Grown Man Lists the 20 WORST Pokemon Designs | Gnoggin

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a year or three ago i talked about my favorite mons and with a new generation i don't think i'd change it much besides maybe putting toxicity in there or berserker or score bunny i love a lot of these gen eight was great in terms of the pokemon designs themselves that is but now i'd like to expand and clarify loxton cannon and talk about my top 20 least favorite pokemon designs and if you're a regular viewer you may already know one in two of them but maybe not and who knows maybe after i sit down and think about this hard putting it all on a script paper i'll come to different conclusions and my opinions will change because that's what opinions do people change and why didn't i do a top 10 like the top 10 favorites because it's really hard for me to narrow them down i don't really hate any pokemon design besides a few so few i couldn't even do a top five so i'm basically throwing all of my honorable mentions in here to make a top 20 instead because i don't know narrowing things down is hard okay let's go number 20 is sunflora it's just plain and forgettable it looks like an unfinished beta design it looks like most temtem also a smiling sunflower oh wow like that hasn't been done a million times in every single children's book before oc do not steal and why does the highlight on its belly look like a lemon why is that the most interesting part of its design looking at it it's so plain that my eyes are drawn to the highlight on its gut and why is it so short the whole thing that sunflowers have is that they're taller than people game freak somehow made one of the most unique flowers as plain and generic as possible i mean even sun kern has more personality look at this cutie and even back when i was new to pokemon age six playing pokemon silver for the first time i thought it was still one of the lamest designs there's nothing to it and still to this day it is one of my least favorites for number 19 we get to mr rime now i do want to say it's totally fine to like the inspiration and ideas for a design but not like its execution and that's my case here we did a whole video about how awesome and dark the inspirational sources for this one are but it's still kind of gross i never really liked regular mr mine before either and they gave it a hat and a mustache that doesn't even fit its source it's british for the sake of being british and then they had the audacity to put an extra clown face on its belly why and why does it have to blink it's disturbing it's disgusting i don't like it next mon 18 snubble i punch my snuggle plush at every opportunity and it hates it bad dog it's just one of those genetic trash dogs but it's pink and a fairy and has gross liver spots and its head is uncannily large i mean look at it in detective pikachu that just solidified my distaste for it i don't even want to think about how this thing's anatomy works plus it was a big bully in that pikachu short honestly this whole opinion might just stem from that even child me hated snubble i've since grown to sort of grow towards it but a sort of so ugly it's cute kind of thing but still not enough for it to not make this list 17. roselia may come as a surprise to some rosa raid is one of my favorite pokemon top one to three depending on my mood but roselia no thanks why are its roses these colors it's some complicated language of flower stuff why does it have bedroom eyes this made kid me very uncomfortable looking at its original sprite now i can tell that its eyes are actually closed but back then i thought it just had creepy pedophile eyes on its stupid face which is on its stupid head which is on its plain and boring body so yeah like sunflora it's just kind of plain honestly i mean look at its back view is it wearing an apron and nothing else it's the sleepiest rose pom-pom-wielding cheerleader i've ever seen aren't cheerleaders supposed to be pepped up on caffeine and a secret hate for each other how does this thing come from such a cutie and turn into such an amazing mon you know considering both of those were added in later generations i think they were just trying to justify its existence because it was that bad i'll forever hold a grudge against it for ruining an otherwise amazingly well-designed evolution line 16. so here's an odd one i say odd because i actually really do like this design it's zera aura it's super cool looking i love it it's like my favorite digimon oc it looks like it'd fit right into generic monster-based shonen or kodomo anime and that's the problem it just doesn't feel right to me i get that this is extremely opinionated but i don't mind verbate pokemon but this just feels like it's pushing it like compare it to incineroar delfox lucario they still look like pokemon to me maybe it's the eyes the pose the proportions i don't know for sure but if this were the main character of some other anime or game or something i'd play it but also as it stands zera aura is the lamest mythical pokemon and that's another reason i don't like it like what does it even do you put a code in the game and now you have it like what that sucks it has always sucked and it always will suck if they keep it up let's get something interesting but i mean even it's movie has lugia be the more important legendary thing so i guess you can say i really love slash hate zara aura if it was anything but a pokemon i would be down for it 15. hariyama first off pokemon with clothes i understand it still not a huge fan of it most of the time but also take a look at its original sprite this confused me as a kid so hard and i still barely understand it it's supposed to be a sumo wrestler but all i see here is a gross tsukemon with legs see what i mean i thought its chin was its mouth and that it opened its big mouth the same way sukuman does and then i thought its gut was its chin and its arms were its cheeks the hands were just floating there armless sort of like haunter it was just so confusing so i never grew fond of it and even today i'm still not a fan of its ears or face or like any of it gen 3 didn't do a great job with its fighting types as number 14 is metadite it looks like it just looks like an uncomfortable monkey like a monkey in a diaper with its ears way too high on its head that's the male one specifically the ears on the female is fine but why is its head shaped like garlic is that supposed to be a turban it's not clear enough to be considered a good part of it and it just comes off as a dumb and pointy big brain thing it looks like a chinese knockoff air diffuser and that original sprite god those eyes gave me nightmares [Music] plus it doesn't even evolve into anything cool but at least meta cham isn't bad it's just a noodle armed cartoon ah here we go with unlucky number 13 we get to one of the commonly hated pokemon designs it's gerder gen 5 gets a lot of hate for its designs and like i get it but i disagree with a lot of them vanillux would probably be number 21 on this list but i'm fine with vanillish and vanillite vanilla is actually super cute i'm also fine with garbador heck shrubbish is super cute sock and throw calf egregious no big issues and in the case of girder i'm still fine with timber and concalter i get it they are carny strong men that help with construction because new york city thus unova is always under construction but like uh of the three of them this is the worst offender of the bubblegum veins thing and while the clown nose is fine on concalder thanks to its head also being round and it's got the stupid bobble and the nose is darker and more of an oval on girder it just stands out as bad it doesn't fit its face and speaking of its face what's with its poor head i get that it's supposed to resemble puffy rainbow clown hair but they made it flesh it's disgusting is it just hard underneath like just under the skin there's a skull a very lumpy skull or does it wiggle around and feel like an egg sack and you can move the balls around no thanks for number 12 we get to what i think will be the most controversial pokemon on this list cinder race gigantomax cinderease especially not specifically but especially starter pokemon are always controversial on lists like these heck starter pokemon are almost always controversial when they are first shown they're almost always widely hated until they eventually grow on people and i was hoping that this would happen to me with cinderace but it never did score bunny is one of my favorite starter pokemon top three for sure raboot is pretty good too despite the hoodie but cinderace first off you did we need another sexy rabbit and secondly it feels like one of the worst offenders of the whole clothes on pokemon thing only up there with sock throw and hitmonchan i think it's mainly the shorts like they are actually defined shorts like there's a belt and the bottom end thing like lucario has shorts too but they aren't as defined on lucario you could still pass them off as oddly puffed out fifer but you can't do that with cinderace and it's stupid compression socks and shoes and the white shirt with freely cut off sleeves and a dumb bike racing helmet what the actual heck its hands are so tiny they don't look like they belong to it like at all not even the anime seems to be able to redeem this for me and then it's gigantomax form so all of the gen8 starters have really lame gigantomax's like they stay basically the same size but some accessory gets bigger that's stupid why just the starters didn't want to potentially hinder your marketing for them you shouldn't let business decisions get in the way of quality pokemon company though i guess that's what you're more known for now but yeah they just made its ball bigger and made its ears bigger i didn't think making cinderease worse was possible eleven time kaledio keldeo is another commonly hated one really the whole swords of justice group seems to be hated but i don't really hate them like they are weird i'll give you that but weird can't tell exactly what the animal is designs are exactly what gen 1 gets praised with all the time i guess any community becomes hypocritical when it gets big enough anyway keldeo first of all it was already in the generation that had way too many legendary and mythical pokemon gen 5 and this was also when everyone started asking why does every important pokemon need multiple farms now another crime keldeo committed but even worse its form change is the worst one like the weather trio completely changed their anatomy as does shaman and giratina in sazbuck seasons that's cool east-west masculine cool mellowetta's thing cool enough at least the difference is drastic enough but keldeo it gets a haircut and its unicorn horn turns into a bad dragon that's it don't google what that is but it's true it shoots water out of its hooves what the heck that's an idea that could have been applied to something cool instead keldeo doesn't even look like a kelpie and it doesn't help that keldeo came out during the peak of my little pony pandemonium you just cater into bronies now i mean why else would it have this be its main pose why does it have a defined butt and to top it all off its movie is one of the worst ones and its personality is unfavorable god i hate it snout cartoon trash in my glorious anime number 10. circuitry a lot of the ultra beasts were broadly hated mainly because most of them don't look like pokemon people don't realize that that's literally the point they are ultra beasts pokemon from alternate dimensions however that doesn't excuse bad design though and i am of the opinion that circuitry is a stupid design it's literally literally just cables that's not exaggerating a lot of people exaggerate with object mod like oh it's literally just a teapot like no there's a ghost in there but here it's literally just cables power cables and christmas lights it doesn't even have a face it's not ghost type so it's not a possessed object it's just straight up power cables like yeah stack attack is just a wall at least it has eyes and each brick is its own little being that's creepy that's cool cortana is just origami yeah but it comes from a dimension where the grass has the same properties as paper so it's just a plant pokemon from its own dimension circuitry is just power cables and lights i'm usually the guy to defend object mon but this guy crosses that line the power line if you will number 9 mag mortar other than a lot of the gen 5 pokemon the other group of pokemon commonly hated are the added evolutions in gen 4. honestly though i prefer a lot of them magna zone weavile mama swine tang growth haunts crow mismatches electro fire the list goes on and on these are cool but magmar lucky licky too by the way but i guess that's an honorary number 22. mag mortar is all of the worst parts of magmar but more of it and magmar was one of my least favorite gen 1 pokemon to begin with mommy i want twisted metal we have twisted metal at home dear meanwhile the twisted metal at home why is its body so needlessly returned cannon arms on a non-mechanical pokemon that face in the anime especially how about don't commit die or meg mortar will do it for you why don't its lips connect why don't it's lips connect golly number eight helium tile it just doesn't look like a lizard legitimately thought it was a stupid dog until i knew what it evolved into its head is supposed to look like a wind turbine from above and yet it does this frilly thing and what's with it shiny that's the dumbest shiny i think i've ever seen and i've done a whole series explaining every shiny why is its head such a stupid raindrop sphere shape lizards don't do that it's such a shame too because heliolisk is cool well at least heliotile isn't my least favorite lizardmon because that dishonor goes to number 7 drizzle if i put all of the middle evolutions of the starters next to each other it wouldn't even be a contest for which is my least favorite it's drizzle go cry emo kid i had an emo phase for like three years in high school so i can say that but what's with its boxing glove hands why are they so big why are they so green like yeah it's a chameleon they can change their colors but why stick to this it just doesn't look good and doesn't reflect its pre or post-evolution at all i guess that can be said of emo phased teenagers too now that i think about it but where are its fingers it has all five gross fingers when it evolves and it only has two as sobble like chameleons do so i guess this disgusting mass would be fitting of the middle stage but does that mean there's bones for all five fingers in there like it's a whale fin i don't want to think about that just like i never want to see drizzle in motion ever again it goes from standing up to crawling on all fours chin in the dirt to walk around i guess that's where it deserves to be number six hitmonchan ever since i laid my eyes upon hitmonchan and the gen 1 anime i thought it was a dude like just some guy with a horrible mutation why else would he have literal clothes i guess there's not much else to say about it i just don't like it or it's stupid football armor top under its frilly ballet top nor do i like its shoes that have no kind of detail added to them nor do i like its flayed pigskin head for me it's the original why the heck is this a pokemon who thought this was a good idea pokemon and it's a shame that that happened so early number five car call how can anybody love this thing that's just a stupid boulder and yet it's worse than just a stupid boulder it's a minecart a literal boulder carved into the shape of a coal mining cart wheels and all though i do like how the wheels aren't actually connected to it because wheels wouldn't work for like real world anatomy so cargo is just magically propelled around but seriously did gamefreak see the success of minecraft and need to appeal to the kids if so why did they think kids would like this face why is its mouth like that it looks like if you crossed a fish with an ugly doll and propelled it at mach 4 it's eyes are streaking by it just looks so uncomfortable i would have preferred a bob the builder tier design to something like this i don't think i've actually hated or completely disagreed with using a pokemon before but while it was uncomfortable i still did it because i wanted a colossal but looking back it probably wasn't worth having to seek car call as often as i did number four cryperior how is the word of the day how how do you take the iconic first pokemon ever designed and decide that this is an appropriate follow-up to it rydon is cool it's a rhino kaiju triceratops t-rex thing with a drill for a horn and then they turn it into a rock [Music] where did the wrecking ball tail come from how are its elbows why did something made of rock need a safety vest a construction workers safety vest and a hard hat at that i mean it honestly barely even looks like that but that's what it says it is knee pads cannon arms what am i looking at what is this what is that what are those and why is it fat now they're going all in on the slow and defensive idea i guess but they didn't need to make it look trash number three choodle i think choodle kind of speaks for itself here there is nothing redeemable about chudel other than the fact that at least it evolves a single toad freak what's the point of a turtle that can't protect its most vital part of it its head inside of its shell i mean the sheer size it's like fennekin too but at least fennekin's head is mostly ears and fluff this is a solid turtle and i just do not like its face it looks about as smart as the can opener it's based on who you call it and it's got that helium tile overly round head shape thing again if they wanted to differentiate it from a koopa i'd have changed the shell not the head shape well now the top two the ones i make fun of in videos regularly number two is crab abominable why oh yeah hey no you know the yeti the abominable snowman well it's a freaking crab now like i get it yeti crabs those exist haha they're deep in the ocean unlike the land-based coconut crabs crab rollers based on but why does it look like this why is its head at the very tippy top why does it still have caveman hair up there why does it have teeth why does it have boobs and why does it have freaking foot pads on its gosh darn claws what creature needs toe beans on those how would that even evolve to exist this is one of the two pokemon that is legitimately offensive to me i mean have you seen how its claws open it's like a trash can lid honestly i guess that's fitting because the whole design is garbage i mean i've never seen a pokemon with as many fan made redesigns that basically all look better than the original i mean look at this even just flipping it upside down and making some tweaks makes it a hundred times better it's a punchy ghost now there is an argument to be made here if it's based on the abominable snowman then it should be ugly it should be abominable so if you hate it that means it does its job well right and sure you can argue that but i wouldn't i saved that point for garbador or babarakal a barbarian bunch of goose barnacles that's supposed to be ugly but this honestly isn't even ugly or abominable it just looks like a doofus i get that trying to mix a snow ape and a crab is difficult but those fan redesigns show that it's possible heck this dumb doodle i commissioned makes it look way better and i'm just sad that crep brawler had potential to be neat and then this happened but bless its soul at least it's not ambi [Music] i mean holy gosh whose last brain cell thought this was an idea not even a good or a bad one just an idea whatsoever man i want to see the freaking beta concept art like what collection of ideas and designs led to this atrocity normally you just take the good ideas from each beta concept piece and merge them all into one great design but i feel like they did the opposite here i mean i guess some design has to be the worst one maybe they planned for this but i mean if you just replace its head with apom's head it's already so much better apom is cute and then they did this it somehow looks like a three-year-old boy with a bowl cut and a fedora-less neck beard at the same time are you three or are you 30 and is that a nose or is that a nose clip so you could withstand being around yourself at conventions and those hands that you have at the end of your tails these are hands while these are cow udders you're waving around udders like the anime you obsess over do you only have one set of teeth are you okay your ears look red what's even the point of adding this red a lot of folks say the 4th gen added evos are needlessly over designed and sure a few of them are but this is just why there's no need again even just making this one change going from red to its normal flesh color makes it look at least a bit better the only justification i can see for ambipom is that some monkeys are pretty ugly too but nothing compared to this monstrosity in a world full of fictional creatures you can make them look however you want this looks like a five-year-old drew something and then a designer just made the lines pretty but i mean i guess inevitably there will always be some pokemon designs that are better and worse than others especially considering how varied people's tastes can be i guarantee ambipom is someone's favorite pokemon or at least in their top ten and i guess that's a part of the charm pokemon has like it or not even in my own series of designing fan pokemon which i've dubbed lokemon there are ones that people love and ones that people hate for the exact same reasons others love them so just know that the opinions of a few people never matter like what you like dislike what you dislike just don't base your entire personality on that that's for children and neck beards so it's for ambipom it's an ambipom thing and you do not want to be an ambipom do you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 483,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon design, fakemon, best pokemon designs, worst pokemon designs, pokemon designs, pokemon designs are getting worse, pokemon sword and shield designs, pokemon designs are bad, bad pokemon designs, bad pokemon, ambipom, crabominable, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon diamond and pearl, pokemon brilliant diamond, pokemon shining pearl, snubbull, gurrdurr, favorite pokemon, least favorite pokemon, pokemon opinions, opinions on pokemon
Id: EeuxO2DuqyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 26 2021
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