CIVILIZATION 6 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With NO EXPLOITS - Pacifist Only Challenge IS BROKEN

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hit recruit followers -10 loyalty one turn away right hit the button group followers one turn rebellion we've done it all of your cities belong to me my friend hello there ladies and gentlemen i am the spiffin brit and today we're playing sidweis civilization 6 gathering storm you see a dlc was recently released for the game which added in a whole bunch of secret societies and a new civilization basically an entirely new game mode and this new game mode as you can guess is completely naturally broken and it has so many exploits in that i'm going to be able to do a very very very very strange challenge ladies and gentlemen i'm going to try and win a game of civilization 6 doing a conquest victory without actually going to war that's right i'm doing a pacifist conquest victory cave of civ 6. this is the strangest game mode i'll ever be doing it's right up there with my civilization 6 no city challenge which was absolutely hilarious but yes this is also going to be a very strange challenge how are we going to do it well we're going to be using the most powerful nation ever created ladies and gentlemen we're going to be creating a brand new game and playing as england but not just anyone in england eleanor of aquitaine because she is absolutely broken and here you have it ladies and gentlemen one of the most middle tier sieves to actually play in a multiplayer game but thanks the brand new secret societies game mode eleanor of aquitaine has technically risen up the ranks to become what is probably an s-tier civilization i would say at the moment the only civilizations which actually stand much of a chance against her are korea in a science game good old simon bolivar in a military game and the brand new ethiopian civilization menelik ii in literally any game mode because ethiopia is completely and utterly broken trust me this if makes no sense and it's just not fair to play so yes we're going to be playing as england though because we have a very unique strategy we need to be able to take cities without actually going to war and eleanor is absolutely perfect for the job for each great work she has in a city she produces -1 loyalty per turn in all foreign cities within 9 tiles that's actually quite a large radius and any city that leaves another civilization due to loss of loyalty and is currently receiving loyalty per turn from eleanor civilization immediately skips the free city step and joins eleanor's civilization this makes elena very very powerful because the secret society game mode has effectively added a way to cheese the loyalty mechanics in a way which is perfectly balanced so we'll be playing with almost all of the default settings excluding having secret societies enabled so effectively using the power of england and yorkshire team we're going to be trying to play the loyalty mechanic system in civ6 to convince enemy cities to join our side and effectively revolt away from their original owners now this is a very complicated snowball effect and once you get it off correctly it is absolutely broken but it can just be a challenge to get it up and running so hopefully with enough memes and exploits we'll be able to take eleanor of aquitaine and make her the authoritarian tea based dictator of the fantastical world we'll end up in right without further ado ladies and gentlemen let's throw ourselves into this game make sure you sat back relaxed with a nice warm cup of tea in front of you and hey if you're feeling especially fantastic you might even leave a like on this video thank you very much are you tired of losing wars in civilization vi are you frustrated by having to actually micromanage all of your armies do you hate that some of your friends are way better at combat than you are but you still want to get a domination victory well have i got the solution for you what about a good old pacifist domination victory what it makes no sense well guess what it actually does grab yourself a cup of yorkshire tea and douse yourself in it because we're about to go on a wild ride so yes as i mentioned civ six has had a brand new dlc the secret societies game mode which has added a whole bunch of secret societies it has added four in total two of which are completely and utterly broken and the other two i guess are okay there's one which is all about science-y nerd stuff and one which is all about money and the money wants good fun because you can accumulate interest and gain about a thousand gold per turn but actually that's not particularly too useful in comparison to some of the other bonuses the other secret societies get oh now we've got quite a fun little start whereabouts are we just a longer river next to a whole bunch of wheat and stuff yep this will be fine right so we'll slap down our city right here in a rainforest and that's fine welcome to london famously built next to a rainforest now a lot of our early game isn't actually going to have anything too complex going on we're just going to play a standard game of civ 6 with not too many exploits at all the most important thing we need to make sure we get however is astrology because we need to get a holy site up and running and of course the first thing you always want to build that lovely scout or when we found our first tribal goody hut lovely now there are many different ways to get the secret societies and each one is triggered via different means in the case of the secret society we're looking for it's triggered by finding a goodie hut and bingo we've just found it lovely so the secret society we're aiming to go with is the void singers the voigt singers come with a fair few bonuses their first bonus isn't anything too crazy allows you to build an old god obelisk which is you know pretty okay gives you a bit of culture and some faith but their next bonus is a bit more exciting cities earn gold science and culture equal to 20 of their faith output per turn this is a pretty crazy bonus especially if you were to play ethiopia and combine it with their existing bonus of receiving 15 of their faith as science and culture anyway which basically means ethiopia can get 35 of their faith output as science and culture which makes them you know not fair to play well we found mount vesuvius lovely that's immediately going to increase our research of astrology and also allow us to have two additional governor titles to spend this is going to allow me to kind of cheat the early game a little bit by assigning pingala very early on and immediately giving pingala a bonus to increase our science output fantastic early game science is always very good now with our first scout built we could start production on a builder or an old god obelisk but in our case we're going to actually go for the old god obelisk a simplistic reason being that it provides faith and faith is what we're going to need in order to get our first pantheon up and running and then eventually our first religion and there we go we've researched astrology so we can get building our first holy site oh no there's bloody ethiopia in this map oh no ethiopia is a bit of a powerful sausage i'm not too sure whereabouts they are i'm pretty sure they're over here somewhere but oh goodness that is not a good sign but i suppose if we can stop them nice and early on it should all be okay anyway we need to found our first pantheon and already there's actually a nice little synergy we can go for here we go for desert folklore holy sites gameplay from each adjacent desert tile then we actually might be able to set up a nice ring of cities around here and get some brilliant adjacency on our holy sites now i can't see why not this seems like a great use of our investments and now up to plus 10 faith per turn what a brilliant start now i've got my first settler out and about on the board and what i'm going to be deliberately doing is moving him as close as i can to the mapuche capital over here which is angular mapu it's a nice city but at the start of the game it's not going to be much but equally a low population city at the start of the game is easy to try and convert so what we're going to do is try and get as close as we can and then flip it to our side this process is going to take a very long time but in the late game we're going to be able to speed it up but also we can recruit our first great prophet and found the world's first ever religion now the thing is our religion is going to help us generate faith and we're going to use that faith to basically convince cities to join us so that means we need a religion which a lot of people can get behind something that's easy to convert people onto it doesn't actually have to be a religion of substance in fact that doesn't actually need to be almost any content to the religion it just needs to be able to be on the front page of something and people be like wow i like the look of that which is why i'm going to be starting the religion of minecraft clone it's everything you know and love about minecraft except it's cloned it's technically garbage but i don't particularly care and what i'm going to do is i'm going to pick up the work ethic in our religion because this means our holy sites adjacency will also give us production which is a great bonus to have and then also is another lovely bonus we're going to pick up missionaries and apostles of 30 cheaper to purchase this is quite a useful bonus because it allows us to immediately crush any early game religions and force them to be our own now what we can do is we can effectively cheese this by running a couple of missionaries south into the ethiopian empire and killing them before they can even get a religion up and running if we manage to get this done fast enough then technically we've kind of slow defeat up his game down by very very long way there we go i think i found ethiopia they're over here to our left perfect operation convert their cities is a go oh my goodness the capital addie survivor of the ethiopian empire is under siege by barbarians oh poor ethiopia well luckily we're going to be able to basically take control of this situation and just convert it using our missionaries who are nearby and at the same time we're going to be settling a city right about here and this city is in range to start conversions over their second city of desi and also close enough i think to addis ababa to start adding a bit of a sway oh and there we go we've managed to convert the ethiopian capital to following minecraft clones yes you love the look of fall guys don't you it's original it's fresh it's like roblox but different yes buy it and there we go we move into the next era and we get to pick up ourselves the greatest golden era bonus of all and what's that ethiopia didn't make it into the golden era oh well what a shame for you oh my goodness now friend to the north is in a dark age okay this is brilliant i will explain all of this in a little bit but this is a brilliant start for us we're going to pick up monumentality which means we can buy civilian units with faith and to our north the mapuche empire is in a dark age so what that means is their cities are basically twice as easy to convert to being your own which as you can guess is a really nice bonus to have because it means you can just convert all of their cities of course we need to actually get some great works up and running before then but as soon as we do we're off to a flying start right now let's slap down our first city over here we'll also pick up theology so that we can get our temples up and running and then finally our scout missionary over here is just seeing if the ethiopian empire has expanded but i realize of course yes now with all of the faith that i need in order to buy an early game trader as well as an early game builder and then up here in leeds i can buy another builder as well and oh my goodness our cities are going to get beautiful very quickly right now for our exploit to really work we're going to want to get the oracle up and running because the oracle allows you to generate more great people points and we want to be pumping out great writers and great artists like no tomorrow come on we get the first great scientist of the entire game this is lovely this little great scientist instantly builds a library and also makes it so that our libraries produce one extra science in all of our cities so a lovely little great scientist to pick up nice and early on again we're going to found our fourth city right here in the range of the lovely arches gives us some era score but most importantly should give us one hell of a crazy holy site look at this plus eight holy site and also because of our lovely pantheon that holy site is also going to provide eight production oh now that is just one lovely little spot certainly early game a little bit unbalanced right and then the next person who we're going to pick up is armani the diplomat amandi the diplomat is a pretty unique governor because one of their earliest bonuses is that other cities in a nine tile radius lose to loyalty per turn so we can pick her up and slap her down in literally anywhere because i'd like to try and take away the mapuche capital we're going to place her down in leeds once she's set up she's going to start creating a few loyalty issues for the mapuche empire now we're going to build ourselves the great library because it's actually a very useful wonder even for this kind of game because it gives us two great work slots and now we've settled our brand new city of hull which is just south of the brand new ethiopian city of sodor should be quite nice and easy to actually try and flip and then we're also going to settle another city here within a few towers range of wrangle over there and that pretty cheeky forward settle should hopefully slow down the ai's expansion all right and there we go we've managed to build our lovely holy site in bristol which is added a metric ton of production as you can imagine or at least it will do as soon as we get it religiously converted right and we know also generating the world's first and only great writers artists and musicians meaning we'll be able to snag all of those early ones nice and quickly and as soon as we get that sorted the great conversion of these cities is going to start happening there we go we've got the great library built as well that's incredible good stuff for us and then we're also going to want to immediately drop down the conversion of bristol this is going to add a production to our holy site there looks who doesn't love an eight production holy site that seems fair oh yes i do love gaming the religion system and of course we get yet another great scientist this is hildegard of bingham my favorite great scientist but she's going to add eight sides per tone to our lovely holy site here oh and now cause we've progressed into the next era i can spend our governor title on ritual meaning faith production in cities gets converted into science and culture this will be very nice because it's going to boost our science per turn from 50 and 44 to let's see 58 and 52 very nice that's what you'd love to see we're not going to get to evangelize our belief basically adding an additional effect onto it i'm going to try and really increase our faith production so i'm going to pick up pilgrimage which means plus to faith for each city following this religion which brings our faith generation up to 73 per turn a nice improvement right i'm back ladies and gentlemen it's now turn 131 we're in yet another golden age in the medieval era pumping out lots of nice cities and so on in terms of science and culture we have more than double of our next competitor our faith output's quite nice as well and things are generally looking quite good in terms of loyalty we haven't seen too many changes yet but don't worry that's all going to be changing very soon you see in the industrial era we gain the ability to buy cultist units which will create relics from the void which we can use to flip loyalty but also the cultist units which we buy with faith have charges which reduce loyalty in foreign cities which as you can guess is quite powerful so what we need to do is force our way into the industrial era and then hopefully we'll be able to spam out these units as fast as possible now you might be wondering why you know if i'm deciding to do this challenge i mean is it particularly necessary to show off my skills in civ 6 by trying to get a conquest victory without even fighting i mean it's just an absolute meme at the end of the day and it's what i enjoy i do love joke challenges all right and there we go we're going to flip over the capital of addis ababa over to following our religion it's probably going to piss off ethiopia but it doesn't matter there we go we're banned plus four era score and it's now under our control sorry ethiopia that's really not going to make you happy oh and here's our first ever great artist as well who we get to plonk down now we can kind of just expend all of this in our capital and create a whole bunch of religious great works and this will help us to start flip sodo onto our side ah yes your loyalty isn't so strong anymore mr ethiopia and yes in six turns soda will flip to becoming our very own city which you know quite good fun that's our first conquest for any complicated things such as war but we're going to be able to actually start speeding up the process very soon the way we're going to be doing that is via the hiring of spies because we can use spies to reduce loyalty and now we can send our lovely spy out from our capital city over to i'm pretty sure the city of desi would be a good choice because we can start having them ferment unrest which lowers loyalty by 20. and yes the medieval era ends in one turn which is perfect for us because the end of the medieval era signifies the start of the renaissance era and that should get us one step closer to being in the industrial area and buying my lovely cheesy broken units anyway into the renaissance here we go oh and there we go sodo has become our very own city lovely what's this world congress oh duplicate amenities i'd like that duplicate citrus amenities please and oh let's make it so that faith purchases it cheaper by 50 that's going to be a great choice because faith purchases means that we can effectively buy ourselves an army oh my goodness actually passed oh and then we get heroscope stealing a city dewey oh that's brilliant well welcome the citizens of soto into our lovely empire but anyway apparently it's become cheaper to buy things with faith which means yep i can buy musket one for 200 faith lovely that's what you like to see so we can just move that swordsman out and now we can buy a couple of musketmen that's the first ever musketman in the world well that's going to really advance our lovely empire now what about you desi how close are you to flipping 12 points per turn that's how much resistance you have right it is now turned 191 in terms of research we are still ahead by over double of everyone else and our culture is insane in fact everything about our empire is just completely utterly broken we can buy an army we have a whole bunch of faith saved up for one very special occasion and that is when the renaissance era ends and we see the dawn of the next era that era is of course the industrial era because the industrial era allows us to buy all of our sous air units and cultists which will generate stupid amounts of relics and also convert cities into being our own without actually having to declare war and then as soon as we take those cities those cities then get flooded with all of the relics we've generated in taking it and that will increase our faith output it will increase also our loyalty pressure meaning that we just become effectively the grey goo slowly encompassing all of the neighboring cities and converting them to our own now even though we're just around the midpoint of the game we're actually starting to convert rancor mapu into being our own which will take 32 turns although we'll speed it up a bit with this lovely little archaeologist and then also ethiopia down here decided to settle another city after we took sodo from them this city however a little bit too close to our borders because in 23 turds it's going to become our own although it's actually going to be a bit quicker because i'm moving in armani to take control of the situation all right and i'm going to get another spy over here and i'm going to move this spy off to rancor mapu i really feel like every time i say this i'm talking about pooh but hopefully it doesn't come across as that in the edit anyway we're going to start excavating more artifacts over here remember every time we excavate an artifact it's just going to move into newcastle upon time and increase the speed at which the city is going to flip to rebellion on ladies and gentlemen i've just received an excellent offer from eleanor of aquitaine she says the first 6 000 people to like this video will be bestowed english citizenship isn't that lovely you get your full english citizenship and i mean trust me you want to claim your english citizenship before you get mandatorily made an english dissident when the inevitable swarm of cultists arrive so make sure to sign up today right we're now just 50 turns away from being halfway through the game and things are actually in full swing rankle mapu is uh one turn away from actually just becoming ours which is brilliant uh the city down to our south libelo is going to become ours in six turns all thanks to this lovely little archaeologist who's running around and then after that we'll have a full reach into the heartlands of the ethiopian empire as you can see they're starting to also lose control of desi here which means every time this lovely agent ferments unrest we get one step closer to actually flipping this city to be our own and there we go rancor mapu is ours oh we also have an agent which we need to send to a city um i guess we send you to their capital which is going to rebel in 1 600 turns okay let's let's go to their capital and we're going to start from bed to god rest if we can seize the capital of the mapuche empire without even going to war now that's going to be really something anyway let's uh keep this city we're banned perfect that's an extra two era score and an entire city is ours and of course it joins with immediate full loyalty now what we want to do slap bang down a theater square and get our culture train going and how's life bella doing oh light battle is going to be ours next turn fantastic oh what a brilliant adventure this is we've hit the point um where our tech kind of outweighs everything else in the game so i'm just going to smash the end of the tech tree button and we'll get there eventually and we can recruit yet another great artist brilliant oh and there we go we've captured live bella as well this is yet another city which we're going to keep fantastic and by actually taking this city we increase the pressure which means that desi is more likely to flip to our side so every time our spies start doing cheeky activities over here we're going to start seizing control and of course once again we're going to slap down yet another theater square and fill that with great works now from looking at desi we're not actually too far away from converting the city it's just going to take a little bit of additional work and then we should be able to flip it but the best thing about doing all of these conversions is the ai isn't actually particularly annoyed at us if we go over to menelik's opinions of us he doesn't actually particularly hate us if anything he's maintained neutrality because he's pleased that i've left all of the hills to him although i haven't exactly because i mean i've just stolen all of his cities i guess each to their own menelik and also i'm going to use faith to purchase an old god obelisk for just a hundred faith in the center of rancor mapoo what that's going to allow me to do is move in these great artists and immediately get ourselves some great works up and running and i can even do the same down here in la bella and so in rang kumapu we're going to slam down oh look at that the sistine chapel ceiling just in this random city and that gets us very close to stealing the capital of another player not even having to have a fight over it and this is how i like to do all of my wars i wouldn't even say we're doing wars diplomatically it's rather more that we're just stealing things in a way which the ai can't actually react to and now that we have one of my spies over here in the capital of rancor rankin i'm going to actually have him start luring the loyalty even further so we can force the capital to rebel even quicker although actually i realize it's probably going to rebel before our spy operation even finishes we're 20 turns away from stealing an enemy capital city this is absolutely dumb this makes no sense oh what's this capital captured did i just see that i've captured a capital the capital of auckland has been captured by england what the capital of auckland auckland's not a capital that's just a that's just a city-state right well i'll keep the city that's mine plus two era score lovely i'll be stealing that bad boy and that will hopefully apply even more pressure into the ethiopian empire especially considering i can just slap down a theater square here and we'll start our waltzing into their territory the city of desi is going to flip in about five turns oh but of course now we're in the next era we can pick up indoctrination which means using faith we can buy cultist units now can we do this in rank or mapuchi yes for 130 we can buy a cultist once it dies or loses all of its charges it awards the player a relic of the void which will of course lower loyalty for everyone else and every time it uses its ability nearby cities lose 10 loyalty so what we do we buy occultist there and the cult is there we can buy a couple of cultists over here and we're going to start seeing the fall of ethiopia as well as the mapuche empire how many charges do they have oh they have three charges each that's 30 loyalty they can lower perfect they don't even need open borders they can just walk straight on in as mapuchi's in the golden age that's going to be a real pain to try and steal cities from so instead i'm going to take all of my cultists and go left we're going to steal the city-state of targuer and then start stealing all of theonosh's cities while she's in the dark age at the same time we're going to finish off ethiopia anyway now we can start flipping toruga here as you can see rebellion in 54 turns but if we hit recruit followers it's now 48 turns because we've just loaded the loyalty by 10. now the reason why this is so concerningly overpowered is the fact that you can literally just waltz into a city press a button and then just flip it to your side without even having to go to war it's not even generating grievances against ethiopia because they just see it as a natural process and effectively proof that my civilization was greater than theirs so our cultures go to up to dese rebellion in eight turns that's how easy it is and remember because we're playing eleanor each rebellion we get means the next rebellion is even easier to pull off this unit just isn't balanced it's completely and utterly broken oh what's that a dream eater relic nice so this city will flip even faster but let's hit recruit followers -10 loyalty one turn away right hit the button troop followers one turn rebellion we've done it all of your cities belong to me my friend the synergy of this is just absolutely stupid because you can gain relics at a terrifying speed and then you can use those same relics for incredible bonuses it just makes no sense you know we're going to be stealing basically all of ethiopia's cities here my aim is to knock ethiopia out first and actually in order to do so we could probably do with a few more cultists so i'll pick up a couple more now if we take a look at which city we're going to try and flip next it actually makes sense for us to try and take the ethiopian capital because the ethiopian capital is the weakest loyalty in comparison to all of our neighboring cities which means we can take it oh and there we go i also captured the city of illness lovely let's keep that city fantastic no fighting necessary and it all when it comes pre-equipped with a theater district lovely that's actually going to mean we flipped our guru even quicker and then once we flipped our guru that means we can flip sir burton even faster as well we're really off to a flying start with all of this and i'm going to have my spy start fermenting loyalty issues in the capital addis ababa that means we should be getting close to flipping these cities and there we go targu is ours so we'll capture that yet another city to our fine collection and we'll immediately have them build a theater square so that we can just flood it with some great works now technically speaking the loyalty of ethiopia grows by 5.2 per turn but considering we can do more damage than they can actually out heal us we will be able to take their capital no problem it is technically a bit wasteful in terms of faith but you know what you only live once so let's give this a go oh let's say faith is also cheaper to purchase military units with and just crank all of our votes into that and perfect job done hopefully that passes and it did now has that made cultist units cheaper to purchase it has oh my god cultist units are only 160 faith this is not fair this is unfair we could just spam them out 160 faith that's two cultist units per turn in faith generation so that's 60 loyalty which means per turn we can generate enough negative loyalty to flip an entire city alright let's start it adasababa i'm afraid you're going to be ours and every time we do this we get a rally and so it begins ethiopia's great flip we're almost halfway there but we haven't even really begun oh my goodness we haven't even technically reached inside of the phoenician empire just yet although we're already starting to accidentally convert a couple of their cities so including we're actually converting peon mapu over here from the mapuche empire and if we can get out from the mapuche empire nice and quickly well i'm gonna sink all of the points i can into it we're going to send over the next wave of cultists to the enemy empire lovely let's just quickly rotate them round and they can do their recruit followers lovely you can move around one space well there's space for everyone in here the great exodus of cultists begins what a mess this is oh you'd love to see it right let's start stealing away the fiona ocean cities as well as poe and mapu we can grab that in the next few turns that's going to be brilliant now if i take a look at the loyalty of addis ababa it is exceedingly low almost got them right down to zero which would cause a flip i would throw them under our control meanwhile over here i'm going to quickly speed up the process of taking siberton and same with puan over here so there we go let's hit recruit followers that's going to speed up the process by a few turns lovely stuff this is going to be an absolute mess oh and there we go we've accidentally taken the city of addis ababa i wasn't actually where we were going to take it but i guess the fermented unrest came through and we've seized the uh ethiopian capital which is um pretty funny oh god this is um this is going to be a mess this is a real fest because now all of the ethiopian cities are going to go to open rebellion in the next few turns adele is going to be ours in eight turns adigat in four turns oh this is perfect let's really see your control of these with our lovely cultists there we go you know what to do get converting get stealing cities and what do we do their capital well we'll have them build an amphitheater for us and we get to recruit a great musician lovely great musician what can i have you do i can have you go all the way over to vilnius here oh no and the game's crashed goddammit sims 6 every goddamn time there's something about this strategy which uh civics is not happy with very unhappy about i wonder why right we're now halfway through the game and we've managed to steal berlin away from the enemy uh it's just become our latest addition to our collection so thank you very much ai for handing over berlin ah there we go we've actually just found the enemy capital city of akron lovely all we need to do once again surround this bad boy with cultists and it will be ours now we will run into a slight issue over here in tier which is quite simple playing against the fiano shane emperor is actually a bit of a pain because they will always have full loyalty for any cities starting which share the same continent as their capital which basically means this is not impossible to take however technically my hope is that if we can reduce it to zero in one turn we will be able to take this city now we're not actually going to be able to do that until we reach the final era where we can actually improve our cultists and have them do more loyalty damage so until then we can't steal this city unless we went to war as you know we're definitely never going to go to war now in terms of everything in this game our statistics are just completely out of whack our culture generation per turn 689 sides per turn 600 1000 faith per turn and look at all of these resources we have and because we've crippled all of the other civilizations they're never going to be able to come back from this now cologne will flip to us in 14 turns but texacoco over here will flip to us in one which will be very lovely and as soon as that's in reach then we'll be in striking distance of the aztec capital oh and there we go the capital of germany has been captured by england there akon is now ours and of course it immediately joins us at full loyalty and we've also thrown ourselves into the information near our lovely stuff but yes that is the german capital so in terms of a domination victory we only need to capture two more capitals and then we've managed to knock out every other ai in the game because we're going to actually have to wait till we get to the modern era before we can actually probably try and steal away from your notion but anyway texas cocoa is also ours that means our threat to the aztec capital is now greater than ever before let's surround that bad boy and get him converted ah now cologne will be ours next turn as well until many cultist forces are beginning their approach of tenochtit okay i'm english i'm not very good with these pronunciations but as soon as we have it surrounded i will basically be the second to last capital secured and under our belt oh my god and what's this victory oh for goodness sake i didn't want a goddamn culture victory just one more turn okay right ignore that nothing happened there we didn't win the game all right now hamburg is going to be ours in two turns and orsberg will be ours in four turns and then probably germany will accidentally alter f4 itself out of existence and of course we're six turns away from uh from mapucci no longer existing right the snowball effect is really hit full force ladies and gentlemen we are starting to flip cities almost one after another adi gret over here is about to flip to his next turn then adawa over here flips in three turns axem flips in 11. the capital of the mapuche empire is flipping in free ziz over here is flipping in two and then as soon as we pick up ziz and the capital of the mapuche empire we'll take inner primapu and then after that we'll try and flip the capital of fionesha and then by that point hopefully in about 20 or so turns time we'll have been able to capture free enemy capitals without even going to war because who needs war to win a domination victory ladies and gentlemen you just don't need it you can do it with a whole bunch of cultists anyway we've captured the city of adegrats we buy cultists here yes cultures here costs 260. why are they so cheap in addis ababa what is in this city which makes it so cheap to buy cultists and of course the capital of the mapuche let's flip that next turn perfect that's going to be ours we've also picked up an additional relic for it we're getting a great work put in this city of suburban here and ziz will flip to us next turn perfect and as soon as it does we're going to have a great artist immediately move into ziz and then the old god obelisk in there we're going to have it immediately has that great piece of work and lower the loyalty of neighboring cities oh yes the cycle is just continuing and there we go there's the capital of the mapuche empire added into our collection this is completely and utterly dumb but there we go the city is ours fantastic and now the guitars were going to start flipping all of the neighboring cities as well so willie mapu over here will become us willie mapu is not a good name for a city by the way mr mapucci please and of course also the city of ziz is now ours that's another 12 pop city i mean our side at the moment is just going to insane levels and the same is said for our culture we're probably actually going to win a culture victory in yes 22 turns technically so we'll have to continue on playing past that because there's just no way to avoid the culture victory at this point but yes ethiopia is about to effectively be snuffed out of the game without any war taking place they haven't fought a single battle this entire game and their entire empire is just going to kind of fall over and there we go adore is now also flipped to becoming ours so ethiopia just has one city left now and in four turns it's going to become our very own city and you know we're going to actually make that a little bit quicker and of course we're going to have to stop converting germany now because they're just across the wall for maxim don't worry my german friends death will come nice and quickly but we can buy cultists for only 90 faith in the bloody capital of ethiopia this makes no sense it is not fair mr sidwell is pleased i think you need to pop this dlc back in the oven for just a just a few extra minutes of just quality control tests just a little bit of that and it should all be good to go now for most of my other cities i now basically can't use them london newcastle upon time they're all basically redundant so all they're going to be doing is trying to generate as much faith per turn as possible because we're generating 600 feet per turn which means we would normally be able to buy about three cultists per turn although for some reason thanks to either subway that actually means we can buy six per turn and there we go axim has become our own and ethiopia has faded out of existence goodbye ethiopia it there you go ethiopia will not stand the test of time simply because their cities decided to say goodbye and has become our very own well thank you very much we'll keep your city of aksum there and i guess now we just simply hop around the wall and start trying to steal a couple of city states out from underneath germany oh no there's good news about the city of aksum over here though it's got space for a whole bunch of great works and it's in range of lots of german cities so now we begin the great work relocation program london does not need all of these great works hacksam however can have all of them so there we go we just simply drop a whole bunch off in axum move some writing over as well london doesn't need all of these books so yes effectively you just want to basically move works along from your early cities move them further and further out to your older cities and this means that aksum will become effectively a massive powerhouse in terms of loyalty damage and of course we need to reassign our governor over to aksum although actually maybe we should knock through your nose throughout the game yep we should probably do that all right over to puen mapu with you now the thing is fear notion is technically also part of the cultist faction the only downside is they've kind of waited too late and they also don't have our brilliant bonuses when it comes to stealing cities mean that there's nothing they can do to stop us and now the city of inner pyramid over here is going to eventually flip to us and as soon as it does we're going to be able to take all of the neighboring cities because that's such a huge dense population so we're going to mass spam out a whole bunch of cultists we should be able to take that city in no time all right now for the great meaning to begin we're going to entirely surround the city of olm with cultists and begin effectively the mass conversion all right we've surrounded all with cultists and so the chanting shall commence the aim is to flip this entire city now um does have an incredible loyalty growth about 15 points per turn but all that means is if we expended effectively a million cultists we should be able to flip them right and so the great chanting of om shall commence i have no idea if it's actually possible to steal cities this way but we're going to give it a try all right om recruit followers -10 loyalty crew followers and again and again and by doing that om is now at less than half loyalty which means next turn we might be able to reduce it down to zero we're going to continue our chanting orm is that over just half its loyalty so let's chart once more there we go relic more chanting more chanting more chanting now alma's technically zero loyalty now i'm not sure if it's going to flip to us this is the thing as a chance it might just stay inside of germany but then again i don't know if this game is as broken as i believe it to be and it is probably going to let me suddenly take control of that city part of me hopes it doesn't because that would make this even more overpowered than it makes any rational sense for it to be oh my god it happened we actually took um we took all despite not even having enough loyalty technically oh my god that is not fair it's just us wait keep the city keep the city where are we going next i guess we take berlin whereabouts is the cap somewhere over here i guess so we'll need to steal berlin for that first so let's start surrounding it with even more cultists but now that we have all up and running pressure we're applying to berlin will be even greater and we can send fresh cultist reinforcements from addis ababa all right we have all under our control which now means we'll start spamming out these old god obelisks and filling them up with great works now technically on paper berlin has full loyalty and its loyalty is going to be huge yep loyalty raises 26 points per turn meaning we're going to need to expend three cultures per turn just to effectively keep up with this city but the good news is we're going to be able to bring in more cultists than this city can actually burn its way through and as soon as we take berlin once again pressure from this city will just start overtaking everything else all right let the chanting round berlin begin all right and there we go we've also captured innaparimapu that's going to be our next city added to our fine collection and that's 19 pops which are going to be exerting pressure around all of the neighboring cities as well oh now this is really where the snowball has exceeded any expectations because the entirety of the mapuche empire will now become ours in just a matter of time right we've done it we've managed to lower the loyalty of the aztec capital to be less than zero meaning it's going to immediately flip to being ours next turn the biggest issue we're going to run into is of course tier because if literally any other civilization was in the game we'd have this in the bag we'd just be able to surround their capital and take it in one turn but because they are feonosha and technically their capital can't lose loyalty so technically can it just has to wait till the end of the turn to refresh i'm not going to be able to take the city unless i can lower it to below a hundred in a single turn and for me to actually do that i'm gonna basically have to wait 59 turns until i can actually steal this entire city in one go which is a bit of a shame but it's fully understandable anyway there we go the capital of the aztecs is now ours meaning if we were to take a look at the lovely domination victory we are one city away from winning oh and there we go the mapuche are gone rest in peace mapuchi the last city accidentally falling to us meaning they no longer exist lovely ah and there we go the modern era begins in 1802 a.d lovely now in terms of every single form of victory we are just massively in the lead so we don't actually really have to worry about the ais doing anything we can kind of just sit back and relax and slowly wait for our loyalty to take effect oh and yep we've entered the future era it's 1814 but yes future era time i don't think i've ever managed to produce this amount of culture per turn but yeah we're up to 1 800 culture per turn and we're technically just over halfway through the game this is a stupid quantity of culture per turn but you know this is just uh all part of the spiffing brit thousand iq strategy now we are just simply waiting for the modern era to end and for the atomic era to begin this is going to take a very long while ladies and gentlemen and a whole metric ton of me hitting shift enter you know what i'm just gonna spam it now nope i'm just gonna shift enter all of this i'm not doing anything else just shift enter all right brilliant news ladies and gentlemen turn 332 and we finally made it into the atomic era which means i can make my dedication it doesn't particularly matter what i do i guess we'll go for the bodyguard of lies doesn't particularly make a difference but now that we're in this era we can finally promote to the final master plan which unlocks the dark summoning project in all of our cities so we get to go to all of our cities and start doing the dark summoning project that means after a few turns hopefully we'll start seeing all of our glorious cultists start doing more loyalty damage this is going to take a lot but luckily we have a whole bunch of cities which means it shouldn't be too bad now we're seven turns away from our first dark summoning ritual actually taking place but once we get all these dark summonings up and running theoretically all we have to do is have five dark summoning rituals happen and after we have five should be enough to do a total of 100 loyalty damage to tier in one turn of course i want a few extra ones done just in case all right the dark summoning rituals are almost all complete i'm pretty sure we're nearing the maximum level of dark summoning rituals we can pull off which will basically mean that all of our lovely cultists have maximum conversion abilities now in order to double check just how strong our cultures are i'm going to buy a cultist over here and try it out on an aztec city just for fun other things with 77 000 faiths so if we wanted we could buy you know 77 more cultists and blanket the entire map and convert everything but we have no need for that we only want the one remaining capital right come on cultist advance i want to see just how powerful you are right here we go recruit followers -30 loyalty okay right so our cultists are already at max strength what this means is we are ready to try and do operation tech tier and if this doesn't work it means that technically this entire strategy became impossible as soon as the fee and ocean empire entered the game the only way for us to actually win from this point on would be to have someone else take the fiannosian capital and then we steal it off of them using our magical culture abilities but here we go we're going to try and recruit followers nonetheless so -30 loyalty does lower the loyalty of tier however the loyalty will change back up to maximum very shortly unless of course we spam out all of my recruit followers and hopefully loyalty is beneath zero so logically come on game let me have this loyalty at this point will be around about -270 and i mean look there is no way any civilization is able to survive that this city should be ours let me end my turn and yes we did it it actually worked it doesn't even matter that technically they're meant to have full resistance to loyalty oh my god you're still able to convert it oh my yes we have done it we have done it ladies and gentlemen keep city keep city there we have it domination victory success all five enemy capital cities captured and under our control what a glorious game this has been it's been absolutely broken it's been absolutely derpy but we've managed to pull off a domination victory without firing a single shot having a single war or needing to attack a single person the ultimate pacifist game of civilization 6. we didn't just sit in the corner and turtle or game no we actually went out into the world and conquered but we didn't conquer using conquering troops nope just friendly good old cultists trying to convince people to buy minecraft clones ah it always works anyway ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for watching if you have indeed enjoyed this very strange game of civilization 6 then by all means give this video a like and also hop down to the comment section strongly recommend you uh invite your friends to a game of civ six with this new dlc and make sure to pick eleanor of aquaten and do the strategy against them and then once they start pulling out their hair forward them this video and they'll hopefully understand what's going on anyway i'd be interested to see what video you want to see next because of a whole bunch of different complicated strategies for many different games which are completely utterly broken you want to a see an incredible banner lords exploit b would you like to see an exploit for one of the most original rts games total annihilation or c do you want me to demonstrate just how broken smithing is in skyrim the choice is up to you ladies and gentlemen so hop down to the comment section and vote anyway as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible so seriously thank you my majestic sausages you really do keep the funding going especially when ads are a little bit up and down at the moment so thank you very much and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next well i've got an entire channel dedicated to videos like this if you like seeing people play games in a very strange way which the developers probably didn't want players to do then well this is the channel for you i've got two lovely recommendations on screen which will be exactly what you're looking for anyway that's all from me to for today ladies and gentlemen i hope you have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,350,121
Rating: 4.9566355 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, civilization 6, civ 6, perfectly balanced game, pacifist civ 6, pacifist challenge, only challenge, pacifist only challenge, funny challenge, exploit, funny, civ, humankind, PACIFIST DOMINATION WIN ONLY CHALLENGE, civilization vi, civ 6 exploit, civ 6 update, civ exploits, video game exploits, civ one city challenge, civilization, civ guide, civ challenge, civ 6 pacifist challenge, civ 6 domination, funny moments, is broken, civ is broken, spiffing brit, rt game
Id: yq8GQKQ_8SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 4sec (2584 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 06 2020
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