BANNERLORD ARCHER ONLY CHALLENGE IS BROKEN - Bannerlord is Perfectly Balanced game with no exploits

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oh i'm so sorry enemy force you were really not designed to fight us oh my goodness it's a massacre ladies and gentlemen an absolute massacre hello there ladies and gentlemen i'm the spiffing brit and today you join me once again in the fantastical world of mountain blade 2 bannerlord now the developers have just released a brand new balancing update that's right we're on version 1.5 now ladies and gentlemen and alongside that update they added a whole bunch of new skill trees for the archery classes oh and that's just what i've been waiting for so that i can exploit the game and create the ultimate meme army because today we're going to try and beat bannerlord using only ranged units that's right it's going to be archers only from this point on but of course we won't just be exploiting the ranged units of the game we'll also be choosing things so that we have infinite experience infinite money oh and also there may or may not be a teleportation glitch thrown in here for good fun just about everything in this game can be exploited and so that's exactly what i'm going to do so sit back and relax ladies and gentlemen because we're about to unleash a whole bunch of chaos on the world of cow radio let's start a brand new campaign now of course ladies and gentlemen when it comes to starting a new adventure and building an archer only army you're going to want to pick a faction which is relevant and for us we're going to pick the vlandians the reason why is simple they're going to give us more xp after each battle this is important because starting out the game we're not going to be able to recruit archers no we're going to have to recruit regular bog standard peasants and then level them up to being archers via having them simply observe us fighting a whole army of looters in a battle and only then can we get an army comprised of only archers now that we've chosen our culture it's time for us to design our character and my goodness this must be lovely beefcake here as much i would love to play as him i've got some other things planned firstly we're going to meta game this and make our characters small so they can dodge missiles now if you couldn't already tell who we're making ladies and gentlemen this is going to be none other than the legendary robin rude that's right not to be confused with his cousin robin hood who steals from the rich to give to the poor this is hobbin rude who steals from the poor to give to himself who is the rich so i guess it's all fine now hobbin rude is naturally as you can imagine going to be a very very powerful archer and so we're going to make him into one of the most powerful and terrifying military leaders and wealthiest men cowbrady has ever seen all we need to do now is design his backstory now logically you'd want us to send him down an entire backstory of being an archer and going on hunting missions but no ladies and gentlemen you don't want any of that instead blacksmith every single point you can put into blacksmithing you need to put into blacksmithing and if you can't do that you're putting points into endurance those are the only two categories he doesn't need to start out with any skills with bose no it is entirely points into smithing that he needs trust me so we're going to make it so that hobbin rude here rode with the scouts he also invested a whole bunch of his own money into a workshop and then when it came to our backstory of us trying to escape from the bandits that stole our families we didn't drive them off with arrows no instead we rode off on a fast horse because this gives us extra endurance i'm sorry family you'll have to find your own way out and now we need to enter our name we shall be the legendary hobbin rude now of course we're going to be playing on the regular difficulty because it's going to add in a fun bit of challenge and also completely destroy the balance in the game and all we need to do is decide our character's backstory and then we're good to go oh bugger and the game's crashed goddammit bada lord oh early access game early access game ladies and gentlemen alright and after a quick restart we're back ladies and gentlemen and we've been thrown immediately into customizing our clan's banner now of course we are of the hood clan and we need something to represent our bowie goodness considering how probably self-obsessed hobbin rood is we're going to simply get a painting of him riding on horseback eating an arrow into someone we're gonna go for this very funky looking banner isn't that just absolutely visually nauseating that's exactly what i'd expect from you so because of how we've set up our character we've started out with immediately an ability to invest points into riding and smithing this is perfect because we don't actually need to start out with points and bows because we're going to learn it very soon also make sure to spend any spare focus points you have lying around immediately into smithing because we're going to need it anyway when it comes to smithing you're going to want to pick up efficient charcoal maker it's one of the most important things to learn and then in the riding category we're going to increase our maneuver by 10 there we go lovely stuff and we can immediately begin with the game now of course ladies and gentlemen before we start make sure you sat back relaxed you have a nice warm cup of tea in hand because you're going to need it and most importantly if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even give this video a like thank you very much now straight away we're going to try and recruit up some men because we're going to need some assistance if we're ever going to get into a fight or rather we're going to need some people to learn from us now we start out the game with a thousand gold and honestly i'm afraid that's not enough to really survive and so we're going to need to find a way of making money luckily this game has a multitude of ways of making money and so we're going to grab this one imperial recruit and i'm going to be taking this one guy on an adventure of how to make stupidly large amounts of money in mountain blade bannerlord now luckily because we've just started out the game and we have basically nothing we have an incredibly fast speed when it comes to crossing the actual map a speed of 6.5 basically means that none of the ai is going to be able to catch up to us another thing is we're being chased by a band of looters they number as five and honestly i think it might be a good idea to try and fight them the reason is simple whilst i technically have an army comprised of two imperial recruits that i can't use because they are melee infantry i have myself and i have a bow and consequently if i can kill five of these looters then i can use the experience and level up my peasants into a natural fighting force and so hobin rood's adventures must now begin immediately i'm gonna have my men run away to the other side of the battlefield as just as far away as i can get them and now i'm going to try and take out all of these looters solo oh lovely they have to cross a bridge there we go that's one looter down and what we have to really do is watch out for the rocks that these guys are going to be throwing but honestly they're not too bad there we go there's another looter down and another and another there's just one last looter let's quickly find him we've got 10 shots left so i'm pretty sure we can close this out where are you oh you're trying to get to my lovely infantry infantry run away run infantry run don't let him catch you don't throw a rock at my peasants i need them to learn how to be archers stop it behave you ow you silly sausage stop throwing rocks at me there we go battle complete five looters dead and hopefully my men have learned a bit about how to fight and we get some prisoners as well lovely stuff oh and some equipment this is even more valuable i'd say all in all a very good first combat now immediately upon spawning in you're going to want to make your way over to the greatest location to make money in the entire world and that is all the way up here it's the city of onerou i mean there is probably better places but this is definitely the closest to spawn the reason why this location is so good is simple it has access to a resource which not many other cities do and it's a resource that you can make a lot of money with it is of course hard wood which is basically wood but harder and we can use that hardwood and make stupid amounts of money what's that five more looters perfect let's do the fight chase them down come on hobbin rude chase down the looters so once again a whole bunch of looters are now charging up onto my lovely men once again they have to cross a bridge but that's okay if anything that makes it a little bit easier for me oh yes this is nice and easy lovely stuff all the looters are now dead and our bow skills actually increased to 25 perfect or even gained an additional prisoner lovely right now i've traveled all the way over to the city of honora here for one very important reason it has very cheap hardwood for sale but most importantly it also has a decent supply of weapons and the weapon we've been looking out for is this one right here a pugio it is worth 261 gold and it is actually one of the most valuable weapons in the game technically although the game doesn't know how to calculate it you see when it comes to weapons the way a game calculates how much weapon is valued is by how much damage it does a pugio here is a throwing knife consequently it's not very valuable because it only does 28 cut damage and the way a game values how much damage a weapon does it takes the first type of damage it does in this case swing damage rather than thrust damage meaning a pugio is a garbage weapon which should only be worth basically nothing the only issue is the pugio isn't actually just worth that much because a pugio is actually made using some of the most high value resources in the game it contains fine steel steel iron and raw tine now what we're going to do is smelt some charcoal very cheaply using two of our hardwood and then we're going to smelt down this pugio which cost us 250 gold immediately we've discovered some new ways of making weapons but most importantly we've turned the pugio into some much much more valuable resources now the other thing we're going to do is smoke down the weapons we stole off of the bandits and take a look at some of the weapons we can make now the weapon i really want to make is a javelin but sadly we have no way of making a javelin until we actually unlock one of the shafts of a javelin which will take a decent amount of resources until then we need to find a way to actually make money via making weapons now as i mentioned the best way to make money off of a weapon is to make sure that it has a very high base attack damage this is where the game gets a little bit broken because it basically means that no matter how fancy a dagger is you can crank everything to the maximum because the weapon's damage is based off of this number here the thrust pierce damage it's only ever going to be worth as much as another cheaper weapon which does 35 first pierce damage this means that sure crafting this dagger would be lovely and we can use up some fancy steel doing it there we go we can use up a whole bunch of steel making this including two fine steel oh look at this lovely dagger the only downside is this dagger which would take 157 skill smithing to actually make is garbage in comparison to a piece of trash the piece of trash i'm talking about of course would be this two-handed axe or technically it's just a hoe because this does 62 base damage making it twice as valuable as that crappy dagger but this time it only uses cheap crappy crude iron but in order to get crude iron we're going to need to melt down some weapons i recommend buying throwing daggers because once again these are very cheap to buy and have good resources inside of them they're cheap to buy because they don't do much damage although technically they're good weapons and just look at that they're filled with iron now we're going to melt down some iron pitchforks into some crude iron this is going to be what we're making guard two-handed axe out of and for the time being we're going to have to sleep because we don't have infinite endurance now that we've rested for a bit it's time for us to forge our first weapon we could make this awesome two-handed sword with just 41 first pierce damage however this sword is actually garbage in combat two-handed swords are incredible because they have high swing cut damage but when it comes to smithing they're not actually that good because the weapon is sold off of its thrust pierce damage rather than swing cut damage if you were to change the head of the sword to something which only is able to be swung like say this long falc's blade here then suddenly the swing cut damage can go up to 130 and there is no first pierce damage meaning this is one of the most valuable weapons in the entire game despite technically not actually being too difficult to craft but anyway in order to train ourselves up we're going to start making some lovely hoes so this will have a swing cut damage of 65 and the way you level up your smithing skill is not actually doing a whole bunch of smithing or complicated smithing it's simply making a valuable weapon and i'm going to also make a one-handed axe just because i think it will gain a little bit more experience even if it's not too fancy there's a bit of money to be made here there we go two skill points in smithing that wasn't too bad but the main reason we're doing this is just so that we can unlock more parts the more parts we unlock the better and we can even sell this axe for a little bit of gold it's not too much but it's enough to keep us healthy now in order to make more money i'm actually going to take this mission of army of poachers because it will give us a little bit of gold now the thing is you will eventually hit a snowball in smithing where you just make infinite money with every single item you smith but until you hit the point where you can craft the specifically mega broken weapons it's basically rng of waiting until you unlock the best parts now i need more weapons to break down and for that i need to kill looters although there is a metric ton of looters running around is a slightly too larger stack than for me to actually be able to solo them what i'm trying to unlock is actually pointing to leadership so that i can pick up the raise the meek bonus so that all of my crappy troops gain experience meaning that i can auto level them up to archers without ever even having to take them into combat right now i need access to some more crappy weapons and so for that i'm going to travel all the way down to dynustica although actually there's some looters here six looters i can take that if i'm able to take out this party of six looters then that's some additional weapons for me to melt down oh beans mountain bandits no no no no no no mountain bandits we're not ready to fight you here let me pay you to let me go away 167 gold down the drain but i'm afraid it's necessary because fighting mountain bandits with only myself is not a very smart thing to do i risk losing all of my men and that's something that we can't have happen and lovely inside of this city there are two pugios for sale now as we know pugio's meltdown into some of the best resources this game has to offer at the same time you can kind of see just how broken the economy of this game is because you have narrow swords here which are technically very very decent weapons to have but they're being out valued by these bearded axes because they do more base damage 83 cut damage in comparison to 70 cut damage is a very big evaluation this is 58 cut so it's only 1 941 this here is 83 meaning it is 7 000 gold trust me there's a balance in there somewhere so it's time for us to smelt down our pugios into some lovely high level resources and now it's time to try and make an actual very valuable weapon now the interesting thing about what i'm about to make is it's going to actually be really really cheap this is a two-handed pole arm which is effectively a sickle on the end of a stick but this sickle on a stick has 59 piece damage which is a lot more than the short simple pike head it's even more than the short simple spearhead and it's even more than the takamanashi steel leafs shaped spearhead which uses some of the most expensive resources in the game and only has 37 thrust damage well we're no longer doing thrust damage ladies and gentlemen we're doing swing pierce damage so we shall be able to craft what is effectively a farming utensil yet it will be valued at quite a high level or we've leveled up our smithing and even gained a level ourselves perfect also i'm going to be investing my level 25 of beau stuff into dead aims all boat troops in my army gain increased archery skill this is very important right i'm now going to create a lovely one-handed axe with 58 swing cut damage that's leveled up our little sniffing a little bit more but most importantly unlocked a few more items for us what i'm really trying to unlock is the hammerhead of this wooden mallet the reason why is because this is one of the cheapest items in the game to make and yet it has some of the highest blunt damage this game can process meaning this weapon here is stupidly valuable for what it is the issue is i haven't unlocked it just yet alright i'm going to craft a two-handed sword now which will hopefully sell for a little bit of money there we go we gained three skill points in smithing we're almost at level 50 which is where you want to be because being at level 50 means you'll discover more and more smithing templates and let's sell this two-handed sword and this crafted mace making a little bit of money but it's not as much as i'd like to have in the bank oh and oh my goodness we've gotten very lucky we've just unlocked the first setting in the two-handed sword which actually massively increases the first pierce damage of the weapon there we go we can now reach 47 first pierce damage which might not sound like much but trust me this is actually kind of huge all right let's craft up this bad boy there we go three more skill points into smithing we're now level 49 we're getting pretty close here i can sell that sword for a grand as well so we've now made a tidy profit we're up to 3 000 and we'll just wait here some time and then we'll have to buy up some more weapons to melt down for resources oh there we go we finally become level 51 perfect that's exactly what we want to have so we can now sell this weapon for a nice 963 and most importantly we've now unlocked curious smelters so we increase the rate at which we learn new designs by a hundred percent now the snowball of smithing can commence all right time to forge yet another two-handed sword there we go that will unlock a nice few additional bits of crafting components for us and we also get to sell this bad boy for some money there we go now what i've done to cheese the system is i've just smelted this bent razor head and as you'll notice there's a whole bunch of things just being unlocked on my screen the reason why is because as i mentioned weapons are calculated based on how much damage they do and this bent razor head does a stupid amount of damage look at that 136 swing cut damage swing cut damage is completely utterly broken consequently we've just unlocked a million parts and created ourselves a weapon witcher let's see how much it sells for oh it's worth 87 000 gold our character is basically just um level nothing but he's just from crafting that one weapon gone up to level 123 and smithing he is now effectively a god of smithing oh my goodness all right we're going to make it so that he can learn new designs even faster and he also has a chance to create a fine weapon but yeah we're just going to be bombarded by all the things that we've just unlocked on our screen for like the next millennia because we've gone up a couple of levels we can now invest additional focus points into our bow skills we can upgrade our endurance an additional point and now when we enter into the smithy there'll be a few more things unlocked all from this one lovely stupidly broken razor head oh it is just fantastic and we're going to need more steel if we're going to want to make another weapon like that and of course best way to make steel ladies and gentlemen is to melt down your fancy throwing knives because they are full of steel although actually we should probably do the ultimate trade deal so for this trade deal we're going to buy all of the horses in the local town because you know we need the horses to carry goods and also so that we can just teleport across the map really quickly so we'll buy all of that we'll also buy these expensive weapons here we're then going to go down to the fancy throwing knives we're going to buy as many throwing knives as we humanly can then also going to buy a whole bunch of grain meat butter we can buy a whole bunch of additional beer some fish some cheese we're basically buying as much as we can because it's going to make our men very happy and then we're going to simply sell them our lovely incredible javelin and we're going to get 27 000 gold they don't even have enough money to complete the trade deal but it doesn't matter there we go we're now up to 30k all in all i'd say that was a brilliant trade deal right now because we have all of these horses we can now cross the map at a speed of 6.2 which basically means we can effectively fly we're going to head on over to the next nearest city to buy up all of their fine steel so that we can craft ourselves another one of those fancy blades right now that we're at this local town we're going to once again buy their lovely hugo along with the ziphofs and you know the simple bastard sword as well now let's enter the smithy and smell down that pugio now that it's been smelted down we can go into the lovely two-handed polearm section find our lovely insane weapon with a bent razor head or we can even upgrade the shaft a bit there we go that'll increase damage even further swing cut damage of 154 don't mind if i do right now this is looking very jazzy let us create this mega blade and forge perfect 227 weapon reach which adds basically is a multiplier to the first pierce damage and the swing cut damage and we've created ourselves 15 additional points into smithing and a whole bunch of lovely bonuses oh we've unlocked the mallet head there we go oh perfect now the mallet head it's not the same as the hammerhead but it'll do it's a good start now the reason why it'll do is because malik's a brilliant way of making stupid amounts of money first we're going to have to buy out this entire town supply of hardwood as well as also a few more horses to carry just all of our resources now two-handed maces are brilliant they have fantastic reach and decent blunt damage so we're going to be crafting them and they're going to be generating us a nice few little bits of resources it's not going to be as good as if we had the actual hammerhead because this is an insane weapon which you can make a stupid amount of money off of but still a basic mallet is still a decent amount of money now there's a mission in this local town which is to simply escort a caravan which of course i'm going to do because we'll get paid but most importantly this is going to hopefully increase our influence and also means we get to stop by many different little cities and these cities will hopefully have access to some of the resources that i'm looking for i'm going to make myself yet another two-handed polo whilst i'm down in the south on this trade mission and i would go an extra 26 points into smithing a whole bunch of new items have been discovered can i make a javelin yet i can make a javelin yes the money-making has arrived oh my goodness right javelins are the way to make immense quantities of wealth and guaranteed profits now that two-handed pole arm that we crafted has technically broken the game and become the most valuable weapon that this game has ever seen this weapon is valued at 106 996 gold which is the most gold any one item is able to be valued at in this game now what kind of weapon is it well it's pretty basic does 140 cut damage 45 ps damage and has a length of 186 statistically it's not actually as good as this but yet it is because the way the game runs its calculations this is the much better weapon and so is infinitely valuable and i'm going to be equipping this two-handed pole arm so that i can annihilate people whilst i'm on a horse and i'm going to be selling my super duper fancy stick whilst also buying up this town's entire supply of horses because horses make me go faster and there we go we did our mission we escorted the merchant caravan and got 2 400 gold honestly i don't particularly think it was worth it but it matters little because we can now generate infinite money so here at the lovely city of laircus here we're going to effectively start printing wealth as it's time for us to make javelins ladies and gentlemen now javelins are very cheap they don't cost many resources for example this head here is only going to cost us one iron and it's going to do 77 pierce damage make that now 84 once we've increased the size of the pine shaft and now we have ourselves a pretty formidable weapon it's only going to cost us one iron one hardwood and one charcoal basically nothing but because it does so much pierce damage this weapon is actually incredible there we go we've just gained two points into smithing gained a whole bunch of lovely bonuses but what really makes the javelin so spicy is the fact that they sell for so much money this javelin which cost us free crappy resources sells for 12 000 gold so we're gonna sell it and now we found the source of our infinite money because we can now convert three simple items into being very expensive items which are worth a lot of money oh there we go 18 points into smithing just by crafting this one weapon and you know we can craft it a second time and we'll bam 14 points into smithing our smithing is now up to 198. this is insane these two pole arms that i've created are just insane just the amount of money they're worth is absolutely stupid all right now i think it's time for us to return back to the imperial lands because the upgrade tree for imperial peasants is very simplistic and it's very easy to turn them into archers so as fun as my adventures into the steps have been and as nice and profitable as they've been i think i'm quite excited to get back to a land where you understand the true value of a peasant and that value being well just about nothing really oh ladies and gentlemen i've just spoken to hobbin and he's told me that he has a lovely one-off special for all of you for the first 8 000 people who like the video guess what hobbin is going to go into the house and rob them blind he's going to steal all of your possessions and then he'll melt them down and turn them into javelins worth more than the entire gdp of france that's right you can lose all of your personal possessions for just one simple like on a video what a great deal it is remember a failure to do this will result in hobbing just taking all of your belongings by force anyway back to the video now before i go on my rampage of building an army of archers i'm going to build one last two-handed pole arm this is one heck of a monster and it's gonna really do a huge amount of damage but as you can see it really doesn't take that many resources to make this bad boy and yet it's the most valuable weapon in the game just look at that bad boy it's beautiful i can make a second one why not perfect stuff i technically have two ways of generating experience for my men one way is to quite simply sit in a town in this instance i'm going to be escorting a caravan just trying to fall into a trap by these mountain bandits and then i'm going to move in and rescue them now after that one engagement all of our regular infantry can now be upgraded into arches which is just absolutely incredible right now i'm mostly just going to be training up my armies on a whole bunch of looters around here it's going to take a long while but the levels will be good i mean our army composition at the moment is now 14 archers and then six random peasant infantry and that's built up quite a formidable force because these 14 archers will be able to take out these nine looters no problem i won't even need to necessarily get involved just look at the legendary hobbin rude he's got his lovely little hood now which makes him especially jazzy and extra formidable at fighting anyway archers lose all your shots take out the lovely looters ah look at them go i even gained points and tactics from doing this i mean they're not the most accurate but honestly doesn't really make much of a difference and if a couple of peasants get hit in the process then a couple of peasants get hit what we will do is we'll always make sure to run our infantry around so as to bait the shots out and there we go glorious success none of our men died and we dropped the entire enemy force ah now what's this villagers fighting looters now this is a perfect opportunity kind of for all the wrong reasons though now the reason why you should always join in battles of villagers getting attacked is very simple it's so that you can train kind of infinite skills i mean this works generally on a much larger army of actually heavily armored men but we can demonstrate it here as well now after all of the looters have died and we've gained some lovely bonuses we still have 43 arrows lying around now we can use these 43 hours to increase our bow skills even though the battle is done because there's a ton of horses just sat here and the further away we are and provided we can do damage we can gain experience so there we go 36 damage delivered as a horse even further away headshot there we go good stuff 75 damage but the person we really want to aim for is that one random peasant that one random peasant isn't going to go anywhere there we go we hit the peasant in the head and there we go we gained a skill point in bow from just shooting our one friend oh and he's tragically died but it doesn't matter because we gained experience look at that we gained a point in riding oh yes so if you basically go into a battle with a very large allied force what you want to do is bring a whole bunch of arrows wait for the battle to end and then murder your friendly forces so as to gain stupid quantities of levels anyway that was a glorious fight and we've saved the villagers right ladies and gentlemen i'll be back in a short moments time after i get my clan rank up to level 2 which we just need 50 renown for so we're almost halfway there oh no this is it ladies and gentlemen the battle where i'm going to be able to train up all of my lovely lovely archery skills because a whole bunch of tribesmen here have decided to join me in a fight against just 18 looters oh it's perfect it's exactly what we want to see because these poor looters aren't going to be able to win so i'll just quickly run around swing my sword a bit you know just the basic stuff casual several hundred damage every swing and there we go the battle is won but now that the battle is won i have 47 arrows here which can be used to generate glorious experience so what i'm going to do is i'm going to get a nice distance from the actual large group of men here most importantly i'm going to be standing behind them so as to do more damage and now what i'm going to do is train up my archery skills by simply lining up a whole bunch of shots and firing into that massive crowd of people there we go bows now up another skill and as i hit a random recruit over there ah yes this is a lovely sweet spot we can just keep on plinking our bow over here and generate a nice large amount of experience lovely stuff i mean our riding skill and our bow skill are just increasing at a terrifying rate doesn't actually even matter that i accidentally just murdered someone from the allied side because it doesn't affect any relations this is simply just accidental friendly fire oh my goodness and there we go after that battle my skill with the bow has gone up to level 45 lovely stuff what a glorious good fight that was so welcome back to now my favorite demonstration of how to effectively gain immortality in this game so very simply we're fighting 26 mountain bandits these are some pretty decent units if we would have a natural fair fight they'd probably actually do some damage to my men but the most important thing is we're not going to give them a fair fight that's part of the fun of it all you see for some reason in this game at any moment in combat we're given an option and that option is to press the retreat button down here so how to gain immortality is actually very simple all we're going to do is wait for archers to unleash their first volley here it comes now good luck archers playing some good damage into the enemy there there we go we've killed a couple of them and now that the enemy is starting to get close all we're going to do is press the retreat button before the enemy has time to actually throw say a javelin back so we retreat our party after murdering about five of the enemy men and you'll notice there we go they're down to 22 mountain bandits we've got 21 and we can just go back in and attack again absolutely nothing has changed if anything we're actually on an even better starting position and now the enemies have to once again charge us you see especially when fighting against an enemy that cannot fight back we are effectively immortal given the fact that we can continuously reload every single engagement by pressing the retreat button so in comes the waves of the hillman very spooky men now that they start getting nice and close there we go they're prepping a javelin oh we could have pressed the retreat button although they are actually starting to run away of their own accord yes i don't think a retreat is necessary good stuff now you might be wondering why i chose now to do another mountain blade warband video well it's partly because they sent me this lovely little gift box with some lovely mountain blade goodies including maps and pins and all that it's just absolutely lovely the only issue is i've accidentally exploited them so i received two of these gift boxes and i was only actually meant to receive one so yes because i was given two lovely goodie boxes i thought it would make some sense for me to actually as an apology break the developers game for them now as part of my idea to generate more renown and more profitabilities i've started my campaign of robbing from the poor and giving to myself and as part of that campaign i've raided a massive quantity of villages owned by the southern empire and consequently that means i've technically gone to war with the meaning not only can i take their castles but i can also attack their random caravans so i've attacked this caravan here guarded by 37 men which is immense and what i'm going to do is i'm going to absolutely cheese the balance of this game which should take this fair fight which we would probably lose and make it into a guaranteed win situation you see what i'm going to have my men do is i'm going to have them stand in a loose formation now i need to get the enemy to attack because as soon as i activate them we'll be able to win so in order to get them to attack i just need to land a shot on the enemy over there oh and there we go now that i've murdered one of their men the enemy army is now going to begin its attack run and because it's beginning an attack run we're going to be able to begin operation cheesy cheese so with all of my archers lined up they're going to start unleashing volley after volley upon the enemy cavalry all i need to do is simply stay alive oh my goodness i just need to live and have a couple of these cavalrymen taken out oh goodness now this is very spooky now it's time for us to hit the retreat button and the reason why is because the enemy cavalry has made it into our lines which is dangerous and risky there's a chance we could lose an archer there so we need to restart this attack pattern probably position my men into a better location but luckily by restarting the attack we're going to be in a completely different bit of geography my goodness just look at this all right i've got my lovely wall of archers lined up now all i need to do is get the enemy to come over here and test it and so in order to do that i just need to activate their cavalry now technically i can have as many ghosts this battle as i like i mean the enemy isn't ever going to attack me because they're too scared and even if they did i could just immediately restart but this technically would allow me to solo every single one of these soldiers by killing them from range like this and there we go i've killed one of the caravan masters and that's going to cause the enemy cavalry and all of their soldiers to kick into life now chasing me which is exactly what we wanted because that now means the chase can begin and as part of the archer only strategy we are now going to bait all of these cavalry troops straight into the lines of our archers good luck archers you know what to do now so far we haven't lost a single archer but that could change at any moment and so now is going to be a good time to actually kickstart our formation as the enemy infantry is starting to pull in so i'm going to hit the retreat button now that we've massacred probably about half of the enemy cavalry and that's going to allow us to set up for our third attack on this group but this time our archers are going to be in a much much more comfortable position with all our archers get their health reset and we once again get to position them on a lovely hill time for me to go attack the remaining 10 cavalry oh wait the remaining 10 cavalry is coming to us lovely this time the ai wants to play aggressive now the good thing about all of our archers is that a lot of them are very high level meaning we have no issue with dealing with the occasional horse attack oh well there we go they're just all dealt with and now the archers start coming in and well that's going to be even easier to deal with oh and there we go the entire enemy force is now dealt with we've won the battle with only one casualty maybe two i don't know and they were our own player characters so that's hardly an issue yes two of our companions were sadly wounded but otherwise that's a glorious success for us and a huge amount of renown and all we had to do was play completely dirty in order to win that battle yes it was completely and utterly fair right from the moment when we decided that the enemy were no longer allowed to actually reach our lines ah what a glorious fight oh mine what's this a local enemy lord is coming to fight oh this is perfect now this local lord has 31 men and probably does not want to fight us the only downside is my army is faster than his and so we will catch up to him on the open plains and immediately try and attack him because this local lord is going to be giving us a whole bunch of experience if we manage to take him down oh and look some prisoners are ready to be recruited perfect look at that we now have 46 out of 46 men comprised of entirely ranged units oh this is just beautiful sorry enemy lord i would not like to be you right now but i need your renown for i need to get my clan tear up higher oh hello dabana what is this yes do i know you bracket's default should not appear okay ladies and gentlemen it's an early access game hello i am hobbin there we go so you've made quite the name for yourself yes um you know will surrender or die you've no wish to fight me i do not care yield or fight lovely stuff let us now attack a truly upgraded force of an actual military army led by account who probably holds a local castle or village well we're going to be decimating this army right now we're going to just mostly move all of my men back a little bit so that we can position our arches up on this lovely hill all that's going to matter is that i deal with these incoming horses before they cause a little too much chaos for my liking though it shouldn't be too difficult because as i say my archers are very good at holding their own and there we go the enemy leader has just been dropped in battle meaning the enemy forces will charge wildly into our lines which is exactly how we like it because that means they have now lost just look at all of these shots rained down we're going to be taking no casualties again aren't we oh i'm so sorry enemy force you were really not designed to fight us oh my goodness it's a massacre ladies and gentlemen an absolute massacre the power of the ranged only army he knows no limits just look at it it's like a verified machine gun unleashing on the enemy right they've only got some crossbow boys left and i'm pretty sure i can deal with these crossbow boys very easily sorry crossbow man oh that was nice and easy so we get 3.3 renown for that come on that was attacking a proper army only 3.3 right now i'm gonna have to attack more peasants aren't i oh what a perfect fight that was very fair and very balanced what's this a random lord has just exited this castle with only eight troops oh well this is something i can jump in onto this and there's another lord there with 70 men so i'll be fighting 78 troops logically a fight i have no chance in winning however i will not be fighting fair will i you think your 78 men will be able to stand against my highly trained force of 44 archers i wish you a swift f my friend because it is not going to be pretty right now logically we're going to immediately run everyone as far back as we can because there's a nice hill over here and the enemy doesn't really have any cavalry so we don't have to worry about that there we go yes i can see the enemy formation over there they have one cavalry unit which i can only presume to be their lord and then a whole bunch of infantry oh that infantry is going to get decimated as soon as it moves in range of our archers we can technically retreat whenever we like but even if it's a war of attrition i have infinite reserves and we can shoot really far across the battlefield so the enemy is doing an interesting strategy of running its 17 range units out into the front where it can be shot at first a bold strategy to be sure one which i'm sure will pay off and here come all of the shots now look at them go all of these lovely fancy infantry of yours i'm sorry they're not going to stand up against this many shots oh and here's the enemy lord right let's deal with them oh but what's this the enemy infantry getting close to our positions well it's a good thing i can just press that tactical reset button so let's press that now since we lost our two baiting companions at the front to the enemy infantry let's hit the restart now we're facing off against 29 men with r42 and this is going to be a lovely easy battle i mean i don't understand why this was even allowed in the game there's nothing about this is fair let's reset our arches to a lovely position and once again the enemy is now moving in for its attack we can cause additional chaos by simply running into the back of these infantry and that's going to cause them to turn around and face us and in doing so they now present their back to our archers and all immediately get dropped oh what's this the enemy of fleeing i've won the battle oh enemy what have you done you cowered you choose to run from battle wow you just teleport out of the battle well that was a glorious success a whole bunch of renown for that one of course and another glorious battle complete oh and this is it ladies and gentlemen the ultimate renowned farm a troupe of 98 soldiers has now attacked us the odds are not in our favor here this is obos and we will fight him to the last drop of our blood this is going to be the fight i've been looking for he's a bit upset cause we've been raiding his little village but using the pair of cheese we're going to be decimating his army by not allowing any of his men to even get close to us now luckily he only brought five horses with him which means he's not going to be too difficult to try and counter right and away our shots go and immediately i need to throw myself in front of the enemy so as to get a little bit of a distraction off not that i need to do much all i need to do is basically have my presence known and that's going to allow my archers to get in a lot more than they really should now the infantry is about to reach my lovely archers and so i'm going to hit the retreat button before i lose any of my men and so far it's been a good first fight we've managed to drop the enemy numbers considerably and in return i think we've only lost one soldier so far yes just one casualty so let's go in for our next attack now for some reason the poor enemy thinks that their archers are better than mine which has gone very poorly for them and so their main archer force is now routing in fact most of their army appears to be routing now was getting shot in the back by a whole bunch of my archers i think so far we've had two casualties and i'm not really sure what the ai is now trying to do are they all entirely trying to retreat no there's no way but just look at all of the arrows on the field of battle now this is just terrifying where on earth is the enemy going are they just running off the map now they've had enough yep they're going for the retreat okay i guess that makes sense all right there we go we defeated the entire enemy army we've won the battle gg 22 of them routed so that's 13 renowned for us all in all i'd say an absolutely excellent fight i mean that's what you get for attacking a force much smaller than your size but a force that knows very cheesy exploits and what's that you've handed me one of the highest level cavalry archers in the game just for free oh don't mind if i borrow that off of you what a lovely fight that was very fair very balanced well this is it ladies and gentlemen i finally managed to get my elite group of archers up onto the walls of this settlement it only took about a hundred arrows to the knee but horrend rood has managed it we've managed to capture this settlement using only a whole bunch of archers sat in a lovely position so as to give us as much of an advantage as possible and of course we glitched out the ai a metric ton that really did help us i mean i feel kind of sorry for the ai in part because they don't seem to really know how to function oh no i say that as i just get cut down oh well my remaining archers will surely be enough to actually win over the siege i think it's just the occasional crossbowman standing around now oh there we go we won oh we won the battle how much renown is that 35 renowned for that victory 12 men sadly died in this siege but it that's a sacrifice i am more than willing to take we took out a garrison over many battles of about 150 using only ranged units this is um really something my goodness oh right now we control the castle it is ours we've done it oh my goodness what a glorious fight all right we're going to wait at this castle for a very long time just so that our army can slowly rebuild itself it's going to be a while before the enemy actually decides to come along and try and teach us but until then we'll be very comfortable well here you have it ladies and gentlemen let me sit down in my lovely chair but my goodness just look at this smug sausage right here horrend brood is quite simply one of the greatest archers this world has ever seen but most importantly he's led so many powerful armies that he is invincible mostly because he continuously retreats as soon as the enemy gets close but from this point on we can defend the castle forever because whenever the enemy chooses to attack all you have to do is simply have your archers up on the walls as soon as the enemy gets close enough to mount any ladders just simply press the retreat button and then they have to start all over again but it's even worse for an attacking ai army because they're often slow get stuck on terrain and can easily be glitched out anyway i hope that i've been able to show off today just how overpowered an army comprised of only ranged units can be so this game's balance has been thrown a little bit of skew for this latest update but that's all okay anyway i've absolutely loved playing battlelord today and if you've enjoyed watching me then feel free to give the video a like and hop down to the comment section to tell me what your favorite aspect of bannerlord is also i've been pondering what video to do next i've got a few fantastic ideas you want to a see the return of 100 stats man b discover yet another fantastical minecraft exploit or c a lovely fallout 4 exploit bestowed upon us from the lovely todd howard himself anyway it's all up to you so hop down to the comment section and vote anyways always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic sausages who make up our lovely group of patreon seriously thank you very much for sticking around and helping us out and most importantly thank you all for accepting my latest change to the patreon which is to basically convert it into a corgi dumping ground where i can post all of the lovely pictures of my brand new corgi georgie who is absolutely adorable i mean just look at her she's got such a cute little face see yes that's what i've been doing with the patreon sorry but hey if you're new here then do consider subscribing and also if you wonder what video you'd like to watch next look no further than these ones on screen now hand chosen by myself to hopefully be absolutely perfect for you i think all of these videos are lovely and i'm sure that you're going to enjoy them as well so i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and good bye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,109,153
Rating: 4.9499607 out of 5
Keywords: Spiffing, Brit, perfectly balanced game, bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord challengee, bannerlord 1.5, archer only, archer only challengee, skyrim, skyrim necromancy challenge, is broken, elder scrolls, exploit, challenge, video game exploit, skyrim exploit, spiffing brit, rpg exploit, funny moments, rt game, can you beat skyrim, english, bannerlord only, bannerlord is broken, mount and blade, bannerlord challenge, ranged only, perfectly balanced, only challenge, can you beat
Id: wZf54cn3tIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 51sec (2571 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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