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so even though this Gavin's only deployed an army of 1700 and I killed 800 of them for some reason I managed to capture 1636 look I don't quite know how the statistics are working out on this one but Thank You Treach Craven tailed nonetheless your slaves go to fantastic hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm the spiffing Brits and today we're playing total war Warhammer - that's right it's that fantastic grand strategy game where you can simulate in real time what it's like to throw hordes and hordes of rat monsters against hordes and hordes of massive lizard monsters no over total war game can quite encapsulate just how ridiculously fantastic the series is but anyway today ladies and gentlemen you might be wondering what we're doing in total war Warhammer well naturally in true classic spiffing pradesh and wiggled we played the game but in a way which um is a little bit different you see normal total war Warhammer - would have you try and expand and conquer your foes use diplomacy to choose your way to success but I'm not actually interested in conquering lands no no no I am simply interested in having a ridiculously large amount of money I know money is fantastic I mean you can do practically everything with money you want an empire just have a lot of money and accidentally buy India it works every time anyone can do it anyway today we're going to be playing a brand new campaign of total war hammer - and naturally because we're gonna be putting a slight spin on it we're going to be playing as the dark house and we're going to be trying to generate as much money as possible with the fantastic assistance of slaves so I don't want a new game and this is where we have our first big important decision you can't play the eye of the vortex campaign this is what actually total war Harbor - is meant to be about however you want to play mortal empires ladies and gentlemen I'll explain why a bit later on basically mortal Empires makes the map bigger but by doing so they also make the regions on the map larger now we're going to be playing as the fantastic Malik F is basically an evil dark elf who is just trying to conquer and destroy most of the world initial challenge is apparently going to be a bit hard and spicy but don't worry ladies and gentlemen we should be able to pull it off now this strategy which I'm going to be adopting does actually work at all difficulties and there is a natural argument to be had for playing this game on legendary difficulty when you do this run now what is the actual strategy for today well it can be summarized into some rather simple steps number one do battles at the end of battles choose to get slaves slaves generate money slaves generate unrest unrest spawns more battles so whilst we are going to be gaining slaves naturally from just invading and attacking other AIS and all of that our best way of actually making slaves is going to be inciting rebellions we're going to basically be trying to find ways to cause rebellions to fire again and again and again because we can take the units which we kill from a rebellion and put them into our own provinces now the game does try to have a couple of ways to stop players from doing this as it is ridiculously overpowered but naturally there's a workaround anyway let's for ourselves into a game now remember ladies and gentlemen we here at spiffy Co don't believe in slaves we think it's a terrible way to treat a human being and we 100% do not support any of the action in this video indentured servitude work forces however oh now that's a different matter are you an unpaid intern how would you like to be paid even less then sign up to work at spiff co today we'll take anyone warning in chances if you're expected to of course offer up their firstborn child as donation and sacrifice to speak up if Kosova closed down due to either bankruptcy or the countess trophic collapse of the entire solar system caused by accidental experimental scientific tea research then it is your solemn duty to restart the business and revive overlords supreme marshal of the skies and ores everything says if upon doing so you'll be ranked up and your wage will be increased by up to nought point one people on our army generous all right BAM we're in the game it's fantastic so we're playing is the evil nagger infection we are genuinely about as evil as you can get we're at war quite a few people indeed werewolves hag grief to our self and naturally we'll probably just go down there and invade them but as you will notice this is a absolutely ridiculously large map we can actually capture all of this if we wanted to we could go all the way from over here to right the way over here and then just start colonizing everything and putting our fantastic work population to good use however instead of doing that ladies and gentlemen instead we're just going to be completely utterly choosing the game now our first opening move is just simply going to be going down to the south and actually attacking all of these people but now is actually probably the best time to demonstrate why I chose played mortal Empires and not the iver vortex campaign you see when it comes to actually creating slaves slaves are calculated on a provincial basis the more cities you control in a province the more slaves you can put in their province now each province can have a max total and if you fill up to that 100% total you lose 8 percent of your slaves per turn but of course if that total is higher you can make more money but enough way of looking at it is if we have 500 slaves in a province which can store 16,000 slaves we won't lose any slaves but if we have 500 slaves in a province which can only store a thousand you're going to be losing a couple of percentage of slaves per turn or so provinces with four cities or even five cities allow you to stack the bonuses which come with slaves meaning you generate even more money so basically we're going to be just trying to grab all of these fantastic provinces which have four massive cities in them the end of our first turn is rather simple just recruit a load of units and ever so slightly upgrade our cities now you might be wondering why we actually even want money what you see money is quite possibly one of the most important resources in this game money allows you to have more Lords more armies everything if you have any problems in this game it can just be solved by money you have too many enemy armies which are too high-tech and you can't defeat them for two armies at it and suddenly you've won instantly and for some reason the best way of making money is of course slaves I mean they're absolutely fantastic so that's exactly what we're going to be using them for anyway we've made our way up to the temple of Kain and instead of colonizing it or doing nothing I'm gonna actually search it that's hopefully we can get a free bit of goodies here oh god it's puzzle time Oh No who tells you some calculations okay BAM I've done it basically Sudoku it's blue one puzzle failed I'm a melon I'm an absolute melon [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's just like BAM I've got it no no you haven't you really have sometimes confidence is not the correct way to go about things I could this no but in this game is actually quite a bit of a tricky thing especially for some factions if you're playing Skaven then you might as well just wave goodbye to any money / food because the game just decides you don't need any and right now we're gonna have to sadly colonize the temple of Cain because I decided to beans up the magic fuzzlebut hey that's my bad anyway Nagrand our capital city can actually have an upgrade now my grand is a fantastic city because we can build some great things in it we've got torture pits they're fantastic we can also like to have some sorceresses and like hire some dragons eventually early turns are mostly just going to be sent like running our legendary Lords around just sniping up a couple of cities it's going to actually take a while to get our fantastic slave economy up and running but once it is up and running oh god it really runs so our enemy is foolishly decided to March an army into our land so naturally we're just going to do our classic welcoming Brigade and just crushed them I mean they're not even in our lands but we're gonna crush them anyway now the thing is the dark coves even though they sound like the big evil bad guy faction they're actually ridiculously defensive based I mean they're not bad when you try and like actually get them up close and fighting but all of their best bonuses are when you just have to wave after wave of ridiculously overpowered range units at behind a wall of Spears so that's exactly we're going to be doing which is gonna be set behind a wall of Spears or sweet pearl magic over the top of them and there we have it a relatively easy fight where I just sat in the corner of the map with my superior range and just wailed at them from a distance very tasty this is where you can definitely see where the balance of of the Dark Elves comes into play our spear infantry are literal short they're useless they have high defence but their attacks are about as effective as them just waving a soggy pool noodle in front of them as far as I'm aware they're not even using real space but hey at least they do have real shields that allows our fantastic dark shard crossbowmen to literally sit behind them and get almost a hundred kills which is ridiculous that's much more than our artillery piece did that's for certain BAM we managed to level up and of course most importantly we captured some enemy of course you could just get a hundred experience for all units which is interesting it's actually pretty useless considering most of our meat shields are just going to die anyway and our crossbows will level up over time so don't waste time doing that equally you don't need to ransom captives money isn't going to be an issue but replenishing is definitely something we want to do because more replenishment means we heal up faster and we get some slaves for it and slaves that's just free money now for you the lovely ladies and gentlemen at home this video is actually only going to be what like 20 to 30 minutes long but for me I'm actually going to be sat down for about eight hours playing total war war amber - there's a lot of turns to get through this game is quite slow what's really on turn ten we are already about fifty minutes into a recording session I'm never gonna stop recording but nonetheless we have our first set of slaves now they are actually pretty wrongly distributed we need to make sure that we are putting all of our slaves into the right place and that would be natural so what we want to do is see that we have some slaves over here in the black flood and just quite simply say no more slaves we don't want any more slaves going over there slaves in the Iron Mountain's however we want to load now the reason why is because there's 76 slaves in the black flood making one there's only an extra 15 or so in the Iron Mountain's and they're making 18 times that and that should roughly explain to you why you want to position your slaves in fantastically creative wacky ways don't worry ladies and gentlemen our survived recording this I've got a nice warm cup of Yorkshire tea drank today out of the fantastic and amazing spiff co approved tea consumption container or a mug as everyone else would call it right you know what I think it's each time we're gonna take Haag grave it looks great we've got some spicy boys here let's do this ah success another glorious siege battle this one was a little bit risky but as you can see our fantastic meat shield did their job splendidly and successfully almost died without just quite losing everyone now what we've just experienced was our first ever rebellion in our lands very exciting and it was very good fun and of course because we've had our rebellion BAM we get 75 slaves now that's not a lot of slaves but to be fair I did kind of deliberately not give the rebellion time to muster if you let the rebellion sit around for a while the rebellion will basically just gain more and more men mustering slowly over time but yes well BAM seventy-five slaves so when after four hundred fifty nine slaves which you're going to start generating even more money and also it's colonizing time that's right we've now got free cities in the black flood region but the fantastic thing is the actual rebellion army isn't gone yet so I get to have a second fight against them which is complete absolutely ridiculous oh yes I mean these battles they're absolutely great fun what you do is you just set your shields into like one corner of the map put cross movement above them and then just watch absolute chaos unfold it's great lots of profits to be ahead ladies and gentlemen Oh would you just look at this mountainous corner region we have over here that's perfect and here we are it's time for the chaos rebels to start running into a glorious firing line oh yes it's perfectly balanced good stuff indeed it honestly wouldn't surprise me if they retreat very quickly but you know we're going to have some fun with them oh look they're already starting to retreat there we go glorious victory very easy indeed and fantastic that's another 30 slaves to be added to the fold glorious stuff indeed now it's very important when early on in the game to not focus a ridiculous quantity on slaves because in these early battles you're not going to be generating a lot your Lords aren't actually going to be very skilled and collecting slaves I mean they're gonna be okay but if you take a look at some of the levels you can get you've got dreaded slaver which basically increases the amount of slaves you can capture at the end of the battles for example Plus 25% that's very good indeed however you don't want to get those kind of stats on a regular Lord like that you instead want to start using Malik F because Malik F can get the plus 25% from dreaded slaver but equal he can also get all of these fantastic bonuses up here like scoured and stripped which is plus 50% casualties captured post battles so if you play your cards correctly and actually manage to get multiple Lords into each battle you could theoretically capture a ridiculous quantity of slaves and of course if you don't want to capture slaves via their will don't worry you've got loads of research options as well like BAM as 15% captured from after battles so yeah you can't get plus 100% quite easily now this is how to properly do a battle ladies and gentlemen take a ridiculous army of massive size with just a bunch of shioda spare boys weaving poor new rules and a bunch of crossbow people and just wave assault them into a massive group of chaos warriors and capture not only phrygian 75 slaves but also a 19% unit replenishment which is ridiculous because that basically just means the armies up and running again now we've just one naturally yet another rebellion conflict they're all good fun they're great because I gained occasionally some magical artifacts from them we lose occasionally only you know a handful of spares but you know they're spear boys that pretty easily replaceable but we gained 252 slaves now what does 252 slaves do to our economy what we're generating 1596 gold per turn we capture 256 slaves and all of a sudden our economy is going to start going for a couple of extra changes you see up until a couple of turns ago this region here the blank flood which only has 249 slaves as you can see generating 1,000 the Iron Mountain's who have 700 slaves is just generating only 200 more than it meaning logically if we put more slaves into the black floods we're going to be generating a ridiculous quantity of wealth okay so I've just fought one of the quest battles of this game they're very challenging I must say it was good fun we did lose of course a ridiculous quantity of chump noodle boys yeah they can actually hold up that well against massive great Knights with holy weapons which produce flames and all that but otherwise the course were boys they did fantastic but yes with this quest actually completed we're going to be given a fantastic relic item which we going to be able to use ourselves to make Malik F even more powerful in battles and also hopefully conquering because we could do some more lands you know to store willing workforce populations in that's right I'm going to use creative language skills to dodge the YouTube Autobot which is going to naturally massively catastrophic leda monetize this video but how can you stop the D monetization process we'll go down into the comment section and type happy words nice words and this video for some reason be seen as being nice I guess oh goodness and hey while Sioux down there why not give the video a like because everyone who gives this video like congratulations when you of course eventually turned into being a unpaid intern for the fantastic Swift Co Corporation those who like this video will be receiving a yearly company bonus that's right we'll be giving you one free used Yorkshire t-bag ladies and gentlemen used by companies supreme marshal spiff himself i know keep it as an heirloom day - alright so welcome back anyway ladies and gentlemen it's turned 78 with this essentially an entire day after I started recording because I sat down played for six hours and then I kind of had a break recorded with hat films and now I've sat backed out again and I've been playing for like the last two hours just you know progressing the game a bit but I think I've now hit the point where I'd like to show off what I've created so we have eleven thousand four hundred and forty slaves and we are currently turning a profit of around about seventeen thousand gold per turn which is very nice basically our total income per turn is about 26,000 however we're having to spend around about a thousand per turn just keeping our armies up and running which honestly isn't actually too much but where is all the money coming from well it basically all comes from one entire province the Iron Mountain's now the Iron Mountain's is a very unique province it's where we have our most slaves if we see the Iron Mountain's it has a slave capacity of 12,500 and we've managed to put 6400 in there so as you can see ladies and gentlemen we're generating 4,000 gold per tonne just from having our slaves inside the iron mountains but that's not actually the best part you see slaves don't just generate a basic income from sitting there you see once we do have buildings like the slave market over here which gives us a base rate of 15 gold per turn per hundred slaves and the most important part is that slaves provide an increase to the actual amount of base money being made in the region you see slaves over here are very important because these unpaid interns can effectively triple the actual amount of money each province is generating as we can see the actual income increase that just having 6,000 slaves in this one province has is a ninety 7.4 percent increase to our income so take a look at that Rachel only meant to be earning around about 5,000 but thanks to the legendary slaves we've basically doubled that and we haven't even filled up this province yet ladies and gentlemen this province by itself is paying for all of our expenses in one go first lose all of my other lands I could still wield for practically full armies yes I know this game is very unique indeed and this isn't even theoretically the most optimal way of doing it you see as slaves effectively multiply what they already have if you put the slaves in a region where a large amount of money is already being generated and lo and behold you're gonna generate even more money so the perfect setup you're going to want for effectively all of your minor cities would be something along the lines of one building in a settlement which produces money and then a variation of either something which increases slave income or something which also increases slave income although if you're having issues with actually holding the province just found a couple of torture posts and were bound public order is perfectly fine now the black flood here is most likely going to become the most profitable products in the entirety of the known universe so whilst Malik F is busy beating back all of the slaves to the south we're actually having a fantastic time devourer homelands just generating a ridiculous amount of money and we haven't even kind of hit the most optimum point because if you were to actually raise up another army and go take careened car with it there's a building in here which actually decreases the amount of slaves declined rate and also increases the amount of money they produce anyway we're gonna try and cheese this a little bit more and I'll get back to you even later probably several hours down the line what's even more unpaid in terms of being collected two hours later I've just Auto resolved one of the greatest battles I think has ever happened basically the scavenge and Treach craving tell himself the most powerful of scavenge got control of the settlement over here and I thought you know what I might as well go attack it scavenge are a great source of slaves because their units are just so plentiful in numbers so even though this Gavin's only deployed an army of 1700 and I killed 800 of them for some reason I managed to capture 1636 look I don't quite know how the statistics are working out on this one but Thank You Treach Craven til nonetheless your slaves are going to do fantastic out of we can loot an occupy for over 1700 slaves I forgot about that yes we're now twelve thousand slaves and because we've increased from like 10,000 to 12,000 in one turn our income has of course increased by about three thousand yeah that's just kind of how the system works and we still only have 45 percent slaves in this region if anything the number of slaves currently in Nagrand has gone down due to the fact that I haven't actually been sparing out a load of battles although I do believe I have some way to kind of manipulate the system add some brand-new technology researched as well daylight denied providing us with an extra 10% income from slaves and increased income from iron and gold mines all very nice indeed and Kree would you just look at that auto resolve auto resolve are you seriously saying no there's absolutely no way you can win this one I'm afraid spirits positively impossible great so I have to sit down to this one myself fantastic game it's a loss from the one from my total war games having to actually fight the battles honestly that fight actually wasn't too bad I just sat at the back of the map and let all of my brain to deters completely wail away and destroy the enemy before they even could touch me honestly supremely imperfect fighting style wins every time see the dark curves or the dork elves as some people like to call them know they don't really have any units that are actually any good of fighting particularly their range units are decent but I mean kind of just like a slightly worse equivalent of the High Elves but the one thing they do have on their side is unpaid interns willing to work in coal mines 24 hours a day seven days a week with no holidays it's perfect right bam we're back it's turned it8 we've been having a nice fun little slow campaign here in total I'm to some fantastic things have happened oh we've managed to conquer up to the broken lands and of course up to Ward's like the sieve chaos and all those evil places which you don't really want to hold but we're actually starting to get into the perfect point in the game these slave phone points now what is a slave farm exactly well it's relatively simple ladies and gentlemen you see over here we have a set of lands the black spine mountains I do believe they're not exactly great in fact they're positively terrible as you'll notice because of the horrific the uninhabitable climate we have a constant miners free public order to effectively each and every one of our settlements which means that effectively a rebellion is guaranteed to always happen here constantly there is physically no way to avoid this rebellion now if you have a rebellion in a province where you have slaves part of your slaves are involved in that rebellion so consequently you lose slaves every time you have a rebellion for that reason you want to have your slave heavy provinces be very happy you want them to be the happiest places on earth however when it comes to provinces with none of your unpaid interns it matters little if anything you want to incite as many rebellions as possible simply so that you can throw wave after wave of intern harvesting armies after them of course one thing you can do is also buy a load of assassins who can sit in various regions and consequently increase the local slave income by 10% this leads to some pretty wacky situations where as you can see we're generating a relatively crazy amount of money and we haven't even hit our cap as you can see we have eight thousand seven hundred fifty out of possible seventeen thousand five hundred it's a ridiculous amount of money we could be making to the point where we could actually be covering all of our costs from this one region alone of course this isn't our only region we now also have the black flood to pour loads of unpaid interns into and the broken lands but the broken lands come of a special building called the slave traders palaces this is a very special building indeed ladies and gentlemen as it increases all profitability as well as decreasing the decline rate everywhere basically just making this strategy all the more powerful now I'm going to be demonstrating our fantastical intern farming capabilities as next turn a rebellion is going to be rising up isn't it great when you know where a rebellions gonna be when it's gonna spawn all of that fantastic good stuff but anyway fantastic news the rebellion has started and consequently this means we can grab our army right here and just slam it into the rebellion and we'll BAM it's time to fight a rebellion for some reason I'm actually going to have to fight this myself because the game believes that seven groups of crossbow boys and five heavy spear infantry isn't enough to beat a couple of Skelly boned boys who are literally rated as being meat shields with no good abilities but that's fine you know we'll fight them yeah the auto resolved system in this game is just completely naturally broken just don't try stick now if you want to get technically more captives from the end of your battle you can just let the enemy army muster for a couple of turns but as my occupying force it isn't actually that large yet I'm going to sadly not be able to do that if it was the case though you theoretically could just have a absolutely massive army and then wait for the AI to amass a huge 20 stack themselves and then throw yourselves against them anyway let's have a quick fight and we'll BAM fantastic they rebelled and we get 254 slaves a fine addition certainly not the most efficient way of doing things but it's a good one and of course when your lords level up you can make them capture even more and more if I would structurally be smart about this I'd probably take Malik if himself over here and plug him down and he'd make a much more efficient capturing system of the whole affair anyway ladies in general this has been my brief foray into total war Warhammer - ladies and gentlemen if you have indeed enjoyed your experience and want to try and show some support for the ridiculous amount of time we've put into this video and feel free to give the video a like and hop down into the comments section and tell me which game you'd like to see next or if you have any other Total War exploits of Bureau then feel free to give me a shout of course there are lots of fun little things you can do with the Skelly boys when it comes to choosing their research treat and there's also the fact that the brand-new Skaven Lord is completely overpowered and broken because he literally has a nuclear bomb anyway this game's fantastic and I absolutely love it as always a massive thank you to each and every one of our majestic patrons who make these fantastical videos all the more possible genuinely thank you very much I'm gonna be trying to look into fun new things to do with you guys in the new gear I'm hoping that maybe we can do a couple more community games we'll see about it anyway and of course if you're wondering what video to watch next look no further than this one advertised on screen now and chosen by myself to be absolutely perfect why not consider subscribing because you know that way you just can't get rid of me you can never get rid of me I'm there always how much your right your left you don't know anyway I'll see you never worried in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 993,321
Rating: 4.9415717 out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, british humor, total war warhammer 2, total war, total war warhammer 2 is a perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced, infinite money, infinite money slave challenge, video game challenge, video game exploit, english, tw warhammer, tw warhammer 2, total war exploit, warhammer, warhammer 2, warhammer slave only, only challenge, money glitch, money exploit, rt game, funny clips, high elves, warhammer total war, massive battle
Id: Kq2dv26qDeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 7sec (1567 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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