How GOOD was Tyranitar ACTUALLY? - History of Tyranitar in Competitive Pokemon (Gens 2-6)

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Tl;dw: Tyranitar will fuck you up

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 295 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Sphexus ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Love this guy's videos. Glad to see him do a few gen 2 pokemon.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 114 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/The-Harry-Truman ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Tyranitar was my baby in Gen 2 and still my baby Today

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 69 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GodlyNeo ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

basically a monster from the day it stepped onto the scene, tanky as fuck, made even tankier with sand giving you the equivalent of an assault vest without the drawback, dragon dance for sweeping, pursuit, workable special attack and the moves to surprise skarm and ferrothorn and a very good mega and that's before I even press play on the video

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 91 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/arathergenericgay ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

My favorite Pokemon!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 30 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/9ai ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

This is an example of good honest content with due diligence behind it.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 24 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Danielmav ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I really enjoy this series. This guy doesn't do shitty, clickbaity titles, and his vids are interesting and well-researched

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 30 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/katie310117 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 04 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Back in the days of dial up internet i caught and trained a larvitar by sheer curiosity in Silver version. After much grinding I had a tyranitar to battle with. Our teacher let us battle on Friday's during recess and I was ready to take on my friend who was the best trainer in our class. Keep in mind we were low income kids so maybe there was dsl, but we didn't have that. There were guidebooks available but none of us owned any. I'm down to my last Pokรฉmon, my ace, Tyranitar. Once he comes out everyone is stunned. Everyone is trying to figure out what kind of Pokรฉmon it is. My friend thinks I've somehow messed with my cartridge. It was glorious. I still lost because his team were all level 100s and tyranitar was barely cracking 60s. Still, that one moment, nothing in Pokรฉmon could ever surprise us like that. It's just not possible in this day and age

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 56 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sleal ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 04 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

One of my fav series on YouTube

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 19 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/shoeless_sean ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 03 2017 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
the patrons have spoken and for the first patron pick ever we have Tyranitar I guess for all of you who want more Jen - Pokemon the patrons are looking out for you maybe you could do the same perhaps shameless plug either way we've got the second pseudo legendary ever and the final evolution of larva tar larvae tars pokedex entry says that it has to eat a mountains worth of soil just to evolve it - pupitar so I guess we know what's really in the rare candy now just dirt honestly it really is appropriate that we have him for the first patron pick because it's all of my patrons being tyrants over me I've low-key dreaded this day because I know this is going to be a long one but I do what the people ask me as for the regular comments don't worry guys we've got that covered - for next week all right let's get moving cuz we've got a lot to cover this is a behemoth of an episode just like the Pokemon we're covering so without any further ado how good was Tyranitar actually Tyranitar was introduced with the rest of the dark types and jen - to balance out the psychic types that dominated jen one that dark typing is one of the things that for a while is part of why we called it a pseudo legendary giving it a four times weakness in this case two fighting and that's not really part of the equation anymore since there are pseudos with no four times weakness but the reason that four times weaknesses do exist is because the pseudo legendaries have a crazy base that total of 600 so yeah they're about legendary Tyranitar stats are incredible all around except for its speed which is less than half of its whopping 134 attack stat but despite the indication that T tar would be a sweeping machine it was actually more of a Swiss Army knife type Pokemon in Gen 2 mostly because I had nothing to augment that lackluster speed there are plenty of things that Tyrannosaur could do phase with roar setup curse attempt the sweet mix and of course take advantage of its dark typing and absurd power for pursuits that's the one role that it could star in better than any other Pokemon as it boasted around the power of hound you and the sturdiness of Umbreon not quite up to those individually but overall it was a great middle ground between the two other pursuit users at the time other than that T tar was serviceable in all its other sets but as we've come to know the power of the uncertain can be pretty intimidating who would have thought that a hulking mountain shaped pokemons biggest a set would be how ignite Matic it can be regardless with a bevy of moves at its disposal like rock slide fire blast and even the Pokemon move lottery that is dynamic miss I mean dynamic punch to threaten Snorlax Tyranitar was one of the most customizable Pokemon and Jen to remember all stats are maxed out at this point because of how Jen to Dedes work as for counters our behemoths had quite a bit of trouble with the resident bulky water types of Jen to Vaporeon and suicune who pretty much hard counter did and there were quite a bit of other checks too including Machamp Quagsire marowak raikou neo-king and ride on so yeah Tyranitar was good and Jen too quite good actually but we're just getting started advanced gave Tyranitar all the things that needed to be as the all-powerful despot hinted at in its name dragon dance and substitute give Tyranitar the set of moves it needed to circumvent its mediocre speed but the fun doesn't stop there sands stream will become one of the hallmarks of Tyranitar from this point on and just wait it's not even at its strongest point yet hey Jen three sand stream meant leftovers was irrelevant on a ton of pokรฉmon while Tyranitar got to keep chomping away at its Apple taunt meant tyranny's Sark has shut down anything trying to phase or stall it out or it could take advantage of its good special attacks that to tailor hidden power to whatever it needed to hit its counter surrounded SARS dragon dance set was Bar None the scariest sweeping set in the game anything that could counter or check it like bulky waters Flygon claydol still had to play perfectly and hope that tea tar wasn't packing some weird options specifically for that Pokemon in its final slide and that's only one set Tyranitar special tag lets it be a great wall breaker especially since its pursuits hit so hard it could take on Gengar with her suit melt Skarmory nail Swampert with hidden power grass and then in its last slot can either be rock slide or ice beam because even with no physical investment Tyranitar ox light hits like a truck speaking of large vehicles Tyranitar choice pant set hit more like a Boeing 747 choice banded focus punch can do 70% - Swampert Tyranitar Smee encounter on the switch and rock slide to hit kales Milotic you had to predict this Tyranitar correctly or you would just get run over oh yeah and it had a sub punch set - of course it did really Tyranitar had few answers like we said Swampert was the best bet but it still had to be wary of hidden power and the punch which went through phases like nothing else each would be check has an answer so we and milotic have no leftovers recovery Flygon ice beam Celebi hidden power bug of course it couldn't do all those things at once but it always could be doing one of those things and you wouldn't know until he scouted Tyranitar was the strongest Pokemon and Gen 3 overuse period just goes to show kids eat your dirt Gen 4 saw Tyranitar doubling down on its claim as one of the most versatile pokemon in the game first of all it got an absolutely massive buff sandstorm now raised the special defense of all rock types by 50% meaning our bulky friend had at least 354 special defense on switchin even if that's uninvested and assuming perfect IVs what's more it got another way to boost speed with the introduction of choice scarf with its attack already so high scarf thar was the way to go for a while able to out speed and KO starmie a zuv and Gengar with pursuit scarf GTR was actually also an important part of the meta game because of the introduction of the new pokemon Rotom Rotom was a huge nuisance to any offensive or stall team due to its ability to other Pokemon by tricking specs onto them burn them with willow as' or stall them out itself with paint slit but at the time all Rotom forms were part ghosts and also the new Rotom forms are not available in pokรฉmon battle revolution so I'll probably have to show the main series games for once on here recently some other Tatar sets have come to the fort bandit ARS power was even greater in Gen 4 due to stone miss I mean Stone Edge and two sets with paschal the water reducing berry and the Lum berry have developed to more reliably trap star me and Rotom and then in addition to all those sets it has dragon dance mix attackers sub punch lure thar curse god it just goes on and on Gen 4 meant there are a few more counters and checks the Tyranitar bullet punch and mark punch led Breloom Machamp misses are all do pretty well but the to fire weak Pokemon had to be careful of Fire Blast Swampert still did well as did hip out on and scar me and Lucario could post threats but Teeter could handle all of them as well as one of the most common Pokemon in Gen 4 Heatran Tyranitar versatility meant it was just an ideal fit on almost any team achieving number one most used in recent diamond pearl and platinum meta-god you think we've been through a lot already we still have two gens to go and VGC too VG c we are mercifully spared from talking about with no flat level Tyranitar is level 55 evolution from pupitar prevented it from being used in VG c 2010 though Terrans are made quite a few appearances even in multiple worlds top eight teams keep in mind that this was the meadow with ubers and that's pretty impressive Tyranitar zone sand stream let it come in to stop Kyogre ground on and Abomasnow and its bulk let it take such heavy hits like a surf from pokeo it mainly resorted to Chapo berry because there were so many things running with priority fighting moves and then its access to a hugely powerful rockslide made it quite valuable also it could trip up Dialga quite literally with low kick it wasn't as common as it would be later but it was still pretty good we all know Gen 5 is defined by whether Wars and that means it was also partially defined by Tyranitar that alone kept it in high use because yeah if you're running sand you're probably running T tar or hit powder on but mostly teeth art there were actually quite a few things that gave T tar trouble this generation the other most dominant weather rain meant there were a whole lot of water types running around and that's the sort of stuff Tyranitar hate switching on Gen 5 was also a veritable playground for fighting types Tyranitar main weakness Conkeldurr Taraki on and cal do all did super well vs t tar as did the old threats like Breloom and Lucario also other Pokemon got new fighting tools to play with Alakazam focus blast was actually so threatening that a new set 40 tart developed with special defense investment and choppa berry to live through focus flash and kill Alakazam Tyranitar also had to deal with a lot of new pokemon running super power as Gen 5 gave it a lot of eager new candidates via move tutor of course T target a2 meaning some of those after mention threats Lucario on Terra Kyung had to be pretty afraid honestly Tyranitar frequently ended up playing a more bulky supportive role setting up rocks and trapping unsuspecting Pokemon despite its new checks including theory on forms once black and white 2 came out cheat our status as the most prominent sand setter meant it was still safely in the upper echelons of overuse and alright gen 5 VG c PG c 2011 was black and white decks only so note eat are obviously rock sliding and sand stream are still cheap heirs biggest putin's Tyranitar slow speed actually helped it out quite a bit sometimes because it meant it could take advantage of trick room and since the slower pokemons weather comes out first it could so win weather wars it's moveset was about the same rockslide low kick for steels crunch for psychics and ghosts and protect cuz it's DGC dude topple barrier was once again the standard to deal with fighting types and you saw TT are paired frequently with pokemon who could handle fighting types such as Cresselia who also happens to be a trick from center it's still hated mock punch even under trick room of course and there are some Tyranitar sets that ran the weather less unnerve option with so many berries and VGC eliminating them entirely was really really good those tea tars usually actually went special to avoid getting neutered by intimidate users like hitmontop Tyranitar was actually massively popular in VGC it was used in holy hell five of the top eight teams for worlds 2012 this pokemon is just really really good and finally Gen 6 Gen 6 had two big changes for Tyranitar the introduction of a mega forum that looked like it underwent some radioactive mutation and some fairy types to temper it mega tea tart kicked regular tea tars power up to 11 with 164 base attack and an additional 60 points in its defense and from this it was the bulkiest dragon dance sweeper there was actually though mega tea tar was pretty out class as a sweeper well it has a good typing offensive wise defensive wise that has a whole bevy of weaknesses and it might be the bulkiest dragon dance user but it is also the slowest even at +1 speed it couldn't out speed base 135s most notably megaman Ettrick and mega lopunny since we've been saying it all this time the name of the game for Tyranitar is versatility thus the regular beast was actually far more used yes and isn't permanent anymore but not having a mega stone means you can trade in for a more mundane and useful Rock smooth rock which led Tyranitar be a reliable support for excadrill and mega garchomp who both had abilities that benefited from the sand even as a support Tyranitar sheer strength let it pick up chaos on Zapdos manda buzz Kirin black and talonflame all very common threats that last one is especially important considering talonflame prevalence and overuse past that though all of tyrannic stars old strengths and weaknesses are there and as always the strengths outweigh the weaknesses ya fairy and steel types gave it trouble but it can hit both of them real hard with choice band or even just on its own fast fighting types will give it trouble but can you find a better - Pokemon - trap the laddies listen Tyrannis heart can just always do everything it just can't do everything at once it's just a very very very good Pokemon alright last stretch everyone it's VGC time Tyranitar has used quite a bit because of Sandstrom and rockslide as usual rockslide buries talonflame and Charizard why who are both pretty prominent during this time there was actually a special very more common in the physical in 2014 because of how many Intimidators there were well that special attacking set still did work the physical set also got phased out a bit because it lost its low kick from gen 5 which meant fire blasts was a much better option during this time against steel types just like in singles Tyranitar fared better normally then as Omega mostly because not using mega King mallow and Salomon seems silly when regular teetered does its job already and don't get me wrong mega TTR was so incredibly scary if they got a d-10 sub but with so many weaknesses it was kind of more difficult than just using regular TTR but if you're like wolf glick and can pull it off mega t tar can actually be pretty damn good and 2015 salty tar moving back to the physical side with the re-release of low kick and ice punch via tutors it could even take advantage of its low speed to use assurance for more damage than crunch it hated fighting and fairies but its ability to hit so many things for so much really just can't be denied well except in VG c 2016 where primal weather doesn't get cancelled out by regular weather God those Pokemon are broken and all right we're at the end how good was you know what let's just save time it was and is amazing you all know that both in singles and doubles Tyranitar kicks ass and it seems resilient to the changing meta because it really can morph into any situation and having one of the best abilities and stat totals in the game doesn't hurt truly a ridiculously good pokemon now maybe in the future I'll see how it handles the top who's in Jenna 7 thanks for watching everyone and holy crap that was long thanks patrons no but really thank you so much patience and thanks to everyone who's watching it all of your support is valued here you have no idea all right I'm out of here because this needle is really long already see you guys next time you
Channel: False Swipe Gaming
Views: 1,928,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Tyranitar, Pokemon Go, Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Gold, Silver, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, Pokemon Black, Pokemon White, Pokemon X, Pokemon Y
Id: E3eDnF3JH3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2017
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