Podcast #169 - Logan Paul

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I love when Jenna is serious. When she Moms everyone. Like, it’s so refreshing to see someone so smart, kind, wise, and funny in the internet and doing well. I’m just happy to be a dink 🤗 I admire her so much

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/grayandmer 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2018 🗫︎ replies

I saw the notification from YT and by the time I ate something, made some coffee and sat down to watch there was already a pinned notice from them saying it had been demonetized.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Pahaviche 📅︎︎ Jan 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
and welcome back to the jazz I don't blame you already I'm coughing in internally we want to talk about something else but talk about this today so anyway welcome everyone back to the podcast it's good to be back we took a little time off of the holidays we hope everyone's holidays were awesome and fun and great and 2018 has started off interestingly I guess I could say so today that's what we talking about is the whole Logan ball situation but first we have some cool things okay we have sponsors and I'm gonna read you the sponsors really quickly because you know we're gonna grab every bit of positivity we can today they keep our show alive they keep our show alive first off me and these guys me Andy's the dopest underwear you could buy three times softer than cotton they have brand new designs all the time ships right to your house okay right now you guys can get 20% off and free shipping with the cool I'm wearing them right now I wear them all the time as it might I have too many 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perfectly and like even just trying to gather information and things for this it feels like this frustrating mess it's like the most frustrating jigsaw puzzle to try and sit down and like organize and lay out so I think the best way for us to do it is to just talk about it so forgive us if we don't say everything perfectly I guess yeah no it's that's a good point yeah it's a conversation like a puzzle I don't want to put together yeah and the reality is you know after after something happens where everyone's talking about it there's only so much that can really be like said about it so I kind of feel like when the whole logan paul thing happened and then all the videos were happening afterwards i kind of just like i watched a bunch of them and then i stopped watching them when they were popping up because i felt like a lot of them were just kind of repeating themselves with that said though i think a conversation should be had you know on the issue no matter who wants to have it it's just i want to be able to bring some sort of new aspect or dynamic or thought yeah and i'm I'm gonna try my very best to stay calm yeah get too angry not get too upset because I know that that is a lot of people's feeling right now and you are entitled to feel that way because some of the stuff that's been on YouTube is is disturbing and upsetting deeply unsettling to a lot of people and you're justified in that and you're justified in your anger why don't we just start with how this happened so like I I woke up was it New Year's Day I think I think was the first yeah it was the first really quickly we got these new mics we're still figuring out the levels and everything so you just got to talk a little close to it yeah that helps you patient with me I woke up New Year's Day I think or you know you've taken a nap or something so we were watching hi I'm REE Drummond welcome to my frontier here's what's happening on the ranch those were happier times and Julian says to me he was like did you see Logan Paul's video and I was like no no I didn't know you know a normal 30 year old woman's response to did you see look at those video and he was like he went to the Japanese suicide forest okay go and um you know film to someone that had commit suicide and I was like all right I want to watch the video so I did I fasted a little bit to see the part where they got to the forest and where he filmed this person's body and my first initial reaction was I it was so incredibly difficult to watch and not Anna like I mean you watch documentaries watch crime shows like you've seen footage of people who have died before you know I was a juror on a murder trial I watched a video of a crime scene above those like a very real experience yeah it was disturbing to see it but I was overwhelmed with the sense of this is so wrong like I I feel so disrespectful seeing this I even just watching even watching it I feel like I'm being disrespectful to that person and their family and I continue to watch it through to the end and Julian looked at me and was like why are you still watching that like you watching it and I was like I want to see I want to see how about it is I want to see the whole thing and I want to see how that it is and obviously we I was desperately trying to milk this two week vacation we've given ourselves and you know people just come in with we need to hear what you think we want to hear what you think and this is sort of the nature of our platform is that I'm I'm angry at YouTube and we'll get into that but we're self-policing and it's important to talk about this stuff and people are very angry and very upset and they should be and they should be talking about it there's a lot of sketchy stuff going on and I want to talk a little bit about Logan and what I think about his current situation and there's just so much to talk about here that I'm like I don't yeah I don't even know where to start all right you know I think I agree I think it's it's a little overwhelming just think about the whole situation but I want to first just touch on a couple things I think we should go from like the initial reaction we had to kind of seeing where it went in terms of like how YouTube dealt with it and like the way it played out because of what YouTube did or didn't do for that matter and then moving forward like what we think of the situation as it stands today yeah to be perfectly honest I I try not to like consume too many like vlogs and that's different than it used to be for me because when I started vlogging and I was early in vlogging I felt like that was like doing homework and that's something Jenna you know gave me a lot of insight to when I start making YouTube videos like you got to know what's out there it's it's doing your homework to know the landscape of what type of video you're making so initially I watched a lot of hogs and it helped me a lot even just to know what I didn't want to make but it just gives you an idea of what the landscape of that type of video looks like which is so important if you're going to be a creator you need to be educated on your field that doesn't that's not the same anymore I don't watch pretty much any vlog ever and a big reason for that is because I feel like the the idea of vlogging has become so centered around shocking people for the sake of a video a thumbnail and a couple views but then forgetting what that means for real life and those two are so separated nowadays in vlogs you see the shock factor you see running around man on the street type of stuff you see like a lot of really annoying stuff you know there's there's a lot of good blogs out there but there's also a lot of [ __ ] that I just really I don't really want to consume and I think it's because it makes me feel like I'm watching something that didn't really need to be created for that stupid vlog because the cause of what what it required to happen in life and I think this this video that Logan made is it is a prime example of that my initial reaction of the video was like wow I can't believe that I clicked on this video that's titled we found a dead body and Japanese suicide forest and then I actually saw that pretty much all of it you know the blurred face really didn't do anything and what got to me the most like Jenna had said you know you've watched you've watched Dateline you were on a murder trial you you've been disturbed to a sense of from seeing different aspects of death for me this was different than anything I've ever seen because of the fact that it was in a real vlog and that's what I'm so familiar with that medium is is like home to me I've vlogged for a lot of years now and I've even vlogged in Japan which Jen and I I feel like we should definitely you know I feel like we should talk about that but like is that Kermit crying out there yeah why don't you just let him in he's in a cry he needs a hug I don't blame him but yeah I also want to talk about that because it's something that I thought about a lot because obviously there's videos that came out after the original suicide forest video that we the unicorns have put together a compilation of his other Japan vlogs that were all equally offensive and a youtuber broad named Verena Scully had made a really good video talking about how his whole attitude towards their culture towards their country it's like it reminded her I'm not speaking for her it's like yeah I want you to watch her video so you can hear it in her words but like it reminded her of the way that she and her family were treated by other people because she was foreign and they think she's so cute and they talked down to her it's like Logan sort of treated a lot of Japan like a cartoon culture and had almost no respect for them as people which is why he was able to film someone who had taken their own life and seemingly felt almost nothing and I don't want it I don't really feel like getting into the conversation of his body language in the laughing and whatever it was it was disrespectful and and other youtubers have pointed out that yeah your content is like we're going to the suicide forest but like there's definitely a kernel in there where he's like I hope we find a dead body or I hope all we're sleeping over in this forest someone comes in here to kill themselves and we the Loghain dab dab dab can sit down and talk them out of it you know what a great video is I want to talk about some of that in a little bit but like the the Japan thing it's like it is you and I are both Americans that have gone to Japan yeah as I'm sure a lot of you are or I don't know whatever it is it's so difficult to go to Japan and Tokyo in particular and not be overwhelmed by the sense of respect that is just everywhere everything everywhere you go it's I would before I saw that video I would almost say it's impossible to go there as an American with our American values and our American culture and not be affected by it in a positive way like it's really hard to go there and just be like [ __ ] this [ __ ] everything whatever it's so powerful to sit with the way that they think they do things differently in terms of respect than us it's so admirable that those parts of their their society their culture are so moving for us as Americans where it's all like me driven independent driven like me before everybody else I'll do whatever I want [ __ ] everybody this like you can get a white picket fence you can reach with the Stars the the limits are endless for you as a person and to go there and it's so difficult and be moved by that how they treat their belongings how they treat other people how they treat children how they treat people on a train yeah it's like their food the item the issue the issue for me when the unicorn's video came out showing the rest of the vlogs in Japan which by the way all it took for them to make that video was literally watching his other vlogs which which makes you wonder and it begs the question which I'm not gonna waste my [ __ ] time but it begs the question how many vlogs did this guy make going around doing god knows what God knows where and disrespected the [ __ ] out of something that you might really feel like annoyed by and annoyed to the point where like wow that's embarrassing that that guy does what I do or that guy's embarrassing cuz he's from my country or that guy's embarrassing cuz he's he's just downright you know disrespectful person whatever my problem is if if I'm sitting here and I have never traveled to Japan all I've seen from Japan are things on TV YouTube the internet whatever I've heard of how it is there I've watched movies I've met people who lived there this and that but I've never been to Japan and I watched that video I'm like wow that's that's pretty [ __ ] up like I feel like that's really disrespectful and that makes me angry but like Jenna said like you just said the fact that we were there and we got to feel every single day that we were there we got to feel like that respect and that culture shock in the most positive life-changing way every day we were there wherever we went whoever we talked to walking around at 3 a.m. watching like we walk down a street at 3 a.m. in Japan and not only was it like silent to the point where you can hear a mouse run down the street but there were bikes leaned up against houses not locked up no one no one's there's no stealing all you know all over the place there there's umbrellas that people take from certain establishments use them and drop them at other other establishments and no one steals them that's why that system works the cabs are pristine clean we met a cab driver who spent his entire day the day before he picked us up trying to find a guy who left his wallet in his cab like everyone who we had met and every place we had gone to we just felt like a conflicting feeling of like damn America can be really like really disrespectful and like I didn't even think of this like I don't even think of a society that existed like this and today in today's you know time and age and then we go home and we're like wow like and I mean culture shock because we don't we had never I mean personally I had never given the thought that a place like that with people who respected each other who were complete strangers and respected just the well-being of the community and cleanliness and peace existed today like that seems like a utopian kind of fake idea until you go to Japan and then you see it and so for that to be our experience in Japan and something that like we'll never forget we've talked about that long before this video came out we'll never forget our trips to Japan for that to be our experience and then see the Logan video it's just there's no words it's it's like it's the like we we misstep a little bit in Japan on accident like we say the wrong thing or we accidentally you know we feel horrible so for that video to come out it's like holy [ __ ] I mean yes and I agree with you on all of those things and I want to clarify that like as youtubers ourselves you know we're not in a position to demonize someone else for making something or you know we've made mistakes everybody makes mistakes and I've seen people defending Logan as this video was a mistake he apologized for it and I've also seen HOF you guys comparing my fish apology video to his apology I laugh it makes me laugh okay you guys are funny but like I just think it's the difference between how how someone handles a bad decision you know like the length of time I don't think has anything to do with it I for my apology video I was I was sitting with the fact I think a lot of people missed the point of that and continue to miss the point of that but I was sitting with the fact that I'm a vegan and I care about animals and I put animals in a place where they shouldn't have been and I was sitting with that guilt and the guilt was overwhelming and if someone you know genuinely feels bad for something that they've done I think you can tell you know it doesn't need to be a big long thing or a drawn-out thing and I think a lot of people are set because they can't they aren't convinced or they can't fully tell if Logan feels bad for what he did or if what he did he thinks is even wrong because if you're gonna play the other side of this there are lots of other YouTube videos in the Japanese suicide forest going around Tokyo or other countries or other places being really disrespectful and annoying I mean just look at jackass this is their whole thing for years and years and years how loud and obnoxious can we be you know so it's not that I'm so everywhere I mean he's gained however over a million subscribers since then probably I think he's not losing subscribers so it's important to talk about and I think even like when I was a younger person you know I listen to questionable music I listen to or watch questionable things my mom would let me do stuff like that and I understand there are a lot of kids and a lot of people they look up to Logan and like Logan a lot and what he did was not okay and what YouTube is doing is not okay and I feel like what was important about what my mom taught me was you get to decide whether or not you like them you know having a conversation with kids well and it's not if you're a parent because I'm not a parent I don't have a kid I'm not telling you how to parent but like your younger sisters your cousins your brothers you know your neighbors talking to them about it and helping them understand that you can really enjoy someone a lot maybe they just like the fact that he's entertaining and up just a young guy you know you don't have to get it but what you do have to get is that that person is not infallible and they do make mistakes and then it's okay to call them out on it you know I mean I think that that's the role of the YouTube community here is that because YouTube is not doing apps like anything at all it's up to us it's up to people who own the con the platform and and this clearly has not hurt him in any way shape or form it's important to talk about it it's important to talk about with with your like little family members your little friends that are Logan Paul fans you know I don't think it's a it's an effective strategy like for example I liked corn in like Marilyn Manson and like prodigy growing up stuff that would just make your parent be like oh my god are you okay like are you gonna be okay when you grow up and worried about you because some of it's really not okay for a fourteen-year-old I get it but my mom would always let us listen to whatever music we liked she would talk to us about what was in in the song rose in the show or like you know that that this part of that is not okay and that you know they're expressing some of it like it's art in music or maybe in film or in television but it's so important to have a conversation with your kid and I think maybe a lot of people a lot of parents a lot of friends be like you can't watch that you turn it off it's [ __ ] trash Logan Paul is trash [ __ ] cut it out but maybe an important strategy here is because clearly people are going to continue watching him is to just have a conversation with the younger people in your life that you can you can really enjoy someone as an actor or a musician whatever but if they do something that crosses the line you have to let them know and and you you do decide as a person what your values are does that does that align with your values and it's not just your kid on their iPad or on their phone checking out youtubers like Iggy the that's what scares me the most is the way parents kind of generalize like okay they're on the internet they're just watching their YouTube their buddy anymore but they're not paying attention to what that is and in fact they're not only not paying attention but like in the case of when like kids are going to Jake Paul's house and the parents were there with them that's that's how [ __ ] far remove these people are from reality and scruples and morals is the fact that they they're like yeah yeah you know the mmm I imagine their conversation with friends like yeah yeah no I'm gonna take my my [ __ ] son to do this thing with the youtuber and then I'll meet you later not knowing what the [ __ ] is going on yeah nothing any [ __ ] clue that that's that's a reality for that person you know regardless of how that situation played out but really quick there was so many tweets going around like the ones you know referring to suicide hotlines and if you need help talk you know so many tweets that were being highly retweeted when this whole video initially dropped and one tweet that stuck out to me was Hey really quickly parents who are on Twitter there is a video going around right now that your kid probably is going to see or has seen yeah maybe consider having a talk with them which is such like a you know an oversight to most people but it's like that's the reality of this it's like this is not just another YouTube video in the sub box like you parents need to wake up and I think the parent thing is such a good like a good point but it's like this this is so and that's what that's the gravity of the situation that's what sucks so much but it's also like a good it's a good note to for parents to be like okay well this is not just I don't know it's like YouTube is no YouTube is not family-friendly like you can't just assume that everything on there is gonna be peaches when in fact this could do real damage and probably already has done a lot of real damage to kids well I mean I think the important thing is we see this all the time at me & Greets we hear this all the time just on the street just wherever when we meet parents and they go yeah I have no clue who you are but my kid loves you so you know it's great you see interviews with parents waiting in line for Jake Paul's house for example which is a petting zoo back whenever and they're like yeah I don't know what the kid is but like my daughter's love them so like I'll do anything for them it's not cute it's not funny it's not okay you're not being a good parent yeah for you to not know what your kids are into I'm not saying again I'm bringing it back to the point that I made about the way that my mom parented me which is I'm not saying you should dictate what they can and can't listen to you and I know just as well that if there's something you're not allowed to see you're gonna eventually find a way to see it because you're a little [ __ ] kit and you find out how to watch things you're not allowed to watch you know what I mean rated our movies and whatever it'll sneak into a movie theater kids are gonna figure out how to watch it by telling them don't watch that person he's trash I'm not sure as an effective strategy but a conversation is an effective strategy and it's it pisses me off that I've seen couple videos with parents being like I'm having a conversation with my my son about this and where my daughter my younger sister or cousin you know because them just being blind to it maybe doesn't help them either there's a there's a level of decision-making that I think is really important for young people to have when they decide what they want to watch and not watch and it shouldn't always be at their parents discretion like I do think it's important for a 13 year old to be like I liked Logan Paul but I don't think I like him anymore you know and to have a talk with a caring adults that says well why do you feel that way well because the alternative is they go into their fandom Twitter DM group and they encourage each other about how Logan made a mistake and everyone's an idiot for criticizing him and then all of a sudden they're back in that warped kind of world where they don't have any input from reality or any parental advice on any of this or even just like someone to talk to who's not like a low gang right like I don't know that's it we're in the age of social media right where our parents were like you know if you listen to Madonna there's so much sexual stuff in there you can't listen to that I mean like that only gets you so far but you're in a time in space where everyone theoretically has a voice and can use it I think it's important to teach your kids like this person is literally no different than you they are on a democratized platform if they're doing something that you don't think is right it doesn't matter if you're 11 your you should feel that way you know what I mean you you're entitled to feel that way you're important and you matter in this space you know whereas in years ago it was like they can just get away with ignorant racist annoying [ __ ] for years until someone made a big enough stink about it to get it off the air yeah you know yeah doesn't work that way everyone has opinion everyone has an equal opinion now and honestly it's like one of the most intimidating parts of this whole issue is is watching like the the fallout from his fans and like seeing how I despite the fact that he like even in his apology video was like don't defend me you like you see the I mean I've looked around and I've seen some really weird [ __ ] up like it scares me how mindless people are in how they and how they follow who they follow and how little they think about things just objective every once in a while and I think such an important part of growing up is like teaching yourself a moral compass so to speak and like you develop a moral compass from your surroundings the people you meet your teachers your peers but teaching yourself your own version of it is such an important thing in growing up into an adult or in a young adult and the huge problem with youtubers and youtubers like logan paul who have these massive followings and again you're not responsible for what every fan of yours does but the problem is like it just really discourages the idea of like let's objectively think about what's right and what's wrong for a second there's so much groupthink happening that it's almost like a lost cause to try to way what what is a good thing and what's a bad thing because if the person who you liked it it that discussion isn't happening with anyone well I mean one of the things I also wanted to talk about this before we get into all the YouTube responsibilities yeah we can do a little break before the yeah is is sort of along the lines of what you just said and I feel like I have a couple of things that I would say to Logan directly first first of which is I want to be careful you know we're talking openly and honestly about this topic as a lot of people are in the internet but I want to be careful about the mob mentality in the demonizing someone you know what I think he did was it's really irresponsible really insensitive and really terrible and he should be criticized for it but I do I don't want to contribute to the the mob mentality well it's just not productive at this no it's not but but talking about it is productive and we know that that makes real change on the internet yeah having a conversation I agree another thing that I want to talk about is that we do know from experience and from the experience of other youtubers or content creators is that your job is very unique especially if your job is to share your life every single day the monotony of that is just mind-blowing where you're I know a lot of you aspire to be vloggers and you do it and you want to do it and everybody sort of hits this same wall of like I'm only one person and life is relatively boring when you're living it and you know a lot of it is filled with you entertaining yourself by watching something else or playing a game we're talking with your friends or petting your dog or going for a walk silent I'm asleep right now and it gets very difficult to entertain people with you only being yourself so I get the path for a lot of vloggers turns into this alright well let's start structuring in some vacations some trips let's travel let's go places let's do things let's structure in activities during the day so that we can have some inferi content and if there wasn't already people that have been doing this for years if this was like the first time that a vlogger has done something over the top and people are upset about it I'd be like okay but unfortunately for Logan and Jake even Jake it's plenty to talk about with Jake but like there's been a decade of people that have come before you that have made open and honest vlogs about their struggles and how it has ruined their lives their relationships their financial situations a lot of their friendships their businesses it's destroyed a lot for them because they've put their their entertainment first and I think that this vlog in the Japanese suicide forest was a perfect example of someone who has been putting entertainment first so much that they have forgotten how to be a person right like if you're running any other business people comes first you need to have good people if you're working with a bad person or bad people it doesn't matter how great it is with what it is that you're making or whatever you have bad people around you people first in the sense that like you're putting yourself first your morals first he's completely lost track of everything that's not content you know because if people came first you would get yourself in that situation and be like oh my god this is not content this is not okay you know but he's in the the actual thick of that where it's like everything is content and I have now lost myself as a person and I know we we hear about these stories of people who have sold their soul to the devil for fame and success and blah blah blah if that's just if you took that as a loose interpretation something like this is an example of that you have forgotten who you are as a person or what even makes a human being a human being that a person that has committed suicide that is hanging from a tree is still a person and not content that is sort of in my definition you have now sold your soul you are no longer a person you are doing everything for your job your entertainment your money whether or not you monetize the video or not because I don't I don't care about those details about how he hadn't monetized it and it just didn't get taken down and you usually put on training its content you have put in you put your job your entertainment everything in front of just being a good person that that's me is the definition of selling your soul your there's nothing in there anymore and I will tell you that you know his channel is growing so I don't I'm trying my best not to do this like bandwagon slam fest and I did someone was like you defended Logan Paul and in the other podcast and I'm not sure that I did I'm I I talked about how my personal interactions with him had gone and that he was professional he was on time he had reached out to me years ago when he wanted to drop out of school to pursue YouTube and ask my thoughts on it I'm an education pusher I of course was like I think you should stay in school but he should ultimately do what's right with you I'm not sure that's offending someone but I take your criticism but like for all of this I just I don't know well he's lost himself as a person well in his job and you I will tell you how difficult it is you have lost the respect of the community and yes your channel is growing and yes you're doing well and people will continue to watch you but when I don't I think people vastly underestimate just how difficult it is to remain in any industry when you have lost the respect of your peers and colleagues it's really hard and we do have some control and that people don't [ __ ] with you anymore people aren't gonna work with you anymore people aren't gonna hang out to you anymore and I know you're a maverick and a lone wolf and you think you can do everything by yourself because you're a 22 year old kid who's on a rocket ship and thinks nothing can stop them that's not true it is so incredibly difficult to exist in a space where nobody has your back and that is incredibly isolating and lonely I think we've seen that a number of times within the YouTube community you don't mean mmm-hmm I think I think that's a really good point the the idea of someone like being detached with reality because of how far gone they are down this hole of like being making content all the time and then being the most trending and being edgy and making shocking things and having a brand that's bigger than anything in the world right and I think the choices he made that in order to have documented what he documented and posted what he's posted and reacted how he reacted those choices were all like you said blinded completely by numbers and ego and and his own brand and trending and this and that but I don't think it's that like I think that's such a good point and you can relate it to the before and after as well like if you look at the the videos of him running around disrespecting the [ __ ] out of everything and everyone in him in that foreign country that is all about respect all of all of what he was thinking wasn't like I want to go be an [ __ ] it's on one content I want to make shocking [ __ ] I want my buddies to film it I want to be funny I want to see a ton of [ __ ] comments telling me how funny and entertaining this was I want it to trend I want a million views I want a billion views whatever that's all that was on his mind it's not like Logan is like this horrible evil man who's going around doing these things he's lost he's just completely clouded by this idea that he needs to be number one at whatever the [ __ ] he's trying to be number one at which in the Internet age it's so goddamn convoluted now it's like I mean what if what is even the goal right like what could what more could you want right but I want to relate what you said in addition to before the after and the after meaning the apology video that he made because it really was one of the most infuriating parts of this whole thing for me because it was so rehearsed and so bad and so disingenuous to me this is my opinion like you could have had any different reaction to that apology video but for me it's like he wakes up whoever his people are whatever might have told him hey that tweet you sent out wasn't received well we need to make a real video let's time let's address it I need you to be like let's be real genuine let's let's apologize this is not and Logan being the actor that he is because he is an actor this is not my words those are you know he that's what he wants to do he's acted in movies before that's his like thing it felt like I was watching a stupid audition for some sort of drama scene in some movie with that apology video there was no there's no like pauses there was no um there was no us there was no uh you know like it was all just like calculated scripts with him like looking at it was just oh I mean I can't even tell you how uncomfortable I was watching that call apology video and then after it was over I felt like no one was sorry I just felt like it was just another piece of this whole puzzle that he added on to his channel and that's another like it would have been different if he had done the [ __ ] he had done waited a couple days gone on camera made a really messy kind of all over the place but like in some way genuine apology where he wasn't he wasn't well-spoken he wasn't well lit he wasn't yeah I don't know I don't know anything about the video being genuine he could have really just conveyed at least 10% of me that he was that he was sorry and it would have made me feel like okay he might be waking up as a person this whole thing might have woken him up but the sad thing for me is it felt like a three-part series where all three parts he's still not person he's still lost in that world yeah I mean absolutely there's nothing worse than a bad apology like you're not sorry you know why did you waste our time you got that reaction yeah you're not sorry and I between Jake and Logan when all the things that you know [ __ ] hits a fan with the two of them and they feel the need to half-ass apologize or whatever like you don't have our respect it's it's as simple as that and if you want it like you you need to just stop with the one-up itís like the the next thing we're gonna do is bigger and better than ever and I can relate to some of like almost nothing of what they're doing but like some of the internal additive attitude because I do feel like part of my younger self and my career was playing a little bit of a character and a you know an extension of myself it's not a lie but some of it is like a little more turned up than I would usually be which is it like we having this incredible outlet with the podcast with live streams and stuff even vlogs where I like you don't constantly feel this pressure to be this certain person 24/7 and I see a lot of that in both Jake and Logan especially Logan right now when you look back at some of his vlogs and what he's doing there he you can tell that he is trapped in this box of I need to be over-the-top and entertaining and if I am NOT that then I'm not gonna have an audience and people aren't gonna care maybe maybe that would happen but I will tell you from experience as I'm sure a lot of other people would you have everyone's attention you've already done the most difficult thing in the world which is like not on world but yet just people vastly underestimate how difficult it is just to get people to care about what you're posting or what you have to say or what you're doing you've already done all of that you can it is okay to let go of this like act of oh my god this is so crazy let's go do something [ __ ] crazy and nuts and entertaining you know it's fine it's just being your normal self people are already interested in you and this this is like something in psychology I think will always stick with me forever it's like when you're working with another person the the rule number one is do no harm do no harm by the other person like you can you can it's up to you and your liberties if you want to disclose things how you want to work with him how you want to talk to them what you think works but rule number one is do no harm you know and I think that these vlogs with the we're just silly and crazy and out of our mind we're Mavericks may be fine but if rule of one is do no harm then like 10 minutes of your 10 on 1 vlog doesn't exist you know yeah if you're just thinking about maybe you weren't in this position you didn't you didn't get into this because you wanted young kids to look up to you or you didn't think that this would be your audience and now you're put in this position fine whatever I don't care but you're at this point you know at 15 million people that watch your YouTube channel do no harm and really think about it and really sit with it and when people critique your apology when people critique what you've done in your vlogs listen to them don't just dab on them and say that they're [ __ ] haters actually listen to them internalize them think about them do things differently in the future like I'm not looking for Jake or Logan or either of them to just grovel for 10 years and say how sorry they are no one want that we want to see you grow up and learn and change you know and have more of a connection with reality and what you're putting home because clearly YouTube's not going to shut down either of their channels they're not gonna stop any of it and kids aren't gonna stop watching them their channels are only continuing to grow so what we want and I think what might do well to start back on the on the trail of earning your colleagues respect here is to show some growth and stop maybe every once in a while take a break from being a [ __ ] jackass on a street in foreign country and just be yourself I think people you ain't your brother will find it incredibly liberating to just be yourself for a little while and not some over-the-top character and mind you while all this was going down there was a leaked video of Jake Paul saying the n-word and that whole the video of him saying I lost my virginity with a thumbnail of Erica Castel sitting on him just like almost as [ __ ] naked and those things are like almost non news because at this point no one even cares that you just [ __ ] said the n-word do you understand how little respect people have for you that when you you get caught saying the n-word openly out loud unto you and people are you almost have nothing to say about it it's not even it's not even a news piece nothing to say about it to the point where we don't respect you enough to even [ __ ] tear or be angry or be upset or have anything to say it's it's it's it's a note it's a no-brainer to me yeah but it is important you're a very very very different person than they are or ever will be and you now and you ten years ago are different than they are or ever will be like you're just a completely different human and I I want to speak to that really quickly just that like I've never played a character so to speak on YouTube like you know I've made vlogs and I think my vlogs have before evolved and I've been a little bit different and things of whatever but the idea that it's it's liberating to just kind of be yourself for a living and not feel like you need to embellish and be over-the-top I think that can only resonate so much with a person who is so and I don't want to say business minded but I mean like competitive in the in the world of like I want to be I would just say ego driven like egocentric I want to be number one online I want to be the the this and that which which you watch them anytime you hear them talk like when Jake Paul went on the h3 podcast the things he was talking about like his goals he's like I want to be a the the billionaire and I want to own the it's like all they want is this like one thing that they want that's really important for them is just being so big in the world of like money and power and what they've created and where they've come from and this and that when in reality it's like okay but before all of that before all of your accomplishments and everything you've done online and all your views and numbers and money like before all of that don't forget that you need to be a goddamn human being to other human beings which is so easy to get lost in that train of thought and I again I can't identify with that train of thought neither can you so you can to me that says everything about a person yeah when they when people would ask me what do you want to be in five years like I don't know I didn't know what I was doing five years ago I'm for one don't even want long-term goals and even if I did there's vague things like I would like to be happy or I'd like to not say goodbye to my dogs was my only tangible goal when I was about 21 years old I want to live a life someday where I don't have to say goodbye to my dogs like 4:7 that's what I want for my future and I'm living that and I'm living the dream but I don't I I just cannot relate to someone whose goals are like I want a billion dollars okay well then guess what that kind of person who has no other kind of goals other than being the biggest the best the most rich it that says everything I need to know about 100 persons you are willing to do all the gross disgusting things that not all the time but oftentimes goes into being that person which makes that human a person who's prone to just being a bad person other people right and I want to say like everything you're saying I personally agree with I think is sound and I think it's good advice for anyone to listen to whose loss and needs advice but at the same time you need to remember that you're not that person and as much as you don't identify with that they might not identify with you a person whose goal is to just make money and be powerful like all those people who have those goals are not all about people but they are there are a lot of times very prone to being less of a humanitarian and a friendly neighbor to the the average person having any kind of balance or a moral compass because you have such you such blinders on and I and I I think you made a great point but it's it's just important remember that a lot of people who have those goals are wired like that they may see no value in what you just said and there's not really a tangible problem with that which is and well here's my thing so I feel like I know a lot of adults like this and I've known a lot of people like this in my whole life Jake Paul and Logan Paul are both young men they're very driven they're very excited for their careers yeah they've made a lot of mistakes and I guess we're going down the road of which is worse and worse and worse and we're watching from the outside and it's we see the harm that it is causing but it's it's somehow admirable for a 22 year old to be so hungry to achieve their dreams and success like young kids see him as a success story they're inspired by him they're inspire so hard work inspired by his mansion to me as an adult and when I see other adults like this there's nothing admirable to me about your work ethic to you have no friends no relationship nothing in your life other than your job it's easy to throw yourself into a job and forget that other human beings exist that to me is selfish fine do whatever you want to do but I know a lot of people who become lawyers doctors and they just forget about everybody else good for you you've done so great in your career but what's what I think is impressive and someone is who can balance things you know people who have kids and a boyfriend or girlfriend or friends that they like to take care of parents that they like to check in on you know like there's nothing admirable to me about burying your head into your work and just denying that the rest of the world exists and that's why I feel like this is sort of going down this like career before everything and you do see the people in the wake and the fallout making these exposed videos about Jake and Logan being like yeah dude I was part of team 10 and like dude he actually was like kind of a dick to me and like not nice and you know a lot of it sounds like it's coming between like money and business sort of ruining his interpersonal relationships not surprised at all because it sounds like someone who was so focused yeah and guess what if all you want in life is money you'll get it and you won't get anything [ __ ] else you won't be happy you'll be [ __ ] miserable it doesn't matter if you're not happy before you have money you're not gonna be happy after you get money you will never be happy and the people around you will never be happy you'll be miserable on the inside so go I I think kids are allowed to decide whatever they want and like and I hope that they see some of the the I don't know the difference between something that is truly admirable and something that's not I agree I agree and I think the narrative of youtubers telling their audience in the world how [ __ ] hard their work is just so exhausted god I'm so [ __ ] yeah it's a snoozefest and every you know everyone who does that and will relentlessly tweet about their grind and their schedule and all the work I mean just first of all just shut the [ __ ] up and second of all second of all the work that's really being done that really [ __ ] matters to the world is the work that you're not [ __ ] tweeting about 24/7 okay so even if you're not like Jenna and you don't and and you you may have like uh you know I I believe in hard work and that's all that matters and jobs is all that matters maybe you believe maybe that's what you think and maybe that's how you live your life and that's totally [ __ ] fine but I think even you that person will agree with me when I say maybe just [ __ ] do it and stop talking about it it's not preaching to people of how lazy they are and how bad they're worth it work out how you set yourself apart from the world by your grind shut up just do it just there's no like what you're doing is such a step backwards ten step backwards for any hard work that you might have actually done which I don't even know if you have because all I see is you tweeting about it and posing these videos we were like what part of a sports team like have you ever actually been on a team of people or is it always just you because the person on your sports team that acted like that didn't get very far if they're just like hustle and grind and everyone else around me is lazy know who's your most admirable teammate the one you could depend on that would just do [ __ ] and not [ __ ] save [ __ ] that is the person that you want to be I don't know I feel like when I was a kid a lot of people that I liked celebrities that I liked celebrities had a crush on but all of my role models were like tangible people that like did something that I found admirable you know it means yeah or even now as an adult it's not like I you know someone who's untouchable in terms of talent or wealth or you know it's it's somebody like [ __ ] Joe Rogan man like I'll Alec seth macfarlane Oh like I like my mom I'd like to be my mom when I grow up you know someone who you're like this is why I like them and it has nothing to do with them being good-looking or wealthy or grind or grinding every day I think I think now is a good point where I just okay I want to talk about some news real quick because when you're frustrated and you're annoyed and you're seeing [ __ ] all over the internet and you're sweaty you just need some soft goddamn undies and me and these has you covered guys it's made from a sustainably sourced natural soft fabric that's three times off from the cotton and I say this 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should finish with youtube and I know how angry you are about this and I know that like this is this is hard this is hard to talk about in in words the like you know people are just gonna take weird and twist and you know be upset about no matter what you say so this is really hard we're trying really hard I'm trying hard I know you are you know I know and really quick just so everyone who's under Iraq knows Logan's video with the dead body and it was on the training page for a long time and it was there until Logan himself took the video down YouTube do not remove it then his apology video lived on the training page for about two and a half days right caned about 20 million views whether it was monetized or not I don't I don't even think we need to go in that like who the [ __ ] knows personally I don't really [ __ ] think it matters at all you know monetizing a video by the way isn't the only way to benefit from that video being online and being shared he has gained like he gained like 80,000 subscribers in one day last week mm-hmm and he's the views and the the my point is monetizing a video just because someone doesn't monetize a video or there's no ads on a video doesn't make them a saint for for that okay like the video is still being shared still being uploaded there were still a choice to it anyway back to the YouTube issue which I think kind of revolves around the fact that what YouTube has been policing in the past year and a half whatever with all the D monetization and all the control over what they think is Dima bowl or is deemed suitable for advertisers and what isn't has been such a hot topic recently so the fact that they allowed this video to stay up it's just a bit mind-bending I don't I personally still don't understand how that happened I don't understand how they haven't really even said anything about it I also just think the cherry on top is the fact that his apology video trended for so long number one like I just the YouTube red golden boy like I don't know man I I don't know I don't I I think it is it I don't know what it's difficult to figure out words right now because I don't know I don't know what I yeah I'm with you I'm with you a thousand say I think that's part of the reason why this podcast is really difficult to talk about because there's a lot of things that like need to be said but like II can't fully say sort of say yeah one thing I will say for sure though is that I'm I'm I feel like I'm an air on the side of caution kind of person when it comes to you know a lot of the petitions that go around as soon as someone does something that they don't like that it's like shut this person's channel down YouTube if you don't shut their channel down then you're you know you're saying that this is okay and I would always like to err on the side of caution of like I think that you know an appropriate thing is to take the video down strike their channel just like anybody else do I think that they need to be banished from the platform I'm not sure although I know that they're all platforms that do do that like Twitter Twitter blocks people when they think that there's hate speech going on they block a lot yeah they do and I think that there's pros and cons to both ways but YouTube I think has gone in a different way because it is a video sharing platform and a lot of things fall under the category of video that are questionable obviously so they try it seems to err on the side of caution to where they don't want to just be deleting people's channels but they do have to sort of police what is on here and you know what's good for our advertisers and what is it but what borderlines on like freedom of speech and you know presenting maybe news or talking about lgbtq+ topics and like you know I mean like they're they have a lot of stuff that sort of walks on this ethical line of like should it be on YouTube or not yeah you know while still trying to keep the integrity of we want people to share in place yeah and they they do seem to be almost jokingly [ __ ] haha laissez-faire like they love to just be this giant corporation with these elusive [ __ ] rules and regulations and be like we don't know that no one to talk to robotic answers everywhere and there's there's pros and cons that I feel to them being so laissez-faire a lot of it I think is good and powerful because you know even even just 10 years ago for for some of the content that's on there today would it would be an outrage I can't believe you're letting these people share this stuff I can't believe you're doing you know I think it's important to remain progressive in that sense and that like what's making people angry not that this suicide forest thing is a good example of that but you know what I'm saying is that I think that sharing is important and it might not always be like the zeitgeist at the time for someone to share it and I understand people get outraged and this mob mentality and they want it to stop and the answer is to shut that person's channel down but that's why they have the strikes and stuff in place and I feel like my position has almost always been I agree that YouTube should remain as hands-off as they can you know there's there's a lot of great and be I'm not envious of their job to try and decide what should and shouldn't be on YouTube it's a [ __ ] mess like so you're saying like it's not that place to be determining contents no I'm saying that they stay hands-off and my position has always been a little more conservative or like err on the side of caution rather than anybody something that I don't like delete their channels back to my job yeah it circles back to like the sand pepper thing when we're talking about people like delete is Challenger like no like you can't just delete someone's or PewDiePie a lot of different examples where people are like you need to delete their channel how dare you and I've always been the one that's like or have been in the position of I think we should err on the side of caution because then then once you start getting into that territory then people are getting you know struck down by the hand of YouTube and like we don't know where it's coming from or why like I feel like some of the videos getting taken down demonetised like certainly a lot of people have a lot of questions and you know nothing is getting clarified certainly nothing has become more clear the more they explain things which right now is nothing but I would rather have people being like hey YouTube why is this video demonetised hey YouTube bye to this video get taken down hey YouTube license this hitting some sub boxes rather than I'm not allowed to have a channel because I'm a controversial person you don't I mean yeah and well I mean to argue that point in so many ways when when when certain channels are hit with relentless D monetization they're kind of not able to have a channel right well that's that's what I'm saying is they're not envious of this their responsibility to sort of try and sort out what we can monetize what we can't what's what's appropriate for this platform what's not you know what's infringing on our Terms of Use which are vague on purpose so that they can sort of enforce them whenever they want to I'm not envious of that job I want envious of them deciding what this platform should be because there's a lot of responsibility like a lot of what Twitter does when they ban people is because they're using it for you know recruiting for terrorism groups and Twitter's like we can't have that we have to tell eat this so YouTube maybe doesn't have that problem because they've deemed all of that just inappropriate for this site but then when we talk about it in the news that also now is inappropriate and then you know it's really gray it's really bizarre but instead of being like hey Philip DeFranco you can't talk about the news we're gonna shut your channel down because you won't shut up about the news they just did monetize them so I'm not it's I'm not sure that anybody complicated yeah which I think we need to agree on do we agree that's incredibly complex greed that I agree the job of the person at YouTube or the group of people who have to decide what's allowed and what's not is the complicated issue and it's not right or wrong yeah yeah so but I think it definitely goes you know deeper but yeah for sure but so when I saw this whole thing with people being like you know YouTube needs to do something I'm usually the person that's like I think that when once YouTube does that for one person then it opens Pandora's box I'm gonna eat those words right now for in this situation they need black oh sorry this was really you know long-winded to get here but like the lack of response on this is unacceptable it's absolutely [ __ ] unacceptable like I can't even believe it the fact that a video that defines violating your Terms of Use is trending on number one and YouTube year after year after year refused to describe to us how and why videos are chosen to be on that place to be on trending they say it's like oh it doesn't even really impact your views or whatever we don't know it's just you know it's this fun little thing no like I understand that some of its like they don't want to perfectly disclose it like they're cherry-picking it's cherry-picking terrific it's absolutely by is cherry-picking some group of people are youtuber like okay this is what's great and they don't want to say that and then a video that will have 30,000 views will be on there and all the comments are like why the [ __ ] is this on training I don't get it I get why you need to pull in new stuff or smaller stuff you want it to be a curated little like here's some stuff you might want to check out today fine then [ __ ] say that but to have a video on there that literally defines violating your Terms of Use well how we need an explanation for at least that and I'm not saying I'm still not in the thought of like YouTube YouTube needs the delete logan paul's channel but should suffer the same consequences as anyone else in that position there should be a strike on his channel I don't know if he's gotten one but the fact that that was trending so they never took it down they didn't give his channel a strike and said they let a trend they let Logan Paul take it down they allowed videos to be reuploaded of it those also transit in other countries and then anyone discussing the topic with other videos we're getting flagged not for like graphic content which you think maybe they would be but for like misleading content I forget what the name of it is for having a misleading title and thumbnail so not it doesn't even make any sense and it just it really irritates me that like yeah even in the past with the ad pocalypse with PewDiePie saying the n-word you know the community gets outraged and YouTube seemingly at some point if it's going down they give their stance on it and it's final you don't mean in the past that's what's happened so I don't know how long we need to wait here for them to [ __ ] say something but it's unacceptable for them to just not you know I'm saying 100% agree and I think it's if there was ever a clear violation of whatever terms of [ __ ] service [ __ ] that they've that they have claimed to have in place this video is it it is a living breathing proof test subject literally what you are not anyone is allowed to do on YouTube and yet this is gonna trend oh but oh don't [ __ ] talk about this [ __ ] or you're gonna be demonetized this is he's on YouTube Bret okay he can [ __ ] do it right and I know there's literally no other conclusion we can draw here right yeah they didn't say anything that's that's lit this is this is us just describing a chain of events we're not giving our opinions on anything like this is what [ __ ] happened here at and I know we're not comparing apples oranges here but PewDiePie did say a racist word in a not cool way and he was stripped of his YouTube read show and this is not a one-to-one comparison no it's not but like there's a lot of stuff going going on with no response from YouTube and both Jake and Logan they'll have their show have YouTube red shows we any title address from YouTube and this not even like we're postponing filming yeah or we're gonna look into nothing not even we're gonna look into it all anyways just gonna [ __ ] say it but like the YouTube part really pisses me off it means really and it makes it so smaller creators there's a bigger and bigger and bigger and gap we've known this about YouTube Pro a while now then it truly used to be a democratized platform with no barrier to entry and now it is even more difficult for someone who just wants to get started and pick up a camera today to get to where they want to be in place in YouTube if that's their goal there's no longer a zero barrier to entry it is relatively difficult yeah I get it but like YouTube by not saying anything and by showing this that he was able to have this video number one trending no consequences YouTube red show and you're crushing the little guys on YouTube for making lgbtq+ content is like mind-blowing to me mind-blowing and we're not gonna accept this like we're looking into it [ __ ] anymore if you are looking into it Logan Paul's video would have been uploaded and then immediately flagged and as if the moment okay first of all as if the moment Logan Ball uploads any video a team of people aren't notified at YouTube and they may really watch it he's got a team over there okay number two that video was up for a way way way too long time for any excuse YouTube now gives to be valid there's no oh we didn't have time to determine or we were cross-referenced blue there you had a [ __ ] million hours dude that video is up for a day almost that video is up for so [ __ ] long there's no excuse for the fact that everyone was able to like literally watch a dead body and be scarred by it and you guys couldn't do so much as to maybe maybe just remove the video not to mention the whole [ __ ] going on with YouTube kids and not discussing us of what's going on I mean this wait like yeah there's been situations in the past where we need clarification we're asking for clarification and YouTube sort of gives us this robot II answer that no one wants or it clarifies nothing fine whatever but at this point they they basically just got caught in a flat-out lie I just I honestly can't believe they didn't release any like any sort of anything I mean well it's shocking it's shocking and they're like I'm literally I'm gonna be a betting man here and say that this video it's gonna be titled Logan Paul the podcast I think it'll get demonetized but I think it will I think ya know I'll check I'm gonna check it when it goes up but I just can't imagine how I would feel if I was a creator smaller than Logan Paul which is literally every creator ever except for like you he's gonna pass you with this maybe about six hours but I can't imagine if I did commentary on my youtube channel it's just nothing wrong with doing that as channel there's a lot of great commentary channels but if you made a video like reflecting off of something that really [ __ ] you up and you wanted to be honest with your audience or even you're a vlogger whatever you're dressing the whole logan paul aki go are forced situation and you got struck or demonetized right flagged for inappropriate content when that bit when you when you upload you're like okay here's me reacting to the world and here's me being honest giving my take on something that really genuinely affected me which I can communicate about YouTube oh that's demonetized meanwhile let's check the training page Logan Paul does I don't know if there's no other way to really cut it for me right now because there's no there's just there's no argument for them right is there an argument for them no but that that's what's so ugly about this situation is like you know the the argument has always sort of boiled down to we are a relatively self policing community we need to talk about these things and the best we can do when something happens and YouTube won't sort of take action which we've debated a lot in the past but whether or not it's right for you to take action whether or not they should whether or not see responsibility you know I still think that there's a lot of gray area there so the most we can do is sort of talk about it but if there take away your voice to talk about it there you're just gonna delete the videos or like give your channel is strike but not Logan's now we have a real problem you're creating a disparity of wealth a barrier to entry and now you're making it so people can't have an opinion about it and I want to say too about his apology video what when Twitter has something on Twitter moments and it's training number one like I get let's let's give YouTube the benefit of the doubt for one second so they put maybe this video number one on training here's a wild fairy even though I know it's not true but maybe they put that video number one on training because he's sort of an unsavory character to YouTube even though we know that's not true he's on a you to YouTube red shows he's on the movie the finish this is in a world where YouTube views Logan Paul as like we don't like him alright so they put that the the suicide video number one on training because they want to sort of show the world hey guys this kid uploads every day he could in theory be on the training page every single day we chose today because you want we want it we want to show everybody what a [ __ ] he is let's imagine that world okay second world let's let's trend his apology number one because we want everyone to know that he's sorry we're just gonna let him you know show off his own true colors yes whatever yeah he monetized that apology but there were no comments on the video the important thing to me about Twitter is like when they when when a number one trending topic is controversial and it's number one there are X amount of tweets about the first thing that you see is the discussion yeah you know oftentimes even before you can click on a link to a story or see what's actually going on you see people's opinions about it but if you trend something number one without any type of conversation going on in there it's just feeding more into this machine the fact that something can trend number one without any comments wow you know what I mean if if someone's apology video regardless of what it is has no type of discussion or conversation going on it should not be training number one people shouldn't be able to click on that and then silently think their own thoughts there has to be a discussion in my opinion or else it's just feeding into the machine it's good point you don't I mean the video is no longer there the video is deleted so you've deleted everyone's discussion about it the the apology video is trending there's no comments on it the discussion doesn't exist and then you have people trying to have a conversation in their own videos that are getting diluted there is no conversation when you are taking away people's voices that is unacceptable when you don't don't acknowledge the fact that you allowed this to happen that violates your Terms of Use why does little game Paul get to violate the Terms of Use but people that want to have sex on YouTube can't you know what I'm saying like if they wanted to have a pornhub YouTube section you know they can't but if Logan ball wants to do whatever the [ __ ] he wants to he can not a good comparison but you know what I'm saying if if you're gonna make rules I understand that there's some gray area there's some link over them the needs to happen in order for them you can't have like blanket black and white rules that would be a mess and we know that there's human aspects that go into that but you can't have one of your top creators blatantly just breaking the rules with absolutely no comment or consequences it's ridiculous or conversation I mean if you're gonna play favoritism at least hide it a little bit they like made no effort none none and Jake Paul has a youtube red show as well and I've always said this about YouTube is that they have everything completely [ __ ] backwards and we talked about this when we talk about our YouTube representatives people that we've heard from a YouTube and everyone has the same thing to say they are number crunching robots that give you number crunching robot answers when you have questions or concerns they it's like they have pre-programmed things to say to you that are all incredibly vague and answer absolutely none of your questions because all that matters to them is numbers which is the worst possible way to go about becoming a you know a competition to traditional television or film if you want people to take you seriously you can't just like ride the wave of what everyone's paying attention to at the current moment you have to remember why YouTube is even cool in the first place exactly which they've completely forgotten this but you see people come and go and you know it's it's naive of a 22 year old to think like I'm on an unstoppable rocketship and growth is forever is someday I'm just gonna have like you know 7 billion subs we that's how many [ __ ] people there are in the world like it's not gonna happen you know and YouTube is so quick to hitch their ladder to whatever is blowing up this year which I just think is irresponsible there's so many people like when the first round of YouTube red shows came around and they offered it to like good mythical morning and and Smosh you know people have proven themselves like here I have a decade of work that shows you I'm a professional and I take my job seriously and I'm not here to [ __ ] around and be a douchebag and then you see YouTube hitch their ladders so people like [ __ ] Logan and Jake Paul who I like what [ __ ] what didn't you guys start like a year ago yeah this is what happens though when you guys crunch numbers for a living and only play by numbers this is what happens a YouTube has lost a lot of our respect and the the Paul Brothers have lost the respect of the community so you all want to get [ __ ] buried together Oh like what you want to do I don't know I mean I don't know and the reason that everyone I see calling all the time that's like if youtubers are so upset with YouTube why don't you just make your own platform a ridiculous and practice what would be ridiculous actually do but be we've we love YouTube we want YouTube to be better but part of doing that is that they have no accountability above their head YouTube is sort of the end-all be-all Google is sort of you know BL for them like they don't have to answer to anyone above that which sucks because that level of arrogance e arrogance rather is like is no it's not productive to them nor the creators it's like a good example of of this is like you looked at the patreon situation where a couple weeks ago patreon rolled out a whole new system of how they were going to take payments on how they were taking a percentage and they didn't tell anyone they just rolled it out and there was a huge outrage all the patreon users supporters were like whoa whoa whoa what the [ __ ] is this I did not agree to this my career is based off patreon which is a lot of people this is not cool you know mass outrage and they were like where's all right I'm sorry guys we're gonna not do that thank you for telling us like has YouTube literally ever done anything even remotely like that no no and that's how much could they been affirmed it benefit from it oh so much heaps even just to show the people that their voices are not nothing right and it would benefit the platform like crazy I know they're ginormous player and they're in the internet space obviously the number one whatever but oh my god how how far would that go if they just proved once I'm sorry even on a [ __ ] ecology dude even tweeted hey where we're looking in you know just one [ __ ] moment of being a human that you're not this giant machine robot that's here to crush everyone but Logan Paul like just one second of like humility where we can just kind of feel a little bit safe here yeah it goes so long it goes such a long way and it's it hasn't been done in and as long as I can remember about YouTube and I uh and in the time that they've spent policing and making rules and being a robot and shutting people down and not giving a single moment of like actual clarity or or real emotion or or communication it's just grown the distance between the creators and the platform by by tenfold and now we feel we're stranded on this island submitting our videos out to outer space and whatever happens to them they're out in outer space now we don't have communication with outer space there YouTube if we want a communication they'll drop a tweet down earth saying hey at this person will look into this and you're like okay great I still don't believe you exist but that's like this this is one of the most difficult things though is that all of the people that you see speaking out about YouTube and speaking out about Logan and Jake call you know aside from the celebrities they're allowed to have their opinions or anyone that doesn't work in the YouTube space everyone's allowed to have their opinions and think and feel how they feel about what happened it's difficult for us to talk about this stuff with YouTube because it's like biting the hand that feeds you it's scary sometimes like yeah I don't think I've had any like weird conspiracies like someone's coming and trying to burn out my house or like silence me or like it deliberately monetizing my videos but it doesn't make it any less scary to speak out against your employer and I want to add something that I don't I don't think I'm breaching any sort of contract by saying but one of the people that I've seen being incredibly vocal about this Logan Paul situation is Rosanna pansino who's like one of the most advertiser friendly people you could ever possibly imagine but she I and Logan Paul all have one of the same representatives over at CAA and even she is like get [ __ ] this is like YouTube saying we want YouTube to be a safe space for creators also YouTube with shows like their YouTube read show and like the Logan Paul to come out and say what she said that was very sermon this is someone who has a past with being you know promoted by YouTube she has the same representative as Logan Paul as do I over at CAA it's so difficult it's scary on a lot of levels like if I criticize Logan Paul at CAA gonna get mad at me or are they gonna get mad at Rosanna pansino you see a lot of people like that aren't only scared to talk about about YouTube but about other things for other reasons with friendships professional relationships so I mean this is not an easy podcast to record it's also not a discussion that's easy for us to have while being honest but it also it just like it makes me appreciate on people who use their voices when they're when they want to talk about this stuff in a constructive way and not just uh I'm looking for retweet so I'd love Justine is another one I just as a friend I just see ya man yeah you did something [ __ ] wrong she passed I've seen if I just seen is criticizing YouTube openly like come on yeah come on I just seems the only reason I ever started a YouTube channel like good god dude I don't know I just I feel like it's it doesn't get any less difficult to talk about it and the just the topic in the nature of this was difficult to talk about but also every time you know we sit here and openly criticize YouTube it just gets a little scarier it does because it's like we won I mean it's it's hard to think of it being well-received at YouTube that were that we are critical of what they're doing in whatever situation we might be talking about well yeah it's a small position because at this way when they've done something and given no response they got caught red-handed letting you know doing blatant favoritism and not striking someone's channel or deleting the video and it blatantly violates the Terms of Use and not saying anything about it like in the past when we've done these podcasts it feels like maybe someone might listen to us we speak loudly enough as a community someone might listen to us and at this point it feels like no one's listening to us know which is not a good feeling it's a scary feeling it's scary because you don't know you don't know what the [ __ ] gonna happen you don't know what's going on dude it's wrong it's [ __ ] wrong and you guys you know if I were a dink film looking from the outside and I'd be disappointed if we sat here every week that had something controversial and you-tube happen and just played a game and be like sorry guys we can't talk about it because they're paying our bills or like you know and [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] you [ __ ] you dude that's and that's not why you guys are here that's not why you tuned in to listen to us talk like I know that you can find that vanilla nonsense everywhere else but yeah it's not an easy thing for us to sit down and comfortably talk about and go to sleep and wake up and be like okay well you know everything's fine cuz we don't we literally have no idea but with all of that said we hope you guys got something out of this discussion as always we encourage you to participate in the comments section we're gonna go through and read what you guys have to say we keep it civil I know you guys always do but just a friendly reminder that you know talking down to people or you know anything is not productive good comment yeah and don't feel like what we said is the right answer we want to hear your your comments on what we have to say but yes in a very civil way would be nice because we're human beings and we're not here to [ __ ] be dicks so thank you guys for tuning in I'm sweating hopefully next week we can do something a lot lighter and more fun and exciting to talk about but like you said we felt like it was our kind of to touch on this yeah quick now we stream on Twitch if you're new around here twitch.tv slash annejulien we stream games all the time like more like and it's more like a lot more custom games in pub G and [ __ ] thank you guys so much we'll see you next week for another podcast [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 2,146,025
Rating: 4.9432726 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: u31uorMMi-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 84min 45sec (5085 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2018
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