Do Mythical Pokémon Foreshadow the Next Generation? + 9th Gen Predictions | Gnoggin

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[Music] what if i told you that all this time mythical pokemon have been giving us hints to what the next generation will be and now if that is true what does it tell us about gen 9 now what are mythical pokemon well mythical pokemon are special legendary pokemon that cannot be obtained through normal gameplay with some later exceptions some are obtained through special events mostly the releases of new pokemon movies while others need special items that are distributed online through the mystery gift system or even in person at stores that are hosting the event and have you ever noticed that some of these mythical pokemon don't always seem to fit the theme of the generation they were introduced in but do fit kind of well into others particularly the following generation of games i mean it makes a bit of sense mythical pokemon tends to have their events much after the game's real first release so game freak would of course be working on the next game already but it does make me start to think dangerous i know but our mythical pokemon sort of hints to what the next game might be about well perhaps if we look into their designs we can solve this mystery gift that was given to us [Music] now real talk time uh let's be serious for a moment is this the mess you get when you try to make fancy breakfasts well then it sounds like you need magic spoon with magic spoon you get all of the convenience of cereal because it is cereal but it's guilt-free cereal with zero grams of sugar 14 grams of protein and only four net grams of carbs in each serving also only 140 calories when it comes to keto grain free sugar-free cereals in general they all either fall into one of two issues they either turn into powder in your mouth or they're so rock solid no matter how long they soak but magic spoon it must be magic because it's perfect i love to just munch on it straight out of the box and right now you can build your own variety box and use my coupon code lockstin for five dollars off of that order by following the link in my description that's right choose any four flavors to try personally i'd recommend frosted fruity cinnamon and blueberry those are my four favorites but that might change because they just introduced to these two and i'ma try em [Music] now there are quite a number of mythicals to get through so let's tackle them by generation and since we're still in the middle of gen 8 let's start with the mythical pokemon of generation 7 and move our way backwards because clearly they wouldn't have gotten this idea until quite a few sequels in pokemon sword and shield based in galar which is based on great britain the world leader of the industrial revolution and it features the dynamaxx gimmick versus pokemon sun and moon based in alola which is based on hawaii a tropical paradise where z moves are happening and aliens in the form of ultra beasts are invading now which of these do you think maghirna fits better into or melt on yeah see what i mean so the mythical pokemon of generation seven are magirna marshado and zeraora as well as melton and no metal if our idea here is correct then these pokemon would foreshadow sword and shield in some way and with magirna's just design it's all too clear maghirna is certainly based on man-made automatons dating back to the renaissance period of european history so right away we're pointed to a return to europe as the setting for generation eight but that may be still too general so let's see if we can narrow this down its design is also based on maids who are employed by many european aristocracies and while france comes to mind thanks to the concept of the french maid outfit maids are also often associated with british culture as seen in shows like downtown abbey plus as mentioned it's a bunch of gears like motostoke city because again england spearheaded the industrial revolution oh sure mcgiron's signature move is fluorocannon which sounds like it comes from flor de lis flor de lis which is a heraldic design that's particularly associated with french royalty so it seems to point a bit more towards france the previous game but i think it still is safe to say that it points towards royal noble europeans as a whole thus it hints to a return to europe and maybe not much else but it's only one of the five mythicals so perhaps it's just a piece of this puzzle so what do the others say next up is mars shadow who unlike a lot of mythicals does fit the region it's in quite a bit as one of its inspirations are the hawaiian night marchers and that seems to have nothing to do with europe at all much less britain right well yes but let's shift our perspective here and look at this pokedex entry from ultra sun it slips into the shadows of others and mimics their powers and movements as it improves it becomes stronger than those it's imitating thus clearly one of marshadow's other inspirations is the entire concept of shadow boxing shadow boxing is an exercise practiced by wouldn't you know it boxers where they go through the motions of their routine as if they have an opponent in front of them but they don't now while the concept of boxing itself goes back to ancient times modern boxing as a sport with rules can trace its roots right back to britain back when they used bare knuckles and people died but modern boxing with its protective padding and rules was invented in 1743 by jack broten an englishman and also also marshadow's general martial arts theme could also foreshadow the martial arts vibe of the entire isle of armor especially with its southeast asian warrior helmet design fitting in quite nicely zeraora now this piece of furry bait is really interesting as it uses the pads on its paws to generate a magnetic field which it uses to levitate and move at high speeds and what comes to mind when i hear that are the japanese bullet trains which use magnetic levitation or maglev technology but the first commercial use of which was in britain and speaking of furries their modern history goes back to the underground comic scene of the 1960s which originated in both the us and the uk a bit loose but moving on lastly for gen 7 mythicals melton and mel metal the design of these two just like magirna referenced the industrial revolution which began in the uk this was also the time when a neurological disease called aerothism became prevalent and arithism is caused by mercury poisoning an all-too-common ailment among english hatters which is why it is also known as mad hatter disease you're probably thinking about the hatter and alice in wonderland now hum particularly because it's on screen right now but also bonus fact that book was written by an englishman too sealing the mad hatter into pop culture and plus to top this all off mel metal is the only mythical pokemon to get a giganta max form almost as if it were made for this game but moving on if this idea were to hold true then that would mean the gen 6 mythical pokemon would have to vaguely hint to the gen 7 games so is that the case like it all moving on to the mythical pokemon found in kalos we have deontay hoopa and volcanion and what do they tell us about the then unknown gen 7 games well overall these ones are very simple beyonce is just decorated in pink diamonds crystals and the whole gimmick of sun and moon were the z moves which were possible thanks to z crystals and the whole game has you constantly collecting them and then hoopa's whole gimmick is that it uses hoops to make portals and wormholes as indicated by its signature move hyperspace hole and it's not even from the world it's in now it's from some unknown world at least according to its movie and well the main plot point of the gen 7 games was all about ultra wormholes ultra beasts coming from ultra space from other worlds that's like one-to-one hand bait and volcanion is all about steam and volcanoes volcanoes are really all over the place in the world but hawaii wouldn't even be there without volcanoes the volcanoes are the islands though of course because french and france has volcanoes you could say it's just that but hang on the most volcanically active zone in the world is the ring of fire around the pacific ocean it makes you wonder if volcanions arm vent things are referencing that because it's a ring there is no other reason for it to look this dumb so what do we got what are the hints hinting at a pokemon game with crystals and wormholes that takes place in the volcanic ring of fire [Music] sounds good to me viktini keldeo melowetta and genesect are the mythical pokemon from unova if this idea holds true they should all somehow hint towards the gen 6 games x and y which take place in kalos based on france and keldigo is already perfect it's based on the character de argen d'artagnan dogtagnon dart tagnen it's based on the character this guy the youngest member of the three musketeers from the french adventure novel of the same name which was written in france and is based in france how perfect victini the victory pokemon actually has a pretty strong connection to france for starters victini is found in liberty garden which is based off of liberty island in new york city on which stands the statue of liberty the statue of liberty was a gift to the united states from france and was partially constructed in france but that's not all victini's association with the letter v as well as it doing a v sign with its little tiny fingies actually goes back to world war ii first the v sign is a reference to the v campaign which was created by wait for it victor de lavalla as a radio broadcaster he called for his fellow belgians to start using the letter v to rally the people as it was the first letter for victory which is victory in french it's just spelled differently as well as bridgeheid which is freedom in dutch thus this v sign was created as a part of this campaign and this was later picked up and used by winston churchill as seen in some pictures and then it was used in many promotional materials throughout the allied nations which of course points us to a hint that the next game is in europe but more than that victini could also be a reference to v-day or v-e day or victory in europe day which was the formal and official day world war ii ended in europe moving on to mellowetta we see that it has two forms arya its original form and pirouette its alternate form arias are self-contained pieces of music made for one voice and during the late 17th century evolved into two different forms binary and ternary it's possible that meloetta references binary form since it itself has two different forms and notably binary form became very popular among french baroque opera during this time a pirouette then is a type of dancing turn used commonly in ballet and ballet while originating in italy became especially prominent in france and russia following the italian renaissance in fact the very first professional ballet company started in france the paris opera ballet and lastly genesect is much like beyonce and hoopa in that it doesn't foreshadow the setting of the next games but a plot element genesect was an ancient creature that was modified by humans to become the most powerful pokemon and it has a giant laser on its back an ultimate weapon if you will what do we find in kalos an ancient device that was modified by a human to become a giant laser the ultimate weapon wow and next we have the sinnoh region which has the most mythical pokemon in a single generation or that is if you consider fiona to be a mythical pokemon which a sizable number of people in the community dispute if not then that just means it's tied with unova but anyways those pokemon are manafee fiona maybe darkrai shaman and rks do they at all hint at pokemon black and white okay so for the sake of this video we are going to include fionne since the rationale i'm about to explain can apply to both mana feet and fion so if you are one of those people who think theon should not be a mythical pokemon that's fine it doesn't break this thing at all because it all applies to manafi anyway manafee and fiona are the sea guardians everything about them is all about the seas and oceans and if i recall correctly in the marketing campaigns leading up to gen 5 it was mentioned that the new region was very far away from sinnoh specifying that there was a large ocean separating the two and it is unova is the first mainline pokemon region based in the united states a place japanese folks often refer to as overseas because it is and even manafee and theon's category as the seafaring pokemon and sea drifter pokemon allude to this since the american continents were discovered by seafaring europeans and the vast majority of them had trouble at sea and would have to drift the rest of the way there then dark cry by itself darkrai's holshtik is dreams which could very well be a call forward to the whole dream world gimmick of gen 5 however if we bring in its partner of the lunar duo crescelia we also have another potential foreshadowing with how both represent duality dark and light or black and white and again just like with fion this still works without needing to involve cresselia but i included it anyway as i thought it was a pretty good connection now shaman is tricky at least that's what i thought at first shaymin is always tied to themes of gratitude and while that could connect to something like thanksgiving day which is an exclusively american holiday it's not a very strong one so once again we must shift our perspective a little bit shaman's theme of gratitude comes from the gracidia flower that it is adorned with the gracidia flower kind of resembles hydrangeas which is fitting because they too symbolize gratitude in the language of flowers and even come in a variety of colors pink included and when it comes to their natural habitat hydrangeas can be found both in asia and the americas another thing about hydrangeas is that they are seasonal flowers which could foreshadow the new seasons mechanic that would be later introduced in gen 5 but then again all flowers are kind of seasonal uh so let's call this one a big stretch and finally we arrive at rks the alpha and the omega the original one insert other epitaphs here archaeous is a god obviously but not just any god it is the god of the pokemon world archaeous seems to be inspired by a variety of creator deities one of them being bodhisattva avalakatesvara which is difficult to pronounce so we're going to go with his japanese name of kanun i might be mispronouncing that too another that archaea seems to pull elements from is the judeo-christian god the one with a capital g and since there seems to be a christian church located in the sinnoh region and the japanese especially of north certainly have a history with christianity though not always a pleasant one this could certainly point to many western countries that have christianity as their major if not soul religion and since all of the regions the franchise had visited at this point have been based on japanese locations it would certainly have been a major departure to have the next games set in a distant land but also also both archaeos and shaman could pull from the confirmed idea that diamond and pearl were made to be the ultimate pokemon games that's why they went back and added so many new baby and final evolutions to older pokemon they wanted to finish up all of their ideas before moving on to something much much bigger some would call this a soft reboot a new game with none of the older pokemon in the base game and set in a wholly different land and what better way to finish off an arc of the pokemon games than with their creator and ender god and at the same time game freak says thanks to the fanbase with a shaman so both of them together sort of sign off and say goodbye to pokemon as we knew it hinting at just how widely different black and white were to become and all right we've cleared the hurdle of the gen 4 and 5 mythical pokemon and as you may have noticed the mythical hints towards the later gens that we were discussing which are the earlier gens they were they were weakening a bit overall and the further back we go this is especially apparent as you'll see but this makes sense as up until a certain point game freak had no idea they were going to be making another pokemon game so they may not have had any long-term plans so how do you hint of next generation if there is no next generation in mind that being said being a theory based youtuber almost at least it used to be that just that game theory knock off most of what we do here is bs anyway so can we fit the rest of them in with this idea well sure generation 3 gave us jirachi and dioxis both pokemon come from space so i'm sure you can see how this would foreshadow the sinnoh games because it's all about time and space but then where is the time then well jirachi is your time reference it's pokedex entries mention it's sleeping for a thousand years and its movie talks about it being related to an orbiting comet that similarly is visible repeatedly on the calendar so there time and space celebi the voice of the forest almost every pokemon entry celeb he has always brings up its relationship with forests and nature and the environment and while all pokemon games share a general theme centered around nature and the environment we can all agree that the hoenn games really put an emphasis on that right the weather trio are said to be forces of nature in and of themselves and the plot revolves around team aqua and team magma wanting to essentially ruin the ecosystem and unbalancing nature bad stuff and then finally and we end where it all began with generation one and mew mew's design just evokes infancy especially its original sprite from the japanese versions red and green and yeah it certainly looks like a fetus uncomfortably so and one of the big additions given to us in gen 2 breeding and baby pokemon bam [Music] yeah definitely if hinting at the next generation with their mythical pokemon is a thing that gamefreak does it's certainly a thing that didn't start until a bit later but now i'm sure you're wondering what does this say for generation 9. pokemon sword and shield has only added one mythical pokemon to the mix though i have a feeling they'll add a new one at some point with the gen 4 remakes but for now all we have is zurud so can we use the rood to predict something about the distant gen 9 games that are probably coming out next year zarood's design seems to be based off of a mixture of gibbons baboons and the lion-tailed macaque they also all make their homes in dense forests though zarud's signature move jungle healing suggests rain forests specifically so it's possible that we may be looking at gen 9 taking us to a new region that has a rainforest as one of its major defining features and there are plenty of rainforests in the world but what immediately comes to mind for me and probably to most of you as well is the amazon rainforest which is for now the biggest rainforest in the world and this could easily hint at some region of brazil being used i mean it's south america's biggest and most well-known country but what i think would be more interesting and is sort of more likely with just this idea in mind is ecuador it's a smaller country so easier to make a little pokemon region out of it but it's also where the galapagos islands are the islands most famous because of charles darwin the dude who wrote the book on evolution and just think about how much pokemon has to do with evolution even if it's more so metamorphosis but still but other than the amazon rainforest there's also the sundarbans reserve forest which covers parts of india and bangladesh a region that is also home to gibbons and lion-tailed macaques and zarud's green vine wristband things are reminiscent of indian bengals in india bengals are traditionally worn by women though some men also wear them and they can symbolize health luck and prosperity the symbology also differs depending on the color with red symbolizing energy and prosperity and green symbolizing good luck and fertility health and fertility are also things sort of highlighted by zarud's signature move as well as its pokemon shield dex entry reads once the vines on zarug's body tear off they become nutrients in the soil this helps the plants of the forest grow and we also know that zarud's jungle healing pulls some inspiration from orangutans who are known to chew up vines and make medicinal poultices out of them orangutans are native to southeast asia though not india but the two are very close plus pokemon already has an orangutan pokemon or in guru which also pulls from gurus a traditionally indian teacher so the pokemon world itself already has that connection i'd actually be really excited to see an india-based region i mean we already have pokemon that would be perfect for it like galarz copper raja and india itself has already been mentioned in several text centuries and plus there's the whole historic connection that the united kingdom has with india and what with pokemon curry and all that too india would be a very thematic follow-up to galar plus it would start another pattern of sorts we got europe tropics europe tropics or maybe zarud isn't hinting at a location at all but a gimmick perhaps a gimmick that heals your pokemon or you'll lasso pokemon somehow pokemon ranger style maybe the plot will do a tarzan which was written by an englishman and it'll be about living out in the wilderness on your own so many possibilities with gimmicks and so there you have it every mythical pokemon and how they foreshadow the next games now again admittedly you and celebi most likely were not purposefully made to show foreshadow anything of the sort since game freak had no idea that there was going to be another pokemon game back then but you know that saying once is a chance twice as a coincidence three times it's a pattern i think after the 21st or 22nd time again depending on if you consider fiona mythical pokemon by that time it should pretty much be a fact so what do you think which mythical pokemon do you believe have the strongest and weakest cases for foreshadowing i probably missed something so you let me know that down below and remember to never ever stop using your noggin [Music] so [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 821,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Zarude, Mythical Pokemon, arceus, pokemon legends arceus, mew, celebi, magearna, kaldeo, hoopa, mew theory, zarude theory, zarude movie, pokemon movie, pokemon zarude movie, 9th gen pokemon, pokemon gen 9, 9th pokemon region, 9th region, mythical pokemon hints, mythical pokemon theory, game theory, pokemon theory, game theory pokemon, mythical pokemon foreshadow, gen 9 prediction, 9th gen prediction, where will the gen 9 games, where will gen 9, pokemon sword and shield
Id: auY6Y4HVXlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 5sec (1505 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 12 2021
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