Steel Type Pokemon are NOT all Steel! | Gnoggin

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Pokemon don't really need an introduction and I'm sure you are tired of every single focal on video giving you us enough sits at the franchise's beginning so let's just jump right in Pokemon as you know essentially are the animals of the Pokemon world yup world's ears camel cows cats dogs and there are even some based on mythical animals in there too but even cisco animals are still animals while cling-clang is a pile of gears and steelix is metal coated folders odd in fact the whole steel type or metal type in the card game lineup of pokemon seems strange steel isn't found anywhere in nature it's a man-made thing so where would so many Pokemon get steel coating in parks well what is on these pokemon it isn't actually steel what if it's not feel then what type of metal is it poor you spoke upon individually about it and that is exactly what this video is about what type of metal specifically or each of the steel type pokemon because they can all be steel clearly the steel type was introduced in generation 2 along with the dark type this was to balance out the other types of it steel was added to the typing of two gen1 pokemons Magnemite Magneton which previously were homeless type steel fights pokemon stands out from the crowd advanced of pokemon for having great defense against both physical and special attacks and a large number of resistances also they tend to be heavy and thus have low speed steel types pokemon are mainly inorganic in nature some of them even representing robots and machines which just raises all sorts of questions but those are for another video out of all the pokemon there are only five pure steel type Pokemon as of Gen 7 and this is including mega evolution the for pure steel are Reggie steel clink playing and Kling Klang beautiful names beautiful pokemon and then there's also mega aggron so 5 not very many but there are plenty of Pokemon that mix steel and another type 47 of them to be exact so in total with our pure ones we get 51 so first let's break these down into categories so the first category we're going to look at Pokemon that eat rocks on metal and then use the minerals they ingest to create its hardened metal shell here we get the Aaron line and the Pharaoh seed line Aaron is loosely based off of a Korean mythical animal named bulgasari a creature that eats metal and then grows inside covering itself in the metal that it has ingested being at the Aaron line eat rocks perhaps common rocky metal specifically and that its name is Aaron which pulls from tyrants iron it is made very clear that this line is made of mostly iron or similar top level metal also they are not pure iron as they can eat any metal they can get a hold of even going as far as to eat train tracks because that's what the Pokemon world needs more train crashes thanks Aaron no problem but the combination of eating rocks and metal could be why they have rocky or bottoms and inside and a more steel like top shell steel after all is iron and carbon this would explain the raw steel typing - and when Agron mega evolves it loses the rock typing to become pure steel and looking at it yeah now it has an all steel shell trading in all of the iron for more steel the Pharaoh seed line is similar in appearance to a durian a spiky fruit that tastes like lemongrabs but and bread they are known to absorb the iron in the cave walls they stick to forming bands around themselves to protect them from predators thus both Pharaoh speed and Ferrothorn are covered in tired especially given the name since Pharaoh means to contain iron both of these Pokemon likely make their shells much like how Turtles make their own shells as an extension of their bones bones are made up of organic and inorganic pieces in this instance we are going to say their bones are inorganic or at least the minerals the pokemon and jets are inorganic so therefore they are made from inorganic parts human bones are made up of collagen and hydroxyapatite hydro XY apatite hydro epoxy apatite I don't this word which is a form of calcium quick facts calcium is technically a metal so we do have metal skeletons lay more on that here a video about what life would be like if you woke up one day with Wolverine skeleton it's pretty cool check it out so are humans in the Pokemon world part steel type - yeah now we're probably just all normal type just simple boring normal type so uninteresting and uninspired just like normal type Pokemon next are the steel type Pokemon that wire metal as armor or for tools it's not explained wholly as to where they get the metal some possibly find the metal and slowly form it to their needs or they have stolen the items from other Pokemon that create metal in this group we have trash coach worm Adam excadrill and Poli on a scavenger spy shot fortress felix mega steelix azure Dialga and Jen effect first let's look at war madam a bag worm pokemon bag worms at birth create a small bag that they hide in and they cover it with local plant pieces or really anything that they think will be sufficient camouflage the trash coat is what worm Adams into city wear and it looks like it is made up of insulation or fiberglass balls thrown into the garbage this may not be metal but fiberglass is quite strong for its size fiberglass can actually be stronger than sheet metal along with the benefits of not rusting and now is a really good time to cover something that I think more Pokemon fans really need to understand being a certain type of Pokemon doesn't mean that the Pokemon is a thing like how in this video steel type Pokemon aren't necessarily made of steel exactly specifically steel no they're not they just have steel like properties much like how not all ghost-type pokémon are actually ghosts they just have ghosts like property so warm atoms trash coat doesn't have to actually be metal just because it's steel type it just has to be hard enough hard as steel so to speak and thus being like steel makes them steel type this logic also covers forretress another bag warm pokemon reese pokedex entry states that it has a steel hard shell so hard as steel but not actually steel until later when later pokedex entry state that its shell is steel but then again that it's just hardest feeling this is why you don't let kids right out encyclopedia so we don't really know about fortress thanks to these darn kid moving on now a skeletal ear is a bug steel combo which really only has a weakness tire this pokemon gains its armor from a fellow bug named shell mitt this armor is reminiscent of Calvary's armor plating down to the lance weapons and that also explains the name this armor back in the day we made of some decent steel or iron it is unknown as to why kara black takes show them its armor just that it happens while treating something goes wrong and the two Pokemon gained the traits of the other this is also the only way ifs Cavaliers exist they don't devolve in the wild and need to be with a trainer Trading it so this armor being a strictly man-made material and designed to even look like a man-made material isn't too big of a stretch steelix and scizor both gained their metal coats when they are traded while holding the metal coat item this means at some point during the apparently magical trading process the metal coat literally coats the Pokemon though the Pokedex also states that felix's can form naturally the iron that onyx speaks and the pressure deep underground caused it to gain they steal like cloudy harder than the other metal even harder than diamond naturally speaking chromium is the hardest metal though the man-made steel is the hardest family being stronger than any metal means that steelix must be some sort of hyper steel but remember it is only coating the steelix as forces or its pokedex entry states that its body has the hardness of steel rather than being actually made of steel but it does mention that it's claws contain steel steel may be spread throughout scissors exoskeleton but it's an alloy of sort mixing metal with her usual exoskeleton material Dialga is a large dragon that controls and even created time in the Pokemon universe you know the one that 11 year olds run around with well based off his appearance and his typing he most likely has horns or metal like horns that adorn his body it is possible that his steel typing comes from the hardness of diamonds or perhaps that quacks normally has metal gear and you know clocks equals time and time so Natalie if we're looking for a metal known for its hardness then the middle on Dialga may be chromium due to its extreme hardness and similarities to diamond both in shiny appearance and in strength plus being directly created by the pokemon god Arceus as a pokemon just basically one level below in the L gun can basically be anything and it would still make sense Bravo Pass is quite hilarious looking with a huge nose and funny mustache like that mustache where have I seen those before there was like these magnetic toys that you'd see the dollar store or what were they call all Google helps only Willie these toys were filled with metal shavings mostly iron and they would gather around an internal magnet and isn't too far off with Robo path as we seen those pensive elven de Cobo paths only while leveling up in a highly magnetic zone meaning that the mustache you see is actually iron shavings while this pokemon appears to not be made of metal exactly it may contain a mix of magnetic elements possibly being steel mixed with cobalt for the longevity of magnetism this of course would explain the whole compass gimmick Robo path has premiered and by sharp have lifelike hands or arms with a bladed ribcage Polly 'red is they stopped a pond and a pond the guard which is a small dagger and it looks like it's wearing a Shigeru armor which was Japanese foot soldier armor being based off of Japanese foot soldiers it's definitely made of iron and steel most likely low-grade its weapons would also be made of low-grade steel just like katanas and other ancient Japanese blades while its armor is made of iron plates about the prize of cards by shark has a double-bladed axe on its head this Pokemon is a direct upgrade from poniard their stuff it doesn't have the words calling in it this pokemon resembles a samurai but again the armor is most likely just iron and its weapons are again low-grade steel it is unknown if this pokemon is born with the knives and armor or if it finds or makes them into the yes I know it I know if you hatch it it has neither armor but that's for gameplay mechanics not war you know moving on gen effect this poor creature was transformed from its normal extinct self into a weapon of mass destruction by Team Plasma much like Mewtwo this Pokemon was made by science it has an alloy exoskeleton that either replace to the exoskeleton of the boat pokemon or covers it it also had a large cannon attached to its back being a high grade military weapon made by science genesect armor is very likely to be made of high-grade reinforced titanium or a high grade titanium steel alloy titanium has one of the highest weights to strength ratios for metal it also happens to resist corrosion and offset evasion I mean at least if I were to make a robot of mass destruction I'd make it out of a titanium alloy now on to the next category we have pokemons that have adapted to their environment by adding the steel typing we have sands flash Sandshrew Signet old Dugtrio ole ole informs and / and Sandshrew had to migrate away from their normal locations due to volcanic activity on its home island carving these Pokemon to need to adapt to snowy peaks the Taiping changed accordingly and it is now covered and we thick nice armor and has harder claws so it can better move in the icy terrain this thick layer of ice on its back forms an almost steel like armor around its body preventing it from rolling up into a ball but giving it much more defence and shrews claws though are most likely a hardened keratin that help it grip the ice better keratin of course being normal claw material when it involved though land / has large icicles upon its back the icicles form when the metal spike beneath freeze in the cold climate it also has much larger claws than its desert counterpart and these claws are even hooked to help it climb icy cliffs hence they have an ice axe like design thus have steel like properties but may still be made of hardened keratin a rollin form Diglett and debris will have small golden metal hairs that act as a sensor so they can communicate while underground and that they used to avoid pocket the lava this hair is similar to Pele's hair named after a Hawaiian goddess it's made when volcanoes erupt and small droplets of lava cool and stretch in the air and then get caught on something these strands act similarly to fiberglass and have a large amount of basalt in them a metal used to make rebar it is assumed that they gather these hairs and put them on shaping it into whisker like hair so while it may look luxurious if you ever worked a pet to Dugtrio well death by a thousand paper cuts my friends so far we've covered the pokemon that don't show magically organic metal treats just ones that has metal parts that they collect or are coated with now we will get to the pokémon that are or have metal parts that acts as the organic matter Mar while mega Mawile buildin matang Metagross mega Metagross bronze or bronze on Cobell ian carnage dough blade aegislash klefki Magnemite Magneton Magnezone Lucario Heatran turians to get a mario mcgee ernest ogle a awesomest ela and cortana durant to get Amaru riolu into the car our Pokemon that have metal on the outside of their body that grows or regrows with no direct correlation between their diet and minerals Durant's have grown armor to protect against their enemy of heat more the anteater though the only thing effective against them is fire so their strategy didn't work very well at all though the thing is Durance diet consists of leaves and vegetation and it would take a lot and I mean a lot of broccoli to get that much iron originally I figured that this must just mean that they have an iron like exoskeleton but no it is directly stated that it is in fact steel armor it is unknown if they make the armor grow around them or if they just coat themselves in it so we'll just go at the safe bet of its magically organic metal and since organic metal doesn't actually exist it can have whatever quality it wants yeh fiction same goes for Tokomaru this small Hedgehog Pokemon has metal quills upon its back that attract electricity the quills fall out and are replaced just like normal Hedgehog quills and their diet consists of berries and plants so again there's no direct mineral transfers like the Aaron line riolu and Lucario don't really have a reason to be steel other than the iron spike on its body it is stated that Lucario has a heart of steel and an iron will but those are intangible things there are a few theories floating around like he has a metal skeleton though when you say the Japanese syllables backwards his name is orichalcum an ancient mythical middle he may use this mythical metal as a way to channel or conduct aura this also comes from the pronunciation of orichalcum or kal come as in the aura and it's the metal it's a pun it is a little bit of a stretch but he is seeing using the steel type move metal sound in the anime by hitting his spikes together so we do know for sure that his spikes are metal so the fights on Lucario could be steel or Kalka while while and mega Mawile our Pokemon based off of a yokai called futa coochie ona I'm sorry for the pronunciation it's a - mouth to rumen in the Pokedex injuries they state that the second mouth is an altar steel horn what that means I don't know cause in a steel horn and then it became a mouth or where are the teeth steel I think could be much like the Aaron line and it gets minerals from the rocks in the that they inhabit it is also possible that the typing she have is based on her appearance of a bear trap or a steel trap as they're also called this metal is going to have to be a type of steel though as it is stated as being strong enough to crush iron beams and steel of course is stronger than iron as for jirachi hmm why is this one even a steel type well jirachi is based off of a shooting star as it grants wishes ie the psychic part of its type well what are shooting stars shooting stars are normally meteors that are burning up in the atmosphere normally the most spectacular shooting stars are the ones made of iron or nickel as these are both very common metals that are found everywhere in space I'm leaning a bit more towards nickel since you can also throw a coin into a well and make a wish yeah you know maybe cabal Ian or Cobo lion is described in pokedex entries as having a body and heart of steel its glare is sufficient enough to make even an unruly pokemon obey it the sword of justice group of Pokemon are based off of the three musketeers cabal Ian specifically if they thought of ethos the oldest and commonly referred to as the leader of the three musketeers in Pokemon this translates into it being cold Stern and strong all common characteristics of metal cobalt is also a part of his name which is a metal that is known to help steel resist high temperatures this may be a metaphor for how it keeps its cool head much like the Musketeers cobalt is also known for being blue tinted so kabali and having a body of steel may actually be a body coated in cobalt bilder matang Metagross mega Metagross Magnemite Magneton and magnet are all either made of solid metal or our constructs like creatures these pokemon may give us a glimpse into the way these metal pokemon in general work all these pokemon communicate and control their bodies with electromagnetic pulses and by sending magnetic waves to repulse Earth's gravity they do not need to eat but they do sleep perhaps to literally recharge with magnetism being a large factor in these living constructs they are most likely made of a very magnetic metal it's hard to say what metal is the most magnetic as magnetism is a force but it's possible that the access on these pokemon are made of neodymium iron and oil when these three metals are combined they make a museum mad this is one of the strongest non electromagnetic compounds with the Magnemite line our electric lag - so they could be made of silver or a Lika a mixture or alloy of aluminum nickel and cobalt that is amplified with electricity pokemon that are similar our Han Edge delayed aegislash and Bagheera now they are all metal objects or constructs that are seemingly possessed by a soul be it artificial or real whatever that means mogera is stated as to having a steel body that was created five hundred years ago if that was five hundred years ago today in our world that would be only 1517 and steel has been found as old as 1800 BC yeah that's right BC that's three thousand eight hundred and seventeen years ago that we were starting to mess with steel and our weapons and tools so only five hundred years ago it's totally possible then that they had a good enough manufacturing process to create a construct of this complexity it's some seriously real da vinci stuff carnage - blade and AG slash are all possessed swords that are made of commons feel while AG splash may appear gold is most likely a decoration or thin layer of gold or Golding agents to give the appearance of gold which was common for the more decorative swords of Kings but gold itself is far too such to be used on a forge there is also the clean clean line being pure steel type and being literally gears that are alive somehow and being that they began existing during the industrial revolution it's easy to points to the steel gears that were used during the time period and say that klinklang is literally that but a lot then Reggie field gets interesting it stated that its body can never be scratched never really there are scratch resistant metals but with enough force you can scratch anything well thankfully the Pokedex also makes this easy by stating that the metal composing a body is thought to be a curious substance that is not of this earth so it's some sort of alien metal we don't know about Oh klefki you didn't think I forgot about clusky like everyone else does do you well cliff key is a key ring or it's a small sentient ring that has a curl like brain and wants to steal and hold on to all of the keys it comes across because it's headed the key plus key without keys looks like a weird stick with a ball and a Kanon this pokemon is most likely just made out of low-grade steel just like a lot of key rings who would have thought that it's almost making this video kind of pointless I thought it would be more interesting but really steel is such an integral part of our society that it's hard to bake something off of metal and have it not be steel or iron really Bayern is just feel but less carbon atoms in between the bonds the legendary Heatran is a molten pile of metal that lives in caves near lava tubes each Wren is made of rugged steel as stated by his pokedex entry it actually isn't even molten anyways kietryn can harden but due to its internal body heat it does melt in some spot it actually has boiling blood even so it it believes that it needs to stay near volcanic activity so that it wastes less energy just trying to stay alive so delaio was the Pokemon representative of the fund which confused some people as to why it's like a steel pipe and not psychic spire as the answer to that is an easy one the Sun and stars in general aren't fire at all they're molten ball of gas and plasma with some molten metals in there - mostly iron in fact in fact some scientists believe that the song isn't mostly hydrogen anymore but instead is mostly iron in fact when the universe began there were only a few elements the ones at the top of the periodic table but when a big enough star explodes in a supernova all that energy makes it possible for atoms to combine and create the heavier elements thus exploding Suns is why we have metals at all as for what metal phileo in there most likely iron under its fur since the Sun is mostly iron and hydrogen also I have a whole video about the alchemic origins of slow Golay oh right here it also answers all these other questions about saga layout so the way is neat now let's talk about ultra beat switch our focus on from another dimension or another universe there are two steel to be Cortana and Sela Stila wait that we have steel in a claim well I guess it's steel that was the name is pretty funny if celestial steel and still I would just flatten four star but looking at its pokedex entries maybe not it is said to be able to take incredible heat as it shoots fire it's also reminiscent of a rocket NASA rocket nozzles are made out of stainless steel but they can't actually take the heat that they need to so they spray liquid nitrogen on the walls to keep it from melting even tungsten the hardest metal to melt still at 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit which is 1650 see that's 300 degrees Fahrenheit less than the engine makes so instead of using expensive tungsten they just use cheaper steel and pull it down this ultra beast is most likely made of various space metals or maybe this comes ten lines with a heat resistant coating and somehow it just doesn't get as hot car tana though looks like origami and is quite thin its weight is almost nothing coming in at point one kilograms that's the same weight as flabebe which is only four inches while car Tana is a foot tall which is still small but silk this must mean it is crazy thin or it is a very light metal it looks like paper but paper isn't nearly strong enough for cart honest fees and also wouldn't do it the steel typing it is possible that it is an aluminum steel mix or possibly only aluminum sacrificing the rigidity of steel for the speed and lightweightness of aluminum for possibly a titanium alloy mix to give it strength it is said to be strong enough to cut a steel tower in one slice well this is me to believe that it is some sort of fictional alien metal that is able to shear down to a single molecular blade kind of like obsidian still though based on the science we know today that is completely impossible so fictional alien metal it is it does come from another universe or the next category let's look at steel types pokemon that are known to not be made of metal but have the characteristics of metal or strong as metal body parts meaning like we mentioned earlier these pokemon are as hard as metal but are not actually metal skarner eg Leon and fasted on Skarmory surprisingly is not made of steel or at least not really this is complicated it has steel like wings that have become as strong as steel from healing the constant abuse that they receive in a nest that are made of briar bushes oh hey I just hatched it now I'm bleeding everywhere thanks for the amazing mess mom but there is a bit of debate between the games as some games like silver X so silver and fire red states that they are made by the chicks living in thorn so they heal constantly making them stronger and stronger to the point of being feathers as strong as steel while other games like moon and Sapphire states that they are steel but they can also fall off once they become damaged and regrow completely and ancient aloma even used their feathers as sword so it is steel or is it feather as strong as steel was it just feather that magically became as strong as steel by becoming literally filled I suppose so though I don't know how that's possible but yeah there you go Pokemon fiction and then they could just regrow this feel perfectly fine mmm shield on and veccio done are both ancient dinosaur Pokemon that's do-don boasts the highest defense and special defense score of any of the fossil Pokemon by the length both Pokemon are based loosely off of a Protoceratops or cosmos auras both dinosaurs with very large heads although in real life these head plates were not as strong as you would think all they really did was make the dinosaur look larger and thus more imposing warding off any predators in the case of shield on the shields Pokemon it's surprising to learn that its shield only looks like metal it actually isn't as its pokedex entry state the skin on its face is very hard hide and it has a habit of polishing its bite rubbing against trees so their shields faces are just really really tough skin like the skin of a rhino with perhaps a hard phone underneath thanks bestie o-town continues this and now the final category we have oh c'mon with metal that is pretty much unknown as to where the metal comes from in other words this is miscellaneous or it's hard I don't know it helped Empoleon is a Napoleonic penguin that has always been one of the coolest starters in my blog in the pokedex entries it states that it uses the sharp part of its fin to cut the ice to swim faster in the Arctic many books have fins and protrusions called ice breakers that helps the ship from getting stuck in the ice this metal is made of very high strength steel the fins on Empoleon are possibly made of a similar steel but it is unknown as to if this pokemon grows the steel naturally or if it binds to feel and makes a thin cover from Mike's Baker ships that get abandoned or even if it like it's just Skarmory again it just beats the pilot if it spins repeatedly until they get strong enough I just I don't know there's not enough information excadrill drills are said to be strong steel that can bore through iron plates these drills are most likely made of a cobalt steel mix the cobalt gives the steel a much higher heat resistance without sacrificing the toughness of deal this would allow it to drill faster and even through tougher things like iron even cast iron but again it did not explained how it gets these drills as drill burr doesn't have metal claws but it could be the same logic again with Skarmory having used the claws so rapidly so much they became stronger and stronger like a callus and just eventually developed into this mixture that is of course 100% theory though though really I suppose that's what most of this video is so now we know or at least have an idea about what types of metal each of the steel pokemon are or at least what they should be but the real question is are these pokemon really alive I mean some of them obviously are but what about some of them not so looking alive ones are their actual biological parts going through all this metal what makes things living is actually pretty simple scientists have a list for this kind of stuff living things obtain and use energy living things grow and develop living things reproduce living things responds to the environment living things adapt to their environment and living things are made of cells so if the Pokemon can do all of that it's technically living let's take one of the solid or fully metal pokémon like beldam it uses energy it can evolve and learn we know that they can reproduce somehow and they can respond to stimuli and adapt to it the last one made of cells though this is the only one I can't really prove as I can't study the Phils it's impossible to determine this from anything that we've been shown in Pokemon so I really don't know are they more like animals or are they more like robots if robots and are they alive give it in the case of Pokemon there is a sense of magic involved of course in fact in ancient times people referred to Pokemon as magical creatures and the more and more we learn about them more and more it seems to be the case so hit subscribe and join me on my journey as I continue to unlock more details about the power that's inside up next it's rock Pokemon and crystalline aura I hope to see you there and until then remember to never stop using that noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 2,608,685
Rating: 4.87498 out of 5
Keywords: Game Theory, Video Games, Nintendo, Theory, Pokemon, Steel, Steel type, Solgaleo, Lucario, Aggron, Mega, RPG, Pokemon moon, Pokemon sun, Pokemon ultra sun, Pokemon Ultra moon, Gen 4, Gen 7, generation 4, remakes, Nintendo Switch, Anime, explained, Not Steel, not steel type, why type of metal, what kind of metal, metal type, top 10, worst 10, type combinations, science, chemistry, Steelix, Skarmory, aegislash, klinklang, evolution, history, metal sound, metal remix, theauraguardian, truegreen7
Id: vilznMR-bn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 10sec (1690 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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