What if Animal Crossing Characters had Pokemon Types? | Gnoggin

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animal crossing content on noggin what year is this that's Pokemon really failed us oh wait it is a Pokemon video in disguise smart huh plus with the success of our other typing series videos we thought why not do something topical and Josh the writer and editor really just loves animal crossing I mean he's got me got the fancy switch even that's true dedication and a waste of money maybe now me however do I look like the kind of guy to play Animal Crossing yes well you're wrong I play family-friendly games like doom and Sonic however in writing this we found the same issues that we came across with Sonic and sort of would smash I'm sorry you shove your button to the mic I'm sure they'd appreciate it there were just so many characters in Animal Crossing Animal Crossing has had so many games throughout its history as my Pete just as many as Smash Bros yes smash I mean it's got five main games with three additional spin-off games so it actually has more games if you include those but who does happy home is the weakest AC no apparently that abbreviation is a rather saucy of a debate between the fandoms but I don't know for sure I'm just a scrub I'm not really an animal crossing or assassins creed the only AC I truly care for the AC attached to my house but thankfully the internet exists and you're able to just look up anything which is what Josh did when he couldn't come back and he also asked his cousin who is the biggest AC fan Fuji's but speaking of who geez my sources say that there are actually 653 something villagers I'm not gonna count or double check but it's a lot almost as many Pokemon a few years ago what's up with Japanese developers and making ridiculous amount of characters so clearly we are not going to go over all of them just the important ones get Rex Marcy fans but it's not like we need to go over all of them you see even though they have 650 something characters they aren't all unique yes some of them are really unique like cake a slider and Isabel heck even the triplets are all unique yet the other less frequent villagers may all be memorable because I mean you made a bond with them but you see most of the characters share traits or personality traits they also will sometimes be the same species like dung pig or whatever and if they are male or female that sometimes plays a role like you know it's different it's the same personality and the same species but it's a girl this time so it's different but if a group of villagers are all almost the same then they likely would all be the same type right that's sound logic I think so we're going to try and avoid just repeating ourselves repeatedly plus at the end I'll give you a handy tip on how to type them yourself if we don't cover your favorite so please watch this video in its entirety I'd appreciate it ok let's start with some really obvious characters that I need to do Isabelle I already typed her in the smashed video and she may be the only character I actually know other than Tom Nook we typed her as normal type as she's very basic in the game smash is why I'm corrective she's extremely basic I mean she's fighting God Tyr fighters and an actual goddess how she does anything in these situations is beyond me but it's very basic compared to all them so however I still think that she would keep her normal typing even in the animal crossing world but gain something that can show off her caring nature so fairy or maybe normal a second time now then I already talked about Bowman okay so let's talk about him and his nephews now Tom Nook is that nice friendly man that gives you everything for a small fee or he's the dark demon plaguing your world with his contracts of debt it really depends on how you look at all this Luke seems to be a pretty generic guy however he rather smart in the way of money and construction I mean he can build your entire house in a day so while I wants to type this man a meager manager normal type I can't help but shake his darker deeds and then again we have the construction cliche a fighting type or meth wizard money master psychic type what fighting normal sounds fun we don't really have many of those right yes I'm aware that I just typed two of them normal in a row it's a common type for normal villagers because they're normal but trust me it gets better and more interesting just hang on for a bit but yeah looks nephew's they are almost clones of their uncle but still not exactly trained to build houses in a day so they are just normal for now but they will evolve soon enough cake a slider it's also normal who's getting all these normal guys out of the way my reasoning is that he is well known for his music and regular schedule but what better to give cake a slider then stab with most of the sound type moves it's the same reasoning meloetta and Loudred or normal type plow there's an celeste are two other pretty important characters the museum curators but blathers being completely nocturnal would definitely be dark flying I mean plenty of dark-type pokémon aren't really evil per se as dark type is known as the evil type in Japan to keep it simple it's not a direct translation but but like Umbreon Umbreon is just a nocturnal hunter nothing evil about that but he's also a birds flying type and Celeste may just be just completely flying type just mono bird but you could add psychic as she's the lead astrologist at the museum and is stargazing regularly and we all know that space means psychic and Pokemon and it's always nice to have more non big brain psychics you know moving on we have other shop owners and returning characters rooster bird flying done I'm not sure how you could mix coffee in with a type water grass electric because energy gives you energy that you're charged it's kind of weak honestly then we have the plate shop owner leaf who is a sloth you but a grass-type I mean it's kind of obvious on some of these Slavs are so lame that algae grows on them grass type the alpaca duo might be harder though Cyrus imerys or how I like to call them recycle team owners of retail and one of the only animals to have last names other than well in the Japanese game anyway they had the last name of Parker they're rather different and personalities though Reese's kind caring so fairy-type while cyrus is a strong gruff fighting type or possibly even dark type I mean it only makes sense on how they became a couple when he drove by on his motorcycle all tough guy like and then crashed into an ice cream truck only to be taken to the hospital by Reese again love healing very type also if there are any of you who disagree with me there you can always just substitute that with normal type and just ignore me port or the old-timer mayor who is the mayor in the first game until you ruthlessly leave and make your own City that is a much better attractive town so all his friends move away from the city mayor is mad dark-type be over but tortimer he's a kind soul that is basically an old tortoise not a turtle so it's not water type unlike Blastoise though I guess it could be water if you wanted to be dumb like Game Freak you know he's pretty normal overall though like he's nice and just kind of an NPC with big NPC energy coming from him Digby Isabelle's brother who is in charge of home design really anything notable about him but I know people would be kind of disappointed if his image didn't make it into the video so normal type you must know about Fung Shui shenanigans what type would be a master magical furniture placement feeling psychic I guess maybe you and fairy they can feel the energy that the furniture gives off when it's in just the right place as the mystical 7th element flows through the room phone schwa hey they're both magical sort of types I don't know but Cap'n is a capa who's a captain and a friendly transporter of villagers in mini-games in fact I feel like with what I've seen he has one of the most developed characteristics in the game I mean he gets a whole family after the first one plus he's literally based off of a kapa like the yokai so for sure water type but I want to give him something else maybe grass because Kapos do love to lurk in reeds and captain is predominantly green so Game Freak commands me to make him grass type though if you follow along with the like kidnapping Cleary I guess you could say dark plus Kappas are actually pretty dark for realsies as in in mythology because they eat children and isn't that a wonderful thing to put in your extremely family friend of the game that has other things that point to the possibility that you're being kidnapped and put into this animal cult she didn't like that beat Pelle and Phyllis the trio that helps run the post office and by help I mean they they just do it entirely themselves they're birds so I'm just gonna say that the Flying type however Phyllis she's evil it's just true so dark flying well okay she does get better if you become a friend and talk to her when she's not on night shift which also helps with the dog type by the way the night shift whereas pili and Pete are just good wholesome friends that love mail all the time so easy-peasy crazy read the scam art I mean the art salesman honestly I love this character it really helps people think about classical art pieces however I hate how much money I've lost because I'm dumb and uncultured and by I I mean Josh again of course so dark type it is I mean selling forgeries that feels like an evil thing to do right Joan and Daisy main the new villager to turn up sales women well I assume Daisy may sales turnips or is at least related we don't know yet for sure but actually this is our first new villager from New Horizons that were talking about today but not the last however she's a type of stock wizard you know it's rather hard to come up with a type though for that so I'm either going to go with normal as it is a honest profession or we can go with psychic because she can see into the future and cheat the market and that's why she's so good at stock market things maybe she's so in tune with the turnip because she's grass type [Music] maybe mr. Resetti is the only other animal crossing character that I actually know in my heart but mr. Rosetti and his bro Don both are the best characters in the game at least their theme music is the best although small Josh always hated mr. Rosetti because saving the game all the time is hard but has a mole it's a mole so it does mole things literally digging the ground all the time it's ground-type the able sisters Mabel sable and ylabel spelled Lebel our triplets that are seamstresses with the first two being owners of the shop and their third being the fashionista I feel like being a tailor is a very very thing I mean repairing fabric with all the ribbons and the string it's like Cinderella magical fairy god mother powers I don't know Mabel is the much more outgoing up to three and would definitely be fairy again the fashion type of you could stay and electric is possible I mean Pepe rodents they are hedgehogs after all would this be our pika clone who knows Isabel kind of fills the slot of pika clone with her cute yellow innocent popularity maybe we should make her electric because she's just so energetic and happy sable the slower Shire of the three would be fairy two is to keep it easy doing Slayer firesteel cuz guns and ones and a hot heat copper and Booker are the lovable police and the lost-and-found keepers they are fighting type because justice you know cop things Gulliver would you think Gulliver is Sasha Oliver's a seagull what Pokemon type what a seagull beetle I need to brush you Burt it's just Burt I forgot to brush you last week yeah Oliver is just a seagull flying water kicks what better to put into our type list than the skunk kicks who sells shoes presumably already sneaky Hughes so why not ground type I mean you got to know the ground well to be able to build the best defense against it that's kind of dumb but the other type is poison I mean skunk tank is already a poison Pokemon because skunks they smell bad it's easy to just oh it smells but it's like a toxic a gasps ha ha poison I don't want to step on anyone's toes so we'll keep it pokemon style and say ground boys and we're just posed in a rover how could I forget the very first animal you ever see in all of Animal Crossing the transient train goer how odd that an animal can target I mean that's something special right oh wait no it's not I guess Rover is all around pretty normal though character much like many of the characters mono normal typing is super rampant in Animal Crossing especially underdeveloped characters like Rover and to the porter monkey or Blanca the most normal of all the normal types the character literally has no face which doesn't sound normal at all but trust me ooh what if it's like type null because you can draw its face to be whatever I have so many questions about how it doesn't have a face and then you draw it and then it does have a face but like if you can draw its face you can draw its face to be whatever it could be a monstrous ghost or like a your Konak cat something I don't know do you think that's a good idea she thinks it's a good idea but I guess being type NOLA asked it would be normal by default but okay speed around time let's get some of these done quick with minimal effort as if the previous ones at effort pesco water time I mean he's named after the underwater unit of pressure and it's an otter this goes for other otters too like Lyle or Lottie though latias pink and pokemon love to make fairy pink so water fairy who knows chip is a beaver who hosts the water based fishing competition thankfully we can be sure he's water type I mean we already have a barrel who is a beaver that is water normal type or normal water type either direction still the same same as this guy Phineas is a sea lion that loves to come around and give gifts based off of your achievements water Sahara is a camel that sells carpets and if that doesn't sound like a ground type then what does it sound like probably normal Gracie now that's a whole melon I don't want to crack I mean fashion guru what type even is fashion guru I'll tell you it's normal fairy I mean she already looks down on you with her much better fashionable appearance she's so high and mighty and so much better than you a normal fairy rosy the one from the movie franchise a bigger than smash Rosie is actually super boring Harry it's a hairdresser normal time just like furfrou normal type dog that is just a poodle just like Harriet RV the dog and owner of the campground could be grass because it was a connection nature man possibly psychic because you know he pees speaking of psychic what about the resident fortune-teller Katrina it's almost like poetry is easily the easiest animal to type psychic oh the holiday characters Jack the Halloween event ghost because he's spooky oh no and then we have jingles the reindeer nice type seems fitting we don't have many of those and we also have the rabbit zipper tea bunny I hate this thing it's dark berry I mean he's got a zipper on its back he's an impostor it's still a fairy tale [Music] what you disgusting creature creature am i right wisk literally a ghost so it might be ghost type Giovanni the bird mechanic in Pocket camp could easily be flying steel I mean he's a mechanic it's basically all gears and snow Wendell is a walrus I'm unoriginal like Game Freak so water ice type and then the fountain goddess Serena who is HM but this one also lives in a fountain so it may be water oh how did I forget about snow man is snow type of ice type you can't forget about him I mean these are the new one even I love that all these characters are coming back by ine Josh but okay enough normal boring shopkeepers and interesting characters let's talk about the good ones the villagers I'm going to randomly pick and hope they are the ones that you guys like gyroid and Lloyd are back and they were kind of hard to decide I mean ground obviously the statutes they are based on are made of clay well they're also kind of creepy looking so maybe dark hmm but flick the chameleon I assume flick is the bug catching event person like net but flick is a punky firered Horned chameleon maybe it could be fire tag due to the color and super effectiveness on plug but otherwise maybe normal dark because punk cherry the dog I love this dog especially her spiderweb teeth one of the shirts that I normally wear actually Jerry is one of the more memorable LEDs for me as in Josh and it's all thanks to the personality type Buchi which is interesting the tangent it's a Japanese word for a certain personality type that English doesn't have a single word translation of Ruchi is like when someone's personality is like that of a big sister to everyone a big caring older sister but not relationship caring just sort of like caring for all especially friends it's kind of like motherly love maybe the mom friend is the closest English ass it's still not perfect though but normally these villagers are nicer than the Pepe or normal ones plus they are way less vain now back to cherry she could be fairy-type because of this caring nature however in Animal Crossing that might not be a magical sort of trait it might just be normal to be so dang nice to everyone and care for each other as you know some sort of animal based utopia it's crazy what happens when humans are mostly removed from the picture heated oh he's a jock personality type and a bird so how perfect is that in fact any other jock birds they're also flying fighting because I'm an original and didn't look at all of them uncle the female unka the female Egyptian cat that most fans are very aware of it's really unique there were only a handful very special feeling villagers [Music] however we're not here to talk about how interesting they are we're here is to type them most Egyptian themed Pokemon are either go to the ground because sand and mummies however I feel like Uncas snooty personality leads her to not being as ghost type more of a ground type [Music] cat Sasha she's trying to eat the fern Rodney is a smug hamster I mean look at this dude he's practically a pokemon already - the ability to shoot electricity it's a rodent though so you know however I feel like Rodney would be a decent normal type similar to Snorlax and such a lazy type of villager who loves to eat Plus really wants to be a chef quit sprinkle in something like coconut oil because Rhoden Coco the rabbit this thing's kind of spooky but a cute kind of spooky similar to the texture of gyroid actually I look a little bit more into gyrates and stuff and by gosh it turns out that they're based on Honeywell statues I'm probably mispronouncing but I mean look it's literally a gyroid plus Coco's name is Yayoi in Japanese which is probably in reference to the dejoy period where these statues were mega popular and also they're made of terracotta so the typing is easy or maybe even rock Titan because we don't really have any of those yet however the imperfections are because they add ashes of the Dead to the clay when they make the statue yeah so they just got way cooler so maybe since the statue is infused with the life or the soul of the Dead boom ghost type added not that they are ghosts themselves but because they are imbued with ghostly powers just like to Sid UI you know we might actually have to add ghost type to gyroid and lloyd now to span is great but ultimately the devs didn't think so because he was forever stuck in the first Animal Crossing game he's a cool blue goat that loves the wild quests what better typing the nice ground hey fun type combo Drago yeah Drago the alligator [Music] and that's exactly the point of adding it to the list oh I mean are there any other dragon types that we could come up with no close to the rather interesting to me that is I like the design ribbon is a frog robot how cool is that plus I feel like we've been doing too many normal site villagers so let's get steel pipe in here he'll metal is that stitches is actually super cute it seems to be a stuffed bear who has XS for eyes and it has a very kitty house style I'm getting cursed doll so either ghost fairy or even goes to dark Kitty toys in fairy tales is it an omen of innocence or a sign you get to choose now I just want to say Phil just Phil specifically Phil I asked on Twitter what characters were the most important ones and user coma gave me a very exhaustive list of who to cover and out of all the ones that were listed I picked Phil so without further ado let's cover Phil specifically Phil it's flying time done okay man the space loving octopus has an amazing catchphrase don't be a sucker good advice to go by lightning around time though it's water psychic or just mono water because octopus and space sure to the mouse I mean we have to have a food Mon right but I'm not really sure what type cheese would be though it is a mouse and orangie so it could be a peek or maybe we could look at how he's a big-city type and it's all smug so possibly normal but oh what's this about the moon being made of cheese possibly so it's space you know psychic-type del the alligator who's actually a battleship yamato the japanese super boat I like him he's a big ol vote gator and he's super cool focus I love Gators and steel-type is the time for sure vote I'm not really sure what else maybe water because it's a boat an alligator yes water steel it's a really good type combo Apollo the Eagle I'm not really sure but everyone says that they know Apollo and if you don't are you really an animal crossing fan well I didn't know about him until Josh told me so I guess I'm not but from what I know he's a grumpy bird that has a modern approach to interior decoration and if he's so well known then maybe he should be normal typing and bird type here's an interesting villager lucky the dog who might actually be lucky over really really unlucky depending on the way you look at it but this dog is covered in bandages so much that it looks like a mummy and his interior design is let's make him ghost type Ganon uh-huh yeah the king of evil he was a villager yeah new leaf in the amiibo is kind of messed a lot of cannon stuff up I mean wolf link is in there too so I guess you can't really count them as villagers plus they would just be the same type that we gave them but uh okay I'm tired it feels like I've played the entire series now even though I haven't touched it in over a decade however I promised you that I'd give you a handy dandy villager typing guide if I miss your villager also I'm sorry if I missed your villager there's only so much time in the universe for any new villagers or villagers that you love and you remember but I didn't cover here's my method of figuring out typing first we look at its species and personality type this will help a lot there are eight types along with way too many species you can infer a lot just from these two pieces of information basically you get the first type from the species and it's like if it's a water-based animal its water type if it's a bird it's a bird if it's similar to a bunch of other Pokemon like all the rodents in Pokemon those rodents are electrified then you could argue electric time but if you can't concretely figure it out for sure based on their species then you can also narrow it down or add a second type by looking at their nature so grumpy would be dark hoochie would be fairy or psychic jock would be fighting-type you get the idea but I almost forgot normal time you could very well just type all of them as normal something or just mono normal maybe even normal normal I mean they don't really have any special talents plus if they ever were in a fight they just used normal moves you know and if they're gonna be using normal moves you might as well give them a stab bonus with those normal moves like what we did with KK slider and if even after figuring all that out if you're still a little unsure you can look at their interior design gym themed fighting a lot of fish or insects you get the idea let's go over an example one ace one of the original Animal Crossing character is though unfortunately he hasn't been in the game since the old ACC or even AF animal forest the instance before release of AC before it came to the west on the Gamecube he's a bird with the jock type so flying flying flying fighting if you don't want it to end there though you can't look at his collections of bugs and fish in the house sort of terrarium enthusiast you could drop either of the types and have maybe bug very unused type or maybe something that's good against bugs or fish since he's obviously a very good catcher of them so flying or electric because of his jock pipe then extreme energy to catch fish I don't know man make it up as you go along as you're having fun who gives a hoot this whole thing matters as much as my diploma so are you excited for Animal Crossing because I'm not but I am very excited that my friends around me are going to have something fun and relaxing to play and that's just awesome meanwhile I'm gonna slay some demons and rescue every talking Pokemon so did I do your favourite villager did I miss them and if I missed them it's probably because they're a Pat villager so let me know down below and let me know which ones I got completely wrong and by I I mean Josh blame him for this unless it's perfect then I probably came up with it while I edited the script anyways hope you have fun on your journey crossing those animals and until next time never stop using your noggin [Music] he's gotta be proper from the very start [Music] so much for [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 285,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animal crossing, animal crossing pokemon, pokemon types, what if animal crossing, animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing new horizons pokemon, pokemon in animal crossing, isabelle animal crossing, asabelle vs pikachu, pikachu vs isabelle, animal crossing new horizons isabelle, animal crossing new horizons flick, flick, mr resetti, pokemon types in animal crossing, k.k. slider, kk slider, k.k. slider in animal crossing new horizons, animal crossing new horizons kk, smash
Id: gkB547HfqjA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 19 2020
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