shoulders but other than that ah familar is much more green it's easier to see in the footage here whereas Godzilla is very dark gray normally even blueish at times some films depict him as greenish but it's never as saturated as Bendel are but even bimmel are isn't as saturated as Tyranitar that's for sure until you get to the toys some of those get way saturated what's Godzilla got oh but but look at this Tyranitar has three head spikes familar has two or three head spikes depending on how you look at it Godzilla has zero head spikes Tyranitar has multiple rows of spikes along its back the outer two pointing more to the sides that they are clearly visible when looking at Tyranitar head-on and this row of spikes starts right behind the head Godzilla has one dominant row of spikes along the spine and two other much smaller ones beside it depending on the version of course but when it comes to classic Godzilla head-on you can't even see the spikes at all they don't even start until the base of the neck or upper shoulders behlul are however has the multiple rows of spikes all the way down and those spikes start with the head spikes and the ones at the edge go primarily to the side it's impossible not to see those spikes when looking at bemol our head-on just like Tyranitar oh but what about this as I mentioned Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla was super iconic and this is referenced in Pokemon with its noted rivalry with do a lid on where's that inva mulla huh the 2011 ultraman manga in who's been in LA as a much more advanced being in a very robotic suit still got the spikes you can see from the front but it's a robot and here it is with part of the suit blown off some creepy angel stuff get away okay but what does that make mega Tyranitar some say it's a reference to space Godzilla modified clone with a way huge crystal shoulder spike on both shoulders well maybe some folks aren't happy with that answer because it's an entirely different entity it's a clone whereas with mega Tyranitar it's literally Tyranitar but stronger and so some look to super Godzilla literally a more powerful Godzilla from the oh oh my conic SNES Godzilla game we'll get this bill Millar has an enhanced or empowered form where the colors change a bit and he gets huge horns okay but here's where things get fun the way the kaijus reach this empowered form is by being granted the power usually by those who summon or are in command of them in this case it was alien shall play but that's not important what is important is the way they do this they use crystal stones called slim Tony 'm which absorb the life force from those who wear it and store it for later use in this case in empowering bamboos are literally evolving it into its enhanced form now where have I heard that before a crystal made of life energy that can enhance the powers of a pokemon mean monster yeah it's the mega stone it's like like literally all the mega stones are made of life energy cuz the ultimate weapon and killed a bunch of stuff oh my gosh what is super Godzilla do or collects s capsules throughout the game and then powers up alright and just to top this all off Ben Millar was the first kaiju that Ultraman caught in a capsule the thing that Tajiri said inspired the creation of Pokemon at all literally the basis of Pokemon what if Godzilla inspire like two episodes of the first season of the anime Shh so tell me again that Tyranitar is mainly inspired by Godzilla and not been Bhullar do it that sound always means I'm wrong about something love to burst your bubble but enhanced famille I was a thinking Ultraman orb a series that came out in 2016 3 years after Pokemon X&Y introduced mega Tyranitar oh all right its base form still looks when he closer to member laurs so still also what was essentially beta Tyranitar in some early concept art of Pokemon plus a creature named a Godzilla ant and pokemon black and white literally had a mecha Tyranitar literally named mecha Tyranitar well like I said things can have multiple inspirations fun fact time did you know that Ben Miller's roar in ultraman is the same exact sound effect as Godzilla's roar played in Reverse it's literally the same people making both shows they owned the rights they Millar was made sort of as a stand-in or symbol of Godzilla it's supposed to be similar to Godzilla's power level it's a way to show that ultraman is stronger than godzilla without actually fighting Godzilla so Benoit was inspired by Godzilla yes and then Tyranitar was inspired by Benoit sure all right well as I said multiple inspirations Tyranitar certainly looks more like Benoit but as a concept it could very well have started as a Godzilla Pokemon but being as big of ultraman fans as Tajiri and Sugimori were they of course had to throw some Benoit in there too but hey since we mentioned shared roars here's some fun facts evil tall's cries in the movie are the same as Meggie grasses tovo is the sound studio that not only does the sound effects for all of these kaiju series but also for the Pokemon movies and rather than just make new sound effects every single time they utilize their massive library and so a number of Pokemon have the same cries and roars as the classic kaiju bokya for instance gets a mixture of King Ghidorah and Godzilla with a bit of a pitch shift this same sound effect was also used for the buggah in Star Wars in the mega evolution specials primal Groudon and primal Kyogre roars utilize parts of Godzilla Mothra and King Ghidorah roars spliced and overlaid on top of each other Zecharia has the same roar as mega giris in the anime and then in the movie it has berrigan's and reishi ram's roar is mcGarry's mixed with one of kaiser goo Dory's roars then cure em in the movie has the roars of Zilla and Monster X and Garrett Tina's roar is literally Mothra's which is fitting because Mothra's evil twin Batra looks like this oh my god they didn't stop referencing kaiju Xin Pokemon did they what more do we have well many say that Giganta mechs Butterfree was inspired by Mothra and like sure just because it's massive but like how can you say that when Volcarona exists originally it had four wings specifically to reference Mothra but that got changed because they thought it was too obvious but Bo Coronas decks entries mentioned that it was worshipped by people in the past which is literally Mothra's backstory - and well they look a good bit alike - v rice is an evil squid alien monster from chimera with some psychic powers malamar is that you ah Agron pulls a bit from pulgasari a korean kaiju with big horns a body made of rock and steel and who loves to eat iron all very fitting just mixed some Triceratops in there and there you go and hey I mentioned Palkia the Pokemon of space already and I've mentioned space Godzilla already how about that the giant pink crystal pauldrons the giant pink pearly pauldrons King Ghidorah is like Godzilla's biggest enemy a three-headed Hydra with only two legs and here's hydrogen a three-headed Hydra with only two legs Haxorus has an axe face just like destoroyah its name is really destroyer rick wob' is manda and beta Gyarados is also just manda or larval Mothra yeah Jet Jaguar is by sharp I'm a knight is Gazzara I am beginning to fall into a trap that too many people fall into when you really start looking too much for connections when there may in fact be none I'm sure I've fallen for it septillion zuv times by now but sometimes it's just so bad like no alma Knight is just an ammonite just like the kaiju it's just like how there are a few stag beetle kaiju and other such monsters it doesn't mean pincer is based on those kaiju it just means it's based on a stag beetle also any time I see these Pokemon cross Godzilla connections being made I see Rayquaza being based on manda thing coming up all the time but like can't they both just be Chinese dragons you might as well say they're both based on Shenron it's just as iconic Rayquaza has so many influences that explain everything about its in and its trio so much better than its Monda but clearly it's Monda is the easiest thing to remember so that's what gets quoted all the time even though they're both just green dragons like so while there are for sure plenty of references to all this whole influential era of Japanese television some people attribute too much credit to them when really in reality if you have to come up with a new monster every single week for all nine of your running monster shows you're going to wind up with hundreds if not thousands of monsters and similarly when you're filling your world with hundreds of magical creatures Pokemon while you're doing just that and so of course you're going to find yourself to be inspired by the same things as the other guys where there was likely no intent but some folks will still say oh hey gigantic max rila boom it's 100% king kong king kong i thought to do with drums or like plants but you know big gorillas 100% king kong nothing else i am very smart for noticing that and then they go on to write top-ten articles for the internet well i guess the lesson to take from all this is to take a step back and think about what's more likely consider what is more likely more so than nerdy connections of oh you know queen is the yellow Power Ranger but a kaiju in blue well I guess that isn't the only lesson we learned today we also learned that benoit r is what inspired Tyranitar and godzilla sucks [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 492,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, tyranitar, duraludon, pokemon tyranitar, pokemon godzilla, godzilla pokemon, godzillante, pokemon based on kaiju, pokemon based on gozilla, godzilla references in pokemon, kaiju in pokemon, kaiju pokemon, kaiju references in pokemon, kamen rider pokemon, ultraman pokemon, pokemon ultraman, not godzilla, tyranitar origins, tyranitar explained, what is tyranitar, what is duraludon, bemular, capsule monsters, creation of pokemon, satoshi tajiri
Id: yKQGbQ7El80
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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