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I still can't decide whether I like this guy or not. His manner of presentation is both funny and exhausting, sometimes hectic, at least to me. Still, I do like his exploits.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/SirSigvald 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2019 🗫︎ replies

Its funny when you find exploits in newly released expansions and such, lke Gathering storm. When you see a 5y old game which has been "supported" the whole time, still is so fundamentally broken, it's just sad.

I mean the AI leaves it settlements open the whole time (sometimes litterally runs away from their last settlement), doesnt recruit any decent sized/quality armies, keeps annoying with its diplomacy,... and some gameplay elements are just so boring and badly done as well. Politics for example is so bland, as is the civil war mechanic and the family tree

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/eXistenZ2 📅︎︎ Mar 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

Watching ur videos I end up always feeling like having some tea ☕️ 🤣

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Mar 15 2019 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen 120 men sharing free gold between them per every free month that is what we have managed today hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the smithing Britt and today we are playing total war Rome to Emperor edition look very fancy so here we have it our first total war game of our how to break a game series there's been oh so many demands to play total war games and show off some of my favorite cheesy strategies I do believe rome 2 is where i would like to start now this game is often known as the one which tried to be rome 1 and failed catastrophically but from my experience this games actually pretty fun yeah it's not bad it's graphics are decent and hey it's got Roman noses hmm that's all I wanted my strategy games now today I'm naturally going to be taking Rome 2 total war and flipping it on its head the Total War series is well known for having a large world map where you can build up your nation and then a really really detailed in battle experience where you can get your armies and manually move them around into glorious battles today however we're not going to do that no no no no no because whilst 50% of the game might be supposedly actually fighting battles on the ground I have no intention of doing such a thing today we are going to be using the auto resolve feature for every single battle we fight where in the fields of war and we're actually manually fighting it then something has gone terribly awry where I found a lovely cheesy way to get a very easy world conquest with minimal effort on the player's end this is so easy that you to tome can go and enjoy now we're going to be starting a lovely game as of course Rome I mean who else will be playing this game I suppose there are the Britannic tribes would come on these are Britons that haven't even discovered T yet it's just not worth it so yes instead we'll be playing Rome for their increased movement range although to be fair we have infinite movement range anyway and you know what I think we're also going to crank up the game difficulty to heart or look at me I do enjoy a challenge [Music] now's room there are few options as to which house were going to choose house of Julia for attacked damage to barbarians House of jr. for increased farming wealth or my favorite house of Cornelia for minus 50% upkeep costs for all auxiliary units hmm now this looks like a very easy way to get a cheap army and ladies and gentlemen this is why you're going to start thinking like a true Brits so ladies and gentlemen if you are sat back you are reclined in your chair you have your cup of tea you've done your wave to the Queen this morning and you've had a fondant site the map of the British Empire that you have hung up on your wall oh one day but that's not all perhaps you've decided that hey you know what this is the one this is the one that I want to see spiff succeed on you've been a very generous sausage and you've decided that this is a video that you're going to give a light soup oh my you're very cheeky person thank you very much you know what I think it's time we start our campaign as house Cornelia of the Roman Empire it's time we begin so the rules are pretty simple we're basically going to try and go for as close to a world conquest as possible and I'm only allowed to use the auto resolve feature now the auto resolve feature in this game is very wacky most people know it as a function that allows you to get rid of a really really high trained army against just an army of complete short it is an absolutely hair tearing pain of an experience to use the auto resolve feature however if you know how to game the system it can actually work to your advantage so we start the game and we're at war with these people to our north the Etruscans League are true gameplay experience is sadly not going to start until we've finished off the Etruscan League now I've played this game a fair bit so I know there's an army hiding in these woods trying to ambush us as we move towards this settlement over here I have no intention to go for that settlement however and we'll grab this one over here first now to get over there as you can see our army can only reach this point here alas that is where you're wrong so how we're going to get around the fact that we can't reach a settlement is we're going to select our army go to the general hit replace find this lovely free person over here Lucy was Cornelius and hit hire and you know what we'll hire a general bodyguard of just simple cavalry but of course not yet we're going to want to begin our movement in this direction with this selected and just before we reach the end we'll hit the high button now suddenly his entire movement distance has been refreshed we can now attack this settlement lovely so all we have to do with is the garrison army and a garrison fleet very easy this is just going to be a lovely simple auto resolve and if we go for the aggressive starts the game predicts 86% of our men will survive this battle I like those odds oh that's a good step right there this is the only battle we're going to be saved for out the entire game ladies and gentlemen so get used to it now I aim is to unlock the infantry command bonus for the increased experience rank for infantry recruits this is very broken for the strategy that we have going forward so we're going to make this guy an improved commander lovely and that's our first settlement captured it genuinely is as easy as this for our first research we want to go for supply reforms and then after that we'll start absolutely smashing out the economy reforms now we do have a few options down here in the south of Syracuse we will eventually be going through all these lands however at the moment we don't need an army sat down here in fact I would actually love to have the army all the way back here but of course it's absolutely miles away so we're just going to chain our army up the coast rewards room just so that the army of the etruscan League can't run into Rome and snipe it without us defending it and there we go that's how to get an army from the south of Italy all the way up to Rome in only one turn very good all right you know what I think that's our first turn complete everything is sorted good stuff and now that we've finished our military research we can finally build the auxiliary camp right here which allows us to recruit auxilary infantry trust me these guys are going to be absolutely broken now one thing I've managed to do is split the army from the settlement by using two auto resolve armies to basically trick the enemy AI into running its army away the actual process of tricking the AI armies into one-on-one battles with absolutely large stacks of spare chart is rather difficult but once you get it nailed down you can be really successful with it also by the way the technical term I use their chart is how we're effectively going to be referring to all of our units being that they are going to be comprised of absolute trash so we're about to end turn free and we've just wiped out the army of the Etruscan League and next time we'll be able towards into their third settlements and now of our two armies positioned outside this city we're going to be able very easier to resolve once more and there we have it we can occupy this lovely city and that's our first complete region now remember that we have set the game to hard difficulty and even though we are playing as the Romans who do have an easy start we should be able to basically choose the entirety of this game using this beautiful strategy now whether someone call it an exploit or not is quite a large thing to say and what I will say is that it is most definitely a huge cheese of the game systems now in the city of Rome a brilliant new building has opened up this building is known as the auxilary camp now this allows us to recruit a special unit here the auxilary our infantry now previously when I gave this an attempt I decided to use the Rory eye the Rory eye are a lovely unit because they only cost 192 gold to recruit and only take sixty-five upkeeping however by choosing the particular house that we did at the start the maintenance of auxilary units is cut in half meaning that the superior unit right here the auxilary infantry which does even more attack as much more morale and much more armor so statistically is much better in auto resolve battles is also cheaper per month other than the rather high cost of recruiting some of these guys for the first turn they are actually some of the cheapest and greatest units in the game this unit right here because of our lovely house it's cheaper to maintain than her starting and is statistically even better that's right this lovely auxilary infantry oh we're going to go far with this bad boy just you watch so we've managed to train up of rather large army of very cheap units over here in rome so don't you logically make sense that we send them all over to this city slap bang over here oh and also we have a little fleet here to assist them and with a remainder of our money we can use it to start upgrading some of our lovely civilization I'm not particularly sure what's happening here the entire Etruscan League appears to have sailed its fleet out into the middle of the ocean which is going to allow me to hire a few mercenaries hopefully I might be able to take out their entire army all in one go ah yes I will for some reason the AI decided to be great I did sell their entire army out into the ocean with almost no guarding so naturally we're going to sail our fleet over and give them a bit of a fun time nice I don't know that the Army's up and running again we're going to be sending the eligio to equity our army oh no we did start renaming so these armies got a first or me it's the mad lads army and then to the north we're going to have good old cha D that's right nobody expects cha d and of course Charlie appeared he needs to start recruiting his army as well look it's out cheap they are but yes for the early part of the game it really is about building up a great economy in Italy and then as soon as that's ready you're just set to take on the entire world the AO has done something rather interesting here I've managed to trick the Etruscan League AI into splitting up its armies in fact there is no army defending its main settlement now so I'm just gonna waltz on in there it's wicked to be able to grab the his previously this was actually going to be a rather difficult game but oh no apparently they just want to leave their settlements for me to jump in on and here we have it the upgrade I was looking for infantry command this allows us to immediately recruit infantry units with +2 experience meaning our infantry as soon as we recruit them are going to be incredible so there we have it the entire truss can legalize out excluding its fleets which are now currently sailing around the ocean getting attrition but hey once they're done we need to start wearing up where us in the world we're going to be invading next because hey the world is our oyster with our auto resolve battles and you know what I think it's time we wipe out the entirety of the Etruscan League once and for all this is it gents we're finally using the mad lads I want an aggressive starts we go to fight horses on boats using spearmen perfectly logical and it's worked what we do so we should probably enslave them yes this is going to help the economy there we go the Etruscan League is done for good apparently something requires attention this thing over here is this meant to be a bad I've very well apparently subject has gained infamy what has he done ah he was caught defacing the temple of Jupiter such matters should not be taken lightly we could you know hand him over pay off the temple so everything's happy or you know what I will punish him myself now what are we going to do well immediately we wanted to spend all of these has started we simply don't need them anymore this Italian mercenary spearmen and all of these levies equally we don't need them now with the leader of the madla he's got an upgraded meaning all new recruits come pre leveled and are also cheaper so we're going to use him to recruit all of our infantry instead and drove into the various armies of our Empire and so the creation of the mad lads army is going to begin but of course our new army what are we going to call this we can't have them called Li Jie Oh free oh that's just weird well considering most of our army is going to be suiciding into the enemy I've decide that we're going to be naming this group of the auxiliary infantry the Banzai boys but something I did spot is that the entire army of Syracuse decided to sail over towards Carthage so logically speaking if we can get some armies down here to the south in Syracuse we should be in a very interesting position and suddenly the Banzai boys have become a twenty strong stack I've also decided to get rid of our entire fleet because at the end of the day it was costing us over a thousand gold to maintain and let's be realistic that's not something that interests me but we have one completely full-sized army on almost full sized army and one kind of fledgling army and yet our upkeep is only a two thousand not bad we're going to be able to make this a lot better of course now this is where it gets a bit spicy we need to somehow take out Carthage yes the cost of auxiliary infantry has dropped even more it now only costs fifty gold per turn to maintain them lovely next turn is when the war's about to get spicy ladies and gentlemen will Carthage notice that suddenly about 40,000 men have rocked up on their border and a Salim walking their way toward Syracuse yes they've noticed and they've noticed by moving their army out of Syracuse well thank you for handing that all over to me and our Empire is grown into an Imperium allowing us to field up to six armies good stuff indeed also I noticed something very strange the reason I declared war in Carthage is because I fought sir aku's was done for I thought this was their last army and it turned out it wasn't there the second army that was attrition away over here and has managed to grab Carthage I have no idea how they managed that right here we have a very interesting set up indeed Lilla p.m. appears to be the capital of Carthage now so we're going to waltz on in here do a quick encirclement it can also move our army and ever so slightly behind it and do an absolutely massive auto resolve battle and that's an easy victory right there oh look at this a 100% auto resolve mostly because were attacking one boat and ten blokes with pointy sticks standing on rafts yes I do believe this is going to be a victory how are we even going to lose 2% of our force in this battle Ivan I do very well attack ah yes we did the first step to setting up the Empire by controlling two full provinces very good and now our next mission is to prepare for war which is to maintain sixty units in total right we should be there in no time apparently we managed to prepare for war by maintaining sixty units in total yep I did that one rather easily right the enemy fleet has decided to do something rather interesting it sailed from this army over here straight into our lovely region of Valais Lea and is attacking the garrison I have no idea why because we can just auto resolve this for an astounding victory yes Carthage just suicided one of its fleet into a city why have you done that exactly yeah they know it back in Rome I think it's time we set up our fifth Army and consider the role of perhaps a northern conquest so we're going to use decimus junius brutus over here and raise up an army of once again just pure chart now in this new army that we're raising we have a golden opportunity here normally I wouldn't go for cavalry units but actually because we have cheese the game and to have very very cheap auxilary units the auxilary cavalry is down to 120 upkeep to only 80 and the socio-economic a few so co-equals for a brand new army and of course our new army needs to be given a name so we're going to label them the t troopers for their job is to go and seize the means of t production which is often known as a kettle and so the bands out boys and mad lads of post to take out coffee yes so meanwhile our chori falls over here and our brand new community army are going to be taking out the region of Corrales next turn as well and so with our lovely armies over here we're going to take them very close to the walls of the city should we use the mad lads or the bands eyeballs to attack you know what we'll go for the mad lads our greatest general attack my friend and of course woods were attacking by sea we no longer need to worry about wolves and the garrison army and the army of elephants they have sat nearby aren't going to do anything so we're just going to auto resolve this Oh an 89% of all forces going to remain that's not bad at all and there we go Carthage is now Roman mmm that seemed a little bit too easy and one thing I've decided to do is just to absolutely annoy Corrales and stop the Carthage ability to even money I basically just positioning two hobbies here both on trading by having both of them on trade the local region is currently facing minus 100 percent well from all sources with one slight issue it is now minus two hundred percent well from all sources and this is Carthage's only city meaning they now have no money to pay their men wave next turn I think we'll sail over with the bands I boys to Corrales and we can begin the automat siege meanwhile the chori force and community force are busy having some kind of mad roman rave over here just slowing their swords against their shields having a great time raiding yes we're going to be using the chaired army and the t troopers and hopefully we'll be marching these men north and we'll start dealing with some of these pesky Germanic tribes and I say their pesky we have a spy who's currently been max level just stealing food in this region oh my goodness I think I've discovered exactly what we're going for auxiliary Corps it starts off with only minus 5 percent auxiliary unit recruitment cost but ends up with minus 15 percent recruitment cost plus 20 percent morale for all auxiliary units and minus 20 percent upkeep so bearing in mind we already have minus 50 percent upkeep this is going to increase that to minus 70 percent upkeep and also the research is going to allow us to get it down even more is it physically possible to have minus 100 percent upkeep well today ladies and gentlemen we are going to discover that oh my goodness the mad lads are going to become even madder and probably more la dia so sadly G Skippy who was the head of house Cornelia has died however this has actually benefited us but he was only leading the community army which means that L Skippy oh here has suddenly become the dictator being the dictator gives you a bit of an advantage suddenly all of our units as you can see have suddenly had their upkeep - by 10 percent yes and after doing your quick check of the bad lads army our upkeep per unit has been reduced to 45 gold per turn this is quite possibly the cheapest and yet most powerful 20 stack the game has ever seen yes I do love abusing the auto resolve feature we've ended up with some pretty wacky generals I must say and now that we've got our fleet so close by it's able to reinforce these armies here and suddenly we have free full armies attacking this tidy little fort and how many men are we going to keep I'd like to keep 70 percent please so we go 5 thousand versus 3,000 and our armies have done incredibly well it appears getting forward more desperate their attempts to try and peace out of really getting a bit too extreme so we might as well get rid of them yep I think that's probably the only logical solution are you getting annoyed by countless AIP steals would you just like all of that to go away then why not try Roman Crusades they're super effective to deal with all of those very annoying ai's also I've managed to grab remuneration reforms meaning minus three percent upkeep and recruitment costs the next research is a further minus four and then the final one is minus six so who knows what that all adds up to but all I know is that my auxiliary infantry now down to only forty two gold per turn so I mean I'm very happy of that ah carthage has apparently gone from saying that I need to take peace deals or I will die too now saying that the people of coverage would like to offer us gold to just go away 2300 men versus 2000 remind our two thousand men are much cheaper than there's much more cha d literally just absolute trash and yet we're going to absolutely smash them a success the community army today has done us proud along with Charlie next turn we've got these great free armies that can botch on over to meddler and probably instantly take it out there we go and now we're in a situation will we have free absolutely massive armies surrounding this settlement so it's gone from being an absolutely no chance of success to being a there is a 100% complete chance of success now we are actually fighting some pretty solid units but of course we've got the chori army the community and the mad lats all in one location oh this is going to be a good auto resolve I can feel it we have six thousand four hundred and fifty six men versus three thousand so we can enslave captives this is going to generate a lot of wealth but public order is going to take a huge dive you know what's bugger it our total income is twelve thousand and yet we are fielding five huge armies and they're only costing us five thousand each army is only a thousand this is absolutely broken I love it right bad lads it would appear you're dealing with a force of 960 men and you're attacking with 4000 so I think you've got this in the bag now we've finally managed to get around to taking almost all of northern Italy alright now that we've secured Norman Italy I guess the next logical step is to take out this settlement here then this one and then finally this one all in one go hopefully now the fun situation that were in is that upon attacking one of these cities to the north all of them are called in as they are defensive allies or military allies of each other which is going to create a very interesting situation so community it's time to declare war yes it's going to call in their allies Fateh oh and this is going to actually be quite a close battle because we're only attacking with a glorious four thousand three hundred seventy seven and we're going to naturally occupy this city tire faction has been destroyed in one turn oh no the mad lads army their general has died and so time has come to replace him we're now attacking with a force of six thousand men against three thousand and this is going to be another glorious success let's go for a more balanced stance well-balanced appears to have killed everyone there we go we lost no units glory success and an occupation can begin we've increased our Imperium we can now field eight armies and field two spies is that an increase from two to two what is that hey that's an entire faction destroyed this term not bad at all oh my goodness I think I found an even cheaper unit it's the auxiliary Celtic warriors of an upkeep of only 42 gold per turn oh yes we certainly get some few of you into the RV now all of a sudden we are attacking the force of 9,000 men against a faction which decided to march its entire army that direction off the map very well an easy auto resolve this is going to be and hopefully a lot of experience as well there we go an entire region has been seized once again by the glorious Roman Empire in a very easy attack I must say now I've done some quick calculations just to try and work out what the maintenance theoretically of auxilary units will be in the future if we manage to get the mad lads army up to a level 3 will be receiving minus 20% upkeep with the power of our faction already we'll be receiving a minus 50% making the total upkeep of auxilary units minus 70 percent however if we choose to improve our general even further we can get a minus 15% of keep cost there'll always be our ability to upgrade this character even further by securing many promotions of the Senate right up until we get him to censor which is a fervor - 14% so that's going to be minus 50 plus minus 20 meaning minus 70 then via his skills we can get that down to a fervor minus 10 so hopefully we'll be at minus 80 then we can get a minus 14 via getting him up to sensor and then via further technology were able to get our upkeep cost for all armies down by minus 6% so theoretically speaking it will be possible to have minus 100 percent unit upkeep ladies and gentlemen that is the goal of today's video okay this battle feels a bit like overkill we have eight thousand five hundred men versus thirteen thousand oh well little bit on the extreme side this is going to be a very successful fight I've checked also this upgrade here minus twelve percent cost for non mercenary units now that is probably what we'll be aiming for what on earth has happened down here apparently Carthage's decided to resurrect itself it managed to take over all of these cities under what they think of me now Carthage do you'd like me no it would appear Carthage absolutely hate me oh no I've just discovered something even better these patricians over here you can upgrade them so they can become Economist's and this decreases the unit recruitment cost up and upkeep by minus 4% I can go up to minus 10% oh my goodness right okay we're grabbing these men we're going to start touching these two armies oh they're going to become very powerful there we go we have brought him into the army oh this is lovely aren't i mater's has been dropped to 36 on everything oh this is glorious this is absolutely glorious I'm so excited to give this a try I'm also going to get to another patrician over here and bring him up to the front line now what I've discovered the incredible power of patricians and free armies oh this world is getting really cheesy because I mean what's better than having and Roman Empire it's a Roman Empire with free units that's what holy live for or very exciting we should be able to take the entire city of suggests occur with relative ease now of course it's going to be difficult to take them immediately so we're going to have to encircle them summon up the community army and then bring in the Chad army now also in the region we have Ganesh brewery service with our champion and whilst he is in the region he's providing minus-8 morale for all enemy units very nice anyway of all free armies here suddenly the odds do appear to be our favor so an auto resolve battle it is oh this is great we've got the mad lads army where each unit is only 36 and we've got the Chad army where each unit is only 38 oh this is lovely everything's just so cheap that is an entire faction destroyed and another general rank up yes the leader of the mad lads himself allowing us to get minus 4% fire administration Oh what are we currently out for this Army's upkeep 28 gold for unit oh my god this is just outright incredible now the mad lads are soon to level up and as soon as they do we can add a minus 10% to the upkeep of all their units I think that could be the bit to push them over into free units we're going to continue the siege of this settlement and there we go four armies one city suddenly it's looking like it's in our favor isn't it as you can see Chari units 31 gold per turn for the infantry but we can upgrade our lovely general here being an administrator and all of a sudden the units are down to 27 and 24 pop for just one of these auxilary clerics very good stuff indeed and the mad lads get yet another upgrade so that they're down to 24 per turn that's how much it's gonna cost us to keep this entire army 24 gold per unit per turn know what I do believe it is time to encircle the settlement using the mad lights bring up the chads2 reinforce and finish it off with a good cup of the community now let's see how this battle goes oh all of a sudden it's massively in our favor the mad lads military traditions have gone up to rank 5 grand camp following is another minus for upkeep for all units oh so we can have minus 4 this can get increased - what - 12 okay so we get a grand count following and then eventually we'll upgrade the auxilary corpse of minus 10 and the army at the moment is at 19 Gold return there we go the Puli faction is destroyed and the mad lads army has done it again they're well on their way to rank 6 and as soon as they make it that's an extra minus 10% upkeep for the auxiliary units we can make the general a master tactician which is going to provide minus 4% upkeep for all non mercenary units let's take a quick look at the army all at 19 gold per turn now let's go for the upgrade now all of the army is at 15 gold per turn yes how we even paying them what are we paying soldiers in there are 120 men in this group here 120 men and we are paying them 15 gold coins to share between them 15 gold coins that is ridiculous what have we done to the economy in this game it's completely broken just imagine the gloriousness that is fighting an army that somehow is not getting paid yet they are so fanatically driven they're just going to fight anyway oh no a noble death whose diet please oh it's just the leader of the bands I'd boys 4 don't get me panic there game I thought we just lost the leader of the legendary mad lad so improve the mad lads once more I've managed to get that up keep down to 14 gold I have no idea how statistically speaking this is physically possible but nonetheless I've somehow managed to find a way just imagine joining the Roman army as guess what an auxilary infantryman and you're so excited because guess what you've heard some brilliant news you see auxiliary infantryman they have a wonderful wage of wait for it 90 gold per turd that's a lot of money to send home to your friends and family that's 90 gold coins split between you and your over 119 mates in your unit that's not bad at all however you end up getting to the front lines and suddenly you joined the mad lads army you get to fight under the legendary superior minutos coeruleus where of course he's advised by spurious volley of divas of course you have some incredible mad lads upgrades there's only one slight issue you've joined the best fighting force in Rome you also get paid like the best fighting force in Rome that's right fourteen gold per turn to share with you and your friends my goodness this is a ridiculously sized army and yet each and every one of them 14 gold now this is 14 gold per season so this is 14 gold as a salary for 120 men per every free month meaning if we divide this by free per month this entire units of 120 men are receiving 4.6 gold her month very interesting and if we take 4.6 and divided by the amount of men in the unit that's a hundred and twenty by the way this means per month each soldier in this wonderful unit is receiving naught point naught free gold so technically they're not volunteers and doing this for free but my god oh goodness I have no idea how I found this I just decided to sit down one day and see how far we could take these modifiers I don't think anyone else out there at the moment has discovered this wonderful exploit oh my goodness glorious fun we're going to be having this is going to be huge 7,000 men versus 3,000 yet because of our ridiculous technological advantage and just superior men in general we will win this no problem could you imagine that also resolves are actually so good in this game they're just glorious anyway the settlement is ours we shall occupy it apparently we don't even need reinforcements for this one you're just so incredibly powerful very well let us auto resolve this with your sheer power alone you guys become a level 5 commander meaning we can make him a master tactician right the mad lads have now had their salary cut down to 12 gold per turn thanks for a lovely bit of research we've finally finished military management meeting unit up keeps costs a down a further minus 6% oh no and the senator died so now we need a new leader for the mad lats and finally we've improved to an Imperium now many of you would think this is a great thing however it's also a slight bit of an issue now this is our lovely new leader of the mad lads army the reason why we've chosen him is because he's only 20 years old meaning we're going to have him for quite a long time and immediately if we're going to sink all of our money into accreting him to become one of the most highest ranking officials the Empire has ever seen trust me we're going to make this guy good whether he likes it or not mad lots need a great leader to make sure they can fight for as little as possible now the main issue I had with increasing the size of our empire is that our army upkeep has gone up by 24% this is effectively the balancing power of my cheesy exploits other it is still going to be possible to hopefully get this army all the way down to zero cost units it's going to take a while but I believe we can do it there we go the mad lads have finally done it they're so mad the Army's upgraded to level six so we can now improve so we can now reduce the upkeep of all of our land units so we have a choice we can either guess we can have have an increased minus 4 or a minus 10 I think we'll go for the minus 10 so let's check on our units all cost 24 apart excluding the worn swordsman now if we check back on the army all 15 go to pop exclu the auxilary Celtic Warrior who costs only 13 gold this is just from the army and our agent our actual general hasn't even leveled up to give us any more discounts as soon as he does that's when the money is really going to start flowing there we go after that battle a lovely dictator here has finally got his level up which means we can go over here and guess what decrease the upkeep for non mercenary units by 4% or bam that means without paying the auxiliary infantry 11 gold apiece and the auxiliary Celtic warriors are down to ten ah lovely stuff indeed our economy is now risen to generating twenty seven thousand gold per turn and we generally have nothing to spend it on our armies are too large and too cheap to really worry about oh and yes our dictators increased in rank and we are now an Imperium our sadly because we've become an Imperium all of our men have become more expensive but we can upgrade our general and this means that we have a minus four percent cost for non mercenary units so our army is now back down to thirteen gold per unit you know what ladies and gentlemen I think that's where I'm going to call it today I spent far too many hours playing rome total war - again right hello there ladies and gentlemen I know I said the video was coming to an end but I've decided to jump in right before the end as I think I've found a way to get the cost down even further so if we check the mad lads army now we can see that each unit is currently being paid seven gold with the auxilary Celtic warriors down to six gold per turn quite impressive how have I managed such a feat well it's all to do with the size of the empire as we can see at the moment we're spending an extra twenty four percent upkeep on all of our armies just due to the size of our Imperium now roughly when you last saw me our theorem was over here meaning we had plus 30% up keeper by cancelling a ton of client states we've managed to get the number down so my aim is to get the size of our Imperium as low as possible whilst keeping our armies alive so that we can you know demonstrate the incredible power of our men and so begins the turn where I'm going to be effectively declaring war on just about everyone oh you're so close although there's one way we can speed this up one of our settlements is under siege and if we attempt to Sally out in suicide our men I'm pretty sure that's an easy loss here it is we're going to Sally out and suicide the city's garrison good stuff yes you go general and ice drive all right come on this will be the turn we will finally see just how low it can go please for science this game was gone on way too long I have about 10 hours of footage of total war at this point I've got a noble death no don't be the senator Oh No thank God it was just the leader of the dusty dudes whoa I would have been really really bad but now let us check his army okay right so last time we looked it was seven gold per unit now how much is it for an artillery infantry per turn free golf per turn yes ladies and gentlemen 120 men sharing free gold between them per every free mobs that is what we have managed today something absolutely glorious for the Roman Empire an entire Roman Empire where the armies are fueled on genuinely nothing but paper and the promises of one day you'll get paid but realistically you probably won't so there we have it ladies and gentlemen you two can have a super cheap army if you follow the steps you've seen in today's video and I think I'll hand it back over to me from yesterday to wrap up this video yes it's a bit of a fun game and if you do enjoy this game yourself then hey why not tell me about it what fun campaigns have you had in total war also if you would love to see another total war game on this channel and you'd love to see how I break it or just generally choose the mechanics of it then make sure to give this video a like and comment the words yay down in the description in fact why not have a yes go for EV a that sounds better however of course if you want something different that is spicy then make sure to go for neh and feel free to give me an idea for a video and I certainly will be covered as always a huge thank you to my majestic patrons who made all of these absolutely stupid videos possible with your support the channel is managed to grow as an absolutely ridiculous rate so thank you very much and if you're sad they're looking for a video to watch next then look no further than this one on screen now trust me you're going to love it I've chosen it especially just for you and all that said make sure you've got your cup of tea in hand as we close off this video I've been this way from Britt and I'll see all of you in the next one good bye for now [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,703,355
Rating: 4.9293628 out of 5
Keywords: Total War: ROME 2, A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME, Total War: ROME 2 IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS, Total War: ROME 2 IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - AUTO-RESOLVE ONLY CHALLENGE, total war funny, total war exploit, rome 2 funny, rome 2 funny moments, funny clips, rt game, the spiffing brit, total war, rome 2, funny moments, montage, game funny, game glitches, game exploit, rts meme, lets play, unlimited gold
Id: VPJAILvudr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 7sec (2107 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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