Can You Beat Pokemon Team Rocket Edition With Only Stolen Pokemon ?! (no items fire red rom hack)

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well hello everyone my name is Widow and welcome back to another video it's been a while since I've done an actual new Pokemon drum hack challenge so today we'll be jumping into Pokemon Team Rocket Edition and we will be seeing if we can beat the game with only stolen Pokemon because in this game you have the ability to steal a Pokemon from each trainer you defeat so this is definitely going to be possible but I really wanted to do a sort of review video because this is one of the best rom hacks that I've ever played I think it might actually be my favorite romhack ever created and I've played a bunch of rom hacks in my free time so you basically work as a team rocket member working for Giovanni and his admins you have to work your way around Kanto doing all of these missions for Giovanni and you basically play through the entire firered storyline but in the shoes of a bad guy so there is no defeating gems or anything like that it's just working for Giovanni and doing his missions but there are a lot of twists and turns into this storyline so I'm going to be talking a lot about the story in this video because it's so good the rules are simple like always no items in battle and I can only use the stolen Pokemon in battle as well so as always people don't forget to smash that like button hit that subscribe button and turn on the notifications if you haven't done that already and with that out of the way let's jump right into Pokemon team rocket edition so normally in Pokemon games you get greeted by Professor Oak but in this game it's one of the team rocket admins it's petrol he explains a little bit about the organization and then you get to pick your name and we'll be going with Dungey all in this run because we're going to be naming all of our Pokemon kind of Italian like mr. Giovanni himself so you start off the game in the team rocket hideout down at spinning tiles and you get to choose your starter well not really choose you have to check a box and in the box there will be a Rattata as your starter Pokemon so since we didn't really steal this Rattata we will just be using it to get our first stolen Pokemon and that will be our actual starter then we head upstairs to get ourselves dhm for fly of one of the aides because you don't need any gym badges to use hm sin this game did then meet up with Ronnie he's also a new recruit in Team Rocket and he's going to be your best friend throughout this entire challenge basically so you two will be going on missions together and having loads and loads of fun the first mission you do in him is steal a Pokemon so you head upstairs and there is a little girl walking around a fountain and he's like yes this is the perfect opportunity for you to steal your first Pokemon so you persuade her to go into a Pokemon battle with you and after you beat her up you get to choose one of her Pokemon that you can steal she had a spear oh and a Pidgey and my favorite of the two spear oh so I will be going with spiro in this one and even a CL and with that flying type we can now fly so we fly to mount moon to do our first real mission so why are we at Mount moon well there have been some rumors that there are Pokemon fossils here and Team Rocket is of course out to steal those then while I went into the cave I actually lost to a bug catcher my ace is super effective against his Pokemon but still I was not able to be this wheedle and Caterpie then eventually one of the grunts finds what he thinks is a fossil but the other grunts find out really quickly that it's actually a moonstone and they don't really care about it so we're gonna pick that thing up for ourselves you don't never know you're meet up with the squad and apparently every single Team Rocket member except for me and Ronnie got beaten up by some spiky haired kid and they referring to blue so blue walleston - mountain moon and he beat up every single Team Rocket member but clean me and Ronnie aren't that scared and we keep looking for the fossils I didn't steal a Parris from a bug catcher which I named Pablo we also still a need around female so that we can eventually maybe have a needle queen and we named her Ezio we then find the scientist that we hired as Team Rocket to find the fossils for us he also tells us that the spiky haired kid came around but he told him that he wasn't a trainer so he left him alone Ronny is now going back to petrol to report that we have found the fossils but as we try to go back to petrol re run into red and of course red being red he wants to fight us and he already has a level 25 Charmeleon and he sweeps my entire team which is meant to happen it walks off and steals both of the fossils so our mission has been sabotage by him Ronnie comes back and he's super mad at me and the scientists were losing against his stupid kid and wasting our fossils petrol then comes along and he asks us if we have some more information about the trainer that beat us and that we have to go and report that to Giovanni we then head back to the hideout where we meet up with Giovanni and Arianna he says that it's absurd that all of his team rocket grunts got beaten up by some kids it asks us everything about the kid and I tell him that his name is red and he says what a ridiculous name which it kinda is he then says that we really have to watch out for these kids because a Wartortle enter million are some very strong Pokemon then one of Giovanni's minions walks in you may know him as Blaine some of their conversation while Blaine is making polygons for Giovanni's game corner so that he can give them away to trainers making porygon is illegal and Blaine doesn't want to do it anymore and he says that he can hire bill to do it the reason why blade doesn't want to make these polygons anymore is because he could lose his gym leader status so Giovanni then sends us on a journey to find bill and try and recruit him for this project but first we have to go to the daycare which is another Team Rocket scheme because they steal all of the Pokemon from the trainers that bring them in but that's not really the reason that we're here it's because Archer has a package for us that we have to deliver to bill to try and bribe him into coming to Team Rocket then we had to nugget bridge to beat up some trainers and steal their Pokemon first I stole a manky and then my Nidoran evolved into a need arena and after that I got myself a slowpoke which I named totes their three because he's one of my mods and his favorite Pokemon is a slowpoke who then go to Bill's house and in the package there are rare candies a shiny Magikarp and the ticket for the SS and as well as some money he isn't really impressed with the offer because he says that he gets paid more at Silph Co but he's gonna take it anyway but for him to accept we have to become his little spy and tell him all about Team Rocket schemes so that's what we're going to do and bill is now working Team Rocket we then head back to the Negev rich to meet up with blue in person for the first time he didn't says that Team Rocket is bad a knitting thought that he had all of them in mount moon but he didn't so he's going to challenge us we start off the battle by beating up his peih-gee with my slow pokes water gun while getting hit with a few sand attacks as well miksa pisses Rattata so i go with my man key and i locate him a load of times until he eventually faints while we were only left with poor HP Nexus Miss Avril and that thing can't touch us at all because you know when you know his teleports so my slowpoke is easily able to take it out then we learn confusion which is going to make the fight against Wartortle a lot easier he just kept on using with it off for some reason and I was able to take him out with about five confusions he then starts to cry and is very sad he lost his battle because he's been losing to read a bunch of times and he's sick of it so he then runs off and we have to get back to the daycare as we're back in the hideout we find out that ronnie has blown a hole into the house in cerulean city and stolen the TM for dig we then go to the TV and we find out that Lance is on the case and that we are now being hunted as Team Rocket members so we actually have to behave ourselves if we steal a Pokemon there will be a bounty on our head and at the end of the game the higher the bounty the worse your sentence is going to be if you're actually going to be a nice guy and not steal any kind of Pokemon you will get rewarded with TMS and such from police officers but we won't be doing that in this game at all we will only be stealing Pokemon we then get a new mission to go to lieutenant Serge and meet up with him because he has ordered some steroids from Team Rocket to boost his pokemon stats because he's a corrupt gym leader and in trade for that he gives us some rare Pokemon that he has stuffed on the SS and and we have to go and get those but first I steel myself a Pikachu I named him Julio and then I run through Diglett cave to pick up a flashlight from an old guy there which serves as the flash TM we then go to lieutenant surges gym with proton he cuts down to tree and we have a good old talk with lieutenant Serge he just beat up some challengers and he's giving them some advice about training your Pokemon of course Serge like you're not giving them any steroids he then tells us that the Pokemon that we're here for aren't here they're at the esses and so we have to go and rub the SS and real quick then once we reach the SS and we see that Lance is actually there talking to Steven stone they're talking about the well-being of the Kanto region and how Lance is everything under control which is clearly a lie they also talked about Professor Oak and how he's developed the Pokedex and also about the politics there which I really don't care about so we're just gonna have to the captain and as we enter his room he catches us and he tells us that these are some illegal packages and that he has to beat us up for it apparently his name is Arab I have no idea that's actually confirmed in the real series as well but he starts off with a 10 - cool so I start off with Pikachu and I'm able to get off - Thunder shocks before we get taken out by a bubble beam then I switched in toad sir who is able to take down the tentacle with two psychics like suppose diglettz oi switch into my need arena and i'm able to get off a double kick but then we get taken now by a magnitude so i switch in a co to finish off the Diglett with a peg then Krabby comes out and I'm able to do a load of chip damage with my man key but then we got taken out as well so I then switching toad stir I'm able to tanky bubble and take it out with a psychic and last up is a sight there so I switch into my Geodude and I'm able to finish that thing off with a rock throw after the fight I get the Sela Pokemon I go with sight there and I name him Manteo luckily proton comes along with his coughing he spits some poison gas in the captain's face and he's now puking in the little trash can we then make our getaway he shows us the truck that we have to use to deliver the Pokemon with and we have now completed another mission we think it's send to the Team Rocket tower to steal some cubone skills and meet up with mr. Fuji that the first floor we meet up with blue once again we have a little bit of a deep conversation with him and how he's actually here because his radical died because red actually killed the radical and it was actually Reds intention to kill eradicate he looked very angry and blue couldn't get to the polka Center in time that's why he's radicand sadly passed away he tells us about his backstory we'd read a little bit and how they met up in Pallet Town and how he's always lost to read in Pokemon battles and how much he actually hates him he then says I guess not all Team Rocket members are bad and he's going to help us to get to the top of the pokemon tower while making my way up to the top of the tower I steel myself a ghastly and I named him Marco we then go to the top of the tower we meet marowak's spirit we beat it up and it says something different here it says your spirit is not pure you can't go up stairs but we do it anyway then once we reach the top we see that mr. Fuji is there and we actually have to battle him this is the only time I think you have to ever battle mr. Fuji so this is a very cool addition to the game but of course he has a stacked team and he's very easily able to beat us up with his marowak so after that I grind up my ghastly up to level 25 so that he evolved into Haunter and then I went back to mr. Fuji and this time I was able to take down his first Pokemon marowak with my hunter's nightshade with only three of them so next up is liquor tongue and I switch into monkey and try to go for a low kick but it barely does any damage because we're so low in level and we get taken out by a stomp so I'm then switching site there I know that fall swipe can't kill but it is our best attacking move at the moment so I just used three false eyes before we get taken out so I switch in EDC oh I'm able to take him down into red health but then he heals up and disables my double kick I'm able to get him back down into orange health but then Ezio goes down as well so I switch him Pikachu I'm able to get off a Thunder shock but then he got taken out as well then I switch in hander and the licky tongue gets taken out by the poison damage Nexus Pikachu and it's able to hit us with a thunderbolt and do a load of damage but luckily next turn a dose or double-team so I'm able to finish it off with two nightshade and a shadow sneak last is ditto and this is of course a reference to when he worked on the Mewtwo project so I was able to switch in my slowpoke put his to sleep while mine was asleep as well and then I just spammed headbutt for the rest of the battle and I was able to win against mr. Fuji after the battle I steal his liquor tongue and I named it likio and then he tells us about his backstory with Giovanni and how Giovanni was one of the stakeholders in the Mewtwo project and how he had to create Mewtwo to keep Giovanni satisfied but sure Dan comes along and he tells us yeah we all know that story Dungy oh I got this covered you can go back to the base and get some rest and while I head downstairs we have a little bit of a chat with Blu and he tells us that he's going to stay here to make sure his radical is going to rest peacefully then as we leave the tower we have our first meeting with Professor Oak and he asks us if you've seen mr. Fuji but then as he sees that we're wearing a Team Rocket outfit he's like never mind forget why I just asked then we head back to the game corner but who's walking out it's red and as we go in we see that Giovanni is super mad at everyone and he's like how can a little kid beat every single one in this hideout up by himself he's very stressed and he's going to take on the Viridian City Gym which is actually Giovanni so the he then asks us about our mission with mr. Fuji and we tell him all about it but then we also tell him about what blue told us about red so everything that he came out of Pallet Town at Oak gave him that Charmander and now Giovanni knows everything about him and then Giovanni tells us about the entire backstory with him and oak and Blaine and Fuji and all of the other scientists back in the day there was a war in Kanto so it was Giovanni and his scientists basically against the whole entire government which is actually the Elite Four I will now narrate the story of Giovanni Kantos war effort was going badly it was now clear that we could not win by force alone but there was one thing that Giovanni has that Lance doesn't have the minds of the brightest in all of conto ever since the start of the war oak had been leaving a number of secret initiatives to capture and harness the power of one pokemon one so rare most laymen thought it was just a legend legends don't win wars oak knew better once a word got back that dr. Fuji had at least caught a hold of mu we knew there was no chance the public could know then at last they managed to capture the MU but they couldn't even harness its power because them you wouldn't even attack a stupid Magikarp it was too friendly to use as a weapon but oak had an amazing idea he called it the Mewtwo project he was going to clone mu and he had to make sure that that Pokemon had its power but it also had the ability to destroy the entire region but to do that they needed the help of Giovanni the richest member of the Elite Four once they got the funding they started working on it but the project went wrong multiple times cloning Pokemon that they now call ditto they were kind of like purple blobs and they were able to transform into any Pokemon then one day they were able to create a clone that they now call the disaster he doesn't look like a Ditto and it didn't act like one it was very vicious and it managed to escape and kill all of the dittos inside of the mansion they then thought that it was all over and that all of their experiments were for nothing but dr. Fuji came along with one of the best ideas ever he wanted to clone the Pokemon together with human DNA so all of the scientists entered their DNA into the capsule together with the mute DNA and that is when Mewtwo was created at first it listened to the scientists because it didn't know that it was going to be used for war yet but eventually it found out so they had to make an Armour for it so that he could fight the strongest of Pokemon eventually he broke out of the armor he burned down the mansion and he fled to cerulean cave where to this day Mewtwo is still hiding then after Mewtwo escaped the war was all over the scientists surrendered together with Giovanni and Oaks punishment is that he could never ever participate in another pokemon battle again and Giovanni he got kicked out of the Elite Four and had to become a gym leader and that's why he once revenge on Lance we then go back to the future we find out that silver is actually Ariana's and Giovanni's son I didn't even know that Ariana was the mother of silver but it kind of makes sense with the red hair after that he tells Ariana to go to the gym and guard it and he promotes me to rocket admin so I get this cool new outfit and I can now steal Pokemon from different Pokemon trainers as well and he tells us that our new mission is to interrogate Professor Oak back in Pallet Town then go to his lab but apparently he isn't home so I leave again but as I tried to leave Pallet Town we see that Agatha is running by she then tells us that she is very surprised to see a Team Rocket member in a peaceful town like pallet she then tells us that we're probably looking for Professor Oak and that we have more in common than we think so she invites his insight to have some tea we go inside and she then tells us that she's the grandmother of blue and of Daisy here she then tells us that the father of blue and Daisy so her children had died in an accident it was all the wars fault and Lance's fault and she and oak promised to avenge her son and his wife but when it all came down to it oak surrendered and that's why she is so mad at oak because she basically left them hanging left them in the dust she then apologizes to her daughter for bringing all of this up and then leaves and then Rani comes in we haven't seen him for a while and he tells us that we have to leave this Tea Party and go to Professor Oak's lab but desi gets mad and he's like I knew I couldn't trust you and then she battles us she starts off with her chancy so I lead off with NIT arena and I'm able to double kick it once and it's taken out next up is Bonita so I switch in my slowpoke I'm able to bring it down into red health then she heals up I'm able to hit one more water gun but then we get taken out and i switch an e dzo who is able to take down the ponytail with a single double kick she also had a neat arena which she sent out after that and I was able to take out her neater with only one HP remaining because we got the flinch luck next was right - so I switching my Geo dude who is able to take that thing down with two magnitudes because it really couldn't touch us after the fight we again get the option to steal a Pokemon and I'm gonna go with right shoe because it's going to be a very good team member if we get it and imma deal and I will be adding him to the team later on after that Rani throws out his radical and he straight up attacks Daisy with hyper Fang dang this dude is absolutely reckless he then had sovereign tells that he's going to report back to Giovanni he then head back to the hideout and we see that Rani he's talking to Giovanni about the mission but Giovanni tells him that he shouldn't even have gone with me and that he's very disappointed in him and that he really wants to fire him but he is going to give him one more chance he gets sent out and Giovanni asks us to come up he tells us that he's going to set up another team of Fred professor oak and that he has a new mission for us and that is to beat a Blaine because he has to come back to Team Rocket and make some more polygons so we go back to the mansion and we find a letter that is on the table over there that is from Professor Oak himself it states that Professor Oak is very very disappointed in Blaine because he has found out that he's working with Team Rocket but he says that as a friend he has no need to taint his near-flawless gym leader and scientific reputation and says he will do it if they do not meet up very very shortly we then find Lane and he's like ah Giovanni's pet I knew you would come at last prepare for a beating and the beating is exactly what I got I got beaten up by second Pokemon Ponyta because my team is pretty damn under level to this point in the game so after the battle I beat up a swimmer and I got myself a Sidra which I named Julio and he's going to be very good against Blaine he starts off with a growling while I start off with mine in arena and of course we get rekt by plane tour and then flame bursts so then I switch to Julio who is able to take down the growlithe with a single bubble beam and next up is Bonita reported I stayed in with Mike Julio and I'm able to take that thing down with two bubble beeps miss rapidash and I'm able to avoid two of its infernos and kill it with two bubble beams next up is our k9 and I'm able to hit it with one bubble beam but two extreme speeds are too much for my Sidra so even switching slowpoke I'm able to hit a serve get him into red health but then he heals up I get one more turf off and then we're dead to an extreme speed so I then switch here at you and finish this battle off with two Thunderbolts after the battle he's like yeah I know I believe in Team Rocket but I'm not some petty criminal I'm a gym leader I can't be doing this all for revenge I have to make my standards and then he's like oh Kaz been blackmailing me I'm very scared but Giovanni is threatening me as well so he begs me to try and give me a second chance with Giovanni and he's like I don't mind becoming another corrupt gym leader there are so many corrupt gym leaders already I want to work with you guys again he then leaves the key to his gym on this table because he doesn't want to fight a rather blue at the moment we then get a call from Giovanni who tells us that we should go to self CO and meet up with all of the Team Rocket members over there because we were going to take it over and try to steal the master ball because he wants to master ball to try and go and catch from you too once we reached the top of the tower we see that Professor Oak is there for some reason didn't tells us that he is very disappointed in us and that we're taking over this building and it's not good blahdy blahdy blah and then he teleports away as we reached a president we see that bill is there as well and he has the same plan as Giovanni so he's trying to acquire the master ball to try and mass-produce it himself and of course acquire Mewtwo with it he didn't tell us that we were too slow and that we have to leave the building but we aren't going to leave so we have to battle bill here but our first attempt didn't go that smoothly because his team is around level 45 so he absolutely wrecked my team seems I'm like 10 levels below his after losing to him about a dozen times I eventually got myself the run that I needed to defeat him I started off a tried shoe because I knew that he starts off at porygon and I'm easily able to take that thing down with two Thunderbolts next up is Lapras toy switching Ezio to do a load of chip with some double kicks I'm able to hit three before we get taken out by an ice beam so I switch in do who is able to finish off the Lapras with a thunderbolt Nexus dragon error so I go into Julio I hit a dragon breath but then we get switched down by a dragon tail and go into Haunter I think go for a nightshade and we then get taken out so I switch in do who is able to get the dragon air into one HP range but then she heals up with a hyper potion I am able to hit a few more Thunderbolts but I switch in Lika tongue to take the hit so that we can safely go into Sidra after that I was able to hit a stomp and then we got taken out by a slam so I switch to Julio I'm able to hit a dragon breath and paralyze but then we get taken out by a dragon tail so I switch in slowpoke who is able to finish off the dragon air with a psychic next to skanky scon so I stay in with toad ster who is able to hit a Zen headbutt but then we could take now by to knock off so I switch him my right shoe as my final hope and we get a critical hit on the kangaskhan to take it out with a thunderbolt and last up is his pincer our first Thunderbolt does a load of damage and paralyzes him as well he gets then stuck in paralysis and my next Thunderbolt takes out the pincer I then scare away bill go to talk through the president of silk oh he's like trying to bribe me with money and stuff but luckily Giovanni comes in and he's like I got the situation covered you go and get yourself some well-deserved rest but before we go he promotes us to Team Rocket executive the highest rank he can have except for boss and with that he also gives us a crowbar so we can now open locked doors we then get a call from bill and he's like come over to the lab at Cinnabar Island and once we arrived there we see that Blaine and mr. Fuji are there with him he wants to create his own master ball to try and capture Mewtwo before that we need a few things he needs us to get an app record that he planted down at Viridian Forest and also a pokeball chip that we can find at the Team Rocket hideout so once we arrived in Viridian Forest we meet up with silver the son of Giovanni of course like always he has to trash-talk his father and me a lot and then runs off so we get the purple April corn and then we go back to the Team Rocket hideout where Giovanni and all the other admins and grunts are gathered as it turns out red went to Silph Co to stop Giovanni from getting the master ball and he beat up Giovanni and all of the team record grunts and got the master ball for himself Rani speaks up and he's like next time we'll get emboss we'll get a little kid I bet chef this is where Giovanni loses it he's like you're the person that has been attacking all of our plans I want you out of Team Rocket I never want to see you or again you're so dumb he throws out his Nidoking he's ready to attack and then Rani finally leaves Team Rocket and while I was playing for this game I actually thought that Rani might be a spy but we'll have to see what happens further on he says that it all doesn't matter they're gonna go to Viridian gym and stock up over there because red has to eventually beat the 8th gym and they're going to try and take him down over there so they relocate over there my slowpoke evolved into a slow bro and then I got myself the poker chip I then bring the poker chip to bill and they are able to create their own master ball and with this master ball they don't want to go after mute you they want to go after the catastrophic spear iment that killed all the dittos earlier on in the run yeah they want to try and capture that because apparently it's even stronger than Mewtwo but there is only one scientist that knows where it is and that is one of the scientists that has been missing for 10 years and you've never heard about in this game before and this scientists name is shigeki but we have no idea where he is and the only way that we can find shigeki is if we challenge Mewtwo to a battle so that he can tell us where she kicky is because he has a mental link with all of the five scientists because their DNA is in his body so he's the only one that knows where she get key is hiding bill then sends us on our way to cerulean cave where we have to battle Mewtwo but we can't use our master ball on him so we traveled to cerulean cave and at the end of the cave we of course find me YouTube but he tells us that he isn't threatened by our master ball because he could kill us even before we throw it so the only thing that he once is a pokemon battle and if we win if we give him a good challenge he will tell us where she gets hiding and this thing is level 70 we have to take down a level 70 pu2 with level 45 ish Pokemon luckily my Ranchi was able to Thunder bull them and paralyze him as well which is going to help our entire team against him right shoe alone was able to get him down into orange health before we got taken now by a single psychic so then I switched him Marco I went for a curse so that it would take him out eventually no matter what but he just kept on using bad moves and then a nightshade and the curse damage was able to take down the Mewtwo after the battle Mewtwo is like yes you've given me a good challenge now I will tell you where she geeky is hiding and apparently he has been hiding in plain sight for all this time you remember that guy that teaches you how to capture Pokemon at the beginning of the game yeah that guy apparently that's shigeki the only man on the planet that knows where the catastrophism you to sends us away because he wants to fight another trainer that is more pure of heart so that he can actually travel with him and then we had to her radiant City who we then reach for Rhydian city and we go and talk to the old man and he's like you need some help to catch a Pokemon but we tell him why we're really here he's like yes my name is shigeki but I haven't been called shigeki for tens of thousands of years we then go inside and he wants to tell us everything but we have to promise that we don't give away his whereabouts to anybody else so he then tells us about the film YouTube project in how he actually came up with a porygon project so he's the creator of the polygon because porygon is a Pokemon that is programmed to work for its owner and that's what they wanted into the final project movie YouTube and then he tells us about the catastrophic chily glitched the entire world around him so actual pieces of the earth started to moving around and it was really really dangerous and that's why he was able to escape but luckily while he escaped he had a special machine that you contain him once he escaped so he didn't get for once everybody asked him where the poke one actually was he told them that he didn't know where he was but deep inside he didn't know where he hid him and he didn't tells us that he was too scared to tell anyone and that the catastrophic under their noses all this time he had been frozen in a block of ice down at Cinnabar Island and he's very afraid that one day he will just escaped from his ice prison but the dis day he's still trapped under Cinnabar Island he's like nobody should ever be able to see him again because he's an uncontrollable monster but that's when we tell him that we have a master ball so that we can contain it forever that's when he's going up to his TV to unlock this icy cage and free the catastrophic app sure it after this dialogue so he freeze it we fly to cinnabar island and as you can see everything is glitched up everything is out of place it's not looking too great so we go to this spot where you have to encounter him next to cinnabar island as we serve there we find out that it's actually missing know the glitch Pokemon from generation 1 we go ahead and Chuck our master ball at it and name it plot twist but technically we can't use this thing in battle but we have to capture it because otherwise you can't progress in the story after that bill and professor Fuji come up to us and they're like finally you've captured it you've saved us all from missing no I was getting really scared when the island started shaping up but you did it but building tells us that we have to try and get to the top of team rock and beat the leaf or do anything we want that this Pokemon and that blame is currently challenging blue down at his gym then mr. Fuji leaves and Blaine and blue come out of the gym and they're like what was all this commotion about was there a legendary Pokemon or something so we go ahead and show blue and Blaine missingno and blues like I have seen this Pokemon before but that is not possible because it has been under the ice for 10 years so bill and Blaine asked how how have you seen this Pokemon and blues like down at the secret lab from Professor Oak where he used to do all of these experiments on Pokemon and then it all comes together professor oak had been working on so many projects down at a secret lab that nobody knows about and Blaine and Bill are very scared for what's about to happen next so they tell us that we should go to Professor Oak's lab and try and find that secret underground lab of his but before we go there we have to take a look at missingno himself because this is very interesting he has the bird and mystery typing he then has a move called super glitch it's an amazing Pokemon really so then we go to Professor Oak's lab we find a bookcase and we talked to a book which opens up a secret stairway to the underground lab we then go down into that lab and here is where it all comes together the whole storyline we find that there's me you two statues various things on the floor but once we run past a PC there is a little audio log that plays and here you can see the entire backstory of Professor oak which is one of the coolest things I've ever seen in a Pokemon room hack the first audio log he talks about missingno and a film youtube project and how he knew that it was going to fail and that he has to have a back-up plan next up he talks about Mewtwo and how it has a load of potential but but everything is irrelevant because you can't use it because it's impossible to control a Pokemon the next one is starting to get very interesting because here he talks about how Pokemon can only be as strong as their trainers and then the next audio log he is talking about creating a genetic clone of a human boy a human being that is built and created only to win Pokemon battles one that he can control at his will a trainer that only lives for Pokemon battles that really pushes everything to the limit just by the click of a button then next he talks about that he can't create a living boy of battling age and to create an actual serving human being he's going to create his own embryo and let nature take its way so he found a woman that can't get any babies so she would be blindly devoted to raise this child with love and everything that he needs and he will be his father figure so he would do anything what oak tells him to do the next we had to fight one of the statues and we stole a Tentacruel from him before we could see the next audio log the next he talks about the Pokemon League and how it's a big challenge for young trainers but then he says that he can easily be exploited and then he tells us that once his clone has gotten his Pokemon license he will jump up in the ranks Gym Leaders criminal organizations legendary Pokemon will be no match against his clone that Nixie talks about how Mewtwo has escaped and that kantos war supplies are running out so we can't run this war any longer and then we find out that oak was actually the champion so he surrendered so that they would let him live in peace but once the time is there his clone will rise up and beat Lance so that he can gain control of the Kanto region once again and of course this clone is red with this cruel backstory out of the way we go to Viridian city and we see that red has just beaten the gym it pushes us to the side and then we run into Giovanni and then he tells us that he has been defeated in battle for the last time that he cannot face his Team Rocket members like this ever again so he disbands Team Rocket there and then but he knows that his admins and executives aren't going to take this lightly so he makes me the boss of Team Rocket so that we can keep his legacy going he didn't tells us that he has seen the light and that he knows that he can't reach his ultimate goal like this so he gives us a briefcase with money and finally makes us the boss of Team Rocket then silver runs out and he of course he has to say it's all your fault that everything is going bad and he runs after him we then checked a briefcase and we see that there's a letter in there with the last wish of Giovanni in it he wants us to take down the Elite Four and wipe Lance's smirk off his face and after we do that he wants us to disband the organization for good so we go up to the start of the Pokemon League but Lance is there already and he tells us that he's already been beaten by some spiky haired kid named blue and it is here where we have to fight Lance to teach him some manners well since he starts off at Gyarados an easily able to one-shot that thing with my righteous Thunderbolt next up is Aerodactyl so I switch in slow bro and I'm able to hit a serve to half of his health but then we get taken out so I switch in my Tentacruel who is able to finish off the Aerodactyl with a water pulse makes up his dragon air so I switch amok which I got by stealing him from one of the guards down at professor oak's lab and he was able to take down two dragon air with to sludge pumps and a poison champ next up is his dragon knight so his switching Haunter and I go for a curse and I'm also able to hit a nightshade before we go down so then I switch in Ezio we then are able to poison the dragon knight as well before my need arena got taken out so I switching right shoe and the cursed damage actually takes out the Dragon Knight and last abysus kingdra and after deal was able to spam a loads of Thunderbolts we were able to finish off Lance after the battle were able to steal his dragon knight that we named it drag or kneel after that we beat up some guards since we don't have any gym badges we actually have to beat all of the guards in the Pokemon battles and I got myself too much ambition named shadow a rider which I named horny oh and a bunch of other Pokemon that will be very useful once I reach the Pokemon League then once we reach the Pokemon League we meet up with this green haired guy and apparently is Ronny he's talking about how life is very bad without Team Rocket and that he's very happy that we got promoted the boss and this and that but then he talks about how Lance got the feed it and then the TV screen pops up and shows us that blue is actually the new champion they ask blue a bunch of questions about the economy and stuff and the answer that he has is that there will be peace but yeah he's a kid he's ten years old he can't lead the Kanto region and he also wants people to be able to ride bikes indoors which is definitely something that we need in the Kanto region then goes into the Hall of Fame room and it cuts back to us and Professor Oak walks in and he's like blue it's impossible how did he actually beat the entire Pokemon League so then bill comes along and he tells us that we have to break into the Elite Four and we can only do that with Ronnie's help so we go and talk to Ronnie he comes with us he gets his radical doubt and attacks the guard so then we can not go into the Pokemon League without missing now so that is very sad because I didn't want to use it but you have to have it on your team if you want to enter the Elite Four in this game then as we enter we see that all of the Elite Four members have already gotten their Pokemon beaten up by red and they warn us that he's super strong and that we're probably not going to be able to take him down eventually we reach LANs and he's like if my Pokemon were still alive it would give you a beating yeah not happening Lance and he's like how did I get beaten twice by some stupid little kids but then he realizes it's not his problem anymore because he's not a champion anymore so he just lets us pass then as we reach the champion room we see that oak is already there he then does his usual speech about Oh red you've come such a long way with your Charmander since she left Pallet Town congratulations and blue I'm so disappointed in you you were the champion and you already gave it away before I got here you didn't treat your boat I would love and respect and then they entered the Hall of Fame and then blue freaks out he's like I treated my poke moment respect and love I did everything right I thought that if I was a champion you would at least stop and say you were proud of me and then bill enters the room and he's like it's actually through the kid really did it and then he's like I wish we could solve this in private but we do have a back-up plan we're going to take on oak then of course a stupid press arrives and they have to have a talk with red and oak and he's like I know all of you have some mixed feelings for me standing here again because I was a champion before and I got kicked but red has a disability he can't talk to any people so I will be his consultant I will be telling him what to do of course when he agrees that a professor Oh can basically get the power that he wants back again first thing that oak wants to do is bring down all of the criminals so all of the corrupt Gym Leaders and Team Rocket dead or alive he then wants to contain all of the legendary Pokemon so that they can't fall into the wrong hands or escape their habitats the last thing that he wants is of course that Lance gets put into jail because he had been a terrible champion for Kanto he then asks red if he agrees with all this and just before he can say yes dr. Fuji and Blaine walk in they didn't tell everyone even the press there that red isn't a real boy and that created him to do his bidding of course oak denies all this and he's like you trigger his anxiety we have to bring into a solitary place so they entered a Hall of Fame room again and then Agatha speaks up and she's like is it really through does he really just want to take over Kanto again and her love sparks bright again and she wants to contain everybody so that oak can do all of his bad shenanigans so she releases her Pokemon and they keep everything in place but luckily we have the Silph scope so that we can see the ghosts and go up to Agatha to battle them she starts off with her Ginga and I start off with my right shoe and I'm able to to shot it with Thunderbolts next up is our buck and that thing is able to hit a mud bomb but still to Thunderbolts is able to take him out as well crow bat thing comes out and nothing is able to take me out with a poison Fang so I switch in Alakazam I'm able to hit two psychics and take out the crow bat next is Gengar and i'm able to add speed and hit a psychic but it's left with two HP and he dent takes me out with a shadow ball so I then switch in Dragon Knight who is able to finish off the Gengar with an aqua tail and last up is misdreavus luckily Dragon Knights attack is through the roof so were able to two-shot it with two dragon claws after that she lets us pass but warns us that Professor Oak is a very very strong trainer so then we head into the olive fame room and meet up with oak and and he didn't gets mad at me this is the first time you actually see Professor Oak mad he's like you slipped through every crack and you were about to ruin everything I've worked for but he didn't say that it doesn't matter because red is as human as anybody else and that the region has bound to follow his commands nobody will ever be able to take him down that's what he says from the moment that he created him then tells us that the surrendering was the hardest thing he's ever done in his life then he's like people in war we'll fight til they're dead but when it's peace they will literally surrender after a Pokemon battle so though if you control the strongest trainer in the same way you're actually the strongest human being he then tells us that he's not afraid of telling me this because in court we all know who would win against a criminal or the professor himself he basically just pulls the right strings to get what he really wants Eden talks about sylco and now red got his hands on the master ball and how he had to silence some scientists and that everything can still go to his plan if he keeps his emotions intact and that the red is actually the role model in this because he has no emotions and then he says it he's just a puppet he's made to be controlled and that's when I thought that is true because when you play a Pokemon game you control the character it has no will of his own and in this game that's no different because red gets controlled by Professor Oak he then tells red to attack us into a Pokemon battle and we're going to see if we can beat him up he starts off with his lovely Charizard and I started off with my right shoe and I'm able to take down two Charizard with just two Thunderbolts next up is Pikachu so I switch into my mad champ and I'm able to cross chop him for a one-shot as well he then has an Alakazam which gets to shot by my Dragon Knights Dragon Claw he then has his own Dragon Knight and I am able to take that thing down with two dragon claws as well because he just went for a safeguard next up is Snorlax so I stayed in because my mad champ is paralyzed and wouldn't be able to outspeed him so I hit two dragon claws which got him down into orange health but then we get taken out by a crunch then I switch in do to finish it off with a thunderbolt and last up is his Lapras staying with the Ojeda with a thunderbolt it only does about half health and then we get taken out by a hydro pump so I switch in Alakazam I go for a psychic it doesn't take it out so she heals up with a full restore and then I just spams psychic for three more turns to take down the Lapras and defeat read right in front of pokes eyes and of course after the battle we get to steal another Pokemon and we go ahead and steal his Charizard even though we're not going to be able to use him anymore and then after the battle he's like no I can't let this happen how did you defeat red you worthless kid let me handle this step out of the way but at that moment Agatha walks in and she apologizes for letting me in and also apologizes for being so harsh on him for the last ten years because she thought that he had gone soft and after she's done apologizing and explaining everything oak gets super mad he's like you dropped me when I'm at my worst and now you want me when I'm at my best I don't want you in my life anymore and that's actually good life advice over there remember kids it's like I never want to see you again I don't respect you anymore you know nothing about respect so he throws out his toros and he attacks agatha with it and as you can see from all of the ketchup on the screen yeah Agatha is pretty much dead and after that he's like you criminal come up here to let him beat your ass in a Pokemon battle but luckily bill walks in just at the right moment and he's like what is happening here and luckily he healed my Pokemon so that I could take on Professor Oak with a fully healed team that mocks oak for me defeating red that he says I wonder what went wrong in designing him but then Oh cause he's still your champion it doesn't matter he won't take this lightly and then bill goes like yeah he eventually he will get defeated for real by Dawn goe if it just runs through the Elite Four normally then he says you forget that I am undefeated in battle unlike Lance and red so now he will take me on as his final challenge so that he can give me my punishment and he starts off with his Toro so the first thing that I did was I got rid of my missing Noah so I just let him die by the Toros and then switched in my Machamp I was able to hit a cross chop with any sin head but took out my cheerio so then I switched in Alakazam I went for a psychic and took him out but we also got hit with a Zen headbutt which left me with 12 HP next is executor so I switch him my Tentacruel and I'm able to hit a few poison champs and get him down into red health but then we get taken out so I switch in Dragon Knight and take down the executor with the Dragon Claw next is Gyarados choice which she writes you to take that thing down with a single thunderbolt next up is organized so I switch in my Alakazam to take the intimidate and then we got taken out by an extreme speed so I switch in my Dragon Knight and luckily his extreme speed doesn't do that much damage and I'm able to take him out with two aqua tails next is Jolteon so I switch into my right shoe but I go for a thunderbolt and has volt absorbed so I opted to go for a different strategy and just hit it with a load of tail whips luckily I was able to set up six tail whips on him because he just kept on using wish there must be some Fault in this AI and then eventually I was able to take down two Jolteon with two quick attacks next his Venusaur but sadly enough that thing took my rancher down with a single petal dance so then I switched in Dragon Knight I was able to hit two dragon claws it then got confused it hit itself in its confusion if it didn't hit itself we would have lost with my last dragon claw one as the battle against Professor Oak after that we have steal his Venusaur and then he goes crazy hidden goes on to talk about how to rocket is insignificant they're all very weak and that I somehow and way too strong and that I'm not from Team Rocket and then he says you're not from Team Rocket you're a but as he's about to end his sentence and tell us who we really are the police barge in with Lance he accuses oak of using Pokemon in battle which he's not allowed to do and also of manslaughter and then he says to red that he is going to be tested to see if he's really not a human being and then oak is like no you're going against your champions wishes he says to red that he has to send out his Pokemon to save him so that's exactly what he does and then he goes up to the computer and he is going to try and change the world but luckily missingno comes out of its poker ball and he glitches everything out of place so that oak can't use it anymore and he also kills all of Reds Pokemon and then Lance and his officers grab professor oak and he also tells them to grab me because we're a criminal as well even though Ronny defends us by saying that we have cleared all of this and because of me the world is actually saved but despite that Lance still picks us up and throws us into jail we then saved the game and I thought it was over but there's still this courtroom which is a very cool feature in my opinion the first accused is red and of course the judge now knows that he is not actually a human being so he takes away his champion role and he gives it back to blue and blue is like no I'm too young for this I know that I just did this for a professor oak's plov but he doesn't need that anymore and he's going to focus on Pokemon research so he gives the champion role back to Lance the necks of the accused is Professor Oak and he gets accused for manslaughter plotting against the government and using his Pokemon in battle when he clearly couldn't do that anymore but once they go ahead and check the lab it was apparently empty so the charges for the lab have been dropped then for the manslaughter no eye witness has actually come forward and said that Professor Oak has done it so she must have died in a Pokemon battle so those charges are dropped as well but of course he did use his Pokemon in battle so he gets accused of that and his punishment is that his research will not be funded anymore and that he is now banished from the Kanto region and then of course last of the accused is me Don geo get accuse of thousands of Pokemon thefts also get accused of violent intimidation complicity in Pokemon smuggling and violence towards women threatening and attacking a police officer and there is now a bounty on my head of 156 thousand poker dollars so we have to pay this back somehow and we also get sentenced to 23 years in prison but it isn't done here there is still a little cutscene BC build down in Professor Oak's lab talking to someone he's done talking about the blueprints and how they could recreate all of his projects in just three years time and then he sees well there you are come and see for yourself and professor Elm walks in so that means that they're going to create another one of these trainers and it has got to be gold so does that mean that there will be a second installment in this series I certainly hope so this was honestly the best romhack story-wise that I've ever played just because one way or another it kind of makes sense because it's links into the normal firered storyline but just a lot darker and I really really love it I know this was kind of a different video not really that much battling more story wise and I hope you guys really enjoyed it because this was probably one of my favorite videos to make so if you want to see more of these story breakdown videos of ROM hacks and stuff definitely leave a comment down below I will also leave a link to the rom hack in the description if you want to play it yourself but really don't speed through it read all of the dialogue it's really interesting so it's probably the longest video ever but I hope you still enjoyed it and of course I want to thank my member and patreon supporters Benadryl Felipe Morla and Kenzie bunk and as always people don't forget to leave a like subscribe and share this video with your friends i'm Zweig oh and i'll see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: zwiggo
Views: 2,083,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #canyoubeat, #pokemon, #rom, #hack, #romhack, #teamrocket, #challenge, #stolen, #admin, #executive, #giovanni, #jessie, #james, #meowth, #fire, #red, #solo, #gaming, #nintendo, #gamefreak
Id: 2Wzx6GbJhFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 54sec (3234 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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