TOTAL WAR TROY Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - Invisible Units + Infinite Gold

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TLDR for those that don't enjoy my style:
Odysseus is OP
He can attack and ambush
He has invisible units that break the AI
Trading Bug is Big Bug (most people know about this now)
Spys are OP (Can destroy 3/4 of an army with a 100% success rate + they are immortal)

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/TheSpiffingBrit 📅︎︎ Aug 19 2020 🗫︎ replies
meaning he can walk up to this enemy army and we get to do a critical success and half of their army is dead why is this okay it doesn't make sense i'm losing my mind to this game it drives me insane hello there ladies and gentlemen today we're playing troy a total war saga this is the latest total war game in the total war series and well as you can see down in the bottom left this is version 1.0 this is the release build and consequently with every single release build of a game it's completely and utterly bloody broken this game has some very strange exploits you can get infinite gold infinite resources you name it you can even make your characters accidentally immortal you can also immediately accidentally kill enemy heroes you can do just about everything in this game because it's a little bit silly not many things are balanced and consequently everything is broken that's kind of what i like in my video games a little bit of anarchy to really spice things up a bit so what are we going to be doing today well we're going to be decimating this game's balance and showing off a few questionable design choices and in order to do all of this we'll be starting a brand new campaign ladies and gentlemen i know it will be very exciting so let's start our brand new campaign now of course in this game there are many different characters you can play you can play as the classical story of menoles trying to get his wife back because after all this game was set in an era of ancient history where it was completely fine to massacre millions of peasants all in the name of trying to get your wife back from the bloke who stole her now naturally in this game you can play as literally anyone but we're going to play as odysseus down over here on the left hand side of the map unlike all other characters he is not your regular sword and shield boy he does not wield large armies and try and retake the city of troy no odysseus instead leads a bunch of absolutely nutty ambush infantry he has a whole bunch of javelin infantry and these boys are very very spicy his entire playstyle is around literally doing hit and run stealth tactics in a way which basically make the vietnam wars look like a walk in the park for most of your enemies now we're going to be exploiting odesi's units but honestly these exploits can be done with basically any faction and at the same time we're going to be destroying this game's economy now for the purposes of balance we're going to be playing everything on normal but these exploits do work right the way up to legendary so don't be afraid to give this a whirl right and i think without further ado we should probably throw ourselves into this game i guess all i can say is make sure you sat back relaxed and you have a nice warm cup of tea in front of you because we're about to do something absolutely crazy and if you're feeling especially fantastic or maybe you're new here then welcome because you've got one hell of an experience waiting ahead of you write my majestic sausages let's jump into this right community i've spoken to odysseus and he's given me a once in a lifetime opportunity the first 6 000 people who like this video will be recruited into odysseus's hit and run force they'll be given effectively a laser beam as well as an invisibility cloak and then sent off to the front lines to try and take the city of troy this offer basically guarantees you immortality in a deadly weapon why wouldn't you want to sign up and press the like button what a great offer so as you can imagine the story is pretty simple some bloke sails off with someone else's wife we get to sit on our lovely little island and choose to join in the war as and when we feel like it we start out the game at war with a faction comparable to our size but naturally we're able to cheese this entire combat for glorious success now our lovely lord here odysseus leads a nice army of sword skirmishers and ambushers these ambushes are absolute memes they are some of the fastest units in the game now what we're going to immediately do is defeat this army in front of us led by festios here oh look at this spicy little sausage so what we'll do is we'll send in our spy having poisoned the enemies well this has a 50 chance of succeeding and there we go what a glorious success first try 100 didn't just reload the save multiple times but now that we've poisoned the enemy what can do is sweep in with our lovely odysseus and finish off the enemy forces this is of course a glorious auto resolve success well done odesius majestic stuff indeed what a glorious first battle that's been right now we're just going to expand our army a little bit although i suppose turn one we could already start doing some cheeky little things yes yes why not let's give it a go so unlike previous total wars this game has a very different way of managing an economy every single territory produces a resources same here produces grain cray neoi here produces stone this island down here produces bronze food wood stone bronze and gold are the main resources you need to build an army you're no longer just buying units with gold and paying them in gold nope you're now buying units with food and paying them in food but some special units you'll need to maintain with bronze or buy with gold so you're effectively balancing an entire economy all of your buildings need to be built with these resources as well so what most players will end up doing is building up large sources of these resources in their towns and cities and then using that to fund massive armies however you don't actually need large cities to have a massive economy now instead you can just use diplomacy now what we're going to offer here is we're going to offer our lovely friend menelaus of sparta a friendly little treaty we already have a non-aggression pact with him but we're going to formalize it with a military access agreement and a defensive alliance in doing so we can actually get menelaus to agree to a trade deal for us we can have menelaus agree to give us over the course of 10 turns 220 food we can also have him throw in some wood and a little bit of stone but most importantly lots of food there we go we're going to have metal s agree to give us all of these lovely resources for the next 10 turns all for a military access agreement and a defensive alliance lovely what a sweet trade for us lots of bonuses and no negatives we're then going to offer him a military alliance and ask for once again a single barter of oh how much food can i squeeze out of him 360 food please there we go i hope you agree to that and of course he agrees to that perfect so we now have an agreement with menelaus of sparta and our relations with him are improving this is perfect trust me we want to get our relations with menon layers up as high as possible at the same time we're going to content agamemnon here of the mycenaean empire and we're going to wait for our relations with him to improve thanks to our deals with sparta as time goes on this man will grow to love us and consequently we'll be able to exploit him for infinite financial gain right and i think that's the end of our first turn but already our trade deals have given us a nice edge towards a strong early starting economic advantage i don't have a brilliant plan we're going to send in our lovely spy to start moments of sedition on this local settlement there we go that's been a glorious success that's going to weaken the local garrison of this town meaning that when we strike with our army it's going to be even weaker perfect there we go look at this we could definitely massacre these little sausages this looks like another auto resolve if i ever saw one glorious success well done odysseus now after a turn has passed our relations with mendeleev have crossed the threshold from being between about i'm pretty sure it's about 50 here and 70 here to being in the 100 plus category this has taken us from being just friends with him to becoming trusted friends now trusted friends is very important because this allows us to completely decimate his ai in the case of the mycenaean empire here we're just friendly so if we were to say offer a trade deal of i don't know a single piece of wheat this is immediately perceived as a gift by the ai giving us a plus four deal strength so yes when we ask for 25 food for the next five turns this is going to be seen as a fair deal now the astute game pros amongst you are probably noticing that there is something very strange with this deal you see many of you might think that you've watched enough of the apprentice to understand what a good business arrangement looks like and when you look at this screen you'll think something's wrong and i'm afraid ladies and gentlemen yes something is very wrong because the ai here has just agreed to give me 125 food over the span of five turns for the one single cost of one food that's right we're turning one food into 125 food now this is quite a strange inflationary practice and one which probably shouldn't be allowed and yet it is allowed so that's how much you can get if you're friendly with someone but what if oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen what if you weren't just friendly with someone you were trusted friends with say sparta well let's offer sparta a single grain oh that's plus six you love my gifts don't you sparta so i'll give you one single grain and in return i would like some food from you now the issue is for poor sparta they don't actually have a good grain production they just have a decent stockpile and so it's going to make more sense for me to offer a temporary barter of one grain in return for a single batter of lots of grain there we go i'd like 60 grain from you so we're going to turn 5 grain into 60 grain instantaneously and this process can be repeated i'm going to offer a single barter of one piece of wood and ask instead for a barter agreement granting me four wood per turn for the next five turns yes this economy doesn't really make sense now the thing is we're doing this to abuse the ai but the best thing is the ai actually uses this trick on each other because the ai doesn't know how to gauge resources it sees that it will have a large supply of resources and then just grow a stockpile this completely destroys the economy of the game because as soon as you get powers like say troy in the mix which are going to be generating thousands and thousands of food per turn then the entire game's economy gets destroyed because for troy resources are nothing and so one ai will buy thousands of resources off of troy another ai will buy thousands of resources off of that person and the cycle of resources goes around don't worry ladies and gentlemen it's all going to be fine spiff will guide the way so we're going to be using some of our lovely diplomacy deals to gain some additional units thanks to our trade deals we're able to get all three of these units without actually technically producing the wheat necessary to pay for their maintenance that's all thanks to the joy of very dubious trade deals now welcome back ladies and gentlemen you join us outside of our first big siege the city of hiring now this is a um an obvious immediate victory for us because we outnumber the enemy and the enemy is weak but i'm actually going to fight this battle just to demonstrate our stupidly overpowered unit because the thing is odysseus is a regular hero but he has access to some very specialized units these specialized units are absolute memes they're not particularly fair to play against and are consequently not very balanced but it's very entertaining to watch them decimate enemy ranks so as you can probably guess we're going to be messing about with the ambushers this is a light javelin infantry unit it can be deployed just about anywhere including in this lovely long grass and there we go it's invisible now unlike my other unit of ambushes these are exemplary ambushes what does that mean well it means they gain one extra bonus ability snipe this unit remains hidden when firing that means you can slap this unit right here have it wail away on enemy forces and it won't get shot at in return it is completely and utterly unfair let me just demonstrate the silliness of this lovely unit so this unit spawns in and immediately opens fire upon the enemy ranks of militia it does a lot of nice damage but most importantly there we go a whole bunch of kills already this unit is still completely and utterly invisible meaning the enemy has no idea where they're getting shot from now luckily for them they've got close enough to reveal the units but that won't stop this unit from being able to run away and then immediately disappear oh my goodness this was one heck of a lovely and easy fight there we go just route all of the enemy forces and job done victory lovely stuff now at the moment our lovely exemplary javelinas aren't actually operating at their maximum potential as you can see they got 50 units killed and they lost no units because they're really fast and they're also basically invisible so it's very difficult to kill them yes we managed to kill 1 000 men and only lost 9 men in return perfectly balanced but sadly it's going to be a while until we can recruit more of those units but eventually as soon as we get everything set up we will be able to have an army comprised of only exemplary ambushes and watch as the enemy ai physically breaks down being unable to comprehend where the enemy formations actually are now you join us a few turns later and we've managed to move over from our lovely islands which we've now occupied over to the actual mainland of greece where we've captured the settlement of astacos and started our second war of the game against the kuritis my goodness what a spicy name now of course next turn i'm going to demonstrate some of my most favorite mechanics in this game by absolutely decimating the ai in a way which they can't counter see what i'm going to do is i'm going to decimate the local garrison of this city using my lovely spy making it so that when my army waltzes up into there they have absolutely nothing to defend their settlement so i'll be back in a moment as soon as my army is marching on their gates and their local garrison has died right welcome to a few turns later where we've used our lovely spy to decimate the settlement's garrison to become only one actual man it's just a champion that is how much we poison the local well so all that they have to defend the settlement is an army which has been heavily attrition and a single dude as you can imagine this will be the easiest auto resolve ever also to make my javelins additionally spicy i've decided to become a patron of zeus this means that my javelins do an extra 15 damage this is actually quite big anyway let's auto resolve this bad boy right now a few turns later we've wiped out the entirety of their faction and we'll probably be going to war against um i think the atolians over here very shortly but in the meantime we've managed to actually build our lovely armory which means we can actually now start recruiting exemplary ambushers meaning i am now going to begin the great conversion event i've removed all slingers from my army and i'm now going to start buying a whole bunch of ambushers remember exemplary ambushes are expensive they cost 100 gold to recruit we don't have 100 gold or wait using the diplomacy mechanic i'm able to find some random chump like say sparta sparta are our trusted friends and they have a hundred gold in their bag so sparta allow me to offer you one food over the course of five turns and in return i would like just a little bit of your gold there we go just a small crumb of gold what's that you're going to give me 17 gold for one food over five turns well that seems fair to me god what a great deal menopause of sparta god i feel sorry for the ai subtitles yes that is how we could theoretically generate infinite resources and get all of these ambushes as early as possible also in order to improve my ambitions i've picked up skirmisher endurance training so they now have more javelins to throw equally i'm going to be improving their reload skill and then finally we can increase their missile damage by further 10 after we've actually researched all of that we're going to want to start researching cadence drills this makes all of our units 8 faster this is very important because what it means is that our skirmishers when actually discovered by enemy high level units will just be able to outrun all of them the only units that can chase down skirmishes like this are chariots the only downside is chariots can't find them because they're hiding in bushes and as soon as the chariot gets close it's immediately murdered by the spears before it even arrives that is why these units are completely and utterly unfair and exactly why i love them so these are effectively units that can't be discovered which do stupid amounts of damage and can outrun everything sent their way so as you can guess very fair alright once our army is built we're going to move over to khalidon and we'll start messing up the aetolians etiolians god i'm so bad with these pronunciations alright so welcome ladies and gentlemen just a few turns later we have odysseus sat here ready to jump at the settlement next turn we've also got our spy in place it will start shredding up the local garrison local garrison actually isn't too weak anyway so shredding up will do wonders for us now this game is much more like total warhammer because your agents don't die of old age like in rome total war 2. this was a great balancing factor for rome 2 because it meant you couldn't have super duper mega high level agents running around just decimating enemy ranks this game doesn't have that however so instead i have an enemy agent here which gains plus 10 additional damage to enemy garrisons and another plus 10 additional damage to enemy garrisons and then later on he's going to get yet again another plus 10 additional damage this means that this agent can just stroll up to enemy garrisons drop a couple of drops of what i can only presume to be a very strong gin and tonic into the local well and then the enemy garrison is effectively defeated so let's start the moments of sedition there we go critical success oh no these poor local garrison troops won't do very well at all right so let's waltz on in there and just see what kind of a garrison we have to actually go up against oh no the poor local garrison oh these poor sausages now luckily we have zeus on our side but my hope is that actually the ai is going to try and sally out from the fort and fight us because if the ai chooses to fight us out on the fields of open battle our ambushes have a distinct advantage this means that when we actually siege we don't need to bring enough men because we want to try and bait the enemy out to attack and if we do get them to attack fantastic so let's continue the siege for now right welcome to a relatively small fight against just a nice rebellion force it's not really much for us to worry about but what exists for us to worry about is quite simply how broken our units are so the battle is technically just started but i have it paused and as you can see my units have vanguard deployment so i've deployed them right in front of the enemy here is the enemy shielded spearman nice and scary unit very spooky very good here's the enemy leader and now here are also all of my ambushes sat inside a forest now these ambushers you'd expect they're in a forest they're going to be hidden that makes sense but not these men standing right in the middle of an open field you can literally see the enemy right there they are just literally just over the crest of that hill but no no these are completely invisible units and the best thing is they can open fire and they will continue to be invisible so let's move these men slowly forward now of course when they move they are visible so what you do is you want to kind of like squeeze them forwards just a little bit and then you hit stop on them and then they suddenly become invisible again so we'll just squeeze these men forwards up just a little bit more and then hit stop there we go and the same can be done with our lovely javelinas in the forest we advance them up have them halt they all suddenly become invisible again and our upgraded ones will remain hidden whilst decimating the enemy forces now all of our men have once again become hidden yet again and we're going to start decimating the enemy lord while staying perfectly hidden and there we have it a lovely glorious fight and all men have hardly taken any damage oh i do love this combat right straight over towards the rebels again let's finish them off with an auto resolve this time i'm sorry but you didn't really stand much of a chance and luckily those rebels will fully replenish my armies which is fantastic news for us oh and here we go we get to upgrade the missile damage to all missile units in our army oh this is perfect now for this we get to pick up plus 300 experience per turn for all missile units just so that our already overpowered missile units just level up whilst they uh sat in our army but yes at the moment you can see our most premium exemplary ambushers do 78 damage with each volley but with this lovely upgrade here those ambushers are doing 81 damage per volley this is fair very fair i mean their armor-piercing experts in hiding can outrun every single unit in the game and they also are bloody invisible it's perfectly balanced anyway let's march into the enemy's land and next turn we'll seize this settlement from them right now it is time to take the lovely little village of agroninon so what i'm going to do is get my lovely super duper 100 not suspicious man here to absolutely decimate the local settlement all right let us incite moments of sedition on this settlement glorious success lovely and now we get to walk in with our army and well this is going to be a nice and easy fight we're going to call in all of our allies and these men don't even stand a chance even with an allied now thanks to the mums of sedition we can just waltz straight into this settlement uncontested via auto resolve fight good job odesius 27 men die and the entire enemy force is gone what a lovely and decisive victory right now the madness can fully commence my army is just outside the walls of halidon and we're going to take this settlement very easily you will notice that i've managed to complete all of my research meaning my lovely exemplary ambushes here with a couple of levels on them now do 75 missile damage to put this into comparison a regular chumpy uh a chin slinger does a base of about 20. so this single unit here is already multiple times stronger than a crappy little slinger so we're going to be stacking all of our bonuses including having zeus on our side and let's throw ourselves into this siege i will say one thing i absolutely love the siege maps for this game eleven out of ten way better than warhammer alright let us start the deployment this is looking lovely right now i've got a pretty wacky set up here and hopefully it's gonna play very well so i've got some exemplary ambushes sat here at a hedge basically completely out of reach of the enemy units and my hope is that they're going to be able to just yeet spears over the walls in a completely balanced and fair way anyway let's have my men start climbing let's get up on those walls man i mean just look at this here are the ambushes satin hedge outside completely invisible and they're able just to rain hell down on top of these spearmen each of these little shots will just immediately rinse one of the spearmen because they just do so much damage they're exceedingly great range as well it's just open season for these little javelineers oh what an unfair battle this is going to be these javelins are just absolutely insane now there is also a pretty fun exploit at the moment in the game which is that for some reason heroes climbing up ladders or just units climbing up ladders in general have quite a high chance of just phasing through the ladder and into the actual terrain now like that unit just there you saw him he climbed the ladder and he just disappeared through the floor of the world well if you've ever wondered why your hero was climbing a ladder and then suddenly died then there's your explanation and there we go glorious success in battle many many men were lost and oh yes my lovely javelinas start leveling up through their ranks perfect this is exactly what we want to see now we also get to occupy and what's this part of the caledonian bore plus 10 morale for all my missile units and they're cheaper to recruit oh yes now that is just a perfect little thing to wear right odysseus whack on that boar now we can buy all of the javelin ears at exorbitantly cheap prices and i'm currently having my lovely guy do more murderous edition in the lovely little village of agra ninion over here my spy has actually become just completely utterly terrifying because let me just stack up all of his effects plus 10 damage to enemy garrison plus 10 damage to enemy garrison so that's 20 then another plus 10 to enemy garrison so it currently is at plus 30 to enemy garrison then we can pick up instigator which is another plus 10 which would mean plus 40 damage to an enemy garrison it's just unfair how powerful some of these spies can get you can effectively make it so that a spy is able to almost solo an army you can send this bad boy against a stack of 20 troops but he can wipe out half the health before your forces even have to fight it's just not very fair now before we go any further i'm going to actually show off the ultimate resource exploit in this game this is the exploit to gain completely and utterly infinite resources all previous ones are just kind of like minor gaming balances but this is the actual game breaking one a integer underflow which will basically guarantee infinite resources and there is no way of stopping it it's very overpowered it's very silly and most importantly it's very easy to pull off now i originally was not planning to cover this exploit in today's video for the sole reason that i don't want the developers to patch it but sadly it's been released out into the public by a lovely person on the reddit and so consequently i will share it with all of you as well now this exploit existed in the release build of total warfree kingdoms the previous total war game and it basically went a little bit like so you basically gave more resources than the game physically allows per turn consequently overcharging effectively the diplomacy mechanic to a point where it's effectively broken you see there's a limited amount of resources you can give per turn in total free kingdoms it was gold but in this game it's literally everything once you give too many resources in one go the game basically knows that you can't actually fulfill the deal and so breaks and when it breaks well that's when you get everything you want now we're going to give all of our resources to my senior because they don't actually have everything in necessarily crazy high demand so if we go to my senior and give them a barter offer let's make it 10 turns long and have it consist of every single item we have in our inventory then bam there we go it's a lovely plus 32 trade deal that looks fantastic so we're going to offer my senior every single resource we have for the next 10 turns we can't actually follow through with this deal because we don't produce enough resources within one turn we'd immediately run out of every single bit of bronze we have consequently this deal is impossible but it doesn't matter the ai is going to accept it nonetheless so we throw off this deal and now of course the ai absolutely loves that deal there's just one slight minor issue and that's when we go for another barter agreement and donate one single bit of grain uh you'll notice that something's gone wrong the ai is valuing this trade to be worth 70. that's right this trade deal is worth 70. this doesn't make any sense whatsoever the reason why is because at maximum this deal at a baseline evaluation should only be worth six but it is worth 76 because the maximum amount of value a trade offer can have is 70 and books you've managed to basically go down from having infinite resources to having negative resources the game is valuating our negative resource offer at a positive amount but a value so positive it doesn't make any sense consequently 70. so what we're going to do is we're going to offer the lovely mycenaeans here one piece of grain for the next five turns and in return i will ask for a single batter of oh well let's see how does 10 000 grain sound what's that 23 000 grain sure this seems good can i take some of your wood as well maybe there we go 700 wood i've thrown a little bit of gold as well why not lovely stuff just look at that so now we're going to be giving the myceneans here one piece of food for 23 000 food 700 wood and 23 gold and we're going to agree to this deal now the mycenae here see only advantages because in their eyes that deal was fair we're giving them one food next turn and then instantaneously we receive all of those resources now what you'll notice is alongside this screen with a couple of deals we have our ongoing gift which will start next turn where we give the mycenaean sixteen thousand food one thousand wood two thousand stone eight thousand bronze and one thousand gold that starts next turn and when that happens we will lose all of those resources the good news is though at any moment we can click end agreement when we end an agreement we'll take a relationship hit of about 40 but that doesn't matter because our relationship is currently at 368 because of all of our ongoing treaties because we have this treaty here where we're giving the mycena one food for five turns this gift is valued at 70 meaning this gift will cover whatever relationship penalties canceling this causes the best thing is you can use this exploit to just about cheese every single deal you make with the ai agamemnon here has a region which i might like to say get hold of and what i can offer is one bit of wheat so suddenly one food for this entire region seems like a fair deal anyway i'm going to clear out the my senior inventory of all of its resources and then i'll move on to some of the other ais so once again let's offer one bit of food and ask for in return as much of your wood as i can i go 5 350 wood a great deal then once again i'll offer you one piece of grain and i'd like all of your stone and all of your bronze yep and can also have all of your gold oh yes and this is even a lovely deal which will improve our relations forever great deal lagamenon great deal so agamemnon now has no resources but he's actually content because we have this trade deal eventually happening but the great news is that deal with agamemnon doesn't end agamemnon no no no no we can go over to troy here troy is the strongest bloody character in the game at the moment he has infinite resources and there is nothing he can't do there is just one slight issue he can't evaluate a trade deal so we're going to offer him one wheat this one wheat is worth 30. yep that's right it's worth 30. meaning right now we can convince him to sign a non-aggression pact yes a non-aggression pact we can even get military access with troy the person who we are technically meant to go to war with literally next turn but no no no no that doesn't matter instead what we're going to do is we're going to get food from troy yes food how much food 10 000 food sounds good to me and how about some gold yes let's get some gold from you awesome 10 000 food and 262 gold all for the cost of one food it's brilliant great deal troy great deal 11 out of 10. i'd love to do more of those all right you know what i think that's enough of abusing this ai for lovely resources actually no yes let me clear him out of all of his wood you see wood is a very important resource because it is effectively used to build everything it is the source of every single bit of building material you have and consequently it's very valuable and because we now have all of this infinite wood we can do whatever we like we can upgrade all of these buildings make them nice and fancy anything's possible all of these little regions they can be upgraded we can turn our beach warehouse into a dock it only costs 2 000 wood but getting that 2 000 wood well that only costs us one grain everything is cheap and free so we can build up the strongest economy in game and also the strongest army in the game because remember armies of resources and resources are infinite thanks to this exploit now of course remember ladies and gentlemen we'll be losing thousands of resources next turn unless we cancel this trade deal so we're going to go over to the mycenaean empire here and we're going to cancel our gift agreement i'm sorry my senior it's going to lower our relation by 18. oh no but you're already improving your relationship with me by hundreds oh what a shame oh our relationship will only be 314. oh that's just terrible oh this is perfect so naturally everything's now fine we have infinite resources we've become very powerful and we're going to be able to build up a massive army now back onto my army exploits so i've improved dracomos even more to make him so that he devastates local worlds i mean is just terrifying look at all of these bonuses he has but this is basically meant that he has done one attack on this city which has cost us 400 food which is nothing and it has murdered the entire garrison all it took was one attack and now i don't even need to build up any siege equipment we can just walk in here and take the settlement so we'll bam easy victory well done look at that lovely stuff we even get more food from doing this fight than it costs to actually murder all of the garrison what a lovely success welcome back ladies and gentlemen to turn 58 we've managed to completely decimate most of the ais we've won our war and now we are technically at war with troy i think is it true at war with i've got no idea oh yes we are at war with troy oh wait no we're not at war fantastic i'm just kind of almost at war with them now i'm technically strength frank too in the game this is because i have a very strong army you might be wondering why i have a really strong army well it's because when you have infinite resources you can have as many soldiers as you like now my army is growing and it's about to become something very spicy as you've discovered we've just unlocked some very special units we have discovered the gorilla stalkers these are very special special little soldiers which are exactly like the exemplary ambushers excluding the fact that they do way more damage have slightly more range and can hide in just about everything they're just perfect they are absolutely amazing their attacks are not only armor-piercing but they also lower the morale of every single unit they hit they are unspottable which basically means you can just put it in literally any location it just becomes invisible i mean it is a terrifying unit because it is just insane at how easy you can hide these bad boys and how much damage they can do now the only downside is of course to balance them you can have technically as many as you like but they cost oh my goodness what's that 147 gold to recruit and 29 bronze to upkeep that's terrifying where are we going to get all the money i only have enough money for one of these men well of course that's where the infinite resources come into the picture let's go get our infinite gold right hello there agamemnon we're still really great big friends so let me trade you all of my resources there we go every single little bit of resource isn't that perfect job done great deal 11 out of 10. now let me reset this deal i'm going to offer you a single piece of grain that's of course worth 76 and in return i'm going to ask for all of your gold thank you very much and you know whilst i'm here i'll also take some of your wood and can i take some of your bronze yep can also take some of your stone yes can i also take your food oh i'm just allowed to take everything okay great great deal like amen on 11 out of 10. thank you very much god i love agamemnon right now down to sparta sparta has gold as well so we're going to give sparta one piece of grain and ask for all of sparta's gold we'll then also ask for all of sparta's food all of sparta's wood all of sparta's stone and all of sparta's bronze thank you very much but now has no resources great trade deal everyone benefits i don't really know if you benefit man and layers because i just gave you one food and that's it so what i'll do is i'll wait for next turn when hopefully my ritual with athena will come into effect allowing me to recruit all of my lovely missile units at rank free hopefully right now i think we're actually ready to start recruiting our men lovely ah there we go they now get to be rank free straight out the bat so let's recruit as many guerilla stalkers as we can these are terrifying monstrosities because they do 109 missile damage i mean that is just insane now what we're going to have basically our stalkers do is line up anywhere they like in the field and they can run away from the enemy if that's what they want to do or alternatively they can sit behind our massive heavy shield wall however if we really wanted to we could release the gorilla stalkers anywhere we like onto the map because they can outrun most things the only unit that they can't outrun ladies and gentlemen would be a chariot but a basic chariot's top speed is 70. these bad boys are 63 that makes them not that much slower than a chariot which is just i don't know i can't really quantify doesn't make any sense developers it doesn't make any sense please think of the game balance what someone think of the game balance i lose my mind i sometimes do my god oh no the poor ai i've set up like an ambush position just outside of troy it just means the enemy gets decimated every time they walk near me this is not a terrible army they've got some really lovely high rank units uh but they're just going to die sorry it's been all but this is the easiest auto resolve i've ever seen that's what you get for stepping outside the walls of troy my friend a sword straight through the subway ah that'll teach you to be a coffee drinker i mean just look at the javelinas even in auto resolve battles the amount of kills they get is terrifying just hundreds of kills truly are powerful units okay now odysseus just simply isn't fair in terms of a hero he's completely and utterly messed up because he has an ability which allows him to basically walk up to armies and do a full turn of movement and then attack except the attack also rolls a dice and has a chance to be an ambush so i've just walked up to this army and i get to ambush it which means that it's dead there is nothing this army can do we lost 150 free men it was a massacre oh my goodness this is just unfair nothing this is balanced oh what a decisive victory indeed well why did you think that was balanced that is not balanced in the slightest anyway let's defend the city and hopefully the dardanian here will come and attack me this is a legendary epic hero of dardani apparently he is our rival because he leads the second strongest faction in the game while excluding us which means it will be a very spicy fight um wait hang on a second this doesn't seem right no this can't be right no this has to be wrong the guerrilla stalkers the missile damage has increased it was 117 i think uh and they've just all gone up a rank after that last fight and their missile attack now is 170. their base damage is 170 for each javelin i'm gonna need a couple of moments to um to think about this one i'm sorry but what the heck that means these javelins effectively each time they hit a unit they shave 170 off of its health pool most units don't have much health so as there are 90 individual units in this stack all 90 units throw a javelin that does 170 damage right so let's say half of them hit well if half of them hit that means for each volley that these bad boys throw they do 7650 damage just why is this okay why was this passed into the game i don't even understand it anymore what is wrong with the gorilla stalkers why are they so broken they're invisible units with effectively laser miniguns they just can't be murdered oh my goodness they're terrified they truly are i love this game i really do okay now brilliant news um the enemy is attacked they've got 20 men here and 14 men here and we only have 20 men to defend okay i'm going to send in our reinforcements to stand nearby to the sea so that they can join in the fight but most importantly i'm going to completely decimate this fight because if we were to attack okay it'd be a bit of a spicy fight as you can see a little bit 50 50. sure we have a lot of nice men but they're a little bit wounded they're not exactly in tip-top fighting shape but it's okay because what we can do we can use our special agent now special agent dracomas here is level 14 meaning i've picked up nightshade brew his poison well actions against an enemy army cannot fail meaning he can walk up to this enemy army and we get to do a critical success and half of their army is dead why is this okay it doesn't make sense i'm losing my mind to this game it drives me insane oh what a glorious fight we could also resolve it but we've got a chance of casualties so i'll fight this one i love this game i really do oh and it's a foggy day meaning enemy units are less likely to be spotted oh this is perfect right lovely news now we're on the outskirts of one of our settlements and that's all okay and in front of us well we have a whole bunch of cavalry look at that centaur scouts we've got chariots surely a terrifying prospect if your army comprises of mostly just a whole bunch of javelin boys but actually no this is fantastic news we're going to spread out our javelin line and all have them set to skirmish and what's going to happen is the enemy is going to probably advance and then get decimated by a wave of javelins what we'll do is we can also slow down the enemy on a wave of heavy sword skirmishes just to absorb a first blow then have one on the flank here just in case and this is looking perfect then whilst they're all in combat we'll rush in a line of spears we can even throw in the harpies i guess after a while and then we get to charge him with the minotaur all right this will be perfect let us start the battle so of course all of our units are invisible to the enemy forces but as soon as those chariots start moving we get to lob in our lovely spears right spears away fro spears fro now each of these spears remember does 170 damage meaning if a spear hits a horse that horse is dead which is completely fair now of course our units are invisible to the enemy so they're unable to actually see where all of these shots are coming from equally every time a spear hits a unit that unit loses morale and is more likely to run away there we go glorious decisive victory wasn't too difficult it was a bit scrappy at times as you can see some of our lovely javelin units are just insane like the amount of kills they rock up it's just ludicrous like 200 kills for one javelin unit just shouldn't be happening not the slightest but you do love to see it i mean that's kind of what we're all about here at this channel just abusing the ai in glorious different ways and this definitely feels like a great way to abuse your local friendly ai glorious success and we can immediately replenish all of our casualties perfect ah take that my lovely rival now one of my gorilla strikers has leveled up yet another tier and this is immediately added nine to their missile damage so there we go this is now a rank seven unit this is it this is what peak performance looks like ladies and gentlemen anyway ladies and gentlemen i think that's all i can manage for today although i say today i've been working on this video for several days now and well yes as you can tell it's kind of had a bit of an effect on me i mean i'd like to blame it on all the heat stroke thanks this very warm weather we've been having but honestly i think it's more that i've just been sat playing total war troy for about 40 hours at this point first review this game i'd say it's quite good fun considering you could have picked this up for free i'd say it's definitely worth more than a free game there's a lot of fun to be had here i can't see what the final finished polished result is until i'm giving this game a 7 out of 10 because it crashed my pc five times during the recording process meaning i lost a huge amount of footage consequently i want my money back ca but then again this game didn't cost me anything so instead i'd like a single cup of tea posted to my p.o box thank you very much creative assembly i expect it by the end of the week anyway if you've enjoyed watching today's video then feel free to give it a like because it was a absolutely massive undertaking of work to get this created for you and i have really enjoyed making it certainly we found a very strange overpowered unit together and it's just been a fabulous cheese fest so thank you for joining us so long for the ride and if you want to see more videos like this then hop down to the comment section and suggest your games to me and do consider subscribing so that you get more crazy things like this popping up in your sub feed as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much about you i wouldn't be able to make videos on games like this which take a huge amount of time to record due to the fact that it's a turn-based game and you kind of have to spend a lot of time thinking things over so thank you very much and if you sat there wondering what video to watch next then well look no further than this one on screen now hand chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect for you so if you have an absolutely lovely day and i'll see each and every one of you in the next one that's goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,092,107
Rating: 4.961288 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, total war, total war exploit, troy gameplay, total war troy, troy total war, total war troy exploit, perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, video game exploits, strategy game, video game, funny, exploit, troy, invisible units, infinite gold, gold exploit, overpowered, tw troy, total war saga, gameplay, guide, total war guide, troy overpowered, total war overpowered, perfectly balanced, A Total War Saga: Troy, warhammer 2, rt game
Id: kAD_h9yxdHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 31sec (2431 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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