Let's Write a Pokemon Game Plot! | Kaskade Region | Gnoggin

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hey there we've been working on a lokemon region lokemon just being what i call our fake mon for branding purposes or something so now at this point we've talked about the region itself what inspired it what mon lived there what inspired each of them who the elite four and champion are who the gym leaders are and their gimmicks and who the quote-unquote evil organization is and what their leader's motivations are and also what the main professor is doing developing a cast form for every type and now that we've gotten this far with all of those ideas now it's time to finally lay down the plot so i sat down wrote out a huge script realized i didn't understand it so i made it again realized halfway through it was still like uh how am i gonna present this so instead i sat down and made a bullet point list timeline thing with color coding so that i understood how everything flowed and like what the player knows and what the player doesn't know at the time and all this stuff and it really helped i now know better world building techniques which should also help with dming d d stuff so if i were to write a pokemon game with my ideas and this region in mind how would i do it well while still trying to keep it you know like a pokemon game to where it's not too different but it's different enough that makes me happy now pokemon games aren't always known for having a deep and intricate plot some of them are more intense than others and they still sometimes have their twists and turns but rarely is that the focus and typically major plot events are spread thin across the usual gym challenge plotline so i'd like to emulate that while also making some changes that i personally would have wanted to see in a pokemon game for a long time now the biggest change being who the player character is why be 10 to 12 again no i want responsibilities why be all happy and friendship based with a bunch of buddies that don't do anything besides smile and give you positive vibes no i want teen tier edge in my plot not as much as say pokemon uranium you got but enough for say like an e10 rating now let's see i've struggled with how to present this do i go pokemon cardinal style with plenty of voice over or just like have me going and explaining everything as like a narrator maybe an in-between well let's just start and see what happens hey exciting news remember this the tow frog plush it's my favorite lokemon as a plush well here is the final factory version it's sort of a dream come true to be making plushies for real now it's a frog masquerading as a block of tofu as a soft and huggable plush toefrog is 13 by 10 and a half inches and 6 inches tall and now has fully custom eyes and a body that took us months of working with to perfect it's got consistent feeling density color matching for the fabric a soft texture and durable materials to withstand battles with other lokemon and now i'm here to reveal a new addition a holographic full art lokemon card featuring tofrug with art from nadinani as a pre-order bonus and all already existing pre-orders will have it included too so don't you worry and each pre-ordered plush will come with a card and protective sleeve of its own so if you want multiple cars you could always order multiple plushes we are on schedule to launch over summer production has started meaning now there is a limited quantity both with the pre-orders of the flushes themselves and especially of the cards all sales support this channel directly which is very much needed for this video series because we commission a lot of artists thank you all so much even for just considering really now let's get into this game's plot and one more announcement loads of folks have asked me for a fan game based on cascade and uh well that's happening now plenty of experienced folks made a discord server and have been working on it as we speak got a lot of the sprite work new abilities and new moves programmed the weather mechanics figured out even music world and the finer details of the plot and script it's so exciting now it's not a public server as we only want people with the time and know-how to help in it and if that sounds like you there is a link below for you to apply to enter but through the timeline well i guess this video is entirely spoilers anyway though there's a good chance not all of these ideas will make it in and some things may change we've already made tons of changes to stuff in the game compared to the videos things like alfalfa laps now is grass rock type for the sake of balancing and some lokemon got their names changed like kunsum is now rescue it gets rid of the slur that i wasn't aware of being a slur why are there so many slurs just be nice people so uh yeah let's break this video into chapters time stamps on screen and just go through the goings-on of this game concept chapter one the ancient history in the beginning archaeos and company create the world out from spear pillar primal groudon and reggie gigas travel west creating the old world continents occasionally getting in kerfuffles with kyogre these kerfuffles being why they traveled west instead of east and is also the source of the indian ocean while finishing up the western end of the continents there's yet another major conflict with primal kyogre who now seems to be winning this is when the mysterious ancient great thunderbird steps in to help groudon giving it the energy to avoid kyogre and begin a new set of continents the new world continents oh and so you know this has taken like a billion years the new continents are being farmed and groudon gets tired again but the bird commands and directs it to continue at least for a little while longer eventually there is another fight with kyogre right at the end the thunderbird helps but ultimately kyogre wins and what would eventually be known as the cascade region became one of the last bits of land to be formed on the continent reflecting the real world northwest coast groudon and the bird part ways and rest groudon goes to hohen and the bird remains here in proto-cascade ancient life begins flourishing across the world as what we now call fossil pokemon roam the land about 50 million years ago a wandering menadza discovers the cascade region and decides to settle calling it home and causing an eternal summer the only time the region has a chance to cool off is when it's sleeping but it still can't cool off to the point of it being winter the great ancient thunderbird is not a fan of this heat so it wakes up and begins wandering around the continents once more eventually menadza needs to hibernate for hundreds of eons which lets the region balance out a bit but then about three million years ago while menadza is hibernating the wandering arcticol which is our new name for arcto yield because i merely settled on the name arctic yields and i wasn't a huge fan of it and article is a lot cooler in my opinion but let me know in the comments which you prefer anyway article wanders in and begins an ice age forcing most of the pokemon living there to flee or die in this frigid wasteland about 30 000 years ago humans first arrived in the region and began to settle slowly going from hunter-gatherers to an agricultural society this shift in the natural way this disturbance awakens manadza who returns its part of the region to a hot summer and the menadza vs arctical rivalry begins they create tamunk and temunk as scouts and when they do eventually meet the great ancient thunderbird they immediately recognize its authority also wikoot is here now but nobody knows when where or why it showed up it's just a crazy old coot at least it's wise nobody really likes him though a little trickster about 28 000 years ago this rivalry leads to a giant heat wave followed immediately by another great ice age which devastates the region and the humans living there the forest in the southeastern part of the region completely dies and desertifies total destruction which is then only halted by the once again awoken great thunderbird wikoot not a fan of this summons all of the legendaries and they settle on rapidly rotating seasons a compromise the box legendaries still bump heads occasionally which necessitates wikoot to negotiate a ceasefire or for the thunderbird to step in and forcibly demand one but doing this takes its toll as the bird still hasn't fully recovered from its creation days the ancient great thunderbird needs more rest eventually humans move back in and about 8 000 years ago a mysterious cataclysm occurs mysterious beings from another world invade and are tormenting the villages across the region a great hero summons wikoot to mount anil with a mysterious flute and asks for help the wise wikoot always knows where the other legendaries are with its wisdom and it summons them to help fight off the invaders the great thunderbird fights off the majority of them with its immense power and even commands some to leave and they listen but ultimately not yet fully recovered from its altercations with primal kyogre and all of its previous interactions with menadza and article it dies in the process the humans build a temple to the great thunderbird deep in the mountain in memoriam of this event and they build a relic key out of its remains and life goes on chapter 2 modern but pre-player history the rivalry between the box legendaries isn't gone completely but it has died down since the thunderbird's passing they've still butted heads a few times but wikoot is always able to mitigate the damage and break them up the human population keeps growing and their villages continue expanding slowly but surely and this goes on for thousands of years until around the year 1600 foreign humans start to move into the region some of them occasionally seeing these legendaries and reporting back tales of a more mysterious cryptid pokemon to their homelands around 1850 the foreign humans take over the area huge swaths of them and they alter the landscape dramatically with their dams cities and gold mining operations the modern region begins to take shape in the 1980s a young tom bezel is dating the soon to be a professor menzie and is frat baits with the soon to be professor fur at cascade university in the 90s the now single tom bezel creates the first widely successful website goumays search a search engine he sees this new internet thing as an amazing tool to help people learn and stay connected with everyone so he eventually also creates face decks the first widely successful social network he only wants to improve the world and learns through data collection that he can help people all the more by providing a storefront with targeted advertising and so he creates amazon to conglomerate all of his sites and properties eventually amazon becomes just the way of life in the cascade region as it continues to grow and expand eventually starting to reach other regions by this time sightings of the box legendaries are far and few between and many question whether or not they even exist sometime in the 2000s the player character is born and they spend their whole life surrounded by amazon tech as it's the new normal for the region also during this decade amazon is continuing to expand at an exponential speed the bigger they grow the faster they grow globally even and they continue to succeed at their goals to give people what they want to build infrastructure to create jobs to connect people and to give people more access to information they even start investing in smaller local businesses like starbus which eventually becomes the world's largest coffee shop thanks to amazon's funding and they start importing coffee beans like crazy there's also mega a taxi service with independent contractors instead of employees and of course amazon eventually buys them both up entirely towards the end of the 2000s orbital odds start appearing in the region wait what do you mean appearing they've always been here there's no evidence or fossil record of them always being here well they have no bones i for one love how every important person seems to have an orb thalot i just think they're neat in the 2010s amazon introduces the pori watch and buys up other tech manufacturers and gets into satellite and cell phone infrastructure and manufacturing data collection has never been higher thanks to controlling most of the cell and data towers and satellites as well as routers and browsers they start making their own lakemon too amaze all branded driftblim to help deliver packages botniak to gather data amaze all branded pseudo-wudo to help redirect calls and gather data and vibet to go to where there isn't much technology and gather data it's awesome meanwhile professor fur begins work on his cast form project and professor menzie is continuing her archaeological digs now as for the player characters for the sake of this video we're going to use ren as the player and lark as the rival to keep things simple also they're both named after birds that live here local families of birds because birds tend to symbolize freedom you know it's a theme trust me so lark the rival is fresh out of school and gets hired at amazon and is extremely grateful as it lifts him out of poverty meanwhile ren is just staying at home in her small town and now it's the early 2020s and just before the start of the game amazon is finishing their development of the amazeball poke cloud system giving trainers in the region access to the pc wherever they are and they are currently developing a whole new porygon evolution for porygon 2 for use in the eventual pory watch 3. they are also developing more advanced rotom technology and top secretly they've been working on the development of an artificial thunderbird to give to their sponsored brand ambassador champion yazin it's it's just something to look cool really and symbolize their region's unique history and folklore it's just for spectacle the hard thing is giving it enough power to be able to move and do pokemon things but that's not all amazon is also researching crop development they've recently learned that they could increase crop yields dramatically just by tweaking the seasonal shifts slightly they just need to slow down the monthly seasonal changes by about a week then their crop profits would explode and they then could help feed more of the hungry but will they meanwhile on one of her digs menzie learns of a relic that supposedly can open some undiscovered ruins she now knows what it looks like thanks to depictions and that it has something to do with the box legendaries but has no idea where it could be but through data tracking amazon learns all of this too and looks through their database and discovers that a small antique curio shop in shakeland seems to have something that very well could be it and they send out lark to buy it as soon as possible he isn't told what it does but just that it's pricelessly valuable its importance is immeasurable and so he goes chapter three and the game starts here so who are you you are either ren or lark and for this video you are wren you weren't some child prodigy able to become champion as a child no you were just an everyday person now 22 your experience with pokemon is positive though a bit limited your mom has a tow frog that you help train and take care of but that's about it wanting to help with the bills and have something to do with your life you get a job as the professor's assistant as there isn't really much else in this small town of shakeland and also the professor happens to be a friend of your mom's professor fur has been studying the unique weather g found in the cascade region which makes the seasons rotate in each quadrant monthly and makes the pokemon here more empowered with local weather anomaly control there are unique sorts of weather and weather-like anomalies that are only found in this region and some parts of the region are just locked in their season for no discernible reason on top of that the weather has seemingly been getting more extreme plus first still needs to finish his cast form project there's only a few more to go so professor fur needs all of the help he can get for a part of his research he needs you to go down into the forest to the south and pick up a fern but recognizes that the wild pokemon in the area have been acting a bit strange lately so you better take one of these starter pokemon just as some added security the choice is yours for the sake of this video let's go with therpel [Music] [Applause] when you arrive back at the lab you find lark who you don't know yet peeking into the lab's window just like the rival in pokemon gold and silver but he runs off before you can confront him strange now inside there's some little kid talking to the professor and he chooses the weaker starter so lompus and the professor gives you some pokeballs to teach him how to go catch pokemon so in this game the catching tutorial is framed as you showing a kid how to do it i love this idea it turns out the kid's name is jay and gosh does he love pokemon and is just excited to start his own adventure he just turned 10 you see after he heads off on his adventure you return to the lab and the professor now has a big job for you ren he says i need you to deliver a package for me on the other side of cascade to professor menzie there's no rush with this package at all but its security is incredibly important i've already had some young guy try to buy it off of me just after i picked it up from that curio shop it's far too priceless and at this point there's no one i would trust less to deliver it than amazon or no one i would trust more than you besides i know you've been getting interested in the gym challenge lately so why not give that a shot while you're on your way and so the journey begins your mom gives you a brand new pory watch 2 as a gift for your upcoming adventure and much like most mod games nothing major really happens at first standard routes and npcs plenty of world building if you choose to talk to everyone before reaching chapanook city you bump into jay the friendly rival who has caught some route one mon and challenges you and after the battle you get a call from the professor the third starter has been stolen [Music] i should have listened to your mom and gotten that security system i just don't like the idea of amazon having eyes in here too you know can't trust them so just keep your eyes open for a burb world they are super rare so it shouldn't be difficult and so you enter chaperonic city the vibe is very positive it's currently getting a load of infrastructure upgrades to compete with port helke the major city to the north and a lot of this is being built by amazon you see occasional delivery drift blims and workers out and about you had no idea just how big the corporation had gotten these last few years until now it's a bit scary but the convenience of two-day deliveries and all of their mobile devices and watches face decks gourmets they make so many lives so much better and so much more convenient so cool and it all started right here in cascade and only a few years before you were born what an honor to be born here they've been around your entire life and it's hard to imagine a world without them plus with a peak member subscription you get access to the pokemon cloud and can even order items from your watch it's amazing now even though the gym is currently under construction the leader still accepts your challenge and you prevail talk about a confidence boost maybe you do have some training talent badge in hand you attempt to leave chapenoc to the east as the northern bridge is under construction and you bump into that guy who was staring into the window he introduces himself as a lark and offers you a bunch of pokedollars for your package after refusing he attempts to battle you for it well i'm not above taking it and you discover he stole the burb whirl oh well you beat him and continuing on there's a wild area or just a big route with many branching paths nothing matters to the plot here other than a load of faux tree cell towers being put up by amazon and as sort of expected the closer and closer you get to solo falls the next town the denser they seem to be placed together at this town you learn of surrounding dungeons with different sorts of man in them and you also learn that the mountain it's right next to is a mystical mountain mount spectal people from all over the world come here to meditate it seems to make opening your mind and soul a lot easier simplifying the finding yourself process of meditation there's lots of hippies in the area camping and also while here you successfully defeat the second gym leader as you head towards the mount spectal tunnel you see lark and jay talking lark seems annoyed but our eye is locked that means we have to battle sorry snotty i i don't have time he turns to you i have to ah auntie battles j allowing you to sneak past into the tunnel while in the tunnel which is illuminated by glowing magical crystals you catch a slight glimpse of cascadian deontay how pretty there's also a few amazon scientists with some machines doing some research i guess how not pretty and out on the other side of the tunnel there is another big open space area or just a bunch of open-ended routes you bump into some amazon delivery folks on break who want to unwind with a battle and you also find some amazon contractors putting up more cell towers in the desert either way they say you're trespassing on amazon property so they battle you eventually lark runs up to you from behind who panting challenges you for the package with the item inside once again and you beat him again meanwhile at some point in this part of the story and unknown to the player professor fur finishes his steel type cast form which is capable of nullifying all weather effects when it's brought onto the battlefield and amazon buys it off of him somewhere in this large area is bent town a once prosperous town whose economy collapsed but is now being built back up thanks to an amazon factory and warehouse set up by the gym leader himself and after you get his badge he tells you if you haven't already you should check out the geyser history museum to the southeast when you do you learn plenty of cascadian history you learn about the fossil mon and can even buy a fossil if you can afford it maybe after playing at bent town's casino you also learn a lot about the history of the region itself a lot of the stuff in the ancient history chapter of this video but not all of it while out and about in the desert you run into champions in relaxing in the sun and his assistant is with him before you can talk to him though jay runs up hey win i beat this guy with dumb hair and a burb whirl i think i have enough experience to beat you too and he challenges you you win of course and champions champiozin who was watching congratulates you both on a well-fought battle giving you both a signed photograph of himself in a mildly sultry pose and then he leaves and now back to the routes more landmarks with different things in them to catch different mons and another lark battle at gorge outpost it looks like he's talking to some amazon contractors who are working on another canyon bridge oh them i was uh renewing my peak membership yeah hey this bridge is a good spot for a battle i will get that package from you at this point his burb world has evolved and just before he throws out his last mon he says i know i'm not supposed to use you but and he throws out a botniak the gym leader at this outpost saw the battle and now challenges you too and you get another badge and access to another quadrant this is where we'll find professor menzies lab chapter 4 the amaze all raid and the second half of the game at the lab you meet professor menzie she's hard to get a hold of because she doesn't have a phone and barely has a computer she's very stubborn and into her ways but you deliver the thing and she also gives her quail your scent so that you can communicate now via carrier pigeon but it's a quail and you still don't know what's in the box i'll get to it when i get to it go challenge more gyms or whatever you kids do these days oh well there's two more gyms here and a small town with a farmer's market and state fair people sell many unique and handmade things here though they mention that they have to sell a lot of them on amazon's store these days who of course take a cut of the profit oh well badge five and six get and a message via carrier pigeon get it's time to see professor menzie again on the way it's rival again hanging out with more amazon contractors installing more cell towers he's nervous looking and tries to act all strong and not nervous as he challenges you again now with a fully evolved starter after losing he's trying really hard to play it cool and is not really working and he bolts off on a drift blim after nervously laughing huh well you reach manzie's lab or pokemon are frantically looking around the lab for something her warcane is very clumsy about it oh good you're here well i've lost the relic fur sent me and unfortunately it's incredibly important and i understand why he sent you to deliver it it was a key of sorts a key into the ruins i recently found under mount anil i heard some rustling around and i worry that someone may have taken it but the thing is i make sure almost nobody knows where i am how could they have known where to look i can't be positive someone stole it without evidence though did you happen to see any suspicious figures a weird boy that seems to be following you floated away on a drift limb had some sort of robot cat with him why does that sound suspicious can you get a hold of professor fur on that wrist thing of yours a robotic cat pokemon only amazon workers have those and mainly the top ones in port alky so whatever amazon is doing with that can't be good absolutely not well wren i guess it's time i told you why i don't really like amazon and he tells you about their shared past together and all of amazon's current ethically questionable pokemon experimentation and work are overworking and that it's spooky that they control nearly three quarters of cascade's economy and nearly an eighth of the worlds no one should have that much power if you're so against them then why do you have that poory watch unfortunately it's hard to lead a normal life without their tech but regardless all of the scandals as of late working with overseas mafia types pokemon experimentation the finds they get when they're caught or just slaps on the wrists to them all i'm saying is whatever they want with that relic uh it can't be good we need to get that relic back and it's not like we can just report this to the authorities who do you think funds them what you think it was that suspicious boy you've already beaten him a few times wait bye professor i'll send quaily pooh your way what what are you and your pory watch is no more she explains that amazon could be listening through it and this plan needs to be kept a secret she hands you a large notebook filled with tape and sticky notes which will serve as your temporary pokedex thankfully it's already filled with lots of her own notes on pokemon which just so happened to be exactly what you had on your pokedex talk about a coincidence fourth wall break time functionally it's just a texture change for the pokedex but you still have full pokedex functionality menzie tells you that you need to get to amazon hq as fast as possible and while not being tracked by your watch you need to catch up with that lark fellow and get the relic back and so off you go to the next area riding on menzies speedy war cane and on the way you catch a glimpse of a box legendary on the mountain in the not too distance how cool warcane drops you off at a manhole cover next to amaze all hq and you sneak into amazon hq apparently their automated security kinda sucks if you don't have any of their trackable tech on you but there are of course guards that you beat and then they let you through because it's a pokemon game they have lots of vibat botnyak amazon driftblim and sudowoodos and porygons and rotoms and soon you see lark enter an elevator with the package and you give chase via the stairs as the elevator requires a key card you fight a few more guards and employees on various floors and some of the scientists have steel type cast forms huh well you eventually learn by beating up the guards that lark is likely going to see the ceo and he always stops at the break room before doing so at the break room floor you see him fixing his hair in the mirror and making sure his clothes look nice time to surprise him and time for one more battle i i can't give you the relic i need to show mr bezel i'm worth it big boss battle rival battle time thing he's got a big team of powerful mon vaquameo metagross porygon omega rotom in the form that is best against your team composition and a supercharged botniak though you of course still beat him and while crying he throws out his last pokemon a level six pedet who you have no problem defeating in a single attack you take back the relic and his key card and enter the elevator to leave but it would seem the elevator has been taken over by a rotom and it's taking you up instead of down it opens on the top floor it's dark but you can see in the soft spotlight tom bezel at his desk suddenly something dark and fast streaks by and takes the relic from your hands you just make out that it might have been an orbital odd and just to the side of you you see some large humming machine a large cloth draped over most of it but you can make out that the bottom of it appears to be some sort of metal claw i see you've made it he says you know it was a smart move breaking that watch the next model is just about to be revealed i can even give you one now if you'd like you've proven yourself more than worthy of it you know it took nearly 20 years to perfect this one the pooriwatch omega it turns out all we needed was some patented tech from rotomotoco you know the makers of the rotom phone so a few calls later we acquired them and merged their technology into ours and now the ultimate model of smartwatch is here each one featuring an all-new porygon omega here porygon enable all privacy options there you know every model has always had the option to turn tracking message reading and data collection off you just had to disable it in the settings it's entirely voluntary i'd never strip a human of their beloved privacy against their wishes that'd make me a monster orb thalot approaches tom from the darkness and hands him the box with the relic it just so happens most folks are willing to trade privacy for convenience a trade i'll happily provide them since it leads to more customer satisfaction and i see you're unsatisfied at the moment so please accept my apology i had no idea the young man i sent out to find this relic would resort to thievery the gall of some people here he walks up to you and hands you the relic and a new pory omega which you put on i mean it's so nice you love amazon tech and he turned off all of the tracking for you this relic isn't worth the damage to my reputation this has caused you i'll see to it that lark is reprimanded in fact would you like his position six figures very well the offer will always be open to you if you wish and i'm dreadfully sorry that we had to meet under these circumstances and so you leave just outside of the tower you see professor fur coming out of omega he tells you that the bridge to the south has finally been finished and he's here to help but he sees that you've already finished you confront him about selling the steel cast form device and he explains why and all that amazon offered him more funding than grants would ever provide and sometimes you have to bend your morals a bit and he understands that someone as young as you might not understand you give him the relic to take back to menzie and continue on your gym challenge journey port olkey is a huge and advanced city it and the surrounding routes are filled with more world building and there's some sort of greenhouse lab right in front of the headquarters you learn that it's a facility studying plants crops especially and the effect of different weathers on them how curious exploring the city more there's your classic the ender's noise sign holding guy speaking to him results in no words other than andrum odai whatever that means weirdo if you pester him enough though he'll battle you with an orb the lod and following you also now have access to leave the city and go to the third wild area and or area that's a bunch of open-ended routes nice eventually you face the 7th gym and win then you track down the 8th gym leader in an old abandoned gym and learn that his gym is moving to an all-new building built by amazon a bit unfortunate but i need their funding to survive these days at least this new gym is way hip all the latest in gym technology but all that still doesn't stop me from reminiscing about this one oh well and then bam eight badges the league we'll have to wait though a poster out in front of the league tower says that they aren't accepting new challengers at the moment as they are currently setting up an international elite for exchange event how exciting after reading this poster jay walks up to you for another fight he has 7 badges and is just looking to track down the 8th leader you tell him where to find the 8th leader after the battle and he thanks you and is off oh a message from professor menzie meet her at her dig site at the base of mount o'neal back in the desert by a ghost town fun now with this information the pathway to the ghost town is mysteriously there passing by where that pathway is before would result in the pathway not being there at all how eerie this old western mining ghost town has a lot of archaeology equipment all around makes sense that's professor minzy's specialty now inside of the spooky mines you find an archaeological dig site where there appears to be an ancient mysterious door recently uncovered with depictions of the box legendaries and a huge pointy bird that clearly isn't zapdos this is the rest of the story and minzy explains the rest of the legendary lore that wasn't at the museum she also mentions that she doesn't like how the great bird of thunder appears to have fallen well then we'll have to learn the details deeper in these ruins i just wanted you here with me in case i run into trouble down here are you ready and she puts the relic in the slot by the door and the door opens inside the air is cursed and wild pokemon are unlike any you've seen on the surface sigilif clay doll cascadian golet and at its deepest point even an occasional unknown and at the end a huge golger is standing guard in front of something and a boss battle takes place it's functionally a totem pokemon which summons cascadian golets upon victory you see what it was guarding a flute of some sort it's oddly difficult to make out its details and touching it feels like a heavy burden menzie takes it and looks at the murals on the walls here she learns that this flute can summon the mythical wakut but only when blown at the right time and place and that wakut with its wisdom is able to settle the differences between the box legendaries which is precisely what it did when it was summoned by an ancient hero on top of mount o'neal to help with help with uh you can't quite make it out the great thunderbird fell after fighting off the cat you nor the professor can make out what this part of the mural looks like the wall is like a cloudy jumbled swirly mess as if you physically cannot comprehend it there's some weird energy it's giving off menzie warily approaches the wall to make a rubbing sketch of it shaking the whole time one stroke reveals unseen details you couldn't see before and menzie faints but is caught for a safe landing by her warcane who then barks at you to climb on its back and you hurriedly leave just before arriving at minzy's lab you run into lark again hey thanks to you i lost my job that was everything i had tom essentially saved my life all i wanted was to pay him back by getting him what he wanted and i'll still do that even if he doesn't approve of my methods hand over the relic what do you mean you used it doesn't matter i'll just take whatever then this is for me and with my own pokemon this time and another battle with an almost all-new team he no longer has the mon amazon provided him and they've been replaced by others like a now higher leveled padette as well as the stronger starter but now there's also following cascadian telemach and orb thalad and he's beaten i guess it's really not meant to be look i i just want to help speed up mr bissell's dreams of making the world a better more convenient place it's the least i can do for him and apparently whatever that relic led to plays a big part in that sorry for getting in your way and he leaves you bring minzy inside and when she wakes up she exclaims gee willikers consider my curiosity peaked we have to go test that flute since you've got nothing better to do meet me on the mountaineel hiking trail and she leaves later at the trail she's nowhere to be found but as you ascend the mountain you start running into amazon contractors who battle you eventually you start seeing amazon trucks full of equipment and finally you see menzie at the top being held back by security officers good you're here they've taken the flute civil asset forfeiture they said i told them that's not how it works and they just shoved paperwork in my face no idea how they got a warrant but we have to stop tom up ahead you see tom with loads of amazon trucks and personnel around steel type cast forms amazon branded sudo and tom's own orb the lod out of its pokeball as always tom has the flute [Music] and the flute is blown and shortly after wikoot leaps into the scene oh great wikoot i am tom bezel ceo of amazol i run the operations of the humans here in this region and i brought us all great riches and advancement now on behalf of them all i request your assistance tom explains his wish to simply lengthen the seasons by a week so he can grow more profitable and more efficient crops coot coot cool nods and howls bezel turns to you and says see i told you no harm would need to come to them i am an expert negotiator even with pokemon it's just good business the ground rumbles the weather swirls and the box legendaries arrive they are suspicious of this man and all of the other people around so they approached wikoot and seemed to speak with wakut they seemed to argue before eventually walking away angrily wikoot snarfs is that a no wakut indicates that it was indeed a no this has been tradition since before humans even arrived here in the first place let alone these foreign humans who've taken over it is not up for humans to decide the fate of an entire ecosystem the orb thalot moves to hide behind tom unfortunate just know that i asked nicely i didn't spend billions in research to be sent away by something as flimsy as tradition and two amaze all master balls are thrown at the two of them and they are absorbed in an ominous glow similar looking to the mysterious mural you couldn't see the frightened wakut rapidly departs tom turns to you walks around his orb the lot and says sometimes good business means bending some of your own morals i don't expect you to understand even at your age now are you here to get in my way again well i suppose it's time i personally challenged you and he challenges you to a double battle he only has four pokemon the first two are matang and bonyak but upon defeating them he sends out the two box legendaries and somehow they are obeying his command but upon defeat they seem to break out of the balls and leave tom yells after them to his contractors who give chase unfortunate you'll see the consequences of your actions one day he straightens his tie even with roadblocks in our plans we at amazon will always come out on top it's time for plan c i should thank you really for the relic you so kindly left behind in the ruins he gives you back the flute and leaves and now you return to the old gym challenge plot line meaning it's league time the i play the international pokemon league association has started a big international program for the next year or two elite fours from all over the world will have been mixed so you get to face off against amazing trainers from all around the world how neat in the lobby you see tom again but before you can talk to him you see the champion's assistant walk up to him and say sir we have a situation and they walk off you defeat the elite four one by one and eventually face off against the champion champion who thinks he recognizes you but isn't sure he seems very cocky and full of himself after defeating five of his pokemon he says all right it's time to reveal my big new friend brought to you by today's sponsor amazon and he brings out the all new omega rhogan isn't she beautiful amazon tech is so cool and convenient and well affordable but before you have the chance to battle it tom walks onto the battlefield apologizes for the intrusion and says he needs omega rogan back now before they lose sight of them he's carrying with him the relic and places it into omega rogan's back and now it is suddenly bursting with power you can feel as your hair stands on end besides denying you a victory just gives me a kick and like i said amazon always gets what it wants money may not be able to buy everything but what it can't can be taken with power a call on your pory watch from the professors who are together ren where are you it looks like amazon just made some fake thunderbird it's clearly after arcticol and manaza you're the best trainer i know you have to do something and so you do something the bird has flown high above the clouds to where you cannot see it but its energy is great enough that it seems to be mind controlling all four of the box legendaries and they are doing its bidding they've slowed down against their will which will for sure mess with the ecosystem's balance and make them more easily spotted perhaps getting them more into trouble now it's up to you to track them down and capture them as it's the only way to sever the connection to the artificial thunderbird they also each agree to help you for the time being after you capture them so you can use them in future battles you seem nice enough you just saved them then with all four of them caught or defeated you see the upset bird descend onto mount anil to look for them you meet at its peak and have a big boss battle with it ultra necrosmatier when dealing the finishing blow it flies high into the sky and explodes sending shrapnel all over the region the day is saved and tom the honest man that he is turns himself into the authorities for illegal tampering with legendary pokemon you reface the champion and win becoming the new champion and the new brand ambassador of amazon and also lucenia is your secretary assistant in guard now and the following day tom pays his fines and gets out of jail to continue his plots he asks to make amends with you and the professors who of course refuse so he stops sponsoring the champion and that's just about as summarized as i can make a plot video oh but what about that mysterious mural in the ruins and the mysterious energy that was in the master balls what about the foot and what about all of the foreshadowing was that all for post game stuff oh you bet your butt it is chapter 5 the post game plot the post game begins with another battle with jay battling a champion is super cool thank you so much for the experience i learned a lot i swear i'll get that eighth badge soon and challenge you for real as jay leaves lucy approaches you and says it's time for your photo shoot and she also tells you that there is a rumor going around that the old champion yazin is gathering the exploded pieces of omega rogan oh well not much you can do it's good to pick up litter anyway you might as well keep an eye out for those pieces too they've been scattered around the region and if you happen to pick one up that's good just before the photoshoot however she stops you again hang on ren we have a situation as champion it's your responsibility to look into things like this as it turns out amaze all workers are getting into a bit of a fight with a cascading deontay who's damaging all sorts of property it would seem that she doesn't approve of them building cell towers all over mount spectal you do seem to remember them building a bunch of towers on either side of the mountain before i guess they started putting them up on the mountain now too lucy joins you and as you approach the mountain she points out that it's odd how the towers get more and more densely packed together as you get closer to the mountain is it to help the cell signal traverse the mountain you'd think the satellites would do that on the mountain cascadian deontay is defeated or captured by ren this makes dionce see your strength and determination and she willfully joins you so now you go to confront tom about this clearly dionzai doesn't want these towers put on the mountain you meet tom in his office his orb the lot absent for once he spills the beans and confidently tells you his plan the goal is to spread this mountain's strange soul-opening property across the region giving amazon access to everyone's souls and thoughts all the better to serve them of course no longer will all of their data be only from web tracking search engines and their phones and watches picking up everything they say and do they can truly give people what they want their unspoken desires their customer satisfaction rate will be perfect and in return amazon will become the most powerful corporation on the planet all for the greater good and betterment of mankind of course isn't that simply wonderful what no that's horrible that's violating everyone's privacy oh please if our data is anything to go by privacy is virtually worthless to you humans willing to trade it away for just the smallest of conveniences human progress is entirely to make life easier and this is that taken to the extreme for everyone what do you what do you mean you humans no you've gotten me all excited a slip of the tongue is all and besides what do you even plan to accomplish here going to beat me in a pokemon battle the cell towers are already built we've gotten the permits already i own that mountain beating me won't stop anything there may be occasional setbacks to our plans as you've proven but amazon is too big to fail this is already set in motion and besides everything we're doing is completely legal this is way too much knowledge and power for one corporation let alone one person it's not ethical when have your laws ever been concerned with ethics ren i don't like this oh bother it's just another slip of the tongue clearly i just mean your laws often don't apply to men of my ambition my ideas and drive are too important for civilization to be kept locked away beyonce then breaks out of her pokeball and fires out a field of sorts towards tom revealing his orb thalad just behind him as tom collapses to the floor this orb thalad had been controlling tom similarly to calirex in the crown tundra a battle begins orb thalot appears as the trainer and sends out tom to battle but it's meta stuff now tom's first move is programmed to always go first and it also auto defeats him with the text on screen saying we can't attack a person and it brings out ortholod it's funny joke this orb thalot is functionally a totem orb thalad that summons unknown once defeated the passed out tom wakes up totally oblivious to what's been happening the last few hours i did what i don't remember approving any of this construction how would i have even known this kind of thing was possible with our technology the passed out orb thalot awakens and flees i'm afraid it might be too late now though my notes here says that this scheduled activation will happen in about 20 seconds beyonce quickly comes out and creates an energy field around you and lucy as a strange wave of energy from the mountain moves through the room as if ignoring the walls of the building and continues on through to the other side and out beyonce keeps the field up as you and lucy walk around speaking to tom at this point gives you nothing but ellipses lucy says we have to get back to the mountain and on the way talking to any npc gives you the same few messages they're arriving redemption why is your soul not open do you not wish to help with the gate and after all this time the cataclysm is finally here you even bump into jay also in a daze you ascend the mountain once more at its peak a portal seems to be opening powered by everyone's open souls the cell towers channeling the mountain's energy out to open the souls and the soul energy back here to open the portal from the portal four mon descend three of them fly off in different directions and the remaining one floats down to you seeing that you are unfazed it fights you and by the way i'll have an origins video for them all later this is pestulation fighting you as a trainer it itself seems to speak in odd symbols you can't understand it has to orb thalad and an ultra beast based on which would be best against your strongest pokemon or just whichever is out currently before eventually being a part of the fight itself defeating it causes it to bolt off flying away and the portal closes returning the npcs to normal you now have to track down and stop them there's no telling what their plan is at this point the player isn't given any direction on where they are however npcs who caught glimpses of them will give hints and there may even be evidence in the environment it's very big foot hunting-esque one by one you fight them similarly to the first one where they are functionally trainers until they themselves come out revlon leosis and lamentu each causing trouble and gathering strange artifacts one of them even finds the old relic key from the exploded off omega rogon after defeating all four you get a call from professor fur where he tells you that he just spoke to a professor kukui of the alola region apparently something very similar to what they call an ultra wormhole is being formed above the mountain again only this one seems much more sinister it doesn't seem to be from a wandering ultra beast but something that clearly intends to come here and do something unthinkable kukui is mailing you some beast balls just in case they help one final time you ascend mount spectool its landscape slightly shifted and orb thalot and unknown are abound your shipment of beast balls arrives from an amazon driftblim and at the peak the four of them are using the artifacts they've collected to seemingly power the portal back up and lucy says you have to capture them now or they'll just run away and start this all over again and one by one you approach and do just that after capturing all four the portal still hasn't closed the artifacts are still giving off their power so out from the portal comes a whale of a man you don't know how you know but you recognize this pokemon ultra beast thing as enter odai it screams in whaley pain and flies away into the sky you could feel how powerful it was just by looking at it and just looking at it is all it took to cause a massive migraine are going to need help i'll arrange a meeting lucy says and you meet up with the professors at a starbucks mensie says this seems to be in line with what the ancient cataclysm was only problem is now the thunderbird is gone no says yazin arriving heroically into the scene combing his hair back carrying a sack full of broken parts we can rebuild it yazin has gathered many of the pieces of the artificial thunderbird and maybe you have too but many of them are still missing with no indication of where they could be well i'm sure mr bezel would be down to help no way both professors exclaim i mean he's bound to have tracking installed on them he puts tracking on everything so you talk to tom again enemy of my enemy and all that you track down the last big pieces that you need to put it all back together and they give it to you menzie mentions that the relic that gives it the extra power boost is made from the remains of the original thunderbird and should attract and from obdai with omega rogon you track down andromeda and force it to descend and challenge you to an ultimate battle as it descends towards you you feel your head pound just at the side of it you feel it peering into your soul somehow with all of its eyes at once despite not being dimensionally possible and the battle begins in this battle you feel that remembering your pokemon's names and moves is a struggle before the player now breaking out of the fourth wall again all the text on screen and the sprites in the menus becomes gibberish hopefully you the player remember the organization of your team and their move placement this is another challenging ultra necrozmatier fight made harder by the menu shenanigans but ultimately of course you win and the red face of the space whale seems to dim away turns out it was a parasite controlling the creature and now it is free from the mind control and offers itself to you to capture or it doesn't and it just leaves personally i really like the idea of ultra powerful legendaries not being obtainable but i know plenty of others aren't but anyway the day is saved once again thanks to the excellent efforts of ren or whatever you decide to name the player after this it's a basic pokemon post game you can even find lark again who's been practicing battling a lot and he challenges you as champion to a super super hard fight his padettes evolved into a wound you inspired him and he's changed his ways now he's a good boy so what do you think obviously this video is skipping over a load of locations and little story-esque events that don't directly impact the overall plot like most of the gym leaders and places like the haunted house and the crater lake equivalent among many others personally i quite like these ideas they could use some more polishing but for the first big story thing i've ever written i'd say this is pretty cool let me know what you think down below and while you're down there check out noggin.net to pre-order toefl
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 1,513,119
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, let make a pokemon game, lets write a pokemon game, pokemon plot, basically pokemon, so this is basically pokemon, pokemon plots, writing pokemon, fakemon region, kaskade region, gnoggin fakemon, lockstin fakemon, fakemon lockstin, tofrug, fakemon, fakemon design, new legendary pokemon, lockemon, pokemon writing, pokemon design, fakemon creation, legendary fakemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon brilliant diamond, fakemon cards, omega rogon, endram odai
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 9sec (3729 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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