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oh my oh there we go ladies and gentlemen we're here we've done it we're actually live god damn it it's here it's the goddamn birthday stream we've hit 420 likes and you know what that means that means it's birthday so welcome and yes i'm late okay don't judge me and i'm receiving a phone call from my mortgage advisor right as i go live this is brilliant um what a busy day it is what an absolutely incredibly busy day i hope you're all having a lovely time in chat how are you all doing i'm late i'm not late okay it's happy birthday day very happy birthday day hope you're enjoying it uh so of course as you may or know or may not know today is a very special day in the history of the spifftopian universe today is my birthday okay i am i think i'm what i must be about 174 years old now um so it's a good birthday and so consequently with every birthday a celebration must be had and for such a celebration we're of course playing rimworld where i will be taking the players from chat throwing them into the world of rimworld and just absolutely harvesting their organs melting them down turning them into cake you name it we've got all the mods you could possibly need to set up not only a tea plantation run by slaves but also a incredible cake or a human to cake machine yeah i don't know basically someone made a whole bunch of custom mods which allow us to not only convert people into cakes but also convert human beings into tea it's amazing what you can do with enough mods and craziness and probably some mental health issues so yes we're going to have an absolutely incredible day today and a glorious birthday so strap yourselves in give the stream a like pat yourselves on the back because we're about to dive into this ladies and gentlemen oh what a lovely day it's going to be this is of course a live stream meaning there is no editing it's all going to be absolutely insane but most importantly it's fantastic oh look at that i know how to sync up music and talking i'm so good now to put on the uh more classic relaxation station yes as we can now settle ourselves in for what is going to be several hours of rimworld anyway now the chat has calmed down a bit at least i think it has um considering the chat was spamming happy birthday about a million times yes it's good to have the chat back so what is the plan today chat the plan is very simple we're going to set up a colony get some colonists and what we're going to do is we're then going to get the colonists to fight amongst each other well not fight amongst each other probably more fight off the endless waves of monsters attacking them and then enslave those monsters and uh get them to basically grow tea for us so that's what we're going to do it's going to be fantastic i said someone in chat wants to be a cake don't worry using modding we have now found a way those boffins at spifco have found a way to convert the human body into cake very highly edible cake which everyone loves to eat it might turn them mad it might give them superpowers but all we know is that human cake is the tastiest cake oh my goodness right so let's start brand new colony and you know we might as well go for the classic crash landed start what are we going for randy random i do like randy random he is always good fun it is always a wild ride with randy random cassandra classic is great but um you know randy random that's where it's at it's really where it's at and of course we'll do reload anytime that's good that's what we like what's the seed do we want we don't want stream it's birthday birthday seed that's what we want oh look at that lovely bam these are all of the mods by the way we got prisoner capture logs increased stack birds and peas birds and bees is a mod which basically allows me to remove certain gentlemanly organs from just about everyone what this means is if you start failing to collect the potato harvest on time chat okay if you end up being a character and you start failing to do what i require you to do i will remove your abilities to do basic human functions okay it will happen it will happen now there's a nice spot here i've noticed which is kind of like it's got a mountain it's got some stone roads and some dirt roads it's close to some people who hate us and close some people who don't particularly care for us so this seems like a great spot to be i quite like this yeah it's good oh that's a lovely spot so you know what i think it's time we set up this colony bam next oh now this is this is where things are gonna get complicated because we need to prepare carefully we need to create our colonists and they're gonna be fantastic immediately the first colonist um i have no idea how we're gonna do this but it is one cooler guy nope that doesn't work instead we're gonna have caller guy very good so thank you very much caller guy um you donated 200 australian dollars to say oh yes rimworld aka space australia my favorite space vacation location uh space vacation location already reminds me of home well welcome caller guy you're gonna love it i'm noticing immediately you are dead we can't have that you're a body purist okay we can have that but instead i want to make you accountable um just because that's part of it called a guy i should probably also make you a guy actually no no we can have you be uh we can have you be a lovely woman um one caller guy there we go perfect look at that absolutely beautiful now one caller guy immediately apparently they've got great artistic skills so we'll crank up their artistic stats and their intellectual stats as well as their melee stats and we'll have them be uh we'll have them be a punch person that's what they can do a left hand hand talon what the heck is a hand talon is that like a a replacement hand something tells me as a body purist they wouldn't be happy with that so let's remove that garbage and instead install um something insane like say oh yeah it is some it is yeah it's a hand talent like a mine screw and the heck is a mine screw a love enhancer wow a knee spike what the heck are some of these i haven't even seen some of these before these are mental a nuclear stomach okay reading the nuclear stomach uh removing body purists otherwise they'd go absolutely insane um let's just make them under a fast walker instead but oh my god right there you go cooler guy you have a nuclear stomach i have no idea what that's going to actually result in but good job welcome to the crew next up we have autumn cicarus hello autumn nice to have you around your lovely friend um autumn let's care oh well you're just going to be autumn sorry autumn ah autumn sicarious let's add you in now of course we're all about um i always spell your name wrong don't i yeah i do now of course we're all about relaxing lovely times here um immediately i'm going to remove autumn being sickly or he'll be dead instantly um he can be physically well psychically deaf so there we go autumn you no longer have like there's nothing going on inside your brain i'm sorry you are effectively walking brain dead but that's fine autumn you know if it works for you it works for you now you're probably going to be on mining dude because you look absolutely bulky as heck and you can probably have some plant stuff and some punch stuff and some shooting there we go but yeah we'll mostly just have you kitted out for mining you're going to be great so you're a scout and a jailbird lovely stuff right and finally well actually not even finally because i'd like i like to have a colony of four people we're not going to have veronica erickson no no no instead we're gonna have steve jones steve jones okay instead it's gonna be steve jones yeah there we go steve and jones and apparently you're going to be a 47 year old woman going through menopause steve um so i forgot to read that autumn's donation which was happy birthday smith here for more years of good health and success for you and your family cheers thanks autumn that's a lovely message but steve jones donated to say happy birthday spiff please ensure to add alcoholic additives to your yorkshire tea gold of course it's a birthday we add gin to our yorkshire gold now you're a 47 year old woman who is chronologically okay 669 years old so what this means is they've spent over 600 well almost 600 years in well yeah no over 600 years in hypersleep so this person has lived for an exceedingly long time basically on ice [Music] they're a psychopath and they um they dislike men and they have really creepy breathing steve jones i love this i feel like there's there's more things i can add to you i feel like you're you're a blank slate and there's things which which just need to be added i think you're also for the sake of it you're also going to be ugly i'm sure you're beautiful in the real world but i'm just you're a psychopath with creepy breathing i just think the ugliness adds a little piece to the resistance to your character arc in return will make you the crafter and the cooker of the group as well as you can probably have some plant skills there we go and that is just oh you are looking absolutely perfect oh you are beautiful and then you know we might as well add in a um ladies someone who has a bit of experience well add in the noble oh yes a noble fantastic a noble who has alzheimer's and is also going through menopause but they're a guy i love escape there's nothing really like this there's just nothing quite like this game oh who is going to be a 54 year old noble medic who has alzheimer's he's effectively like a grandpa you have to lure around effectively a terrible hellscape um oh my god i love this game i really do oh we're gonna go for wesley van wesley van thank you my friend actually wait no a donation came in before then it was from busty oh very well worsty no longer you the jester you are now the noble busty sauce good job so you're a ship-bound lord link and then you become an infantry medic but we're going to make you very good at socialness and very good at intellect um and also you're not you can be a shootman um but you're a jogger okay you're beautiful an undergrounder no no we're not having you be an undergrounder instead we're having you be um i want to say greedy considering you are some kind of alzheimer's ridden noble so that makes sense in my mind canonically it makes perfect sense rusty has been ennobled yes he has become a noble it's truly amazing absolutely amazing it's it's truly enlightening what you can do in the world of room world you can become anything and be anyone now these are some world characters who we're basically going to run into and i'll basically um speed through these guys uh because basically we might run into them we might not so we've got juan r here um who has an artery blockage and is a wimp body purist so that's perfect and they're probably going to rock up onto our colony at one time uh then we've got tyler roman thank you very much tyler roman let's call you tyler actually no i think roman works better roman roman tea i like that psychically dull you're too smart and you're lazy um and you're also absolutely addicted to drugs so that's perfect um why why is everyone a woman who's joining our colony wusti you must be some kind of mega seducer um then we've got gagalord gagalord who is a frightened child a builder who's nervous and greedy no we can't have two greedy people you are going to be um you're going to be a hard worker there we go that's what you're going to be gagalord and then we've got wesley van wesley van there we go wesley van you're going to be a shopkin you're going to be a paramedic goldman nervous fast walker perfect what a what a combo absolutely perfect and we got what's this suka bazooka now that is quite a fun name i like that suka bazooka i don't know you're just gonna be such a bazoo you're a t total a fast walker and you're a cult child so that's perfect evidently you've watched enough spiffing bro videos um and i feel like we need one preemptive garden slave uh like t slave off of the bat so um yeah i'm gonna find um a villager from the civil outlander union um and this is just going to be our t slave so i'm going to make them quite young um there we go an 18 year old t slave um and you are going to be called dark cones look i know you donated 20 euros but you've rolled t slave okay which is truly it's what everyone wants to be when they grow up everyone wants to be a cheese slave so we're gonna make you a a clone farmer is clone farmer no probably not a clone farmer that's the wrong kind crop farmer there we go you're a crop farmer we're gonna max out your plant stat so basically you grew up in a coma and then you became a crop farmer you love chemicals you're a slow learner and you're staggeringly ugly honestly dark count this is what i like to describe as the perfect tea farmer okay you're happy to be a tea sleep good it's nice to see you in chat supporting my um directionally push for you to become a t slave oh god all right what relationships do we have because there's some juan r and wesley van are apparently siblings but we haven't found them yet um what what do we want to actually add okay apparently we're gonna have a male labrador retriever is that true were there other animals which i prefer is there a um is there a corgi is there a there's a yorkshire terrier hmm there is no corgi there is just a cougar and a cobra and a chinchilla and a chicken no we'll have the labrador retriever that is how we will do it okay what are we going to need we're going to need more food so we've got more people starting with us we're going to need more medicine because we're harvesting organs we could probably also do with a second revolver and a bit of extra wood and steel would be great so let's give ourselves 500 wood and 600 steel and that is looking great oh my goodness this is great let's drop down start i think i'm ready confirm ah so now we're generating our map happy birthday thank you chad um uh what is this so is this the three of you awaken your crow sleep psycho guy the three of us hang on a second there's five of us sometime later you land on this unknown rimworld as pieces of the shredded starship fall around you you make your plans to survive so welcome here come our first adventurers we've got cooler guy dark out autumn wusty and steve jones wow and a dog that wants to be called longneck no you do not want to be called longneck you want to be named after the generous sausage who just gave a very generous donation you are now called where is your name where is your name here it is bear long neck you have now become um zips zips the dog zips the dog there we go welcome zips uh to the colony um you can die as a dog i do try and save the animals but honestly it's a spiffing brit video slash live stream nothing is safe absolutely nothing ah there we go right let's just unforbid everything and take a look at what kind of world we're in so we've got some nice like abandoned structures over there some abandoned structures over here um more this is kind of like the stone road which then becomes a dirt road leading this way which i think is quite cute i do like a couple of dirt roads in terms of actual defensive areas um there isn't really one it's not like a nice easy choke point to manage i suppose this is a bit of a choke point but it's too close to the edge for my liking i think instead we might be i suppose we could redo up this building here and use it as our base and then we could rebuild this building as well and then most of the foundations are there so it doesn't seem you know impossible oh maybe this is it this is probably it let's get this done i mean we can't build down here there's definitely something creepy happening there chad so what we want to do claim all of this and then where else is it so we do claim and then select all of these walls and then we're going to want to chop wood all these trees we're going to want to cut plants all of these plants and then we're going to want to start building a nice wooden structure so i want a wall here and a wall here some walls here and then get a nice wall going here here and here go all the way across there we go lovely stuff look at that now we've got a nice big base set up next to some kind of creepy looking sarcophagus okay that couldn't possibly go wrong everyone's gonna love sleeping next to the creepy sarcophagus okay it's it's good and we'll even reinstall this limestone urn in the room to make it more beautiful so people won't get sassy all right claim reinstall bam look i'm a benevolent king i know how to make my people happy they like massive sarcophagus urns all right and then the other thing we're going to need is a storage zone which honestly i mean where could we we could slap it down quite nicely here i feel i feel like this is a good storage area we'll just have just about everything and of course all storage areas ladies and gentlemen must have a roof uh storage areas without a roof will see everything die which is an issue bam there we go look at this oh it's all off to a flying star fantastic flying start happy birthday spiffy muddy leafed water drinker we all know how bird how that burnt bean mud is the way to go the bird beam mud is not the way to go drew cater not at all not at all thank you cow queen as well uh 25 quid to your favorite brit oh it's nice to be someone's favorite brit you know we should probably also add in a uh a door otherwise this is going to be a bit of a faff so uh how do i rotate again i don't need to rotate it just slaps on down in of course of course then we're going to need some sleeping spots for everyone so sleeping spots for everyone excluding of course wusty who's going to get a a nice wooden bed right at the head of the mall so he can kind of look down whilst he's was he's trying to sleep and observe all of his lovely subjects and then of course the animal sleeping spot perfect now in terms of work uh for the time being we're going to need probably more than just one person on construction um as that would take us for literal ever we can have worsty be quite high on the hunting and maximum on the research no one else needs to do researching whiskey however will not clean we can have uh the the t slave clean the t slave will also maximize plant cut and growth what is this entertainment oh we have an okay i see so we actually have people who can entertain and then worsty will also be the warden um yeah this is looking good you guys don't particularly need to do as much you definitely need to be our miner um you can do plant cutting as well you need to be our artist you need to be our crafter and also our taylor and our smith there we go perfect oh isn't this just great we're off to a flying start already ladies and gentlemen this colony is going to be absolutely beautiful now of course we're we're nearing a minor break risk with worsty you might wonder why um well he wants to do a throne speech and make everyone happy he has a 4.2 chance of doing a terrible speech but yes he can do he can do speeches which make people excited the only sad well the only issue is he's eating without a table he feels sick apparently i am noticing that he is technically vomiting all over the floor right now um he's vomiting while he's trying to build a roof we'll see i'd prefer if you did not throw up all over the floor um that would be great please oh god some people you just they just want to vomit everywhere it's such a fair such an absolute fact to work with ah anyway happy birthday you handsome sausage thank you very much i see for the 7500 esk that's a very generous donation i'll try and get you uh try and get you down into the colony as soon as i can right you know i think worsty needs to probably grab that gun um because he's i'm pretty sure our best shooter at least if he's not he probably should be yeah he's got a good shooting score he'll be able to murder just about everything good stuff oh we're off to a flying start bottle up the royal vomit and sell it we're not bottling up wusty's royal vomit and selling it to people maybe we should maybe that is well i like your ideas now chad we're going places we're going places with these ideas we're thinking like business people okay can we get these uh get these walls built so that people actually have a roof over there well they have a roof over their head but a roof is collapsed due to lack of support that's fine oh is this one here and what else we're going to need a torch lamp in here else otherwise people are going to be annoying well annoyed um we could get a meditation throne and a brazier oh there's so many lovely lovely additions that this mod comes with but i realize also most importantly we need to get set up nice and early on some growing zones where we can grow plants now this area is over here where i'm pretty sure fertility is higher so i want to oh wait no it's not it's not i'm an idiot i'm an idiot let's delete that instead we're going to slap down our growing zone hmm i think in this area here is where we could potentially keep like the t slaves we can fence them in so let's have a nice 10 by 10 growing zone of you guessed it ladies and gentlemen tea plants and then along with the tea plants we also need the next greatest crop the potato plant um which can go right next door to it perfect so dark is immediately going to start doing all of that we haven't technically converted him into a slave yet but it can be done at a moment's notice um which is great the other things we'll need is we'll need to put up a fence around him um and then we'll also need to build a separate sleeping area for him as well as we've ever tried yorkshire tea breakfast i have tried it it's quite nice it is very very tasty very enjoyable what is this are you meditating autumn is meditating is that making you feel happier or something because i don't know why you should be feeling happy this is a sad moment okay you've just crash landed all of your friends are probably dead anyway let's get some horseshoe pins down because everyone loves horseshoe pins steve jones is also meditating this isn't the time for meditation i'm going to draft and undraft you get back to hauling wood for the horseshoes okay it's almost time for mandatory fun we need those horseshoes geez some people just don't understand we could probably also do a wooden wall there otherwise it's just gonna drive me mad i know darkhan is doing a great job he's planting all of the tea 11 out of 10. as soon as we move you into your separate sleeping quarters you're just going to power through all of this crop growth it's going to be beautiful really well let's deconstruct this granite column these are all limestone walls so logically if we deconstruct these limestone statues we will gain access to the limestone necessary in order to um you know actually repair these walls what is this wusti is playing horseshoes with darkout and cooler guy everyone is playing horseshoes ah now everyone's going to be happy excluding wusty who is still mind-numbingly sad why are you uncomfortable you want to you want somewhere soft to sit on fine i'll build you a wooden chair a wooden chair and let's get a table built with some nice dining chairs okay some lovely dining chairs for everyone look at that free whole dining chairs exploit kill friendly factions then give some of their loot back to them with transport pods uh become allies kill them for backup kill backup and repeat um yeah i've actually done that before it's a really fun little exploit jacob um it there used to also be another exploit which was you could murder like you could summon two factions which were at war with each other at the same time so you could summon one faction to trade and then you could summon the second faction to trade and they'd arrive in in like your camp and they'd just murder each other and you'd get all of the goods from them and you'd also not get any like relation impact which was brilliant and you could even actually heal up the uh the fallen people and release them and that made everyone happy i know it's ringworld is a very quirky game with some unique exploits yeah that might no longer work though you're right let me quickly tab in another lovely good stuff good stuff i mean it's just beautiful watching our lovely guys haul all of the necessary components back oh they're doing a great job and soon we'll have our lovely sitting area have we even had our first no we haven't had our first night's sleep we're getting close to it now it's gonna be a lovely first night's sleep we need to make sure to set the owner for the bed to be um wusty otherwise he will get very upset and how is this how's this actual room in terms of quality i remember there is a way i can see how um oh this is the fertility overlay okay that's pretty interesting and then where's the uh the beauty display okay this isn't a very beautiful area remember there used to be a way to um a way to see i'm a melon though i'm pretty sure it's when you click on a room or something yeah it's when you click on a room there we go slightly impressive somewhat rich so this should make wusty somewhat happy now that he has a kind of fancy bedroom but the issue is because he's greedy he wants an impressive bedroom which no one else has access to so we'll have to do that oh he's happy because a cute animal nuzzled him zips the dog has made wusty happy wusty's only enjoyment so far today oh they made it so you lose rep for people dying in your colony now yeah that makes sense that makes sense oh look at these lovely we've got a nice first base that's a really good first night rusty zips steve jones autumn dark count we've got one cooler guy also set up he probably needs to grab himself a gun but we're off to a flying start all we need to do next is start building actual physical bedrooms for people to enjoy and sleep in and then also setting up a nice defensive area so that we can't get raided by monsters and scary things all right you know what i'm pretty sure we could convert this area down here into being the um the you know the worker housing um and if we deconstruct this steel door as well and then build a wooden wall not across the steam geyser but just a little bit down it there we go perfect oh look at this this is perfect and then all we need to do is build a little wall here and here and then they're blocked off from escaping that way and then we just need to build a wall from here over to here and they're blocked off from escaping that way and then the wall here and here and then one here and one here awesome and we've successfully created a nice trapped area for all of our workers oh i'm brilliant what is rim this is rimworld rimworld is a indie game where you basically have to manage a colony keep all of your dudes alive and the aim is to try and escape off of the planet you will probably not escape off of the planet you'll probably survive maybe your first winter just as all of your men basically die to the cold it's a real issue um and there are many random events which will screw you over and basically see that all of your people die yeah it's just one of those brilliant games where everyone dies and nobody survives truly truly a marvel now one thing we probably want to do is temporarily increase um the importance of hauling so i'll get caller guy to basically just be the hauler for basically the rest of the day one caller guy says as the aussie you've got to give me give me the knife it's tradition you know what you've got you've got the abilities to use that knife and you're wearing the only piece of armor we have so go grab yourself that knife we'll have steve jones or steve jones can pick up the revolver and then autumn can grab the other revolver perfect lovely what a great colony we've got going what happened to weekly minecraft weekly minecraft turned into bi-weekly minecraft because it is very stressful to do every single week it's a huge amount of work for myself and all of my team so we kind of have to take it quite slow otherwise we burn ourselves out very very very quickly um so here that's uh that's what we're doing oh he can walk over there brilliant okay well that needs to be fixed let's uh get a wooden door there and let's also deconstruct this then this deconstructed and claimed same for this claim and deconstruct but we've got a nice walled off area here where we can uh probably build a i mean this looks like it would be a house for maybe um rusty this looks like a royal throne area and it makes much more sense to kind of just put the um the quarters for uh dark out to just be this tiny cupboard here in the corner and just have him work there instead and also add another wall there just to make sure that it's properly blocked off and then we can get a wooden wall here and here lovely stuff look at that oh we're going to grow so many crops in here this is going to be lovely seeing as uh dark count has actually managed to plant as many crops as he he feasibly can we're going to probably need to start maybe getting some more growing zones we can get a growing zone there and the growing zone here that one can be potato but this one could probably be we could have strawberries that would be fun but no instead we'll have we'll have rice plants everyone loves rice plants they grow very quickly free colonies idol oh that's not good at all that's not good instead let's get them making some power okay i want wind turbines and the wind turbines are going to kind of blow a nice cool breeze onto all of our crops at least that's the logic i like to look at it as there we go the wind turbines onto the crops they're going to love it we're just going to kind of like give these tea plants extra wind and that will empower the tea plants i realize we probably need to get a research bench down because do we start out with batteries no we don't start out with batteries and that is terrible you need batteries so um let me quickly get in production i'm pretty sure it is yep simple research bench and let's just plonk that down in here there we go nice simple research bench plus 62. thank you very much for 100 i'm supporting your channel while drinking coffee my birthday gift is cognitive dissonance thanks burst 62. i'll use your hundred dollars that you've been using to drink coffee with and i'll uh i'll convert it into uh a natural nice beverage like tea okay that's what i'll do with your hundred dollars we're gonna be drinking tea and it's gonna be good real good tea oh my goodness thank you very much the six thousand well almost six thousand people who see themselves who have arrived here it's absolutely lovely to have you with us and of course thank you very much to the 1670 people who've liked the stream pat yourselves on the back your lovely sausages thank you very much right now what else are we going to do well i think we could probably do with getting i'm going to say wusty's bed set up if we could set up worsty's bedroom and we make it nice and fancy i think we keep it kind of simple at first and just have him use this space here and we can give them a nice floor as well um which is under floors there we go let's add in some wood towels here and some waters here and some waters here look at that that's going to be a lovely little sleeping area for him it's not too big and it has room to expand which is all that matters i think some nice expensive areas thank you uh sunday man uh for your ten dollars how much yorkshire tea do i need to consume to become as to become as half as spiffy as me um a lot um i can't even express the amount necessary of yorkshire tea um it is quite incredible we've got a steel table i did notice so i'll quickly move that in here that's going to be ours and thank you very much michael cohen for the 10 australian dollars happy birthday smith hope you enjoy yourself during and after this stream yeah i will i've got some fun plans today i've got a i'm joining twitch for a um it's what is it it's like a virtual pub quiz which i find to be quite entertaining because i am effectively um well i'm not a twitch streamer am i i don't stream on twitch um so it doesn't particularly make sense but it's fun nonetheless all right let's get a battery down there and what else can we do i feel like we need to get more we need to get another bedroom set up for um uh for dark house so let's get a sleeping spot in here and let's set this for um how do i do this again i remember where is it is it under zones um no it's not in the zones anyway i'm pretty sure we need to call a guy to basically uh arrest dar count um no reachable unresolved prisoner bed right there we go let's make that for prisoners um the dial count is currently building something uh so now we will arrest our account drop him off inside the prisoner bed lovely and now we're going to want to convert him into a into a slave so yes that's what we're going to do what's this resistance remaining 20 okay so we're going to need to reduce resistance that's fine we've got wusty he's very good at reducing resistance now was it necessary to convert one of my perfectly working pops into a slave some would say no but i would actually argue yes very necessary because it's very fun okay now this needs to be uh wusty's bed and what's this mediocre bedroom yeah we can improve it let's improve it by adding these limestone urns um that'll make it a nicer room um that should really kind of like spruce it up a bit for him and then in terms of other furniture we can add in a an end table that'll probably make him quite happy everyone loves an end table and then we should probably also get on with actually building bedrooms for everyone else in the colony i realize um that would probably be a good idea so let's uh let's build everyone else's bedrooms over here it can be near cool a guy we can have one bedroom here we can have one bedroom here and then if we mine through here we can have another bedroom perfect everyone can have a three by three bedroom it's a cramped bedroom but it'll do i want door there door there and a door there perfect human rights violation plus one oh yes you're right we need to increase the human rights violation counter um it's an exceedingly high budget counter which i actually have to right click here and um hit eight okay that's what i have to do i have to go into stream labs every time i need to increase the human rights violation so yep that was that's correct first human rights violation unlawful arrest of darkhout the farmer um he did nothing wrong but i will have it marked in the history books that he was a political dissident and so consequently needed to be stopped and let's get everyone a wooden bed so i want a wooden bed here here and here and we're also going to need to cut down some trees so let's chop wood all of these trees here need to go they all need to go um and we can also harvest i'm pretty sure there's a whole bunch of berry bushes lying around berry bush is great source of early game food um and we need a research project we've researched batteries already nice that's brilliant okay let's store this power somewhere let's uh store it here next to the stone that way it won't um you know explode too much and let's build a roof over it as well um perfect look at that oh we're getting we're getting so fancy now so fancy move zips the dog to wusty oh you're right yes let's do that we need to move the dog over to wusty wusty would love to have the dog sleep with him the dog is not allowed for anyone else how's woodsy's bedroom still mediocre he gave me his little pottery owns look at those irons they're brilliant 11 out of 10 best limestones in the world what's up with you blocked by roof oh beans i need to remove the roof uh zone ignore no remove roof area yes go away roof bad roof very bad all right how's your resistance looking still it's 16.4 resistance that's good as soon as that resistance breaks we're going to be able to convert him into a um a tea farmer in no time he's gonna do great why is the steel crown on the ground we'll see why have you taken off your steel crown what are you wearing a plastic flak helmet where the crown god dammit it's much nicer you what are you some kind of melon geez let's have a stockpile in here as well i realized we should probably um if whiskey's not going to be happy with that bedroom we might need to expand it a bit so i'm going to preemptively add some walls here deconstruct this add some add some nice flooring in as well let's get a nice uh wooden floor just here lovely stuff oh look at that that's beautiful we've really made a nice lovely area and i realized we also need to claim all of this this is ours there we go that's ours meaning we need to repair it as well the dresser in the bedroom will improve it you're right a dresser in the bedroom will improve it um so you yeah let's uh let's slap a let's slap a dresser in it can just be right down hmm i suppose we could have it kind of like here at the end of his bed that's what we'll do get it nice and close oh and of course we destroyed those walls meaning there is now more space for you guessed it wooden floor oh yeah everyone loves wooden floor everyone's favorite actually we could do sandstone floor sandstone tile it would be very fancy [Music] now let us deconstruct this and this and uh no and this and this and now we have these proper bedrooms set up now we need to do is run a power cable all the way up to them so let's run that all the way through here and across here and we'll go up like so along up along up and then all the way up here what's this combat supply from hindrance nice we've got a combat supply who's visiting that will be oh oh no this is important what are we naming our colony uh since it looks like you'll be here for a while cooler guy thinks he should give your faction a name what should the faction be called but also what should the settlement be called ladies and gentlemen chat this is up for you eukaryic says the dog has more brights than the humans yes that is because the dog is pure and loving and doesn't have the ability to harvest tea necessarily i mean it could probably like bite a couple of tea leaves but at such a small rate it doesn't make sense so instead he has um we're gonna use him for uh for for like just entertainment he's lovely crapopolis yorkshire tea farm queen's finest brief tea spliftopia tea land dogland tea colony um spifftopia tea um i like the sound of i like the sound of tea town we'll have this tea town and then in terms of like actual faction name we should call it um uh oh settlement animal farm okay i like that edible farm you've got that thank you for the donation max ball good recommendation and faction name um oh happy friendly um amazon codes oh wait no we're not amazon 100 not amazon winky face smiley face we're not amazon okay that name isn't valid there's something going on here ladies and gentlemen amazon has purchased the rights to rimworld oh god affection australia oh you're right that might work organ donators yes you're right um british heart foundation yes with a british heart foundation the british heart foundation is now settled a new community known as animal farm now the reason why i love rimworld is because i can click on dark out here and i go operations and i can neuter him it prevents reproduction ladies and gentlemen oh dark out oh he's a male 20 age 20 of the british heart foundation meaning we own his heart we can harvest the heart anyway this combat supply is actually here and i realize we haven't traded with them so um let's send uh let's send busty over to go and trade go on rusty let's go see what's up what have you got to sell um whiskey cannot talk properly due to poor health what's got you what poor health does worst he have i wasn't aware he had any anyway we can sell them medicine that's the only thing they want to buy [Music] and they can sell us weapons including a mono sword a plasma sword prestige recon helmet steel plate up this is all way too fancy for us this is exceedingly fancy a sniper rifle might be useful given um the fighting we might be heading for a uranium gladius masterwork does not sound like a a weapon you want to actually hold in your hand that sounds more like a weapon that's going to melt your hand off to the touch but you know each to their each to their own really um how much is a sniper sniper rifle is 691 dollars oh that's a lot of money but i mean it might work it's a good weapon so let's do it let's do it we've got ourselves a sniper rifle and immediately we're gonna have wusty um equip our brand new sniper rifle sniper rifle oh my goodness what is up with my pronunciation today and that means who doesn't have a weapon cooler guy wants a knife so we can upgrade steve jones to the bolt actually oh my god what was that a fire god damn it a fire um is everyone able everyone needs to be number one firefighting okay number one firefighting and number one patienting that means go put out that goddamn fire where is the home zone expand the home zone put out that goddamn fire it is right there it will burn down the base what is wrong with you melons ah all right now we need to get people um in terms of furniture everyone needs a lamp in their bedroom excluding darkhound who needs a sun lamp to melt him to death no he needs a needs a torch he can have a torch lamp okay that's what he's getting there go the trade caravan's leaving lovely we need a research project oh auto doors hydroponics ieds solar panels fire foams you name it solar panels are great um 11 out of 10. geothermal power would be great because we have a geothermal power vent right here what's this bye jack thank you very much for 50 pounds for the thousands time today happy birthday spiff this isn't much but uh to buy superior strawberry for mango twining's tea instead of inferior yorkshire tea oh my goodness bye rick you're implying that twinings is better my goodness anyway thank you very much bye bye siak of your 50 pounds that's very very very generous how much is what's your resistance at okay you're at 11.2 hmm who's our best warden you are by far okay so wusti should be wardening was the whistly can you go warden no don't strip him go warden him instead okay that's much nicer a much more lovely thing to do whilst everyone has some free time as well we'll have them mine out this area here because we might as well and we can have them also mine out this area here um and i guess here as well you just mine out all of this replace it with wooden walls and you know i'm even feeling generous because we have so much we have so much spare wood we might as well expand these bedrooms up a bit um i mean we can't go we can't go down well we can't go whip ways but we can have just really long ones what is this a person series here see is a nudist okay a 23 year old wild woman who has just walked in um this is not not someone we've named um we can with options to hunt and tame the wild woman okay you know what i'm thinking this isn't this is a job for um caller guy right caller guy with the british heart foundation go recruit them to the uh to the british heart foundation we might need a couple of people out here um and we're also going to need a second prisoner bed i realized so let's get another one in there and you know what we can actually we can compact these guys in oh we can't compact them in i thought we could get another sleeping bed in there just one we'll have to do all right cooler guy let's uh get you sent on up over here how's your how's your punching skills 16 melee you'll be fine then what's yours sears punching skills seven okay uh trying to rest go oh it worked instantly good job caller guy you've just kind of like grabbed a random wild woman wandering across the countryside and now we're going to enslave her and get her to grow tea for us for the rest of her life um so lovely stuff and now someone gets to be ser isn't that just perfect right you're free uh call a guy okay now see here um you're low expectations you're sweaty awful barracks are you a nudist are you are you actually wearing clothes you're not wearing clothes you're just not fussed by not wearing clothes that's fine you know each of their own um you do need to be renamed though so that can be done quite easily is it in the health section pretty sure it's in the health section bio i can't remember how to rename prisoners now it's been a long while might have to actually wait until we turn them into a slave oh you are you actually a slave now though um i thought uh darkhand has become a slave cause he's got a slightly different color that's why i was wondering what that was i suppose it's because he is of our faction um his resistance is quite low though he's not very happy though due to the cramped interior minor pain awful barracks slept on the ground abe without a table disturbed sleeping chemical wand he wants drugs he just wants to have drugs you know we could actually expand out the prisoner barracks i'm noticing um there is an opportunity here we could like expand it lengthways um actually deconstruct that and we can have just a nice little steel column there for fun adds to the charm and then if we claim all of this um actually no we just uh what is it we deconstruct instead deconstruct all of this and there we go we've got one slightly larger prisoner barracks for everyone to enjoy look at that isn't that isn't that great we're so generous now you're only in a awful prisoner barracks as opposed to a exceedingly awful prisoner barracks i'm brilliant oh make a slave collar spiff that's what i forgot we haven't made a slave caller thank you chat oh you're so so useful why didn't i think about the slave collar let's put that there what do we want we want bills ad bill make a tribal slave caller i want two of them please thank you chad that was exceedingly useful of you all right now let us have in terms of structure i want a wooden wall going all the way up here going up here going up here and i realize that we have an issue because the power isn't actually joined here there we go perfect now the power's joined now we can actually have lights over here and we can deconstruct all of this and we can also haul all of this rubbish we need a dumping area i've noticed so let's create a dumping stock pile which we can just slam down i don't know right here this can be where we dump things oh look at this but now all the bedrooms are better they're technically awful but um they're improving this is really awful but you know they're not give give us time okay give us time we can give you guys wooden floors how's that you love wooden floors everyone loves wooden floors people just want wooden floors in their life except the prisoners why isn't here sleeping in the goddamn bed just sleep in the bed you've got a bed right here it's got food on it instead you're sleeping on the floor now you're eating your food on top of darco that's not nice okay geez some people what can i do oh i thought how is uh is dark count ready to be converted into um being a t slave it's close the res resistance is very low i think c also needs to be oh c has actually no um no inherent value um so we might as well just enslave they don't have resistance they've never known resistance so they just need quick enslavement i'm pretty sure i need oh we need material for a tribal collar what is needed for a tribal collar um i haven't actually looked into this details oh it requires skin okay acceptable skins human liver so logically we could make a slave by skinning a slave and using their skin um instead we're going to be simplistic and uh not do that and instead send everyone out to go hunt some mufflers or something go hunt some mufflers okay go fight the mufflers and i'll get you a a nice butchering area and you can turn those mufflers into human collars okay oh there's there's autumn with his pistol hunting a buffalo he has fired about 700 shots and that was a clean kill good clean kill good god that poor buffalo that poor poor buffalo let's reinstall this chair here as well because i'm generous bam oh so that's two dead mufflers which we can now butcher turn into like muffalo wool or something and then we can use that to make a tribal collar let's butcher creatures forever forever butcher there we go steve jones go butcher and that reminds me we're also going to probably need a we're going to need a cooking area aren't we a nice electric stove slap bang right here everyone loves a stove and we could also use a fridge ladies and gentlemen a fridge now where can we put that we can probably put a fridge here i'm guessing we put a fridge here give it a wooden door um and then if we add a if we had a roof over it build roof area bam then all we're going to need is a cooler which cools this way good job and now we've got ourselves a fridge we're going to have a cooking station we're going to be able to make food and steve jones is making our first tribal slave collar yes glorious success happy birthday spiff could you check and maybe exploit workers and resources soviet republic on steam there is a way um you basically uh just um there's a way to like cheese international sales in a way to gain infinite money which is good fun 11 out of 10 would recommend ah so there we go we've got ourselves our first good tribal slave caller which means we should be able to enslave sir at any moment i will never do wardening call a guy are you able to do wardening you know you're not assigned wusty can you prioritize enslave it enslavement there we go bingo sarah is now a slave and can be put to work they are now going to put on some clothes and they're now doing researching why are you doing researching no i want you to be what are you skilled at you're skilled at hunting you're not going to be able to do that skilled at handling you're not going to be able to do that maybe actually if we get some unknown chickens or something you are now going to be plant cut and growing okay that is what you're going to do plant and grow and clean good goods amounts cleaning and hauling okay and now we have slave oh this is perfect it's a new name you're right you name needed no longer see the jail bird you have developed you are new something incredible something amazing and i mean of course who else could we give it to but let me scroll all the way back up here bus 62 my dude first 62 is our latest t slave um and i'm noticing that they are able to technically able to go outside now that's definitely not allowed we need to create areas where the only the um only the slaves are technically allowed okay so we need a expand allowed area this needs to be area one which will rename to basically slave area and needs to be all of this area here um they're probably also going to need to have access to this room here so they can get food but that's all good perfect also legally speaking on all documents these aren't slaves these are just workers which are um stuck with us forever um forever workers so to speak yeah i know they're they're a bit trapped but it's okay it's okay don't worry don't worry about it oh we've got a second one so we can now we can now also enslave dark out which to be honest we might as well do and also realize we should probably create we need actually a second area for slaves to sleep which uh needs to be in here um so let us let's give the let's give them wooden beds um because we're generous and also we need to claim this and claim this and claim this and claim this and claim this and claim this but deconstruct it good job i'm so good oh what a glorious progress so far we've got bus 62 why are you sleeping on the floor are you doing good how's your help you're feeling um feeling okay you're naked so you're not so happy about that you slept on the ground but you're kind of happy because you've got very low expectations um you you're a night owl at night which is great recreation is fully satisfied in a slightly impressive dining room so that kind of out the fact that you're sat in a slightly impressive dining room you're kind of like you've just been enslaved but now you're in a nice dining area like oh wow that's that an oak table wow i've always wanted an oak table in my house that's great oh wow and you know it kind of makes kind of makes the situation a whole little less painful oh god right now i need probably some more growing zones um because we might as well get some potatoes down here that can be um something for bus to do oh darkel's resistance has been broken completely um so he has now become uh i'm pretty sure he's now become a slave technically so we can enslave good job congratulations uh dell count your our brand new brand new slave farmer you're gonna love it and let's uh not make these for prisoners set owner dell count and set owner uh bus 62. we've done it oh we've created something wonderful we'll even be generous and give them an end table to share what is this they're not prisoners they're simply arbitrarily detained subjects yes that's it not slaves voluntary interns voluntary interns that's it good and what's this an exotic trader um that's actually quite exotics traders like um hearts if i remember correctly uh let's quickly set this bed to medical we've got okay we don't have much time because the exotics trader will leave but the exotic straight are one of the few people who will accept um kind of like actual human organs as uh as like actual trading so um you're gonna probably be able to guess what's going to happen next but bus 62 you have a you have what i can only guess to be more kidneys than you actually need um so we're going to remove your right kidney and also your your yeah you know we'll keep to just a kidney at this time um okay bus so you go you go rest until healed um what's this new lovers wusty pursued caller guy by cheerfully making fun of her artistic school cooler guy responded well and is now wusty's lover rusty congratulations my dude you're probably going to want to sleep together though so that's something we're going to have to sort out anyway who's our doctor um who is our actual doctor are you okay you you've got one medical so no you haven't got any you've got none worsty congratulations you're gonna have to harvest the organs um what do we allow you to have medication yeah we allow you to have medication good right worsty take out that that kidney they don't need that kidney good stuff remove the kidney oh there we go one kidney brilliant now let's go trade that kidney all right let's go let's go speak to walter over here and trade away that kidney and also we need to move our food stockpiled over here this is very important this needs to be storage it needs to be clear all foods and priority critical there we go bam let's move those foods whiskey cannot talk properly due to poor health goddammit wusty anyway we can sell ourselves that kidney we just created out of thin air for 189 dollars look at that we can sell that oh brilliant what can we buy with it we could buy nothing we need more kidneys that's not good we need more kidneys more kidneys are needed we can buy a little bit of gold i guess a little bit of gold a couple of pieces of gold in there that's not worth it at all right anyway we've got it we got the silver and that's all that matters okay trade complete good job and now also busty is gonna need a um he's gonna need a larger bedroom isn't he so uh let's quickly reinstall this elsewhere and build ourselves a double bed um so it's gonna be furniture double bed and slap it down right about here there we go good stuff and what's this new what's this new quest uh gratin acrylic account of the shattered empire is calling from nearby his guards were killed in an ambush he escaped but is now being followed by a man hunting raccoon uh if we keep him safe at animal farm for a few hours until his shuttle arrives they will be happy except for eight royal favor very well we'll accept um we'll accept this count um there we go wusti you can accept this oh goodness all right good luck okay we've got greta who's joined temporarily let's jump to his location he's uh he's wandering on in good stuff and here comes the man hunting raccoon um my goodness look at him he's spooky let's set some targets to hunt on him let's get him murdered and also i realize i haven't assigned my areas correctly all right is it in um assign uh schedule oh here it is it's in schedule right you guys need to be assigned to area one only um oh wait not you actually yes you you should be assigned to area one and i'll count perfect why is bus 92 just lying here you're you're downed okay because you're sedated right that makes sense that makes perfect sense let's set owners to be worsty and who did he fall in love with he fell in love with a cool guy wasn't it yeah it was wusting cooler guy in love westy why are you in pain what's what's happening here you're cowering can you fight the goddamn man hunting raccoon where is that man hunting raccoon [Music] jump to location oh is the man hunting raccoon is dead and is being converted into food right now okay right you no longer need to cow we'll ste you're free now oh is this shuttle leaving uh let's set load to be this dude um there we go accept and just put pop him on his shutter that was the easiest mission i've ever done okay the raccoon kind of walked in i'm pretty sure was murdered by these guys here and um yeah job done oh we've got the quest complete everyone doesn't include the slaves beds oh thank you for pointing that out very very good um very smart chat very smart smartest people around bam included oh look at that freehold the title gained for wusty wusty is getting promoted in the world ladies and gentlemen he's a yeoman and he's a he's now got a psychic neuroformer at the oh we've we've done it we've done it worsty is like he's going up through aristocratic society that does actually make sense why both of the interns were sleeping on the dirt floor here instead of actually you know sleeping on the beds i made for them also is my jazz stopped it has jazz get back there we go [Music] i love jazz i really do what's this one cooler guy is it time for australian version of the french kiss you know down under oh my god call a guy jeez just because you and worcester you're in love doesn't mean you need to be indecent my goodness all right let's add some bills for this electric stove oh look here it is make tea and make organic tea so organic tea is created via um hearts you basically need a human heart and you can create organic tea or if you have regular tea leaves you can make tea and look at that look at this incredible board that is just beautiful do forever when we have tea you do that forever let's quickly pause it actually and then also we want to have cook simple meals okay do until we have i don't know 30 or something look at that oh my goodness the tea is here ladies and gentlemen it is here can you make the geothermal plant yet we can't we're busy researching at the moment wusti's wooste is giving it is all but it's a long research this is shaman merchant okay these guys are weird they've got like throwing staffs and that's all need to up the human rights violation numbers those rookie numbers you're right actually we need two more because we um we uh we got actually we need three more because we randomly imprisoned uh bus 62 and then we enslaved them and then we enslaved our count actually we need four more because then we also harvested the right uh kidney of bus 62 which is definitely illegal um so consequently we need to increase the counter from eight uh oops that's the definitely the wrong one um oh and also i forgot i haven't even shown off the greatest thing i made chat oh my god right scrap this scrap everything chat okay because so many people did amazing donations that are absolutely lovely i decided to create i decided to make a gift for everyone okay a gift does everyone want to see what my gift is my gift is it's for all the lovely people who who donated okay and are here to celebrate my birthday and have liked the stream and are just watching it does everyone want to see my gift to everyone yes you don't of course you want to see good okay right get ready chat i spent about two hours making this and i think it's art oh yeah oh it's it's just oh it's good oh yeah [Music] oh my god oh look at this look at this i made i made all of this isn't it just brilliant look at it i found all of this online mostly on like facebook forums or something but look at this art it's absolutely perfect you can send this to all of your friends and families when it's their birthday it's kind of like a good um coverall um [Music] what the [ __ ] is this this is art okay chad this art does this count as a human rights violation probably probably yeah actually was probably about 7 000 for the people who saw this oh god thank you very much for all the donations of birthday wishes oh god right back we go um to revolt and actually i need to uh increase the uh increase the human rights violations from eight to i'm pretty sure we're now on 12. there we go 12 human rights violations good stuff oh these are some good numbers do you like my gift chat you really like my gift happy birthday this is art i know it was i'm so good at art you just violated 7067 human rights [Laughter] yeah i think we just did what's this zips the dog you're just eating the raw meat off the ground don't do that eat actual human food don't just eat raw meat it's not good for you it's not good for you at all i realize we should probably also expand our growing operation because there's no reason to say we need to keep our slaves to just this area the only issue is we need to expand our walls so um we need to get more wood cut down so let's cut down all of this wood here and build a giant wall into this space here because this area has increased growing um because of the the type of ground that it is so let's quickly build all of this and then uh just just mine away the stone like well this nice steel perfect look at this and we can get all of this can be like tea crops and potato crops oh it's gonna be brilliant that give compilation violates the geneva convention i love it i mean it was mostly the minion like the really knockoff creepy million minion i found um already like we've lost about 200 viewers because they've just their minds have melted what's this miserable slaves why could you be miserable what's what's got you upset my organ was harvested i'm hungry i'm naked that's fine that's all fine have i have i restricted your access to the food is that why expand aloud zones everyone yet so that's why it's because they they don't actually have access to food that would kind of be why they are slowly starving um go eat the food you melons how are you are you hungry as well you are hungry as well go eat the package survival meal what silly sausages well there we go we're growing out this area here lovely lovely stuff you know we can also actually unshackle our slaves and that will make them run faster and work faster as well so that's probably a good idea it does mean that they can run away but they're unlikely to run away because they love us so much we're great captives alexander mathis and engen thank you very much for 500 knock arguably the um the strongest of the currencies um in scandinavia better than the the swedish kroner and the danish kluge flugen um great currency knox 11 out of 10. whiskey has psychic powers sitting in a stockpile okay you're right fine westy go pick up your your neuroform silic okay and now you can have psychic abilities i'm pretty sure the it what it's just like burden or something gives him the ability to slow people down uh oh he can increase his side focus okay he can meditate i have no idea what half of this stuff does okay the last it's been a it's been a while since i played uh the new update of rimworld i mostly stick to the old one because i'm a lazy sausage and i also like it so much alright there we go let's get building all of this we're off to a cracking start anyway and bus 62 is proving to be very valuable little in turn because they cook almost all of our food look at that isn't that just brilliant and they're cleaning up all the dirt and they cook all of our food i don't understand why they could possibly be miserable i mean the organ harvesting yeah issue but actually i realize i need to set your um your schedule um to just be anything really just do whatever um potato plant died from rotting how are they ready to oh i suppose it's it's not in the daylight that is an issue yet so these these crops just can't grow because there's no sun but that's fine you know it just uh adds a bit of an extra challenge oh no now we've got all of the knock donations coming out happy birthday have a few knocks thank you very much dragon with pizza and alexander holter for your 69 knock donations joshua james happy birthday how old is my lord uh well how old is the king i am uh 174 today um it's a lovely birthday very excited um yeah it's it's very fun 11 out of 10. do recommend being as old as the ancients oh my goodness what is this we got a raid okay this is going to be important it is technically just a single dude with a um a club so that isn't going to be too difficult to defeat so you know what that means ladies and gentlemen we're gonna get everyone that we can and select select all the important people um you lot and we're just gonna have you stand where is he gonna try and go just i guess here let's just go here good stuff right get over here quickly um or maybe just directly attack yes go for just the straight attack this person oh right give me a second one second chat i'll be back in a moment [Music] i really need the loot chat sorry and also um that was just a just my fiance mango coming in to say that she's running off for the day going um going shopping if you can believe it i know going shopping without me on my birthday devastating can we get that guy cooler guy are you just chasing him down i i mean you could have shot him you know you don't have to just knife everyone you see oh and he's dead call a guy that was a potential recruit god damn it oh my god all right back in a moment i'll give you the birthday screen whilst i'm afk enjoy now this is when we see the screams of no not the birthday scene enjoy it chat i'm evil [Music] [Music] oh you love it you love it this is your favorite your favorite youtuber your favorite youtuber insert name here okay i make art i love also the fact that i left both of the songs on so that it layered your ears so sorry chat i'm so sorry uh rest in peace no well archuleta who has died here um they are 100 dead that is an f uh the good news is though we can technically take his body and break it down um and use his human lever for cake is it can we make is it cake we can make from uh from humans anyway we'll butcher human corpses because that's what we're all about can we make cake uh so there's cake question mark and then there's cake so cake question mark requires human meat and human level yes we can make human cake we can make me a birthday cake ladies and gentlemen yay oh yeah let's get this body back as soon as possible so we can make some human cake i love me some human cake lever cake yeah it's tasty tasty leather cake ah there we go goodbye traders pleasure having you where's this potato plant died from rotting slave escaping no no you don't no no no no nice try nice try but that's not happening this is exactly why we needed to uh come on capture them capture them musty capture them there we go you did good job oh my goodness this is why we should have had the wall built okay i realized the wall does need to be finished quite quickly sorry about that wusty can you can you prioritize actually finishing this goddamn wall so they won't keep trying to escape there's our first um intern trying to run away that's fine because uh we can just are they in timeout oh i see so they're in uh they're in a temporary timeout at the moment um they'll rejoin the colony after some time has passed so they're just like in a little chill-out zone after trying to escape but don't worry they'll be back soon i love this game it's brilliant let's try and improve the uh the construction because i want this i need this wall built okay i need this what's this cougar hunting steve jones where the heck is steve jones oh my god it's inside the base it's inside the goddamn base uh we're gonna need everyone for this call the guy actually has a knife so probably not him uh i don't think a knife versus a cougar is a good idea right everyone open fire on that cougar can i what can i do i can do burden uh temporarily slowing down the cougar right let's do that right we've slowed down the cougar temporarily right run steve jones steve jones run if you try and lure the cougar away okay and worcester you run as well oh the cougar is now trying to run good stuff good stuff this is a good fight wusty murder it murder the cougar fire at the why aren't you just attacking that goddamn cougar that's trying to murder you good stuff it's now running away again good now finish it off finish it off hit it with a burden psychically burdened no it's just running away god damn cougar come back let me murder you i can turn you into food chase chase cougar chase it attack attack the cougar go and murder it actually aim your shots god damn it aim the shots stop missing why are you missing now the cougars fighting a rabbit okay it's trying to fight her hair is the cougar going to bleed to death yes in nine hours in three hours good you shot it in the neck there fantastic we've murdered it lovely right now let's try and steal it oh goodness uh thank you very much uh med madison for 500 danish kroner dkk as i've always said danish currency is my favorite currency um way better than the norwegian corona am i right guys oh yeah no actually i love all currencies i think they're brilliant i love currencies especially um was it vietnamese dong just because it's such a meme there's dark count there's nothing to do dark there's always something to do let me give you a little bit of you can have a little bit of everything okay i want you to do a little bit of everything and even research if you like can we finish off this wall um please steve jones could finish off the wall please i just don't want the slaves continuously trying to escape you know that would be great how can you talk like this about my currency look it's i i talk about every currency every single currency oh what is this a raid they'll prepare for the attack it's frankie frankie has arrived with a taser he's not even dangerous that's brilliant we can capture him oh let's try and capture him brawler has a ranged weapon oh he's a punch man though okay is he just trying to attack immediately maybe we should um i think maybe we should send wusty wusty grab your sniper and just try and hit off one of his legs or something all right just i don't know let me actually pull you back a bit right just fire him and we'll also burden him bam they go slow down uh due to being psychically burdened and now we're going to eat at him okay come on busty hit those shots hit those shots yeah nice he's dead in 16 hours great stuff and nope that was not that was not that my god was deep was to use burden on frankie was to show a type of ball into frankie's stomach damaging his torso wusty's then second shot absolutely crushed frankie's torso causing it to cave in on itself meaning we don't have yet another person who we can use to harvest tea okay instead all we've got wusti is someone to turn into cake okay god damn it turn that man into cake also can someone please turn that man into cake as well or just prioritize the butcher process who is assigned to cooking is it steve yeah prioritize butchering the humans please steve oh now this area's opened up fantastic we can use it for growing nice so i want zones growing zones i want some potatoes down here in a nice nine by nine i'm gonna have some tea in here it's gonna be a nice area for tea oh wait shrink zone remove there we go this is now tea and this is gonna be potatoes oh yeah some new fun things for the uh for the lovely um lovely slaves too i realize we don't actually need our workers on plant cutting and growing anymore because you know that's for someone else to do ah we need a meditation spot oh apparently wusti needs a meditation spot what the heck is a meditation spot okay we're just gonna whack that down somewhere and you're just gonna do brain stuff right let's put it in the middle of this tea crop or something so you can just be surrounded and be one with the tea and let it guide you you know i'm actually feeling generous i'm going to run a power cable through here and allow a standing lamp inside the uh the intern holding center yes now i've noticed we now have our human meat and our human lever um do we yeah we've got 99 human level which means in the bills we can ask for there to be cake or the silver or meaty right where the hell have you landed oh right there okay that's quite nice we'll eventually do that mr smith you majestic king thank you for your fine entertainment thank you very much link cwz donates ten dollars to say the cake was a lie of course one caller guy says look man you got a stab you got a stab i know you you did absolutely murder that man though i mean we have turned him into cake well we will turn him into cake but you know these things take time that's 62 what do you do oh we've got dark album back as well lovely dark count have you saved all of the previous things you were doing yes you have good let's just have them all on um you know kind of like they can do stuff they can do a little bit of everything and how is burst 92 cooking you actually okay cooking um in terms of your abilities you're not terrible i mean you are actually terrible what are you making are you making simple meals this is this that's definitely gonna give people food poisoning all right let me move the um the cake right up this is gonna be the most highest priority um ever stop trying to make the goddamn simple meals i want cake miserable slaves that's just part of the charm of it maybe they need a recreation in here maybe they need a um their own horseshoe pin game inside the base there we go i'm generous you see very generous hello chat why are you screaming help chat why would you scream help oh the taser would be perfect for convincing new interns to join you're right we need to actually get someone who is okay at shooting uh autumn you're actually not terribly shooting equip that stun gun you're no longer going to murder people instead you're gonna be great all right now let's expand the allowed areas oh no that's an issue uh we'll get around to that in a second i just need to expand the allowed areas for the um for interns to include all the way down here there we go perfect stuff so uh bus 62 has gone into catatonic stairs well of shock simply because their organ was harvested um so they're a little bit upset as you can kind of tell steve jones is currently using the medical bed however um let's make that medical bed is so we're going to look at off the bus 62 at all are we going to go help them well steve do you want to you want to rescue them at all put them back on their bed nope just gonna have them sat on the floor for ages oh my god collins needs treatment doghouse why do you need treatment oh you're exceedingly bruised all over what happened to you steve jones punched you oh did you have a fist fight with steve jones a doll count flirted with cooler guy commending her accent because was not interested dark out is escaping oh my god we need to lock these doors in future we need to lock them arrest right everyone arrest arrest autumn you over here as well go steve jones run as well i need you over here how fast you okay moving wusty psychically burden no line of sight beans you need a line of sight run run run get that don't you dare run don't account no dark count please you don't want to escape dark out you don't no dark help no oh wusty can you can you do the burden oh beans no no no [Music] no dark out why why would you leave us dark out i can't believe you do that i can't believe you do that dog count has left the colony ladies and gentlemen the free-range cake got away he did that's terrible news oh my goodness let's crap let's scrap the uh plan to cook simple meals and um i really want to make this cake so um let's change around some work orders who actually is good at cooking steve jones is is good okay steve jones i want you to um not heal yourself but instead make some human cake first please there we go there's the human meat that's good there's a little bit of extra humid meat and there's the human leather right let's make a human cake we did it we made seven human cake look at that look at tasty human cake steve jones is eating some now look at that tasty bit of cake on the table steve jones you're gonna love it oh what's this slave escaping oh that's that's old yeah yeah that's old oh steve jones you love that what's what's wrong what why are you sad cooked cannibalism i ate a meal made from humans it was horrible what do you mean you ate cake that's even better thank god the egg cake outweighs the cooked cannibalism because the egg cake is a positive mood lip for seven days oh my god why is there starvation bus 62 needs food oh beans whiskey can you um prioritize feeding her you're going to feed a human cake yes bus 62 enjoy eating cumin cake it's your birthday happy happy birthday eat the human cake yeah oh mad squirrel jump to location it will attack anyone it sees right let's schedule that for hunting oh my god happy birthday cake for truly happy people happy happy happy happy birthday cake happy birthday cake time yay oh my god steve jones are you trying to fight that mad squirrel steve jones just let the mad squirrel into the base god damn murder the mad squirrel autumn also prioritized hunting the squirrel apparently it's knocked out on the ground now though oh you're just gonna snap its neck or are you good job great job you really showed that squirrel 11 out of 10. let's also expand this stockpile area a little bit just because we can and we might as well bam good stuff we're doing a great job chat um spiff get the post-mortem what it allows you to get organs even after the death of a person i need to get that mod installed i love the sound of that oh that does sound brilliant oh postmortem mod i'll have to add that to my list that sounds exactly like what we're looking for i'll tell you what we could do with we could do with like maybe some some chickens like if we had a couple of chickens we could get a near limitless supply of food like there's a turkey here so that's a female turkey let's try and tame that this is a male turkey diet yes so this is a male turkey in a female turkey so my logic is if we get the two together we have multiple turkeys there are even more turkeys as well because if we try and tame all of them then you know that improves our chances as gazelles mufflers make us loves hairs and rats and squirrels okay so turkeys are our best bet autumn secaris donates 1 000 yen to say hey spiff can have a psychic ability i know that i'm psychically brain dead but apart from that please please let me okay autumn you cannot be given psychic abilities you are physically unable to do so okay oh the the zeko union is raiding let's uh let's jump over to them what have they got they've got one dude called dogger okay he's got a steel club autumn i reckon you can probably solo this one so um go uh go tase him a bit okay here we go go just get close and zap just tase that's a miss that's a hit right now let's run let's run autumn autumn let's run good you've got hits that kind of slowed him down oh what the heck why is he dead autumn autumn why is he it is a stun gun autumn how do you murder someone with a stun gun how we need these organs you are literally killing my industry autumn all right autumn that is that is it you've lost your you've lost your reproductive rights okay as soon as you get back to the base we're harvest we're neutering you okay that's a neutrin right there chat we're all in agreement right that was a heart attack was it damn it oh god he had he literally did have a muscle shock due to the the stun gun which has like caused him to have a seizure and die oh my god damn it autumn what is this visitors have arrived at animal safety they are afraid to enter your territory for the following reason no guest beds um uh refuse visitors until i have guest yeah let's send them away i don't have guest beds at the moment anyway autumn's waiting here for his operation wusti prioritize operating on autumn please autumn i'm afraid oh no it went wrong it went wrong you failed in a minor way trying to neuter autumn brilliant right can you now tend to him uh well the good news is autumn uh you haven't lost your you haven't been neutered the bad news is you have lost a exceedingly large amount of blood um ah it's fine eat the berries just eat the berries and be happy taser was set to 11. that's the issue god damn taser turn that taser down god damn it ah plus one human rights violation you're right plus two because we tried to uh we tried to harvest autumn's organs who's starving bust 62 again but 62 why are you waiting here are you still in your catatonic breakdown how long does catatonic breakdown last steve jones can you um you're not assigned to doctoring okay steve jones even if it's just like a little bit of doctrine like number four just in case go go feed her please just give her some food give her some potatoes there we go now she's no longer starving one cooler guy you should just give me the psychic stabbing abilities i promise it'll go well don't call a guy you'll just murder people what's this hosting mantis um oh my uh chief of the rakagmo treaties requesting a favor his friend trola mantis is interested in learning about other cultures and she wants you to host him at animal farm for 11 days mantis will not do any work whilst they're here we can get a masterwork chain shotgun a very lovely robe that increased psychic sensitivity um and also or we could just go for some goodwill do we go for the chain shotgun or the robe guys i mean the change shotgun looks amazing that looks pretty damn fancy let's click for more info it's uh minus three beauty but 22 damage stopping power 3.0 360 rounds per minute that's oh yeah you want the shotty chat chatty's a chat shotgun let's go for that all right so we now have um we now have something called mantis who we now need to look after um so i guess we make this uh mantis's bedroom now and autumn will now have to sleep elsewhere welcome mantis mantis i'm noticing you're not wearing any clothes um why have you arrived naked you feel that this is humiliating yes well you are naked i did not make you naked so you want to just do bed rest and you're just going to walk around great you just um you have fun mantis just don't die okay stay in the home area don't wander off and die unhappy new ditzy i'm not sorting your goddamn nudity issues mantis what's this a tanner from tanner is passing by uh from the recogmo treaty are the same people who mantis is from that makes sense wait hang on a second hang on a second harvey's manchester's organs question mark hang on a second [Music] chat are you sure we could i mean there's there's no reason why we can take one of their lungs you know like that's fine yes mantis yeah just go lie down in the bed nothing bad's happening rusty you know what to do you know what to do [Music] hi mantis um look you're just passing by uh for 11 days whilst you're here i'd like your organ oh no it's made him angry how could it possibly make him angry oh well now this uh this other person from their clan's angry and is going to try and fight us um we could really do with having autumn fight them but autumn is kind of under anesthetic at the moment so um our draft autumn have autumn uh equip the limestone club instead so that someone else can have the um so someone else can pick up the uh the taser right steve jones grab the taser right now someone needs to capture mantis um like so so uh melee attack them to death no no let's strip them of their knife do not murder them and we kind of have to wait for them to to wake up and then we can um oh did their other person run away oh i thought they had another person who was going to fight us that's fine uh so we've gained we've gained mantis and also did we gain mance's lung or did the surgery go wrong uh an authorized surgery on mantis so he failed um and he was angry so yeah we didn't get anything that's a shame i mean we now have mantis though right we can still use him i know we did get his right lung where did we put his right lung oh here it is shouldn't we put it like you know in the freezer instead of outdoors right you know like um that makes sense where i know if even is the uh is it in corpses it's not in corpses i'm pretty sure it's manufactured like medicine isn't it no but we should probably put the medicine in there as well i don't even know where you put human limbs and body parts what do you classes description lung okay it doesn't even say that's fine we'll work out eventually chat map size large i'm pretty sure it's large or medium yeah he still has two kidneys which need to be harvested and at the end of the day he also has a heart oh he's just woken up and he's vomiting on the floor good stuff um you're not very happy i am noticing uh so once everyone wakes up don't worry we'll have you we'll have you arrested it's okay for the time being you can just sit here and start throwing up everywhere you're almost back to full consciousness as well oh it's in items body organs thank you chat thank you very much very generous items and then body parts yay god bless body parts and i realize also need to actually add um add food onto this we need more make cake orders but we also need more simple meal orders uh just do forever really i says wusty's gotten food poisoning from potatoes cause dangerous food type potatoes are a dangerous food type to wusty god damn it that's weird never expected that and everyone's enjoying their um their cake at the moment it's very tasty bus 62 is back to work they're no longer lying around on the floor dead and so they're you know harvesting all of our potatoes and rice which is lovely good stuff bus very impressed what's this starvation autumn is dying of starvation autumn eat the goddamn cake good stuff autumn is eight the eating the cake mantis you are given up and leaving mantis i'm afraid we can't have you leave can we how do we capture you i just need you okay right let me grab um who has the taser steve jones come here come in here and tase mantis there we go good shot tase again that was a miss it's point blank how are you missing this there we go good stuff now we can capture them right capture perfect uh so that's mantis now added to our collection oh god right and um i really the marriage is on a marriage is on worsty and caller guy are getting married they're well they're engaged at some point in the coming days they'll have a they'll have a marriage ceremony let's place down a lovely marriage spot um it's in miscon yeah marriage spot right in front of the creepy massive altar this looks perfect oh there'll even be cake i mean it's human cake but it's it's still kind of cake um i realize if we're going to turn mantis into a slave we're going to need to make a tribal collar but what i'm going to do we're going to make it so that we're only going to allow from this point on human lever slave callers um so mantis is going to wear the skin of dead humans around his neck and that will remind him to never run away never never ever ever mad alpaca it will attack anyone it sees goddamn mad alpaca right who's got a proper fighting gun caller guy do you want to jewel a mad alpaca i mean like you've got a knife good job like what have you done so far you've been you've got gravel in both of your eyes the alpaca has kicked gravel in your eyes good job you've murdered the alpaca though 11 out of 10. rescue the alpaca no melee attack the alpaca to death good job and also haul the alpaca please well don't call a guy you can actually fight here's some peasant oh yeah thank you very much silver oreo for your twenty dollars what's this chunks of space crafted lantern nearby nice good stuff love to see it love a good bit of spacecraft what is in here actually i realize we haven't been in here um i'll have to send wusty in there he's busy consuming cake at the moment what has he put the dog been up to just basically been playing with wusty and that's the only thing they've done i suppose we could probably probably train them to be a guard that makes sense and we can eventually train them to haul that'll be even better yeah let's train the doggo travis leaton tax for the king on this most glorious day thank you very much travis leighton very generous donation plus seven human rights violations right i'll add that to the list so we're up to um 19 now let me quickly add that in 12 nope we are now on 19 human rights violations good stuff and we're back colonists needs treatment cool again what's wrong it's just a bunch of bites and bruisings from alpacas okay it's not much i know it's a whole bunch of blood on your picture but it's okay don't worry i've also got anyone set to handling wusty and the jailbird right we'll have wusty actually be the handler um and by that i mean his job is to go out into the world and convince turkeys to join us and then once we get the turkeys we then have our interns um basically train the turkeys and now that we've got mantis here as well let's um break his resistance reduce that resistance good stuff hi smith just woke up um i see you like the mod i made you happy birthday thank you very much scuffy it's a very good mod very very very good mod people are loving the cake especially the um bus 62 our unpaid intern here really loves the cake very enjoyable the cake almost makes them forget the fact that they ate well i harvested one of their organs okay they're happy they're very happy so yes the recommended mods which we'll need to get for next time post mortem and expanded prosthetics and organ engineering allows you to harvest all um things like eyes and noses oh i like the sound of that that sounds very good all right and we're slowly reducing mantises issues um what's the issue slept in the heat so he's not happy with that so as it is quite warm um could probably get some kind of cooler system set up might as well actually um let's get some vents through here so what event event event and event and then we can set up a cooler like so and just generally try and keep all of these rooms nice and chilled mine a break risk call a guy what's wrong just because you've been attacked by a alpaca opinion of my fiancee wusti being with my wurstie makes me feel good good job wusty good job slave is escaping god damn it again i need to stop giving them access to doors um chase wusty you need to run as well was to you're going to need to psychically burden them like immediately go chase chase chase chase chase i think we actually have a chance with this one because bus is i mean we're gonna have to put the restraints on them again i realize right psychic sensitivity go did that work yes psychically burdened good right wusty we need to chase him down chase him down yes the psychic burden is definitely what we needed a rest good we got him we got him boys that'll teach you for trying to run away right from this point on these doors are now locked okay for everyone who isn't call a guy steve jones wusty and autumn same for this door here this is caller guys steve jones an autumn door okay from now on no more escaping no more escaping happy birthday spiff may you exploit uh your way to a lovely day kind regards from the colonial who drinks tea and hot bean juice thank you very much hunter seeker owl griffin lovely to have your donation ah but yes there we go we finally recaptured um we've recaptured our slave that's perfect that's what we needed steve jones you're now free to go back to whatever you're doing um actually not please make that uh that collar um that would be very useful i realized very very useful all right burst now has to sit in timeout for a day he's in the naughty zone very very naughty oh animal disease flu zips has got the flu no zips oh no oh we need to help you i also realize we need to make these pet doors as well pets can go through otherwise the pets would be trapped um oh poor zips we need to prioritize tending you what's this what's this minor break risk rusty what's wrong wusti what's got you upset collins organ was harvested minus two um greedy uh you want a more impressive bedroom okay that's gonna be a challenge slept in the cold okay right that can be fixed i guess awful bedroom unsightly environment low expectations the only good thing in your life is cake okay we're going to need to um we're going to need to get more things into this room then look good maybe like a a sculpture or something just anything to make him happy maybe like a chessboard would make him happy let's give his room a chess board and two two wooden chest chair two wooden stools okay let's take a look at what improves and lowers beauty here is lower i'm guessing that's because of dirt okay it's gonna be this is gonna take a while to improve his bedroom but we can do it we can do it it's achievable autumn's curious if you really want to up the ante antics get the radology mod so you can bombard pr prisoners with radiation to mutate their organs for harvest what the hell is that a mod that is an actual mod my god i love it i love the sound of that you've convinced me autumn that's on the list heroes sometimes thank you very much you're ten dollars uh happy birthday spiff enjoy your content i enjoy your existence thank you very much ah i'd say all in all this is going quite well will this be a vault probably yeah i don't see why this couldn't be a vod once this visitors have arrived send them away we don't have space for visitors at the moment okay wusty is too busy i don't know meditating recreation satisfied extremely comfortable have you got a very comfy bed or something oh you need a meditation spot this is your meditation spot set owner meditation spot miserable slaves there's no need to be miserable bus okay it's a happy time it's a very happy time you should be grateful we've done so many lovely things what's this okay colonists need beds um oh i see the issue all of this has become right because we haven't built the vent every every single bedroom has become a prison instead right prioritize build it everything is not a prison everyone needs a bed get these built good right these are not for prisoners this is not for prisoners this is also not for prisoners and these are not for prisoners good right now you set owner um blue 62 good oh my goodness sake what a complicated what a complicated mess that would have been that would have been a real real mess ah more rights violations love heart of course don't you worry they'll come is that a guinea pig how many guinea pigs are running around there's a whole bunch of guinea pigs on this map how many guinea pigs are there in the in the wild oh my god there's like seven guinea pigs just walking around when did you guys come here we're gonna be eating guinea pig this winter is that what we're gonna be having so worcester you feeling better you really still want that impressive bedroom ah that's gonna be such a faff to try and make an impressive bedroom i mean probably get kind of close but you know it's rough it's very rough [Music] guinea pigs free meat i know they are tame the guinea pigs plus one yeah we could do taming we could mantis how are you feeling are you emotionally broken yet no you've still got good resistance your mood's not terrible either you're happy that you ate cake though um if you just kind of like break his will eventually there we go reduced it by two so that's always nice maybe we could actually do with a proper a proper prisoner bed that might actually be the solution to our problems because if we reinstall a good bed over there that's um that's very nice and also i realized i should probably allow um i should probably allow slaves into this room so they can tidy it up um because they need to do cleaning um such you know they can be allowed into all of these rooms they've got to clean everything bam area revealed jump to location we've got sandstone urns right reinstall these bad boys reinstall the sandstone urns sandstone owns ladies and gentlemen free mood boosts okay we'll even give one to the prisoners to make him happier aren't we just so generous complete your ac unit oh my goodness yes we haven't done that was the ac unit i don't care about the geothermal get that ac unit built you botched it oh for goodness sake was the fix it good stuff right now we can designate yeah temperature to be about 21. that seems good keep it nice and chilled good stuff drain some of my lovely batteries if you've bought prison architect island bound are you you're alleged for compensation so here is thank you so far for my um uh so zel rava for my uh reimbursement for buying prison architect island bowed thank you very much god what a game well what a dlc actually yeah that wasn't wasn't the best work paradox has ever done it was a shame it was you going for your meditation you are good oh how's how zips the dog doing have they beaten their flu oh yeah they're gonna develop an immunity nice and quickly good stuff spiff research sterile materials asap in place under the research bench it gives a huge buff into research speed no no we like slow research speed slow research speed means it takes ages to get the geothermal plant and it also you know adds a bit of challenge so i remember should i probably i should probably um put the put i mean mantis will probably need to be in shackles for a while um what are your what are your needs in terms of like an actual slave are you happy you're not like devastatingly upset no your mood's actually good you're recreationally satisfied you've got low expectations your barracks is awful though so maybe i can fix that maybe i can um you know give you some give you guys some wooden floors i mean that'll make you happy everyone loves wooden floors i realize also we could probably do with some uh what kind of floors are these oh my god chunks of spaceship craft have landed as well nice so these are marble tiles on the floor so if i um we can actually ask for more marble type oh we can't because we don't have enough marble tiles but there's geothermal power plant research so now we can go power geothermal power plant oh we need a construction skill of eight or yeah okay so we can't have the geothermal power plant but we kind of are getting there we're getting close what do we have a lot of we have a lot of limestone right so i want in terms of floors i want limestone floors um limestone tiles bam bam bam bam we just need basically any way to make wusty happy with his own goddamn bedroom um so that's what we're going to do we're just going to try and make him happy but what are you doing are you just standing around animal starvation oh my god is someone not fed the goddamn labrador wusty feed your dog feed your doggo he needs to be fed burst can you can you feed him is he happy he he doesn't need food does he no he's fine for food good cargo pods what have we got what do we got medicine a whole bunch of it as well so that can be used for um that can be used that's good it's actually very good we've tamed the turkey turkey one turkey one needs a name you are no longer turkey one my friend turkey one you are brand new um you are cara cara guy you are the turkey called cara guy that's about that one cara guy there we go turkey you are you are just tamed that is all we can't do anything other than have you have you be a source of eggs really um that's gonna be your one job is just to you know lay eggs i guess and then we can use those eggs for food um that's the hope at least let's um let's drop down a turkey sleeping spot in the corner of the uh the intern area oh sylvester thank you for your donation dropping in say happy birthday spiff premium tears on me save the organs thank you very much sylvester it's very generous of you thank you very much for all of you who have liked the stream as well it's very very loving of you very very kind i you know our actual colony is actually up and running and looking happy they're not devastatingly sad i realize we should probably also um [Music] maybe have like a a area where we fight people we could do with maybe some defenses um security is always a good idea although at the moment we don't have turrets researched so we can't really do much beyond um nothing really yeah we really should get gun turrets eventually we need a smithing for that so bam smiffing let's get smithing noble apparel would be fun as well drug production is always good hydroponics is fun because hydroponic tea is very good sterile materials what's this sheep join a group of sheep have wandered into the area they seem accustomed to human contact have joined we've got four sheep sheep we need to name four goddamn sheeps my god look at them right let's all set them to area one actually no labradors unrestricted but that's amazing a whole bunch of sheeps oh my god right well these all need names congratulations sylvester you just donated but you're also now a sheep um you're sylvester the sheep sylvester the sheep oh no so just sylvester then fine and then another you over here needs a name this you can be called um youtube chat there we go youtube chat now in physical form neither ram here uh we're gonna have zelvara so far the sheep congratulations one last ram i'm gonna name this off to someone in chat who wants to be who wants to be a sheep chat okay i haven't pulled names from chat other than the youtube chat sheep so what would you like to be who's that iron jelly wants to be one iron jelly congratulations you're a sheep my dude i and jelly well done iron jelly ah welcome sheep now sheep are brilliant because they grow world which we can then harvest the only downside is they will basically just walk around everywhere oh what's this oh visitors yeah send them away we don't have guest beds shoe shoe no visitors what we could do with is actually claiming all of this and i think we could probably build this up i think with some proper wooden walls we could get a nice like um maybe throne room or entertainment guest space built here um this would all need to be mined out of course so actually let me um let me order that so all of this gets mined um all of this trash needs to get hauled um all of these plants need to be cut but if we can build this up this is a good room we have here all right how's your your bedroom's decent do you want it to be bigger or something do you need a bigger bedroom is that what it is we can give you a bigger bedroom if you really like just a not much bigger but like we can give you this additional corner of bedroom which we can add i don't know limestone floors too build a guest bed to encourage visitors then harvest them okay right you've got it you've got it that is actually very good shout trap all right let's um get a get a wooden bed set up over here for the visitors of course visitors quote unquote because they never leave so yeah this will be the visitor um enjoyment center where the visitors will come and stay and then we will of course murder them and harvest their organs let's deconstruct that wall because we don't need it and you can be deconstructed as well steal columns was this shipped to the stars oh right yeah we're not doing that we're not going up to a ship to the stars dismiss that quest what rubbish name him bobert bobbitt is a good name we don't have anything to name bobert but the next thing we can name matthew cassell i will name robert maybe we could even tame a guinea pig actually i'm interested if we can go and tame one of these turkeys because these if we can if we can actually properly tame a couple of these turkeys then we are in a really good stead um for like steady food production over the winter wasting convince convince the turkey failed 45 shots nice we'll come back tomorrow and try and tame the turkey oh no what's this oh there's an ancient danger inside here right okay so there's something bad inside these walls and we're not gonna mess about with it that's okay we know it's in there why is there vomit on the floor here god damn it the animals wandered in here or something and made a mess because now the bedroom's awful oh we've made a mess how's mantis doing are you are you broken yet 20.4 right we're getting close happy birthday spitfish to another year of your hilarious videos thank you very much and uh stone g uh jj stay giving a hundred w ten thousand w currency no idea what that is oh it's it's korean is it right happy birthday please note that many korean viewers are eager to share your videos but due to the language barrier it's quite hard to share is it okay to make korean subtitles on your video it is you can make community subtitles and i get a notification whenever they're done and i um i basically skim them over and if they're good then i approve them so yeah um you i do accept community contributions you just kind of have to submit them yourself um thank you very much as well to uh philippe olivers and ditch boy [Music] and also michelle e thank you very much he doesn't like his room because it's dirty uh let slaves into the room to clean don't worry i've already enabled that um they can no another ten dollars for saying my name right the first time that's the first ever it's okay matthew gazelle i've i'm jose good gazelli okay it's lost it's i've lost it now matt okay it's all gone everything's gone wrong hey connor how are you doing in chat having a nice day nice fun day off oh i realized i've got a kinder bueno next to me that i haven't even eaten yet oh was that were the two cheapies there were they having fun log show all no i saw love hearts between the sheeps are there baby sheeps on the way do we have baby sheeps to worry about i mean that's more sheeps to feed but that's okay we can manage with baby sheeps apparently you've lost your left eye and you're also going deaf so that's fine sylvester sheep what about zelvara you're okay you're fine youtube chat is fine and iron jelly is fine lovely let's get some more plants down let's get a nice stockpile zone down here and we'll make this one rice just so that it grows nice and quickly and that that rice will really help us uh maintain feeding these uh most of these animals because animals are great but they do consume food very quickly kieran curtis thank you very much 20 pounds to say that i'm amazing thank you your amazingness too you're amazing as well my dude thank you hmm was human meters rotted away in storage oh that's not good at all that's not good i guess um it's hard to maintain the call in this room because people keep going in and out i really need set up like an airlock system or an auto door would be good but we don't have that technology yet for the time being let me instead create the most inefficient way of doing it and just having another cooler added oh no that needs to be built quickly that needs to be built very quickly whiskey worcester wusty wusty please build that well that fast good stuff and cool there we go uh do double wall and airlock will make your freezer work oh it's in like two doors i see i see and i suppose that's one way of doing it but i'm lazy so i've just added two freezers instead it makes much more sense where are the sheep sleeping the sheep are just sleeping a little bit all over sadly sheep can't be trained but they they exist and so they provide wool and so on which is good why is youtube chat sleeping in wusty's bedroom don't you know whose bed that is that is not yours okay oh don't know do i need to add more um animal sleeping spots have some sleep over here in the main area [Music] oh these berry bushes are ready oh no what is this a new question available it's called paid heatwave what is this a striver a duchess of the shattered empire once you wants to perform a low power test of one of her ships airy attack weapons if she does the heatwave will bake the area around animal farm for 6.5 days harming crops and possibly killing people [Music] or animals in uncooled areas since you are a local landholder under imperial law eventually needs your honorable permission to proceed what the [ __ ] what the hell do we do there's another chain shotgun masterwork here ladies and gentlemen as well as a side trainer to make people invisible what we could just make we could just make wusty invisible i'm sorry but what the actual hell we're just gonna have a 6.5 days of a terrible heat wave is really rough chat just so you know like that is difficult to deal with maybe we can do it do you reckon we can do it top option oh yeah i think the top option is good because get an excellent marble sculpture and um that side trainer will be brilliant super easy fine let's do it let's do it let's give wusty invisibility powers wave time and some pods have arrived oh we actually get them all ready nice oh get both of these on right rusty whack on your um uh was the already nose invisibility does he he knows invisibility oh but he doesn't have a high enough side level i see that makes sense i guess someone else gets to learn invisibility then let's install this magnificent sculpture in worcester's bedroom so that he's happy um all right cooler guy you can have invisibility oh actually you need a neural link okay fine well we've just got an item we can't use them and now it's heat wave time so animals need to be kept in the cool um and actually i think it would probably be a good idea if we added a cooler into this room just to keep it nice and chilly and we have most of the animals uh go in between these two areas heat stroke who cooler guys immediately already got a heat stroke god damn it all right prioritize building that right and yep get it bill get it built quickly and get this area cooled down we need everywhere to be chilly nice and chilly and then busty you need to also protest working on this one i reckon we might need more power for this so i'm going to preemptively get another wind turbine up and running wind turbine 2 and then also wusti i realize you also don't even have one for your own bedroom was it smithing oh build uh okay we can now do smithing cool that's great right now let's add a cooler um uh like so yeah this will be good don't have enough components so let's actually cancel that entirely autumn don't destroy that wall we're gonna have to use a um we're gonna have to use a passive cooler instead which isn't anywhere near as efficient but it's basically the only way we can keep the temperature down anyway there we go right i think we're maintaining oh my god everyone's got a heat stroke go lie down go sleep in cool places okay no more heat stroke stop it with the heat stroke bus don't go outside okay you will get heat stroke oh my goodness chief zab donates ten dollars say those human right violation numbers are low you've got to pump them up yep we'll do that thank you megan for the five dollars as well you're a long time watch your first time donor thank you very much all visitors have arrived but they're scared because they are they we have no guest beds but don't worry you may come we have no guest beds you're right we need more guest beds why don't we have wood we need wood is what we need um orders chop wood chop all of this wood get this wood chopped chop every bit of wood all the wood oh my god that's a whole bunch of visitors um let's uh give them some sleeping spots in here around around here i think we'll do actually for the time being we can we can convert this room into a guest room for the time being it's going to be cramped but that's okay uh it's not for medical it's for guests everything is for guests there we go and bam there we go what is this oh we can increase the fee of guests for renting beds have zero mood effect oh wow i like this we can charge people to stay on beds that's amazing i didn't know we can now become inns caller guy has an enhanced creativity so he can any art or furniture they create will be higher okay two levels higher cooler guy can you make this bed you're not assigned to construction call a guy what are you assigned to you're terrible everything right you can do construction now build this bed make the best bed in the entire known universe ta-da it's an excellent bed oh that's brilliant that's guests will love that let's charge for that uh has everyone got a heat stroke everyone appears to have heat stroke not enough guest beds by free we've got guest beds oh i realize we need to unlock these doors uh let's lock and unlock there we go so these aren't locked anymore guess you may now come through we're terribly sorry about that that yeah that does make sense we need um we need to make sure that the guests stay outside um of the the working slave area otherwise we'd have an issue oh my goodness what a what a lovely setup we now have mine a break risk for wusty oh no wussy's trapped in the goddamn box wursty deconstruct deconstruct this i'm just expanding your bedroom i'm trying to make it better it's an impressive bedroom now it's impressive look westy do you like your bedroom does that make you happy impressive bedroom plus five yes he feels free in his expensive bedroom oh we've done it jeff the pig 06 says you should eat me i'm delicious happy birthday spiff don't spend it all in one place thank you very much matthew gazelle um you've been very very generous this dream thank you um i'll make sure to try and not spend it all in one place i'll have a nice relaxing time with it ah are you guys having fun you're relaxing socially my visitors having fun there's um how many of you are there there's four of you um which would make you quite difficult to try and attack because you have a machine pistol you have a knife you have molotov so you'd burn everything down and you have a shotgun okay we can't fight these people uh they are too powerful way too too powerful and too spooky why are they eating food off of our nice bedroom okay wusty is busy is worse well steve what are you doing wusti steve jones exchanged ideas of sexual morality with wusty oh my god wurstie ah he's upset that he slept in the heat though so we need to get that um we need to prioritize building that because otherwise whiskey might get heat stroke to add to his existing alzheimer's although his alzheimer's is kind of hopefully offset by his silence all right autumn could we have you build these okay you're not assigned to construction caller guy could we have you build these if we could get all these walls built that would be amazing no call a guy i'm pretty sure it would make more sense if you did less cleaning and more construction okay miserable slaves there's no need to be sad okay it's a happy time oh i see why you haven't eaten cake in a long time oh wow you are so gonna try and make a run for it right we need to close up these doors or just close up the exits and soon perfect there we go although technically the guests now can't leave tortoises self-tamed tortoise won welcome tortoise one you are brand new tortoise congratulations you are named after our lovely friends our lovely friend who wanted the next animal it was kieran who wanted next one but then we also need to add matthew but kieran curtis welcome you are now here in tortoise form tortoises unlike sheep can be trained to attack you can have your very own attack tortoise which why the hell not yeah let's have a let's have an attack tortoise he's got very aggressive nibbling abilities i guess um all right let's disable this for gas and make it medical and let's also claim let's also add power make power circuits here and here and oh my god this box is just horrible this is going to give you heat stroke right here oh wow well that's fine we don't have to worry about it and we're just going to need a standing lamp making this room nice and bright for everyone to enjoy look at that that's perfect all right now let's uh let's undo the lock on this door probably we need to make it so that bus basically can't escape because at the moment they're not happy at all they're very very upset i actually know you're comfortable now good good good good is this door locked no it's not oh my goodness youtube chat is pregnant chat you're pregnant oh my god chat chat why are you guys saying f paul bobert attack tortoise will fight for the t why are you saying paul bobert what has gone wrong but chat you are pregnant i'm so proud ah are they is anyone passing up from heat stroke is that what's happening have we had animals pass over as a party worsty is throwing a party and everyone's invited everyone who attends will be happy worsty you go you and your party friends and let's give you some more wooden chairs as well looks like you could really use some and um it's also have some more wood chopped uh because we we really need some more wood chopped but my goodness welcome to wusty's party it's going to be great everyone's going to love it everyone's welcome um potato has died from rot well that's fine you know what i'm am i even going to fix that zone okay shrink zone bam are you happy you're happy now i've shrunk the potato zone ah how are you doing doggo are you do you do dogs get a heat stroke does sheep get a heat stroke sheeps do not get heat stroke apparently but they do transmit dirt everywhere well so temporarily i need to lock actually i don't need to lock this i need to unlock this uh temporarily uh just so that um we don't have uh well we need the guests to leave basically oh what's this so they um they expected more from me score of five they'll visit again in a few days uh but they left some alpaca will so that's fine basically we want more guests to be uh happy where are you going you're moving oh my god you're trying to escape on you draft and wusty draft bus is trying to escape shackle try to arrest you are going for the escape i know you are arrest go yeah nice try nice try bus i see what you like yeah we're locking this door again bus 11 out of 10 escape attempt was made but i am not letting you leave not ever ah right rusty you are now free well free to do whatever you like same for you um call a guy nice try bus nice try okay so what we're going to do we're going to deconstruct all of this um nice and simply and then we've got our guest bedroom set up over here and we'll need to lock access to this um and make it so that everyone but uh bus can get through and then we'll need to have like an entrance for um well kind of like an area for them to enter as well so they can basically enter they can enter this box and we can keep them here and we can treat them to stuff but bus can't enter and try and escape oh thank you very much for the 500 sec neo cyborg that is very very very generous um one caller guy says spiff but what if i do more stabbing than everything else look you you do so much stabbing already um cows are donates 50 danish currency have a sip of teeth on me i will do thank you jesse nixon for your donation from convict island as well um a happy birthday war criminal thank you julian uh julie ann quimby turning into a sadistic stardew valley uh thanks to all of the gold no problem i'm happy to help um now this construction is just going great we've got this entire operation up and running in a very short period of time oh what's this medical emergency mantis what's gone wrong heat stroke extreme why is this not cool why are you oh we've got a torch in here deconstruct the torch get rid of that torch immediately prioritize deconstruction of the torch all right let's call this room down oh my god no wonder mantis i am so sorry mantis oh my god you are oh you poor poor sausage sausage oh please don't die from this oh god it is kind of cooling down but just to double check i'm going to add another cooler just here just so that we can be certain do i even have enough components for this probably don't do i right we're going to need to harvest some components deconstruct the shift chunk and mine this and mine this there we go these are important things need to be done we need to mine all of this up oh my god link says if caller guy tries to escape again he should lose his living privileges cooler guy isn't the one trying to escape it's all bus 62 is trying to escape um yeah but yes we could we could remove bus 62's living privileges or at the very least we could temporarily remove their um their ability to breathe um that's always fun you know we can even do better we can remove their happy privileges um it's anything's possible in room world it really is i see you donates 1 500 it to say when you put me in can i become uh maybe the daughter or a busty and cooler guy that's possible what's this deserter oh a new quest deserter so what's this a disgraced officer is calling from nearby he deserted the army of the shattered empire and is being hunted by a loyalty squad he wishes to join animal farm um he knows how to basically make styling stuff but if we joined we'd be at war with the shattered empire which would basically be impossible and we don't know what he's like so we're definitely going to not agree to that um as fun as a new member is that would be a terrible idea why are you breaking okay right we're getting our components good all right wusti prioritize building the uh the cooler go grab some components as well this is medical emergency mentors are you still a medical emergency are you still dying of heat stroke how close are you to death he stroke extreme 75 okay 76 right we need to get just just get the temperature down get the temperature down nice and quickly right get it nice and down cool down this space chill it out chill out this space let me go down to 35 34 there we go that's that's achievable temperatures right you're not going to get a heat stroke from that there we go now down to 20. oh lovely oh nation of mixers is raiding they bring a bow and some guy who is addicted to smoke leaf um oh no they bring two people one guy who has a knife and one guy who has a bow right well let's uh get the men ready so we need autumn has a club okay autumn grab a gun instead please uh grab the bolt action rifle uh we'll need we need steve steve jones the inventor because they have the uh they have the very important taser we'll need wusty because he has the um here's the sniper actually they're not attacking yet actually so we can um they can still mess about for a while happy birthday my dude thank you very much the 360 squad all right mantis are you chilled now are you not going to die from heat stroke you're at 79 nice so i guess we just have to wait for you to cool down i suppose you could temporarily like just move your your bed into the freezer or something i'll nicely chill you out we don't need a research project um there's a whole bunch of steel here on the floor that we didn't pick up that is an issue we definitely need that automatic you're going all the way to pick up that steel yes you are right we're no longer you're not doing that because they're coming to attack us now all right so i want you there i want call a guy hanging around this corner ready to run on out and stab them i want wusty hanging back here and i want steve jones with the most important job of zapping people with a taser right let's go let's go everyone okay now the hope is that we can tase as many of them as possible um but if we need to kill the bowman then we need to kill the bowman because a bow is a dangerous weapon though we wouldn't uh have to kill them all right musty's wusty's about to open his shot ladies and gentlemen this is it chad this is it oh we've got some battle music as well oh is this it oh or is this it oh yes it's battle music time i'm so good at stream production you can tell you can tell right let's go go steve jones first shot good hit the sniper has lost his left hand death in 10 hours good first tase all right let's try and pull back i want the taste to try and get some more steve jones actually try and hit your shots uh men group up firing line steve jones get out of there get out of there steve jones run steve jones run do not shoot steve joe steve jones [ __ ] sake autumn [Music] you hit steve jones spinal cord his spinal column god damn it oh my god autumn kill kill him call a guy run in go autumn get out there get out there autumn wusty okay we've downed one we've got one down we can save that and we've murdered the other one okay god damn it cooler guy capture uh wusty rescue autumn eat your goddamn happy sandwich we are finally once and for all neutering you as soon as we get back as soon as we get back you are losing your penis privilege okay the penalty is getting removed oh my god god damn it autumn you had one job and that one job was not to shoot steve jones in the spinal column just don't do that stop it oh god all right are they safe oh reggo is about to die right can we prioritize tending them please i do not want to lose uh some random all right grab crap crap come on come on come on come on death in 0.9 hours come on heal them up heal them up corn musty no point seven hours heal them up heal them up busty this is good organs good tasty organs that's the good stuff oh right they have lost their left hand and their left leg but this honestly matters little we've done it and sylvester is pregnant there we go chad that's enough for the epic music but we did it we actually managed to survive just um make was the priority one doctor yeah we really should was the your priority one medic now um someone needs to actually do it oh my god oh two medical emergencies in here mantis are you gonna dive heat stroke yet no good the heat stroke is going down lovely you can now walk again how long is the heat wave for it's lasted 4.6 days so only another day in a bit and then we're done and we've got luckily we do have um a captive who we can now um we can now turn into cake okay so that's that's at least a bonus autumn donates to say please don't steal my pp away i promise to do better next time pappy i'm sorry autumn you've let me down one time too many um you know what happens now you know what comes now steve jones will live he will live don't worry um oh no he's not he's dying in two hours holy [ __ ] he's not uh proto standing thank you chat i would have accidentally killed steve jones if it wasn't for you steve jones we need you to live you might not be able to walk very well after this because autumn fired something into your goddamn spinal column but you will at least live in the very least oh my god right there we go you're alive you're gonna live you're just gonna be very very painful in pain like oh my god bus what are you currently doing are you oh equipped about cards ottoman okay you're talking to autumn about cards wusty insulted burst is open-mindedness okay so wusti is just walking around shading people in colony um oh apparently mantis has really good opinions of um of wusty like mantis has plus 100 they are friends for life which is quite adorable all right can we get that person butchered call a guy you're able to butcher people no you're not assigned to cooking great who the only person assigned to cooking i'm guessing is autumn or is it no it's called a guy no it's steve jones sorry and steve jones carl what is this transport pod crash paulo is not affiliated with anyone so he's a free person we can harvest from it's paolo dude paulo dude my dude um he is a dreaded dude and a dreaded baby but now he's a dreaded dude okay a dude of dread uh let's quickly rescue him and harvest his organs cooler guy capture please do do do do do let's capture him bring him back to the colony and steal his lungs yeah that's what we do in spiffco land we steal the lungs and we turn them into cake mister you still sleeping can i get you to go and tame those turkeys please i'm noticing you haven't gone out of your way to tame the turkeys in quite a while and i just i just want them tamed you know where's the wildlife turkeys where the turkeys are gone oh they walked off the goddamn side of the map so we've only got one female turkey now i suppose that's something ah anyway youtube chat how's your pregnancy doing pregnant middle stage of pregnancy great job youtube chat you're gonna be a mother are you excited to be a mother youtube chat are you ready for this replace the leg oh yeah paulo is going to need a leg replaced um so we're going to need to add store advil um oh no not parallel is it autumn no autumn's fine it's reggo rego's missing uh leg um right let us install uh it's right leg isn't it no it's left leg well they can have a peg leg on the right leg as well let's go left leg and right leg that way they'll be they won't be able to run away as easily um and that's that's always good but we've got three prisoners now this is the most prisoners we've ever had of like a short period of time we just need to get their resistance down and then we're we're good to go i wonder if it's a good idea to like knock through here and just give them a temporarily really big prisoner barracks because that'll make them um or make them happy i'm not sure probably not that's probably not a good idea finally peg legs yes i know uh forrest armstrong says can you surgically remove steve jones spine uh can you surgically replace steve jones spine with the spine of a prisoner uh you can if i had more mods but i'm afraid i don't autumn is starving autumn get yourself some food eat some food oh you haven't had your um you never had your um actual operation done whisty why haven't you done the operation i suppose you're busy healing people but still come on do the operation autumn needs to have his um oh catastrophically failed or trying to install a peg leg on the left leg oh they're dead in two hours right was to heal up that patient actually prioritized tending them rego please don't die your organs are valuable uh but now your whole body is in the process of extreme blood loss oh good god yeah it turns out it's difficult oh we accidentally tore off their reproductive organs was trying to install a peg leg um that's okay that's fine right tend on tend autumn remove his remove his panacea okay we need it to happen all right removed and it failed catastrophically failed you cut it you just stabbed his torso that's not where it is rusty okay please can you just learn about the human body just a little bit you've got 14 medical you should be able to remove a penalty okay regular might be missing their left arm and left leg but at the end of the day they'll be all right yeah they'll be fine chat they'll be good sergeant with shaking shaky hands here wusty is really bad at this whole medicine thing really they just weren't built for medicine it turns out um very unexpected oh my god of course steve jones are you at least doing good have you got your food are you doing fine you're in intense pain in an awful hospital this is an okay hospital oh it is actually awful all of these all of this the bedrooms are awful as well right let's give them an end table and a dresser how's that you get an end table and you get a dresser look at that i'm generous so generous and this barracks is also awful as well yeah there's an issue where is bus where is bus at our bus is down here harvesting no planting potatoes right i was wondering because they're a night oh yeah they're basically doing potatoes all the time oh autumn can now walk right as soon as the anesthetic autumn i'm pretty sure is this the second time i've tried to remove your your uh new to you or was that someone else did i try new to someone else am i mixing up the people who i've attempted to neuter you need to be um you need to have your resistance reduced and same for you you need to have your resistance reduced um which is good paulo is going to be easy to recruit mantis uh rigo less so but mantis is pretty close to actually being recruited as well 1.21 resistance remaining i think maybe if we kind of expand out this um uh this area a bit oh is this berserk mantis mantis has gone berserk final straw with starvation mantis god damn it don't don't shoot do not shoot melee melee attack melee attack mantis do not shoot mantis do not shoot mantis do not shoot oh god we're gonna need uh who's got the taser steve jones but where's the taser where's the steve jones what what are you doing are you putting your hauling stuff steve jones grab the taser grab the taser steve jones this is of critical importance worst is currently in a one-on-one fisty cuffs fight autumn can you help no you can't yes you can come here in melee attack come on mantis pipe down behave we've destroyed his left second toe all right we'll you doing okay yeah you're just getting punched a bit there we go we got him we got him guys oh back to work back to work oh my god um they're both gonna need to be captured though actually i realized paulo how are you doing you're doing fine paulo you're not that happy though uh because you were just massively assaulted by uh mantis god damn it mantis who's a medical emergency rigo are you a medical emergency blood loss extreme oh an install peg like yeah let's not install that pair click just yet um also let's uh disease infection oh no rico's got an infection that'll be fine we can we can sort that out um for the time being i think we um let's let's just temporarily okay very temporarily let us deconstruct this wall here and make this the prisoner barracks okay it gives them space to roam around in um gives them an excellent bed that they can actually sit on and it will make the recruitment of them much easier there we go paulo palo dude is no longer incapable of walking nice oh when performing surgery you need light oh that would explain why it's so hard to perform surgery in a pitch black room with prisoners you know that makes sense chat that really does make sense oh that makes so much sense wow why didn't i think about it like that oh you're praying you're not praying you're deconstructing this wall okay i want a nice big there we go look at that now you've got an awful barracks instead of just a hideously awful barracks and the heat wave is over oh my god thank god thank god the heat wave is done heat wave is done everyone can be happy except these people they're probably not very happy spacious interior there you go that's all you need good bit of spacious interior plus seven human rights violations very well plus seven human rights violations it is uh we go from 19 to you know i'm gonna add some gonna go i'm gonna go to 28. oh 29. okay we're doing 29 human rights violations now that's how many we have autumn are you are you awake yet why are you just lying here just because of the anesthetic just get up and work autumn oh quest available deadly beast this sounds fun um a scouting recently lost a the shattered empire lost oh what's this bus is escaping god damn it boss okay everyone everyone capture them this door was meant to be locked it were oh she got out through the prisoner door through the this was locked as well oh bastard you got out right this is it this is it chase chase chase chase chase him chase him down rusty i'm gonna need you to be the fastest as well okay all right like we're okay um once okay there we go one uh they can catch up so that's okay what's you're in restraints okay so you're slowed that makes it easier oh and you've gone berserk you've gone beside do not shoot do not shoot no no have steve jones shoot you are not the one going to be doing the shooting there we go tasem fantastic lower that consciousness no autumn autumn no please don't hit josh god autumn all right autumn melee attack caller guy don't melee attack wusty you can melee attack oh my god there we go we're getting them we're getting them and we got them down lovely stuff oh my god autumn we got very close there for to you murdering yet another prisoner okay autumn isn't a man oh you're right autumn doesn't have a penis the more you know chat the more you know truly amazing absolutely amazing oh wow let's also add in a wooden wall here and here just because i want to remove that wooden door oh my you've made a real mess there okay by trying to escape bus a real mess this is medical emergency mantis what's up mantis malnutrition goddammit is is no one looking after the you know no no prioritize feeding feeding feed the prisoners i understand you want to oh you apparently rusty is dying in like a short time right can i yeah you can do self-tend uh self-tend yourself oh my god yeah you're fine now you've only got minor malnutrition mantis it's okay oh and all of the goddamn animals eating the tea crops is that why we haven't had a single harvest of tea yet it's all just getting eaten oh goodness medical emergency riga what's up infection extreme have we not been tending this have we not been tending the infection prioritize feeding them and then we'll prioritize tending them what a mess this is uh this is there's a lot of additional human rights violations going on here we're not feeding prisoners uh we're not medically tending prisoners okay and you're going to tend to uh okay good uh rigo might not survive this so we need to make a judgment call because the issue is if they don't survive the infection um oh my god if they don't survive the infection and they're at 95 infection 96 okay if they don't survive this infection then we can't get their organs so i'm going to make a preemptive judgment call and say we're going to try and snipe a kidney whilst we can so wusti please try and snipe in there and grab that that organ we need him yeah um i think it's it just makes sense um your moving and manipulation isn't very good because of your low consciousness but it's okay i trust in your ability you basically look you're a doctor who's on a 1700 hour work shift um [ __ ] they died of the infection before we could get the organ out rest in peace um rigo the weaver we really tried we really tried if we hadn't installed that peg leg yes you would have survived but honestly you win some you lose some no light there is light look at that this there's some light going on there that's a bit of light chat it's like shady okay it's just shaving just shade oh no paul has gone berserk again jesus christ paulo i wouldn't know his mantis who went berserk last time it's completely different berserk mood right steve jones um i think you know what to do open up that doorway run on out and tase nope open up that doorway run on out and taste you did it oh great job good job let's capture them again excellent work steve jones all right you need to be having your resistance reduced same for you paulo lovely stuff oh my god aggressive grovers of girls um smith violating human rights in the name of prop profit and hilarity yes please thank you very much your hundred dollars is very generous my friend oh seriously thank you how did cool guy end up getting married towards the end are they probably married or no they're still fiance right so they're not they haven't had their wedding um but yeah thank you very much grace that's um really really generous of you this is an eclipse okay so that basically means if we had solar panels we couldn't use them um it also means our crops aren't going to grow very well that's okay these things happen oh my goodness the the prisoner management situation it's um it's really something we we definitely need this area cleared up your mission uh should you choose to accept it uh lock doors clean the dirty surgery area and make a new guest area what do you mean forest armstrong you're telling me that i need to lock the doors and make a tidy area all right there we go let's let's lock door is locked it's a pet door um and its owners are all of these people there we go and same for that door great there we go now it's probably locked i think i think yes you're probably locked as well do i need to actually press the button i think i might yeah i think i do i'm a melon i'm an absolute melon oh goodness all right i think that is properly locked there we go there we go bus 62 hey i'm just harvesting potatoes you're not harvesting potatoes you've tried like three escape attempts maybe four at this point bus 62 okay you're in chat trying to play the play the i'm safe card i'm just a potato farmer there's more to you than meets the eye okay i know there is worsty needs food rusty goddammit get up and get yourself food no one will come to tend to you they're lazy sausages you need to tend to yourself do you have anyone who is actually assigned to cleaning as well uh maybe we could have a cooler guy do some cleaning always this steel knife oh my god another malnutrition case uh burst 62 what have you got as well you've got a right pinky gunshot can we like prioritize feeding our prisoners okay god damn it another dead prisoner bill asking where is the scrotal couch well we've got enough human skin at this point that we could make a scrotal couch if that was really a what you wanted i guess um paulo dude are you okay as well got severe malnutrition oh my god prototype's feeding them who is not uh who's not being up everyone needs to be doing a bit of wardening okay it doesn't take a lot of your time to just do a bit of wardening every now and again it's just a little bit of wardening right you have you have your needs for food kind of you have your needs for food you apparently have good caphasis paulo okay great scrotum couch well everyone really wants a scrotum couch now we haven't even i suppose it is something we can do furniture we can make a scrotal animal bed um the eclipse is ending good right a scrotal armchair you've asked for it and we'll put it in the prisoner area so they can sit down we need a hundred human lever for this though um so that's gonna require steve jones uh needs to prioritize the butchering table process right let's get as much lever as we can we've got a chair to make no don't consume actually that's wrong uh prioritize butchering there we go and oh we is this one too far gone okay so we can't there's no there's no human flesh to be harvested off of that we've only got 39 human level though i don't think that's enough um why don't you know yep that is enough we can do the scrotal couch the scrotal couch can be made oh my god wusty make it make it so make it so busty make it the greatest scrotal couch in existence build it build it this is what they were needing not for me to tidy up the flooring area to stop infections no this was all we wanted is a scrotal couch plus 10 human rights violations i'm not really sure how the uh the mathematics of the uh the scrotal couch kind of comes into play here um there we go it's almost done what's this starvation worst is starving that's fine whiskey you can sort that out once you're done with this and it is a normal scrotal couch it is perfect ah market value 510 it's a piece of art it's a piece of goddamn art ladies and gentlemen who wouldn't want it oh burst you're back welcome welcome there's crops that need to be harvested and i'm pretty sure we can harvest some of these tea crops and we will get some tea there we go two bits of tea um and we can actually make this how much tea do we need we need uh requires two tea leaves to make tea and it only takes twelve there we go we made some tea it's our first it's our first yorkshire tea it's the first goddamn yorkshire tea chat this is a celebration this is a time for celebration glorious glorious support in chat please plus 10 human rights violation isn't only including the couch make them eat the scrotal couch plus 10 human rights for that chair oh my god oh my god look at that it's tea it's tea wusti consume yorkshire tea do it how happy are you at the moment you're feeling quite good you're having a good time but if we give you some tea wusti how are you gonna feel then yeah go take that worcester tip that lovely yorkshire tea sit down and drink it drink that yorkshire tea oh yeah oh yeah you just eat the box packaging and all oh yeah and you're gonna pet sylvester after oh oh no you're sharing her okay how was that recreationally satisfied does the t not add anything um no apparently yorkshire tea does not add technically any bonuses i mean there is there's two types of yorkshire tea there's regular tea and then there's also um organic tea um organic tea i'm not sure what organic tea does it is basically made of human hearts which is you know organic uh minus 50 human rights violations for yorkshire tea of course that's how it works um paolo how are you doing as a prisoner do you need to reduce your resistance yes we need to reduce your existence resistance that's fine that can be done oh my goodness what a what a lovely base we have everything's going great how's uh karen curtis doing um you're doing fine how are our baby sheeps coming along are you doing good you have no you're sylvester middle stage um the pregnancy youtube chat late stage youtube chat you're you're close to giving birth guys um the sheep eating the tea will grow more powerful yes youtube chat is consuming the tea and using it to become very very powerful um i think it's time to celebrate the glorious tea by harvesting some organs chief sad my god are you sure we couldn't possibly harvest some orphans could we i want the i want another raid to come by and then what i'll do is i'll um i'll convert the raiders into um uh yeah we'll convert the raiders basically i'll tell you what else we could do we could make it so that um uh ambrosia sprout group of ambrosia have suddenly popped up oh no it's drugs drugs have arrived that is not good um i mean they're valuable so yeah sure let's have them grow and sell them maybe give them to people you'll make them work better all right we could probably also do with um caller guy prioritizing the cleaning of all of this mess there go just tidy up just a little bit just a little bit cooler guy clean up all of this horrific dirt okay just a little bit of yeah clean that up just a bit lovely stuff oh look at that oh and fantastic and you can repair that now and a combat supplier comes by perfect worsty come say hi make sure to greet them outside of the base otherwise um we risk them coming inside and realizing what's going on especially keep them away from the north where all of the dead people are okay so you want to try and sell me weapons including a mini gun sniper rifle and century launcher a great bow and i can sell you a lung there we go have that lung i can also give you the invisibility side trainer um which we might as well considering we can't use it ourselves so actually if i give that to you yeah you don't have enough silver to give me anyway we'll just give you we'll just give you the lung for the time being enjoy that enjoy your lung what a lovely trade set up a drug policy to force people to drink tea oh yes i can do that can't i is it in the uh it's in a sign isn't it yes drug policy yeah so we can um we can do manage drug policies create a new policy of uh force recreation so uh oh it's not actually included in here t is not i guess t is counted as food rather than a drug oh oh well that's fine that's just one of the limitations of the mod so instead we use tea for food not for um psychological reasons you know we should probably get more tea growing as well because it it takes a while to grow tea so let's get another growing zone set up bam big growing zone and i would like some tea please lovely stuff how are you doing paulo are you getting slowly better are you feeling like you'd like to join us you're getting pretty close what's your biology like chemical fascination nimble and creepy breathing you're good at cooking and you're good at art you'll actually be quite good what's this oh no wusti is wandering around and is confused because of his alzheimer's wusty no wusty please what does the log say oh poor wusty wusty's no longer confused good worsty's back welcome back wusti ah what is this mercedji donates uh 25 pln to say there is no war crime if all evidence is turned into cake and then eaten exactly if you eat the evidence there is no evidence especially if the evidence is tasty that's why you always want tasty evidence chief zab donates ten dollars today i think it's time to celebrate the glories to you by harvesting some organs we'll get around to that i also realized that's the second time i've read that out trade caravan's leaving good jerry jesus because twenty dollars thanks for all the entertainment thank you jerry g for the donation lovely person thank you oh so yeah chat a little bit about where today's donations are probably gonna end up going um i'm not sure if all of you are aware but i've recently got myself a corgi uh and you know i actually haven't shown off the corgi on uh on youtube let me get a little picture of my corgi uh because she is just the cutest corgi in the world um and so yeah some of the donations will go to the uh the purchase cost of corgi but also um i'm we're looking getting a house if you can believe it i'm actually looking at buying a real world property let me get corgi picture for you chat to do new existing source it's brilliant browse uh in birthday gifts there we go and corgi there we go let me oh just look at this look at my little corgi look at that look at that chat ain't that the cutest stuff you've ever seen look at her she's so happy she's one of the cutest little little fluffers i've ever seen so yeah we're getting a corgi because um corgi's so gosh darn cute they're just beautiful little creatures really they're just so wonderful they've got lovely little smiley faces um they're pretty they're pretty uh difficult dog i don't recommend them if you're getting a first getting a dog for the first time but yeah that is uh georgie the corgi and she's only two weeks old only two weeks old that little floofer ah yeah i'm excited very excited one of the queen's finest i know i know so yeah there'll be a lot more dog pics eventually oh what's this go frenzy uh you she'll move faster okay so cooler guys just running around at high speed now for the next few days how fast is increased speed um movement 100 i guess moving is okay i don't know you seem to be moving quite good so you can just do some long range hauling or something i don't know maybe you can chop some trees have we got enough wood i'm not aware about oh we've got 5000 wood yeah we're fine for wood my goodness oh we're good we've got 162 food as well thanks for uh matthew gazelle for the corgi oh thank you very much uh margaret andrew caron gave that good girl a treat now i can't mark i don't get to i don't get to keep the corgi until september because um she's only two weeks old meaning she needs to um grow up and be a big strong corgi um and that will come with uh you know that will come with time uh we get we get to her in um september um which will be lovely um but yeah she is absolutely adorable thank you um uh kieran curtis as well for 10 pounds that corgi is a beautiful add-on to the tiempo idea sir i know a really lovely doggy fgs helmet thank you very much happy birthday congrats on the pup and good luck with the irl house and organ harvesting enterprise yeah the irl house enterprise is um for it's been difficult trying to convince an accountant that i'm i can uh i can be lent money to is a real challenge to say the least oh but it's good fun it really is good fun oh there we go we are wait housing did don't you see wusty feed the dog human me in order to train the dog that is not a smart idea wusti that is not a that's not what you want to see okay what was this uh guests no guest beds send away we don't have space for guests at the moment paulo is using up all of the space okay we need him to be a slave so he needs to reduce that resistance feed the people to the dog we're not feeding the people to the dog that's a a very good idea chad actually a very very good idea yes very good idea worsty you're loving worsty wursty oh you you sly dog you seductive sausage my goodness i do like how basically whilst everyone else sleeps bus just works permanently at night um was this mark andrew caron just make more minecraft streams you'll get enough money in a year uh the minecraft streams are good but they're they're not like um a good reliable money source um because the amount of work that actually goes into doing one of the minecraft streams and also setting up the server and so on is is so high um it basically kind of negates the uh the donations element um so yeah it's i mean it's good like it's a really fun thing to do i wouldn't not do the minecraft stuff because it's enjoyable but it's not something we can do forever because of the amount of stress that adds to people like say connor and me because we have like effectively 40 000 people we now need to worry about oh my goodness is it a raid free people this time okay this is good this is a good raid i like that are they attacking immediately it doesn't look like it there i'm just wandering around good nice it's good to see or are they attacking immediately no they are just loitering perfect good stuff good stuff that's what i like to see now in terms of defenses we could probably build some sandbags or something out of sheep wool yeah that would make sense let's get some sheeple sandbags set up uh here that'll do i'll give us some defense whisty do you want to do that what are you doing yeah you're doing sandbags lovely yeah we've also got a second like patreon service up and running well not set up and running mostly set up and semi-running but it's not open to the public yet oh they're beginning their assault okay right everyone arm yourselves technically we can um we can draft a bus to fight for us the only issue is when fighting for us they they might choose to escape which is a bad idea um so for the time being they're not joining us for the fight now just double check automatic gun wusty has a gun good so you can run on out to where my sandbags are meant to be uh cooler guy you have you have your knife so you're drafted and ready to go and finally steve jones the most important job you need to go stand over here and taste people okay good luck you have the most dangerous job steve jones because you need to basically stand behind a tree and try and convince people that they want to be tased um right we can probably snipe a couple of them and um steve jones come on yes good stuff good stuff that's a good hit okay steve jones i want you to chase this person down all right good job steve jones oh wow call a guy you block that okay we knocked okay uh ulabor over here is dead um sniper rifle shattered them great so let's move our men up and hope that steve jones can probably solo this maybe where are you going let's stop you trying to get why you're trying to get in okay right that's fine we've done enough there oh they're trying to flee right steve jones chase him down um melee attack everyone come a melee attack no run run run run run good and then all we need to do is get uh wusty was these psychically uh psychically slogan don't shoot them don't shoot them god damn it melee attack melee attack is what we want steve jones you can actually probably just shoot now that i think about it oh we did it oh my god we did it two people are captured oh brilliant capture the cave child and capture the warrior don't shoot them god damn it stop shooting them capture them oh my god oh the fusion warrior donates fifty dollars to say can you ask the queen to do something about jeff bezos i don't think i can uh the decaf yorkshire tea took forever to arrive when i ordered it oh that's not good oh sorry to hear that yeah i'll have a i'll slide into jeff bezos's dms and tell him to increase the shipment of yorkshire tea via amazon that's rude oh i can't believe we do that but thank you very much fifty dollars is a huge amount of money seriously thank you very much um all right how the prison is doing so we've got one prisoner here gaura the cave child who will die in four hours unless we do something so uh let's do something um and what about you badger are you going to die definitely 21 hours less so less so okay all right so get rusty to um we'll get rusty to turn some of these people and then i'm thinking what if we convert them into tea just one of them okay chat hear me out goro here is an undergrounder they're too smart and they're ugly they're not going to make for a good slave sorry in turn because they are too smart so so we're going to enable temporarily good medication and harvest the heart i know we can harvest the other organs first but because they're on such low health we we run a risk of harvesting all the other organs that it's easier for us just to harvest one organ here okay right let's go for it let's go for it guerra come on cross your fingers chat cross your fingers make the cave child into tea cave child into entity let's go chat let's go let's go failed in a minor way bugger okay what went wrong there log he chopped uh gora with her knife slashing her left arm left arm is not where the bloody bloody heart is good job medical emergency garage you're fine now you're fine don't worry don't worry about it oh beans cave child into tea it's the plan i think we're gonna have to wait for guerra to just heal over several days and then go for the heart that's the logic we'll be working on get vanilla animals expanded it adds corgis into the game badger juice what an incredible addition that would make oh my goodness oh and thank you very much to the 4 000 people who've liked the stream my goodness oh we're actually about just under 4069 now that is always a lovely goal um so i will i'll just gently gently float that that trade deal out there okay 469 do you like the sound of that we've got a sandbag made of sheep wool i don't really know how good sheepwell is at stopping bullets okay we missed 4069 and we've gone straight to 4200. like chat like you hit the 69 okay and then you went over it you went way beyond 69. thank you very much but yeah i'm not really sure how good sheep's wool is at stopping a bullet or a molotov or a thermonuclear device when it is getting thrown at your direction but apparently we're going to trust in the power of a sandbag um so that's fine oh my goodness how's it going is is all the crop harvesting going good we've got so much food in our storage that we are just fine for winter winter can come and we can just gently relax really um there's nothing stopping us quest available royal ascent what's this um you've learned of the way to escape the planet at the highest delarc of the shattered empire will perform a customary visit with any count of his domain upon request invite him satisfy his rural needs and you may join uh the imperial court life um or escape to a new life among the stars earning the title of cour count means uh completing quests okay so we could effectively so this is just a quest that we can do forever but basically once we become a count we can leave the planet and win the game um but we uh we don't have a free bedroom and we don't have uh the title of count or countess so we can't uh look after the high stellar of the shattered empire oh well that's good 69 dislikes did we achieve that well done well done thank you chad that i didn't want that but that's fine i guess at the end of the day it's interactions oh and i forgot we went past 420 as well oh that was good well done check how's the tea do we're getting really good progress on the tea but it is kind of annoying that the animals are technically eating it um plus you're miserable what's got you so sad no expectations very impressive break room nuzzled eight without a table ratty apparel you need to get there's a table right there god damn it you have access to it actually wait do you no you don't have a do you have no yes yes yes you do you 100 have access to that table bus you don't have to eat it on the floor having harvesting a royal extra spiritual tea no if we invite the the king of the empire okay and then we harvest his organs they're not going to be happy what's this robert gooden goodafa of henry is requesting a favor his friend james lamp is interested in other cultures and i just have to host him for 23 days 23 days that's a long time um we can get some luciferium 115 uranium and a tough skin gland which we could imply applied to someone i mean looking after someone for 23 days is a really long time like that is basically into we'd be getting into like uh yeah we'd be in winter by the time he by the time he left um i don't know chat i'll leave it up to you do we accept this random dude tough skin gland is quite good yeah you're right uranium is also fun uh what you're saying that tug is now 69 000 likes that is not impossible given the fact that there are less than 6 900 people here but sure i believe in you chat i believe in you youtube chat are you gonna have your baby sheep yet come on we need these baby sheep uh to feed food too i guess um also i'd like more growing zones of potatoes uh just more growing zones in general and paulo are you um you do yeah you don't have any resistance anymore so you can be enslaved so um we can wake wusty up and get you to whistly please can you enslave paulo um with a lovely human leather necklace paulo welcome to the crew um this is now your bed paulo se owner paulo dude welcome uh paulo actually we'll need a name now um who's our next guy who have we got someone did a very generous donation not too long ago it was cruz so congratulations you've uh you've won the lot and you're in the game um g s r s e s g s that's going to be fine to say in a short space of time uh you're going to be restricted to area one um plus you yeah you're still restricted to everyone good and of course you are going to be able to do just about everything but most importantly we want you on um plank cut lots of plank cut and lots of grow okay and you can't clean oh that's annoying you're very good at art well i'm afraid you're not going to be doing any of that make a nuke we could you want me to make an anti-gram warhead really slave escaping who burst god damn it jump to a cage god damn it burst door is unlocked why is this not locked lock the goddamn doors right wusty chase call a guy also chase please have you just given up yeah you've just given up because we've we've locked the door okay right are you just back now you're just no longer going to yeah you're just in time out okay so you you did your escape attempt and then you nope you're going again you're going again you're going for this the escape attempt god damn it lock these doors keep these doors locked and wasted chase them down please arrest them there we go bring them back naughty very naughty stop trying to escape you're not allowed to escape maybe we need more air airlocks or something there's this rare from bose two rare from bows walking for our land yeah we're definitely not attacking those front bows are an absolute nightmare to try and murder back to work you go all right so you're um you're probably not going to be a prisoner but badger the warrior here doesn't actually have that high resistance so we can probably get that resistance down um in terms of actual biology they're a good shot and they're not terrible at plants so that's what we'll do youtube chat has given birth youtube chat have we got baby sheep now have we got a lamb yes we've got a lamb youtube chat you've had a baby your baby will be named bobert bobert the baby oh yes i was meant to name something bobbed wasn't i bobert congratulations you are bobert uh daughter oh i can't do i can't do daughter of chat but you're bobert bob at the lamb bob congratulations um you you exist simply as a source of wool and beyond that you are completely utterly redundant but we love you nonetheless uh right let's get let's research microelectronics we can get the orbital trade beacon oh my goodness i can't believe that everyone's trying to escape them kill our child make it into dinner for first what you want me to kill bobber for food kill boba for food my god i mean we could do it there's no reason saying we couldn't there's absolutely no reason saying we couldn't we can mine this area actually let's let's get to mining that we might as well eat bobert eat bobbitt yes we're all parents no not bob well yes don't kill bob but yes this is genuinely a decisive split down the middle of do we eat your child okay bobert has existed for 12 hours in the british heart foundation um ad bill euphemized by cut neuter yeah we technically oh we struck compacted steel nice good stuff no no no no please don't need bob but please don't eat bob okay no we're not eating bob god why is there's like a very vocal faction of the 20 percent of people watching who really really really want us to eat bobber they're just absolutely excited for that just the chance of murdering bobber they'd just love to see it i build a geothermal power plant yeah i can now but this space is already occupied okay let us um deconstruct this entire wall because it's just it's redundant we don't need it oh my goodness one cooler guy you're not stabbing the sheep i'm not having you murder him okay god thank you jacob madhoff your five dollars chief and chief zab um visitors have arrived no guest beds um send away i'm sorry we just don't have space for visitors eat robert do it you won't we're not eating robert we need to fatten him up okay thanks mr pub for your donation and ink boy as well ink boy ink boy says crown robert i'm not really sure we can bestow royal titles to um to them is that more ambrosia has just sprouted up randomly okay right that's um that's exciting how's busting plus you are you better why are you so miserable what's got you so upset well have we got your schedule running bus like bus if we have you sleep in the daytime and work at the night time that will sort out your schedule right and then we can have you do a mandatory recreation here you know everyone can have a couple of mandatory recreation hours right here everyone's having fun it's forced fun time look at that perfect now girls goes is miserable why would you be miserable you've got such a uncomfortable chemical want dole barracks darkness hungry drowsy eat some food god damn it you melon ah why are you drowsy oh you haven't slept just sleep are you some kind of potato ah well well one thing we're going to need to do is we're going to need to build a better barracks quest available quiet turkeys what is quite turkeys um she wants you to take care of two turkeys i can gain royal favor and i can gain goodwill um i think we gain royal favor really that'll help um yeah sure let's get let's get royal favor so we just have to look after two two turkeys right worsty you're gaining additional royal favor um unless can we oh my god we can actually make one of our slaves technically uh a lord anyway the turkeys have arrived uh view quest related turkeys so we've got gisella here um who we can actually rename we can rename our two special turkeys turkeys of specialness please remain in area one do not die special turkeys all right everyone right stella the turkey you are no longer stealing the turkey you are now uh you're now mr pump mr pump of the turkey mr pump the turkey and gesell i'm gonna name after chat goddammit chat i'm gonna read a name we've got ephes who wants war turkeys if as we we can't turn these into war turkeys but i can't turn you into a turkey so there we go our brand new turkeys ladies and gentlemen they are glorious they really are i realized we could also maybe okay maybe consider fighting the uh the monstrosity that hides inside of here um like if we did some kind of barricades uh it provide good cover um so i mean yeah if we could we could probably build up some like additional barricades all around here and maybe break into this area it's my guess like if we set up multiple layers of barricades which we could hide behind oh and sylvester's given buff as well we've got another lamb oh another lamb oh this is adorable lamb you are going to be named um chief zab chiefs have the lamb welcome chief zab badger how's your prisoner status going 19.3 resistance so we're making good progress on with you guys you're still really miserable what's got you so upset disturbed sleep soaking wet slept in the cold is it cold in there it's i mean we can make it warm as well did you sleep in the cold yeah you did okay so i guess you guys don't like 20 degrees isn't it i love sleeping at 21 degrees 21 degrees celsius is lovely don't know what everyone's problem is find a boy and send bob after it with an awful spirit we can't say bobber is a sheep a lamb as well bobbit cannot fight in terms of training they have none they just need food and rest that is all bobbitt does when bob grows up and is more than two days old bobert can give us wool but that is it otherwise bobbitt has no no other abilities um oh my goodness all right gross are you feeling better no not really you're still really upset that's a real shame i really tried my best we even have a somewhat impressive prison over here okay so maybe if i deconstruct this and add more to this barracks make it larger like so that'll look better yeah that's the hope let's um yeah let's build that and then deconstruct this make youtube chat eat bob what you want you want me to kill bobert and then have youtube chat eat its own child chat that is like there are human rights violations and then there are animal rights violations and that is just not even on a a marketable graph of what is anywhere remotely legal to do oh my god the sheep are eating all the goddamn tea plants the tea plants are also just about ready to grow as well like some of them are 91 grown no don't eat the tea plants we're harvesting them we have to because otherwise the animals are just going to eat them all harvest the tea plants we just can't have the animals eat them all it's just not not good right there we go harvest all the dough cancel that harvest good and now we've got a whole bunch of yorkshire tea as well what does yorkshire tea do it's food um and it provides 20 recreation nice um okay so it's it's food which makes people happy is what it does so people can be made happy from drinking it make youtube chat why do you just want me why do you want oh my god do you just really want me to feed feed youtube chat robert don't you we can't do it i'm not doing it i'm not feeding youtube chat bob it is illegal it is highly immoral as well my god chat you're so divided over this uh i don't think we're going to do the desert rat quest either that doesn't look particularly easy to do sheep ate tea that's not except wait are the sheep eating the tea the sheep are definitely not allowed to eat the tea yeah that's a that's a no-no thing hey steve jones is currently playing chess with autumn good that should make you happy that should make you very happy what is immorality exactly exactly send the turtle into war spiff now we can actually send the battle turtle in is the turtle train for war the turtle is halfway to being trained for war their master is busty so wusti can theoretically draft the turtle to battle um don't know why we do that but it can be done oh god no we've got a nice big space here actually we could turn this into maybe a um we could turn this if we go via structure into maybe like a recreation area to make this all wood um give it a nice wooden door this looks like a very nice red carriage no send away guests we don't want guests there we go give it a nice big wooden floor and then we can give it all of the proper necessary stuff so we can give it um i want an actual big table here okay i want all of this rubbish um yeah i want this stuff hold um as well so let's do architect orders all things go get rid of all uh we're probably gonna need a larger dumping stockpile won't we yep bigger dumping stockpile that's fine that's easy kieran curt says i'd rather die in battle spiff do it right we'll train you to fight in battle um prioritize training okay train up the turtle because if we can train the turtle um train good go come on train yes give it some potatoes train it yes it's trained so now uh no animals available why are there no animals available training oh follow master world drafted follow my still doing field work there we go so now we have a releasable battle turtle or tortoise it's tour toys isn't it yeah it's a tour twist but it's a 61 year old battle tortoise of the british heart foundation okay i'm just saying we can fight now we have the ability to oh my goodness this is brilliant guinea pig self-tamed we've got a guinea pig okay let's give it a name guinea pig one what can guinea pigs even do guinea pigs only exist to eat food um right chat uh this is going to be bobert bobert ii okay bob it to the guinea pig bonded to no one slaughter okay steve jones prior to oh you're not assigned to handling wusty kill ball but two and then now hopefully youtube chat will wander over here and eat bobber too um i'm not really sure can we can i get youtube chat and specifically assign them to manage area okay new area uh this is gonna be area two and area two is going to consist of um just just the dead guinea pig okay youtube chat so go eat robert too are you hungry are you hungry youtube chat no okay it's gonna be a while but bobert 2 will be eaten goddammit the things i do let's get some proper furniture built in this uh area as well chairs all around and then recreation wise we can have a uh what can we have we can have a wooden poker table a yeah let's have a poker table oh we need cloth for that okay so we can't have that let's have a uh let's have a wooden chest table we can have some horseshoe pins out here as well this can just be the fun zone god psychic drone for all women that's not good they're going to hate that you you've so many animals too many animals not saying eat bobber but i'm just saying yes okay i get i get it i get it youtube chat are you hungry yet you're getting close to being hungry okay we're reaching the point where youtube chat will consider eating bob it too um this is bob it too oh it's a cold snap oh that's not good that's gonna be chilly right let's get some heaters set up so temperature we're gonna need heaters in here and we're gonna need heaters in let's put them in the prison and then the heater in here will be needed and the heater also in here perfect we can uh probably up you by like i don't know what is a good good goal 21 degrees is a good goal fine yeah we'll aim for that youtube chat eat no that's grass that's grass you're eating that's not a dead guinea pig goddammit eat the dead guinea pig right i'm afraid it's going to take a long time for youtube chat to consider eating bobert too robert two died to a cut to the neck rest in peace what a what a death it was sheep can't and won't eat meat in this game by the way you're telling me no matter what bobert will never eat no youtube chat will never eat bobert you're telling me bob it too died for nothing oh my god right wusty eat bloody bobert two eat eat bobbitt two sit down stuff that guinea pig down in your mouth and just eat the goddamn guinea pig otherwise this guinea pig died for no reason okay wusty i know it's not nice to eat a guinea pig but just do it do it oh there we go tasty oh what's that there's some more more guinea pig left okay bus come over here eat some eat some guinea pig we'll see how do you feel after eating guinea pig minus 12 eight corks well that's fine you just gotta suck it up sometimes burst eat that guinea pig there we go lovely you really enjoyed that although you are now about to have a massive break um oh god plus 31 human rights violations of that one eat bob at one as well we're not eating bob at one bob one did nothing wrong he's a good person bob it wrong one okay he does he doesn't deserve what you what you're trying to do to him oh a solar flare oh that shut down all electronics now it's going to get real cold major break risk cooler guy cooler guy what's wrong chemical starvation you want drugs just i don't know no don't do drugs stop it go go lie down or something ah oh my god all right you know what chat you know what i think the psychic drone has ended i have a plan i have a plan let's drop down to save first so let's save this game british help foundation and we're going to select everyone um are you guys near recruiting you're probably not no you're way off and you're quite far off okay all right so we're going to need to select everyone um we're going to need to select everyone there because that is everyone we're going to draft everyone including the um including the prisoners actually going to draft them so bus even though you're probably not the best fighter congratulations uh you now earned yourself what are you good with uh a club equip that limestone club uh it's eight point four percent so it's probably gonna break as you swing it but that's fine actually you should probably equip the steel knife instead equip that steel knife that's way better okay now come out here and gurus girls you as well you're okay with no you're terrible at shooting actually right just equip the revolver i don't care we've got it okay so we are arming our slaves technically but this is a necessary thing because we're about to we're about to go we're about to go test something ladies and gentlemen we're about to go oh they can't go here okay right we need to um unrestricted and unrestricted temporarily you guys can now all go over here oh and actually i realize this is locked um go fix that lock there we go so you can now come through and so can you bus perfect and call the guy i need you i need you drafted my dude come back come back call a guy all right we're gonna go open up the slab we're gonna go open up this lab and see what's inside so let's get everyone over here um now greg uh bus 62 um i hereby nominate you to be the uh the excited person who gets to uh deconstruct this bit of slate so um not assigned to constructing god damn it can you even construct yes you can right burst deconstruct knock down that wall there's something wrong here but it's okay rusty you're gonna have your animal set to release come on bus knock through knock through knock through what do we got what do we got oh it's it's insects it's insects what do we got in here we've got a nuclear bomb it's insects protecting cryosleep caskets inside there's a psychic insanity lance a psychic soothe pulsar advanced components bus get out of there get out of there bus right we've got him kieran curtis you're going into battle my friend yeah let's get these insects go on battle tortoise away go battle tortoise go and bust don't run away draft you you got to stay and fight stay and fight melee go on kieran curtis you've done it you're doing good you have been shot in the back by your allies but go karen curtis die in battle you've just been shot in the back of the head um but i'm i'm noticing you're not charging into valiantly sacrifice yourself um uh girls girls i'm gonna need you to do the same step forwards and take the hit call the guys step back okay now call a guy you can you can step in there and fight good job we've done it good job get the fighting in good job guys really doing good yeah we've stunned them oh yeah uh is that magus mega spider is still up and running oh we've done it we've actually done it oh my god undraft under off your back you go back guys well done well done um gruggs and bus truly amazing um although you are about to probably break down um right can someone please rescue the tour toys there is no safe bed temperature is this not so oh there is no there's just no free dog bed okay i see what it is all right let's get an animal sleeping spot in here get some animal sleeping spots in here and someone please rescue the goddamn tour toys gurus rescue the tour toys uh who should we have who we got lying around that's still good rusty you need to eat food okay everyone needs to eat some food and then we can have them then we can have them probably go back and try and open up one of these sarcophaguses um right grogs is just moving so slow it's insane um yeah let's have him open up let's have wurstie open up one of these query sleep uh caskets bus has gone catatonic that's fine what do we got in here oh they're all people they're all ancient soldiers um there's a chain shotgun they're all wearing pretty incredible armor they they have a it's chris here who's dead who's wearing some pretty fancy armor what's this marine arm i like that you're wearing marine armor recon armor and gizmo here is dying so let's we can capture gizmo where the rest you go you're just going to walk off the map yeah okay right that's fine oh but this has been brilliant guys i don't know about you but what a fantastic stream i'm afraid i've got to go now because i've got to get um set up for a twitch pub quiz later this evening but i've really enjoyed spending my uh like part of my birthday with you chad seriously it's been um been really really good fun thank you uh very much for watching all uh you we we can capture them don't worry we can make them into tea that's what we're gonna do but that's all gonna have to wait for the next stream because i've had a really nice time but i'm afraid i've got to get on with some work um so thank you very much um for watching um it has been an absolute pleasure having you with us uh thank you very much for everyone who gave the stream a like just under 5000 likes as well that's insane for a stream everyone who donated as well you are absolutely wonderful um kieran curtis caller guy as well um ink boy chief sab i mean i can't even name everyone who donated so many of you so thank you very much um have a lovely evening everyone um and stay safe have a yeah like you know just play it safe it's a funky time in the world right now so just have a lovely day and go celebrate my birthday i don't know you don't have to but just have a nice cup of tea or something you've deserved it you've watched and sat through all of this so thank you very much um if you want to see me later i'll be on the hat films twitch channel um doing some pop quizzing so yeah i'll see you guys around have a nice day and goodbye for now my friends bye bye
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 959,010
Rating: 4.8609056 out of 5
Keywords: rt game, spiffing brit, rimworld organ harvesting, rim world, RIMWORLD Organ Harvesting Live, rimworld, rimworld live, the spiffing brit, the spiffing brit live, rimworld game, rim world game, rimworld mod, rimworld review, rimworld gameplay, rimworld organ harvesting mod, rimworld organ harvesting simulator, funny moments, spiffing brit rimworld, the spiffing brit rimworld, Organ Harvesting Live, Rimworld IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, british experience
Id: C3Qqfk22IdA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 226min 45sec (13605 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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