Trisha Paytas - H3 Podcast #152

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Oh god this whole Jewish debate

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 444 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cityofruin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Trish "I get a pizza to myself because I'm fat?" Ethan " ....yes"

That was fucking hilarious

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 427 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RosstiferZ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Trisha a couple weeks ago: I feel bad for Hila, she never gets to speak her mind.

Hila 10/26/19: You’re on the wrong street cuz.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 321 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Rattttttttttt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

"fuck you Dan" and "is the pizza here?" are my picks for new sound bites

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 230 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nicholt πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

If you go into this expecting it to be a trainwreck, it's beyond entertaining.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 207 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SliccVic πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Hila freaking rocked this podcast

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 390 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hannahmb1023 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Thank god Ethan made her download the app and fucking showed the proof she made 8 grand from that one video. Totally caught her in her lie.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 488 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheAtami πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

H3h3 incest channel confirmed.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 151 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/cityofruin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Her saying ethan is a 10 and how she would fuck him if hila left him IN FRONT OF HILA. too much man trisha is crazy

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 133 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thirdegreeburn πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
- welcome to the h3 podcast thank you to ring for sponsoring us quickly want to announce the new teddy fresh collection is out sorry to do this in front of you Tricia I know here we are we're live on Teddy fresh calm and you struck more about that later today's gas way didn't I get honey brush where's you here yep I love okay I actually love I didn't know it was a brand for real people wear it and I thought it was just a cool thing and then I realized it was your brand and I was like no way mmm but you love it Victor beforehand because I think we'll make it through this we'll see well first of all Trisha Paytas is here too are we here squash the beef or roast the beef ooh I wouldn't I would love to squash it but I like you guys talking about me so it's actually can I just say like I actually genuinely hated you at the beginning of this year in May like I genuinely when he won yeah like genuinely just liked you and thought you were like disgusting okay and then Shane I was like how could you have gone on their podcast and he's a troll I was like oh I didn't know you were like a troll I don't think I'm a troll I think you're a tribe I think you're a troll no are you no you're a troll I'm sure you're just like how like what it means is that you say things you don't mean for attention no not anymore I used two years ago I used to and you think I do that now yes No so okay all right angry I believe you are angry but like for example how is it that your life is so dramatic it just is it always has been my life is dramatic so so it's like every week there's a new revelation in your life that you announce on your kitchen floor thank you then you stir up a lot of sation about it but it's like clockwork I mean it's just a little too uh any dramas this year except for you brands the trance thing is that drama my gender is drama like that's just who I am but I don't think that's the best drawing you what why because I don't look male as that I'm being so serious like why would I go on like my whole audience is LGBTQ right they all come in why would I like try to offend them or mock them like that doesn't make any sense so okay let me just kill my career is that I like that would make you didn't kill your career you how would you kill your career your whole career is built on this kind of engine of of driving views okay let's let's talk about that because I got a lot of emails from trans people who do you want to talk about this ready should we just get in whatever yeah I'm here I was gonna I was gonna ease into it you called me worst in Donald Trump and you said ela should leave me did you do you believe those things I did at the time yes I still think it was too good for you like looking at her now you look like a model like in person like I thought you're pretty on camera but in person you're like tall and thin and like gorgeous and then I even like baby like I here's the thing like what kind of man would be appropriate for you though oh my goodness I think like a like a Dennis Quaid type or like like a even like a Zac Efron like I think like that if you like fish my turn I think that would be you think Howard Stern is uh appropriate for you uh cuz he gets the personality so you don't go for looks obviously but like you must like personality and Howard Stern has the personality he is more personality the fatter personality you have a personality yeah but it's not as good it's not that because so when you so when you say I'm a troll what do you mean because the way what I define troll has is someone and I don't mean to be provocative but I do think of you as a troll because I see that you are at the center of a lot of dramas that drives views to your channel that I'm times question if you do believe that that or for example when you respond to my videos I don't necessarily believe that yours angry as you're upset as you are leading on believe in your videos I was as angry the last video I did so I've done how many response I've done like three or four responses to you guys the first one I even did a really angry response a really nasty response to like our first beef in May or whatever I was this but you know why I was like don't post it because I was already in so much on the internet my just don't post it I was pissed these last couple times I kind of just like responded because I was the thumbnail on clickbait which I was so excited about that's what I thought but but to see you don't you don't say that in the video you were you what the vinkle of your videos h3 h3 is slut-shaming me i watch i watch you're not really though i do watch you didn't know about the Gatsby you didn't know about but you asked me why that what's why do we have a mobility scooter what the the thing was okay yeah sure okay so but what do you mean when you call me a troll because I don't think I'm a troll because you'd you say stop for attention that video for instance the one Instagram versus reality you did to be a troll like obviously the girls you were making fun of nakita Tana like we're obviously not unattractive women you were doing it to be a troll and calling Tana a beached whale quote I believe I said think II know I that I said but I believe what I never called anyone beats well I said it looks like she just washed up out of the ocean so were you saying she was a beautiful mermaid no you were saying she was a beached whale like she well or or or a well sure or I mean you said I look like a corpse and look at oh yeah yeah you did yeah that's what do you do when you guys well but but again so you caught what is so what does it mean when you call me a troll I know you were trolling specifically too because if you were doing some like educational informational like you know let me like rally people up for this like get people high my message you would have used pictures of me are the same day I get what you were saying cuz I agree which is why one of the side-by-sides use I posted myself on Instagram me with makeup we without but the thing was you were taking like awful angles from different days you like that's not the same person it was like it was makeup in different day so like it was a troll like obviously you were trolling because you didn't did you believe that well what I believed is that people can look very different themselves on social media as one way I then you know and and in certain other situations not look like that at all and why is it that you think people really responded to by the way after getting to know you I don't think you're guilty you are very forthcoming with like the two different ways you can look so so I do give you credit for that okay thank you but I do think also I know I just think I think though that video had actually a really powerful message for me personally and I have heard other people too if you look on Instagram today a lot of people will look a certain way and you just take it for you just think that's what they actually look like right and then one day when he showed me all this stuff I realized whoa like wait I'm crazy I had no idea and that's why I myself decide by sitting all the time the one of Mila Corpse wasn't my side-by-side it was me in bed like just from an awful angle just and then me from like Hawaii the week before cuz I loved the message too because I'm always like okay I don't look like this all the time you look strong with I think but I think where you lose something about our channel is that Ethan is also like just trying to make it silly and not just this isn't just a serious message to show at your class you know it's also supposed to be a funny video and is just goofing and this is the reality and be funny about it use yourself as an example what you do you always want unflattering pictures and I think it's funny to say she she was she what I mean from that angle she was really shoved into that but you never call yourself a Twinkie or a fat piece of [ __ ] oh I say women I'm just saying and one picture she was super I think probably photoshopped look of course okay thanks she was shoved into a yellow bikini and she looked like a Twinkie it's funny I can't take that chance because one you're a male so you cannot like period like that's just like the only women can fetch him can women fat shame men no no no one should fashion you anywhere you can fashion without a knife in your skin to shame me you can't know you can't skinny shame people either like no and I do what can I do about you can talk about things that are you so like okay only I can only talk about me excuse me hmm all design your chubby guy so you should make fun of a chubby guy I'm a chubby girl I can make fun I have a song called fat chicks I could make fun of like fat girls cuz I'm a fat girl you're a Jewish man fan and think that I'm a religious acetic do you are you mad in Israel how you can't get more acidic than that right Hasidic Jews are you're just you're Jewish shaming us right now you said you're obsessed with Jews and that's made me nervous no I got I got in trouble years ago because people think I find a shy Jewish people cuz I love Jewish man shouldn't say I'm obsessed this is what is okay okay does that mean look that's what it looks like you're Jewish aiming me that they're super Orthodox no they're super religious why would you say that about me all dressed in black robes in black I know when I see the Knights cheeseburgers you can't do that really you eat cheese verse yeah of course how do you but you're Jewish but you don't identify as Jewish or you do yeah if I Jewish you can be Jewish but you don't have to be Orthodox you as fast during the Ossining holidays no oh that's like not Jewish man you guys are like Maddie okay we're you love I got Israel all the times I wanna find a Jewish man but they won't date like any Jewish guy I like [ __ ] they can't marry me they tell me straight up the bath like I can't marry you you're not Jewish I'm like I think they may just be saying that as an excuse no Jewish people can't marry non-jews you have to convert [Music] sorry to break that deal Jews are very flexible I don't think so you always have to convert his wife convert very flexible of all the Jewish I think that I should be able to say that Anna looks like a twink you can't you cannot I did and I support like to do that feel like you can loosen up you just made a lot of assumptions about Jewish people and I'm not offended I couldn't care I couldn't care less if she wants to be that good in a bikini she needs to work out I knew an assumption which I'm now educated for so if you were trying to educate people by doing their I made to get offended now like that's so annoying I was making jokes whatever I start making jokes about Jewish people jokes about Jews you know what I mean I'm not making jokes about I was like genuinely questioning so bow your Jenny when they question something that's one thing but you are like making jokes I was making jokes at Jewish people's expenses if I was like okay you killed Jesus you know what I mean like that's how you say it it's the way I said it out that's not a joke you just said something that's offensive me saying she looks like a Twinkie is funny because she's not the point how are you to decide what's funny maybe people think that's hilarious a lot of people thought it was funny and it looks like a Twinkies of fact no Jewish people killed Jesus as a fact is what I'm saying that's debatable but it no it's a fact but he definitely hotly debated and I think that only people like Mel Gibson actually believed that first of all wait no we're gonna beat it Jesus was a Jew it's not like a bad thing I'm not saying that it's like the Jews killed Jesus that's not that's like propaganda that's all the Romans killed the Roman government killed Jesus I'm okay well anyway you like to think the Jews I understand by the way no no I do not support that I don't say Eddie Lestrade you look you this I'm saying like I can't make Jewish jokes as I'm not Jewish just like you're not if you were no if I was a fat chick I could call tan a Twinkie you could more so because people would think it's funny because you're also that she looks like a Twinkie how could somebody but then it's because like you identify I don't know if I said this publicly but identify as a woman so that I am a fury now you're offending the trans community why I'm serious why you've never said that right now well I'm coming I just I'm a fan I am a fat chick we're a lesbian couple and I'll have you know that she's you see she thinks my personality's charming the only I never got to respond to that no actually yeah I think Ethan is the perfect match for me I think you can do better but if you're happy that is way too bad that's why we're married Hey look at her and her personality I look at you and your personality and I'm not judging but I'm like judging you know what I mean I'm kind of like oh like you with some language that guy I just find him interesting gray type someone who can dominate you and be a man you know what I mean what you wait you're making weird gender roles because you're not no I thought I'd nominate you as a woman yeah because of what you are is not fully a man right you're coming for women on the Internet you come from I'm a fast yes holiday and I am all days of is Tess holiday is a beached whale you can't I'm a fat chick you're not a chance you're a guy you can't make fun of anyone I'm not your race not your religion okay so you say you're a man you identify as a man why are you dressed as a female it's like my character it's my job it's like it's like a drag queen like man dresses drag because I appreciate your man in drag that's how I look at it it's like my job right like my I I've shown my boobs but you always looked like that yeah because I've always done that I've been a stripper since I was 15 years old like how did you see that trans people have are attended variously where do you feel like you're a man and we're always inside like always in my heart like I've always been when I don't want the attention like when I go out on something I always I've always belt mail from a very young age like it's not about like not wanting to play with Barbies are wanting to only be with guys and stuff like that it's not like that at all it's more of just the energy I feel like I get uncomfortable when people like obviously it's my job so now I'm like oh yeah I talk about my tits all you want but I've always been uncomfortable if people like talked about like me as a female refer to me as her like all that sound like that it was always my comfort even as a kid I remember not wanting to go in like the girls bathroom and there's no way to explain it or to describe it as someone who hasn't felt it like I just why do you it seems that people who are trans have what's called gender dysmorphia just for you such an [ __ ] sorry and and they attempt to transition to the opposite gender because that's how they see themselves not all transgender that's just on the doctor as in gender is not sexuality it's not sexual it's not what you're assigned with that birth that's not gender or your gender isn't what's in your pants just like the penis doesn't mean you're a male but the fact that you're trans male it makes me think that you would want to identify you would want to look more like a male no no I like the aesthetic of a woman but so what so tell me what what makes a male what is it that makes you male like what does that mean it's just it's just your energy and how you feel inside I've never been a woman I've never thought of myself as a woman I would be like who are you attracted to gay men homosexual men I dated gay men yeah and do you think what would a gay man seeing you I've dated a gay man for a year and a half but like so what does he get out of dating you because you don't look like a female and you don't have a penis of presumably it's male it's just the male energy like you're attracted to a male energy just like I'm attracted to I've been attracted to transgender male-to-female transgender female to male I'm attracted to everything but I haven't been with straight women it's not that I'm not tractor to them I just haven't been with straight women and so when you have when you have relations with a gay man what does that look like um it kind of depends I've had a few relationships and it kind of just depends a lot of like it can be it can be pegging for sure but also like we've had like that when you say when you say pegging that means you're strapping on and then going it to that it give me a strap-on or it could be anything what like what else anything any phallic object easy I've shoved up like cucumbers up people's buds I've had candlesticks shoved up mine it's just what I candlesticks yeah okay the holder is not the actual you told me in the deems when I asked you if you wanted to move ping that you've eaten you've already moved think rotten [ __ ] so you're done eating yeah when and you sent that to a message see you yeah okay when I'm on Twitter sometimes I'm a little drunk by myself and alone so I think I just kind of say things okay like what have you made thing bran pizza [ __ ] yeah yeah I'm not a fan of eating out but I will what's wrong [ __ ] washed okay that's not rotting but it's just not a wash it's fine and some religions people don't wash their vaginas like they're not allowed to for until Saturdays or something like that I don't want anyone it's another religion of a girl that I know and she can't wash till Saturdays and that's just her specific release just her I think she just I'm not educated enough on religions you know before we move off the trans thing I do I got an email from a fan who has identified as a trans okay and I want to read some comments that they offered okay so here's here's the first part tricia mentions no feelings of gender dysphoria which is the medical condition that identifies someone who is chants gender if she were to go to a gender identity therapist and asked to medically transition she would most likely be denied because she has no gender dysphoria right well I wouldn't say I don't have dysphoria I hate having a vagina for sure but as far as like getting a dick I mean a [ __ ] is an inverted dick basically you know what I mean it's not it's not we have a penis just like you it's just little I have a video from 2015 called like I have a one-inch penis like I've always identified as having a penis I do a [ __ ] as a penis so that's I feel like that's man enough I don't need to have my full eight inches or whatever so I think I mean I have a penis okay so then she goes on to say she also mentions a weird fixation with gay men and the past she has been obsessed with gay men which many find weird this doesn't make her transgender either it just means she is fetishizing homosexuals like a weirdo no I'm dating men are into men like but year but so I how but she's right how is that not just FET having a weird obsession with gay men what does I have to do with being trans cuz I am a male like I guess if I was a female that like identified as female I was like yeah this is my [ __ ] and don't [ __ ] me in the ass and all the [ __ ] like that like yeah but my stimulation comes from the pee spot not my it's not a G so you're a trans male but you're also you're trans homosexual male yes but I'm into I've dated straight guys I've dated gay women I've dated transgender women I've hated transgender men I you know I've done it all mm-hmm so I'm not I'm not I've never dated straight females and I think they're more not I want to say judgmental it's fine if you're not into what I am but they a lot of straight females want penetration from an actual elongated penis my just tucked in yeah I can see that being an issue although that I see that okay let's not get semantics oh let me say her explanation of being transgender is wildly incorrect and she should not be considered a representative of the transgender community at all oh she continues it hurts me to see Trisha talking about choosing your gender when you cannot in fact choose it your genders with you since birth it cannot be switched or changed the reason transgender people are transgender is because their gender doesn't match their sex if I could change my gender to female to match my female sex organs I would do it in a heartbeat because I would no longer have gender dysphoria right well one first and foremost I don't want to be a transgender representative at all because and that's why that was my issue with going on anything talking about it cuz that's not even doing that video the reason I did that video is because I met someone at one of my shows in Toronto who was male to female and he looked like a boy he had he didn't wear skirts you don't wear makeup nothing because he well one he couldn't afford it but he's like I can't afford to even wear a denim skirt but I'm still a female and I was like that's so weird cuz that's exactly how I felt too so I shared my story just thinking like oh I'm just gonna cuz everyone goes no shows like you help me you help me something I'm going to share my story and that even I respect it 100% I get with that person saying I totally get it I'm not trying to like convince anyone but on the flip side of that I've gotten so many messages of like I feel the exact same way of male to female female to male who were like haven't fully transitioned but they feel female because when I was just on the doctor's like I said the doctor on the show said like when your in the womb there's all these chromosomes actually like floating around like in fact you could be male like it could hit you like it could be male and you come out genetically female so you are you don't care about looking like a male I don't know I don't care about it I think maybe later on in life right now this is kind of my thing it's how I make money it's like so for me I don't care about looking like a male I like the aesthetic of a woman like I've always thought that even like naked if I go to a strip club I'd rather see a female stripper than like a male stripper I just like the aesthetic but if I want to [ __ ] someone I'm it's usually like I want to be either like [ __ ] in the ass or like what the male like but I will I will totally like be with females - that's what I'm saying you gender sexuality or not you prefer to be [ __ ] in ass as of lately I was always scared of it cuz I thought it was I thought it was like a a gay thing to do you know what I mean and then like lately I realized that's what you are that's where I get ya that's where I get the stimulation and I just recently found out that I was like oh I actually get more stimulated through you know what do you I don't know thing easy I don't know I don't I well it seems completely unrelated to the to the gay thing Yeah right but there's I just wonder what's the point of all these labels because it's like if I can get this straight you're a you're so you identify as a man you're you're a drag queen so that means you can dress like a female but you're also a gay man which means you can have sex with dudes but it seems like in a weird roundabout way you're just trying to justify it that you're a female you are actually a female suggests affiant no just to explain how you have sex with guys and you look like a female like you're just a female with a strong personality it's hard to explain no I just I don't like being referred to as like female but I get that's what I look like and I get that's what my thing has been I guess it's hard it's hard to understand it's a very much a territory right I'd yeah I just don't feel comfortable with being a female versus should we really say he said I preferred you as my guest is he he is a youtuber that's fine I think for me it's like but it's not confusing to the audience they're like wait what I like this look like good when Courtney Cox got married Dave our cat she was Courtney Cox our cat right so you could like you could switch it but a lot of people when they get married they keep their name you know they don't get they don't change their name Jennifer Aniston was never Jennifer Pitts she Jennifer Hanson cuz that's what she's known as so for me I was been known as she all this time for 13 years on YouTube and I'm like okay to change it now but I actually call me him that's totally fine if people prefer that but like for me it's not to me that's not a big deal like you said I don't I don't think labels is a big deal and even my coming-out wasn't a big deal because me being a male should be a big deal a lot of people it is a big deal because they unlike you are uncomfortable with the way they look so if if it was me for example I would want to look like male and to make that transition it's very hard and you get a lot of judgment so you are lucky that you're okay with your looks but they are not and then for you to come out and say I'm transgender it kind of like cheapens dare struggle but why cuz it's mice it's me it's I'm not talking about anyone else this is my story in my journey it might be probably I've had my whole life and it's awful so let's feel like you don't have a problem with being referred to as she right and you don't have a problem with how you look so you don't have very many issues I've had many many many male gender we're talking because you said that you're okay with your look you you don't care about looking like I'm not okay with it I'm not I'm not ready to change because this is how I make money like my I get made fun of all the time you've seen you talked about it my tits my vagina everyone roasts me and Twitter like it's one of those things I'm not okay with it but it's how I make money so I put it out it doesn't feel good to hear that about my vagina and how my tits and [ __ ] being [ __ ] up it is that's dead fern know what I'm saying if you're happy I'm not I'm not I know I love that I'm not saying that though that's different I don't like how I look that's different okay I'm talking about you being okay with looking like a female wanting to look like a male that's not what I'm saying that like my job YouTube patreon all that stuff is me looking like a female do I love it no do I want to look like a male no I don't know I don't know what that what that entails in the future so for most transgender people it's a lot more crucial fight throughout their lives than this Caitlin was 60 when she transitioned into the female aesthetic so her whole life she's invalid to be a female just because she looked like Bruce Jenner like it's not to say that is kind of ridiculous like I should transition when I first came when she came out she also transitioned to female at 60 so maybe at 60 I will but it's I'm just explaining to you why the video that you made has such a backlash because but it's my story I'm not saying hey if you're transgender like you should be uncomfortable you know what I mean I get it there's a lot of transgender people who are not uncomfortable with a just body there's it's almost like you're this you just kind of like taking the easy way out and kind of being transgender because it's cool it's definitely not because if anybody dates me like let's say let's say I'm a straight female and I only want to date guys if they look up and see that I'm transgender do you know how many men are turned off by that so many men even asked me to this day when I go out with them like you're sure you're not a man I sure you weren't born a man like that's so gross there's so many [ __ ] I'm like that's just the reality of it you are a man - yeah yeah that I wasn't born with the penis is what the thing because they get that there's so many try but they saw your vagina and they saw ask you that no I'm saying beforehand like when we're on dates because my point is a lot of people are transphobic me coming out transgender is not gonna help my dating life it's not gonna why why would I put that on myself to her I'm trying today I'm trying to get married why would I put that out there just so people can look up that I'm a transgender if I truly don't believe that for I don't mean you don't make money YouTube does not monetize transgender videos like I'm not let me put a pin in this it's been 30 minutes already I'm gonna go to a quick commercial break we're gonna continue on hold that thought we're gonna pick up right where we left off after this quick quick quick quick commercial break ring the device that has changed security around the world rings mission is to make the neighborhood safer you might already know about their smart video doorbells and cameras that protect millions of people everywhere ring helps you stay connected to your home anywhere in the world so if there's a package delivery or surprise visitor you'll get an alert and you'll be able to see hear and speak to 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on a ring starter kit available right now with a video doorbell and motion activated floodlight cam the starter kit has everything you need to build a ring of security around your home just go to slash HD that's slash h3 thank you to you ela for not only just being beautiful and talented and an excellent co-host but also an incredible designer the mother of teddy fresh who just came out with a new collection yet again another slam dunk look at this three-way panel primary colors it's hot it's fire it's super hot fire now look at this Chanel and brighter pullover supa hot fire and purple black but you got it let me show you a close-up of the patch because you really have to see it to see how cool it is bear with me look at that it's chenille like a teddy bear give me a break bro it's embroidered the black one is really cool too I mean the black ones amazing look at this go ahead and do me a favor and forget about it now you might think I'm going on and on about teddy fresh but I need to give us time to run to the bathroom anyway frankly you don't have a choice you need to do this but this is cool stuff I think you'll be interested to watch this so we've got the long-sleeve shirts these this this I'm excited about you know long-sleeve color-block why not we're figured people love long sleeves I certainly do and now we've got all your favorite color-block colors and long sleeves Eva Klein original now this shirt EAL is wearing it right now this shirt is amazing it's got a high-density print so the outline of the Sun and the text is a high density print so it's kind of like a 3d print it's very cool we stand up and show kind of the all over it move the Teddy first thing because it's covering yeah me oh can I sleep yet go ahead show the back so they could see it's like all over yeah this is a technical master shot was a collaboration between my husband oh I thank you it was his idea well you you know you took it all to fruition you'd make it all happen but I guess the concept was that I want I drew a son and said can I sleep yet that was it and he loaded everything else but the and then on the sleeve teddy fresh by you a client this is the limited edition by Eli Klein t-shirt it's insane it's epic you got to love it you have to love it we got the three-way panel now this is the long-awaited or of washer and spearmint we're calling this one and and pink and this is just some original art by a very talented artist we work with and I just couldn't be happier with the with the design and the quality of the print we captured really the essence of the high quality of artwork that we got on the shirt we've got some new teddy fresh classic shirts logo shirts and pink and and teal we've got a corduroy backpack in three colors black red and green crossbody bag fanny pack a wallet never before made a wallet before it's all in corduroy and it's all available right now at Teddy fresh dot-com welcome back we are here with Trisha Paytas we have we are in the process of I would say roasting the beef BBQ we're gonna work through this issue and then we've got a pizza on the way we're gonna move bangs we're gonna dip the pizza in a ranch dressing which is something I've done previously and I want to ask you questions about moving because I frankly don't understand let's continue on you've stated your admiration for Andy Kaufman do you see yourself as a Kaufman ask type of actress actor I think I'd be like disrespectful to him to say that but I I would like to if I could emulate anyone who'd be Andy Kaufman because Andy Kaufman to quote something that you've said about him is that you never know if it's the real Andy Kaufman or not and you've said I like to think that people never know if it's the real Trisha right yeah so so what bearing that in mind how is it that how can we take you seriously when you say you're trans mail or anything else for that matter you've just announced that you're getting married today this morning but it's like wow okay so so how do we not know that you're just the you know the center of your own reality the thing is is like with the ending Kauffman to like yeah I mean he would he would do stuff and troll people on stuff like that but at the end of the day he has also a real person so when he announced he had cancer no one believed him but it's like it's not like he went out to prove to people like hey I've got cancer you know what I mean it's just like one of those things where it's like I put out my truths and I also put out me like for entertainment and sound like that obviously something like a serious issue like transgender and how it could affect my life and like finding a husband or wife or whatever like obviously would be to me it's just so stupid that people think that would be at all I get it I understand it I totally get it it's not like whatever but I mean I can't just constantly like this is real this is not like you know I'm gonna do YouTube you know a lot of people think your guys's relationship isn't real you know what I mean I don't even think you're actually married we're actually siblings that's what I people don't actually think Loki can I can I say I feel like you're related in some way but you guys don't know what have you ever done like 23 I'm 95 I'm like 99% European Jew and yo has like she's like all African she's like African Jill are you Arab she's out that's not African where do you think the Middle East is it's in Europe iris and Asia actually I'm wrong no but you're from Morocco and you're from Morocco Libya and Turkey okay well here's the thing but your YouTube people think you quit YouTube because it was I'm on YouTube right no no I mean like incest um that's what I've heard that's what I read and like like a reddit post okay is there any truth to that because you guys avoid scandal whatever you have it's an incest show a stress reduction is everyone no friends tell me what a strange reasons for just our initials that's not everybody watching this knows that apparently using your fan I question that you guys aren't you troll neutral as well how do we know you're married how do we know anything how do we even know and knows anything yeah no one knows anything I don't think we should go down there right let me ask you this is it true that you've also identified as black chicken nugget and lesbian those were trolls well not the lesbian one but them obviously so how can you be both how can you be a lesbian and a gay man you can be a lesbian a gay man how well at the time like okay here's the thing both all those videos were made I was used to be really into drugs I did a lot of like meth and stuff like that so when I did those videos I was high for sure obviously I don't think I'm african-american but I made that video with sunglasses on for a reason obviously I was a chick it like the chicken nugget era that was that was my truth at the time the chicken you were a chicken nugget that was your truth at the time because I was [ __ ] up okay I mean that was like Special K [ __ ] you know what I mean like that was like you were deep into but in your mind you were goofing around obviously didn't you think you were chicken nugget I know what what did you say okay and that's how I was doing okay which is a lot of like that's a green I think right yeah I was doing that and I was awesome it's a mix and then I tried meth for the first time this year when I was when you did my videos when I had my that day you posted it was my birthday and when I ended up in like the hospital for a meth overdose so that was when you so I can't I literally was coming down straight from the hospital like blood all over my face like wiped off and I saw the video and I was like I'm responding right now so in my head I feel I've been I haven't done drugs since May but I drink but I don't do drugs but um and in my head at the time I thought I'm gonna respond this is like I was like pissed about it you know what I mean so same thing was checking out getting the black sing with lesbian at the time those were my truths in my head so okay but I was sober when I meet the transgender video I'm sober now so okay I've been haven't done drugs with me and I mean well is that something that's ongoing in your life yeah no I had a bad drug addiction from like 19 to like 22 then I was clean for like five years and then I like just did it occasionally but yeah I'm not really that person and then this year I kind of got back on the wagon through somebody I know and yeah but I did a lot of pills like a lot of like pain pills and stuff for my a my thing so that's been my whole life is just pills which I don't I can't even take them like if I have surgery now I don't even like I had just I tore my meniscus in September and I had like I didn't take any pain pills for it I was just like I don't wanna do that so I was definitely high and like [ __ ] up and stuff when I did those videos well I'm glad you're sober now yeah I feel I sense that you're in some ways trying to put the responsibility on me for your drug the drug problem you know no no no no I was having that we kept saying I was I smoked meth the day you made the video it just happened to be the day you made the video it was my birthday and I didn't see the video until my birthday night so that was May 8th and I didn't see the video till May 9th is when I made the response because I didn't actually see it yeah it just it just happened to be that day I was doing meth a bunch of times before that between the February 5th and like February fed is when I went to mental hospitals 5150 to February 5th of this year and then I went to the mental hospital and then I still was using through February through May and May 8th was the last day and if anything I could have credit you to my sobriety because that's my well I'm glad you're sober I mean congratulations May I was in some a that's a long time I'm very happy to hear that now over 5 months right yeah I I'm very happy to hear that and I hope you continue the sobriety I love Jewish men they have like a sensitive side to them at the end of the day they're like [ __ ] but that's really ok all Jews that I know are total do their ass no you are you're a dick but then okay well here I go back to being a dick only do by the way she's obsessed with and doesn't know the difference between needs and Jews my last wafer was only half Jewish he told me he was a Jew he kept saying how much you I'm a Jew and then he was half Jewish like um sized without the skin what is that yes yeah here's without the skin and do you prefer that is that your preference yes well no no no I like a skin now I used to be against it but not his game and like the skin that's more sensitivity okay thank you glad we got that out of the way the trans video has over 3 million views many people are claiming that you do that in part for YouTube revenue is that true no cuz YouTube doesn't monetize like lgbtq+ videos like if you talk about it they don't put it they don't put ads on it also ID monetize any of my scandal videos my my first h3 my response to you guys was team on it or I I didn't monetize I was indeed monetize I am on has all my vlog squad videos those are all not monetize I showed it on Instagram I don't monetize it I went to your channel yesterday and that video gave me two free mid rolls two of them yeah you know but YouTube does that I can I literally can show you I can screenshot it and show you like it'll say like even on my d monetize there's ones I do not monetize myself like any ones I've made YouTube will put their own ads on there I guess and I don't know no I swear I know how YouTube works it doesn't work like I can show you I literally I mean oh you're getting paid for that I'm not I could show you I haven't made I can show him analytic I know YouTube that's wrong I'm telling you I'm not gonna let you know unless it's claimed by someone there was no wonder there's no content it was just perfect example is like my music videos like Lizzie McGuire yes this video was not claimed there's no third party content ads even on my own the ones about the blog so I don't put ads and I showed it I literally showed it on my Instagram with your analytics computer I literally don't have any you have it on your phone no I don't you do every youtuber has it on their phone I swear to god I'm not I'm sorry I'm not buying this I've been around I know the game you have ads on this video just technology you have to mid roll I don't know how right now it ad no I believe you I see it with the I swear it's not monetize like it's just not my Adam and Eve ones are not monetized by ads still go up there because they can't get I can't get monetizing the ads so go up there so I I don't know what else to say I would straight-up tell you when I need stuff for money I say it's for money like you're making I'm just saying you are definitely making my own you are I know how you to work what's the app called what's the happening download YouTube creator studio you don't know you don't it uses your YouTube credentials my YouTube credentials yes just on my phone on your phone okay what's a called YouTube creator studio go ahead creator like I can even show you I don't even have this look I don't even have a downloaded like I told you I never had a download download it will go fast so no you don't to show your face so lady so uh if you are in fact making money on that video does it change any of the claims of people no because you you were even on the doctors on television saying oh I don't even make money from that video what you do I'm gonna show you I don't I make no money off essence why do you think I do patreon and show my [ __ ] I make no well it supplements your income obviously but no video has to so I okay now what do I do I says get started login okay now go to that video how do I do you do it okay okay I'm not trying to expose anything that's private but it's all demonic I hold on hold on hold on where is it apology and then it's coming up regarding imagine I am transgender 3 million views green icon monetized and I'm gonna tell you exactly how much money wait you have to cut that cuz YouTube will literally go away my monetization you can't say how much you made that's also of urban legend really yeah video that's crazy see or the right no I didn't know no I swear really why would I I swear on my life II know that you've made eight thousand dollars for this video how do you feel I mean if I was about look can I show you my other ones there I literally don't monetize it like everyone I don't care about your other videos I just care about this one we're not television it said SD monetized we got there what it's like obviously like okay look all these will see you saying do you monetize but even like the David Ober yeah cuz the camera can see so what I'll come around the look but I don't want the cameras here analytics oh well this is just do you see I'm saying like I marked it myself as not monetize but now it's showing up the yellow thing like that but the thing is is like I don't monetize these so if there's an ad if there's an ad on these look here's the thing I don't mind it it's my job I would say like okay yeah I mean I can make my office it's my story but I agree with that but you've been going around saying tiered in your defense and I was into that I don't make money from this I swear why would I do it so I just think that it kind of undermines that whole argument that you're doing this out of the just to tell your story but clearly you you made 8,000 bucks from it yeah but are you sure I'm not gonna get like I talked about I promise money do you make a month on a th3 not the podcast with the video your main channel say it so I don't get to monetize to how much you mean I don't want to say it publicly but I'll say I promise how much you made I'm the video like your last video tell me how much you made right now $2,000 look it up Casey yet I showed you mine let me see yours it's only fair no I how much I made that I wasn't making money from it you were and I said you got ads and so you open that that's fine but you're saying it's an urban legend yeah if you talk about my money so you talk about your money so that way let me say on the last podcast how much you made you don't have to let me just the end share and that's only fair well we know we do have a you're not gonna get the monetized I guarantee that's our urban life and no they don't and I've asked them about it yeah it's an urban legend are you nervous are you just nervous are you just nervous because I showed that you made money from that video show it that's my I edit out like how much I made just like say that that's not you can say she made a lot of money if you can just edit out because they will they do I know what happens it doesn't I know the BP of YouTube on my text I'll text him and ask and a few responses okay well I don't care you can expose me all you want about that like I don't give a [ __ ] about that but go ahead no you I promise you there's nothing about I've read the Terms of Service I've axed to my partner's because people always thought that from the beginning of time from very early stage of YouTube and happen till they talk about how man oh I promise you're not gonna get in trouble I swear to god it's not the Terms of Service how much money there's tons of youtubers who go that show their analytics and their channels are I did I just screamed it out it's not even necessarily true it is true by the way it was 8,000 but if you go on YouTube and look at youtubers showing their analytics their channels are up oh my god if my whole channel gets the monetize I'm doing well by the way you can sue me if your channel gets D monetized so I as I can see you for my income for the next you want have to sue me I'll give you money you I feel like you don't have any money I'm really like when you sue people like you can't sue people have no money because then they don't think oh girl yeah cool I'm broke I mean it's fine I don't judge there's no judgement I I don't judge it I'm just saying I can't sue people I have no money because then they don't pay you I've done it I tried to do it before I guess you're [ __ ] then can I show here can I show my earnings in a video not show can you tell how much you made on a video well I'm being as we did more show I'm being even more extreme how do you the contact of the because because I'm connected and that's a let me that's impressive I have to say if you have them you really do I don't have any contact at YouTube here you might you do watch it like I promised you I would I would not jeopardize I promise you I'm done this myself I've looked into this I'm like I'm obsessed with all these details I promise you you're fine but I senses I don't know if you're worried about that I've not or that no I don't like that's fine like are that you're actually worried about your channel being doing no I'm actually you know because like it's my I doesn't wanna get to mine I that worked out over 13 years I don't I understand no I just looked at your phone and shouted it out like how could they hold that against you because I don't know anyways it doesn't matter cuz they could look verify that that's how much always it is a matter cause okay like [ __ ] like I truly thought it was I wouldn't bring it up and be like let me show ya you know like if I thought it was actually my eyes yeah let me just show like I don't know that's pretty good I mean good job that's good revenue offered me to like write a book okay sure I'll write a book like take the cheddar cheese I'm not ashamed or like me yeah or like make it honey excellent so good we got past that let's see is the pizza here damn now we're gonna eat after that do a second do you want do you have anything you want to say to me after all this we've talked about the trans how do you feel as your opinion about me or really changed at all during this conversation yes tell me okay good is the worst I just say that you're kind of just the worst I think you know you wait hold on so you hate it here you came in liking me more but now you hate me yes I saw you guys when I first came in and I wasn't even expecting guys to like greet me I thought I was like they always do this like a locum hop they just have you like jump in they don't really talk to you about it which is fine I don't care what I get I like you before the podcast no that's stupid but I know I know you're really nice and sweet yes we are don't don't loop her in with you because you're not like I said we are nice and sweet you are what did I you are whatever so what have I done exactly that was nice now that I'm like in person with you I can 100% say you are the word you called me nasty you talked about my [ __ ] but see now that I'm in person you haven't said any of that troll which is fine but also you're kind of just the worst okay what do you mean by because of like how he called you out on this that's fine no that's not no you I called you Nass when did I call you nasty let's talk about it I don't know one of the videos because oh because even though you talked about for 30 years that's I do think that's nasty that you tweeted me a picture you're jelly you can talk about my genitals for 30 I didn't know what I'm making jokes about it but you can't make jokes about something yes I know you can you I did okay joke's on my [ __ ] then I can show you my clip because you're talking about it for 30 minutes on a podcast you can you did and I thought it was gross he said nasty nasty I also said gross that well then you're just the worst you can't talk about a woman's clay and then be like oh it's nasty you can put your [ __ ] out on the internet and not expect people to call nasty No yeah if you're talking about my clip for that long I'm gonna show you what you're talking about otherwise you're just ignorant talking about my [ __ ] you're talking about a tennis clay it's out ten inches okay well I thought it was funny does that help that you tweeted it to me as I'm saying your other words cuz you think you use it all by its I'm a comedian but no not what I said I thought what you tweeted to me that you tweeted me your clip was what's funny I thought you were being fun you made a funny you did dump for anything no I was showing you what you're talking about but you can't just go on her it was a joke like you can't just use that guys because you can't just use that you can just say nasty things to people like it's a joke but if I thought it was gross the picture that's not what I think that's not my issue you're talking about my clip for 30 minutes on the thing and then I do tell I mean a sees what I do not think the image of a ten-inch and gorgeous [ __ ] is funny cuz I thought I tried we all had it but you're talking about mine specifically I don't know what you're Clint looks like I've never seen sudden your [ __ ] is not a 10-inch engorged clip yes but it is gross if that's your opinion it is my pad I thought it was nasty as well I'm transgender which is why I'm a male because people I've known Michael it was gross my whole life so there you go full circle I mean not everybody I mean clearly you have supporters on there on your on the website that you promote on Twitter what website the one that you're always probably land on yeah Julian calm 18 plays private snapchat videos will blur that because I don't think that we can promote that on this my trishy land and not calm patreon yeah be a member julieopp calm you can see my gorgeous quick keep it in if you had it bat and not the other I'll leave it in but I will say that I don't think I'm the worst you're kind of the worst but that's okay what if I think you're the worst okay a lot of people think you're the worst oh just you people love me bro you huh you had like a 90% download on the trans video that doesn't mean anything it mean it sure does what's it mean I mean it means that you had a largely negative reaction on the video doesn't mean I'm the worst well being the worst is kind of an abstract concept but I think I mean it's a it's a personal belief that I think the people who smash the dislike button thought you were the worst I don't think so I disagree we'll have to take a poll take a full illa do you think I'm the worst tell me the truth you could be honest I don't think you're the worst to be honest you just said that what the [ __ ] you literally just said you're through I think you're I don't think well who's the worst like if we have a scale of the worst like let's say Adolf Hitler is the worst do you think I'm as bad as Adolf Hitler well you haven't killed people I don't think so no okay you think he's worse than dogs yes you're more damaging to women yeah that's awesome yeah you are you're damaging to women that's it you give like that message was awful nothing either I don't know it's not it pushes me to do better thank you if you can all thank you I know oh thank you you you're come on you're laying there not to it oh my god you're the worst you're just awful but that's fine that's fine I mean you're not worse than Hitler but alive you're the worst like the worst living person Hitler's passed away so we exclude him yeah so of people who are alive Charles Manson still alive nope he's dead oh he is mm-hmm who lost is alive but don't compare yourself to killers I'm talking about as a human being hasn't killed somebody okay so works what about like sexual predators okay okay you're talking about people who are like evil I just think you're the worst human beings came about Weinstein okay I don't I'm a fan of Lucy K so I'm worse than him uh what did he do oh he like jerked off in front of women and soon for the door so they couldn't escape and they weren't about it no I kind of like mister I like a role-playing I don't know the situation so I'm not speaking roleplay no no he was he would go into a room and be like hey could I drag off in front of you and then he would just whip it out and start jerking okay I'm not defending him I'm not gonna try independent saying like when I was like there's a pizza here when I've hooked up with people if I was like sleeping I'd be like you can [ __ ] me when I'm sleeping yeah but you gave him okay well regardless that's yeah permission ahead of time but I don't know the situation so I'm not defending him yeah it's fine so let's talk about that that pizza has taken a long time in Domino's [ __ ] up who is that that's Dan I want to know what I want to talk to you about Dan because you all them too okay they're the worst Ethan you're fine actually your people are even worse than you because when you ask them to rape me mm-hmm first of all that alone is why you're harmful to women asking like guys to rate me right because if I was just a completely disgusting human being FS actually an unattractive like not good-looking person you would never ask that to them you wouldn't be like right this ugly [ __ ] absolutely you would ask someone to Rhea it I would I don't I don't see your point that you wouldn't rate someone that you thought well I'm gonna say I'm saying you're saying he lied that he's more attracted to you than whoa no I'm not saying that I'm just saying like don't be a [ __ ] [ __ ] if you're gonna rape me which in the other people are like no no we're not gonna like whatever you were pushing him to do it that's why I'm saying like he wouldn't the other guys like no we can't and Ian says they never rated you but Dan gave you a three I believe yeah that's I'm saying the other two never did but you were like pushing you like rate her well a lot and it's like you shouldn't do that to women that's my fair enough but I do think okay you're you're right I shouldn't I shouldn't have done that yeah that being said you did say you had beef with Dan and he is here now do you have anything you want to say to him hold on dansgame the pizza we should bring down in here we should confront in okay with I do think that there's a double standard though because women I think when you get an insert a sewing circle with women they'll they'll talk shop about guys like women or men you know what I mean like well I see what you're saying but at the same time it's like yeah but not on podcast I'm not going on a podcast and be like let me rate you you know what I mean I mean I do it back to you because you do it to me by I mean that's more like how do you rape me on a scale of one to ten then as revenge no I think the worst human yeah but on a scale of attraction ten no you don't plant your hundreds on my type I can't say no front I know you're a 10 mm that's confusing yeah I'm confused by that I've never been ready to ten ELA yard what would you rate them but you wanted me to do just give me a ten yeah I think your were you would you Whitney would you I deserve you oh god yeah you're a thumbin so let me ask you this if either if ela took your advice and moved on would you make a move on me yes oh that way you were trying to do the whole time I truly do think you deserve better I didn't know but if I'm a 10 what's better than 10 has a pooper set for the record I did not know you were actually had a kid I thought that was a troll to be honest so I'm I know I literally thought that was like a we literally have a child that's half me and know that a newborn baby are you a nerd Church I'm not a liar I'm not a trickster I'm out of control you know they say you know there's a great quote that may resonate with you they say we see the world not as it is but as we are do you know what I'm saying no you see me as a troll and a trickster nothing's true right you see me as that way because you see through your own lens you yourself are only seeing your own kind of shadow being cast on the work I don't think about anyone but you guys but I don't think anyone else thinks said about us I think so look at right imagine be I do all the time there Mary thing your siblings like that it's a joke no imaginarily though being so like what's the word being so apprehensive and so distrustful that you'd think we would fake having a child together yeah because you guys that video obviously couldn't have been real the video you did about me there's no way any of that was truthful or anything like that there's no way like the I just think you guys troll everything like to the mobile scooter like all that stray I think that's all trolls egg I thought it was a goof there was no way at how I thought that having a baby so you think I'm a 10 what about me is a 10 I'd like to know everything your face your body your voice I have a tiny penis is that a problem I love that that makes it even hotter I do love tiny penis is I love like shaming um oh you oh so you like doing like a body degradation there but I like little penises if it's a I bet yours is 5 5 inches and I love that's my favorite I probably could even get it you're such a liar it's fine I know it is I know it is I'm so good at that so you're a fan of the Howard Stern Show right bringing the pizza please I'm hungry and you have no problem with how they Howard is very womanizing cuz they very very very hard language towards women yeah asked a woman to write herself on the phone and if she's a little overweight he's like oh you're fine yeah that's like old Howard which I totally agree you know that's today no I listen all the time I love Howard Stern and here's the thing like bring in the pizza sorry I was yelling at - it's different it's different cuz also Howard it's funny so it's different I'm not yeah so you want a got guy who's not funny yeah I like it not funny look I like guys you think they're funny but they're not I see when you know that I have a large supporter of a fan base that thinks I'm funny I don't know if they think you're funny I think I think you're interesting I think you're interesting okay well I'll take that I mean I guess I'll take whatever it takes but I do think that I mean generally speaking comedy I mean the Instagram versus reality again you're at sea you're trolling you don't believe that you're passing your own show on the world don't leave what people don't think I'm funny I know I read the comments cuz even like other people like Dan are you [ __ ] with me where's the pizza oh I thought someone said you were getting the pizza guy was lost he'll be here I want to do that to you hmm all right let's move let's move on we're we're talking in circles here I want to ask you quite other questions okay let's move on what do we got here you I mean I'm interested a little bit I think you're interesting as well you're I think you're no there's no there's no there's not I promise you you did I did notice that in your videos when you talk about me she's winking at me and moving her shoulders in no way that do you think that's appropriate in front of my wife doing anything he's literally lying right now now who's the liar now and you saw it anyways I want to [ __ ] with ela I do think yours here by the way thank you green and quickly fast and then I do think you're interesting persons I want to ask you some question won't get to know you a little bit about why you are who you are you came to LA where'd you come to LA from Illinois but my dad lived in LA so I was go back and forth a lot and did you always want to be in show business or yeah you did no Dan do you want to join us and talk with Chris Oh Mike yeah bucket of ranch couple five further back I don't love ranch but I'll do it for this show as a gay man I would expect you to enjoy that oh my god that comas different than ranch [ __ ] you Dan you did rate her a three so let's not act like he didn't do anything that was so you were is it true that you're an escort at one point and so tell me about that I mean one web would point I get the pizza by myself because I'm fat is that why okay you can I mean money that was the timing of it I think if we were funnier I could accept yeah okay if I'm funnier does my rating go down yeah as like on a connection level yeah I'm not to work i luck bang like guess that much pain yeah I'm so excited let's just talk about my bang let's not try to act like I love escorting why is someone offering image me because I'll do it not in this room in general do you know somebody I'm bad what are you ringing um I used to be cheap like I think I was like $800 and I hear how much for just like like what's the on the menu well escorting is just companionship you have to do anything you can just hang out with someone but I can change the gym or you can choose to do more if you want to but that's not what you're getting paid for legally I see I see what you're saying okay you know I mean yeah I know it so just $100 for a night I'll hang out with you how wait what's your name Zach yes what was your rate way on a scale of 1 to 10 of attractiveness no just like just bias I have a boyfriend she's getting married I'm getting married I am engaged to so you can ask Mike right now be honest 6 Wow oh wait nice are you serious are you being nice I know I know you think I'm attractive because no [ __ ] I give you actually thought I was an ugly human being like if you thought I was just the nastiest human on earth you wouldn't even say anything if you truly thought that I know you I know guys like you I think I like you that like you're just so ugly and disgusting but you would never you bet are you being nice with it 6 like I know that so I don't want to be rude but I would rather drag my dick through a field of glass I love his jokes don't you know you see it's funny you're right that's why you talk about my [ __ ] all the time and Belle Duffy and all those people whoa you're low keeper if it's fine it's okay I dated lots of pervs like it's fine mouths word more superb it's fine Zac can I read what you just row Zach changed his rating he said you're four he said that because of you you're the boss and so he's like okay now I gotta be unlike he's a psychic she's gonna let me ask you about MOOC bank what is it I don't hey no canned laughter for her don't laugh at her jokes people I have questions now we're like eating and talking you know what how did you get into to MOOC Bing what is MOOC bang I was the first MOOC winger look that up were you really so is it like a Korean thing yeah okay so yeah I saw it on like Korean internet like you can go out like there's the dark web for weird things like killing people but then there's like a dark web for people who like how like eating fetishes and stuff like that so I used to go on like and look for people who were eating and it was a whole thing in Korean why why do you want to watch people that you didn't really because I noticed when you're doing the MOOC bang you and everybody there's lots of licking and sucking and smacking is that I've always thought it was like a fetish but is it not yeah it's a little bit but I think it's more mainstream now because people like the talking and stuff with it and but it is it's like for me it's a fetish like I like watching people you get off on it yeah that's what I always suspected but what I found in the comics was a lot of females who were just like oh I wish I could eat that I think that's become a thing now because people don't fetishize it so fetishizing food is like eating it crazy and sloppy and messy like that's like a fetish version now people are just doing like a normal me like they're just eating but wait I eat a lot you can or you can't like I haven't been eating a lot lately in my mukbangs so I think people do it now to like for some reason for some people it's like they don't get hungry because they're watching someone else eat what is mukbang then it's just eating in the camera essentially it's supposed to be lots of food but yeah it's a lot right now so I all right are you in to see food mukbangs because I noticed I don't I find this to be just unbelievably boring you've seen this video yes this is a eating with Q she's got a 15 pound lobster quod she just going at it this doesn't do it for me but I get why people like it do not like seafood I think right I won't feel of life with a huge amount we did together our union to your friends with the legendaries we're together I'm a mukbang your collab shot only my singers shout-out to them of course yeah yeah we love well have you ever pooped after a mukbang really mom just once I'm not a puker by nature but I peed one time just from overeating I ate a squid it was live did y-yeah where was that was that filmed I filmed it I never uploaded it because I think you can get in trouble for uploading you ate a lot yeah why did you eat live well it's a delicacy over in like I don't wanna get this wrong either probably Japan or China somewhere cuz I got it from overseas and I don't think you're supposed to get a no big was it no definitely not that's bad in every so this was a long time so I just never uploaded it and I've incriminate myself but how big was it like the size of this cut maybe but the tentacles you know we're like hanging down like that and so where did you eat at first if it was alive like where do you start I didn't know it was alive so I think it's up on YouTube there's some people who do this over wherever it's legal to do this they eat the live squid it like just moves so I don't know if it's necessary alive or it just moves well how did it arrive to you in like a little like aquarium like a little like fish bag thing overseas in a fish but anyway to go pick it up at the airport it's like getting a dog over starts yeah how much what was it expensive no like a couple thousand dollars I guess I don't know I mean I'm you so so it didn't resist a lot just moved a little bit when you ate it yeah and then but it still was moving inside my stomach and how did it taste mmm I didn't taste like anything to me the squid I got is like a transparent squid so just didn't taste like anything mmm was a while ago I mean I see you like cool fishes as a kid I said like swallow goldfish so I don't think you're supposed to do that either but I would just eat the fish out of the bowl why would you do that I don't know I thought it was honestly food I was young I was like 5 mm yeah and um and and what are you I'm just curious when you eat a lot because I saw you for example when you did recently was like pizza and chick-fil-a and so do you have like wild bowel movements after you do the nook things other podcast and it got caught because it was such a gross topic well please do anything gross yet but you've got to have like crazy don't that's the thing and people talk about this and they think it maybe it's another lied you want to come measure my bowels every day you can I definitely don't but it's just it's like the law of physics right what comes in what's must go out I know there's something literally wrong with my body I'm not I just eat a lot yeah maybe just used to it yeah that's why I have a gut because all my food stays there it doesn't adjust all right well enough with the questions so guys this is a part of the show where it's pretty much you know it's just gonna be a [ __ ] show from here don't expect anything but what I mean is there's gonna be lots of chewing and eating I'm here for pizzanel so here's what I want to do with you let's take a slice my kind of move bang I like just the tips of the piece I don't ever get the crust I just eat like the tips Wow okay you don't even get close to the crust it is for you too and this for the podcast yeah he's not gonna end up on like a porn site or anything right unless it's yours a tree a tree will just come out of their mouths yeah but I mean I'm not taking off my clothes I'm just eating pizza that's hot that's the hottest so you don't take off the clothes I don't I don't eat it in okay like oh my god really it's Moo ping okay gonna flash it everywhere okay I mean it's not as gnarly as I did why did you do both sides that's hard to eat it's moot bang bang oh my gosh and then what do we do so we just we hit it and that's the rest of this that's I mean yeah Oh gross and the ranch is awful Ian's got ranch light oh I have to eat it though ain't got my transfer while I while I am how I think of wouldn't help them I've swallowed it no growing of a bugs why about really hmm don't you think or no I know you think I'm the worst but I actually really like you I don't take your word I don't need them I don't think anyone's divorce except like Donald Trump really we hate him here um okay well thank you because actually I genuinely like you yeah I don't know I was looking at you and I meant a you yeah so I genuinely like you and I'm glad you had a real baby I didn't know this I'm sorry I do apologize for all the baby comments cuz I thought it was fake so my apologies he's very real so magnets are you're lucky mmm why not I had chlamydia twice and it damaged my tubes so what I got the hsg test to see if I was fertile I was blocked my tubes are scarred did you catch chlamydia in the line of duty or personal life I would say in the line of duty I blame their personal boyfriend at the time when during work hmm no but you were using protection right no oh that's why I stopped Wow yeah they don't want to have condoms yeah what really mm-hmm I just got an STD test if you want to see it though if you want to see the Apple I mean I believe I'm not okay I feel like I need to prove everything now not everything like my resuits yeah I have the receipt I'm not fun yeah yeah scary yeah I was really scary at the time I did it bother me it's like whatever but now it's scary that's yeah I guess yeah but I don't love condoms but you should wear them but they're not great well I'm in in your line of work I would assume well I don't do that it would be mandatory no they don't want to do it you mean David David clients I would think that they would want it to evoke that's how nasty guys are that's how nasty I can't straight men are there just to get anything you want always straight I don't understand do you think that you hate men because of your previous experience working in that profession did you always hate straight men do you hate your father no I love my father why do you think you hate straight men there does awful they're the worst in general so everybody I just looped you in there because you're in that category I'm just trying to understand cuz I don't think all women hate straight man no just me I thought surely you must for a reason huh must be that I just don't like them there's certain people you just don't like and straight men are my enemy I guess you're racist against a man I don't know that's racist that's maybe have you had bad experiences though um yeah I think so and I hate all of them like I hate every single straight man that's been in my life so maybe maybe there is some background to that have you been cheated on lied to yeah bad relationships all of them maybe maybe I do maybe there is something to that then I don't know yeah everyone cheats on me everyone's awful and the worst and straight people love to hit like I used to get like beat the [ __ ] out of him something that like we should beat the [ __ ] on me when I was like my first like three relationship yeah my person like three years in LA everyone like I usually just get like every night with like a [ __ ] like boxing match ends up but a gate man I've never liked that lesbians have never been like that with me so I guess I just hate straight them and you know what I can't move on hit anyone yeah I would say that my experience is with that but yeah no I thought thought why I hate the majority I assume most people don't beat the [ __ ] out this clear I mean clearly not all men are violent I mean like that yeah but some are and a lot our cheaters a lot are a lot of pervert but I think of underage girls like yeah so do you are you ever afraid that it might be the your choices drive these bad characters into your life my choice is how and men the men you're attracted to I feel like I do everybody like anybody wants to date me I'll date them so I feel like I don't I'm not picky at his date whoever wants to date me hmm so maybe the image you put out to the world attracts the wrong kind of guy I've heard that oh my god this is like therapy no not so deep you are like a dad even though you're only 34 you're like a 14 I am a bad oh yeah you're not the worst I actually oh my god I kind of like love you think what a cry like I honestly feel like crying but he thought about that before well cause like you're asking me questions about me and my relationships I mean well I'm curious why you hate straight man I mean there's clearly a reason you know I just like love you I find it interesting that just some basic interest in your us person can react such emotional response okay okay but but I think I find that yeah I mean I can see why we gotta get you uh we got to get you a a good man in your life who is this day you marry yeah tell me about [Laughter] why that's a bad sign ready to be private okay well tell me about him he is he's just really great I just met him like about a month ago he just kind of came you meet him online uh-huh [Music] just had my I can't really delve into it too much but just local media not necessarily no email no dating app I can't talk about it I can't talk about how we met cuz he'll get mad at like people know yeah is he a public figure yes okay he's a public figure you guys are the world guys had a whirlwind romance but why get married right away so fast it's pretty fat is it real I don't know I didn't ask him but I'm sure it's not a big he makes money yeah then it's not real okay well maybe he does make money I don't know much about him I really don't does it matter to you if we got makes money no no no I like guys that are broke actually when my last boyfriend my last boyfriend I met him and he was broke as [ __ ] and then he start making money and he left me hmm happens all the time so I prefer them broke cuz they're they're less likely to look for in your mind better options yeah because they're like they're more humble oh [ __ ] once they get money he's like okay I'm gonna go [ __ ] a 17 year old what p.m. model okay good luck with that cuz she was 18 I don't know whatever the [ __ ] she was I can see I can I can see that you've had a lot of negative I'm sorry oh my god so my dollars at him thank you for every nice I would really like you okay and you I love you but what how what can we do about that you guys are good for each other you are I'm sorry you guys are just good for each other you're just good people I'm watching about a baby I'm glad you were black I've been together for like 12 years I know it's amazing it's beautiful I'm sorry if you found the right guy who you're well you're engaged to a straight man yeah so how does that jive with you identifying as a gay man that's fine you can be straight does he know you're gay man mmm yeah he's cool with you yeah of course they seen my videos my videos are out there right that's probably I mean presumably he came to you so this guy is a public figure but he doesn't have money ah not like he's not ballin he's not rich he's not a millionaire maybe but what's a millionaire you know I'm a millionaire I don't have money you know what I mean yeah there's a difference between you know 1 million and 1020 million yeah you're a millionaire good for you so just spend my money like a crazy person so what's it really mean at the other day what do you waste your money on the most um shopping my music videos are like $100,000 apiece those are really my little production you have to say I kinda I've been doing like two a month so I need to like go down on that but and you I've noticed you that you're touring a lot is it your music there you go yeah it's over now but yeah just finish till you make money from that yeah I'm really good at making money I've always had been whether it's like hooking stripping now it's like patreon - or music you have been on like every single show possible yeah I go I love I like I like I like yeah I don't know oh my god I think I just like attention I think I think I honestly just like attention so honestly I wanted to come on this podcast forever and look at that my trolling landed me here on this podcast so yes it did I mean and you know look when we when we talk about you people like to watch oh I don't know I like you know what I do this is how psycho and like narcissistic I am I like to go to when people make videos about me and talk about me and use me as a thumbnail I can compare those views to their other videos I'm like let's see of my video with me and then what did you find when when compared yeah I got more than the Bobby Lee interview which I'm shocked and I feel like Bobby Lee's a big deal he is he's a big yeah I'm saying you're you're an interesting person I think I think and I think this episode's gonna do very well as well I think we're gonna join and people are going to click I am NOT promoting this that's fine we don't need the promo thank you for having me on the promo ah well I hope that we be friends in real life yeah yeah or some prime number I've always been I've always considered our jousting as as friendly okay and I've always figured you probably think of it I mean especially recently yeah when you make video and I make a video than you it's fun and I was and I always get excited when you're spying on my podcast but now it's over now we're friends and now I like if you talk about me again I swear now I know where you work remember well I feel I feel like this was the perfect conclusion because I couldn't really draw it out anymore people were being or we're already gonna be like Ethan enough videos about Trisha this is like we get to milk it one last time I'm so tired of you talking about her - I love her - like you know we all know spit spit your back a lot of emotions for you yeah actually I don't know why this is like a torture house everything so should we wrap it up is this how you experience like 100% this and then only got it from the worst yeah that's kind of me maybe there's something wrong with me I go to DBT classes where's my camera it's right here I go to DBT classes okay I get it under control I'd be fine for borderline for borderline percentage sort a lot of people think I have BPD and I go to DPT for its group therapy I make the skills I do the lessons been going since May 8th what's up there's a borderline personality or me I'm thinking of anti-social what does borderline personalities I don't know people will diagnose me with it so I don't know my therapist is tell me to go to these DBT classes so I maybe he thinks because I asked them I said tell me do I have up my my bipolar or some [ __ ] and he's like well everyone has traits of like personality disorders he goes you have like traits of borderline protected medical mental illness there's nothing wrong with it love mental illness talk about all the time we love metal I love it-it's my I love you fed mental and it's all my boyfriend's I've been bipolar so it's fine what doli like they're functioning so well let's I think we're reached the National conclusion do we have any last words I'm just gonna continue eating pizza what is that do you suppose it's your fitting window by the way I know feeling window yeah I called my feeding window though cuz it's funny here but I just I actually just started I think I'm doing really well I feel like at night you are actually doing well which I'm sad to say because I don't like the feeling windows don't lose you much weight though but honestly I do things like I wasn't being [ __ ] you do look like a tent like if you lose too much weight then you're gonna be like mm-hmm you know I I disagree for health it's good for health for sure be healthy you look fat guys know I like well I don't I got been with that guys like you're a like a little a little extra cuz it's awful I don't I never I don't want him to be skinny no I don't want him to be skinny you know what me skinny so no just be healthier yeah I got that you're very thin but very pretty I don't know if it's offensive I don't know if you can call them people within anymore I think it's a compliment I don't care you look good I mean I don't give a [ __ ] I'm like you're so lucky but I know you're not supposed to say that any more than you can't you can't call people thin that's the problem I get it I get it I do but for me it's not a compliment sounds like you look skinny oh my god so I get it and I got to readjust myself yeah I'm educating myself what that's the problem that I don't like everyone being so sensitive it's like oh you don't know I've I eat this pizza by myself yeah you are did you eat anything no just one bite did you eat any from this bag no but I'm almost I had half of my own so did I really eat all that cuz I can eat this like you can see all I ate give me that slice after him don't this I love watching you eat it's so good is that why you're with him because of how I eat no I so good like you just eat you just don't get a lot of noises I know I don't like you don't know I like that you eat you're you're talented because you can eat and talk at the same time and it's so it's so amazing audience likes it no I love I warned them at this point yeah this is amazing Wow I love you you're really cool I'm so excited Wow I've even a whole pizza oh [ __ ] Philip DeFranco can I just say that you wanna [ __ ] what do you do he took your side just because he's your used a fan of you I don't kiss you on the Instagram personality thing I'm right everyone took my side nobody took your side everyone's like [ __ ] him you can't talk to a woman like that like you can't do whatever so [ __ ] Philip DeFranco knees like I'm a fan of your podcast oh [ __ ] you everybody took my side nobody did look nobody did be more on my side with that oh my god you're alright let's wrap it up any comments from backstage anything are we all done yeah we're starting the music oh we got the music so there's no turning back how long's episode in doubt move thank you for the record yeah I'm moving the [ __ ] at it that means that he has some sort of a problem you didn't even notice eating a whole pie it's a little bit of a problem or at lack of awareness I think I think in general not full I need to find them like that literally everybody I've been with - they just don't eat nobody eats everyone my last boyfriend Fasching me all the time that's always a big issue I let him eat a video call like my boyfriend family why would it I mean like why would you start dating you a few thoughts exactly there's videos of him being like um how many Nuggets are you eating um what like there's a whole thing I don't think you care I don't think he didn't care about you being fat I think he just liked demeaning you hmm I think you're right that's the issue right there and [ __ ] that guy we're done yeah Jason oh that's do you want to bring him up but you said it you said [ __ ] that guy so well yeah if you say there's a whole bunch of videos look that up there's all new videos of him like making fun of how what I eat and how I eat I mean he's not that skinny now yes he lost a bunch of weight okay I don't know him at all I have no problem with them should I I dunno I see your mortal enemy song is nearing the hen base and I apologize yeah it's still wrong it's very we always have a problem ending the show I just want to apologize station - I don't know I don't want you I don't not taking sides you just said [ __ ] that guy because you like it just sound like Jimmy me you given what you've said I'm sure here's a different no it's out there online has a different angle to the story than you so I don't I'm not taking sides I don't care me [ __ ] that guy I don't know given what you said then yeah [ __ ] that guy but I'm sure if he was here he would be like oh whoa oh I should taken out of context you would say that no it's on lots of videos well then [ __ ] thank you what do we do just wrap it up alright guys thank you for watching was today today's Friday right yeah thank you guys for watching doing anything planned next week we have I think a guess next Friday who we got I'm checking right now no that's the week after just in case okay we have nothing planned yeah but you guys like that we'll be making two podcasts about Tricia pack the week next week so thank you guys for watching I hope you have a fantastic weekend and wish you all the very very best and uh god bless here uh I'm gonna can I eat your slice no but I'm Luke thinking it's my feeding window okay thank you guys my good happy [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 3,394,414
Rating: 4.8432212 out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, trisha paytas, ethan klein, hila klein, trisha, paytas, ethan and hila, ethan & hila
Id: _Ud00nah_n4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 36sec (5556 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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