Explaining EVERY Temtem! | Gnoggin - Temtem Etymology -Temtem Origins πŸ’πŸ’πŸ™

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tim tam the pokemon killer oh it's good but like well it's good temtem is a pokemon-like mmo with loads of beasties called temtem which can be tamed by tamers as of right now early february 2021 they are still rolling out more temtem in small chunks but if we waited for them to finish we'd never do this video imagine waiting on a mario timeline video waiting for nintendo to finish making mario games yeah it's stupid so in today's video we're going to explain every tempting mainly their name etymology what they are based on and maybe why they are the type that they are so let's get started hello human it is i the human loxton from the future and boy personal information theft is still a real problem a blast from the past you could say because these days in the future people tend to use today's sponsorprivacy.com privacy.com allows you to purchase all the oddities and normalities you want with virtual payment information no longer will you have to put your vital credit card information 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automatically get five dollars to spend on their first purchase go to privacy.com and sign up now oh yeah temtem is made by krema which is a spanish studio so expect a lot of spanish influence in the names as well as other european languages in other words i'm sorry in advance for mispronouncing everything ori is your rival's adorable little robot temtem it's so cute it looks almost like a bush baby android or a stitch bot maybe a lemur thing it's name comes from electronic and orejas which is spanish for ear and it being digital type is pretty self-explanatory it's a little android a little android that evolves into xalbion which gets its name from the chinese words for megabyte and mutation platypet is one of the more well-known temtem and it's clearly a platypus with cheeks that look vaguely like bouncing bubbles its name comes from platypus and pet clearly and its water toxic type as platypus are aquatic mammals that are also one of the few rare mammals with venom it evolves into platox a toxic platypus which really is just it but angrier and its evolution follows suit it gets ripped as platimus an enormous toxic platypus those forearms charles termuin the temtem equivalent of charles darwin describes it as platox but more so and i love that because that's really what it is it just gets bigger now ain't swally cute it's a little swaddled thing also ali is wing in italian i do like how it's both a caterpillar and a cocoon at the same time and its single antenna and coloration point me to this guy the catalpa sphinx it evolves into lowly which is a moth butterfly thing with lots of wings hence the name lots of alis italian for wing no real butterflies or moths have this many wings that's a creative liberty that i think makes this design stand out more it's extra flowy now but there are plenty of butterflies and moths with this yellow ringed pattern and being nature wind type is pretty fitting of a flying bug i really like to teru because you can't exactly pinpoint what it's based on a lot like ori it's like a panda rabbit groundhog with antennas it's luma color almost makes it look like a dog or a guinea pig so let's just say cute generic mammal i mean it's name doesn't even help here it's literally just the japanese word for stand or erect since it stands on its hind legs and all plus it's neutral type so even that doesn't help us honestly as long as it looks good it doesn't have to reference any one thing but still this was the second incredibly original monster design and we've barely even gotten started so i had to reach out to the devs and ask them about their designing process and i actually heard back from the director himself who had this to say when we design a new temtem we don't usually design based on something real or animal-like sure there are some of them that are close to some animal forms but the initial thought process behind them usually doesn't start there we usually start from a gameplay standpoint do we need a single evo do we need a three line which typings do we want does it need to be aggressive or more support oriented etc when we have that the artists involved in the temtem creation start doing sketches with that idea in mind sometimes these sketches can resemble some known animal forms but we usually always try to do things that are unique and can't be related to anything existing that is where things like tataru and grumble were born and oh boy when we get to grumble you'll see even more of what i mean but moving on with the next line it's pretty easy to see its main influence the wind type pajaro's name is just spanish for bird but typed out as if it has the accent from southern spain at least that's what the devs say and it's just a little red bird wearing a leaf mask birds often use leaves to craft things like nests the color and feather point on its head makes me think of a cardinal which i'm pretty sure is the main inspiration here because the entire line has it aharik whose name is just big bird in spanish and grandpa which is just spanish for grand bird but it also sounds like grandpa doesn't it your gramps that does explain why its face shape and feathers give it a more age to look it's an older bird now ampling it's an electric fawn meaning it's a young deer which is where we get the name from ampere the unit of electrical current and fondling a young deer following the theme the next evolution is amphader which adds satyr to the name the mythological creature that's part man part goat it gains the nature type here as satyrs are forest creatures often classified as woodland gods beings of nature themselves but then again so are fawns i'm a fawn you dork bun bun okay let's take a second to really think bun bun do you think it's a bunny well the second bun could be from the vietnamese bun which means mud hence the earth typing along with rabbits typically being burrowers its crystal paws seemingly help it dig in the softer earth mudrid the evolution is also named after mud and leoporid which is the family genus of most rabbits and hares from cottontails to arctic hares interestingly enough their temppedia entry goes over how it's hearty in cold temperatures hi dodie is the cutest little bean pod caterpillar thing i think that i've ever seen it loves to climb high and hide away from other creatures which is likely where the high in its name comes from high and hide and dodi is a corruption of sorts of the word body you flip that bee around dodie or dottie maybe it hides its body high up it evolves into typhoo whose name is a corruption of tofu and possibly thai as in tai chi short for taijiquan sometimes collegually known as shadowboxing thanks to its extra set of arms it's always trailing its own movements no and being a sort of bug soybean nature type works fomo cute it comes from foam as it is covered in foam and constantly leaving trails of mist everywhere it's like a baby cloud whale but a narwhal and it's eventually able to turn that foamy steam into wings as it evolves into whip lump a combo of whip wing or wind and plump and maybe pump whipping up wings out of its foam to lift its little plump body thus gaining the wind type yeah it's also a lot more draconic now perhaps referencing cloud dragons scale is a squirrel weasel-like temtem that has an extremely powerful tail which is where half of its name comes from tail the ska then coming from skaven the half-man half-rat fantasy creatures of warhammer i mean scale has a beard but also from old saxon skaven which means to scratch and craven which is to be cowardly and timid like rats its evolution shares the same sk with scale however ignoring its tail it now learns how to punch real good becoming skunk a squirrel who punch game of the year or i mean goatee but wait that's actually a part of its etymology according to the tempedia it's voted best temtem every year that's hilarious well godi is also the diminutive form of goat a wittle goatee woody which evolves into a gross adult goat named malflink possibly from mountain as in mountain goats or muflon a species of goat thought to be the ancestor to all domestic goats and also flank the side of the body between the ribs and the hip nice and tasty especially from goats its horns are kind of crazy though so instead of flank it could just be the ank part from enclay watusi a breed of cattle with humongous horns rolder the rhino built like a boulder straight forward it looks like the side of a plateau or the layers of crust in the earth either way rhinos have very rough and tough armor so this is perfect one of the starters of the game it's named after houdini and possibly a mystic or psychic i'm leaning towards psychic because of its mental typing less magic more brain also it's kind of chic looking right [Music] well it evolves into tental a tentacle waving mental type and finally we have nagais from wise and naga the snake-like creatures of myth sometimes with tentacle hair made of snakes however it really just means serpent-like also along with being snakes naga are also normally seen with treasure hidden underwater or rivers or lakes wet-themed stuff which is why nagais gets water as its second type and come to think of it you could see these guys as merman but like ursula mer men with octopus parts or if medusa was an octopus person notably also its tempedia entry says that it's known for giving cryptic advice to folk heroes an early example of the traditional association of this species with wisdom insight and spirituality so it sounds like a meditating oracle or a guru which its name could also reference with namaste meditation or film a nature toxic type which seems counterintuitive however learning more about it you'd see that it's just able to filter out toxins and live in noxious areas its naming scheme is based on chlorophyll the typical plant juice stuff that allows photosynthesis common in plant type creatures i'm going to assume and armor is from old norse meaning serpent hence or aboris also and being based on a hydra it could be seen as a dragon from greek myth the monster had a crest and three tongues much like its evolution either way orpheon the legendary musician put the creature to sleep for jason to seal the golden fleece so orphel's orf could also be a reference to that as well its evolution is a three-headed orphil named nidrasil as in yggdrasil and nidhogg both from old norse the tree of life and the serpentine dragon who gnaws on the tree of life respectively both the life-giving nature and the toxin perfect for its type honestly this one is way deep and i love it but is knappy a goat cow deer thing it's an odd looking one benappy sounds like a bug snacks scoopy banoopy but it could be a corruption of bambi a popular deer character or it could be from bon tang indonesian for bowl either way we can be sure that it's api at the end means fire in indonesian its evolution copair is more of a goat and cap comes from kapres the genus name of the goat family and pyre is simply a heap of combustible material typically used to burn bodies for funerals also the entire name sort of sounds like a shortened corruption of camp fire and forest fires are dangerous which may be why a naturey goat thing is fire type well that and so that when pokemon inevitably does a fire goat starter to keep up with the zodiac they can say they did it first lap a knife it's a carbuncle a folktale creature from 16th century south america basically a rabbit fox cat thing that's usually white or teal and has a magical gem in its forehead they're found in all sorts of media the name likely comes from it the suffix of minerals typically and lapin is french for bunny or rabbit it could also be a pun about lapanite which is a synthetic clear goopy clay and again rabbits like burrowing crystals and minerals are found underground often typing explained its evolution as your rock is azure and rock referencing its blue head of rock and its third evolution is zenereth who looks even more like an alien-esque thing like a silicon based intelligent life-form do you get that kind of vibe from it i really do i can't pinpoint why but i do now i'm not sure if you you specifically watching this video know much about painting but a zenith is typically your light source when painting objects zenith being the point at which the sun is at its highest so the light is directly above the subjects it typically is used meaning highest or tallest and this being the third and final evolution is both the tallest and highest in the chain zenith also has a lot of spiritual meanings especially in the crystal healing community hence that connection oh and they pulled us sneaky on ya they added ore into the middle of the name ha or igoo more like big you am i right bigoo is a rather large gastropod hence big but it could also be named after bigaro spanish for winkle no not wrinkle i said winkle which just so happens to be a small herbivorous shore dwelling mollusk with a spiral shell just like bigu now babawa is a totally different creature much cuter baba is spanish for slime perfect for slugs and snails and awa is a funny spelling of agua meaning water in spanish reflecting the water type being added in this evolution because it's watery slime yeah kaku is a small little cutie that hides in its little flower petals that look a bit like they belong to a rafflesia its name comes from japanese kakusarita meaning hidden or protected it could also mean sheltered you get the idea its evolution saku has come out of its shell to say being much larger and less of a shy little guy saku's name is just saku which means bloom in japanese like a sakura cherry tree and together they can cack you in the sack bad joke velash is a fighting bipedal badger thing with crystal gauntlets it's named after slash as it uses sharp sword-like gauntlets to fight and the va comes from vadanite a red crystal found in mexico it shares the same reddish coloration as the gauntlets also badgers fight badgers burrow crystals are in the ground crystal type barnshi is a mysterious owl-like creature possibly named after barn owls as this creature does share their large heads and sharp talons the next part of the name could be from banshee as in the ghost-like creatures that predict death such prediction then possibly explaining the mental type here also it's believed that the cries of certain birds of prey is where the legend of the banshee came from and many ancient cultures associated an owl's call with a call for death an omen guialis is a crystal praying mantis monster with what looks like floating crown laser platforms the name comes from galis meno referencing its body oh yeah guillas mano means polished or glossed in greek and you mix that with mantis plus i mean its face is even reminiscent of greek era helmet designs with the slope of the face and the brow being much more pointy and praying mantises having a hard carapace and a kung fu style named after them it makes sense that crystal melee would be its type aquara eyes inside of your mouth seem like an evolutionary disadvantage but i guess you get to eat a lot of seafood its name comes from latin and it's all about eyes and hiding hidden in latin is a cultatum like the occult it's hidden and of course there's optics and ocular systems and the lura in the name is latin from mouth making its name sort of hidden mouth or eyes hidden in mouth and some art of the creature shows that those are indeed its eyes but the crystals around here are not its true mouth it has a smaller mouth more in line with where a creature like this would realistically have one but its face is hidden in there just as crystals are hidden underground its evolution mix is named more conventionally with it being based off of a myth of nyx the daughter of chaos or the female personification of the knight which goes along with its pre-evo of hiding its timpedia entry also talks about its darkness however mix is also a mixture of mystic relating to its new mental typing and its crystals now more closely resembling a hood like a hooded mages robe river is a lion and is named as such in japanese ours and l's are sort of mixed in certain japanese dialects lion ryan and you mix that with fire or amber ryber its evolution is reyes with the same ryan base but with blaze as the second part and as a whole it sounds like rays to raise a village is to burn it to the ground the third evolution is rykan not rain can rycan ryan again for lion and this one looks the part with its big fiery mane and the second part of its name comes from volcano the big fire lions are often associated with fire due to their big fire remains that's why it's in like everything piokey i love it it's a piranha whale shark baby it's name comes from the hawaiian word for dorsal fin pura and small icky and it's not wrong with it having a small dorsal fin and being small in general unlike its evolution piranite in fact it's part of its name giant because it's so much bigger than pukey and at the beginning of its name seems to come from piranha so it's a giant piranha an apt name osochi osokon and osochae these might be just some of the most it's just two words names osu is osu and ji osu pronounced us [Music] there you go os is a catch-all term used in most japanese dojos us means push directly but it is used in a way that makes it sort of slang for multiple things it could mean hello or look at this it's almost like in english the way we say hey you see someone you know on the street hey you want to get someone to look at a thing hey you upset about something hey oh man i'm about to go on a tangent aren't i the theory as to why post is so universal isn't quite understood there are a few theories though it could just be a shortened manly version of ohayous eventually becoming usu or us for short or it could be from the saying osunosension meaning push the pain away endure pain take it like a man essentially there are a lot of rules about using it in conversation in japanese but that last one fits really well with these temtem being melee type however that's only half of their names for osuchi we have chi which is earth in japanese referring to its dirt powers oscar is then khan from the japanese rooster crest kai khan this time referring to its large crest-like protrusion on its head and finally osukai with kai being from tetekai japanese for battle typically in verb form so to fight which makes sense as this third evolution is a rather aggressive looking biggen right cypher aka not far-fetched it's a duck with a shell on its head the ultimate life form really cypat comes from pato meaning duck in spanish and psy a favorite weapon of a mr ralph the teenage mutant ninja turt and also the weird red thing that it's holding it's a fighting duck melee water it's perfect i guess i like how the shell makes it look like both a knight's helmet and also a peasant's casa picco is a cute little lizard friend named after gekko and pyre and it evolves into drakash named after drake's a form of dragons that typically don't have wings drac dragon and africans which could also be used here because of the fire skink found in the forests of western africa see they sort of have similarities and that's why they're fire type earth too they like to burrow where was i oh andra cash has some lava-esque elements so fire earth there you go uh the name also has ash there you go that was the point i was forgetting crystal cheryl and tortonite are also starter temtem and their names are rather straightforward crystal is named after its type crystal however it is spelled wrong because they mixed it with the word turtle crystal crystal yeah sheryl it just sounds like the name sheryl or harold with an s in front of it the extremely common boring man name because it's a common starter pokemon i guess that's good it also has emerald and shell in there because it's green and has a shell made of emerald uh and then tortonite plays fortnite but really the ite comes from the mineral suffix typically applied to gemstones and it may specifically be torbernite a green and radioactive mineral which is why i believe it is toxic type it's radioactive oh and also tortoises in there because it magically goes from being a turtle to a tortoise just like another starter creature hocus and pocus are named after the magical words that aren't please and thank you no no no they are the other magical words hocus pocus which some think was fake latin something no one understood but heard of invoking something similar to hawk s corpus mium which was used in religious ceremonies stealing the huck s and corbus to eventually become hocus pocus and on top of just being witchy magic words they can also refer to the supernatural in general witchcraft and ghosts and all which i feel fully encompasses the look of these two they are sort of a personification of their namesake sporzy it's spark and crazy i mean look at that face does that say mentally stable to you this guy's whole look and demeanor just screams the wacky high energy cartoon character trope think woody woodpecker scrat the the squirrel from over the hedge rabbids that nature well fitting of the electric type because those twitchy and they're like whoa the whole wacky thing mushi is a diminutive cutesy way of saying mushroom like a mushy wushi or mushi it could also be from shai as it is a rather shy temtem but when it evolves it loses that and becomes meshuk a mushroom with a nasty left hook a hook is a type of punch in which you rotate your core muscles to put more weight into the punch which makes sense because it gains melee type magmas is a hammerhead lava shark possibly based off of land sharks but with a fun fiery twist and maybe throw some tiger shark in there magmus is a mix of the words magma ignis which refers to burning gas it's ignited and mallet or malleus which is hammer in latin it's where we get the word mallet actually it's evolution mastion follows similarly with ma coming from mallius or mallet and combustion which is combustion in latin umishi is a small sea slug-like creature named after umi meaning c in japanese and tenshi which is angel referencing the sea angel a small marine like creature that floats in the ocean and look like tiny little humanoid angels but unfortunately they aren't they are sea slugs the evolved form ukama is also named with japanese words umi against c but this time it's comma which is sickle or scythe referencing the tail of ukama but it also could be referencing kami meaning a higher spirit or a god and being the fastest of all tempting makes it the god of speed reignet is a robot made of two large horseshoe magnets it's named after rey as in a beam of light and magnet not much else is known about it right now though it's a very new tempting now the last and certainly the least starter temtem is snazzy which is an orange melee monkey and yes monkey it has a long tail okay i checked even though its name combines smack and chimpanzee it is a monkey not a chimp baboon or babong it's longer than smayz it's baboon and bunk mixed with young or really anything that ends in g bong is a sound of something being hit so there you go and finally we get to size munch a seismic simian that can punch now on top of being melee type it's earth type which could mean it's based loosely on sun woo kong of chinese myth the orange kung fu monkey who was born from a rock its face and hairstyle screams kung fu master to me and some highly skilled kung fu masters practice by splitting rocks there's also the trope of people training in high-end eastern fighting techniques using weighted things weights on their wrists and ankles just like this zazar sure is bizarre it says it's an earth worm tempt him but that is the most stylized earthworm i've ever seen anyway the word zazar is basque coming from the country basque near the northwestern parts of spain in their language zazar is actually just worm so its name is literally worm but different though it could also be a play on wyrum sometimes pronounced worm wyrum are long serpentine dragons that often burrowed into the earth so zazar is an earth wyrm momo is a kickstarter backer-created temtem designed by kyle that's their name okay as for momo's name kyle let it be up to krema who named it momo possibly because in game these dog-like temtems were domesticated near lake moyo typically in name ology momo means peach or apricot coming from the japanese name momoko but actually it's been stated that they named the dog after guillermo angelare's shiba inu dog who shares the name momo and if it's a sheba it's probably peach apricot colored momo is just like a shiba husky mix isn't it i mean look at it's luma color curry is not named after the delicious food in japanese kuri means chestnut which may be a reference to its color and little helmet face kura in hausa means hyena which is what kuri is supposed to be but with a bony head hausa is a chatic language spoken by the house of people the largest native ethnic group in africa where hyenas live and if you take the word kura and make it babyified in a diminutive form you get kuri but its evo kauren which isn't karen uses the non-diminutive kura and the hausa word hauren giwa which means ivory ivory being what elephant tusks are made of so possibly it's not just wearing bones that it found but it actually has grown these bones like elephant tusks and considering that it is both bones and hyenas which live in dens earth type works great spriol is named after a sprig which means a small or young twig or sprout and a petiole is the small part that connects a leaf to a branch and these being the name origins makes perfect sense because this is a very young plant naturey temtem it also sounds a bit like a spring roll which are delicious and being caterpillar shaped fits with all that but what's odd is that it evolves into a deer interesting deandre comes from deer and sindre which is french for ash tree ash trees have leaves that are very similar in appearance to these temtem's leaves alternatively though the word dendro means pertaining to a tree like in dendrology the study of trees then its final evolution is cernife which gets its name from leaf and possibly surnunos cernunos is the gaelic god of beasts and wild places often called the horned one due to its antler-like horns and speaking of mythical things spriggans also come to mind with spirule's name now too either way lots of nature spirit stuff which deer are often associated with so nature type is perfect toxolotl talks a lot that's not the point of its name though it's a toxic type axolotl which is where its name comes from it evolves into noxolotl which is a noxious axolotl pretty simple stuff and while axolotls aren't numerous other salamanders are poisonous also these are the weirdest looking axolotls i've ever seen they're like let's take an amphibian and make it mammalian was that the idea to make an alien dog perhaps this is the old try to be unique with no one creature slash thing in mind design philosophy again that the director mentions to me according to the tempedia they are born of the foulest depths of zalat meaning that there's a lot part of its name could just be a reference to the place they are found rather than specifically being an axolotl though they do have the right kind of face shape and like frills coming from the face the frills are like rainbow dreads it's very unique blues and goodler are both named after oozes and goop respectively classic rpg monsters slimes however blues also gets its name from blob while googler may be pulling from ghoul or goo and even elder and possibly even doodle as its shape is sort of amorphous like oh and ghouls are typically very ravenous zombie ghost things that typically eat flesh and these guys just look like gluttons another kickstarter designed temtem by soma ghost both volarand and zephyruf have a hippogriff eagle type thing going on which is where zepha ruff gets its name griff and zephyr which is a soft and gentle breeze and also the mythological zephyr is the god of the west wind both are fitting of the wind typing and rough could be from ruffling feathers or it's what they called those large collars during the elizabethan era oh and as for what a sephiroth is it's complicated basically think of it as the spirit world it's heaven though that is an extremely boiled down version of it we don't really have time to get into it just know it's all high and angelic and stuff which is why sephiroth and zephyr ruff perhaps reference it volarand is named after belair the latin word for fly and rend meaning to tear or split violently which those talons can definitely do as for why it's toxic type that's a bit of a hard one though some birds are known to have neurotoxins in their skin like the hooded patui and also in the case of these temtem they do have toxic gas clouds around them always so it could very well just be that oh here we go rumble and grumper are two rock things that don't look too happy i'd say they look grumpy even which is where grumble gets its name gravel and grumpy grumper also shares its grumpiness however it does not share its type as it is added electric to its earth now and its name has the word thunder i think personally grunder would have been a wee bit of a better name if thunder was going to be the second part but looking at them what the heck are they oh gosh do you remember that llama lima bean thing from like over a decade ago yeah that thing grumble looks just like it especially it's luma color but if it's not referencing this the only other thing i could think of is like a mud puddle with minotaur horns huh maybe a stalactite well since this was another one specifically mentioned by the director it's very likely to be another one they just started designing without any one thing in mind they needed an earth electric type so why not an electrified stalagmite in the temtem world electrified horns are a common occurrence after all i guess because they can work similar to tasers our next two temtem have them also genki gets its name from the japanese ga which means moth and dengue which is an electrical current that fits because this is a cute little electric moth and it evolves into gazuma ga again moth and inazuma means lightning strike also they could be inspired by the static electricity butterfly experiment popular in elementary school science classes osira is named after the ocean and uh a horse i think be right back going to ask the wife okay so it turns out it could be named after the mirus miras which is a breed of horse in the lord of the rings they'll come to think of it those river horses or it could just be a corruption of the word horse and ocean oh sir osura horses but either way they're based on water horses aka kelpies or selkies or maybe there's a little bit of a kirin in there yowler is a polar yeti thing specifically one that lives in the australian mountains as there is a yeti-like creature in australian folklore it's named yowie which is in the name yowler there you go nice dropley is named after a water droplet and baby as it is small and childlike and also in universe it's seen as a crucial link in the evolution of earth-born tempting but when it evolves into garrio it's less useful as a science tool but is still newt esque living in mud so water earth type is perfect but it doesn't live in just any mud but the mud around lake moyo which is where that part of its name comes from it's mixed with gregarious and you can tell because its tempedia entry says that it is very gregarious which means sociable and lacks company and just look at that smile the eastern crystalline water dragon shueen is also quite a bit western as an extra western as it's also the feathered serpent from various mesoamerican religions you might know this one as quetzalcoat or quetzalcoatl however this temtem's name comes from pristine and shui a chinese word meaning water so it's perfectly clean water which is great because this temtem is one big water filter it cleans the toxins out of the water they inhabit so well that the water becomes safe for human consumption because we all know crystals are great at getting toxins out of things now nestle well that's just the loch ness monster isn't it and possibly tesla it is water electric after all it's if nessie was an electric eel valliar's name comes from vassio which means empty in spanish referring to the holes in its ears and ampliar meaning extends in spanish which refers to how it uses the empty holes in its ears to amplify its mental powers to extend them rabbits are often seen as intelligent and cunning as are some goats and valear to me seems like a mix of the two but interestingly a rare pre-auricular sinus birth defect causes a small hole in or around the ear which spiritualists believe allows you to hear the voices of angels as it makes you a clear sentience from birth maybe i'm looking too deep into this well the mayans used large jade ear flares to stretch big holes in their ears which on top of just being a display of discipline and or wealth the holes themselves were also seen as spiritual conductors and having spirits connected to your mind would explain this temtem's mental typing call a zoo it's azure calamari because it's a squid and it's blue it's evolution is calabis again calamari but this time from the dark abyss of the deep ocean as plenty of squids are there in fact the colossal squid lives in the part of the ocean called the abyssal zone this is also where a lot of those weird bioluminescent fish things live too which are likely mixed in with this temtem's design now adora boris i stinking love it's based on the auroboris a symbol featuring a serpent or dragon eating its own tail from the time of the ancient greeks and egyptians though would go on to be used frequently as a symbol in alchemy and this one's adorable and that's how we get its name an adorable oraboris and considering alchemy was both scientific and spiritual and alchemists often made poisons toxic mental type is perfect whoa and what's this there's actually a fourth starter it's tawai the toucan which evolves into three other temtem depending on where you evolve it it's like eevee but a toucan why a toucan oh probably because of the whole darwin's finches things from the galapagos famously charles darwin documented all of these subtle and not so subtle differences in finches found on different islands all within the galapagos it's one of those classic world famous bits of evidence of extreme animal adaptation and evolution finches are in fact boring however so they went with a toucan its name nyx's toucan or tukana the hawaiian word for toucan and why the hawaiian word for juice two cans are known to crush fruits and they're big beaks for juice you see if it evolves near the water shrine it evolves into tukai mixing toucan with kai hawaiian for c if brought to the sons of crystal it evolves into tuvine with its grassy vine just kidding that's wrong it's actually crystal type it's named after minerals that end in veen like olivine which has the same coloration as tuvine i mean tuveen and finally we have turok which it evolves into if brought to aisha's hearth its earth type thus rocky thus its name there's also a giant mythical bird the rock and turok is the biggest of the three toucans the fairy-like kinu is almost a myth due to its rarity this information matters because kinu is short for kinushi which is a japanese forest spirit you may think wait i thought those were called kodama and yes you are right but kinushi is essentially a kodama but in the local dialect of okinawa but either way they are all spirits of the forest protectors guardians and you gotta have supernatural esp ghosty spirit powers in order to protect such a large thing hence the mental type volvir is named after vulcan the roman god of fire who is also responsible for a lot of volcanoes the name also pulls from heveir which is spanish for boil like soup because he's got a little soup bowl on his head evolving into valor who has valor causes them to lose the soup bowl unfortunate but they do get a spiky helmet instead now the latter part of its name comes from kalor which is heat in spanish and finally volcrane from vulcan and cranial the spanish word for cranium oh and i see it now these temtem are based on the patchy cephalosaurus the headbutt dinosaurs dinosaurs are often associated with volcanoes and earth in media so you know its typing is already perfect ah pig epic it is an epic pig it's due to the saying when pigs fly ha moving on a rack knocks a noxious arachnid ox wow that's a mix it's based on an acadian mythical beast the accra bomelu basically a scorpion centaur horrifying and fitting since scorpions are ground-dwelling venomous arachnids koish it's a koi fish koish wow what a name well koi come in like a million colors in varieties which would explain why this temtem comes in all types wolfy gets its name from vulpin the genus commonly known as fox and fluffy as it is fluffy it's a kitsune cubie or jiwehu an eastern nine-tailed fox spirit they play all sorts of roles depending on the folktale being told but they are almost always mischievous nature spirits which explains the earth nature typing well enough also foxes burrow so earth and finally the big legendary anahir it gets its name from rihanna backwards as confirmed by the ceo of krima on april 1st 2012 oh it was a joke well dang the name actually is just derived from anak and turla here which means born in indonesian a knock being a region in temtem that sports a big active volcano area hence this thing being a volcano beast it's man-made too hence the armor it was an attempt at creating a new sort of diamond variety by combining various crystal type temtem and submitting them to the power of the enoch volcano it looks like a wingless lava griffin put in armor to me what with the crystals and the shape of a tuft of tail feathers and like the mane sticking out and the talon structure i'm not positive the director to me used anna here as another example of a design that was started without any one real thing in mind which honestly is really cool for a big man-made tempting and do you think the helmet looks like a sort of sci-fi version of a gladiator helmet and also i can kinda see parts of other crystal and even other temtem in there but there you go every temtem explained at least to the best of my ability in a way that is also greatly condensed big thanks to krema for both making this game and also clarifying some things for me and let me know if you think i missed anything big in the comments below we usually do and until next time never stop using your noggin what monster game are we gonna cover next you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 249,782
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: temtem, temtem explained, what are temtem, what is temtem, temtem etymology, temtem name origins, temtem design, temtem design origins, temtem origins, tateru, platypet, every temtem, complete tempedia, crema, temtem gameplay, temtem ps5, pokemon killer, pokemon like, pokemon-like games, pokemon-like, pokemon like games, games like pokemon, monster catching games, best games like pokemon, best monster catching games, temtem raignet, better than pokemon
Id: QOSee0kTH-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 33sec (2493 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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