The Original Dragon isn't What you Think! | Pokemon Theory -Gnoggin

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Is this supposed to be a link to a Pokemon video?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/LurkingAngel 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2019 🗫︎ replies
this is the Tao trio I didn't go into super detail with them in my every dragon-type pokémon explained video because they would have taken however long this video ends up being to properly explain and that video was already 30 minutes long so now here is the side note video that covers them in detail let's go over their inspirations that made them the way they are and yes inspirations is plural most know of the yin-yang symbolism after all they are the Tao trio also yeah I know however I pronounce yin yang I'm gonna get scrutinized but I looked it up it's the yin yang nutri being proper the yin yang is just the American S quay of saying it I'm an American so like either way works but other than their yin yang symbolism they also happen to fit right in with Western magic and mysticism in alchemy but let's do the more commonly well-known Eastern stuff first right after the intro as a very base explanation there was once an original dragon Pokemon likely a theropod Allosaurus Tyrannosaurus European dragon mix it wound up splitting into two when it's twin prince trainers wanted to rule the land in very different ways though this splits into two caused a third to be borne from the remains which became the wild husk qrm in an interview with Ken Sugimori the designer of these Pokemon he mentions how Reshiram and Zekrom are fully opposites not only are they black and white but also Reshiram as stated as being light airy and feminine or as Zekrom is hard tough and masculine this is even reflected in the names the middle parts of their names come from the Japanese words for black and white and then according to Sugimori the beginning syllables chosen based solely on how they sound gray sounds soft Zek sounds hard even the full names rest she ran flows smoothly Zeca ROM is harder and more punctual qrm then interestingly is right between the two starting hard but ending soft it also ends with a different ending syllable from the rest we have grim RAM and ROM the rest of queue rims name pulls from Japanese words meaning cold rapid freezing snow and nothing which is important for later now the concept of yin and Yan comes from Taoism and are directly referenced in the Japanese speech ease categories of these Pokemon you know like how Pikachu is the mouse Pokemon rushy Ram is the white yang Pokemon in Japanese and Zekrom the black yen Pokemon and even their battled music in game is named after this fact blazing white young and electrifying Blacky in now to fully explain yin and yang is to explain a whole religion so I'll link a video that I think does that explanation justice in a short amount of time right here and in the description but I'll also try a bit myself the entire universe is filled with and made up of various energies these determine whether something is Yin or young but they are usually directly connected say someone's back versus their front a village on the east side of a mountain versus a village on the west side the heads of a coin versus the tails of a coin the male powers and the female powers and even if something is Yin or young it always has the potential to become the other thus the opposing color dots in the symbol the water of a smooth flowing river can become a rapid waterfall the sunlight hitting your face can become the sunlight hitting your back if you just turn around the way the linked video puts it in a way that a lot of Westerners can understand easier is that you could sort of think of it as the dark side and light side of the force Luke and Vader Vader has the potential to move to the other side and he does in the movie and similarly Luke also has the potential to follow in his father's footsteps to the dark side these beliefs are sort of what inspired Star Wars many have pointed out the Taoists and Balaji used in Star Wars as even the users of the light side of the force are imperfect and even as a whole do some pretty dark things you always have the potential to change and the two sides wouldn't even exist without each other and they have parts of each other it's a constant flow because life isn't black-and-white which gets into Reshiram and Zekrom roles as the Pokemon of truth and the Pokemon of ideals their twin prince trainers wanted to rule the kingdom under those ideologies and thoughtful power only later could they realize the answer was somewhere in the middle because life isn't black and white or red but both ways of ruling have their pros and cons and if we went with the natural flow of the universe instead of filling our lives with complications and being stubborn about our ways then when life would be a lot easier and more peaceful wouldn't it then there is also curette which symbolizes wuji which is the absence of yen or Yong it's cold empty it's nothing thus nothing being referenced in its name it's life is meaningless so it searches for meaning it searches for warmth and thus goes after truth or ideals Reshiram or Zekrom based on the version of the game again for most people the inspirations seem to end there it's done that's all it is yin yang is nothing nothing more to some people it's difficult to comprehend that a design can be inspired by multiple things at the same time and even if the second inspirational source was the designers main one some people won't accept that as a thing at all because it's the second thing that they heard it's different from what they heard first so it's wrong you humans a us humans are so stubborn to get some Taoism Enya so what is this second bit of inspiration well if you remember my alchemy the end series from three years ago crap that was three years ago I was so plump and edgy people really do always hate their past selves don't they what's important here is that I am referring to how alchemy real world magic and mysticism is a major source of inspiration for Pokemon especially legendary Pokemon this peaked in Gen seven but is also referenced in Gen 4 and 6 and as you'll soon see even 5 alchemy likes to use a lot of symbolism and will often use planets or gods or animals to represent things like elements or processes and most of the time it was common to use animals both real ones and mythical ones for use in their symbolism now similar to how yin yang is opposites but they each have a part of each other in western alchemy there are the two contraries represented by a white fluffy dragon with two wings and a black scaly dragon with four limbs they too are opposites but would not exist without each other and while creative liberties were definitely taken such as giving the black scaly dragon wings in Zekrom and giving the white fluffy dragon bottom legs with russia graham the inspiration is still obvious I mean this is also probably why Zekrom has its wings separate from his limbs that way it still has just four limbs to reference this then we can also look to Reshiram whose claws are a part of its wings to sort of imply it doesn't have arms it has wings like this so what are the two contraries what are these magical creatures symbolizing well they are so thick mercury and sophix sulfur sofa meaning a sort of spiritual wisdom they are philosophical so vaq can also mean the transferring of wisdom from spoken word to written word it can also refer to a more scientific approach to spirituality which is basically what alchemy was its spirit science by specifying sofa kurkuri it means not just mercury the element but also all of the wisdom involved in it the planet that symbolizes it and is a spiritual or magical power inherent to it it can also refer to a specific mercury amalgam one mixed with antimony and silver it was believed by some alchemists that doing this would further bring out the powers of mercury thus it was so thick mercury and the same is applied to sulfur as well but back to the two contraries as a whole they are beasts which fights because they are opposites yet they complete each other again like II and Jung but they are also described as active and passive which could refer back to the inspirations about these pokemon symbolise truths and ideals those who believe in a world of truth tend to be more passive the world is the way it is let's base our decisions and beliefs on reality here and just to ruin the comments section by bringing up politics this tends to be the Conservatives way of thinking whereas if you believe in making a world of ideals you tends to be more active in pursuing those ideals we must strive for the ideal world let's base our decisions and beliefs on what could be an ideal world this tends to be the more liberal way of thinking have fun in the comments section these two ways of thinking these two ways of life need each other to exist and keep each other in check which gets right into their philosophy of truth and ideals and yin and yang and even the two contraries both of them are required for souls to exist according to alchemy they are what grants us free will and awareness they're what allow us to even make our own choices to begin with which again again is the whole life lesson moral of the story thing of gen-5 life isn't black and white I mean it's the theme song of the dang anime [Music] oh and also these two elements are two parts of what would make the philosopher's stone no biggie but now again QM comes and messes things up right well no just like how its wuji in the yin-yang symbolism Hyrum also fits perfectly into the alchemic symbolism as the representative of sophix salt the three of them together making what in alchemy are known as the three essentials salt sulfur and Mercury basically the three parts that when combined make up what is a soul or can be recombined to make a philosopher's stone so hear me out because this gets a bit complicated the three essentials are said to be the child of the two essentials the three wouldn't exist without the two the three the third one comes from the two this works out as QM came from the splitting of Reshiram and Zekrom from the original dragon and it double works out because while these two dragons are depicted as the two contraries we merge them with the three essentials it's depicted as this a strange what is called a dragon it's a three-headed dragon honestly the strangest dragon I've ever seen but that's what it says so an original dragon that splits into three and an original dragon that splits into three and we're still not even done these essentials all interact with each other in various ways the two contraries bash and clash but complete each other but in the process of merging the three essentials you need to use the other essential salt in order to freeze the mercury and sulfur together in to ground them now what type is qrm and HEC what was gets us his plan in black 2 and white 2 to freeze the whole region including Russian gram and Zekrom to gain total control over it the symbolism works at every layer so what you're really gonna argue that yin yang is the only inspiration of these pokemon most Pokemon mix more than one thing together in their design the ones that don't are commonly panned for being boring and uninspired it's just a seal with a horn it's just a freaking dog and to make this all come together most Gnostic alchemists come to think of it believed in ways very similar to Taoism but with the Western kick Western religions like Christianity teach that Jesus and God are the ultimate good and Satan and his demons are the ultimate evil it is black and white but Gnostic alchemists did believe in the judeo-christian God and his powers however not that he was a single entity of ultimate good rather God it was a force of light of the universe and Satan a force of darkness neither of them is 100% black or white and they both influenced us to act in different ways even in writing books in the Bible it's the light natural flow of the universe compelling people rather than a floating dude with wings coming down and whispering things into people's ears to write down all in all gnostic alchemists did believe in the judeo-christian god but with a sort of Taoists twist which is why a lot of alchemy involves symbols and religious flair God is a force to them like electricity or mana and forces can be harnessed and used to transmute aid stuff thus metaphysics and things like that was born spirit science it's really a nursing stuff thinking about the way people think now just imagine that I have a really nice conclusion paragraph here ultimately you decide for yourself what you want to think this is technically just the reticle maybe this tout real connection to alchemy really is just a good coincidence really good coincidence anywho until next time you never stop using your noggin this has been dragon month thank you so much for watching be sure to check out all of the other dragon videos we did this month and stay tuned because next month is fairy month oh man could you imagine if I had fairy months be this month Pride Month I'd be in so much trouble
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 792,828
Rating: 4.9284458 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon anime, pokemon black and white, pokemon black 2 and white 2, reshiram, zekrom, kyurem, pokemon original dragon, original dragon theory, dragon pokemon, dragon type pokemon, pokemon tao trio, pokemon alchemy, alchemy in pokemon, pokemon theory, game theory pokemon, pokemon game theory, the original dragon, original dragon, gen 5 pokemon, gen 8 pokemon, unova pokemon, unova legendary, unova legendaries, gen 5 legendaries, pokemon black
Id: l68fGEKmXhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2019
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