Minecraft Kingdoms Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits - 100% Taxation is broken

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[Music] [Music] [Music] hello there ladies and gentlemen welcome to the stream I hope you're having a lovely time today I am of course the spiffing Britain today we are playing some fantastic minecraft let me help into this brand-new world which I should know what am I saying brand new world this world is existed for quite a while now lovely look at this smooth transition mmm tasty smooth transition into the world of Minecraft let me make sure I've got all of my stuff open so welcome into the game it's beautiful some things have changed since you last saw everything that was going on here just turn on who the heck turned on a bloodied c14 song that's like the worst Jesus Christ it's worse T down there of course it is but yes some things have changed since you last saw the server we've added some slight modifications most importantly we added guns to the server these are glorious little things which as you can guess are quite good they're also quite loud Jesus Christ up scared the living heck out of me there my goodness as you can see the lovely cities over there but we're inside the castle at the moment which is of course a super beautiful thing we've got the Royal walk-in wardrobe here and whiskey's just a hold I don't know where that goes but that goes somewhere we've also got a bunch of minty dust which we decided to hang up on the wall because you know we can but yes we added guns that's kind of the most exciting addition we've added as well as crowns but guns are awesome I mean just thank you for ste good god but look at them you can even hold them hold them up to the side when they're in your offhand look at how glorious they look oh they're so majestic they really are I really love everything we've got including my nice new crown I'd like the crowd Jesus Christ whistie stop giving me rotten flesh but of course we are we completed the castle we added a teapot to all of our fantastic flags so we just look at these bad boys they're beautiful then through here we've got the fantastic dining room and froude room you can see the rest of the castle over there and the start of the city over there which is quite beautiful then all we have to do is come around here oh wait no this isn't the way where's the way outside I'm pretty sure it's downstairs right I'm gonna have to go downstairs this castle is huge by the way it's really beautiful but of course if you come on over here ladies and gentlemen something should pop in the distance there you go it's the massive Yorkshire Teesside which someone built just look at how awesome that is and it's lovely look at that so majestic ah and my goodness someone has already started with a absolutely lovely donation chrizzy two one one zero you donate 50 yourself what's your content for a long for for so long now and the last two live streams were so entertaining you wanted to give something back to the Almighty God Queen Smith looks fabulous yesterday thank you crazy yeah yesterday was really something I did a charity livestream chat and involved me getting dressed up in makeup which as you can imagine yeah feels feels favourite we were raised already for charity that was all the bad said Coty's got his little room set up here I think that's quite cute then we got the massively beautiful Great Hall here which but as this needs to be fleshed out a little bit and we need to get some actual servants into the castle and people to actually assist with some other castle based work but the castle is mostly absolutely perfect we've got lots of little offices for all of the knights some lords offices over here where is the exit I never know where the exit is just because of how how big everything is here I'm lost my own castle on site I am where am I where's the exit I oh here's the exit right there we go the stairs of course it's the stairs do the stairs go lower is this no that's under construction that's a cellar right what's this this is oh these are the guild offices yes and we have the reception lovely then through here away from the castle do to do to do we've got some of the other cars in the States this is quite beautiful these really are lovely the Great Hall of course the kitchens which will need to have people placed into as would see the jester the lovely guard houses of course where the guards are going to live noticing Scooby is wearing all gold armor but that's fine I'm not gonna question it for the time being i think wurst he probably wants me once to show off the finger which he's built which is he built a bouncy castle inside the castle because he's worse tea you know he thought it would be a great use of everyone's time to just build a massive bouncy castle so that's what he did he built about he built a bouncy castle i'd say it's quite cute honestly whistie well done very good cute bouncy castle little bit nauseating i've got to be honest geez Scooby don't shoot at me like that that's exceedingly rude very naughty not I can take damage because it's no PvP at the moment yes this is a fantastic awesome castle which we've constructed it was mostly the reason why the server has been down for two weeks that then we've also been working on hard laughs massive tower there and also just the logistics of running the server a little bit but yes this is everything we've gotten up to was the server's been down it's absolutely fantastic of course some important things to note are that the server is running v 1.1 5.2 instead of the latest version which is 1.16 because as fun as it would be to fit the never expansion on the server it's not it's just not cut out for multiplayer at the moment and also all of our plugins wouldn't work and trust me we need those plugins they are very important yeah beyond that we set up some other pretty nice things we built a nice little guild area there so the guilds can stop recruiting members a bit easier and we've got some fun plans oh yeah this is a there's also a massive house here this is um Connors house of course people aren't actually allowed to enter it but you know I'm the king so that's fine I'm gonna go inside of Connors lovely house here it truly is a beautiful thing what's he doing up here oh oh hello there Connor what do you do god you're lovely as a surfer it's very cute I like the little fireplace he's got going here very adorable I must say I do look quite jazzy with my fantastic crown on my head now hello King what are your plans for today Connor is the one mostly behind the scenes doing all of the jazzy stuff so he's a very important person here hence why he is my right-hand man the steward not that you see him very much because he's he's working behind the shadow is 90% of the time he's managing the guilds ah ah good luck we have that are we ready to open the floodgates oh they can do fancy things now oh yes this reminds me yes all the guild leaders are able to promote people inside if there are gilts now so if you work in the mining guild they can level you up along the the mining forest track because of the lovely lovely vulnerable chicken for hafnium who built the lotto BOTS to let people in the server I would of course the fantastic lovely Tina just look at this place is great this is a tea guide tea datapack wait do we have a tea pack oh my god we have a tea pack right apparently someone's been making tea this will be great news for other people inside the tea notebooks tale of having tea my goodness hello YouTube chat as well how are you doing kiddo Alan hello and Austin Saif Gomes or blue the moderator of course autumn's Cara Sienna nice to have you and ciao as well Adam fractalius macaw thank you very much shield in for another awesome stream looking forward to seeing what happens me too I'm very excited to see what happens all looks like the surface now open oh that would be why I just hit tab and now there's eighty nine players twenty players of the server instantly oh yes also we decided to lower the player cap by one many of you pointed out that you weren't happy with the server being 170 members you instead wanted 169 members so that's what we've gone for we now have 169 members my goodness alright now I'm going to loiter around here because we're going to have all of the heads of the guilds coming by to have a chat I'm kind of interested to see what they're all up to because all of the girls need to have a fantastic meeting with Connor who's going to outline their new powers and I wanted to wanted to see oh yeah someone asked a very valid point can you still donate to put assassinations out on players and no you can't the Assassin's Guild still exists but the Assassin's Guild is conducted out entirely in-game it's up to the players to put hits on the place that they want to see killed so yes that's what the Assassin's Guild is now they are no longer a simple pay to have hits placed on players Connor is the minor administrative can I enter oh alright lovely we've got we've got the head of the the fishing guild here and of course the warrior guild who built the massive t statue which is very important I think we also need HG Wells here who there's a lot of the law stuff I can sit on a lovely chair oh this is perfect oh my goodness thank you SPF upgrading your team membership and Ashley Blackpool becoming a member once your bride donates two pounds to say that I'm the Messiah yes indeed I am Thank You Monty O'Brien get your red coats to wear oh no get your guards to wear red coats and give them all guns that's the plan mr. Satya that's the plan alright so this is all the important people of the surfer none of these people are actually moderators or admins these are people who simply paint on the server and they've done some great organization that so they've been promoted a bit so this is incredible I absolutely love it look at all these lovely important people now thank you peter herrick for that 20 Canadian don't know Thank You spiff for making every day a little bit brighter oh thank you for giving something little back that's really nice peter herrick I'll try and pass it on trying to pass on the love doo-doo-doo oh yes remember the flower lord yes I'll need to go I need to go speak to HD world's once he arrives because he's very important TVs that it's Ted doll is to say I want to get requests for you to sell your bathwater yeah that's not happening my friend oh look it's mr. Henchy world's here we go lovely hate she was our fantastic hate she was is here perfect look at all of the everyone's here it's beautiful even Imperial fish with his backwards head which is always so terrifying to look at I could miss this is fantastic look at this lovely setup are there also signing the the notes because of course we now have a currency in place although the currency probably isn't going to be used by many people other than than the nobility because yeah that's just how it works i topcat you've been asking me since this stream went live how could my HS I'm quite okay HS I'd say I'm not terrible I think the last 10 or so games of chess I've played I've won but I wouldn't say I was playing Ed's chess pros or anything thanks not obvious for the lovely membership and smart PC tips or I managed to convince you to change from coffee to a lovely cup of tea that's the good stuff smart PC tips on chat how many people of you have have I converted to drinking tea instead of coffee it's a beautiful thing it truly is we need real spiffed e-liquid BlackWolf I'm not sure how would actually be able to go about doing that why if they got a boat in here now this meeting rooms are not a place for boats Siddalee sausages very silly sausages my goodness yes we've made a bunch of changes to the server I think Connors mostly getting all of his important people here I think I'll just sit downstairs and that's you know I'm gonna look around this house until they have their meeting he's got a whole bunch of fun things in the way up here I quite enjoyed the fact that Connor gave himself a single bed so as to not risk having any oh there's the first difference the stream the kernels rest in peace we haven't had any of us have wait nope that's the first one of the stream the conus big f indeed what a shame what a shame rest in peace Michael donates $20 to say spit [ __ ] up watch today it's my friend's 31st day you wanted to shorten makeup I shop to make a fire shop I'll see if I can conscripted peasants make a pie shop on your behalf Michael although it might be best if you come along next we can build it yourself because otherwise they might mess up the pie shop and you wouldn't like it see I recommend that once a peanut thanks for $50 my dude that's a crazy generous donation got promoted at work feeling happy feel like helping fun with wonderful kings 50 Yorkshire tea fund no question do I prefer tea with sugar or honey I prefer tea with sugar I'm not a big fan of I'm okay I'm like like likes a horrible and fruity teas with a bit of honey but otherwise I mostly am one sugar kind of guy I could all these lovely people oh yes of course bow to the king wait no it's good morning blaze you may rise look at this lovely peasant back into here I go I would appears they actually even had how did it kind of do their entire chat via via the guild chat now so I can't even see it probably did didn't he classic corner my goodness right guilds are basically now all organized they're um oh they're in out of characters before oh I see right I I'm a lazy sausage and I don't know how to do that yeah I chose not to look at out of character chat because I don't like it look at all the look at all the people standing out here being shunned away by law I think that's very good now here's hard laughs estate it's seen a bit of an upgrade since you lost or okay sorry it's huge now but most importantly it's the castle which has really seen huge improvements it's it's just absolutely lovely inside the castle absolutely fantastic I must say I do need to get myself some food though that's probably going to be my top priority we also need to find all the people that shouldn't be in the castle and get rid of them I might get mine strikes to do that is the food foods in here that's a boat that's not food does no one have any food duckie do you have food I'm placing a tempt tax of a hundred percent of any food you have aka give me there we go is giving me some dried kelp lovely I'd love to do tasty kelp and lovely oh and Harry's come to give me some steaks Thank You Harry very generous I love a good steak thank you there we go until I have fantastic we've caused the peasant to starve that's exactly what I wanted oh my goodness why have you got a wife we got a tree in the middle of the courtyard that needs to be removed that doesn't belong about lovely royal castle my goodness go away tree disgusting tree I must say thank you very much to all of the lovely sausages you've given the stream alike it was good fun lurching around in the pre stream chat I'm getting you guys to try and hit 69 of every single like target which was pretty fun oh and there's all the people down in the IRS building I'll know a solar wolf has died probably tried to solo rest in peace poor guy spiff I need the groundskeeper I probably do need a groundskeeper oh my goodness Wow Vito D for the glory of his majesty long where he reigned long may he oppressed Vito D my goodness that is an insane donation my friend my good lord here take take this I'm doing my winters congratulations my day congratulations Peter D my good lord that's a donor that'll keep the server running for weeks my due thank you very much seriously thank you thank you thank you thank you back to game my dad you see diamonds trying to recruit people to join the Knights oh yes he's trying to recruit Bernard the hermit I think Bernard would be a great fit wait what is this why is there a peasant talking to me why are you do you want a summer manor I do not that is if I wanted to serve a manor I'd get the I get the building guild to do it no not me or with some random peasant who I just met on the streets it's not how this works now of course it's French manager links Hilux and tax collector novel pond here they are my goodness I could miss look at this they are beautiful no actually wait I need to find HG Wells don't I I could I said his gesture whistie woody are you just handing out rotten flesh Oh could this apparently peasant is asking how do I get a job well you kind of just loiter and try and could script your self into a guild that's most it's how most people do it oh right boost he's got something to show me okay he's got something to show me let's go see what whisky has to show I mean 90 percent of the things rusty has showed me are normally just absolute nonsense but you know that's just part of who were steers my goodness why does he do oh my goodness check out this so there's a lovely marketplace over here which admittedly we are running over the roof of right around the back of the pub here the lovely pub oh here's some new people arriving from the shore look at them lovely I've listed where are you taking me what are we doing over here oh my goodness were steep what is this mess dog Kings Iser Jesus Christ would state would see whistie I'm stuck stop singing Rick Astley fetch me a robe for something whiskey she stopped singing forecast late get me out of here Christie oh my god woody how do I get out I'm stuck whiskey whiskey fetch me fetch me someone fetch me someone to save me get me out into this mess rusty this was not what I asked for must eat for goodness sake I'm stuck aren't I I need to God would see Jesus this is just this is just classic woodsy I'm afraid oh my goodness I'm gonna need a I'm gonna need to sand my way out of here sand and sand and die right let's do this oh it's peasant for oh I'll take the peasant into the pit can we get the peasant in the pit come on out don't run oh wait Jesus Christ out I mean I know he did I know he ran away footstep why is he still here oh my god elf I wasn't expecting you to straight-up murder peasant Oh No good lord I'll leave his little his little stuff on him so we can remember him he can't run run from fate I guess oh my god right that's it that's fine this little eventually is get cleaned up but that's all dealt with now can I um remove the body I think we kind of need it go on most people might start asking questions can we can we hide it there we go no one no one will find that that's gone now shall I get some to move the body should be should be fine just just make sure to forget what you saw here today right that goes for all of you in chat as well you didn't see anything here nothing happened look the hexes to the beach oh my god that's right I'm out of here oh my god did I kill that man by saying throw him into the sandpit I mean potentially potentially I did oh my goodness oh it's a 10 pound donation from PG tipps so spiffy it's time to convert join us if we can rule the universe oh are you proposing your tea based Alliance have a have a have the Holy Trinity of all the tea brands joining together under my control and we can rule the galaxy yes I look burnout the Hermit has become a god hey Bernard how are you enjoying being a new guard look at this lovely guy oh and I'm standing on the borderline of leaving and entering spiffed hope your needs stand still and some could get hit by a bunch of mess I have a gift for you Majesty being talked by you in person I know it's lovely isn't it I have a gift I'm gonna give him a couple of corn flowers as a show of respect and you know what even enjoy there we go what a lovely guard he's gonna is going to make fantastic changes and I must say the guns which some people have made are incredible they truly are you know last session some peasants didn't put their heads down and bow in respect but now this week all peasants do good day sir God sir King God good day to you to keep up great Edward he's doing he's doing some incredible stuff Oh link sends me a message hello majesty I was wondering if a message could be sent out to the peasants to inform them that the IRS is hiring with payment in bread offered I think I'll have to track down links because I imagine just me saying on stream is enough but also its most up to them to advertise for new members just do what the guards kill do and just forget people you majesty we require your presence of the residents of corner ok I can do that oh wow look at all the guards here evening I look at all these lovely new guards they're really doing something great oh just standing around and loitering exactly as I want my girls to be not particularly actually stopping any crimes but actually we have a new we have a new division of people to stop crimes oh look at the lovely Warriors guild we've got men at arms and Rangers they're mostly going to be a standing army should we ever need one was that did someone request $15 can I shoot a random person yes I can oh it's it's a farmhand Oh a farmhand who's giving me a cake oh thank you that's very nice now I need to find a peasant to shoot quickly dududu to do first peasant will do first peasant will do do-do-do to do Oh they wish to bake for me I'll probably have to go find them at the the castle ah right hello peasants I need to shoot one of you who has full health right here we go we got Roman here Roman will do all right let's load the musket just for scientific testing ladies and gentlemen here we go there we go how was that five hearts my leash very good all right there you have a chat are you happy st. Susi is that $15 put to good use I'll write minty needs to show me something right yes come on mighty cool down here lovely oh of course it's it's sylveon minty lovely goodness sake this is here for important it is here for important reasons inquisitor minty you need to to search the peasants not the corner is too important there we go so you might be wondering what an oaf is minty doing back considering the last time we were here we were murdering minty a lot basically we managed to resurrect a clone of minty and also we summoned Minty's handler Sylvie also known as mentees iro girlfriend to basically look after minty and drag him around the world to get him to become an Inquisitor Minty's job on the server is to go around and find peasants and call them out on all of our tiny minor tax laws you name it he is he needs to basically call them out on everything if your house is one block to too big Minty's job is to burn it down if you are carrying a stack of over 32 goods in your inventory minty will physically rob you and beat you senseless oh of course it's its unicorn the person who built the arena hello how goes the arena spiff the arena stuff is expanding we have plans to source mobs into the arena but organisation is held back as we aren't a guild try speaking to Connor and request to be a guild you deserve it there we go speaking of which the the something which was built on last stream and we didn't even notice so I love the fact that the peasants are queuing to talk to Connor this is brilliant this is something which I I don't have to do this because of course I'm the king but the fact that players have to wait in line to talk to an important person on the server to discuss their plans goodness right but there's something important in the arena which got constructed last week and we completely we didn't even notice so if you go down here into the arena's basement they they actually built a torture chamber over which features the the great melting chamber a little thrown for me and also my favorite utensil the throne of the heretic where players can sit and experience what can only be described as a very aggressive bidet it's a it's not the best for your internals but you know it exists it exists oh my goodness Martin Barlow thank you very much for your donations but if you need a trooping tripping the colors parade with all the guards to celebrate your progress in the kingdom what a great idea maybe have the mantra round in circles in the arena that's a brilliant idea we can have them walk around and fire off their muskets I love it yeah the musket is a truly truly powerful thing there is only one of a building which we missed which I want to need to show people I don't know when this was built but it's um it's the industry of entertainment back of the hand club ladies and gentlemen now it's a little bit out the way so most people don't know about it yet but something tells me after I show it off on stream as a few of our players are likely to run over here this is the this is a it's a it's a certain type of entertainment location I'm yeah it's really something it's really something I think the peasants are going to like it I'm mostly just interested to see what kind of interactions are going to be had when we have about 400 minecraft players sat in a room watching what is probably going to be just a wuss tea run around throwing rotten flesh onto a pole but I mean it's just it's just the way the server works thanks whoa cool a guy 100 Australian dollars my goodness that's a crazy amount only Minty's mum can fully convert minty to the one true faith of tea and spiff well you say mint teas mum converted him but I mean I can actually actually show you to where he was converted we have a little chamber set up where we clone Silvie to repeatedly bully him into his place or what's minty talking about in here oh right I'm just gonna Lloyd fake We Need to Talk oh my goodness it's a holy chicken Oh My yes this is brilliant now I'm pretty sure dr. vehicle is is a very important person I like all the clergy people that we have here now very good but I want to know what minty is discussing with dr. vehicle what has he done has he got elicit redstone somewhere you had more than 32 cobble in your inventory oh no dr. vehicle how how could you scooby make sure to see that minty reprimands him this is of course one of our this is of course one of our many laws but basically pheasants aren't allowed a stack of 32 of any item in their inventory you're only allowed half a stack maximum it's to kind of slow down peasant progress so they can't you know build up tools and resources fast enough which kind of keeps them lower on the economy which is kind of necessary and now we have minty to enforce it very aggressively so more sorry just absolutely backhanded my mouse visit Tom's tavern water bread all the good prices oh yes Tom Stafford oh and this is of course the graveyard or at least the first one before we ran out of space dr. Volkow just called Kings spirit no I think it was one of the other clergy people calling the other people root because there was some other peasants in there loitering tried to listen in on the conversation is this Tom's tavern yes this one's Tom's tavern who is it run by run by sad snail is very carnival 69 passed away ferry Carta was 69 Kevon come all into the tavern into the tavern good food good prices oh hello my leash ah what food do you dispense I'm interested by what the tavern does yes this is all a brand-new barkeep sad snail 42 water and bread my king could you perhaps make some tea use the head tea making utensil for me there we go fantastic I'm gonna get myself a cup of tea and of course its landlord out back cool dude fantastic as always lovely to see you how bad cool dude is is incredible he's been around since the first stream Ben is just been running his pubs but now we've made him a proper official landlord Arthur pleasures all mine lovely hmm right I will be I'll be seated upstairs oh my goodness look at this they've got a lovely group seating area what a lovely tavern I find it absolutely beautiful it is absolutely wonderful hold on but you have you have two stacks of 32 oh can you have two stacks of 32 potentially it's up to minty if means he's in the mood for allowing two stacks of 32 of the same item then it's allowed yorkshire premium tea thank you this looks amazing oh oh and of course that lovely some more people are coming to enjoy the lovely samples that are the endless copious supplies of tea that we have - off sit here in the corner how about a peasant how about a peasant hunters punishment if one breaks the law a hunting team with guns could hunt them for amount of time to an extent we already have that sleeper but we also have a play for later on on the stream which requires less peasant hunting and don't worry it will be lovely oh the royal floor is upstairs oh I see I see God come with me I wish to discuss things I want to see what it's like is a god I'm very interested I show oh it gets it to the the top of the table he's seated he doesn't know how to sit there we go he did it good job how let's let's see how gods are actually doing how are you how how do you feel the peasants are reacting well now how do you feel right now what is the atmosphere amongst the peasantry I think guards are probably the best source of information when it comes to the peasantry they've been they've been walking around the streets they they know all of the back alleys they're very they've been around I feel they are content and happy to follow the rules okay good that's fantastic fantastic now space and would you die for your king would you risk it all of course fantastic you are a great guard this is incredible I will give him a gift a gift all right this man deserves it you can have a little royal you can have some flowers enjoy these all right I will be I'll be off I hear there is a demolition to attend so what are the things which Mindy has to do is that when he runs into a house or a business which is too big he has to he has to do a demolition now all I need to do is try and find 20 now where is that minty what building is he going to try and demolish du du du du du du to do oh this is our farm it's unlikely to be around here have you guys seen minty take me to him Alf there we go I wish after I mean alphas have alpha alpha certainly seems to be confusing I mean considering he murdered several he murdered a peasant earlier in cold blood but I'm sure he's uh I just quite loved the fact they did someone with an anime minecraft skin who just managed to eat a huge amount of gunfire into a into a peasant right it's over here oh this is exciting oh is this where our demolition is happening over near the great burning tree oh here we go look at this boys it's mr. pants house warning your house is in the wasteland will be removed our perfect perfect minty place the explosive charges so this house it was built in the wasteland by a peasant called mr. pants who I'm pretty sure his sins died but his house is in the wasteland where houses should not be without permission or with guild approval and consequently minty will now remove it perfect this is going to be beautiful what was this a suspicious - hmm he gave me this this was this a job oh that was I reckon it's got to be worse tea oh my oh my there's the demolition look at that perfect now dirt over the hole oh my goodness this is lovely so midsi's job is to basically now go around and tidy up the landscape by blowing half of it up oh and I also need to speak to HG Wells hello HG I had a donation to request a new law peasants must be ready at all times to donate a flower to the king as a sign of his immense natural beauty there we go thanks to the donation before that stream before the stream even started by the way the person who suggested that more once this Tremmel says you took my bread oh ok right there you go I didn't take I taxed a complete difference I'd like to point out between taxation and taking oh what's this oh is this a bit of a flower Oh lovely an orange tulip oh greeting so the IRS warehouse has lost its manager to unknown forces is there a placement a replacement warehouse manager Oh links is an important thing Oh apparently there's a new permit system that HG wants to set up later right I'll deal with that later that sounds complicated and fun but for now I need to go see what's up at the warehouse because we need to go move some goods I'm thinking we actually completely move the warehouse over to over to the castle so I think we weren't necessarily into warehouse management we don't just have that have they managed by the Treasury from this point on Oh looks that's nearly still managing the bar it's so adorable absolutely incredible it's a stormy day today though it's not pleasant at all I think several peasants might get struck by lightning today I can sense it do do to do how many oh my goodness right up we go oh it's really fun during today it can just hear the funded my goodness did someone upset the gods is a is a peasant sacrifice necessary I like I like that the city market is getting established very well as this if you made this road contact hard laughing alright just that means the roads getting fixed up now where is that warehouse where is the warehouse oh there's the warehouse I'm just blind links just go in there we go links I wish for all the goods in here to be stored in the castle please get all trusted warehouse and IRS staff to move the goods to a safer place dangerous times are coming we must keep gold closed there we go now what most of the server members don't know just yet is something is going to happen towards the end of this server and in order to survive it well in order to get out the other side with all of our wealth and society still intact we're going to need to move all of the warehouse goods over to a safer location why some just peering through that peasant food isn't food poisonous potato of course all right lovely it's up to it's up to you guys you are allowed to carry Carrie stacks of 64 for the time being there we go that should help them move with things across I think they deserve it was this it was too far for me to tell him I will give all guards a price of bread as eight I know a tiny nuggets instead of an iron bar went hang on a second is there is the cost of a loaf of bread a straight iron bar what has happened to the food inflation in the market oh my goodness what is the cost of bread what is this Coria goat 64 charcoal 410 iron I see they're just peasant Bruce in the corner my goodness oh the Alphen home our farm stall hours will vary based on need we sell lever bread wool and paper lovely this is most impressive I love it I'd also like the puppies still hang on a second most mostly harmless has died and left the world hang on a second who's in the back there is that is that held back cool dude having a chat with what is this oh the farming guild oh I see right how about cool dude is having a meeting in the back there to discuss the movement of raw resources into the taverns what an incredible world we've created it is insane oh my god this vel Fisk is head of the IRS this can only go so well also lightning Gober Oh indeed it does something tells me that a great upset has happened on the server and consequently lightning I think that's the only logical reason I'll green pea 2002 has died instantly the justice and legalization guild ah welcome Justice guild oh and saxophone has died as the miners guild stand oh this is beautiful and of course Oh blue j1 freezer so many peasants are dying here's the donut guild who knew that an immense quantity of peasants were diverse evening what is going on I feel like the graveyard is going to be absolutely rammed oh what's this do you require a joke yes come on twisty give me a joke did you hear about the guy who invented the knock-knock joke no I did not he won the Nobel Prize oh my god oh my god 11 out of 10 oh my god worse tea is actually a terrible joke don't you be cheeky sausage you might need a quick restart oh why is that Alf increase the tax rate for a short time on everything to stop both the coming storm oh my peasants can't pick up items and Connor recommends it I see okay do a restart when Connor has the fix ready perfect what's that grave mistake increase the tax rate for a short time on everything to stockpile for the coming storm I see what an actually actually what a splendid idea what an incredibly good idea have I got enough you need to roll back the roll the jar back the update broken I see okay alright that makes perfect sense doo doo doo doo oh I got some golden goo that's nice how were those for a little bit let me get rid of some rubbish in my venturi oh and another person has died rest in peace my goodness so much death today oh yes I see what they mean yeah picking items up is a bit balked oh wait now I just had my venturi full I'm a literal potato oh oh you've committed golden helmets as well although it's no longer golden helmet these are no crowns thank you take these there you go you can have some berries I'm very generous very very generous right grave mistake I absolutely love your idea of increasing the tax rate slash royal to prepare for the coming storm tax is increased to whatever the crown deems necessary deposit all tax at the castle all right perfect there we go this is the plan we've got to increase the tax it's necessary goodness he is giving you a metal crown and a thunderstorm does he mean to cause harm potentially what is it how back cuz I would like you to work in the castle kitchens please enter there we go there we go I'm now I managed to recruit a chef for myself which is perfect means I'd no longer have to cook for my own events which is lovely spiff is the gold king of the multiverse potentially potentially I am consider allowing a few peasants to become criminals like bandits or muggers to an extent we were considering getting some kind of crime system enabled because we do have abilities for people to see inside of like local inventory's and take goods from it it's just being able to like limit the amount of good they can take you'll be pleased to hear that I have organized the guild so that all income for food goes through the tavern for distribution at any time all payments go to your royal treasury fan tastic it out back what a great design lovely so now all food goes by Outback which is perfect I said labour doing up there get off thank you my karate for $30 very generous sausage very very generous pleasure to serve oh you are absolutely incredible as always Oh Bernard has given me some hired perfect that's what I needed well more iron ingots lovely alright I shall place more of these things inside my chest for tax so I should probably wear my um my Armour was this is this a smoking jackets head okay apparently we have a player head here did someone murder someone okay right well I guess I have to dispose of the evidence we have it set so whenever a player is murdered they have a 100 percent chance of dropping there their head um I took that all this look of gold or lovely oh I can just go straight in my chest on 32 berries perfect first time catching live and my suggestion was useful hail to the king of Thank You grave mistake all suggestions are useful cooked salmon lovely the cooking I was wondering if the guild should deposit acts the same way through the IRS they should but for the time being we need as many goods as possible doo-doo-doo-doo now look at this lovely road getting built outside my glorious castle oh it's the warehouse assistant all this lovely work going on on the server make them all wear facemasks i don't really we don't have a plugin for that at the moment because there's a peasant bowing up for me off in the distance over there wearing my kink are you moving the goods across to do how long do I plan on streaming for today probably a few hours a fair few hours it depends how much all of you guys enjoy it what's that apparently a suggestion from the chat don't I need the Queen I have a queen do not worry I'm actually part of the Treasury not the warehouse it's just the total light shall I add them yes please move goods from the warehouse into the vault or castle it is needed take these stuff from this chest too there we go job done all the logistics of moving things around it just works I would go look at that peasants that know how to bear weight I said does that present have a tail it was very weird why does that peasant have a tail is that the lost spirit of fairy carnival 69 the reincarnation of fairy card was 69 perhaps she's here someone oh now return to us Hill hey Raven hope oh he's now returned yes he's back Raven Ober was resurrected what a guy what lovely go this is just classic worse tea right now classic worse tea got King either newly appointed chief inspector of the realm requests you to contact me in the case of any issue you have which requires investigation in the row me and my fellow detectives will work our hardest oh my goodness has low become the head of the detectives so there's actually a detective thing over here whistie it's just worse tea is pure griefing in Jester form he was perfectly built for being a jester he really was oh my goodness yeah Worcester is well I simply asked was to be a nuisance and have fun and he manages to do that perfectly where is the detective skilled or just the detectives heart because I remember there's one around here somewhere she said oh no this is the scribes guild scribes guild library completely different that's not the detectors these are the detectives aren't they yes this is it yes the detectives office oh hello how goes the detecting oh I have a mystery for you to solve come with me I figure you know the death of the start of the stream I think I have something we can do with that I have a good plan right okay now we're going to take the entirety of the detective agency over here over to to solve a murder ladies and gentlemen I know doo-doo-doo-doo doo-doo-doo-doo I wonder if it's a murder they can solve that's what we're going to have to find out do do do do do to do to do to do to [Music] like this is the body of Clank games he died he was murdered by someone find a peasant who would fit the crime 100% well I mean 100 percent way it wasn't Alf who did that smells like gunpowder hmm it must be a peasant with with gunpowder fine probably someone who has a pickaxe the mining gun powder that's how we get it right he comes from gunpowder rocks right good this the turtle looks awfully suspicious an assistant perhaps perhaps I believe to over now he is to be contacted he might know who the culprit is go inquire so of course we 100% know the Alpha and a murdered that peasant at the start of the stream in broad daylight with all of us to see but of course the people on the server don't know that and so consequently I think this is a perfect opportunity for us to frame the murder of a peasant on to someone else I mean it's just perfect you don't get many opportunities like this so you've got use them and let me meet up this cake and no one else has loved the cake there we go right they must now go and solve a crime oh my goodness so you get jobs by being good at them yeah that's kind of the rough gist of it you get a job but if a job actually needs to be done so you can't exactly log on to the server and think yeah I'm going to be a I'm gonna be a knight because we might not need another night or we might just think that all the bow all the people who organized the nice smudges not like you oh my goodness we have found a large amount of redstone at the cross church Tommy's not able to come how would you like me to deal with it oh my goodness over at this church this church over here Oh No well this this is most most sad what is in here hello minty alright apparently Minty's found some redstone where is it oh it's down here oh my goodness right what's down here beneath the other church be careful oh my filled with redstone they must have been holding it it's it doesn't look like it naturally was yes it looks like concrete evidence to me it is truly evil work my goodness I couldn't believe another church would do that are they even hit it underneath the floorboard so that we couldn't find it the bishop is here to clip to cleanse this place Scoob cleanse this building and then minty remove building I will see that this church will be torn down perfect I can purge the hole with holy fire yes melt the hole apparently there's already a copyright inquiry against this church what is a religions allowed to put out a DMCA takedown on other religions yes your God seems awfully similar to my god so I'm afraid I'm going to need to copyright strike to hell your religion oh goodness right that's perfect alright that's another church gang bird down here comes the the movement of goods all right this is it is a royal distribution of goods moving them from the warehouse over to the to the castle I kind of want to see the entire journey Africa will be beautiful I also kind of want to know where they're storing all of the goods and also close the door behind us don't want any peasants coming through I love how the IRS walks around in full iron armor that the IRS very reminiscent of what appears to be a hit squad all right and I guess they will now start depositing things in here it needs to be placed wherever there is room time is of the essence we don't have long before the event there we go perfect what is what is up with wait what is valve saying where is veil where is veil where are you veil he said something's been booby-trapped and then he just disappeared well the heck is he down here no that's not that's not veil where is he oh is he down in the IRS oh oh he's in the stairwell Oh rusty oh my goodness oh my goodness classic worst II cut to have whiskey I hate spiders oh my goodness all right here's the lovely depository now I love what the IRS has done because in order to deposit something you need to shift walk over this like corridor and at any moment they can just slam all of the levers down and what happens when you slam all the levers down is you go into a place where no one else can follow all right time for me to carefully walk out of here the treasure is a wonderful place it really is the Treasury office is beautiful we have all of the official marks of who signed what so imperial Fisher's the marker of the one pound note and I'm the mark of the hundred pound note but it's beautiful everything we have done here I see the Treasury office is busy expanding downwards another layer very good that peasant Lord of monies I see okay the Lord of monies let me give them their stuff back do-do-dooooo weren't the Crusades just a copyright strike now I think the Crusades were a little bit more intense than your standard DMCA copyright strike I don't know what imminent disaster is to occur but we need to be faster yes a great threat is coming we need all those and we need all that matters safely placed in the castle there we go back to the old warehouse look at the IRS go it's like a superhero team banking system away oh they're glorious they really are oh I love it I really do why is his house on fire Harry tonics front door rusty did you set fire to Harry's house classic twisty it's like the Justice League but if the Justice League wanted to break your kneecaps if you didn't pay them enough from enough taxation on time that's just how it works I can I'm actually getting quite low on food I think I need to go visit Tom's tavern or maybe I could go to the new gentlemen establishment I wonder if they actually have food at a cheaper rate oh my god just look at the line four people tried as being Takada she'd say got the merchant guilds out here I'm glad it's not me someone else has to talk to all of them perfect maid will work for me and that's how I like it mmm cake fills me right up I might actually ask you know sad snails in here I'm sure that's my lesson food hey now get some bread mm-hmm oh I forgot to treat my York steep premium let me drink that oh there's some bread Oh beans my minecraft crashed and it's just reopened it's fine happens to me about once or twice a stream I've gotta blame the fact that I'm running YouTube because YouTube on Chrome just eats so much RAM I mean oh when you're actually watching YouTube but when you're on the behind-the-scenes the behind-the-scenes lovely side of YouTube which is all of the messy stuff we have there we go I'm back King Smith was the first visitor said oh there we go that's the first visitor perfect now do I need more tea know if you go good perfect there we go the way I go sniff away I must say this all these trees are very much getting in the way of things I think we need a clearer path cut through here it's it's it's a fisherman very good I kind of also want to know how well they managed to patch up the house which we blew up over here like has it actually been tidied up or has it just been temporarily paved over by one layer of dirt oh it has actually been properly tidied up can I dig down and be like properly tidied up I said guess you can't expect incredible work from a team comprised of a clone of Minty's girlfriend and minty and also wuss tea was probably involved classic worse tea oh I must say whiskey did actually build something which was incredible and drove me physically and mentally insane allow me to show you was that did I see mention of a a mob farmer oh my that's definitely all I need to find that person needs to be punished no mob farms that's definitely loud too loud my goodness she's down here visit the arena tavern for food and drink fight on oh if it's down here right it's an it's an illegal underground wheat farm well that's something for Mindy to eventually pick up on I'm sure miss he'll eventually make his way around to it doo doo doo - Doo oh my goodness I was this spiff I ran out of Yorkshire tea so I ordered some more from Amazon however they delayed my order because it was non-essential oh that's a shame big bank well I suppose there are some pretty important things happening in the world at the moment but I mean yeah tea is a lovely essential thing for me maybe not for overs but I love it now this down here ladies and gentlemen for those of you that don't know is a down here is a maze constructed by wuss tea over the last two weeks it lasts for literal hours and you will walk around a maze and if you go down the wrong way you'll just be hit by a sign which says egg on your face repeatedly it drives me and say oh my goodness what is this they build a portal made some redstone shrine sure take me to it that is that's not okay not at all oh my goodness spear fellow all right let's have a let's have a guard follow me I wish to inquire more about this redstone shrine it's definitely not allowed do do do do do do to do to do to do well so you might notice we've kind of increased the hunger a bit on the server and we've also slowed the rate at which crops can grow so that basically means peasant starvation is a very real threat they can and will die productive don't desert it uh where is this massive never portal well I'll find yourself the ship is the other side Isis god-kings cornflower ah for sure he doesn't even know what that boat is this is the issue of peasants they've got the navigational capacity of a of a sentient potato attached to a rubber band just being flung back and forth in front via an ordnance survey map I'm sorry but they're just not not cut out for traveling any long distance beyond their workplace their hovel and the the tavern knows the locations this is person herding bees by wearing a bee costume have no idea it's entirely possible all right think hopefully sure we'll be able to work his way soon oh it's mr. pants the person whose house we blew up he's probably a little bit confused doo doo doo doo doo all right come on sure of where is this portal do to do to do to do to do and Lynx's of course concerned about this storm yes we've got a as a quote-unquote storm landing it's going to be terrifying and yes let's just say if several people will not survive oh my goodness I see it over there I see it that is most concerning it leads to the farms oh my goodness alright let's get over there this is actually quite distressing Oh a rural carrier pigeon and where the pick up issue oh okay the service get restarting the show well nice good lovely and that should fix our pick up issue at station whenever Bancroft updates it low-key kind of destroys itself it makes that like the reason we can't run on 1.16 is because well none of the plugins work and also 1.16 servers probably can't manage this many people all in one instance at the same time like whatever ping of 26 at the moment oh no le the bee has died rest in peace look at this what is going on here this is certainly concerning what is this we the redstone court have come to this land we will take this country and make it a greater place what is the other side why does it take me oh god it's horrible it's actually horrible oh [ __ ] the pigment the pigment a host of the pigment a host Oh get out fake it out if he could have pick out pick out of it oh [ __ ] this is not good this is not good so we made the pigment host oh by default which kind of turns them into massive dicks Oh beans Oh beans space it is dead No Oh Speer said no oh I asked him about how he liked the kingdom but he liked its fearsome oh my god we are tearing that portal down oh my god the Redstone the Redstone guild has gone too far they've took two they've taken two valuable peasants what have they done what if they've done where is minty when I need him I haven't even got any paper / verb Royal all guards to the you know that's probably a bit unnecessary I think it's it's probably best I don't actually get most presents involved in this something tells me if the peasants are aware that a massive portal of death exists on the server many of them will ever walk through it and die or they will be a bit too terrified to actually work their jobs which is um the last thing that we want to have happen we need these peasants toward their jobs let me get my gun ready just in case something comes out on the other side but this entire thing needs to get taken down this is too much this is just a massive threat my goodness all right let's have it destroyed let's go at all this redstone - get rid of it get rid of all of the evidence that anything was over here there we go nothing ever happened here oh my goodness look at it this way spiff two more people sacrificed for Minty's mum's protection I suppose so if we go we've got another guard here fantastic this card can probably help out this is certainly something for the detectives agency we need to cover this up all I need to is kind of break the portal but the biggest threat of this is it means there's a peasant out there for diamond pickaxe there we go that's all smashed up now perfect let's get rid of this and we're also going to need to break this up just patch it up so people don't know it exists and all of the problems will go away as is tradition just pretend the problem doesn't exist and it will not exist remove the nether portal Michael in this we have some plans for the never but not yet the peasants aren't ready to go into the nether just yet I mean what we were in there for five seconds and everyone died oh my god it was absolutely hell it truly was I wish someone built a tower on top of that great big pile on over there I'll have to look into that another time all right we got some we've got some chaos to cause though thank you very much though for your donation we'll call ago that's really generous Oh a few your horse dog thank you very much for your $10 as well Speer thank you for making your videos there the best part of your week thank you very much my friend you're absolutely fantastic m'kay donates five Canadian dollars to say make someone dance against their will should they dare refuse poke them with a pointy stick what a perfect idea I know Ranger believes there's another one oh well keep your eyes out oh wait there's literally one right over there oh oh it's just it's right there I thought would be quite difficult to find but no it did there's just another never portal my goodness why are there certainly never portals cropping up peasants shouldn't even have access to diamonds Oh so drag him watch this yeah I don't think nano ranges oh it's heresy okay good I fought dragon but built this track and had build this I'd be very upset do you know who built it oh you sent a word to the Inquisitor and half the portal destroyed fantastic minty can remove it good good Oh ten lava buckets and water is what they probably used to make it you're right they probably did that makes perfect sense and it explains where the peasants don't have diamond pickaxes and are still being able to make these so I say it's the peasants making Lisa I'm just I have a hunch okay when in doubt blame the peasants it's probably something that they've done well so I'm a bit grumpy so I've no need to take out some stress and just to excuse some cows there we go call a preemptive taxation his novel probably running around to try and collect taxes why all of the IRS people wearing the same outfit why are all of you so similar there are a little bit daunting the IRS they all wear the exact same thing the same yellow helmet the same same suit it's quite impressive oh my goodness we are all one of the same we are legion for we are many oh my we get tax meant my goodness I think if it's early flowers I always think of a flowers now I get to the peasant of another peasant the lovely live stream chat person who donated to make it so the peasants had to give me flowers the only downside to this brand new lore is that I've received an entire inventory full of flowers which as you can guess is a lot of flowers and tough for me to go drop off my venture in my chest because I've got a fair bit of mess it stuffed me to return to my royal my royal boudoir so to say especially it's two pounds i died from making it was worth it thank you space and i asked you if you'd be willing to die for me and you were space in you were a most honourable night i will make sure that your grave is given the utmost respect truly truly it um it was such a shame to see you go hallo we have a new mystery lots of heresy portals opening up who do you believe to be the suspect I'm interested to know who law in his independent investigation forces decided it's worse tea okay your own jester sir it it was not loose tea he was not there at the time trust me miss how do I know was due was not at the scene of the crime because I I was at the scene of the crowd wait yes tenacity Excel I believe the IRS may be cloning themselves so how do you know that well that's because I was there woos tea was not God it makes sense the IRS must be clothing themselves well who did it then sir that's for you to discover random peasant eggs sounds perfect that's now they're getting the hang of being detectives yes they're doing a great job now so catch mo who is catch mo Oh nice name what a troublemakers sounds about right yeah sounds like it could be them bring them to cook 100 percent he didn't just hit tab and find the first peasant nay oh he builds peasant houses hmm probably it so how's this to lower the bit of murder yes oh my goodness they really gave him a hang of it now what's a beg beg pardon I'm so sorry Oh right up another flight of stairs into the turn off no one's allowed access yeah here's my royal storage supply right I want Mike help should probably go as you get the Obsidian in there the rotten flesh the tea guide probably don't need all these torches any of this stuff why do i free tea guides suspicious you can go in there dandelions lapis lazuli the red stone that people keep throwing at me I'm pickaxe oh I got that off of got that off of a Spears body nice two-piece basin rest in peace let me go visit the yeah I think I need to go visit the funeral area makes perfect sense I must say the downside of having a massive castle is I don't actually have anyone currently to operate the car so we means I have to operate for my own guard doors I don't have because we need the guards currently moving goods I don't have a guard to I can just shout out to hold doors open for me all right perfect how do we go do do to do time to go make sure space and has a lovely grave Chauncey thank you very much for your donation thank you for making a very interesting video or so people should not be able to hold more than 10 food items that's evil Chauncey that's really evil but I like it I like it a lot oh there you go he comes with Steve look at that man run oh and I'm guessing this is the pool what was that lightning oh my goodness this is terrifying I hear there's some controversy about one of my workers kazmo I was wondering if you could come and tell me the charges oh right let me go over - right I need to find food the leader of the donut guild he's somewhere he's somewhere around here is he inside the donut guild shop Oh several stop in 60 30 seconds perfect sever will stop in 25 seconds lovely oh yes they're building houses I see right if the server's gonna stop I'm gonna quickly nip to the loo was the service stops and grab myself my fresh cup of tea which I left lying around see you in a couple of seconds oh wait actually I know I can do I can open this up and doo doo doo doo doo doo doo to do I've got a perfect idea of what to do well when what's the server restarts so if we would be back online soon there we go lovely you should only take a couple of seconds oh my goodness what's that's over there minecraft cCTC - what could that stand for it couldn't possibly be the return of yogscast crown conquest - organised by yours truly yes it is ladies and gentlemen i decided to actually use my pokes and being in the yogscast and trying to organise a recording session and it went really really well i had a lot of fun and a huge amount of fun drunk Ozzy thank you very much finally get to watch one of these streams lives my goodness 50 50 Australian dollars is more than than for me to get a drink but thank you very much drunk Aussie I'll make sure to buy some lovely gin with that I do love a good bit of gin gin and tea are just the two perfect liquids in my opinion new law all peasants was mine straight out oh god that would be physically insanity right whilst I must I quickly get myself a beverage I will hop myself into spectator mode and place myself above somewhere interesting probably where is the most interesting place in the castle is probably the most interesting place at the moment let's find let's do this I'll be back in a couple of minutes guys have fun enjoy the music [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm back hello are all of you doing chat oh right they're all known adventure she would be involved in this hobby we can handle it entirely in spectator mode I think but I don't think I actually need to if they've organized this themselves were they trying to find I think there's an inquisition currently going on and I'm interested by it oh my goodness they've all armed themselves up oh my goodness why were they going up oh I see they're going to go and now remove the portal I thought they were going off to go find the yeah they don't remove the portal I thought they were going to try and find the person who's been building houses here we're trying to frame for murder at the moment well it's this huge building is this gonna be the new IRS oh it looks like it's going to be this will be quite nice once it's finished right back I go / GMs oh my goodness Bret that is actually the single greatest request I've seen yet why are the peasants allowed to use paved roads perfect I'm going straight over to HG Wells oh my god yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes we need to make all roads have like a dirt path go alongside which peasants need to walk along Oh sh t how is this hey dude if if you don't think it was your guy then suggest too low a different peasant to place the murder on - oh my goodness all right I need to find a tree boys where is he's around here somewhere there he goes out here I spy the noticeboard okay Hg I wish for a new law [Music] peasants are no longer allowed to walk on any paths in the city other than a dirt of there we go perfect there we go this is the brand new law ladies and gentlemen it's going to be perfect do we have an official currency yes we have an official currency but the peasants use iron Nuggets as currency because they the peasants don't actually have enough money to use our legitimate currency as means also we're never going to distribute it to them how the permits already for my looking I see oh I see all these lovely all these lovely permits so we've got the specialty the permit is that the permit serves as an official authenticate fantasy as an official authenticity certificate for the henceforth mentioned Guild I see so basically this outlines all of the tax which guilds must pay and it's oh my goodness this is beautiful absolutely perfect oh this is lovely HG Wells so we got everything including the farmers guilds and how much they need to be taxed on they are permitted to use hoes of the diamond class and below oh yes that's effect they aren't allowed to carry on limited items of farming variety all perfect this is actually logistical II viable as well perfect well done well that is just lovely I love this work done so these are the these are the new houses that the donor guild is building to say that they're their houses and rather tower blocks to try and pack as many peasants in as possible yeah who knows Oh Bruce Pope has a question yes Russ Pope let's see what he has to say whilst I crack open a lovely gin and tonic doo doo doo oh my goodness I can't it's too it's too moist I can't crack up in the beverage do to do to do the guards need more iron to have armored the minders guild is out is that any we can get from some from the Treasury now you must conscripted it from the guilds yeah I'm not handing out Treasury iron so our dirt mansions permitted don't mansions are not permitted PSP and TV definitely not horrific dirt mansions that's the last thing we want because what has happened to this pathway are they trying to it's this were state I feel like this is this pathway has would Steve written all over it just an absolute mess of path my goodness look at all of these lovely people absolutely fantastic to see how many people are moving goods back and forth to the Treasury oh another cake perfect I shall leave this cake because I can mmm there we go I have stocked the kitchen my lord fantastic lovely right now to destroy the cake so that no one else is allowed to enjoy oh my goodness doo doo doo doo doo doo I must say seriously though everyone in check oh my goodness look at all the cakes cake for the king these are awesome is it absolutely incredible there is a slight issue with the fact that there's a bunch of monsters in the walls I think oops I was not going to do that I could hear monsters in the walls is not a pleasant feeling that needs to get tidied up wait actually I know where they are they're going to be in the roof aren't they they're in the roof but thank you very much chat and also everyone who's donated and even just all the people who are in the live stream chat having fun and all the people who who have liked the stream it seriously is a huge amount thank you very much it's very very generous oh cool check out these private quarters whose house is this HUD's office leave all mail in the barrel I see right this is a nightmare of course he's got a lava bucket an egg castle spec castle gate spec got all these lovely plans up here who'd really has kind of he's come into his own over the course of this these streams he's done a fantastic job I really like these picked up streaming as well in fact quite a few of the the various nobles that you see if taken up to streaming their perspective now which is quite adorable I love it it's hard left hard laughs you allowed diamond Armour well I have no idea I have no idea I don't know if I'd I'd left a friend so I don't made oh yes I'm sorry for spelling armor with it without you I'm a lazy sausage there's a lot of typing to do I know not very good of me not good of me at all my goodness oh we passed two thousand six hundred and ninety six likes that's always my favorite number it's almost as good as 6969 likes on a stream which is of course what every stream aims to have and every video aims to have as well that's the that's the peak oh hello hacks what is it oh what's this oh a flower thank you very kindly peasant give me a flower don't tell the peasant I suppose he's not a peasant he's a natural gardener but still all right time for me to go see the graveyard because I want to make sure Spears Spears and grave is appropriate for what he did he was most impressive it's beautiful mod do you use dad muskets it's not a mod we just replaced the crossbow with a musket that's all it's yet that seriously add just a bit of extra an extra texture on it where is this doctor fractal sure hey iris person's grave this person all right let me put this here yes they would go and she feel like I could give him a natural flag which is better than that or just something which is better than that I can give him a and give his gravy a flower there because he deserves it if I got a sign I might add a sign y no one will ever know he died protecting his King spiff little love hearts there we go perfect spittin rest in peace my friend oh my goodness someone's been jailed for the next five minutes ah have we got a proper jailing system setup where do they even go especially must pee I'm interested in this / teleport man where do they go ah oh my god it actually works oh my goodness they just get put into it into a cell oh this is amazing I love this oh that is absolutely fantastic that is absolutely incredible oh I love they've done right back to the castle no I'm not allowed to teleport no teleporting very bad they're going back and of course his all of the actual ranks are now showing up properly now so we have Grave tender Faru here everyone has proper ranks which is beautiful absolutely absolutely perfect including clergy cleric of light here hello sister cleric I think there are none that's my guess oh is this a flower Oh from cleric of light of course thank you this is very good come visit the tavern safe from the hellish Gators appeared in spoof topia eat drink and be merry and of course forget about the Hell Gate oh goodness sniff you should have your guards die red arm for their muskets so that they become the red coats I'll actually look into that but I think most of them are using iron armor which makes it a little bit harder to manage why is a merchant in iron more no no God donate that armor to the guard tower there we go gotta keep getting flowers because in my travels I need to defend myself then hire a guard dispense that armor will be punished there we go fantastic oh he's even giving it to me lovely I'll find it I'll find it lovely guards meant to give it to thank you perfect right tough for me to go deposit this house where did you do to do these be to the god-king it's nice to have the clergy on my side they will basically back up any actions which I do would you be the entertainment manager I would like some entertainment to be home for the kingdom what kind of a table is Conor organizing I hope it's special entertainment Oh as a play or chaste ik okay okay a play or joystick yes a play doo doo doo doo doo doo doo doo my god tower is up here hopefully yep yep the guards keep lovely I'm pretty sure this is all organized by Darwin yeah they could do with some do some more tools okay they can have some more weaponry today I must say I really like the really fancy road we have outside my castle and then the fancy road just ends here and we get the peasant dirt road mmm now that is true true perfect design our food delivery for the Royal kitchens only for the official stuff lovely stuff I'm absolutely I'm loving this alright let me find a Oh Lord discord I temple verily tax your inventory to 100% please give me the taxable goods perfect fantastic we get some iron bars and everything is that all let's see what he's got in his pockets discord ninety-five he's got blocks of coal what is needed your inventory I raise the tax on you by a hundred percent for the next few minutes oh my goodness don't you see a reference to Admiral hammy have the 14th winch at my goodness that's an old school reference from a very very fun video all very well but may I pay in a good joke sure joke tax I'm interested by what this joke Tex well what this joke might be a human woman comes comes home to find her husband in bed of a female halfling she screams at him you said you wouldn't cheat on me anymore to which he replies I know can't you see I'm trying to cut down oh my god Chet says bad joke off to jail the Chet has decreed the joke is bad give me all your cold tax complete good luck there we go Geoff walked off with his head well let's not get too hasty I have a few plans let me let me deposit some stuff in the Carson discord ninety-five was his name I think I have an idea a very jazzy idea something something good right let me um Oh Cass expects defense is needed yes we do actually need defenses deposit all of his taxable goods in there and I'm going to go find the detectives guild and I think it's safe to say we found our murderer I think it could be discord ninety-five let me go speak with the detective agency to see if we can we can cement our suspect why on earth is he the suspect well he didn't tell his joke very well so to the heretics throne oh that's a very suitable punishment it's a perfectly suitable punishment leave the innocent man be what do you mean he probably murdered that person from the start of the stream goodness where's the detectives Oh the detectives on it of course they are Oh Oh his blades of course that'll do hey blaze I believe discord ninety-five is the guy escort him to the to the well escort him to the court to be punished and tried for the 100% legit murder we believe dis code to be behind the portals of course it must all be his work look hits perfect he's down the wall of criminals it makes perfect sense punished tried in that order yes and we punished and then we'll try and work out if he was actually guilty right fetch fetch a guard and imprison him for his for his trial perfect absolutely perfect oh is this search in place what is it let's see hopefully is something important servos I'll be most upset do you know where Vail is no stop asking you what people are I'm not I'm not aid navigational person do do to do I'm not it's not my job to find jobs for peasants that's a peasants job to find a job for a peasant whistie what are you up to I was he trying to get dandelions Oh beans minecraft behave stop crashing you silly sausage I do do do to do hmm execute order for 20 yes my favorite order discord 95 has a health potion on him present no way he has a health potion on him no tenacity oh it's possible anyway Chauncey thank you very much for all of your donations this stream have a nice night my friend you thank you for the very silly lower about flowers that's gone down an absolute treat we have a nice evening doo doo doo oh great Oh Rico 400 roof will save a friend um question what's your pain on tailors of Harrogate Earl Grey tea I quite you see oh great tea is quite nice but I can't say I'm a huge fan of it I think I just prefer breakfast tea but I mean there's nothing wrong with Earl Grey tea it's another lovely form of tea that's a very tasty one all right I think I'll go have a chat with karna see how he's doing he does seem like a poor busy person God would see you absolute gremlin wuss tea this is it this is physical suffering now to get through Coty's house oh my god he just cobwebs everything all right let's see if Connors doing I always been at my desk all day Connor oh we ready for the great event tempers should be taking care of the house I see very good any opinion on bak Lutie I haven't heard of that one one of the trees and if her chorus just copies it and yep Connor is just sat above a massive pile of cobwebs send a sign to me and it is ready oh my goodness it's Connor browser assistant Tempest one too for free sadly I can only you can only break the cob with cobwebs with fists of course but fantastic it's good to hear that the event is almost ready oh my god his coders assisted look at him go oh my goodness can I um no I can't light a cobweb on fire oops did I just like on fire well oops I'll just ignore that that's fine doo-doo-doo-doo I love how I walk by a peasant page two mutually paddock and drop flowers on the floor you are all too kind these lovely peasants and of course dr. vamps Teaneck now owner owned by dr. bread because poor dr. vamp died Oh have you got some working here alright Wishing Star here we go I'd like actually a cup of tea you know I've got a Yorkshire gold tea but you know never hurts to have more hello your majesty hello I wish for five teas so that I may store some in my castle for safekeeping here we go Lord Arthur you still won the eldritch shrine dedicated to the black beverage known as coffee or religions need a proper evil you're probably right Lord Arthur I think we might be able to see about getting one constructed didn't the never perchance I think that might be a good idea right I'll wait here didn't do to do oh look they've got basic keys they've got apples they've got Yorkshire tea of course Yorkshire Tea costs Yorkshire Tea cost was that nine times as much as a standard basic tea we should make health potions Yorkshire tea yes but we want the peasants to still have access to Yorkshire tea we don't want them to UM we don't want them to just have nothing oh is this my um this is my tea order lovely right lovey am I getting my tea the tea please fantastic a Yorkshire Tea Gold lovely along with another Yorkshire tea and another one and another one and another one perfect perfect perfect perfect there we go we're now up to sixteen fantastic oh my goodness right oh I said fab I said fantastic because my keyboard spelling is a mess take this Apple as a gift display it with pride there we go I don't I don't display many apples but I believe the people in the Tanakh have been around since the first stream and they've been distributing tea to the peasants and I think that's a very honorable job a very very honorable job all right now I must make sure that all of the preparations in the castle are complete because before our great event of today's stream we need to make sure that the castle is secure that we have guards and that everyone is we have goods as well oh he's gone up they caught up the event is ready I see should we summon the important people for a feast they're lovely this is perfect all right I will get all of the important people someone to the castle now / burb royal ladies and gentlemen the event is about to begin you're gonna want to buckle yourselves up because we've got some we've got some fun things planned for today and this is where the fun begins it is time to celebrate before me before the chaos arrives all nobles leaders and important individuals should should assemble in the castle great hole bull castle staff must must be present all peasants refused entry to the castle we also need all the guards there we go perfect my royal decree is not going out I will stand on this gate and basically say who is allowed for and who is it right oh I couldn't given something as well this is gonna be perfect we've got all of the important people coming you have a skeleton horse for sale a skeleton horse is at a hundred percent tax you cannot sell it we can only take its they've go all right perfect now all other people will come to the castle all the very important people of course including footmen rice Pope who is just swimming along the floor it's something that first Pope's not okay easy all right Tom I have to go to the Great Hall hopefully we'll get all of our important people there and ready because we have a huge announcement to make a very very big announcement it's gonna require a lot of people over we come to do to do here's the Great Hall of course lovely oh yes look at everyone lined up I hope this won't interrupt our search for the culprits it probably will what we have planned is going to be quite impressive first pope please fix your legs this is good we've got all the important people here oh yes all of the guards as well I think we've almost actually got all of the all of the necessary peoples yes less royal / the Royal all guild leaders and their second-in-command needed by the way oh [Music] my goodness look at all the guards we have here the guards are doing their perfect job of just I'm just standing here like what at their place what are the peasants doing here right there we go that was spook them off be gone that's the folks are having this great big gun is become pheasants is that it is very loud discord was arrested that's fine disco could be arrested right back into the castle we go time for the fun to begin doo doo doo doo doo doo doo to do all right good right I think we've now got oh my god look at the amount of stuff we have here all of the important people oh yes this is fantastic right all of you be silent [Music] anyone who dares to speak will be kicked out of the castle and trust me you don't want that okay Connor set okay right so it has come to my attention that some of the peasants are lazy we have a great issue with a lack of respect and and oh and and authority and so it is with a heavy heart that we must we must issue a decree for the next 24 well for the next 24 hours all crime is legal outside of the castle including murder that's right it's a purge that's what we're doing ladies and gentlemen we're doing the Great Purge please join myself and the guards in defending the castle and making sure making sure we stay safe on our stockpile of goods it's already begun Tonia's died / Verve royal the purge is now in place all crime is legal the castle is safe but only for officials all peasants will be shot good luck and Godspeed if you if you survived and managed to give me lots of head you will get a prize there we go let's see how well these people do all right I'm gonna immediately go to the front gate because I get the feeling that the front gate could become a mess oh this will be lovely the phrasing oh yes yes give lots of head hmm right if we got if we got some peasants here oh my goodness what is this peasant doing here what is they doing here what are they doing here let me um oh right we did get shield all now wait I've just realized something crimes legal which means several things including this we can't kind of technically kill whoever we like which is a fantastic new feature oh no go cupcake army just died for standing in the presence of the king I see how it is oh my goodness look at the amount of people we have actually who are officials on the surface this is insane so basically we allowed all of the guilds we allowed all of the guild leaders and their second-in-command to basically stay safe in the castle and now the great the great deaf the great deaf list is going to start coming in this is going to be quite immense my goodness the great culling has begun yes to an extent it has Wallace warlord 6096 has died right let's go take a look at what's happening out in the world look at this all the guards defending the gates perfectly they are doing a great job and what is this is alpha on a murderous rampage alphas on a motorist rampage isn't he oh he is so on a murderous rampage look at that it's it's a it's a peasant with a it's a peasant with a gold armor tried to hide on the ground what are these law up to all of the peasants who tried to hide out the crowd oh my goodness look at there all of the hidden nametags my goodness the entire merchants guild is just trying to hide and under the ground which is perfect execute oh my goodness look at Samson go I mean he's using a diamond sword which is 100% illegal but you know it's legal for the moment looks like the laborer is not happy with that oh no Sam so Sam so he's discovered that there are merchants around about oh I could Lord Samson is terrified Oh but now the Herer that was needed all wheel mat or wheel monkey has come in from the rear to try and defend the merchants Oh God rest in peace or will monkey something is go to yep take their head oh my god Samsung what a mass-murderer my god he needs to be on the guard duty oh here comes worse tea of course where are the boats God if they just they just dug straight down oh my goodness oh I see Oh who didn't a whiskey trying to chase down a mass murderer over here very good so is this to make sure to fix the population cycles not really actually this wasn't just more that I wanted to I wanted to cause a purge in Minecraft and I thought this was the best way to do it was just to make all crime legal like all the people just tried to hide they really have dug really far down to try and get away from this law which is very admirable but all it takes is one of them to accidentally unchipped in their position is revealed and once that happens well that's that's just too bad yep the the tea the tea nook has boarded itself up and gone underground where enough of they hidden who knows who knows and then is this the yeah this is the donut guild of course several members of the donut guild are hiding taken ID to survive yeah if samsung survives he's getting one hell of a reward because Samsung has done some insane amount of mass murdering has he died yet I hope he has it no samsung has not died look at all of these lovely look at all the lovely important people bunched up in one lovely place but they just have a good lovely meeting the world is on fire the perfect time we've stayed for those prices I see so they're whilst the peasantry is out currently murdering itself the merchant guild and all of the guild leaders are trying to currently currently fix the prices in the economy this is incredible oh my god my favor our business with all this loss of no customers I can avoid the purge I see was that give everyone glowing status Oh Connor if you're watching let me send you a message Connor can you give everyone the glowing status because if we can that would be insane because the glowing status would reveal everyone's location to everyone else is that guard groovy it's GRU ghee Guruji is a paradox developer and apparently is running around with an axe and a sword I have noticed that by having the Great Purge happen most of my guards have have decided to become mass murderers and simply running around killing people but now of the glowing effect suddenly everyone's underground hiding location it's not the best oh my god this is incredible oh it's it's got night it of course an ood ah now this is what dude who decides whether garden I did is is worthy of living hmm this is of course a great time for the people in the Assassin's Guild and his Charles Lemp donut the leap the owner of the donut guild hang second what's free donut guild oh my god the donut guild is so so reclusive they're so interesting the peasants highly guarded ground glowing for peasants only I'm afraid we card everyone has to glow I definitely have a way of unknowing well of glowing certain people are not overs beyond having to do some complicated console tomfoolery oh my god minty is order mint he's on a mission he is leaving a massive army of guards my God look how many players are following it what is he - oh is he using this as an opportunity to go for everyone's stuff of course is there under us oh no oh no I see minty minty is using this opportunity to to get some revenge to get some revenge on the donut guild it would seem suppose now is as good an opportunity as ever oh no a dog killing these red will face the wrath of the donut guild oh no it's the last stand of the donut guild now right apparently their warden so they're safe okay so Minty's decided not to lead his his crusade of guards against them they best don't try and bully worse t because twisties brilliant I don't want Musti to be mass murdered robbing the peasants and that's how you keep their noses down of course yes you issue great purge events where the peasants bury themselves underground and then whilst they're buried underground you have your Knights and your guards run around stealing from them which is the most effective which is the most effective way of doing things dragon screw it if you were a guild lead that accidentally got murdered don't worry we can sort that out my friend that can be all done after it's all good just look how lovely lovely and organized I just loved the duality of the situation we have all of these all of the people over here currently discussing currency and then apparently merlok says everyone loves fish and then you come over here and you have the whereas it teleport to minty to fresh and you have the minty mass hit squad which is just ganking players I couldn't this truly in vitalink truly enlightening are busty scary loudness I surprised they haven't found all of the merchants under the merchants Shack Oh Myka Sood is definitely trying to threaten all the people who are trying to kill his donut guild members Oh apparently some people have broken into the donut guild oh and harbor's died rest in peace hub oh now it's getting night time oh this leads to my next idea which was to remove all the torches it's a create literal hell on earth but I think we might save that for another evening the purge is another word for a hundred percent taxation it is grave mistake it is it definitely is right now let's see what is underneath the merchants are the merchants the merchants are still hiding under here they have gone how deep if they gone oh I couldn't see up there's just one guy sat here oh I could this right I can just do GMs I have come to tax you oh my goodness it's an actual robot beep boop oh my goodness oh good they've come to drop off their tax of cobbler would perfect perfect lovely lovely stuff oh yes oh yes all of that all of the good resources are being given to me fantastic stuff truly enlightening oh look at this a hundred percent tax of goods very good merchants enjoy and the purge with the return of the knife Hampton phantoms we can't return the night phantoms if we return phantoms what happens is 97 phantoms will spawn on top of one player and just swarm them until the night is over it is an absolute mess to use phantoms I'm interested to see if I could Oh Samsung is still up and running Samsung is using this as a perfect opportunity to destroy every single berry bush he can find which is of course a great use of his time the mining guild is set up over here and I'm wondering if the mining guild have just decided to to an extent hunker down and hide oh no it would appear it would appear they had a fight it would appear several members in the mining guild have killed that each other I don't even think anyone's one oh my goodness was a bunch of peasants with with diamond armor and enchanted stuff this is let's move revolutionaries oh my goodness well I think I found the people who were doing the diamond stuff they're definitely going to need to be found oh these they must have killed the people in the mining guild the mining guild probably didn't kill each other then where are they based I'm guessing they're based in the swamp given this torch here yeah they're probably based around here somewhere those evil revolutionaries do do do to do we'll have to get the guards on them soon enough because you know they're um they're a bit of a mess we can't let that happen oh look it's that a cute little tea banner he holds oh it's adorable guards are so cute the only competition for Samsung the mass murderer is Apple of Cour that is the only only chance they have hello corner I think the perch has seen great effect quickly while it's legal drink all the coffee no that's not allowed Breanna and Russell it's not allowed it is time for us to end it and return to normalcy / burp royal well done for surviving the purge you have you have done a great job bring bring your heads to the castle I wish to make a wall perfect I buried I want to kind of build a massive wall of all of the all of the heads which were claimed in the purge is a memorial to the purge survivors let me quickly steal this sign here okay I'm allowed to steal it's my own castle and then I want a nice little sign here saying for all those that fell in the Great Purge the great urge of 2020 there we go ah perfect to do to do what's this Franco's he tax the revolutionaries to make it legal I see of course revolutionaries illegal provided you text them just like America but there we go the purge is now over many people survived many people didn't survive well done for everyone who survived he did a fantastic job and all of you who died it truly was ashamed but you know these things happen they really do make goodness how in here Sampson to drop off his stuff oh my god Samsung I need to deposit some stuff in a chest because that is insane oh my good lord oh my god place heads and illegal things in the chest Samsung you should request you should yeah you should seek darman and become a guard you have proven yourself I mean the thing is when it comes to Samsung he's clearly a mass-murderer but you kind of want to have a mass murder on your side rather than the enemy's side oh look at all that shots and powder I now have perfect lovely we can address way Sylvie's head now oh goodness yeah that's terrifying all right time to go deposit my heads on the wall what a truly lovely experience this was right so penny Silva died but of course Sylvie's mass clone so that's fine and then we got all of these other people who died most in peace to people with just basic Steve heads oh my goodness I always have a war is head in my pocket which I needed to deposit I'm truly amazing look at all of this all of the many heads of the Great Purge after this I'm probably going to need to assemble my guards and find the revolutionaries because they they definitely need to be killed and they're out in the world somewhere we've just got to find him look at this lovely wall truly fantastic the wall might need to be made a little bigger hopefully hopefully we don't have an entire like mega wall of peasant heads which need to be put up my goodness minty I found some revolutionaries that needs to be put down they exist in that direction find their base and then summon the guards and myself to it they have diamond stuff the direction I am facing there we go I should hope minty the guards killed the miners guild leader because the titles oh I see right that's an issue we'll need to fix that to be fair the guards all guild people were meant well all the important guild people were meant to be inside the castle doo-doo-doo-doo I think I might run with minty and see see if we can find them together let's go min to my friend this would be good fun don't ask why I have to destroy farms as I run through them it's just a just a personal habit my friends true personal habit oh my goodness so we got all the guards joining us as well for this yeah we've actually got quite a few okay this is fine wish we might even be able to take on the revolutionaries ourselves in this state I think this is actually a decent quantity of manpower and we are going up against people who quite generally have all diamond equipment which is you know concerning what's this discord 95 says I asked for forgiveness but discord 95 you're meant to be a perfect scapegoat stop trying to not scapegoat and these the heretics if they literally bought a massive farmer in the middle of the open oh my goodness skeletons right there we go that's dealt with perfect skeletons are most spooky oh look there's a person out here a peasant I see drunken drunken PUD let's let's see if they've seen the revolutionaries walk by have you seen any revolutionaries near here they wear diamond stuff okay he hasn't okay right and probably further this direction then towards the swamp lands oh my goodness look at all the zombies spawning oh yes this gun is um you know it's quite powerful but it requires a charge up there we go and I need to of course make sure they don't accidentally kill any of my own guards because that would be a mess I'd be a real mess let me kill this zombie as well I really need to have given myself the quick low ability that is a mistake on my end there we go I think onwards we go African they're probably still around here somewhere probably underground as well they strike me as the the types of people who would like to loiter around after committing a great crime so I need to probably get some diamond boots on our beans it's a creeper bugger off creeper go go go go begone begone begone oh no isn't it oh well it killed a zombie so that was pure skill actually pure skill I must say walking around in the outside world is a bit dangerous it is literal heck deep trick Onix girl I'm aware of the the miners guild thing don't worry we'll deal with it after the stream my friend it's all good it's all good we understand that you didn't have your finger on your head it's all good right where our knife are these people oh that actually doesn't look like it it's that no they wouldn't be positioned over there that makes no sense that's way too close to civilization they'd probably be hidden underground somewhere right piss off scaly go away all right I'll just swim away from you then he was getting memorial right yeah it's a it's a memorial that's what we built 100% to memorial 100% not just a trophy display of heads just probably yes what what I did build yeah yeah it's a trophy it's a display hmm now there are torches around here which kind of inspires belief that perhaps they're over here [Music] any food I could do some food edge then I've got kelp I've got a bunch of dried kelp I can use a small looking fo real normal food everyone's just using berries I see oh my goodness look at these alright hold the line oh my goodness there we go apparent we have a peasant here what is this peasant here what is this peasant doing here what are you the mind it goes this way I am NOT looking for them I am looking for the evildoers right they're probably around here somewhere hmm and if I was an evildoer where would I hide goodness sake all these skellies do do do do I really need to get the first shot on this boat Oh apparently I hit him with the flame perfect there we go do to do to do apparently that was Kings Kelly yes I didn't look like him where are these evil people hmm it's a great big pit down there but I don't think that's them although it does look like someone fell down there and built their way back up where on earth could they be this is gonna hold this gonna take a whole lot of man hunting there we go good stuff damn they go got a load of my crossbow well my musket gun it's not across both 100% not a crossbow legal distinction ah what's this hair is this a bit of light I see a bit of light I see some persons who are plotting an uprising oh no it's just a metric ton of lava okay that's dangerous I really could have been a base hmm would I hide an evil base if I was evil and did evil things I don't know where would I hide an evil base don't think I'd even have an evil base to begin with because I'm such a nice person zero evilness here hmm most distressing we've lost minty Africa of course we've lost minty red Inquisition he's not very speedy he's quite a snaily Inquisition I mean that's easy he's very speedy when it comes to the Inquisition side of his work it's just the movement sideling Hill very easily accused someone and burn everything down but in terms of the getting from point A to point B now that that's a minty issue I really can't see any evidence of them they are just absolutely hidden my goodness we're Renault 4 they based somewhere around here I imagine well maybe get we've got named Tex back I can see Dharma now hey darlin can I get some bread mints you just hit me in the back we go out you know I've saved much I've saved my bread I probably need it right let's try and find them and it's Biff I guess what bean drew so I'm not gonna guess being juiced that's evil how about a small courtyard with pipes on for that Oh Pike's underneath their heads now that is a good idea that is something I can get behind doo doo doo doo doo doo - Doo where are these evildoers the ones who've built a base and have got diamonds and stuff Oh who's this I just got a random labor over here is it over yes has been for ages I in a pit for half a day oh my god it's not safe out here PvP still exists in the wasteland that man is a certainly risky nice get out just any any one random shot from anyone could kill him he's not safe but luckily in the city pvp is now gone back to being disabled so the peasantry can sleep safe at night knowing that their only fret is falling into a pit in the ground built by wuss tea or being have work or having a crime pinned upon them other than that most of them are safe doo-doo-doo-doo well of is this catastrophic a massive base to do do doop de doop to do do do do my god this world is huge i can get a vantage point this base will be hard to find 20 you might need to do this one yourself I are considering that guy with stuck out of the city I think I should probably make it be easier / / royal the city is now safe PvP is disabled the wasteland is still dangerous there we go right fantastic right I'm gonna have to I'm gonna head back to the town but it's right now I suppose we could swing by towards the nether portal because they could be over there it's a very valid point never Porter was over in this direction towards the waterfront so maybe if we work back on ourselves heading towards the town then we might run into them I might miss what the hell is this monstrosity it's a horrible cavern oh goodness oh that went down the wrong way oh that was a horrible hiccup Oh uh-oh name of the revolutionaries wiser 2004 in Keaton unbeaten okay right thanks for noticing Chet I didn't catch their names before Levi's 900 Weiser 2000 in Kate in the unbeaten right we are looking for Levi's 900 whyzard to 0:04 and Keaton unbeaten probably got that completely wrong spiff coffin cronut no it's spiffed chugging beverages that have gone down the wrong hole Oh speak of finding something suspicious what do we have here what is this color me interested ladies and gentlemen this looks like some kind of underground farm oh my God look at all the cobblestone this is an insane quantity of cobblestone something is going on in here all right let's get the sword out this is it I think we might have found our found our targets nope all right let me try and dig through oh no it is literally just to Havel underground brilliant right someone just built Havel in the ground all the way out here with some stone I couldn't this will have to probably send a merchant out here to pick up all that stone because there's a nice quantity of resources which we're not using to do to do what is this over here some floating islands at first I thought it could be a floating base but it's definitely not yeah we need to probably work back on ourselves towards the portals that's probably where they're going to be that's my best estimate right well Boosh there we go that's a dangerous jump jump jump jump - jump don't destroy dirt with a pickaxe use a shovel I'm aware of that but the perks of being a king is that you can be exceedingly wasteful and it's not your fault if I want to pick out something with diamond pickaxe in my glorious kingdom then I can oh here we go another suspicious-looking dirt check in the middle of nowhere it's what needs to get torn down in the very least or it's got a sign don't you love it please protect the bees was this how cause I was hovel why he's got some kelp for me that's very generous and he kept all of his cobblestone in neat order perfect but I mean no let's get rid of those bees this is a house and then we live nowhere it will be removed eventually we build a built an underground farm down here let's destroy all of this evidence Oh what is it Oh parity hacks has found something there's a boat no a boot a body Oh where there's a body down oh my god is did someone die down here oh my god maybe it's the owner of the house where the remains they might have been there oh right it's it's straight down all the way down oh my goodness this is quite an adventure underground body was at the bottom of the stairs okay right let's dig straight down I reckon this could of I reckon this could have been them my goodness we are just going straight down I leave my mind can't comprehend thinking of running that far down that's fine back up we go hey Darwin and minty can take a look at the body of the house owner that's a shame it looks like a peasant set up a dirt track out here admittedly illegally but they were killed by revolutionaries from the looks of things well what was just dropped here who know it's probably nothing of importance doop doop do to do who oh they died here oh oh I can't see body was there a bunch of loot okay so but it seems that someone basically died at the bottom of the ladder okay okay that's fine that's another peasant murdered in their own home truly truly ashamed but you know these things happen because it's their desert biome oh I haven't been over to one yet on this server most interested by what's out here probably not too much all right let's return doot-doot-doot to do what's this dree Elle it i died in the purge fighting as pope as he blocked my way out of the minds thanks to the fun spiffy up wait see what happens eggs thanks three elliott we have a few plans we have a may have like a patreon server coming in a few months time which will basically be this without the hardcore element but very town you orientated so instead of having one kingdom it's up to you patreon structurally set up your own kingdoms should be quite good fun but we haven't we've been working on it for several years and we want to make it ready for 1.16 which means we've had to delay it by by quite a while of course we're back into the town now this is one of the many forestry houses you know I actually have a sneaking suspicion of where these revolutionaries could be from because there is a massive tower dududu probably somewhere over here that was like a huge great big monolith built into a mountain which kind of has big evil organization written all over it so yeah I'm just saying yeah I think it's popping interview now we've out see yep look at that there's a massive tower up there I did not say that the massive tower could be built there it looks almost taller than part of my castle and we can't have tall buildings unless they're authorized by me so I mean we're gonna have to take it down looks like it's got to come down as is only fair I had lover around here or something I think I can hmm very interesting do-do-do-do do-do-do-do-do I don't know if do you even get up that massive tower she Terrace huge no Percy just got jailed rest in peace Percy my pew enjoy your jail time I've gotta try taking a look around the backside of this castle but I reckon there's probably nothing there I'm gonna try and climb up this tower I want to know what's up here because a massive tower like this doesn't just come out of nowhere someone has to properly put time and effort into building this and I have not someone just got hit by lightning that does not sound Pleasant we do too - all right come on is there an entrance over here that I saw no that's just part of the woodwork okay fine right time to climb up the water then doo doo doo here we go whose tower is this come on no no I think we might have to bring it down considering I don't see an owner doesn't make sense for there to be a tower over here anywhere didn't it looks like this tower was always constructed to assist boats pulling into a harbor but I mean that's what a terrible idea we want as many boats to crash as possible because crash boats you know what that means that means more more tax revenue you see all right let me work my way around the side I'm pretty sure I saw a ladder over here there we go there's a ladder perfect was there a proper official way up maybe oh good they're ready for my call they're well they're ready for the court case which is perfect let's go up this ladder come on who's hiding in here we've got a book T guide how is a T guide made all the way there's a dried kelp in here someone's been here recently this has got recent recent occupation written all over it my goodness jump jump jump jump oh my lord look at all the resources in here someone's really been busy building stuff yeah this this needs to be dealt with my goodness this is not okay 100% not okay minty we'll have to bring this down with time return to the city for assist minty with his hunt there we go right back to the city I go oh this is gonna be a big jump jump jump jump jump jump jump ship all my goodness this is oh it's horrible I don't like jumping oh it's not pleasant at all vertigo in heights in video games still not a good combination burn it down yep that's for minty to do once he's got his demolition charge who said I'm sure it'll give it give me a shout I can come on over and see what handiwork he's done do-do-do-do-do I'd say we've actually made some old boat I'd say we made some pretty good progress this week or at least it feels like we have oh he's giving me a boat and he's going to swim back on to land himself you see that sir that's a guard that knows his place knows what he should do and of course what he should do is just simply give up and let me have the boat is all of the lovely Fisher people doing their fantastic fishing oh it's most adorable isn't it oh here's a little bridge oh you get to go under it that is actually adorable these guys have made some lovely progress look at the fisherman's oh it's truly truly amazing how my look appears to have attached me with a thing can you remove the line from my face I could keep up good work they're doing some great stuff they really are the fishing guild it's truly expanded in quite a beautiful way all right I think I'm needed over at the courthouse because I think we have a very important trial where we pin sorry not where we pin a murder where we where we you know do the legal stuffs yes OOP there we go ah perfect right this looks like a it's like a very important and fair trial is about to commence here yes who is guilty oh all right I do love a good trial I love a good legal justification no Percy is apparently where is Percy go travelers please please bring for Percy what are they guilty of its Percy the person who we blamed for the murder at the start of the stream I don't even know who bass he is oh good this poor Percy poor poor Percy he admitted guilt murder I see we're accusing him of murdering an innocent civilian in front of your eyes my liege Evelyn of course it must have been him ah yes 100% him and not Alf stank of gunpowder of course of course Percy the pig feels bad man feels bad to be Percy the peak right now now he's still in jail too busy of let me teleport teleport does that worked no it hasn't worked he just teleports straight back into the jail I guess that's how the jail works you also happen to legal emerald I see of course I love how he's guilty until proven innocent not the other way around in the Kings courts that's the most efficient way of doing it of course I tried to TP him now okay no he just oh my god what has just happened no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no Vale has not just died they'll know no Vale Fiske I've got a call of more discord my goodness no this can't happen this cannot have happened oh my goodness let me and we could be root my discord audio through the my virtual audio cable so that you can actually hear Phil Fisk where are you Vale Fisk fail Fisk no cool right let's see what it is what happened what happened to my sweet sweet boy I've big problems if the mobs don't want to be taxed the war doesn't want to be taxed the mobs the Pigman won't pay their taxes they killed me did you go into the nether well look okay we saw this nether portal and we were thinking is oh I oh I see this is a this is a place to hide our rightful taxes but no no actually it was just a mob a Pigman standing on the portal I think it's where you died all this stuff was just lying yeah yeah if I died there as well my god fail I told literally told you in links no in the god damn portal I said just wait like very week one week I thought I couldn't a Jesus Christ veil right well you know what this means now we have to do a full bloody resurrection ceremony for you oh not again all right do you have any idea how many peasants we have to sacrifice every time you choose to bring a player back okay like it's always worth it for me though right yeah it's always worth it for you but feel sorry for those peasants they've found these two you know do they really well not that I care off but you know they have families I hear probably I'm worried I've heard more people the tax right who do you want to see fight in the arena then oh well there was a guy we were looking for him apparently he stole all the iron during the purge was his name like a rust Pope or something we went through the mining pieces and that's what we heard oh the risk oh the mining guild was kind of killed or at least some of them were by a group of revolutionaries which we need to deal with as a bunch of people running around in the wasteland with full diving gear oh that's not ideal no that's not ideal that's got to be dealt with probably next stream is going to take us ages to find them yeah it's a job for the IRS private militia definitely definitely all right we'll have to have to murder a couple of peasants to summon you back shame what a shame what a shame it's my own fault I went I told my men we were running around collecting taxes and I said I won't risk your own life I will peek through the portal and make sure no one's hiding taxable items through it and didn't then well I know it's it's just been known that the IRS values the lives of its employees and only their employees not the lives of anyone else other than the employees of the IO if they pay their taxes they'll be fine well no no the taxes you don't value them you just appreciate their taxation a little exactly yes you're right I need to work on my vocabulary as the head of the IRS here someone has just donated to a fantastic idea which is to sacrifice the guy week they're framed for the murder of someone that Alf killed at the start of the stream sorry sorry what was that word you just use there at the beginning yeah no I don't think that was the right one you man yeah so we can always we can always sacrifice them and bring you back apparently he's also just been framed of the murder of you as well oh yeah no I I remember seeing him down in the nether he was there with his mob of zombie it strange you say that because he was sat in a jail cell right beneath me at the time but yeah you're probably right it was probably him he's a witch it's clearly a way that's how he's doing it you might perfect sense it's all checks out the saw checks out oh my god right I'll do this cold case and then we'll try and summon so call you back into the server Valen ever we have plans for it little does veil know we have some very unique plans for than ever but we're a little way away from that well I guess right if is coming Percy should you be found guilty we will use your body to assist in the return of an innocent life oh my goodness you should have a trial by never oh yeah where we just send Percy into the never [Laughter] it's actually a perfect idea we'll just send person to the nether with no items and see how long he survives should he be guilty strip him of all items and send him into the never oh my goodness sacrifice to the tax God's yes may justice prevail prevail down with Percy of course chat of course here comes Percy well we wait for the defendant let the record show that Percy is now accused of two counts of murder and illegal possession of emeralds that's him that's the man oh wait is my office fail Fiske is here in spirit ah van is here in spirit a ghost from beyond the grave Percy your victim standing in this room right here is claiming that you have murdered him he turned me into [Laughter] hmm he just got better now he just got better is all after he died you're in the never with your parade of evildoers of course my parenting trembles is now going to continue here's the pretty shows the lead prosecutor or something like that this is perfect look at thee look at justice being dispensed on a full RP server you don't get this you just don't get this sort of service this is perfect courtesy were you at the time were you we were the time of real physics left oh where were you at the time of real Fisk Steph I mean technically speaking he was in the cell beneath the floor right here but I'm sure he has some kind of nifty excuse oh god I was being glitched back and forth by jail cell to this room right here it must have been witchcraft makes perfect sense all fantastic it but a golden chest plate exactly what I needed I have new evidence the vel Fisk was visiting Percy of the cells of course [Music] which would have been able to leave the cell well he is not a good witch as we caught him murdering two people his inability proves him to not be a witch no no he is a witch he's just not good at magic terrible magic for my final judgment I do something to say what is it Percy his final words before his judgement aren't very excited if you know that Tower yes I know the tower of the one out by the water which we're going to have cut down yes I know the one guess who what guess you built it you did Percy build this evil sorcery tower yes evil to the never with him my goodness he's even throwing tainted emeralds at me Percy drop your inventor venturi we will take you to the never alright there we go take it all how he's cuffed oh right that's fine oh he can't drop everything I see he had a name tag well that's all fine it's just all the kind of stuff we'll be taking away Oh what an evil man I know so much terrible evil give him a book to make his channel of his journey no there we go well you can come pick it right veil take myself and Percy to the portal for banishment let's do this let's see I want to see how long Percy lasts in the Nova because I mean it's been incredible all right away we go perfect oh this is this feels like justice this feels like glorious glorious justice is happening right here always fail Fiske as vert Fisk oh yeah discord was killed during the purge so we can't put him on trial which hence why um we have Percy who is tellin trial a completely completely different situation Oh is there a witch down there oh that is really dangerous right Filipa don't go near that Oh which is a very very dangerous read we're now leaving Swift hope you all right where is this never portal Vale oh it's literally right in the open oh my god there's baby zombie here almost killed a guard there that would've been bad it wasn't literally oh they've brought it back okay this is this is interesting right I'll go inside the portal oh wait I can't oh my goodness blaze my accent accidentally died here because there was a flaming zombie walking around right right Percy any last words what I'm going to is I'm gonna switch to spectator mode and follow him in once he's in alright /gm SP and then slash teleport Percy right let's see what he's up to right Percy's made it in okay so Percy is currently in oh my god what who built this who built this that is even oh my god that is low evil Sir Percy spawns in immediately runs to the one safe thing away from all of the pigment and presses a button that he fixes go to overnight and it just blows away the floor oh my god Percy rest in peace but look how horrible than ever is you just spawn in and you're instantly dead here's all the veil physics stuff on the floor oh my god what a mess someone's probably gonna have to go in and retrieve that but I mean these Pigman we've dialed their aggression up to insanity like goodness I did someone just come through oh my god Domino dammit dammit dammit No Tom and minty please PLEASE Darvin a mint it's it's a very dangerous thing I suppose they need to get rid of the redstone admittees here to retrieve the items oh my goodness oh no one loves in here this is a stupidly risky finger melons you shouldn't be in here do you have no idea how dangerous it is leave this place we will be back to it next week there we go / teleport veil Fiske right let's see his real face back feels back alright I'll give him a couple of minutes to get on out but um they fail to escape the nether portal in time it sucks to be them dude dude dude it all right we've got hex back that's good it's minty back it's minty made it back no great well we've lost favour success reports my death have been greatly exaggerated oh for goodness sake minty come back minty come back through the portal before I destroy it okay minty minty I guess we can breathe summon minty that's fine actually wait minty can't even die anyways it's just a clone of himself do it milord fire we're doing it there we go remove this there we go wait sir whisky was fruit I am sure they will make it back somehow I don't know how Darwin would see what David's going to come back or whiskey or minty but they'll find a way preemptive F's for them I'm sure they'll be fine they're quite they're quite resourceful they know what they can do you can still go through the portal in the never another woman was born in the overworld oh that's how it works I see yeah I suppose they'll just rocket Oh his doorman yeah I suppose he has just teleported somewhere else entirely hmm very spooky very very spooky I'm up here jump oh oh no angry bushes angry bushes to do to do big have so many F's three months later Wooster returns at the head of a horde of pigment if whisky returns with an army of Pigman oh my god that would be absolute insanity oh the chaos the absolute chaos that would happen oh my goodness oh the castle is looking lovely though absolutely fantastic I think I'm gonna go over chat with corner I think we've done some incredible things today we truly have such doggies I do quite like such doggies I'd love doggies in general I think Doc's are brilliant they're so cute the little fluffy faces and they go wolf or Bork or she can tell I want to call he went he's back already my god classic minty he's got a bit of magic in him all right Connor Brett Connors out front lovely can go a chat with him hey Connor are you ready to wind things down or do you want to keep going do-do-do-do colors alright he's ready ok sounds good let's go maintenance mode alright there we go so we're gonna take the server offline that's it ladies and gentlemen I know that's it well it's not it completely we still have to actually walk around the server and see what's changed but I think this is probably all we'll have the server on for this week another three hours we'll be back next Saturday with the server life again of course we have all of the new people who have well arrived on our fantastical landscape and hopefully something new will be happening in the never we have some interesting things planned for that which is going to take a fair amount of work but most importantly the server is now done we've done it ladies and gentlemen thank you very much for watching if you've enjoyed today's stream then please do give it a like it does massively help us out seriously it's a very very lovely and generous thing you can do and we'd absolutely love to have your support on the server if you just got here well it's fine because when the stream goes down there'll be a massive void which you can watch and the vaad will be lovely right what was your favorite moment from the streams ladies and gentlemen I'll be reading chat come on what did you like you wish for resurrections Pearson well who knows grave talk oh yes of course we need to grave talk we need a grave talk let's go see who's been added to the grave list so I think most of these are new so of course Nair died he came back but not the same of course and of course mob I think all the unfilled ones are the ones from this stream so mob magic temmie Sergeant mayhem Clank games of course mostly harmless green pea 2002 saxophone blue jay you liked when Vale died when the purge happened he left the purge make conner a sorcerer or we could do role-playing was simply amazing thank you chat I'm glad you enjoyed it can guards have muskets if so how do we get them the guard should mostly have muskets but it's a thing which needs to be produced the consequently that takes time scarecrow thank you very much Col Hines peg amudha dr. fractal le the bee of course boy scout or URI of course a bamf 23 JP player Isle cows mud put sure were and of course Pearson he died protecting his King in the never what a truly truly barely deaf I mean some beautiful things have been built the tavern is fantastic the perilous camellia is ruining the the Department of entertainments back of the hand club now okay so apparently that's all under sky Amelia's domain right okay apparently that's something that's happening next week there it's for all the people of the server to worry about the stuff that these people get up to is incredible it truly is when will there be edited video of this probably in the next coming weeks mind it is a bit busy with some of things that we've been doing but we should get an edited video of this soon and also we should see well the edited videos will most likely be one edited video per two to three streams that way we can condense the most fun stuff down into one high-octane video instead of just you know a bunch of not edited stuff but yeah there's a lot of serial killers in town there's a few serial killers but we'll deal with them though so you're going to look at what rebels have been doing it doing during this part I mean I don't really know where the rebels are other than I can make an educated guess that they're off in this location somewhere oh my god it's absolutely raining outside with immense force right so they're probably around here somewhere there's a great big hole in the ground down here but this doesn't strike me as an underground base no this strikes me more as a someone's built a tunnel into the ground now this does strike me as someone who's built an underground strip mine I just look at that's a horrible nerd strip mine disgusting absolutely horrible I don't like strip mines in Minecraft I find them visually offensive they're just not very not pretty to look at what is up with the weather outside it's like it's a straight-up apocalypse going on oh good lord it's raining but not just like little rain we're talking immense rain catastrophic mega rain all of these minds have been explored I see Sir that's a natural mineshaft player built fing there's another mineshaft over here hmm yep I'm not too sure where the where the rebels of themselves set up but I'm sure we'll find out and minty will make it is top priority next week to deal with them yeah that's that's no adventure for him to worry about my goodness big big brain big great yeah English rain it's nice to have English rim back I cannot express how horrible it has been over the last few days to melt in my office there have been days where I've sat down in my office trying to record a video and then I just died I've just physically melting in my seat and I can't even record it's horrible so stay strong out there drink lots of water chat because worst it can be really warm one day and suddenly rainy the next who knows who knows my goodness as always massive thank you watching everyone if you have enjoyed it please do consider giving the the stream a wait apparently this one other thing I need to show off but yet if you have indeed enjoyed watching then please do consider giving this dream will like it doesn't massively help us out here is a massive map which the IRS has constructed which is just beautiful look at it it's the full Ordnance Survey of spiff topia it's glorious yeah thank you very much hope you all have a lovely day thank you all for watching and I'm afraid that's goodbye for now go over yourself a wonderful weekend my friends
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,133,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore survival mode, minecraft, minecraft king, minecraft kingdom, the spiffing brit, spiffing brit minecraft, minecraft hardcore mode, minecraft multiplayer, multiplayer hardcore, minecraft roleplay, mc hardcore, minecraft funny, funny moments, english, Perfectly Balanced Game, minecraft exploit, 100% Taxation is broken, minecraft is broken, mc exploit, rt game, perfectly balanced, funny, exploit
Id: L7J9v_Md-Nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 16sec (12256 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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