THE BRITISH EXPERIENCE! Conquering the world In EU4 just to get hold of THE TEA!

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A 3 hour stream?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/rosariobono 📅︎︎ May 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
but Berber I'm live okay welcome ladies and gentlemen it should probably be live if it's not please panic is this it are we live chat please huh oh god it's okay this just happens every single time we do a live stream yes so how are you doing today if this is life of course if it's not then panic moment but by this point it's probably life view of God it is the chats just so delayed like I physically have no idea oh welcome chat so this is basically you for Europe Universal it's for the ultimate mapmaking strategy grand strategy tea collection game of conquering and just anything making money you name it you can do it near you for it's lovely so welcome to the glorious map of Europe in the year 14 44 this is roughly how Europe look like of course technically no real established nations as we know them as nation-states really existed but kingdoms did exist which kind of held loose could strange borders around counties anyway this is how the game visualizes at all and we today are playing as the lovely nation of England over here the gameplay is very simple we can quite simply I guess invade France we can invade Island we can invade Scotland how do we invade well we use our stacks of men here you see we have 16,000 men here in apparently the Royal Army or that what do the royalty army now that's much more like it now the royalty army is our super duper special army which basically is comprised of 11 squads of infantry and five squats of cavalry ok that's a terrible army composition we'll get to that later and basically we can send these to battle other armies like the tiny armies of the Irish tribes like the austere army of only 5000 men we'll be decimated by our immense prowess let me quickly turn down that music that's loud for me oh no that's much more like it oh that's lovely so how are we doing today chat I hope you're all having a lovely time in quarantine we're going to be playing some EU four and the way we're going to play EU four is quite simple basically if you want to get involved in the game you can you can go via the medium of the super chat donation it does help me out of course you get to spare me with messages and what we'll do is basically people who donate have entire provinces renamed after them like how I've renamed Lancashire to rank up to Lancashire tea sucks and Yorkshire to Yorkshire tea this is entirely the way the game works what happens from this point on Jesus Christ autumn I'll get to that in a second that's it's just it's just an all-day streaming [ __ ] Wow so basically how this works is from this point on if I was to say raise an army in Yorkshire which will arrive on the 8th or Wed now pause the game the army will be called the Yorkshire tea regiment so the way the system works is I name a province after someone the army is trained in that province and it is named after them consequently we then go about fighting with massive armies comprised of you the members of chat and the armies which don't perform well and the provinces that don't perform well will be punished via exploiting development we can literally destroy the manpower of Lancashire by stealing half of their population and forcefully conscripting them this is the game this is the game what makes this an even better game is you can colonize entire slaves of the new world by sending you by sending the Welsh basically we you can move the Welsh out of Wales and put them in the new worlds it's so stupid so I love this game it's incredible and I'm gonna be doing a good well show off a few exploits to kind of cheese the game so that every warp well so that it's a fair bit easier for us because I know I have a couple tricks up my sleeve and we autumn Sicarius thank you so much for the 12,000 yen that's a 90 pound straight up so you can have the most valuable province of all welcome to brand-new autumn zakaris is capital of the British Empire which was London welcome so how how are we actually going to do our opening move so our opening moves are of course France hates us and in the next couple of years an event forcefully fires in this game called the surrender of Maine the way this system works is basically we have to give Maine over to France and when we do that well when we do that basically we lose an entire province and if we don't do that France goes to war of us and we probably aren't going to do that well in the war so we're going to bypass the war entirely how are we going to bypass the war you might ask well ladies and gentlemen quite simply go into the diplomacy screen and release an entire vessel of Alencon now alençon is a vassal here and we can hand over to them a little bit of territory Wingo to alençon and say hello please would you like the province of Maine they'll of course take it now by doing this the French AI is never going to get a the French AI is never going to get the surrender of Maine because Maine isn't owned by England it's now owned by Alan corn which is incredible so basically France can never get the surrender of main event and we don't have to go to war with them until we're ready to defeat the French Worcestershire saw a whiskey sauce it's not England it's was - its Worcestershire okay what would Ste you can have Leicester Shire we're gonna name it Worcestershire Worcestershire I love it also we've had fusion warrior thank you very much the algorithm blessed me with your chair Channel I've marathoned everything first I'm watching a stream live first time t tax welcome welcome welcome welcome my friend that's very generous $20.00 of you mr. fusion warrior mr. fusion warrior you can have Norfolk are gonna call this fusion warrior just for simplicity's sake and yes I did get the spelling right lovely stuff by the way don't feel inclined to donate you don't have to okay don't worry you're not missing out on anything you're still gonna be able to enjoy the stream without spending any money it's just a nice little system I have because it allows me to a story and it allows me to also get excuses to actually shout at the people giving me money because I mean if we start raising men in Fusion Warrior and the men start routing and not fighting well enough well it doesn't matter how much money you give me I'm still going to make your parents burn okay you know what I can do I can enable okay I can enable I don't know not actually all of these are nice things all of those are nice events okay ah pyro beasts Jesus $25 okay you can have you can have Kent my friend welcome so the early part of this game is going to be setting up the diplomatic structure of our entire empire oh and I'm also gonna have to include Rihanna Siri answer you can have Sussex a very nice province it trades in grain oh no it's Rianne cheese and it's free energy nice so the way we're going to actually do our opening early game moves are we need to establish some rivalries with enemy nations in our case we hate France so we're going to rival France we hate Scotland so we're going to rival Scotland and we still have a little bit of a grudge thanks ooh the whole Viking invasion so we're also going to rifle Denmark so yes goodbye Denmark of course when your rifle to someone you don't actually have to attack them we just get a bunch of bonuses if we do attack them because you know our entire population has been raised on tea and well the strong opinion that the French should be shouted out of all possible opportunities now we're actually gonna be able to progress up with some time in the game and one thing we need to do is get some military alliances off so we want a military lands with Castile and also as soon as possible in the next day a military alliance with Austria now as we are England we start out with a military alliance with Portugal Portugal isn't the best ally but there are loyal and faithful Ally who historically speaking have been have been allied with England for the longest Ally while England and Portugal have the longest military lines in history basically it starts well before this game and it hasn't even ended to date which is very impressive and that's just some fun history facts guys history facts James Brown your channel genuinely reignited my love of strength strategy games thank you very for the $20 James Brown you can have Cornwall a very rebellious little province in England yes oh my goodness now England is a Jesus Christ John spandy God save our gracious Queen live our noble Queen god save the queen oh it's the entire it's the entire lyrics of god save the queen thank you john spandy you can have you know you can have a province which is very special to my heart John spanda this is Oxford Oxford is where I live I love Oxford it's a great little place it's full of livestock because you know Oxford known for oxes little fun history fact guys right so we've got our first Yorkshire T Regiment training up now good god frosty Aussie as well why are all of you so generous don't you know there's a quarantine going on at the moment frosty Aussie you can have good old Hampshire good old Hampshire as I like to call it yes frosty Aussie you're in drag high or urine of course you can have Devon just because you know it kind of fits I think track your roof BAM oh my god I've got a got to catch up with all of this Somerset sorry chap but it's probably going to be a fair bit of naming your provinces but once we get it all sorted we can also have Abdiel over here there we go after Santiago thank you very much for your $20.00 ridiculously generous now the way the donation system works I will prioritize the people who've donated a lot of money but don't worry it doesn't matter any donation is exceedingly generous and I will eventually get around to adding your name into the game don't worry there are many hundreds of provinces in fact I think they're about three thousand provinces in this game so eventually a name will be found right other important things we need to do is we need to get our we need to get well basically our trade up and running so most important trading thing to do get your trade ships floating around the English Channel trade node also get a royal marriage of Castile and get a royal marriage of Austria as well this is very important because well the issue with England is that we start out with Henry the sixth Lancaster he is a zero zero zero meaning he is the worst King physically possible he is a literal walking piece of garbage but what makes him oh so much worse ladies and gentlemen is the fact that he is infertile okay and what happens if we don't have an heir you might ask well ladies and gentlemen it's none other than the war of the bloody roses chat okay the War of the Roses will happen and you don't want that to happen because it plunges the entire country into chaos so we need to get our literally the first 50 years of the game is spent trying to get Henry the six of Lancaster laid if he's not laid and doesn't have a kid the entire kingdom is buggered okay we need to get this guy wedded and bedded and to the for the time being we have we've got him married to Claudine de Valois of Spain she's lovely she's gonna be great hopefully oh my goodness career 400 rubles very generous you can have Gloucester shoot my friend great BAM go and then worse do we have oh that was actually starting to name people from in Wales bark bark you can have the first Welsh region of Glamorgan which is now bark bark I like that that's cute name actually that's your Phoenix thanks for all the videos off thank you very much as your Phoenix you can have Shrewsbury ash of a field oh my goodness actually does all fix well done why actually does all fit I'm very impressed by that oh my goodness we've actually got someone from Northamptonshire here you'd like somewhere close to Northampton cheer well I'm pretty sure I've named Northampton she was twisty Shire so you're gonna have to have Coventry Robert Haga that's about as close as I can get no Frampton sure is a lovely place actually the city Osborne Northampton if you can believe it although it's been very very long time ago since I've actually been there Adam Alan I have no ideas for name book could you come up with one for me Adam Alan I'll come over name for you welcome to Adams salt mine okay this is a apparently Chester in 1444 was a massive producer of salt and eventually it's going to become a massive producer of coal and coal is where the money is anyway we need to actually sort out the parliamentary system of of the UK at the moment the way the UK works is not like a normal Kingdom we have a parliament where we can pass reforms but a parliament must have several seats currently the seats of parliament are pyro beasts autumn Sicarius john spanda Lancashire tea sucks cambridge and ash of phoenix so we need to get another seat in parliament and i think our next seat in parliament is probably going to go to Yorkshire tea so there we go the enlightened form the enlightened formation of our parliament has begun and we can start our first debate now when it comes to our first debate all we have spent diplomatic cause that's not really good fund expansion of bureaucracy is ok quartering of troops ok that's actually gonna be good because manpower is useful and of course in order to pass act through Parliament we have to bribe the pyro bees to vote for it we then have to placate the clergy for autumn Sicarius and then Oh grant army commissions for Yorkshire tea and oh I don't want to grant local autonomy fashion of Phoenix oh I'm gonna have to there we go okay land maintenance modifier is decreased thank you for being part of the parliament guys it's necessary to get these things through okay oh and the Royal match of Austria started so we're going to get our first Yorkshire tea regiment down to our capital and we have a few very important things we need to do you see in this game there are missions and we have a few very important missions ladies and gentlemen most importantly leve the troops our manpower level needs to be at 60% which I think for us is about 16,000 and then we need to reach our total force limit of a hundred percent upon doing that we gain cos on all of Ireland and also a claim to subjugate Scotland it's incredible ladies and gentlemen we get to invade just about anywhere we basically get claims on all of this now invading Scotland's a challenge because of course France starts out allied with Scotland wide you know they start out guaranteeing Scotland which is even worse so yes we need to find another way to attack Scotland without dragging France in because there are pain and then at the same time we need to eventually find a way to invade and kill France but you know baby steps baby steps guys and I were actually going to hire a couple of advisers here just to increase our magical growth of mana points which is what you use to basically gain technology and just everything really they they are just everything in this game oh no we don't want the land force limit modified goats he actually makes our mission more challenging because it means we have to recruit more regiments we can pass the advancement of religion Act but we're not going to just yet maybe later on don't worry and actually you know let's let's fire that guy and hope for a new military advisor and also I need to move my traders about I need to move my trader from Lubeck to collect trade in the British Channel and when that happens you'll notice our trade money should go up from 10 to dududu to do get to the end of the month come on tick to the end of the month what are we getting give me some trade money eleven point five nine that's some good money mmm tasty stuff now our Yorkshire tea regiment has actually arrived in the royalty army and the royalty army needs to well have a leader also remember we can name just about everything in this game we can name the armies we can name the leaders we can name the princes we can name just about everything excluding the nations but we can name the colonial nations so if you want to rename the 13 colonies it's entirely possible oh and look at this the Pope has elected the Pope to become the new pope well done Pope basically the papal States has said that they are going to be the new pope which is fine it is nice to be the Pope because it gives you a bunch of powers you can excommunicate France the you Pope has now decided to owner Burgundy's declared war on Provence does that mean France oh no this is a shame normally okay when burgundy declares war on Provence France panics and defends Provence in this case that hasn't happened and France has decided to wimp out which is fully understandable that's okay France you don't want to fight understandable but now Provence will die and Scotland's got a claim on Northumberland ah new evil sausages let me name a couple of provinces watch this game speeds up Oh Cameron shock you francs for your 10 pounds loving the vids keep up the great work this comes to you from your favorite town of Slough God slow I'm gonna name you can leave this province Sharky for you god damn it slow or when a saint proclaims we gain stability nice stability is great it basically just means everyone in our nation is less likely to rebel and attack us there's more stability everyone's happy and sometimes the peasants can even become prosperous I know it's not going to happen though oh my god we have an heir yes look look at this boy he's so much better than his dad his dad sucks whereas the intelligence come from he's such a natural diplomat five diplomatic skill and for military skilled my boy look at him he's so good okay who's who is nominating themselves to be this to be our air our air is probably going to live for about 50 years unless he tragically dies in a hunting accident but the fact that our air exists means that we aren't going to have the War of the Roses chat it's going to be incredible this is our prodigy he's the diplomatic boy of the century oh my goodness who wants to be named after people want to name him Joffrey we're not calling him Joffrey named him Irishman but he's not Irish he's 100% English this vet pure potato says I shall be the heir find pure potato but I'm remembering now whistie oh no cada bro Oh God actually not Connor you're in check why not you've deserved this Connor brow the diplomat our first air he shall be valiant and hopefully not die at the age of two by getting speed through the heart with an artery volt that is the hope chat the hope Oh God Alex Meekins you would like cambridge it needs subjugating to meek topia okay very well cambridge can become meek topia meek hope yeah lovely stuff thank you very much for your 10 pounds mimicry thank you for your videos ten Australian dollars and thanks for showing you how to deal over a trillion damage in in a in scarab yes I hope you enjoy it frosty Ozzie thank you very much for these ridiculous generous donations over and over again they're incredible right mimicry you can have Montgomery as I think that's a pretty similar name dududu to do Grenada is having some pretender issues that's fine we don't need to know about that and finally we can hire our military adviser or what's the discipline man I like him now sadly we can't disinherit King Henry the sixth of Lancaster until our current hair is aged fifteen so we have to wait 15 years with this literal piece of turd before we can oust them off of the throne which will be exciting I can't wait for that to happen and it was we're actually doing this we need to make sure we are improving relationships with our allies and how's our mission tree looking we have 60% man power so now we just need to hit our force limit our force limit is 35 so we need 5 new divisions and naturally which is going to recruit them from the places we have named so James Brown welcome rocky ruh Abdi el Dorsett has not been renamed to you're not getting one awesome you can have an infantry dude and will also grant want to or we can't have another York's t1 well grab him pirate beast though there's our five infantry division's and as you can see James Brown's first regiment this is how the game works I love it it's incredible all families in need oh we've got to help out our crappy vessel with 25 admin are fine why not why not there we go get all the men formed up and happy lovely stuff the Isle of Man should be called the Isle of MA I got a self isolate after all that's a good point it's man the ultimate Island it produces fish and is quite possibly the worst it no it is that worse starting province we have every other province is better if you would exclusively like the worst province we have access to then feel free to request the Isle of Man I don't know why Eddy what regards it Oh God this would be actually quite interesting hmm I don't really actually want to give the clergy power over the state though so I'm just getting the prestige and shoe block thanks for all the jazzy videos keep it up you've been following since the high for days thank you very much Andrew blog Keano Gibson says could you read name someone Riano Kives we could name our military generals Rihanna keeps yes in fact that's probably going to happen as sadly we can't rename our first military General Richard the Plantagenet because he is he's the one we start out with basically right what's this court painter available lose 86 gold but gain stability heck yeah that's just free stability I love a good per disability stability is useful because when we send our King into battle and the accidentally dies surprisingly the nation gets a bit upset and scared right how are we going to do this how close are we to getting we're actually not at 100% force limit I footwork Oh we've gained one force limit fantastic right that means we're going to summon in bark-bark-bark both bring your infantry to stab hog I know to stability who would know that our really crappy King would lead the most stable part of history for the UK and there we go mission fulfilled levy the troops and this grants us with permanent claims on the entirety of Ireland just look at this now claims on everything it's so good we can't go to war with whoever and whenever or what's this Scotland is allied with Kildare and awfully ah you know what that means ladies and gentlemen Kildare who you allied with Scotland and Desmond this is it we can straight out of the gate invade Scotland although first I think we're going to start to subjugate some of the Irish miners first so let's go for Tyrone who you allied with for monde and Munster form and and where on earth is Munster right down at the bottom so that's useless you're allied with Scotland of course that's a bit bit of a early big fight Scotland is a lie - okay and yes yours your allied with burgundy good god okay right we're not getting involved there Ulster you'll have to do because you're allied with only one go down at the bottom I guess yeah you seem like the easiest fight hmm actually wait no we do need to get rid of it awfully because he's allied with burgundy so we'll attack lens to first why not okay right time to move one of our armies over naturally we need the Royal Navy to move that over I was speaking of which perhaps you need to name the Navy something the Royal Navy no no no instead we shall name this fog fog donate another $10 says for the Queen okay this is going to be bark barks bark ships no bark barks bark bark parks ships so the idea is of course ships are made of wood which is made what which is basically bark from trees okay so it makes sense in my mind scientifically this makes perfect sense Lila says not using the time travel exploit or so can you name a province off to meet Lila of course you can have the fantastic province of Cumbria Cumbria is lovely I've really loved the late district it's beautiful strongly recommend if you ever come to the UK go see cumbria really really nice so Lola congratulations you are now producing wool for the rest of the game right and you know what we can actually just go straight to war can't we yes of course we can and I think we could probably actually do have a new army leader here oh no he'd be between two and six base pips okay right now we need to do a bit of fighting before then so in you go Richard basically we can't recruit a general because our army tradition is so pathetic that it would be a terrible idea there we go and we will actually deploy a siege force there who are we at war with then so we're just we're also at war with that nation over there okay maybe I need to bring the other army over why not let's do that let's see if we can get them over I thought all of the sheep were in Wales no surprisingly there aren't sheep in this game there's just livestock but yes there are a lot of sheep in Wales in this game it's quickly actually move an army round all the way to connect this army is going to be a little bit of a risky maneuver because we are effectively doing a naval invasion with 17,000 men the medieval times and naval invasions those two things don't really go hand in hand because turns out it's quite difficult to move all of those men over nefi allora says can I get lol eration in Calais sure you can you can have I think cooling air Laura makes more sense so let's just call it Laura David go congratulations you now have the staple trading port which will get us a lot of money I do do do to do do to do fishsticks says i what man well you know what you're called fish sticks and the region produces fish so thank you very much for you $2 for it oh it is now fish dick town ah perfect Brandon Sugoi says could you name quintet after me of course I can you can have you can have Gwinnett the lovely Northern Welsh province Brandon said Oh awesome fantastic stuff now the seating of Wales is going well as you can see we are seating three provinces simultaneously which is just kind of how playing the UK works all an excellent Minister again military power or gain admin power or we go go for the reform progress of course we can become defender of the faith but that's a terrible idea we've siege down Leinster incredible and we've also just defeated their Navy speaking of which I need to set the naval doctrine to become all about trade power there we go some nice stuff then we're gonna move the Navy round to connect oh and we did another siege oh my goodness these seizures are going so well lovely right we can actually just separate peace often lay out the war for all of their land and all of their money although it is only ten gold so nothing too exciting and then we can also core it oh it's called Kings country oh I see because we we took control of it okay well if it's called the Kings County then instead it can be called Connor Broughton because he's going to be our next king unless of course he tragically dies and then in a hunting accident whereupon which we will rename it to in memorandum of Cora Brown oh goodness I love this game I really do can you please rename the mighty city of Hull to Earl the proper way to say it okay I'll rename it to the proper way to say it welcome to literal hell the only true place and the only true way to cool that plates Oh God anyway the war is complete and we can peace out for both of our provinces which we want there we go some would say it's not good to have snaky land borders like this because they are disgusting and horrible but to those people I say screw you this is my this is my incredible border I like it okay so Scotland who are you allied with your allied we've killed air so I can't really kill owner you're so loud with monster okay that's safe then killed areas allied with cork okay hmm I'd mean I kind of have to go for you for the sole reason that I so I can get continuous land border so still go you I'm afraid have to die basically a lot of the early game in Ireland is just going to be a stomping on the Irish repeatedly with our superior massive armies there will be a lot of Irish uprisings but it's okay they can only repel so much before they end up losing before they just lose the will kind of to stop which is going to be very successful Craig Murphy and hey Steve can I serve as one of your loyalty guzzling boys of course you can Craig muffin you can have Leinster welcome Craig muffin max Joran co says Kent can you name something hi . notice me senpai of course I can you can have Kinect Thank You max for your 1000 yen there we go boom boom lovely stuff I do love I just I hope you're all having a lovely day by the way chat I forgot to say I it's a it is absolutely wonderful having all of you here I hope you are you're keeping safe you've got your cups of tea and you're happy and also thank you seriously thank you so much for the 1000 people have liked the stream that is absolutely insane you lovely people thank you very much and also thank you to all the people in the pre stream chat who was repeatedly chasing the number 69 with me on the liked our kids that was good fun you guys are entertaining anyway the great big ceej of all bond and sliggoo is our agogo sliggoo is a go go i like that dr. River map donates 10 euros to say it's time to remember everyone to refill their tea yeah everyone reminder go refill your tea remember you can have Derby oh my goodness the Lowell and Terra see this is it the big event okay so we have an option here we can oppose the lowlands which basically means for the next 20 years almost a lot of our provinces are going to be very angry like James Brown - of Phoenix Lilia fishsticks Rhian Qi and rocky rue will all be on the verge of continuously trying to become heretics and rebel against our religion alternatively we can just say [ __ ] it and piss off all the Catholics which honestly is what I'm all about I say we tolerate the hell at heretics for the rest of the game and really upset the Pope it just works ladies and gentlemen Oh Bubba flubber thanks for you nine dollars Bubber flubber you can have Essex my friend enjoy bam-bam-bam-bam intrigues in London Oh a Walloon official has arrived okay and he's spice easy he's a special quartermaster but if we actually wanted him he had cost us 50 military power that's not worth it preposterous lose 10 legitimacy it's not worth it kitten riot I don't know what you'd like to name me after but I've always wanted to be in one of your videos kitten riot you can have the very important second army it's meant to be called the Second Army of Scotland but actually it is just going to be called rioting well kitten riot basically this entire army is going to be made up of cats it's how I'm going to put it I mean there was a very famous reddit post quite a while ago which was saying that if you take all of the cats in the world and compare it to the population of Scotland I think the average Scottish person would be outnumbered I think it was 9 to 1 and I mean if you're a Scottish person how many cats do you think you could actually defeat in combat could you take out nine cats if those nine cats are trying to kill you so I'm just saying cats are a very easy way to overtake Scotland just saying anyway well done to autumn scarce you're gonna have our first port and Aquitaine can have the second one but Aquitaine has not been renamed the last jousting tournament yes why not give us some morale of armies and yearly army tradition the final jousting tournament ever to be had and let us annex all of these Irish miners lovely stuff oh and not all of the gold only some of the gold BRR BRR BRR lovely stuff oh this is great the occupation of Ireland is going incredibly well really really successful well done everyone the nine cats wore a legendary one oh no our military leader is left he died Oh Richard the Plantagenet will no longer service he died in the army camp of cada Broten he died too soon to accomplish bunch of notes well other than the occupation of most of Ireland I guess god that means we will have to recruit our what we will have to recruit another army general but that will only happen when we need to do another war anyway Scotland who are you allied with just Munster at the moment incredible so if we went to war with just Munster which we can actually do we don't even need a border we'd be at war with Tyrone Ulster and Scotland and I kind of think we could take all of them I think that's achievable I think that's more than achievable pop open a drink Edward you why still no idea why Island is from it is fragmented in EU for you can conquer easily in ck to guess history sucked at playing for Forex games yet it's been a strange one anyway Edward OE you can have all Monde do do to do Edward ey welcome do to do to do to do to do mmm and it does not sound like T its can t guys okay it's a warm day outside really warm day it's a day for warmth no it's not a day for warmth can t today for nice chilled County good old carbon a TT now we're actually about to pass our first government reform I have a couple of options curtail noble privileges or strengthen noble privileges I think we want to go for strengthened so because the extra manpower is really good as we're going to be doing a lot of wars and money is England is actually surprisingly easy TR and ninety says name some something Irish after me please okay no problem I'll get that done TR and you can have still go probably spell it wrong anyway tr90 let me go back to do to do do do do to do can I get some artillery in my province mimicry memory Creek artillery has not been discovered it's not gonna be discovered for about another EDS I think twenty years or forty years until we discover artillery we're quite a way off of that I mean it will happen eventually but love the vids would love if you can name your next general slash member of court mr. Smee Kevin's me why not Kevin Smee you're gonna have to lead the army of wait did it call itself the army of Scotland I need to rename it sorry kitten riot there we go no I been stood in time let me redo it I need hit enter Delta kitten riot enter there we go new leader welcome mr. Smee is it mr. Smee it is mr. Smee mr. Smee mr. Smee let's see what kind of a journal you are okay right okay mr. Smee you're not you're not incredible you're not the best I've gonna just gonna throw it out there mr. Smee the menu you have shocked which means you're great at leading cavalry but you are about as maneuverable as a potato which is an issue because cavalry are very good when you have high maneuverability so your cavalry are going to do great only if they can get there which is going to take a little bit can you name your flagship HMS Darjeeling oh I could actually that's a good point I need to build a flagship oh yeah its flagship time doo-doo-doo-doo flagship HMS Darjeeling thank you very much Lilia it's gonna be a light ship and it's going to be entirely about trade improving fleet morale and we can also make it so that it's better at seating as well so our our fleet with our flagship will be great at sieges let's build that bad boy lovely stuff it's gonna take us two years to build him Scotland just announces his arrival you're cheeky buggers right let's quickly enable increased manpower bonuses and I think what's our force limit looking like 38 okay we can recruit two more regiments and we're gonna recruit some from meek topia and one from John there we go fill of John's Banda there they're going to eventually form up another army but for the time being the most you just can be sat around in our capital doing nothing anyway it's time for the big war against monster when stirred declare war okay Tyrone and Ulster will still join which I mean I'm fine with because we can defeat them but wouldn't it just be easier if we did austere allied with Munster declare war and we could call in their allies but that doesn't really solve anything let's declare war here and we can do it we can do it why not I don't see why we couldn't why actually we could kill Desmond first but out of course Desmond's allied with Denmark why wouldn't Desmond be Heydrich Ted mark oh god yeah Denmark is not a nation I want to fight this early in the game right so we're going to we're gonna do it our first great big war against Scotland why not this is it wish us luck ladies and generally does Scotland have a high military take no do we know we don't we're going to kind of have to do it before they get to Mill take four because as soon as they hit Mill take four we are just scuffed okay don't attack Scotland like that well if we tack Scotland directly we go for we have to go to war with France and all of France's allies which our Britain in Genoa Brittany's not much of a first for Kate but the Genoan fleet is a mess we wouldn't be able to defeat that so attacking Munster and then basically what we can do is in our war Scotland we can take two provinces and then get them to break their alliance with France that makes it easier for us to attack Scotland in the future as well which is something we'll do actually right now they don't have an alliance with France they're just being guaranteed anyway oh who knows we'll just take as much from Scotland as we can he's too much war score it's fine we'll take some of it it'll be okay I declare war we've all stone let's do this although actually oh no if we do that yeah we summon in France which we don't want okay it's war time it's big war time first we need to knock out the Irish and actually we don't need to worry about we don't directly need to worry about the actual Irish enemies for a while it's mostly going to be about trying to oh here we go I've got an idea I'm Desmond wants to rent us their army for the estimated cost of free Desmond are just giving us their entire army for free Desmond by bore his oh you're incredible Oh what's this pail is neat King well yeah okay let's not quarantine pail that's just a waste of 50 admin so Desmond has now joined the fight which is great kitten riot is going to kind of stay poised to quickly hop on a boat and run out in Northumberland if Scotland starts invading down south but for the moment we should be fine I should also detach a siege here and oh we can't move into there of course but let's intercept the monster army that's gonna be a very easy fight we massively outnumber them good job mr. Smee your first victory time to get the siege is going good stuff oh and the Scottish Navy is outside it's on the Straits of Dover oh good god black phoenix for $200 whoa that's a lot of that's a lot of money's my god hey so if I fell on some hard times lately and your content helps me get through one day at a time keep doing what you're doing and hope this gets you decent of our team that is a ludicrous quantity of tea like Phoenix thank you that's a life-changing quantity of tea thank you most of the donations of the stream are going to go to try me trying to secure a housing deposit basically right we need to actually move our armies around we need to drop a siege on there and then we're going to move the army from tier over to Northumberland I think just to try and I'll wait they've actually got a huge army of they're okay it's detacher-- siege and leave the freak a 13k needs to get over here no I prefer if you actually why are you trying to go that way okay can we just go this way instead right that seems a bit overpowered why not okay we're gonna march our 30k towards Northumbria Northumbria is an easy place for us to fight in because it's a marshland so we receive a bonus Scotland's army are going out the wait there we go so we're going to win this fight because we're fighting in a marsh which gives us a massive bonus come on it's Quinn Fitz Thomas versus mr. Smee this is it let's slow down the game speed and get this one fight at a time we can literally see James Brown's first regiment there on the front line we got barkbox First Regiment there as well there's it's incredible I love the way this game works anyway the reinforcements need to come in from the royalty army come on reinforcements and they've arrived lovely that's very necessary gives us the bolstering of morale most importantly we see autumn scarus has now rocked up to the fight along with Hull I know mr. Smee come on you killed a thousand Scots nine hundred two hundred thirty three good job look at these dice from zero to five against their warden this is incredible a two and a three old god they rode high though that's a nine but it's okay don't worry we're still overall winning the fight their morale will break before hours keep going mr. Smee yes we did it ah the Battle of Northumberland when mr. Smee stood valiantly against the worst general in history Quinn Fitz hobbits and lost sadly 7,000 British men lost their lives and Wyatt you know we lost more because of course two thousand calves mr. Smee well done though overall we lost more men but it was still a victory and mr. Smee becomes an inspirational leader well done mr. Smee well done oh that's incredible mr. Smee you're now going to go on actually no you need to resupply some manpower and we're going to advance the royalty army to siege down the West marches housing deposit I think you mean opening a teahouse Oh that'd be lovely it honestly is a dream of mine to run a like cafe which is just a tea cafe I think that'd be lovely Oh too few seats in parliament we need to elect a new member of parliament dirt to the dirt the dirt oh I think we're gonna go for Worcestershire welcome busty you're now in it well you're now serving in Parliament and we need to start a debate as well nice gain one stability increased manpower recovery oh that's good this one is incredible actually yes we'll do that it's time to support the war effort immediately John spanner is on board and so is Lancashire tea sucks and so is Yorkshire tea and wuss teas on board now we just need to we'll get a ship's Phoenix on board by taking their side in Parliament it's 93 percent chance okay will bribe autumn and there we go the support for the war effort has begun we're at free stability guys that's incredible we can also make a new state here in Ireland lovely and well yeah that's such you've probably all we need we all do have to stay of Leinster which is good oh this is this has gone great guys an internet tea cafe doesn't that just sound lovely chat oh there we go we've done our first big fight and it's our flagship ready when is our flagship ready oh it's HMS Dijon ling is still six months away or so our first naval battle went quite well the Royal Navy did great just defeated them quite simply and easily let's quickly send them into port and then we'll send them out again basically our Navy does help with sieges it makes it ever so slightly easier for us to do Suge's I don't think Scotland's looking in the best of shape at the moment something tells me their manpower reserves are quite low oh but they are trying to march on through okay that's an issue let's quickly send some reinforcements over oh god this is gonna be a rough fight it's quickly consolidate the regiment's of mr. Sneed of mr. Smee and oh I know they pulled back off last minute oh thank god well that was gonna be rough if they didn't good job guys good job four right we're going to have to get these two armies here and actually group them up and attack Donegal over here can we even do that no we can't now we're not going to let the clergy rule England course not stop forcing that upon his game corruption loses stability or lose government reform progress okay we're just gonna ignore the corruption for a little bit I don't want to lose a stability this is the most stable I've ever seen the game good god frosty ah see that's 50 pounds Jesus Christ okay you already have one region kiss I guess we could always use the second general in the army as you know you can have you can have the fleet why not frosty Ozzie's Botti boys oh no frosty Ozzy's Orr's there we go welcome to the Navy can I be a general and bark at the people bug bug when another general opportunity rocks up we can but generals are expensive they cost 50 military power so for us it's basically a case of if we were to get a general now we'd have to wait oh my god we'd have to break wait about 16 more that costs us about for 16 months of our military power progress which we really need to get into mill tech because we're on mill tech free and there are countries out there like I think the Ottomans which are on mill tech 5 which is not the best sign oh dear but don't worry or we'll be fine anyway the invasion of Scotland has gone great we should actually probably send in mr. Smee to do the siege now it doesn't have any siege boners just the furnaces does he send mr. Smee in there to do a fight oh god yeah oh my god this is a close one actually I didn't mean to i missclicked send in reinforcements royalty are we reinforced ok god of reinforced mr. speedo oh god that's a historical blunder oh god that was a huge blunder we just basically haft our army send over the reinforcements from Ireland that's gonna be necessary Oh God it's a good thing we have some reinforcements actually lying around in England here meat thanks to good old autumn and John my god this is gonna be rough okay how we're gonna have to do this is we're gonna have to basically race through the siege of the West marches and then go for the war and not go for the never fight in Northumberland but for that to actually happen I think we could do some mercenaries so we're gonna get some mercenaries from the midsection of the UK there we go it's okay it's not that much of a loss we can do this in schemes can I have a province inns games you can have Derby welcome welcome welcome welcome before this is gonna be it's gonna be strange one they've got 23k we do have the number advantage and most importantly do they ever take advantage oh god they have a tech advantage that's not the best let's get trade efficiency let's stop focusing on Diplo also I need to feed off of the estates don't like grant monopoly charters get some Diplo support seek support of clergy demand admin support oh this is going to be a rough fight because that milk Nortec 4 is a big one it's a really big one or invest in better infrastructure oh yes basically it's prospering x 4 in Robert white land which is as your account remember we're whereabouts is it somewhere around here and basically what this means is we can invest in things in Robert white Robert White if you're in chat give me a shout and you can decide basically do you want more men more production or more tax those are your choices Robert what do you want Robert it's your choice also had chat someone added questions Biff do you still play Skyrim yes I probably have an idea of some more scaring videos coming which would be good fun Texas nice Texas always nice manpower is needed I mean it is quite useful actually for manpower I will say that much said in the fish sticks I've got to be honest fish sticks we're unlikely to recruit any men from you for the sole reason that your soul and hogs I mean if Robert y if if Rob is there I can't see it sadly so I've got a has to guess and say he probably wanted more manpower so manpower welcome denizen says could I have Scarborough or a fleet please Dennis on you can have Scarborough welcome thanks for 20 pounds that is incredible doo-doo-doo-doo right you have had the manpower Robert quite that does give us some military points which is useful basically means we're a couple of months closer to getting our mill tech how close are we still really far actually God is there a new is there a better general no we can't it's not a primary coach group as well as we can't upgrade him because these will lune instead of being English all right let's just send the men in this is going to be a huge fight mr. Smee I'm going to consolidate up your regiments good luck good luck indeed men get ready this is a much much much more important fight now God in we go immediately first day it's looking good the first dice roll is good I will say that their general is Duff Duff De La Salle who is a fire shock zero manoeuvre okay this is a nice sign basically we beat them in almost every regard okay now this is where the fighting begins we have a thousand cab on the front row which is good wait no this is first rank second ranks yes I forget okay good old James Brown fighting there yep good stuff I think once you beat the flanks we will be able to in there but as you can see there the improvement of mill tech 4 is the military tactics and military tactics basically means their men do just more damage against ours now that being said thanks to mr. smees much vastly superior dice rolls and the fact we're fighting in a marshland of northumberland means victory speaking of which we probably shouldn't call it Northumberland we should probably name it after someone pink burner can welcome pink punch and actually okay pink pink punch n there we go welcome you are now in the game thank you very much your generous donation so go pink bun-chan the legendary vassal of ping pong chan is complete we actually lost less men than the Scottish there that is incredible that I that was entirely thanks to some superior roles there on mr. smees end he did much better than the last fight well done I guess from this point on we'll have the 10 K Army march on la frame a mr. smees army waltz egypt the east marches and then our new mercenary army have made up of entirely mercenaries unnamed crap is just going to go and defeat the irish i guess it'll be fine just going to send them down to achieve unseat hyperion are you going to keep the French French provinces yeah mostly because France can't take them back as we're allied with Castile and Austria the French hey I will never declare war on us and also because we gave main to alençon the French AI doesn't actually have a cassis belly to attack us so if we win on our lovely a lovely flag ship is now ready HMS Darjeeling welcome my friend it's time for you to start your mission of protecting trade in the English Channel good luck you're hiding apparently oh I guess yes there is a fleet out there let me quickly go smash that fleet the Turan fleet will be destroyed well done though mr. Smith that was lovely the Khitan right army did incredible so did the Royal Army and our Second Army is now swap places with the Royal Army we've occupied the East marches great good stuff oh and Tyrone has suddenly just gained an extra province incredible right let's send mr. schmear over we're going to need to actually do an automatic transport yeah we need our fleet over there there we go can I have West marches when we take it Ryan Watts where is West marches oh it's there yes sure why not Oh see I might forget and if I do get one of the mods to ping me may I be named for your trade fleet you go live eagle if of course you can yeah the trade fleet wants to be called blue squadron but that's of course a stupid name eeeek Olaf is much better do do to do Batman now our free conductor re which we got from Desmond are currently dying in a fight we could go and support them and I think that's probably the nice thing to do actually no we don't we didn't even support them we just let them pin down the enemy for a long enough time so that we could get there now they are attacking into Aberdeenshire to try and get us but luckily we do have reinforcements here this should be fine the only issue is that we don't have a general here to help out so it is going to be a rough fight god yeah this is gonna be quite you know we might as well move all the men over there we go we won the fight actually no that was a separate fight entirely right we need to seat down donegal just to stop tyrone from being a nuisance oh no this fight oh no this fights we don't have a leader which is an issue right we're going to have to get all of these armies shift them up consolidate them and we need a leader on this ASAP I'm actually going to get our King involved he's not going to be the best but he doesn't cost us anything to hire and also if he dies that's honestly good news for us because he is so terrible oh this is a rough fight this is a very rough fight has detached that bring mr. Smee over for the reinforcements oh come on come on come on just roll better King Henry very good just anything over a one would be better we lost oh and we're gonna get across in penalty okay mr. Smee don't do it don't do it actually wait they're moving their army out mr. Smee go we can jump on that one point free case set free haystack no problem there we go we'll get a slight crossing penalty but it will be fine let's move bring the armies back on over the Royal Army over here is a bit beat up but that's fine they can DC CH that oh my god what a what a messy scuff this fight in Scotland is I mean we can actually probably set preppies of Scotland out already for these province we can have West marches but that's all they'd like to give us at the moment how close are we from the next one quite a way off actually we need to UM we need to occupy probably there next fort and then we'd be able to get it oh god no no the well we accidentally marched into the capital Oh beans Oh beans we're okay now we separate piecing out Scotland Scotland I've been stuck this war so much oh you don't what West marches because there's currently a an ongoing battle oh no it's not a good ol going battle over oh crap Oh beans I mean it'll be we'll win it but it's just a really costly fight a really expensive battle which was not necessary no god no we lost actually Freight separate peace and out Scotland I I just can't have them in the war they're just too much of a pain right we're just taking the West marches I know we could have got so much more from this but just one province at a time is still a profit okay it does weaken them in the long run alliance break for Scotland or we could do but there are issues they're not actually allied with France they're just guaranteed so we have to break it on France's end which is fine basically all we need to do is make sure that we just keep Munster alive in this war and only take from Tyrone and Ulster and what that means is they'll well what that means is months will keep their alliance with Scotland so that we can basically do this again you know what we'll actually just do we'll just do it like so there we go knock out two crappy miners in Ireland lovely stuff that was way more costly than a had to be alright let's return those conduct yari thank you very much Desmond that was very nice of you whoa what a costly mess that was let's detach the mercs and kill them we're going to need to spend some time reading reforging military sadly but we did good we did that war was fine we profited that's all that matters that miss click into love rain was so costly it doesn't help the weary mill tech behind that does really really really affect our ability to even do anything whether we should be getting the Renaissance soon enough 23% in our capital which is good so we'll get the Renaissance soon good stuff and actually let me talk of my let me look at my kingdom okay our air is 11 so he's not quite ready enough for us to kick Henry off of the throne but one day he'll be there whatever a fight mr. smees kitten riot armies still up and running the Royal Army is still up and running we'll actually merge that with mr. Smee and we need to call our newly gained provinces actually what's this we have hive it we have a high vacancy in Church positions in the Church administration of autumn scarce or capital city basically we can gain some money oh sure 77 gold why not nice we'll use that to actually build a little trade post in cow over here why not Oh rigorous research is nice that's a bunch of free free leader points which is good we're going to merge up meek meek Tobias regiments and John spenders into the kitten right army and we have influenza in literal hell brackets hull and you know what quarantine we could do corty the port and let them die but honestly I think it's not gonna spread because firstly no one would go to Hull anyways so we don't have a risk of it ever leaving hull which is why it's safe I realize I haven't actually renamed Lincolnshire that needs to happen I've always I think we've actually renamed almost all of the mainland of England which is incredible oh yeah someone wanted West marches Ryan Watts there we go BAM I'm so good at remembering and doop there we go now what we do need to remember to do is getting those getting that stuff caught up which is good we have a trade dispute against Burgundy we could do we're not going to do that though because a good god we're recovering and we could need to actually expand our trade fleet a little bit more actuate we don't even need to do it that way we can do it an even better way we can actually just click on ego lift trade fleet and just hit add bark there we go five new trade ships are going to be added to the fleet nice stuff please save more live streams to YouTube and do more I'm dismissing Brit I am this flipping Brit and appreciate your content greatly oh thank you chat person yet so the way we'll probably have this live stream put up is it probably won't be public but it will be left unlisted so you know if you get a notification you can probably go back and see it or it'll probably be in the discord or actually maybe I'll make it public I don't know yeah maybe I'll make it public it's just rough because when you make a live stream public and it doesn't have like a stupid quantity of likes on it YouTube basically just goes okay we're gonna use this as an excuse to never show any videos from your channel again I love YouTube it's a silly sausage but a fun one right cork who you I lied with your allied with Denmark so I can't attack you form and you I lied with Tyrone so I can attack you and Tyrone is I lied with Munster okay so what we can do is we can attack form and take Foreman and the remaining province of Tyrone and then that leaves Munster left here for whenever we want to attack Scotland again which will probably be as soon as our manpower comes back which will be kind of a little bit way away but soon don't worry kill Denmark I mean have you seen them I mean they're not incredible but Denmark starts out the game with Norway and Sweden being under their belt as personal unions basically like vassals to an extent this is great but it does come with a couple of issues because it means Denmark wields a massive army I mean as you can see we're actually fourth great power rank which means for some reason the game values us is having more power than France does technically speaking but that's just because of our high development we're on 486 development France is on fridge in 52 this is mostly just because we've gained all of Ireland and then when we gain all of Scotland as well we'll gain about another I think it's 40 or so development from Scotland maybe 50 when we're going to annex France okay so how the annexation of France works because we bypassed the surrender of Maine to get the hundreds to get the Hundred Years War event happen to happen basically which gives us a claim on northern France we just need to be at war with them so all we need to do is go to war with them whenever we're ready and the time I like to go to war France is when the succession or the Burgundian inheritance fires and what happens is basically burgundy will get split with IVA Castile or Austria or France now if it goes to France Austria gets a land border with France and we'll start claiming this region if it goes to Castillo Castillo will actually be happy to invade France because they're on their border and so on and so forth oh god the influenza spreads influenza has spread to Kildare how should we handle this quarantine the entire province or it will soon go away yes the influenza will soon leave us fear dot Oh finally we've caught around watts lovely stuff which is nice the region of around watts is great so it gives us another fort on the Scottish border so now if basically if Scotland wants to invade us they have to siege down this fort and then they have to seach down this fort as well basically meaning the Scottish armies can't ever really get past here because even if they defeated our army here we can very easily pull back reinforce and by the time their seating down this place we will have our army back up and running again not that we particularly have much to fear from the Scottish army because by the time we next ride them hopefully we'll be on the same military technologies then speaking of which we are two bumps away from getting pike and square yes giving us land morale and military tactics nice mothball the fort's wall at peace no you see as England we have a metric ton of money and so whilst we could more for the forts well if you have mothballed forts you lose army tradition so because we have fully maintained Fords we are gaining nor 0.94 army tradition now what do we use army tradition for chat good question army tradition is used for hiring generals so because we have 44 army tradition the next time we hire general he is going to have anywhere between four and eleven pips or foreign eleven ability points basically mr. Smee has six ability points so he's not the best if you have about ten that's incredible and you're just your generals will fight better which is really really worth it all we need to pick a new rival of course it's just gonna be burgundy the reason why is because we've eclipsed Scotland which is very good ah bark bark you've become a t support thank you very much and oh my god Stephen Lord get fifty dollars right Stephen you can have kind in enormity my goodness Stephen as a huge quantity of money thank you friend wait I've spot that completely wrong blood gets don't go influenza spreads influences spread to Yorkshire tea no oh we can't quarantine Yorkshire t if we quarantine York City that's terrible no Yorkshire tea Alfred literally for a decade York City is going to basically have low Goods produce low manpower merchants worried about lack of protection that's fine we'll just uh increase their protection so I love having merchants right how old is our son how old is our son there we go he's 13 so with two years away from killing Henry the six of Lancaster I know he's probably not too happy about the whole situation but I'm very happy oh my god what's happening down here oh and the Crimean pretenders will seek the support of Ottomans okay right so over here basically Crimea is oh my god what's happening to the Ottomans no the Ottomans have been to be the most overpowered nation in the game and there it looks like they kind of losing the war against Venice which is a bit embarrassing oh they'll probably win that come on you best win that if you don't win that Ottomans I'm going to be very disappointed right can I call you or no you guys need to be made into call stone you of course yes that makes perfect sense well thank you all for the new channel members in chat by the way that's very nice Oh God the influence is spread fight okay we're quarantine in the provinces we have to now actually start quarantine the provinces it sucks because it basically means for a decade we're gonna have really poor goods production and and it really does hurt the amount of money we get in but it's necessary to stop it from just spreading through the entire country that's annoying can we swap out here actually all of our advisors seem fine they're good they'll be fine I just really what our king to die when when was a winsome prince birthday princess birthday does not say great only tells you when when they inherited the froude okay of course it does you can't kill the king before he has ruled for 50 years or is 50 years old I think I don't I think it I thought it was 25 years provided the heirs old enough chubbers one spife could I get Dorsett where I live I think Dorset's already it's not chubbers one you're in welcome Chavez Berber Berber welcome to the Chubb earning Chris Campbell donates $20 have to run to tend to work so I hope all goes spiffing Lee for the remainder of the stream or so don't forget to send all coffee drinkers to Australia as is tradition as is tradition indeed Chris well done now basically the aim is we're going to try and find all of the T provinces in the game or at least the aim for this stream I would like to get all of the T provinces we'll get control of all of the T provinces that is a little bit of a challenge because I'm pretty sure our nearest team province is over here in Brazil and after that the next nearest T province is over here in India somewhere oh there we go we're getting our cause nice that means we can now state up the region of Ulster which is good states are great oh and too few seats in parliament nice we need a new seat for Parliament I think it's probably going to go to Stephen blocked it's over here because it is a really nice province and giving someone a seat in parliament is actually really good because it increases production efficiency local tax all of that stuff which is very spicy indeed very very spicy minx the kitty can I have somewhere named kitten land preferably Northern Ireland or the Caribbean you can have the region of Tyrone welcome Tyrone is now Kitty land Oh God it appears her aerco dubrow the diplomat is now malevolent meaning our subjects will be more upset by his existence okay so basically that means our air kind of just goes around bad-mouthing a lovely little cute boy Alencon here corner why had one job be nice to them one job at you who's bracelet brittany's I lived with France and attract okay France is allied with Britain in Genoa so technically speaking if we could get our allies in this war we could win it Austria Castile Portugal we could take out fronts no problem that would be very easy repair Henry the six is now a freethinker decreasing ideas cost I'm afraid that's a bit late in your life because due to how stupid you are we can't get to admin tech five which is where we can unlock our first group of ideas he is useless I hate I hate him he's terrible Oh an exceptional year they increased national tax modifier yes plus 50% national tax modifier that sounds great sounds really fun and I think yes we've almost actually completely refilled our manpower issues which is great you know we're going to do we're going to have mr. Smee drilled his army now mr. Smee drilling his army basically makes his army well it makes them more resilient they're going to fight better which is going to be good and Oscar is offered knowledge-sharing okay four for gold a month we gained an extra percent Grove towards the Renaissance very well Austria will do knowledge-sharing for a little bit I just need to get the Renaissance as fast as possible because if you don't have it it really slows down the rate we get text and as our first king is so pathetic we get text at a very slow rate Oh the Pope is elected himself is the new papal control and well done Pope clap abdicate Henry is it time it's time Henry the six will abdicate and let connor braille the diplomat take the throne at age 16 this will give us a hit of twenty legitimacy and fifty prestige but honestly it doesn't matter we'll do it forever / say hello to Henry guys he's incredible he's um an O'Conner he's pretty good he's only 16 and I'm pretty sure we need to get our yes we need to get our royal marriages up and running again so we need to get connor married pronto just so that we can get an heir because as Connor doesn't have an heir the War of the Roses is now a viable thing that could happen F in the chat for Henry long live King Connor bro the diplomat it's that zero admin I know the admin is never go to change but the we are now gaining eight-- military points per month instead of the previous four and we're gaining nine diplo points per month instead of the previous four as well which is just so much better because it means we can finally catch up on technologies which is something we've missed out on for a very long time oh goodness now we can actually also make a generous donation to the clergy this increases our people influence I guess which is nice and it makes them happy which I'm fine with now Connor please start banging people please I need I need babies just an air any air would do okay how close we also to 61% in terms of getting the Renaissance in our capital would close but we're not quite there just yet getting close Foreman insulted us ah cheeky buggers who are you allied with Tyrone well I mean we could just go straight to war for that a diplomatic insult I love diplomatic insults they're pretty useless because basically it's just a war for farming prestige he still succeed spiff that's illegal it's it's just it's not illegal its medieval England time and our advisor has died great we need a new one the adviser is dead long live David damn Pierre Oh who's this we've got an heir the house of Montague to everlasting friendship the air is here thanks to Conor getting married to Anne who's a four for 35 a new heir to the throne who's four five five Cora you've done it not only as your heir even more incredible than you are he is insane my god Conor be warned because your air is better than you are you might be able to get it from the throat pretty quickly but just look at him he's incredible oh my god he wants to be the hero King we're gonna gonna call him something here a king I'm not sure but my god just look at this man he's incredible my god 4:55 Stephen blogged it donate $50 Stephen you've got it it's Stephen Stephen blood blood get the hero King oh my God look at that man so I guess Stephen blogged it is moving the capital over to Normandy in his reign my god you are insane that is Thank You Connor that is exactly what I needed from you we needed a king your swimmers are the most powerful swimmers imaginable rising support from the balloon people lovely that basically means Laura's become more happy which is very necessary for us oh my god well done Connor well done big peepee energy big peepee energy all hail the rise of hero king in Ellora actually we're also going to upgrade the natural Harbor to being a ontraport and pretty sure we can do the same over here in this region here which needs to be renamed let's rename it after some lovely people who donated Rahel donated from Brittany so I'm sorry as we don't control Brittany I can't give you Brittany but I can give you a region next to Brittany so there you go welcome for how oh my goodness that hero King will kind of be replaced maybe maybe he will god I love this game I really do now the kitten right army led by mr. Smee has actually been training away and as we can see this basically is improve their abilities so that in general they move 5% faster they take 2.5 percent less shock damage fire damage and they dish out more fire and shock so basically the troops take less damage and they hit harder it's not massive and if we still face it against a large army we will still lose but it is a minor edge in a very difficult fight plus it also increases our Mersey military professionalism yes which increases our siege ability our land fire damage our shock damage our mercenary cost and the amount of available mercenaries we have so that's always something nice speaking of which we could probably get a new general in but I think I'll save that until the death of mr. Smee long dresses name now the army drill does wear off the more the army fights speaking of which we need to actually continue our invasion of Ireland so it's time for war against forment and we might as well bring over the Second Army there we go rig them all in speaking of which we can actually now make Connor lead an army as well and he's got oh my god okay Connor no you had it you had anywhere between four and 12 pips maximum you could have been the greatest general in history and yet now you're just you're just okay you're just okay you're worse than mr. Smee sadly oh well well right time for war were formant for Monde my friend it's time for you to die you and your ally Tyrone are no more rest in peace good couple of battles there hardly any losses on our end and now the sieges can begin no debate in Parliament let's get it going we can do support the war effort for that free stability issue letters of the marquee for some cheaper trade ships I think we actually go for support the war effort again come on who supports the war effort me topia autumns the carrots of course supports in Steven blog near of course he would he's the heir he wants the war effort going we're going to my god ignore the corruption in ash of the Phoenix which is rough and ignore the corruption in length shitty sucks and grant some Navy commissions and there we go the war effort has been supported stability is now at an all-time high the perks of having stability an all-time high prosperity can now increase okay and because of how high because of how high Connor browse stats are basically every month there's a 45 percent chance the prosperity increases by one the higher prosperity is an if it achieves like being maximum prosperity it just becomes incredible it just produces more goods which is fantastic the only downside is the more the province gets each down the crap here it is oh god comet sighted the economy Falls oK we've lost the stability that's rough but you know these things happen it just happened on fantastic we can finally get admin tech for and start building temples while churches actually now churches increased taxation so we can drop that one down in autumns carries one down Aquitaine one down in blubber and that is now good to increase the amount of gold we get per month by about nine point six doesn't sound like much but it is a huge quantity we also need a new trade dude so he's in James Brown could you name a general Arco Gnaeus Akoni is the lame and we could actually why not why not I'm pretty sure what's a military army tradition looking like it's higher than it's ever been so let's do it actually why not we don't know who this guy is gonna be but he could be the best general in history because he could be anywhere between 4 and 11 so our co Gnaeus the lame thank you very much for $25 my friend Akoni as the lame is in he sucks he's is the lame he's even worse than Connor oh and also mr. smees dead I missed it I missed it but mr. Smee died in the siege camp Oh mr. Smee can we get an F in the chat for the legendary hero mr. Smee whose valiant battles in Northumberland well in pink Bunch inland now kept England safe and gave us the province of Ryan Watts mr. Smee he fought valiantly he really did a hero a hero before his time some would say a valiant fighter a noble warrior and gone too soon too soon what a shame what a shame taking up his mantle is arconi as the lame the worst possible general imaginable you might be wondering why it's because he has free fire free fire is the worst thing we could possibly have for the sole reason that all of our infantry don't have fire you infantry don't really get fire until we discover guns and we're not going to discover guns for quite a while yet ah mr. Smee he was too good he was too good I'm gonna miss him what a guy anyway apparently the institution is spread to London which is good can we know embrace it yes we can for 600 gold good oh my god let general bog be the next general bark bark you best be a good general you best be and in fact the next meal takes a big 1 mil take 5 gives us standardized Pike's which means we can get longbow infantry which fight much better admittedly Scotland's already of mill tech 5 which is a pain but I will also have Connor Brown doing his army drilling we lost our had a motek dude - that's phone we can hire a new one it'll be fine oh god I just I feel so sad about mr. smees death I'm gonna have to eat a whisper chocolate bar here is terrible anyway we're at war we actually don't need to be at war so let me quickly peace out take both of these cos dudududu coalition reform against me that worked there we go the provinces are ours we can now call them but most importantly well actually no not most importantly most importantly we lost a good man in that war very good man he had to die eventually he served us for the I think around about you I think you so for about 20 years which is a good good service for any general I'd like to say well the fat man donates $20 ok fat man you can have the region of limerick thank you very much it's got fish let's thank you very much that's very generous the fat man BAM you're in hmm once this master recruiter Sam Howell has died he's the guy I just hired oh my god great I just spent money on him oh we have a revolt Oh Noble revels of noble rebels have rised up in our our little vassals so we send over Connor Browns detachment settle them down over just to help our vassal we don't have to but it is it's nice to give them a little bit of a helping hand because they're not the best there we go and it'll make them happy make them nice and happy that we defended their loans there we go see we helped you they're very happy with that I'd never have a great battle right invest in new technology bear mill take five and diplo tech six which means we can now have superior infantry we're gonna go for the longbow infantry because I'd like them and that means we can actually start recruiting more men to the army because as you can see we're actually ten beneath our force limit so we can probably make a second army entirely so the best way to make an army is to recruit basically all but two to your force limit and then have two cavalry just so that they're on the flanks cavalry aren't actually good fighting they're only good on the flanks in comparison to infantry apparently we can ask the Empress of Austria for some assistance here help with some administration maybe with some military aid or general oh we could literally borrow something from their army you know we're going to we're going to ask some help with the administration just because I'd like some admin points Oh me a royal marriage with Casteel lovely and we can call the fat man lovely good stuff mm-hmm Oh Thank You Austria lovely hmm oh my god Portugal gives us 24 gold thank you so much Portugal that's very generous ah that was not expecting that we don't really need it because we're making so much money but why not francs Portugal mm-hmm all right so the way we're going to do this war there's now much less people that we have to worry about so we're going to have the Khitan riot army as well as the second army led by Connor Brown invade Scotland whilst the new army over here is going to deal with the tiny nation in Ireland oh my god we can lose a hundred admin power and we can gain a new Cardinal seat in blubber flubber okay Bubba flubber if you're in chat is this something that you want because it does cost us a bit but having a new Cardinal seat basically means we gain more papal influence which means we have a better chance of being the next pope II boy which is nice it has its benefits at the moment we don't gain too much because we tolerated the lull and so they're not too happy with us so it's up to you Bubba flubber what do you want of course it's not necessarily worth it because we could gain 100 admin power here and I think that's probably what chat wants chubs probably I had to know switch to Anglican I think that's probably what we'll do eventually no Anglican gain okay I mean chat once Anglican so I'll have to do it sorry you spent too long over flubber welcome to a 300 admin power I mean that 100 admin power is going to be spent making most of Ireland into proper cause proper cores are great because we basically get more money from each of the regions which is really nice or Dave Langton says I'm struggling to get some splendid Yorkshire team in a supermarket have you got any spare I do but I can't share it I need it but Dave Langton you can have Kildare Dave Lang term welcome tensions along the allure of border oh no burg knee games against claim on it that's a shame Donegal we can also rename to other side guy who says you'd like a place to be called the other side realm amid a mysterious spooky place with tales of disappear disappearances of tea shipments very well you've got the fish plantation of Donegal the other side I don't think I can add roam in because it wouldn't fit in the character limit but there we go thank you very much ah and I think we're probably actually ready for a war against Scotland all we need to do is get our army over to the mainland here and then as soon as this war starts we're basically just going to do a beeline for La vein and this is it Munster is alloyed only with Scotland so they're the only thing we have to worry about this war is going to be absolutely easy Frances announces his arrival well finally glad that actually happened right I guess it's time for us to do our war Muenster it's time for war dear Claire though a war okay Scotland gets called in let's go straight for the Scottish capital and we have the Cannavaro army to flank with assistance at the same time we march our 11k on over into the cap so of Muenster just to get its each down for some lovely ward school this is it ladies and gentlemen Scotland will fall this is the war the big spicy war do-do-do-do-do-do-do to do basically we can get a conquer Scotland well we have a mission to conquer Scotland which is what we currently have and if we do that what what happens is we basically gain claims on the Orkney Islands and Faro and also Iceland which is good fun that can help with early colonization which is good anyway now that we actually have control of that patchy where is we need to move the fleet ramp to here so that we can assist with the siege thanks to our fleet and then we can move our fleet round her over here later on good stuff but also once we conquer all of Ireland we gain basically the Irish collar event which lasts for 15 years and basically increases the goods produced by Island by 35% which is just ridiculous basically turns Ireland into a money-making powerhouse of just infinite wealth which is always lovely to have good stuff this siege is going great of course kitten riot led by arconi as the lame their siege is going very quickly which is actually really nice sieges in this game are basically done by dice rolls but you have ways of improving your dice rolls so if we say had a Navy out there our dice roll would be better by 2 if we had say a bunch of artillery our dice roll could be increased by up to 5 if we had 5 artillery regiments in there which of course we don't have the Brits taking island classic history indeed anyway la Fane has now been conquered good stuff or just quickly capture the province behind it and then move on up to Perth and pretty sure from this point on Scotland does not actually have any other provinces Oh Scotland's trying to make a break for it into Ireland right that's it we've got to track them down luckily but it looks like their generals doesn't have any maneuver so we're going to capture the 8k stack which was left behind a military leader left us oh my god the lame died and battle aah I'll Coney it's the lame well he died really quickly in the Battle of Irish air probably a stray stray cup of tea was flung his direction actually don't eat both of the armies chasing down here only one of them should be fine speaking of which we do now need a better general so let's roll this guy's F in the chair he did one siege one siege for one battle and died ah right time for a new new general hopefully this one's better and lives longer chat who wants to be the new general Oh God that's 50 military points we never see again ah F F surfs lame general he had one job he had one job and he did his one job and then he died that's what made him so special oh so special Riana Kives for general oh that's a good idea I actually like it sure Riano Kives Riano keys has the chance to be the best general we've ever had derp derp derp derp he's free siege ladies and gentlemen free siege oh my god that's incredible okay he's not he's not the best fighting general his maneuver is great basically meaning he can track down this Scottish army no problem but here's his massive huge benefit is the fact that he is a siege general I mean just look at him he just shredded them in the Battle of Ulster he's a siege general meaning he just destroys forts he just walks up to the wall of a fort and then just evaporates it oh I love it well done that's a very nice very nice general that's exactly what we needed long livery on O'Keefe's the new mega general there we go he's really started occupying hopefully gets a nice general trades and I think we've almost caught most of Ireland at this point all right do do do do to do okay Scotland how much can we take from you in a war like what's the actual maximum okay so the maximum we physically could take of these free provinces here just because of the fact that otherwise yeah otherwise well they're not the main bullet actually wait we can piece them out currently right here right now okay you know we might as well take these three provinces good stuff great first start and then of course once again in just a few years we can do the war all over again oh no monsters dying Oh beans we need to kill cork I love a cork salad with Denmark oh god please don't die monster can I often wants to conduct yari or uh I just need monster to live for the sole reason that I need the Alliance to keep their there is offer conduct yari I have to send it on the second okay I would offer you this army of 11k for free they'll take it nice all so right now let's go kill let's go to win monsters war for them so that desperate can't exist oh my god I just can't have Desmond kill birds to please it's the last thing we've literally just defeated them in a battle and now we're just immediately going actually please have our army we need you I need you alive not dead we get influential power hoarder in Scotland very nice Wallace of roof in good stuff and we've actually completed a mission what mission is this maritime Empire I have 40 have 40 ports and we've gained a permit well we can gain a permanent claim on Gibraltar as well alright I'll use this will actually activate this mission when I want to gain the Admiral because at the moment we can't really afford to gain an admiral but soon anyway there we go let's quickly win this war for them on their behalf Oh God actually we can send oh no you can't send Rihanna keeps over ice wait no we could just assign Rihanna leaves to the army there we go right Rihanna leaves will have this fort down in a jiffy just you watch look at that free siege leader or you can just do a dice roll and just immediately evaporate them oh my god there we go we caused a food shortage there very nice come on roll again roll again another food shortage good stuff why am i watching a Brit getting tea when I already know that the Brit always gets the tea look it's a it's not about it's not about the destination it's about the journey the journey chair ah this is good a 21% chance because the defenders deserted they just Soriano Kives and knew what was happening oh what's this marital bliss they're offering a skill free production efficiency guy who's 50% cheaper you know what that's you sounds really good yeah sure let's do that it sounds great Anthony Howe you're in he's 36 years old if he dies I'm gonna be really annoyed because he's very expensive so he best bloody live anyway siege of cork defenders desert once more or this is it Rihanna cubes is a forty nine percent chance of closing out this siege he caused a water shortage good oh no great expectations we could give them twenty army tradition but our army tradition is good I need it for good generals I don't want to lose it sorry no special favors Denison is gonna be a bit upset it's just how it has to be I'm sorry Connor brow keep drilling your army get yourself a home get yourself out guys there we go we did the siege of we hoped Cork fantastic sadly we won't get our army back until the 3rd of August this year because of because we gave it over which is fine but I think I can move Riana Kives and I can't move Rihanna keeps over please come on and conduct a re ok fine but I can enact a government reform do we increase Mac's promoted cultures or centralized bureaucracy or centralized bureaucracy please less monthly autonomy lovely the less autonomy there is the more money we make from a region which is good okay Connor you drilling the men good yes very sexy very sexy [Music] so have I dupe sniff says so happy to catch my first stream or so can you rename I'll go to Felix I'll go sadly I don't control it so instead I'll rename the lower profits of I share to Felix Argyle just because it makes no sense I have been to Argyle a lot and it's a lovely place by the way strongly recommend you guys go there it's a great place track dog says can can that last province of Ireland be called South potato land well there's Ulster and pale so we're actually gonna have to call it north potatoland well also can now be north potato land there we go good job North potatoland The Adventures of North potato land continue do to do to do I'm surprised we haven't had the pork and inheritance yet they don't want to Oh Austria is actually down to rumble against France if we wanted to Casteel it's not really up for it and Novus Portugal but I mean we could probably actually take out France with Austria's help or Wow oh this is it improve the capital do we use militaries of work force to improve the capital or do we spend a hundred gold to improve the capital I think we spend the hundred gold autumn Sicarius BAM improved just in the amazing slowly the Scottish people will learn to love tea yes turn turn lava into frosty land ok frosty Ozzy why not we now have frosty land BAM there we go and east March can now become metal ghosts there we go metal ghosts do do do to do oh my goodness we want to set a free thousand likes on this room thank you very much can you rename pale to jail please yes we can we can rename pale to jail it is now jail and she don't you see that Denmark's gone to war with Scotland there a wolf Scotland and France oh my god this is it this is the chance this is the chance ladies and gentlemen France is involved in a war with another nation and also Scotland's getting invaded but that doesn't matter a phrase France is involved in a war of another nation that means now is the time to strike now is the time to strike on France move the men to France it will be valiant and it will be glorious yes this is it that has also build oh what can we build we can build a few more tax hurts and the lure and pyro beasts just some more money let's get this army over as well and let's get kit and riots army over last corner browse army actually I think I would like to improve it I think it needs two horses and of course another infantryman and there we go it's then up to its maximum size which is what we want then of course Riano Keys has rocked up and kitten Wright is about to arrive - good stuff now my biggest question is do we actually have a fleet large enough to defeat the French which is an issue and of course these is way to solve that is just to throw more ships into the trade fleet and use the trade fleet as a military force it just works tonight we march for Paris indeed we do now the French military is one take ahead of us there on tech six but we are quite close to getting tech six actually so I think I mean we could pay to just upgrade this dude make him better it would cost us about two duck it's a month more and seventy duck it's to do it oh but actually I've just I'm just watchin now France is sending their army up to Scotland this is it lovely stuff the distraction play commences as soon as we see more of the French army leave which is going to march straight in the Mamluks has announced England is arrival the Mamluks you are all the way over here why am I your rival we have not even met each other oh my god oh this is fine this is fine right I think it's time for a walk Austria BAM you're in we can do a bunch of take take lands yep take short airs is going to be the aim is that is that our aim we're short s oh it's that fault there okay sure we can have Rihanna keeps your smash down that fort and that's no problem speaking of which transfer the army over see this is the Rihanna keeps each army basically it's gonna be very jazzy and we need our Navy Sat just floating around the English Channel just making sure our men are safe okay time for the war oh and also we need to tell our fleet to go home during the war so don't want to lose the trade fleet it's time for war it's is it bring in Austria they are so going to join because they love the idea of this and it's time for a nice big fight okay this will be rough there's a chance we could lose this because we are also at war with Britain in Genoa and they are a pain why can't we get castelia Casteel just likes France too much okay fine let's do this this is the water the big war use reconquest oh you're right it lowers the cost of taking problems doesn't it it does mean we need to occupy Almanac which we don't actually have anyone but this is it the war right straight up I think we want to just get Brittany straight out of the war I think that's a nice way of doing this and also we need to actually defeat those French armies quick right have Riano Kives on the siege and that'll get it done nice and fast could maybe do it I would say we could do another general but actually I prefer to get mill tech six sooner because mill tech six is big increases the combat with and the infantry fire rate until we get that which will take about twelve months I yeah we're going to go into wait what's this you can push stuff through Parliament quartering the troops culture conversion inspire impressment of sailors fund the expansion of bureaucracy let's go for the quartering of the troops why not and looking no corruption send delegation to the Holy See from no not actually that was the wrong thing to do take sides in Parliament don't present a scapegoat that's a bad idea current local autonomy and then just wait for one of the other guys to come on side okay but I can do is declared war on France Burgundy's in we didn't even have to summon them they just joined of their own accord this is it ladies and gentlemen this is the one and we can hit the Hundred Years War which gives us claims on all of this region here most importantly Paris we need to get on to Paris ASAP so let's quickly send an 11 cave around to Paris oh wait Burgundy's got on it first okay that's fine we'll just have to wait for our turn there Oh fifteen government reform progress forty administrative power or 100 military power 100 military power please and an increase in army tradition BAM milt x6 infantry shock plus free infantry fire +2 combat with and military tactics we now fight better and do better but most importantly with the increase in our army tradition there I'm pretty sure we should recruit another general because he'd be between five and thirteen pips good god maybe I can save it till after the war maybe it's a good idea maybe not I don't know Chet I don't know oh my god were just under 3,000 likes thank you so much chat ridiculously generous sausages the siege is going well the siege of Anjou is done whadda Maria oh no that was Conor Bradley not Rihanna Kives a Rihanna keeps us here he needs a fleet to assist with the siege of course he does yeah you see if you don't have a fleet involved you're going to have a big issue because it basically has - due to the siege David go right I think maybe we need another general I'll save it I'll save it for a bit what we do actually need to do is finish up this fort and then can we march down and no we can't wash down and save our fort we can only do it via boat something tells me boat deploying into this region is not a smart idea no we're gonna just have to let them take that fort and take it back later oh my god wait they have 11k on our homeland okay Connor bro time for the home Defense Force away you go just stand here okay I need you to get over to Lincoln chair as fast as possible go Connor go defend the sovereign lands okay and jump on them good it's the Battle of Worcestershire a legendary fight one for all all of the ages of our histories a very important one as well okay whistie let's see what you've got let's see what the French have so the French have less more than we do but they do have superior military tactics which is a shame but a superior morale and the fact that our general I'm pretty sure is better than this yes it is means that this is going to be an easy win and all we need to do is then just chase down the French army let's get them chased because they they can only retreat to this fort so that'll be easy I'll go form the name let coffee and tea join forces in their battle against the true enemy kombucha thank you for those $20 oh god no are you funny people right time to house the as the yeah you're doing good actually over there we're honor Kives could do with the Navy backing them up so that so that the fort goes down much much faster and I'll do that we need Big Dave to lead his men as a general for the home country that's a good point you're right Connor brush should be on the front lines fighting and we need Big Dave for the home defense Big Dave for the home defense Big Dave come on Big Dave Big Dave my dude he's a two-star general Big Dave he's got five five he's got four maneuver and he's even got a pip a siege Big Dave with big ideas and most importantly bigger tactics he's going to smash the French he cannot even be defeated good job Big Dave right actually also this army over here needs to be led by Connor brow and then we also need to as soon as Roanoke Yves finishes with his siege here we need to bring him on over to break up the French teach here and oh my god Big Dave stack wiped the enemy Big Dave Big Dave does big smash with for big reward and big kills great job Big Dave now let's go see jumping punchin one week even captured a ship over there nice okay so the Britannian the Prytania Navy is sunk and now the siege can begin of finistirre but what makes this siege so powerful is the fact that due to our Navy being here and us having a free level free siege general Riano Kives the wall breaker we are able to basically just seizure this down ridiculously quickly Oh Brittany wants out of the wall Oh Brittany you're not getting out that quickly my friends know I have ideas I have big big ideas you see all we need to do is occupy Paris if we occupy Paris we get claims on all of Brittany so what we'll do is wait for burgundy to piece out occupy Paris then peace out well then fire that mission gained a bunch of claims on Brittany annex a bunch of Brittany and then try and try and mess up France a bit I guess is a good idea God they actually got a walls breach though said their siege is going to go quite quickly well you'll be fine it'll be fine while Scotland is basically gone Norway is most likely they're most likely only going to take a couple of crappy islands like Orkney and the Shetlands which I'm fine with if Denmark does take mainland provinces then we will have to go to all of them but that's fine perfectly fine there we go Paris has been occupied by burgundy oh god poor France Oh naval ambitions nice dip low-tech seven our colonial Rangers increased meaning we can probably actually see the new world at this point we actually be able to get a couple of first colonies up and running which we will need in order to get hold of the T seize the means of T production can Philip stretcher says need need me Ackerman grad province okay you can have enough care why not why not come raid grad is that it yes there we go thanks you lovely sausage he sucks at csgo by the way chat just so just so everyone knows just so for knows I've got okay right they can actually get off that siege so Brianna Kives needs to deploy a small force there to help up with the siege and then we're going to go in and reinforce on mountains so that we get a defense bonus here I'm also going to try and summon in our little vassal jump and right let's do it let's do it the big fight of mountains this is a really big fight because France does have a pretty chunky army here so Riano Kives leads in the fight against Shawn Antoine to Cameroon a really crappy general the frontlines led by a bunch of people Robert White and Worcestershire out here in full force and that's an easy victory well we hardly lost anyone and we've sent the French packing good job right Riana Kives back to the sieges for you and the other men can just advance good stuff good stuff indeed ah this has been incredible what a successful little war spiff you are the best please make more content for even four and thank you for all the ore that you create thank you very much my friend thank you very much can Big Dave give me a good deal on an excellent second hand quality overall Vox of course of live low mileage and a low interest repayment scheme that's a that's exactly what Big Dave can offer you good Big Dave is not a good source of anything including cars definitely don't get big cars and Big Dave apparently Alencon wants this one occupied alençon know this is going to me not having alençon be given a bunch of brittany.brittany no you're not piecing out Ivor you're not being free not no freedom for you Oh Denmark seating down my own provinces for me that's very generous of the and finally we've won the siege Thank You Brianna Kives very good stuff indeed I guess what we're now going to have to do is oh fantastic we can take this Egypt of hat pong to over which is good and yeah good stuff lovely stuff indeed I will take control of this that's mine and hopefully can we have control this this castle no Burgundy got control of it annoying that's fine we'll just have to wait this war is basically us waiting for Burgundy to leave the war which is fine the first they do the better for us as LRE says what do you think of the Yogscast I think white I leave them considering I'm a part of their network so yeah if you ever need more spiffing brick content I want their main channel quite a lot Zayn the gamer says this is live no no it's not it's all pre-recorded actually in front of a live studio audience today which is why the chat goes so fast the Queen will rule it all bark-bark bark-bark-bark Olga be free Thank You bug bug bug bug the guard dog of course coming in live from the Royal Palace Oh monster doesn't even have it two lines with Scotland anymore oh and Wow Scotland Scotland pieced out from their war with Denmark and it looks like they lost nothing what enough to Denmark gained in that peace treaty what is a okay fine poor Scotland they're fine they're fine everything is fine France is teaching down Paris yes come on France take back Paris take back Paris if France can take back Paris we can take control of Paris and then we can do this war properly update on eager live says update on your trading operations we are successful in spreading the good news of tea when you get a trade center can you rename it one of those provinces ego loves THQ or we could do actually what a good idea what a great idea oh yeah you're the other lovely little fleet on you yes that's right it's ego lives trade fleet now one thing we can do to improve ego lifts day because we control 51% of the English Channel trade note which is giving us a nice fair bit of money but we can of course improve that by upgrading these lovely bad boys sadly we can't upgrade any of them but so at war but upgrading your natural harbors are great 11 out of 10 oh my god they took back Paris they took back Paris Roanoke Yves go go Riyadh O'Keefe's this is awesome whole government reform progress or army tradition Navy traditional military power are we just gonna crank up that army tradition - stupid numbers and we could do actually we'll go for the government reform progress we really should and the prestige is good it helps with us fighting I'm pretty sure helps the morale of armies alright kitten right army can actually probably go down as you know how on Paris no Burgundy you plonker I hate you Burgundy I hate you you're terrible what's going on oh you're fighting Oh burgundy is fighting what oh they died thinking oh they did a um they did a breach of wall breach and they just Sally did surprisingly Brittany's decided they can try and take care of well they can try and take allure in one go which isn't really going to work so if Connor brow is gonna go in there and teach Brittany a lesson for having such grand ideals such as actually having an impact in this war there we go and it's probably also time for us to DC Joe lovely Castle provinces Brittany no you're not piecing out go away and actually we can also bring our final army down into France why not I forgot we had another 16k lying around what if Burgundy pieces out with Paris if burgundy pieces out with Paris then we go to war with Burgundy that's the only the only logical solution I would also like to point out was this Wars been going on Austria has basically done nothing calling them into the war pretty much useless what have they provided Oh apparently they've done 34% if they oh they've been fighting to Noah I see apparently I occupied you Noah can I take Genoese land no can i Vasa lies them no can I get them to give me money yes but I kind of want more than money from Genoa I kind of want to know to be properly destroyed because I rifle trade nation and I don't like trade nations they are risky risky biscuits all right we'll just love butchers to our lovely seizures down here get an AV down help out with trionic Yves and his siege and all should be good Great Expectations or what's this the crown will pay some of montego's debt the Montague family will remember them came to their aid Oh fine bloody Montague family I know and Montague gave us literally the single greatest heir of all time Steven bogged it pod get the hero King Lancaster but still uh also I didn't realize Connors becoming dust' Reese that's nice good job Connor that's increased goods produced I like that I like that a lot or we can make we can seek the support of the clergy make a generous donation and then harvest admin power from them and we can do the same with the burgers this just gives us some free points including getting us one step closer to that lovely admin tech yes good stuff we we're actually close to embracing the institution although we do need to do it soon because we are having a slowly increasing tech cost penalty which is not nice not good at all how's the Lord France how much could we take feasibly without summoning a massive coalition quite a lot actually I guess turns out we could get away with we could basically probably take away four provinces from France I want to say in this war for decent provinces good thing for spiff that mel gibson isn't in scotland yet correct he's not born yet frosty land is no longer the seat of a seat of a cardinal he was loyal to England no frosty glance Cardinal is pissed off Cardinal bribe to move no Scotland bribed frosty lands Cardinal oh god damn it Scotland yeah I will have him back i will invade him just you watch goodness oh wait I forgot almanac was actually the walk off okay yeah we do need to take that bad boy let us take him good stuff doo doo doo it appears that our air is a babbling buffoon great why I mean it's a hero King so you can't expect everything and Loras now the seat of a new Connellan oh uh we have ill news general Rianna Keys will no longer serve us he died in the army camp of lamb bored oh he was seating down the castle he died too soon - sadly gained a trait ladies and gentlemen Riano Kives is dead he's dead it's too soon he died too soon the fool he was too reckless always too reckless with recetas it was so powerful rest in peace Riano Keys a hero a true hero what a guy what a guy I know Chet I know what a shame what a shame he was too gone too soon really gone too soon I miss him already honestly what a guy for a preowned Oh rest in peace ryano rest in peace he died ahead of his time he really did anyway the siege of Lombard is over which is great news for us we are losing a fair bit of money why oh we're rooting out corruption that's why forego we've got all of these corruption issues what's up corruption at no point six four you okay just cancel the routing out of corruption for just a just a little bit we don't we don't need to fight the corruption for a while everything is fine Burgundy can you piece out your bloody war yet [Music] thank you for the donation Matthew Ellison rest in peace we all know Keith rest in peace indeed I Stimpy's what a guy so generous what's this super piece from Genoa worth they want to annul all treaties with France pay us a bunch of money and give us a cipher net income of 10% to us okay Genoa you know what you're out the war why not thank you very much 7,000 January has lost their life in that war and overall they just gave us a bunch of money for it which is nice oh and Franz are trying to seach down a bunch of territories right time for the mega army to all move together Battle of st. George no the trade fleet was attacked Oh God Oh No where'd she it wasn't the trade fleet it was the secondary temporary trade fleet which I've recently just made and it's also gasps oh you silly sausages let's move the army together we've got a big fight coming up even got Austria involved here all right let's do this we are fighting in a forest but we do have a vastly superior general here the legendary Big Dave the Despoiler against Louise this the ninth Davalloo who is the actual French air actually is a bit of a glory seeker now Big Dave immediately out of the gate hit some with a big two four so that's a superior role and this is looking good we are fighting in a forest which is a penalty for us but it's not that bad oh god that was a first big hit not the best sign or a thousand casualties on each side that day oh my god this is costly this is a rough fight oh god no Big Dave not a one anything but a warren of okay Frieda four that's better no no no Big Dave please please Big Dave no no Big Dave no oh we lost rest in peace we gained five entire army tradition from that fight 7,000 Brits died why do you know about oh no oh god no about the 13,000 Brits died oh and only about 10,000 French oh dear that's the annoying thing about the French their military is just really damn powerful and so you have to you have to really stop the French before they snowball in this game you've got to jump on top of them keep them pinned make sure they can't grow and most importantly take away Paris because it's a very valuable province the French lands ridiculously valuable and the French ideas group even more ridiculously powerful Brittany you're not piecing out go away all right all we need to do is get our men back up to Calais and then though then they'll start resupplying a bit it which is fine it's okay don't worry no need to completely panic just yet we have manpower in the bank for this everything will be okay execute Big Dave now he's not drinking tea Big Dave gave it a good go if he does fail in a battle again yes I will take off his head yes yeah he's getting one more chance him one more chance also i forgot this i can do scorched earth in our own provinces so if any of you guys in chad stop misbehaving I can just find your province and burn it Brittany go away you're staying in this war forever God and my mill tech behind or something oh I am oh god yes I don't have artillery that's why they have the superior military tactics oh and thank God Burgundy's out the war right quick do we have a seat general we don't let's get our air oh it's Steve blogged that the hero king of Lancaster he's not only just a hero king he's also an incredible general referee siege who's about to take down the four to Paris fantastic stuff we need Paris because Paris is Prophets okay check Paris gives us our mission gives us our claims and then we can defeat France the general bulk won't let you down he won't but he won't he won't be someone just yet and we can invest in new ideas good our war exhaustion is high oh that's an issue I do need to fix that is that the French Navy yes but it's not that big let's destroy it we now that we have our ideas group actually we can invest in some new ideas some good ideas are of course quality defensive quantity offensive these give good military days or alternatively we can go exploration and colonize we weave course get another idea quite soon after this so our first pick isn't the end of the world but it's just kind of up to you chat do you want us to go for our first military idea or a first exploration idea and go colonizing I'll leave it up to you it's quite an important thing we could do war taxes yes but war taxes cost money exploration exploration colonized admin military military explore explore explore explore ok looks like you guys all want exploration well most of you guys so we'll pick up exploration good choices indeed ok already we actually have a favorite dip low-power lying around in because we're ahead of time on dip low we might as well sink in 400 dip low points to that why not good stuff good stuff indeed oh no I just saw the French Army's are on their way oh no the French are coming to take back Paris I think if I keep my armies surrounding Paris though the a ice should be deterred so they doesn't actually go for it which is the hope ports were blockaded come back here but Brittany let me sink your fleet it's annoying oh what's this lose one innovativeness gain and innovativeness we're losing innovativeness why not why not okay come on take Paris please whilst we sink the Britannia Navy do to do there we go Britannia Navy's gone no longer will they be blockading our ports so hopefully the war exhaustion will be better oh there's the French army just wandering around like a sneaky sausage Austria is yet to siege without one province that they've been seeing for years come on Austria literally any day now any day how long is this siege been going do I even want to know oh god it's just stuck in the status quo what just take Paris they'll go bad Paris is gone speaking of which we've now go to the mission section strategic control which now gives us yep these two claims here and claims on Brittany lovely so actually we can do our separate piece out with Brittany I would like this I would like this and I would like this this doesn't actually put us any closer to a coalition which is nice and it gives us free very tasty provinces of Brittany which are good which weakens Britain in the future so we're BAM very nice and then finally we what probably want to finish up this war score well this war deal by taking short airs and Paris okay will this form a coalition yes but not a big one so it should be fine we do need to convince them to let us actually have it though so let's quickly occupy a few more territories and then we should be able to have control actually maybe we just defeat them in a battle yes it's peril all of the men in on this one province let's go go meant go it's only 18k just chase them down chase them down there we go into pale good stuff Oh No Oh more stop running away chase them down chase them down there we go lovely stuff now even though they do have superior tactics we will beat them here our superior numbers are everything we're BAM there we go will you peace out and give us Paris yes you will yes we could take more provinces if we take more provinces the entirety opu we can't do the pu so the way the PQ works to get subjugate France we have to own all promises in the Ile de France area which we can't do because Valley and Nemours were taken by burgundy so we can't do subjugate France so we have to say yeah I know it's it's rough we have to basically do one war with Burgundy first before we can get the PU over the rest of France which will happen don't worry it's just gonna have to take a while so for the time being we'll take Paris there we go and some gold no no gold BAM thank you very much France lovely stuff this is basically France massively divided they're going to be very weak from this point on which is great news for us and we just need to start coring the bloody stuff down in Paris is a great province it's even high-def than our capital it's great no you have the PUC be from strategic control oh yes oh yes so basically we can now declare second war which is force Union you're right thank you but we can't do the PU until our truce is up with them how long's our truce shouldn't be too bad because we didn't take too much okay just ten years so yeah literally ten years and then we can do all of that again and get the PU over France and having a PU over France is amazing because they're basically a walking talking massive military fighting force which is lovely admittedly they might be a bit angry and not like us very much but that's okay speaking of angry and not liking us very much we need to defeat monster so we're gonna send Big Dave over and have him defeat the remainder of monster good stuff and the miracle of life Oh blessed be Connor brow the diplomat and Anne for their new babe Oh the birth of Kona brows new child revitalizes the nation and decreases the war exhaustion Thank You Connor those very strong swimmers of Coty's just keeping keeping the entire world in check lovely stuff how would is color nowadays anyway he's 34 his wife was 42 Wow and good god that's um okay it's fine oh wait we have a truce with cork when does our truce end 86 oh that's okay that's a while were then we'll just have to sit on our laurels for a little bit and of course most importantly get the annexation of Paris down so when will the Brigandi an inheritance happen so the Burgundian inheritance will happen randomly probably around and usually happens before 1500 but basically it all depends on whether Burgundy gets a king or not so let's take a look do they have an heir yes they have an heir he's 31 so basically we need their King and their heir to die and then there's a chance that the gundy and inheritance could fire I'm pretty sure that's how it works yeah when the pretended inheritance happens we're probably not inheriting it I reckon it's probably gonna go to Castilla Austria that's gonna be my guess or you never know he could just entirely have a wraparound straight and go entirely to all you never know with this game and is dead rest in peace and she gave us the greatest air the country has ever seen and also a decrease in war exhaustion F in the chat for and she was a pretty decent queen it can only happen before 1500 if it's not yeah if not possible it went far after that yes you're great alright now one thing I am going to do is I'm going to actually focus diplo the diplomacy basically so that we gain an 11 diplo points per month this is going to allow us to speed down the exploration ideas which is important as that's going to allow us to start colonizing the new world I know that's when the spicy things happen ah now find a new wife come on Kahn is like he's like 35 he doesn't need a new wife or maybe he does let's get him married to Alan Korn marriage ahoy well what's rising a Breton separatists all from Brittany oh and actually Connor congratulations on your new marriage it's Marguerite Duras cobbler she's a free two for so she's not quite as good so well Oh military divided siege ability yes anyway I hope you enjoy your new wife Connor she's 27 now which is good root out corruption you have been warned the corruptions gone because we're so heavily ahead on because we're so heavily ahead on tax the corruption kind of goes sure you can spend gold getting rid of corruption but it's not actually too bad anyway we need to actually sort out the parliament speaking of which let's do present scapegoat and kill someone and the rebels are dead victory great stuff great stuff armoire is happy and we need to hire a new military advisor morale of army is of course welcome Charles James Davis that's free names in one more names the more power power recurrently an event triggered by burgundy if it has no air burgundy ruler is a general Birkin d'Isere is a general war score as negative less than 25% yes correct that's that's right thank you for telling me apparently I'm being told I should have Connor abdicate the throne as lovely as that is I don't think I should I think he should stay he is fine where he is we don't need to just have him immediately abdicate because the better options available or maybe we do maybe we do maybe that's the best idea core the problem says yep don't worry we've got them getting them under control shouldn't take us too long oh I do like the setup we have in Normandy with the forts that is very nice now another easy way to take control of France is instead of instead of doing it like that what you can do is you can release Gascon and just send them about what's this frosty land has influenza right this is not the first flu in our country I don't care frosty land stay strong please don't die please Liv Liv Liv Liv Liv Liv oh we can actually make frosty landed at core should probably do that or maybe we could pick Paris over that but it's making Paris a call would be useful same for Brittany as well it's just a nice valuable region yeah down with Connor we're not abdicating him he's good he's a good leader besides what if the next guy doesn't have an heir and we caused the War of the Roses that's the last thing we want we don't want another War of the Roses it's not good that's the Holy Roman Emperor and if I was looking then looking pretty solid actually in terms of the actual world Poland's invaded Hungary Poland has invaded Crimea the Ottomans have they've started finally consolidating Venice has claimed the Balkans good the Mamluks is expanded out towards tunis which is never a good idea oh my god it's a salt crisis no production efficiency down that sucks yeah it's never good for the mammals to expand in this direction because all of this land is terrible as you can see it's it's literally free development and it why it's only giving them naught point two no point naught to gold per month in comparison most provinces in Ireland are giving us a lot more or we can embrace an institution wha-bam technology cost is gone we can now take up as well oh we're now almost ahead on Tex this is good and we can get our first colonists yes ladies and gentlemen said the colonial policy do we want native coexistence policy native trading policy native repression policy the choice the choice is yours do you want to repress the natives or do you want to coexist with them those are your choices all right let's quickly also hire ourselves a 4/4 Frosty's as yours frosty aziz ors we could actually do hiring an explorer which is something we'll do when we have 50 Diplo points and then we can send our Explorer going around about well everyone while you guys really wanted repression okay okay right repression repression it is plus 20 global settlers increase yay goodness I I love chat it's great fun oh my goodness and also thank you for 3.5 thousand likes chat very generous very very generous you may need saucy sausages apparently they're French separatists not for long that's core Paris quickly I'd like control of Paris luckily because we have permanent claims on all of this lending it's cheaper for us to call normally it would cost us ages to to get Paris court well actually it would cost us a lot more adamant about 50% more so we save ourselves on about ninety admin there which is good very nice indeed I also realized I forgot to take that to a war gold which was this core in Almanac but that's fine we can just keep that there for later it's all good Scotland is apparently trying to build a spy network on us fantastic Scotland very generous of you is there anything that we can build another we have a hundred gold in the bank another trade house it's probably good idea for all let's do that get that up and running speaking of which we can also start upgrading our centers of trade including Oh Byzantine refugees what are the Byzantines only they only just been wiped out okay my lord Byzantium has fallen to the Saracens the last bastion of the Roman Empire the city of Constantine is now in Turkish hands basically we can let them into our lands if we do that we get minus 10% technology cost for the next 30 years that seems fantastic yes cost is a bit of diplo but it's worth it also we need to get our explore up and running so it's who's going to be the person to discover the new world ladies and gentlemen it's up to you chat what's up thanks to the donations just in our why wouldn't the friendship cept the glory of tea who knows who knows why they weren't jrb Englishman says would love to see a multiplayer game with QWERTY now in love quality it's a lovely guy he wants to see the new world John Cena we're not sending John Cena to the new world chat John Cena is not going to the new world shrek is not going to the new world see more clubbers oh you've got me chat you've got me send dog Bonnie oh it's dog yes you're right it's bark time let us send bulk to the New World good old bark the Explorer dog bark the Explorer dog he's got free maneuverability and that's kind of all I need from him bark the Explorer dog go discover Africa for me autumn Sicarius donate 6100 yen of funding for the protection of corner ok they would go for the next well--that's let me quit in two minutes for the next 61 minutes Connor is protected and he will not be abdicated France is no longer a great power rest in peace frauds France is gone Vijayanagara is overtaking France an Indian nation has overtaken France lovely perfect this is you do love to see it anyway so uh our Explorer dog is going off an adventure apparently Bohemia's had now become the new Holy Roman Emperor great stuff and he's finished discovering the coastline we've discovered I'll go in which we could colonize but we actually don't have the range to let's discover the Caribbean go go frosty Ozzy go what else could we do is there maybe a colonial range improvement guy no we don't have one that's a shame that would allow us to get colonizing actually although how far away are we are pretty sure it's the next idea is plus 50% colonial range which is probably going to allow us to colonize well the Justice of Peace okay cost us 200 gold but for the rest of the game stability cost and state maintenance is down sure I'll go into debt for that why not and Aquitaine is no longer the seat of a cardinal of course it's not all of the Catholics are leaving us and I know we took our low but it's fine it's okay loans are fine and happiness amongst the peasantry ah I'd order to lose a stability so would another loan its we're gonna have to get our money back oh my god a king cobra has an expansionist I mean judging by the amount of children he has I know something that expands on our King but yes +15 settler increase is actually really tasty now we need money because we're in debt so how long until our truce is up with Munster December this year okay and then we're gonna raid Munster for cash and we need to get our colonies up and running fast because we've got a king who has the ability to not only expand dong but also expand colonial borders I'm excited GRU leaves or yes tianyu leaves to do to do to do spiff is predict putting the country into debt it's not that much debt okay we gain 10 gold per turn I can give me a couple of months and I can already pay off some of the loans it only cost us like 10 gold in order to do that I guess okay maybe a bit more than just 10 gold anyway there's Bermuda with so commuter and here's the Caribbean we've discovered this is the top of South America actually this is like Brazil over here this is all exciting with finding borders to do to do to do to do to do to do to do right time to repay a loan there one loan repaid look at how great I am and repaying loans sure we have three point eight percent inflation or whatever but it's all good the inflation is just a number - if we could make this into a territory I want to go to a burgundy I want burgundy dead any means possible Oh or their war people oh they're all of quite a few people actually okay Castillo would join the war but Denmark would join the opposing side oh that's a rough one I don't really know if we could do that no I think that's probably best probably best left left for a little bit until we have a nice advantage over burgundy I don't really know if that's worth the risk the andaman says hello spliff sad that I can't offer more I have type monetary situation but I feel obliged to help you to stay strong friend drink tea thank you very much the under honestly you don't have to donate but that is a super generous thing to do so I'll give you the province of Aquitaine thank you for your 50 check books C's @k en de welcome you now run a wine producing province in Bordeaux by King Bordeaux Burgundy's claim Paris you're not gonna have it and we gained a core on Paris lovely that's the one now we can state it I'm pretty sure yes BAM and that means we can actually properly Megacorp Paris this cost even more to make it a mega core but it means we get even more money from it look at that 1.3 Duckett's now their money now we have too few seats in parliament doesn't matter Paris can have the Parliament and someone else can have Paris as soon as they want to I don't know do donation for Paris the best province we actually have access to Portugal wants to have maps Portugal short you can have maps of the Caribbean and I can have your 10th prestige lovely stuff right expiration is complete well done bark the Explorer dog has done his first sightseeing now he's going to discover the coastline of the Caribbean and hopefully once he does that oh god Portugal's already here oh no we're gonna have to raise Portugal for the Caribbean that's gonna be a rough fight need we need nook chores to be in the game nuclear potato thank you very much nuclear potato phew 10 pounds I'll throw you into the province of Shorthairs here you meet you you CLE are potato thank you very much oh and an idea group back colonial range modify is up there yes good stuff I think we can now start seeing a bit more of the new world if we want to we can colonize arguin off of the coast of Africa but no because that's one of the worst provinces glory road increase in base tax in st. Lucia Oh cuz we discovered it nice let us colonize st. Lucia and this is it ladies and gentlemen we can expel the Irish minorities Oh God we're not going to do it now expelling of minorities to begin with we're just going to start out with classic British colonizers going to the new world for the time being maybe with time we'll spend were sent more as you can see the Portuguese are expelling the Moroccans into Barbados it turns out the order to greater colonizing so uh yes and as soon as bark the explora dog comes back we're going to have to send him to the new world with with seven with some infantry actually to start occupying our colonies so let's train up to two lovely adventurous colonizers in bark Falkland so these are just going to be two infantry that we sit on our colony to basically deal with the continuous native uprisings which are going to be happening it just will happen there's no way to stop it just happens war with monster and make sure to colonize the province of Havana in Cuba Spain needs that for a lot of their mission tree oh yes they do don't they Oh auntie Clara sysm gained a bunch of gold lose some or a place losing some autonomy or clergy gets upset alright yeah let's make the clergy happy why not why not now I'll be fine what could go wrong and repay the loans of course oh I'm so good alright let's get our two dudes going to the new world ready there we go welcome bark-bark 2nd and 3rd regiment of men going off to st. Lucia to colonize a new place expel the English we can't expel the English the game doesn't let you you know actually I could do with quickly nipping to the loo and grabbing a snack so I will quickly leave the game pause and go for five seconds check entertain each other talk about what tea or drinking anyone not drinking tea will be punished yes I returned with snacks and beverages lovely right here we go we're back Oh time to continue our adventure No just as I own paws I own paws that he's dead Connor has died oh that's it the king is dead a new king is born rest in peace to Connor the great king who was once here welcome Stephen blogged net hero king the hero king 4:55 our nation is mourning over the loss of our previous monarch he died while in while camped in the army in Paris our subjects can rest easier knowing that his reign of malevolent terror is over a reign of malevolent terror there you go that's what you apparently were but of course now we can have the War of the Roses happened so what we need to get those were all marriages quickly okay and also a royal marriage of Alencon would be good BAM there we go and bam we have a queen awesome she's not the best but she'll be fine what an even is she give me a special ability she's incorruptible nice that's actually a good start and we can also do more scouting of the new world give me the North Atlantic Coast national decisions designate Kali's the staple port yes please we lose 50 admin for this but it basically makes Calais into a super duper incredible province of money-making it does make Brabant very annoyed but honestly I don't care all that matters is that Calais becomes the mega money-making machine that it was always designed to be rest in place rest in peace Connor he was so powerful so so powerful what a guy well the protection fund will now be used for memorial funding yes actually will Connor Burton needs to be renamed to Connor Connor brow memorial no Connor brought me more that's all we can fit that's where the budget ran out autumn hope you could we couldn't pay for the last few letters on the side so just gonna have to be like that now I guess now we can actually speed up the colonization process by granting new world charters and also establishing new world missions which is good that should basically get our well the rate at which colonists get over here should increase a little bit oh we can pick up oaken shot very nice good stuff so now ahead of time on mill take great sadly that is still the same level as burgundy which is a pain oh and I have to spend more money because the peasants are upset bloody peasants oh and we lost our own magic Portugal let's get that back increase the chance of an air and our Explorer needs to go back out exploring go see the North Atlantic friend raise Paris in his revenge that's a very valid point the men of his army the Khitan riot army oh you can only score to earth while at war well instead we will destroy one base tax of Paris in his honor Paris you did this to him ah much better bloody peasants I reckon lose the peasants that did this as well as underhanded rogues and he killed our King I'm great al Romero surrendered rifka steel let's renew that get those chances of Aires up oh and I forgot we can go to war with Munster can't we lovely stuff let's finish them off get them off of the map that's an easy declare war and straight in Big Dave goes hopefully we should get a little bit cash from this as well and it's just going to be a nice easy fight nothing too complicated Big Dave has become a glory seeker yes prestige from battles and army tradition has increased good stuff Big Dave what a guy mmm great news sugar has now been found in st. Lucia that sugar that can go directly into tea this is a great sign Casteel has entered into a golden era Denmark has gone towards Scotland again France is allied with Castile seriously cause they are loaded with Ferrara but I need the PU okay I can't fight Castillo and France at the same time I can I could if I had Austria's help but to fight Ferrara Venice Castillo and France is too much if I could isolate Ferrara and just fight just them and France oh and Milan in the papal States then maybe but I can't Scotland's independence guaranteed by France conference why are you joining the war apparently you won't accept because you're in 1800 dead right I guess it's time for a scramble for Scotland men kept voting Oh God where's the Navy the Navy is busy exploring Oh beans so that means we only have one small stack actually here which can invade Scotland it's on its way what am i eating I'm eating a whisper a nice whisper chocolate I recently bought a bunch of snacks and they're the only ones to handle their vibe I was thinking of some toast but I don't really have enough of a break in order to do that great today mark says Paris is well known Paris will now be known as piss well you paid $20 for it so why not Paris has now become Peirce a legendary location all right time to send the armies in Scotland will be ours we'll be able to take all of Scotland in this war no problem which you need to grab just jump on top of as many provinces as we can as fast as possible which isn't going to be rough we can basically just go up and siege them in a matter of months it's just automatic transfer over well our trader is dead but we have a new oh my god we have a new heir to the throne she will be called let's go okay who wants their who wants their name in front of this oh my god literally the worst thing possible look at what a 455 to a 1-1 free kill the air what yeah when we hit the opportunity to will try hopefully the game will try and do it first Connor prowess what a good idea yeah mimicry says me mimicry you've got it thank you few donations early and for Baker Channel member mimicry the shits welcome you are our female heir a princess of the of the English well Steven Bogle Blodget is a hero Kip the hero King is now as with zealots or missionary strength has increased we can now convert with great speed let's increase my love navies now that we've moved our armies over we can actually go about exploring the North Atlantic coast its burgundy okay burgundy does seem to be kind of a little bit bucket at the moment call the 13 colonies MacDonald's who knows what the 13 colonies going to be actually called now who knows let's take all of their gold and all of their land lovely stuff that's the final war in Ireland Ireland is now entirely under our control fantastic stuff England is oh yes we've got frosty land back there seating down Aberdeen so we need to start pushing up and taking the rest of the provinces as fast as possible I deploy a siege force here and move into several and it's a mountain but it'll be fine there we go and also I realize monster needs to be a territory oh wait we can't do that okay that's fine dude is our missions to have done anyway because we occupied all of Ireland yes it is so we can do Irish Chola at any point for a bunch of money what you might do and also I'm going to destroy the fort in Ireland because we just don't need a fort there it's useless absolutely useless and it's also quickly moving me over to the Outer Hebrides and also the Isles as well and we finished exploring the North Atlantic coast so let's immediately explore the American East Coast and ghost we've discovered Greenland out nice oh what's this there should be a stable government ignore them there should not be a stable government I just want a bunch of random kings you can repeatedly die the trombone of war donates $5 Thank You random trombone of war maybe we should also occupy Orkney not that we actually have any control over the land as this colonial ventures yeah sure decrease the cost of diplo tech making our conversation a bit easier and clone your company found it nice Oh so this allows us to okay so we have an option here we can either start a second colony in st. Vincent or we can direct them to the existing colony I think we start the second colony why not it's gonna cost us a lot of money but it'll be fine it'll be fine we've got money to burn influenza spreads so beans it will soon go away that is my motto Oh what's this so we have a few options a culture conversion decrease advisor costs for maintenance I think we go for giving the burgers some more loyalty let's let's give them a delegation to the Holy See and take sides in Parliament and then support a populist and then diplomatic support lovely now the burgers are happy and which doors to do a yes we can do an invasion of Orkney actually we should also have a leader doing this big Dave please lead the invasion of Orkney fantastic give us some prestige and the natives are risen in saint vincent oh damn oh wait no we can just walk we can walk over oh thank goodness we can however I could if we didn't have if we didn't have the ability to just walk over there I've had to set a navy by the time that happened the colony would have been destroyed by the natives rising up good this anyway all canoes no ours I just need Denmark to piece out with Scotland hopefully they will do that too and as soon as they do I can yes there we go they pieced out and they took they once again took nothing what are you doing to Scotland you are doing nothing to Scotland is useless let's send the hero King in actually and we'll have big Dave stay behind because the hero King has incredible siege abilities almost 4,000 likes goodness goodness Wow glorious pain Frankston heads up oh and we also missed three point six nine people well three point eight six nine likes I completely missed that ah I mean the true ultimate like target of every stream is of course six point nine thousand yes 6969 but it's very difficult to achieve very impossible well we're trading in tobacco how are we trading in tobacco how many tobacco provinces do we have let me take a look in terms of I don't even think we have any any tobacco provinces as far as I'm aware yeah I can't actually see any tobacco provinces how are we trading in tobacco God anyway siege of Aberdeen is done the Scottish adventure is complete I think I what do I need for the conquer of Scotland oh I need to own all of it Don't Tell yes okay that's fine we can take all of that Doupe Doupe Doupe Doupe Doupe Doupe and a dupe any coalition's forming nope no coalition's whatsoever I can also take all knie as well why not and a bunch of money please give me your cash money thank you and that's Scotland basically done for excluding this one tiny island over here the Faroe Islands oh wait no this is the Faroe Islands this is the Shetland Islands I'm pretty sure oh and higher developed colonies yes please thank you very much and that's of course make sure to core up all of the Scottish lands there we go just get them under our control good stuff and I'm pretty sure that is the mission now complete conquer Scotland like a 150 admin power and everything lovely stuff lovely lovely lovely and we might as well fire local goods produce modifier in Ireland as well get Ireland really up and running get the powers pumping get the money coming out of Ireland urbanisation oh I'm not sure if you know this but if you declare war we've Casteel on your side they can't join the war against you if you declare war in France I am aware of that but I don't have a war which could still would join which is an issue urbanization oh yes hundred and spend 130 Duckett's and we get base tax in Z and agree and kurma grad so congratulations to you guys get some urbanization going oh no native rising it's okay we can defeat it we have defeated the native rising spiffing please make to your new Kives I could give it a try I can give it a try oh my god also another huge war the ma'am looks what are you guys doing absolutely nothing I suppose that's good news for us another exploration available let's explore the american east coast maybe we can actually start getting some American colonies up and running get the 13 colonies going although of course it won't be called the 13 colonies it will be called literally anything devil King donates 2 pounds to say get stream laughs you boomer YouTube takes 30 percent of chats I'm aware it's better than like the 50 percent twitch takes from bits and subs or whatever so yeah each to their own I mean it's not perfect but I can't even accept direct PayPal donations because my PayPal account was suspended thanks to the whole steam video incident alright I think what we do is at the moment we don't actually need to finish off our our exploration ideas at all so we can actually I think what we might want to do is pick up another idea group and make it quantity as that increases the rate at which it increases global settler number which is good we can also decrease the aggressiveness of the natives in Manhattan nope we're just going to make them angry kill the natives and take back their gold sorry Manhattan it's just how it has to be I just do be like that gaben did not like you exploiting his precious team I know was D he was so angry so angry alright let's pick up shipyards good stuff this will allow us to get our Navy up and running speaking of which I need to get more trade ships more trade ships more money more money more good ok right burgundy how's your situation your allied with Denmark and Holland still Castile would join Austria wouldn't because you're fighting another war accepting would destabilize and you like them okay so Austria is never going to join Portugal is never going to join because it's too distant for them this is why Portugal sucks as an ally yeah it's so bad give me ten prestige Benjamin brawn love your videos hope this helps a bit keep up the good work of course it helps a lot speaking of which thank you very much for 4,000 likes on the stream chat really generous of you very very generous thank you and hey if you're a vote goblin also watching hats out to you say hi in the comment section for goblins Benjamin brawn I'll give you province my friend you can have the province of Finnish debris over here the tip of Brittany actually this is something interesting I'm wondering if Brittany is oh my god we just got coffee Oh God who's prettier loaded with oat rekt ok where's all this okay there load with that random dude over there ok ah we can actually take a piece of a Trek land if we wanted to it would cause a lot of aggressive expansion that it's possible it would probably drive almost all of Europe into a war against me but you know sometimes you've just got to do these things oh yes missionary strength and Catholicism gains a reformed desire why not time to explore let's go for the Caribbean Sea this time and yes there we go we can now see the American West Coast all the way from the base of Florida right the way up to the tip of Nova Scotia where you can see it all welcome to the new world ladies and gentlemen it's exciting it's spicy and importantly it's hopefully going to make us a lot of money and if it doesn't I will be very upset very very upset well the Bible's translated nice the religion and ins games changes to Protestant Catholicism increases reform desire oh we can just straight-up switch to Protestantism and really piss off the papal state I think it's probably best and it would be fun wouldn't it you know let's burn the priest and his book okay right no Protestantism today just for the moment maybe in the future but for the moment we're gonna go Anglican and we're a little way off of that and we can reform the government okay adviser cost or free administer policies free administrative policy please lovely stuff my goodness I love the France is still guaranteeing the independence of Scotland yes you did a great job guaranteeing the independence of Scotland didn't you really good job Scotland's having a great time they've had their independence guaranteed for the entirety of this game and France has only defended them once against Denmark and saying they defended them is a strong statement because they still lost the war goodness wait for Henry the eighth before you to proclaim Protestantism don't worry it will happen well they won't be called Henry the eighth Oh nuclear potatoes can become a mega core nuclear potato mega chord welcome whoa trade dispute against Burgundy I still want to kill Burgundy I want him dead that's me shave him I know we were only like we're very close to getting the Burgundian inheritance well we're not close to it but we're close to losing the ability to have the preguntan inheritance which is annoying I do threaten war with France no France would not take it I can I do great power actions ask Castile to break alliance with France No Portugal no oh come on Castile please not even just a little bit of a break but even just like a tiny tiny abandoning of your sacred oath to defend them I know Pete's not having any of it all right let's get a diplomat up and running and also we can probably finish off the rest of Brittany I'm thinking so let's go do that well as soon as my arm seems my big Explorer fleet returns doo-doo-doo-doo makes me land proud rest in peace mr. Smee what a guy what a guy there we go we have explored Caribbean so we can now explore the Caribbean Sea coast and see Havana which is important for you to grab books it's off Spain from doing literally anything in this game it kind of just really cooks them and slows them down oh great influences spread north potatoland north potatoland you're by yourself I'm sorry I'm sorry North potatoland let the influenza spread for the moment ah we've almost bypassed the War of the Roses which basically means reach the age of reformation and then then we can start parsing a bunch of Anglican rubbish which is good fun and we can form the Empire which is great Oh glory Road nice oh and also we need to do the take Gibraltar don't we maybe that's how we can get Casteel sorted hmm Oh big Dave's died No Big Dave died in the army camp of chubbers one he his valiant attacks will be missed by our troops rest in peace Big Dave he is he was lovely he was really lovely what a great guy and was longer with this stream gone for I'm not sure I've got cheers 5:00 p.m. I realized I when do I start I started to didn't I I've been going for what free entire hours chat free whole hours my goodness that's it that's it right I'm gonna end the stream if you have enjoyed watching please do give the stream a like of course and if you want to see more then hop into the comments section of this stream and tell me and I'll try and make it a more regular thing was the quarantines going on big Davis of course died those were big boots to fill and we'll have to see where this journey takes us in the next one we've United the United Kingdom we have destroyed France and we've started colonizing the new world I would say things are looking fantastic but who knows where the games headed he died as he lived surrounded by chubs rest in peace Big Dave shout out to of course corner Browne is legendary fighting autumn Sicarius all of the fantastically massive donors from a bunch of you Brendan Sugoi of course frosty he were very generous all of you were absolutely fantastic seriously thank you very much something I will actually do at the end of the stream because I can how and this was an idea proposed I think it was yesterday to me I'm switching the chair over to members only and we're just gonna do a quick Q&A so basically now only channel members can talk in the chat and hey if you're a channel member shoot away a question give me any question you'd like and I'll do my best to try and answer it I just thought it'd be a fun little thing I hope and of course yeah should be good fun I have no idea if this even works nope YouTube says sorry it went wrong rip stream and it's gone no that didn't work at all oh no now is Members Only mode yes oh it does actually work now okay it only took a straight two minutes for it to actually work woodie's first question how much wood can a woodchuck chuck about 14 pallets of wood what's your favorite movie Oh big big question I've really quite liked event horizon I find that to be quite fun film but I do quite like other lighthearted films too Hot Fuzz is iconic it's incredible 11 out of 10 if you haven't seen Hot Fuzz give it a watch very jazzy connor brow if a wood chuck could chuck wood of course connor bright for wood chuck could chuck wood and also well don't feel very famous wood courts asks what's your problem with coffee it's just it's just not it's kind of like a bit of a risky beverage because it just gives you energy but it's also very addictive and not necessarily good for your health mental health is Cluff all of it I mean sure teas kind of similar exhibit of course has caffeine as well but the way it is handled is a bit different so that's why tea is generally a bit better if only the one Swan of course yes ones are lovely but of course we can't legally have them this is my first stream amazing stuff thank you very much Kuroko a nuclear potato will you name the u.s. to oil land we can name parts of the US oil land ever it says have you ever found any new exploits an imperative yes there are a few but imperative rooms a bit of a rough game I don't really enjoy playing it which is an issue which is why I don't have any videos of it as of late bug folks I just want to say thanks and I'll try to be at the next one Thank You ballpark stay posted on like the discord and I'll do a members post before the stream we did a community well we did a I've realized we did a patreon post saying that the stream was coming up earlier but we forgot to do a members post so yeah sorry about that we'll get that sorted for the next one though or Suspiria plague for isn't evil no I haven't actually I've seen the films and I've seen some of the gameplay but I've never actually played a Resident Evil game a few Ellison what's your favorite day of the week Friday I do really quite like also like Mondays because it's armchair Admirals with the yogscast which i really enjoy doing grace says would i consider doing a video on Heroes of Might Magic 5 yes I I do actually had a few plans for it but I never got around to it I think I might I kind of need to get my hands on a release build copy so I need to get a natural CD of the game which is a bit rough because that's where the most exciting and entertaining exploit is but we'll see Peter J why what's your favorite strategy game is this it's a you for it's my favorite strategy game hands-down it's the best multiplayer strategy game in my opinion it's the best strategy game just full stop this has been great free hours would love to see more of this thank you very much kitten right if you want to see more streams I strongly recommend following the yogscast on twitch and the other person you can follow on Twitch if you want an entertainment for tonight is let me quickly find her it is my it's my better half she's a bit of an entertaining sausage and she streams on Twitch and I mean why not I can plug her to streams on Twitch oh no I've got my own stream in oh no that's bad I thought it could fix that yep I'll drop a link in chat there you go guys you can give her a follow she was a bit of a strange person Peter says what rank you in csgo just underneath and over one at the moment kind of stuck around that rank it's been a very long time since I was back at LEM but we'll get that one day yeah thanks all for watching have you ever done anything with empires dawn of dawn of the modern world I have not actually know completely possibly by that one sin y'all have you tried tart and tea oh I have not that you tried it if you want to send me some then I have a pea books I'm pretty sure the details of which are in the VIP chat on the discord if you read the pinned which you'll have access to because you're a channel member now I think how much is this game I think it when it's on sale it goes down to about seven or six pounds the DLC is very expensive so I recommend if you buy this game find a friend who has all the DLC and play with them or wait for the game to go on sale and pick up the game and all of the DLC for its own for the base copy of the game there is a lot of fun content here but the DLC does make it very very very fun it takes it for me being a game with 50 hours to being a game of a thousand hours of gameplay 100 paid $90 towards Vaughn political handle as a name hopefully you can get me in another video you know what we can we can do something we can have the we can name him we can name an army after him thank you very much Eric little sorry that I missed actually putting in Vaughn plunge oh it's Vaughn plunker handle from plunger handle of course it is I've missed entirely this okay he can be the army in charge of Ireland at the moment a hundred set man when it will probably return I think I have a fallout 4 video coming maybe of 100 stat man we'll see sorry where's the discord VIP when you've been on the server for a while we have a bot which will basically automatically give you the donated rank and you'll have access to the VIP chat which is hidden away yeah it should be quite good master what you've paid $13 in super chess history but being ignored I'm sorry master what I must have missed that really really sorry about that I'll whack you into armoire my friend it's a bit of a tricky sausage when it comes to super chats because there were just a lot of them over a very short period of time you're also paid for nook choice in the game ban of whack you in my friend will get nook Taurus into rihanna's I did love the name choice but sadly we have no characters too far out there just at the moment so nook choice it is for Brittany BAM I even spouted quickly so thank you very much everyone this has been an absolutely fantastic stream I hope you all enjoyed if you have any suggestions that you'd like then then sure feel free to send me a message send me an email you name it of course if you have any exploits you'd like to see videos from in the comment section with video into the my lovely business email you name it it's all there how's your commissioned flagship HMS Dijon Ling is doing fantastic promoting a bunch of trade power in the English Channel basically this is giving us about 20 gold per month just having good control of the English Channel which is fantastic we need to get more control those who will start probably invading into the Netherlands very soon eventually so don't worry that'll be exciting well do you normally stream randomly and completely haphazardly honestly I don't have a fixed schedule at all it's a mess I really should but I just don't sorry about that oh and for EU 4 as favorite gay means to support and patreon also how much would it cost to ship a joint mode to Russia I don't know you'd have to check the website it does tell you how much it costs to ship the merchandise before you actually buy it so don't worry I kind of have to guess and say probably right about three or four pounds anyway there you go check I hope you all had a lovely time watching I'll see all of you later have a nice evening and good bye you fantastic people bye bye bye bye have a nice evening
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,413,480
Rating: 4.8570728 out of 5
Keywords: europa universalis 4, europa universalis iv, lets play, the, spiffing, brit, spiffing brit, eu4, spiffing brit eu4, eu4 exploit, eu4 live, spiffing brit live, live stream, youtube live, mandate of heaven, eu4 guide, perfectly balanced game, video game exploit, the spiffing brit, strategy game, strategy game 2019, video game, the british experience, THE BRITISH EXPERIENCE! Conquering the world In EU4 just to get hold of THE TEA!, british experience, eu4 britain
Id: i-CfA-GO6s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 46sec (11566 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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