Turning Total War Warhammer Into A HEDGE FUND SIMULATOR - Total War WH Is A Perfectly Balanced Game

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👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/coveredboar 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

I wanted to ask about this - how would you prevent the Top Knozs here from getting confederated? Usually when a faction gets beat into the ground, they get confederated by someone...

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/NerfZhaoYun 📅︎︎ Feb 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
all of the elves in fighting with each other again and again what's the point of it when they can just print money with investment banks oh my god we made 72 000. i'm sorry but what the heck oh god we make too much money we make way too much money hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today we're playing total war warhammer 2. that's right total war warhammer 3 has just been announced and so what better time to go back and revisit total war warhammer 2. we're going to be playing the game exactly as it was intended wait no no apparently i'm just hearing we're not playing the game at all as it was intended no we're going to be taking this grand strategy simulator game and flipping it on its head if we can turn prison architect into a farming sim then we can turn this grand strategy title into an investment banking and stocks and shares management game don't ask how we're going to do it but trust me it's going to be one hell of a bumpy ride so make sure you sat back relax with a nice warm cup of tea in hand because we're about to break this game with a million exploits that the developers never saw coming so heck if you're feeling especially fancy you can even like this video in advance as we're about to do something absolutely incredible anyway let's dive into a glorious brand new campaign so we're going to be starting a brand new campaign ladies and gentlemen we'll be playing in the lovely mortal empires map it's really good fun and naturally as i mentioned we'll be playing as the elves now there are a few different types of elves there's super duper nerd elves there's super duper fight elves there's super duper overpowered dragon elves but no instead we're going to be playing as el farion who is alfaroon well he's an elf with a bit of an interesting past because unlike all other factions in this game he has access to a interrogation dungeon i mean sure elfarian i won't judge your kinks whatever floats your boat at the end of the day this little interrogation dungeon has a few very interesting mechanics basically instead of killing enemy lords and heroes on the battlefield elfarian can just instead wrap them up in a little net and take them back to his little dungeon and then once they're in his dungeon he can gain various bonuses from them one of these bonuses is completely and utterly overpowered it's the bonus to gain 25 percent of income from the faction that this lord belongs to but of course i like to play games in a perfectly balanced manner and playing a game with infinite money is one thing but playing a game with infinite money and only using chumpy spear infantry now that's a fun challenge so that's exactly what we're going to do so without further ado ladies and gentlemen let's dive into this game and start a brand new campaign so welcome to the lovely world map ladies and gentlemen we are of course el faryon leading a battle against all of the orcs and goblins in the world who reside over here in the badlands now where did the elves come from well the elves come from this giant floating donut in the middle of the ocean and in particular we are elves from the lovely fortress of tor diversity as you can see i'm fluent in basically all forms of law when it comes to this game now normally when it comes to actually starting out in this game you want to immediately march your armies onto all of these lovely ai armies that are wandering around your lands they're basically free easy kills i mean we could march alfarin over here to this guy and he'd annihilate him the only issue is our army is comprised of no spearmen i know it's terrible so instead we're going to have to march alfarion right back to this little castle here and replace this entire army with only garbage tear spearmen but more importantly very affordable so we're going to delete everyone and now look at how much money we're making per turn we're also going to start building up our economy a little bit but more importantly it's time to start spamming out spare boys there we go now spear boys cost 500 gold to actually purchase but only require 134 upkeep yes they are nowhere near as good as the other units we had in our army but you know it's part of the challenge equally we have to do the exact same thing with our army over here get rid of all of these garbage range units and replace them with tier 1 spearmen now these spearmen are a little bit better they come out as level 3 spearman premium indeed so we can end our first turn as soon as we have a nice army comprised of lots and lots of spear boys we'll be able to go on the offensive and start capturing some lords now of course the ai has decided to attack our one settlement here of granty mingle because we decided to delete our entire army now this is mash onefinger the leader of the top-notch clan and he's leading an army of absolute chumps against us now this settlement does actually have a nice defensive force which i will be using and by using this defensive force we're going to be able to destroy mash one finger now the thing is whilst the game does want me to just auto resolve this bad boy we want to fight this one manually so that we can capture mash one eater in order to capture him we just simply have to hit him with a net and then manage to kill him within 25 seconds it's not difficult and it's very powerful so here we have it ladies and gentlemen a whole bunch of lovely orky boys all perfectly lined up in front of us now of course even though we won't normally have access to range units i will be exploiting my lovely range units today but most importantly 90 of our combat will be done using the lovely el faro in here because he can just eat magic now luckily we start the game being almost entirely hidden uh which is going to kind of break the ai just a smidge right there we go the ai is now heading towards us time for me to eat some magic right now we should be able to do a giant sandwich of mash one finger here because we pretty much have him fully encased sadly alfarin is pretty garbage when it comes to actually being a melee lord but you know we have spears and fantastic the game says the battle's over but actually it's not we still have mash one finger to defeat so we just want to basically set everyone to attack mash one finger now it is going to take a lot of basically bouncing him back and forth but as soon as his health is nice and low we'll whack the warden's cage on him alright he's pulling quite low on health and there we go that's about 400 health which means he is probably about to die at any moment so what you want to do whack your little cage on him to stop him from moving and now we have 25 seconds to basically kill him this is going to be quite easy because the added cage gets rid of all of his armor so there we go we should be able to kill him nice and quickly go on eight seconds he's got no health just kill 93 health four seconds don't you dare fail this if you fail this oh thank goodness he's dead if we had failed that i'd have to redo the entire battle there we go glorious decisive victory mr mash one finger is ours and here we have it the glorious battle is complete we gain a whole bunch of fun little loot most importantly we gain some experience but now we can decide what to do forced labor for increased unit replenishment no because we are just one person we can't gain unit replenishment instead we're going to be ransoming our captives this is going to give us 370 gold but more importantly plus one influence per turn which is very very important so we're in a very unique spot where we're basically going to be able to pull off this exploit slightly earlier than i expected which allow me to present to you one very overpowered broken feature if you indoctrinate a prisoner you release them and apparently you steal five percent of the character faction's treasury per turn this is actually wrong you don't steal you actually just gain five percent of a character faction's treasury per turn now this is a very interesting feature for the game to have because effectively allows you to create interest because you're not taking away five percent of that characters factions money instead you're just gaining five percent interest on whatever that faction has saved up in the bank this is insane because it effectively means we as elves aren't robbing from this faction we're instead an investment banking operation who's able to poach interest off of this lovely orcs financial savings that's right young timmy the orc here was trained from a young age to store all of his pennies away and give a nice modest five percent of them to any angry elves so for every orc we get of this faction we're able to harvest five percent of that faction's treasury per turn over their treasury won't go down now this allows for a very unique exploit because it means if we were able to put money into their treasury effectively we're able to invest in their savings and then gain interest off of their savings and make sure that we can stop them from actually ever spending any of that money we have ourselves an infinite orc based piggy bank now we're in a pretty good position at the moment the top-notch clan are about to do an encirclement of our various settlements in the area but luckily our garrison can scare off sneak arm breaker and allow us to focus on the lovely icky iron jaw i just love these orc names these are incredible anyway in order to gain some money we're going to indoctrinate our lovely prisoner here and release him out into the wilds so mash one finger is now indoctrinated for us so we can gain some of that faction's treasury but now we need to actually capture ourselves another lord so after a few more battles with the lovely top knots clan we're in a very very jazzy position because we've managed to secure ourselves two more prisoners that's right that means in total we have three lords from the top nods clan this is pretty darn powerful because all we have to do is release both of these lords with the indoctrination bonus and suddenly we're now gaining 25 percent of the top notches entire treasury for ourselves now one thing we will notice is that the lovely tomb kings are kind of marching straight on in here into the top notches territory and they will probably take out the top notches capital in probably the next few turns and all we have to do for this exploit to work is just hold on to the final top notches settlement which is going to be this lovely one here after they lose their capital and of course to be expected the tomb kings are sieging down the capital of the top knots this is all perfectly fine because we're gunning for their final settlement here oh ladies and gentlemen we're in the glorious end game now the khemri is sieging down the top knots capital and we have two armies moving in a lovely pincer formation of their one remaining settlement it's going to be glorious and look at our jazzy spearmen no longer these level 1 scrubbing up spearmen know say hello to premium spearmen now offering 30 melee attack and 62 melee defense my goodness they're truly majestic the best thing of all is we can improve that even further by giving them an additional 10 armor we're going to be whacking on as many buffs as possible to make our spearmen the greatest in the universe and trust me they're going to be terrifying so let's end our turn and then we'll make a move on to this one remaining settlement hopefully after the camry take this this is it ladies and gentlemen the ultimate money making machine is now in full operation as you can see over here the majestic camry have done what the camry do best and they've taken control of all of the bad orc territories this is absolutely fantastic good job cambrie however they've left this one territory here argo mid-gal uh right we're just renaming this to swindon because i can't pronounce that so this settlement here of swindon is the home to the final orc armies now because this settlement is encircled by the lovely elfarian this settlement can and never will build any units meaning the faction can no longer spend any money now the faction gains 800 gold per turn from this one city but more importantly it will gain gold per turn from it just being an ai now as you can see the game says we're going to make 1864 gold per turn however this is wrong because several of the lords of the top nods clan are actually siphoning their income to us so instead of gaining 2 000 gold and starting next turn on 44 000 gold we're going to have a little bit more than 44 000 gold now even more fantastic news on the last turn the elves decided to uh sadly out of their defenses and try and attack us else this might logically not seem like a great move it's actually brilliant for us because it's weakened their defenses even further and it means they're never going to attack us again so whilst it says we're going to make 1700 gold per turn uh in reality when we press n turn here we're not going to have 47 000 gold in the bank oh no no no we're going to be having some spicy profits yes 49 463 gold so that's basically the amount of money we've siphoned from this faction's treasury this turn now as you know the way this exploit works is at the end of every turn the top nazi's treasury increases in value the reasoning behind this is simple the top knots are unable to spend money they can't build troops and their final settlement is besieged this is absolutely perfect because it means they can never die and no one is able to reach them so they can't spend money they can't die but they keep gaining money because they gain a natural quantity of gold each turn and of the gold that they gain we harvest a lovely percentage interest bonus of 25 so if these bad boys have 1000 gold in reserves we get 250 gold of course these guys have a lot more than 1 000 gold in reserve just how much gold do they have well we can see they have exactly 10 000 gold in the bank meaning we're able to technically gain around about 2500 gold per turn now what i want to do is i want to be able to give this faction gold and the reasoning is simple if i were to give the top knots gold they wouldn't be able to spend it they wouldn't be able to give it to anyone but i'd be able to gain interest off of that gold every turn if i'm gaining 25 interest then in four turns i will have basically gained back all of the money i gave them so what we need to do is find a way to give good old match one finger all of our gold so that we can then gain giant quantities of wealth from him now of course when it comes to safely investing your money in the lovely world of warhammer you'd always want to put your money in a pair of safe hands that's why i always choose the mash one finger investment bank slash hedge fund he is the ultimate hedge fund manager and the perfect guy for the job of managing your finances so how do we give someone we're at war with all of our money well firstly you're going to want to drop down a quick save then initiate some diplomacy with this bad boy of course we're going to offer him a peace treaty and then very interestingly we're going to offer him a payment of all of our money now of course if we were to send out this peace treaty we'd immediately go to peace and we wouldn't be able to defend his final settlement so how do we give him money without the war being declared over well it's very simple ladies and gentlemen all we have to do is simply add in a lovely offer of a military alliance look at that now of course if we were to remove the military alliance and the peace treaty the money also goes away because you just can't give money to someone you're at war with however luckily those two lovely warhammer content creators mercy the mad and legend of total war combined their prowess to discover this incredible feature which is that if you simply remove the peace treaty from this deal the money stays that's right why invest in your own infrastructure and buildings when you can invest in the bank of gawk and mork please evil awkward war with take this 43 000 gold and invested wisely oh wait you can't spend it however i can gain interest on it so we give this lovely orc 43 000 gold is of course going to accept this very generous gift and how we're going to cancel out and close on down this deal now remember we're only going to make 2 300 gold per turn that's all we're going to make so when i press enter now we're going to have 2 300 gold in the bank no more no less any more and the game might be perfectly balanced and semi-broken oh well it's it's definitely not that so we should get a nice normal amount of 2300 gold in our bank oh dear dear dear we now have 6525 gold in the bank this is slightly bad now of course what do we do with this 6 000 gold that's just appeared in our banks well of course ladies and gentlemen you know exactly what we're going to do we're going to go right on down here to our lovely badlands dwellers we're going to go to the lovely top-notch clan here and offer them another peace treaty a payment of all of my finances available and then of course the military alliance we cancel that bam give them the gold great job next turn so let's end our turn and remember ladies and gentlemen 1950 gold that's how much money we should be making but of course in a perfectly balanced exploiters game that's not how much we really make now is it no no no 6459 gold suddenly appears out of thin air so we're going to give our brand new friends yet again another offer of a peace treaty we'll slide them a glorious payment of 6000 gold offer them a military alliance cancel the peace treaty give them the golden job done so every turn they give us interest we give that interest back as gold and then that gold gains more interest in their inventory the cycle continues and infinite money can be created now once again he's giving us 7631 gold so we're going to offer a peace treaty we're going to offer a payment of 7631 gold a military alliance and then it's now just a gift what a lovely gift it is as well because instead of gaining 1 427 gold per turn oh no no no ladies and gentlemen that's simply too little money instead our lovely top-notch friend here is going to slam us with a huge quantity of cash oh yes ladies and gentlemen that's now 8 000 gold in the bank basically every time we make a deposit the amount of money we get back increases more and more so the more deposits we make the more money we make and the more money we make the more deposits we make the endless cycle of infinite wealth has begun oh it's going to be glorious now this is it ladies and gentlemen because basically we've stun locked our final enemy to death there is no way for anyone else to intervene as you can see king birket here really really wants to destroy the orcs however he isn't able to because the orcs will never die you see every five turns the settlement reaches a stage where it can take attrition now i've attrition down the standing army to just two units so that their upkeep is severely reduced and every time this number reaches zero all i simply do is i swap out the lord who's sieging the territory every time that happens the attrition timer resets and the settlement will never fall equally as i can do all of that on my single turn and ai lord will never be able to take the settlement oh dear oh dear oh dear we have our infinite piggy bank ladies and gentlemen this is an emergency announcement from the elven faction dear recipient of this message congratulations it turned out you have a long lost uncle who was a elven prince thanks to interesting financial situations he's managed to save a sum of 1 000 gold coins for you to claim at any moment in order to claim your gold coins we 100 promises isn't a scam all you have to do is like this video and comment well thank you uncle elf for the free gold coins your 100 non-scam gold coins will be sent to you within two to five working days well ladies and gentlemen the money making is really starting to take off as you can see the game says we should make 3 000 gold per turn however when we end turn here um we make a little bit more than just 3 000 gold per turn now remember 3 000 gold per turn is decent that amount of money allows you to get a nice army up and running that's a nice wage in fact but of course we make a little bit more than 3 000 per turn as you can see instead of gaining 3 000 gold we gain 14 000 gold oh dear oh dear oh dear so once again we're going to ask for a peace treaty offer them a payment of 14 251 and a military lines and we'll close that all down so they get 14 000 gold now of course logically speaking last term we made 14 000 gold this term we're gonna make a little bit more than fourteen thousand gold because we've just made yet another financial deposit ah would you look at that it's fifteen thousand gold ladies and gentlemen now every time we make a deposit we're gaining around about an increase of 500 to 1000 gold with each subsequent turn this quantity of course increases the more and more we make deposits the amount of money we gain each time we make a deposit increases with every passing moment as you can imagine this is completely nuttly broken so it's time for us to make yet another financial deposit and we'll get a little bit more gold next turn well things are looking pretty good it's turned 59 and i have 61 000 gold in the bank and oh dear i'm losing 641 gold per turn that's a real shame that means i'm not making any money however i actually am hello there mash one finger what if we had a peace treaty and i deposited i don't know 61 000 gold into your lovely bank oh yes sounds good let's sweeten it with a military alliance and cancel all of that also guess what we're becoming good friends with mash onefinger why is that happening well it's because we keep giving him insanely large gifts here's 61 grand it's a copious amount of gold and it's going to make him very friendly with us look at that we're single-handedly fixing elf and awk relations using copious quantities of investment banking strategies now i did make one slight mistake i accidentally gave away all of my gold so that i have no gold left in reserve this is not a good idea because it means your forces take attrition so uh never ever make this mistake otherwise you just basically waste an entire turn so yes the aim is to give away all of your gold excluding the amount that you're going to lose at the end of the turn but by giving away 61 000 gold and bearing in mind this clan now has a copious quantity of gold now in reserve just how much money do we gain each turn from them well we gain 37 000 gold good god it's insane so of course with all of this spare gold we're going to once again invest it into the orc bank i mean they're now giving us 37 000 gold each turn this is incredible so naturally we're going to offer all of our gold bar a few grand and they'd even agree into entering a military alliance with us the orcs enjoy the military loads of us okay that's fine right take the 34 grand and be happy well we now get over 55 grand a turn from the orky boys which is absolutely fantastic i'm gonna be repeating the cycle over and over again until something majestic changes well it happened i sailed an army all the way across the ocean and we managed to retake granty mingle using this army here and immediately we've just recruited a brand new army to spawn out of the ground this new army will achieve full strength very shortly and as soon as it does we'll recruit an additional army to go next to it because at the end of the day we can have as many armies as we like because we make so much money we have a hundred thousand gold in the bank so let's go spend some i think it's time to land another deposit so here take 100 000 gold and uh military alliance oh wait that's a lie here take a hundred thousand gold though it's fantastic it's a lovely generous bit of money and i can't wait to get all of it back with interest oh i love this game it's so perfectly balanced right well let's send turns so logically we should go down to 10 grand here considering the expenses that are being taken out of our account however with that brand new investment of money that we just dropped off we're not going to make a loss this turn oh no ladies and gentlemen so for goodness sake can my ai stop declaring war on people these people are just idiots all of the elves in fighting with each other again and again what's the point of it when they can just print money with investment banks oh my god we made 72 000. i'm sorry but what the heck oh god we make too much money we make way too much money well it's time to get the salt production up and running again and get this army built as fast as possible my goodness this is gonna be one hell of a province when we get it up and running well it's turn 83 ladies and gentlemen we have almost 400 000 in the bank and uh everything's going fantastically the ai is marching single file armies uh into our lines of 60 spearmen almost yep there are almost 60 spearmen here which is perfect because that means we can attack with a giant stack of spearfoot oh this is just cyberbullying oh poor little ai you don't stand a chance against me do you well what are we gonna do with the remaining 390 000 that we have in the bank well naturally we're just going to give it over to this guy over here that's right here take all of my lovely money now we'll keep about 14 000 of it back uh just for safe keeping but as you can tell that's a nice copies quantity of cash for us to enjoy so of course ladies and gentlemen we should be gaining a nice little bit of money next turn who knows how much money we might be gaining well naturally um we're now going to gain over a hundred thousand a turn from uh our lovely investment banking situation oh god this is too much money this is far too much money oh i love you ai you're completely broken oh this is fantastic right i'll be back in a bit once it gets broken even further you know what i'll be back once i've achieved a million how's that shouldn't be too many turns now well this is it ladies and gentlemen turn 99. we have 990 000 gold in the bank we are just creating our i don't even know what number army this is okay this is army number eight comprised of just spearman being created and splurted out into this world and uh the siege of argol mid-gal is going great of course next turn though is an important turn it's the turn where we're going to manage to generate exactly 1 million for the first time ever and my goodness what an incredible journey it's been to get here it took a whole bunch of effort of setting up supply chains conquering territories really investing in infrastructure oh wait no we didn't do any of that no instead we just went into the stocks and shares trade and my goodness is it perfectly balanced look at that 1.1 million gold in the bank truly it's a perfectly balanced thing indeed so with our 1.1 million in the bank what are we going to do well we're going to give all of it to these lovely orcs here that's right our good old banking investment society here you go have a payment of 1.1 million dear god it's insane right one million gold given away uh we have a hundred thousand gold in the bank but of course if we end our turn we're going to be gaining a little bit more than a hundred thousand each turn now because effectively we've pretty much doubled the amount of gold that i'm gonna have to guess that they have stored up if not we've at least gotten pretty darn close to it okay due to the rate at which we generate money it now takes us only five turns to make over a million gold which is perfect because every time we dump a million that quantity decreases meaning soon it will only be three tons before we can make a million and then one day it'll only be one turn until we make a million oh dear oh dear oh dear and there we have it ladies and gentlemen in just four turns we've been able to generate yet again another million and this is on top of the fact that we're now spending a large amount of money just maintaining our army we're now up to nine armies meaning our army upkeep is increased by 56 percent which is getting slightly insane however it matters little our armies are glorious and perfectly balanced and my goodness in a few turns time will start our march on the broken axe clan and we'll probably be able to completely and utterly destroy them with armies comprised of just spare units anyway let's make yet another glorious million deposit so take all of my lovely money and let's see how much money we make after just one turn remember we started a hundred thousand here how much do we end up with well we don't get well over 300 thousand gold a turn oh good god this is insane well i mean with 400 000 gold in the bank we might as well just deposit it all again because i mean what am i going to be able to spend any of this money on we make hundreds and hundreds of thousands per turn it's going to take me a lot to build an army that can even use up the amount of money we're making oh god right well um i'll come back to in a few turns once the money-making goes even more wild and i've built an army which takes up pretty much the entire screen oh god what am i doing well um it's turned 125 and um yeah we're in the death spiral now we have 200 000 gold in the bank uh which is a lot of money in the bank quite a little bit of money but of course now whenever we end our turn because we've invested so much money into the top-notch investment banking scheme things get a little bit funky because now we have almost one million appearing every single turn i mean how how is this okay we can defeat every single army that comes our way don't see just how broken it is check out this incredible maneuver that i'm about to pull we get afari in here backed up by two more stacks behind him and suddenly we have three full stacks of spearmen ready to just auto resolve this giant stack of goblins to death a scaboosh and it's an insta kill it just works but yep we're the number one strongest fraction in the world because we have unlimited armies we have unlimited money entirely just because instead of actually building up an economy base we just simply give a whole bunch of money to an orc and then that very same orc as well as a whole bunch of other orcs takes the money that they have in a stockpile somehow duplicates it and gives us that duplicated money it just works ladies and gentlemen right i think i've broken the game um so we have 12 armies in total each army is practically identical it is a lord and then 19 units of borg standard spearmen now of course if we take 12 and times by 19 that gives us 228 meaning we have 228 units of spearmen now that means considering each unit of spearmen contains 120 spearmen and we have 228 of them that means we have a grand total of 27 360 spearmen that means um i i guess our virtual elven fantasy kingdom is now a horde faction but more importantly i'm pretty sure that means they have a larger military force than the entirety of iceland and um maybe even scotland i i don't even know at this point it just seems like a big number and uh yeah we now gain around about 900 000 gold per turn yeah we're never gonna run out of money uh in fact we can't even spend all this money there's just no way for us to do that no we've completed the game in fact but there you have it ladies and gentlemen this is how to completely and utterly play total war warhammer 2 in a way which the developers never intended we turned this grand strategy game into an investment banking simulator and took one of the elite fighting forces and made it into a horde faction to rival the skaven honestly can't wait to get my hands on total warhammer free and heck you know what if you like this video and comment on it there's a very real possibility that the traction of this video will be enough to secure myself an early key that's right creative assembly wink wink dodge nudge i can even qa test your game for you early wouldn't that be lovely anyway as always thank you very much for watching this has been an absolutely stupid challenge and i really enjoyed pulling it off for today's video so heck if you want to see more stuff like this why not consider subscribing we'd absolutely love to have you and make sure to refill your cup of tea if you haven't refilled your cup of tea i'm immensely disappointed in you anyway as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our majestic patrons who make these fantastic videos all the more possible seriously thank you very much equally all of you youtube channel members there's now actually quite a lot of you and i should probably start doing things for you rather than just the occasional secretive poll so make sure to get something fun prepped in the next few days anyway as always i'll be seeing each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day my friends and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,119,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, warhammer, total war warhammer, total war, tw, tw warhammer 3, tw warhammer 2, funny, spiffing brit, video game exploit, strategy, strategy game, simulator, hedge fund, total war warhammer 2, total war warhammer 3, total warhammer, warhammer 3, warhammer 2, exploit, perfectly balanced, the spiffing brit, perfectly balanced game, money exploit, game exploit, rpg exploit, total war exploit, rt game, total war warhammer gameplay, warhammer total war, montage
Id: n4nEuhymZqo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 4sec (1804 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 08 2021
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