Breaking The Guild 3 By Legalising Crime - Guild 3 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits

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my influence knows no bounds my coffers no no limits bendover has become the financial king of the medieval ages and who knew all it would take is legalizing pickpocketing what a strange and unexpected way to generate infinite money who could have seen that coming hello there ladies and gentlemen are you a poor peasant dreaming of a brighter tomorrow well have i got the game which isn't for you because this is the guild free a game about peasant persecution and monopolistic corporations all formed in the 1400s surely it doesn't necessarily make historical sense to have mega corpse cropping up all over medieval europe but honestly historians have no control here instead we're at the whims of the developers a set of developers who are so strong and powerful their games received some very questionable reviews for being in early access oh would you look at those percentages now of course when i see percentages like that i don't think this game's going to be terrible i think surely there's a metric ton of bugs and exploits in this game and who would have guessed yes there are so what are we gonna do today we're gonna be generating a stupid amount of money and throwing ourselves into a lordly position of power all by exploiting our various way through society so let's start a brand new single player game and of course there's a whole bunch of fun little scenarios you can play as in our case we're going to be playing in the lovely city of london on the good old normal difficulty not that it particularly makes a difference and we're going to be starting a career mode with the aim of well just having a free game don't worry we're going to be making a lot of money right we're going to be playing up against 10 dynasties or 10 rival houses setting ourselves up for hopefully financial success now all we need to do is create our own custom character now today we're going to be playing as the lovely and incredible character of bendover he's going to be a thief who's made his way over from the lovely port village of dover right to the lovely city of london and he's arrived to make fabulous quantities of money and trust me that's exactly what he's going to do now if you're feeling happy ladies and gentlemen make sure you sat back relax with a nice warm cup of yorkshire tea in hand and make sure to grasp it firmly otherwise bend over is gonna steal it and if you're feeling especially fantastic you can even leave a like on this video whilst you still have thumbs to be able to do so anyway bendova's about to show us how to make a lot of money very quickly now of course a game like the guild free is a tycoon game meaning players are meant to really set up their own supply chains they're meant to build farms that eventually supply taverns and then selling those lovely taverns of course that's not going to matter at all for us you see there are many ways to make money and we're going to be making money in the fastest way possible as the old saying goes why make when you can instead take and that's exactly what ben dover's going to be doing we're going to be setting up the ultimate thieves guild so we're going to build our first smuggler's hideout called the broken lock and slam it down over in this lovely region which is the market harbour of london the reason why we're building it here is simple a whole bunch of the other ai families have also built their houses in this area and you know what that means that means that they have wealth in those houses and i really do love taking from wealthy houses now bend over he starts out as an 18 year old lad but as his name would suggest his intention is to get literally everyone to bend over why on earth would he want that well it's so that he can simply rob everyone blind but before he can do that he's going to need to start making a living the peasant way by of course juggling in little village squares and all of that lovely jazz oh great a fifa's just stopped bend over to play game of dice yep ben you're gonna lose some of our money okay we need that money can you not try and lose all of our money great you lost 101 gold of ours because you started gambling with a street urchin brilliant all right we're going to need to actually start making money now we are building our smuggler's hideout but that's going to take a little while to actually get our thieves skilled up and running but once it's up and running we're going to start making money very quickly now what i personally find so interesting about the city of london at the start of this game i think it has some very interesting laws one of which being that it's perfectly legal to ambush people outside of the city meaning it is 100 okay to quite simply rob people as they enter and exit this lovely little place this is pretty interesting which basically means a subset of crime is completely and utterly legalized you know we're going to speed up some time so bend over can generate some money dancing in the streets here we go some people like his performance very good and of course the more he dances the more people are going to like him ah but perfect our smuggler's hideout is complete now what are we gonna do we're gonna hire a couple of employees what are these employees gonna do well they're gonna start legally playing dice with people and then also sometimes illegally pickpocketing now bend over just got a nice little bit of gold doing a fun dance in the street and now that we have his first business up and running we're actually going to send him out to embark on a romance we found beatrice a lovely level 8 citizen who's single and we have a 73 chance to actually woo so go on over bend over try and woo her now what i find very interesting about the thieves guild is unlike most thieves guilds and games where you just simply pick pocket gold off of people no in this game because it's a full simulation your thieves literally steal the entire inventories of the people they rob and then they bring those same inventories right back to their thieves guild to be sold on the front store basically people can come to the themes guild and buy back their items or random passers-by can simply buy the items of strangers it leads to a very interesting situation where you can effectively steal the gold necklace off of someone and then force them to come back and buy it at a later date now already we're making a decent bit of cash oh but it's gonna take a while before we can make more though an interesting issue has just happened one of my poor little pickpocketers mavis has been caught pickpocketing do you know what that means well it means she has to go on trial naturally however we don't actually have to have a go on trial because we can just fire her and never pay her and then hire a new person in her place this brand new thief will do much greater for us in society and it means we don't have any of those negative repercussions of having our employees called for committing illegal acts because they're no longer our employees now in terms of money-making the money is really starting to flow on in now our lovely thieves guild has made us so far 1697 gold this is entirely off of the back of selling things like bandages and talent books which we stole from lovely peasants now with this money we need to reinvest it back into society and one of the ways i like to do that is by increasing the customer satisfaction of our own thieves building what on earth do we get when we increase the customer satisfaction well by increasing the customer satisfaction people who buy items from our lovely thief shop are going to enjoy the process and actually thank us that's because we're just incredibly good shop merchants and people like buying goods from us this leads to a bit of a strange situation where people will actually be happier overall if you steal items and sell it back to them oh and what's this our reputation has increased oh lovely so because of how incredible we are in the harbour of london we've become so popular that our local thieves now work even more efficiently just because of how incredible we are oh things are going fantastically for us now of course with all of this additional gold it only makes perfect sense for us to get yet another thieves guild down and this time we're gonna slap it right down near the tower of london lovely stuff this will be right in the heart of the city this time with a nice steady flow of peasants for us to rob from so i mean temporarily rent items from as you can see it's perfect one of our lovely little thieves here just stole blankets off of a peasant now we take them back to the hideout to be sold oh it's just a perfect cyclical economy isn't it beautiful it always works oh and one of our family members has just leveled up that's right bend over he's now level two meaning we can boost up his fantastical charisma and dexterity stats now that he's leveled up a little bit more we're going to have him once again try and romance beatrice because if we can fully romanta we can get married to her and then she effectively becomes yet another worker for us although in our case we like to use our wives to become effectively hyped people the job of your wife is to simply stand in a village square and hype up all of bendova's actions so that the local populists don't get a little bit upset that we're robbing them blind oh a brand new building has been finished fantastic the golden horde thieves guild is now ready to roll naturally we'll improve our workers and increase their productivity and customer satisfaction and now have them automatically go out into the wider world to steal items from everyone and oh no what's this a trial's been scheduled edwina has been caught pickpocketing oh no edwina right that's it edwina i'm sorry you're fired and immediately replaced with hopefully a vastly more efficient employee now the thing is the late game plan for our company does not actually require us to worry about such simplistical issues such as people getting caught for crimes because eventually you don't need to worry about it anyway bend over is now getting married isn't that fantastic look at him it's marrying a beautiful low poly bride ah lovely stuff now we have beatrice dover as well as bend over and what we're going to have them do is go back to their homes and create the next generation of dover there are some really great items you can steal from the peasants like for example this stone soldier which would take physically days to make and we just stole it from effectively small child now we get the opportunity to sell it back for 2000 gold it's not just a lovely economical process what we're going to do is we're going to place down a lovely robbers camp right down next to all the other ai's businesses this is of course our famous robber camp called the bagger with the dagger anyway now that good old bend over is back home he's gonna go and bend over and hopefully have a child i'm pretty sure that's how children have created right i'm fantastic beatrice dover and bendova are now expecting a child this is brilliant because we can raise our child to be perfect and really profitable hopefully and now what we're going to do is we need to increase our reputation in society of course the best ways to increase your reputation are to bribe people but bribing people can be challenging so instead we're going to do the next thing and bribe the catholic church and at the same time we can have our wife stand in the local public square and become our hype peasant now having both of our thieves guilds running at the same time is going fantastically when up to 15 000 gold and our brand new building of the smugglers camp is now complete perfect now this building very interesting because for some reason some random melon in london decided it would be perfectly acceptable to legalize highway robbings outside of the city walls and so that's exactly what we're going to support we're going to have our lovely robbers run around the local countryside and rob people blind oh and now the next season is happening now this next season basically allows for the changing of court positions and oh my goodness it's our child oh my son you shall be named born now bondover is just a one-year-old boy meaning he is effectively completely and utterly useless but one day he will become a useful functioning member of society and fantastic we're now also expecting another child because of course the more children you have functionally the better things are going now of course once you have a child make sure to do another classical donation to the church it's very important we're also going to have our wife do a donation to the church because the more donations of the church the better because it earns you effectively influence and influence can be used to upgrade yourself to becoming a free citizen and then eventually patrician a nobleman a squire and then a lord and you need all of these things if you want to try and overthrow the current ruler or in my case just change a couple of laws because if there's one thing about medieval society that i like it's just how flexible the legal proceedings are on fantastic there's a vacant office as a gate guard we're going to apply for this because it's going to allow us to propose changes to the local law so we're going to nominate ourselves bend over to become a gate guard of course we're not actually going to guard anything if anything we're going to be doing the opposite considering we are a bit of a morally legal grey area now of course as every good catholic knows as soon as you generate money from racketeering a local company make sure to donate at least half of it to god so that they can forgive you and also increase your influence because influence is everything of course ben and beatrice have another child he of course has a brother called bond so naturally he needs to become bam it's bammed over a lovely sweet boy and of course when you have a child make sure to do church donation you need to be doing a church donation at least every five seconds otherwise society might try and get you exiled everyone knows this now we do have almost 60 000 in gold lying around and this is a decent position to be in we can set up many different companies now we could run many different smugglers hideouts but actually we really just kind of want to become a little bit more famous in society we need as much influence as possible at the moment we just don't quite have that influence could we bribe an official it's a 50 chance but if we did manage to pull it off we'd immediately gain enough influence to actually boost our way up through society there we go what a beautiful sack full of coins i think it fits perfectly to your hands you're right it fits perfectly thank you of course i will help your coils lovely stuff oh that's a whole bunch of influence so much influence in fact wait that seemed way too much influence we just got 2 000 influence from that well we're going to immediately buy bend over the title of free citizen this is going to allow us to send relatives off to trade missions and then we're going to need a little bit more influence in order to become a patrician and trust me that's going to be nice and important so once again what a beautiful sack of coins i think it fits perfectly into your hands come on bend over hand over the coins hand it over don't you think it fits lovely i'm sure you do oh your hand is a bit bigger but it will do yes lovely we get a thousand influence as well and this means immediately we can level bend over up to becoming a patrician which means we can now do insults we can send someone on a long distance journey we can spy on buildings but my personal favorite oil the wheels of bureaucracy that's right it's political simulator ladies and gentlemen as you're able to spend twenty thousand gold to instantaneously get three thousand eight hundred influence now what we're going to do is actually buy this light of hand upgrade and this is going to let us upgrade all of our fevery buildings as well as give all of our characters and thieves increased dexterity that's right these upgrades are permanent and also improve all of our workers now because of all of our lovely bribing it's pretty much guaranteed that we're going to become the next council guardian simply because all of our fiscal lubrications has resulted in the captain who's in charge of hiring opposition to actually really really like us all it took was a whole bunch of underhanded gold which we generated from probably stealing from that very same woman oh our candidature was successful there we go we've become a council guardian in our fun little position as effectively council guardian we have a few fun little bonuses we can perpetually imprison someone and we can also now break into buildings which is all lovely stuff anyway our thieves guild is upgraded to a thieves den so we can hire an additional employee and also actually hire another employee on top of that and my personal favorite to increase the customer satisfaction and productivity ratings oh what's this oh i get to be on board for this trial so we've discovered that mabel oscroft here has attacked someone in central london now of course the party is leaning to just finding her but using my influence i'm going to sway it hopefully over to actually imprisonment here i mean she is the head of an entire family so i think imprisonment would be good fun oh she just got fined fine okay society is working as intended that's terrible oh and you know we can actually apply for the next position in office this is a brilliant opportunity to move up in our world and become a city constable oh my goodness it's fantastic because there's no other judges on the council i can actually just decree what to do because the opinion of the city wants someone to be just fine but because there's no other judges other than me i could just throw someone in prison every time there's a crime oh it's perfect oh then i can change the prison sentence to be longer you released it was no longer going to be in four years time make it eight years my friend ah i'll see you never oh my goodness ladies and gentlemen i've just got a once in a lifetime offer from the one the only bend over he's told me that the first 6 000 people to like this video will be given a once in a lifetime opportunity to not have the air pickpocketed out of their lungs this is a wonderful experience because it means you'll no longer be at risk of sudden asphyxiation whilst walking down the streets oh bend over aren't you so breathtaking anyway back into the video now welcome back ladies and gentlemen things are shaping up rather well we have 43 000 in the bank but things are about to get a little bit better because at the end of today our lovely wife beatrice dover is going to hopefully be elected to become an informer in our lovely city council this will give her the ability to propose a change of the city laws especially one concerning the illegal action that is pickpocketing meanwhile at the same time ben dover is running to become a dungeon master this isn't like the fun table top role playing kind no this is the kind which can publicly mark someone as an outlaw effectively meaning we can hopefully imprison just about anyone we like now what i'm currently having happen is i'm currently having my robber camp take some of the goods which they've actually stolen and now what they're going to do is they're actually going to just ship them to the local marketplace just because we've kind of stolen so many things it just makes perfect sense oh my goodness this fantastic beatrice has become an informer oh it's everything we wanted lovely because this now means she can propose a change of the law and guess what beatrice is going to propose the greatest law change ever known oh my goodness it's going to be perfect she is going to propose the pig pocketing will now become completely and utterly legal this is her proposition and it is going to go down very well now of course we will have to wait until tomorrow for the lord to come into effect but once it does actually come into effect what beatrice will have done is to make it completely legal for people in the city to actually pickpocket people whilst this might not sound like much it is absolutely insane because effectively it means we can have every single one of our thieves pickpocketing everywhere and it's perfectly fine in order to actually prepare for the uptick of what's going to be an incredible amount of thievery i'm going to build a thieves guild right over here and actually another thieves guild really close to our house as well there we go we're going to need all of these trust me oh and i forget because i'm of course the town henchmen i'm able to change the prison sentence so that my own thieves can have immediate release oh yes what a lovely feature that is we can just immediately when one of our thieves are detected bam oh and here we go pickpocketing has just been made legal oh it's legal now right all of my lovely thiefs you are no longer going to be doing anything other than pickpocketing okay it's legal so that's what you'll do this is our brand new building as well so naturally this is going to get upgraded so we can have some extra workers we're then going to increase its productivity and most importantly customer satisfaction otherwise people get upset buying back their own goods and now we're going to hire all of our lovely employees welcome jeffrey welcome raymond welcome dominica welcome william and welcome iris all of you are going to be doing perfectly legal pickpocketing so what does this mean what it basically means our lovely pickpockets can go up to people and if they fail to steal their gold it doesn't matter they can just rob that man and that man can't do anything those goods have been legally taken over to the shop and he's gonna have to spend 1 600 gold buying back his hand cuts which we just permanently borrowed it's amazing i love this game i really do now of course if we do get detected actually stealing and someone notices that they've been stolen from they'll be upset of course they will it is actually upsetting to have things taken away from you however they won't be able to fight back and the only way they can get their goods back is if they actually go back to your shop and buy them but of course if people start getting really upset oh well then there's an issue isn't there the last thing you want to have happen is to actually become hated by the city because whilst we now have a active workforce of 20 pickpocketers running around stealing all of the goods this city has and then selling it back to the citizens we need to find a way to make people happy and the best way to make people happy is with robber camps now what we're going to do is instead of having all of our robbers set to completely legal ambushes we will now set them all entirely to jugglery what this means is they're going to be doing lovely happy dances in the town centers and every person they dance in front of will have a positive mood modifier that's right they'll see a happy person and they'll think you know what that fills me with joy anyway we need to actually upgrade our character even further because i need to build more buildings and oh my goodness we're now a squire look at that we've so many fantastic bonuses now we can also pick up sleight of hand free and we can also pick up shadow arts this is going to of course increase all of our stats give everyone an additional stealth point but now most importantly we can build yet another robbing camp we're going to position it just outside the city over here and we're going to fill it with effectively hype beasts oh no a member of my family has died beatrice dover died at age 39 of perfectly natural causes ah what a shame that's just kind of the way medieval life goes i guess oh and of course we won the rank of dungeon master so we can actually publicly brand someone a criminal oh it's fantastic it's everything i wished it could be it costs 200 influence but i can brand someone as an outlaw oh yes whose life do i want to ruin right you there walter you're 34 years old bam suddenly you're now marked as an outlaw enjoy let me go find you and brand you as an outlaw oh you're just over here my friend you've got a pleasant surprise coming because as soon as you're in outlaw it's perfectly fine to assault you and perfect we've just branded him as a criminal and so actually i'm pretty sure he's just gone straight into the dungeons lovely stuff anyway now that we're making an incredible amount of money from robbing people we need to oil the wheels of bureaucracy to gain more influence so let's of course oil the wheels of the local castle how's our thieves guild's doing by the way oh my goodness look at the supplies things are going great oh these are just brilliant and perfect we did oil the wheels of bureaucracy generating us a lovely quantity of influence although i would actually love to have more it is still a decent start suppose we could try and bribe an official as well yeah let's go bribe a random squire oh he's the sovereign okay so he's the actual king of this land well you sure he'll be fine to bribe all right there we go what a beautiful sack of coins i think you'd love it my friend it fits so perfectly into your hand kind king oh yes it does fit perfectly lovely so my sovereign has just taken all of my gold now what's interesting about the fact that i just paid him a whole bunch of gold is that i can now initiate the perfectly legal maneuver of pickpocketing the gold right back off of him so let's chase him down and get my 5000 gold back to do don't bite me just borrowing this cash back and lovely fantastic instead of actually getting all of the gold back we instead managed to secure ourselves two heads of cattle okay fine that's okay but as you can probably tell money is actually starting to flow in at a terrifying speed right now let me just upgrade all of my thieves guilds even further this is now a level three thieves guild meaning customer satisfaction is now at 130. everyone who comes into this shop to buy things really loves the experience and of course everyone is going to be set on pickpocketing so what we've created now is the fifth house of the golden horde where effectively people who've lost their items will come here to buy the items back and we generate lovely gold from it as you can see these citizens here relation score of 92 with these lovely people you know we should probably also try and find ourselves another wife to marry simply because more children means more children who can be around hypebeast inc so let's get romanticizing and oh my goodness my son bondover has actually reached the ripe old age of 15 meaning he can do whatever i can do oh that's perfect right bond over immediately i'm gonna get you to apply to a nice position on the council there you go 85 influence is all we need for that and then at the same time i'm also going to need you to actually go and get yourself married so go find some single ladies all right bond over the golden glowing aura mention that she'll fall in love with you immediately at the same time i realize i can build myself a lovely mansion because i have so much money so uh yeah let's slap down another one of those bad boys and you know let's do it right in the city center which i've helped to make you know because i'm so lovely and humble i want it just right in the center uh the father is trying to steal the son's goal um but you know what it's okay it's oh god no you don't bond over go find a different love bend over still chase after this lady you've probably got the best chance oh my god we just sold something for 4 900 gold wait we're at a hundred thousand gold now oh my goodness this is terrifying these are actually insane quantities of finance right now oh it's fantastic stuff and fantastic my mansion's ready lovely all right let's move ourselves over here god look at this this is a lovely place instead it's fancy it's got yellow windows all right we're gonna try and get bend over married to this woman and bond over you still need to find someone to fall in love with my friend oh there we go bend over is getting married for a second time lovely so we now have carissa dover we can send home to our mansion now you might be wondering why on earth i want multiple people in my dynasty well it's actually very simple the reason being is that the more people you have in your dynasty the more people you can have to oil the wheels of bureaucracy because you see the developers wanted to balance this game by saying you can only oil the wheels of bureaucracy once a day however that's once per day per family member so good old bondova can go grease the wheels of the city hall meanwhile dungeon master bendover can also grease the wheels at the city hall for twenty thousand and then carissa dover can now go and also oil the wheels of bureaucracy at the local town school why not we're bam there we go 4 000 influence from that and now of course bondover can't do it again for another day but that's all fine bend over gets another 4 000 influence from that oh my goodness that was brilliant and then we're going to get some even more from that look at that we're now 23 000 influenced this is an insane figure which is going to allow us to gain the title of lord which is brilliant for us we have so much money and so much influence now more than we could ever theoretically really need but logically that just means we need to get ourselves another thief craft house and i've hit the maximum number of businesses i can have oh fully understandable i just need to upgrade the existing ones then oh it's the summer of 1420 lovely we have a brand new son he's going to be named chad chad dover and what's this a family member's being attacked oh no bendova's being attacked that's my boy my precious boy oh he actually managed to knock out the guy attacking him wow it does make me realize that i should probably hire guards for all of my lovely men now so let's hire another henchman and this henchman's job is to quite simply guard bendova's life oh my goodness the financial wealth of our empire is just it just knows no bounds it's fantastic we go out and we steal something and then the lovely person we steal it from has to come back and then buy it back from us but in doing so the satisfaction is so high that they don't really mind and then at the same time even if they are still upset we have a whole bunch of robber camps which are just going around effectively being hype musicians i mean who can be mad at someone who's creating an endless list of really good minecraft covers of your favorite songs oh we got another candidate in office oh that's right it's me i'm a treasurer now what does that mean well it means i can banish an individual doesn't that just sound fantastic how much does it cost to banish oh it's just free okay right so the older smith family doesn't like me um so let's just banish walter aldersmith because if i remember correctly he's the only other ai really in any position of power so let's just have him murdered but not murdered actually just banished i mean we could also have him murdered maybe i'd be up for that and we have even more money lying around so let's once again oil the wheels of bureaucracy oh my goodness things are going so well in all of our shops right now it's just absolutely fantastic we've maxed out all of our workforce we've got as many thieves out on the streets as possible and the best thing is if we go to the guild's menu and take a look at the dynasties look at our reputations south district of london love us tower of london love us central london love us the harbour really likes us can't say the same for the other dynasties no things aren't going so great for them no no one likes the heskerf dynasty the only dynasty they like the older smith dynasty well guess what the head of the family just got thrown into exile that's just how it has to be you know oh my goodness production has halted this thieves guild because they've run out of space to store all of the stolen goods so i'm going to need to actually build some more storage slots for them as well as some increased storage capacity and a couple more front store spaces so they can sell stuff oh my goodness what a mess production is basically halted because the thievery has gone too well and we can become a baron now lovely stuff and actually i forget because we're now so big and powerful we can give all of our workers an additional stuff and perception there so all of our thieves like this level three thief here really good perception level 8 and a stealth skill of 13 so they can just rob wherever they like all that's left to do is hire myself a henchwoman here and take her over to the local town market because i have plans for her because we're going to equip her with all of the latest and greatest bits of technology including plate mail armor there we go she can have one straight up bit of plate mail armor that's just gonna make her immortal then we can give her a long sword because it will do the most damage and will also equip this henchmen with a whole bunch of poison as well and now i think it's time we just send her out into the wider world to eliminate some of those other peskier family members which we just don't like like say the lovely conrad over here conrad calder he's just a guy walking around he's 19 years old well we're going to spend 10 grand and have this guy assassinated because why not and if it fails it's fine don't worry we just always kidnap them instead and if anyone does find out we can just banish them from society to poor conrad here he's running for what is his life although he doesn't realize it yet from our lovely henchwoman anne here and trust me she is a henchwoman and there we go conrad please now come and die oh there we go a nice stab to the back you flop down on the floor are you dead come on are you dead what is a vacant office was he the captain is an office now just vacated i think it has right there we go that was success um admittedly it has made it so that our reputation has diminished a little bit and the dynasty of quarter now has us a hostile but that's okay because there's not going to be much of a dynasty for that long all i need to do is knock out the heir to the quarter dynasty and then what we're going to do is kidnap them and hopefully ransom them back for a little bit of extra cash there we go fantastic we just got her is she dead no fantastic she's not dead lovely all right let us now kidnap her 86 chance of success yep this will be fine right hopefully no one will notice do to do to do let's just pick her up off the floor and there we go success inventory full wait did they did she go in the inventory oh well here's a slight issue i forgot to make sure our inventory was empty beforehand and so consequently we can't actually take her um oops i guess we could just murder her 80 chance to kill so why not oh we successfully banished walter aldersmith lovely he's now gone he's no longer even existed in the game he's just completely and utterly dead and there we go we've captured jocelyn coda technically she's locked up slash kidnapped although i'm pretty sure she has to actually come back to our own dynasty of her own accord but technically we do now control her she is a hostage and i think it's time for once again for us to oil the wheels of bureaucracy with 20 grand are we able to upgrade to becoming a count yet no not quite although i mean we are immensely powerful so i don't even know if there is much of a benefit of us actually gaining the rank of count we might as well just wipe out all of these lovely bonuses like becoming enchanting boosting our reputation a bit there we go we can buy some charisma wow plus five charisma actually that's insane now we've gained plus five intelligence actually not just us all of our workers as well all of the workers have gained intelligence it's like some kind of shared innate knowledge a level five thieves now have plus 10 charisma oh that's incredible that's absolutely amazing at this point the finances are just insane they're just completely off the chart even our little hype squads are still making a little bit of money the little baggers with daggers and that are just robbing people actually no these aren't even robbing people they're just you know singing songs in town centers look at that basically if you're walking around the streets of london you're either being attacked by a member of the dover thieves guild or being entertained by a member of the dover entertainment facility i mean just look at this you got a lovely dancing person isn't that fantastic you love that you'll pay money for that by doing so of course you like society it's a great time you like being near the lovely people of the dover dynasty look at the popularity they're off the charts oh wait there's only one person left in the older smith dynasty oh oh my goodness oh that's a shame isn't it i mean that basically means you're or you're just one person away from immediate death oh right well a real shame if one of my i don't know heavily trained henchmen were to suddenly run over here and have you murdered oh wait i can't attack walter elder smith because he's banished okay he actually has to physically leave the map oh that makes perfect sense i was wondering why i couldn't poison him to death but no his daughter charisse that person i can poison to the death he asked that over here in a storage bomb but you know that's fine storage barn isn't going to stop me from murdering someone you know let's murder this person instead hit with the poison there we go 78 chance for our recorder yep to just get poisoned lovely stuff and now she's gonna die hopefully i just love that there is absolutely nothing that the ai can do there's just nothing to stop me from taking total control over everything and the most powerful being in this entire universe i can banish people on a whim i can do whatever i like i'm effectively god my influence knows no bounds my coffers no no limits bendover has become the financial king of the medieval ages and who knew all it would take is legalizing pickpocketing what a strange and unexpected way to generate infinite money who could have seen that coming oh my goodness everyone on the city council loves us and all of the ai people of this city absolutely worship us like even the king the king over here arthur soper the sovereign of the region hundred relation score absolutely loves us we've robbed this guy about 50 times we've stolen the horse he was riding on whilst he was riding on it and then we sold it back to him for four grand and he still loves us but using all of my lovely characters and their abilities spread across the region we're going to be improving my dynasty's relations with everyone in the city by falsifying a whole bunch of things that our dynasty did apparently we built orphanages everywhere i mean sure probably why not what really makes the thieves guild tick is the fact that you can buy an item from the thieves guild and then immediately have it taken straight back from you by good old anthony here who's just standing right outside the thieves guild so as soon as you buy an item you take one step outside and we'll bam it suddenly left your pockets anyway the fun thing is that now we're the treasurer we're actually in a situation to become the next sovereign issue is the sovereign isn't an elected position it's a position held for life meaning we're going to need to get ann on the case again so ann is going to need to come over here and effectively kill the king and then we're gonna have killian come over here just to really back up the job and try and attack him on the spot there we go and good luck uh if you can kill the king that would be perfect what's that is there a vacant office nope that's not the king okay the king's still alive that was a failure king's a little bit upset just minus 20 you know it's not the worst thing that's happened to him oh we tried to attack the sovereign and the sovereign fought back um that's a bit awkward right let's uh attack him again come on it's 100 success chance to murder this guy okay he's got hardly any health like it's not difficult just murder the king i saw that the sovereign was hiding in one of his houses trying to heal up so what i did was i just bought the house out from underneath him for the sweet sweet low low cost of 2000 gold and using that money we're now going to actually get all of our local thiefs in the area and then using the fact that he is now forced back out onto the streets we're going to use that as an opportunity to attack him with all of our local units these are all of the random thieves we have walking around i mean he the guy is just one shotting most of them but you know eventually he will go down his hit points are not immune right we have as many workers as possible running in from all across the land to try and fight the king who hasn't quite worked out that effectively we're just here to try and gank him a bunch there we go we've actually just knocked him onto the ground oh it's perfect oh it's the first time we've managed this okay right now everyone's gonna have to run over here and attempt to kill him right so we'll uh 66 chance to kill him that's fine if that fails we'll hit him with a 59 chance to kill him and if that fails you can come over and try and kill him as well everyone get to go try to murder the king there we go the sovereign is gone long live with the sovereign oh fantastic that means there's a brand new position that's opened up and bondover's ready to apply for it oh yes fantastic there's a new opportunity to apply to become the local king now of course we're gonna throw bend over up for that uh because why not we can increase our lovely pledge to become the sovereign but honestly it doesn't matter what we pledge because we're the only person who is able to become the sovereign meaning we've just won this vote immediately it's impossible for us to lose and we still have to wait four days for it to actually take effect but we've won the game effectively we've made it legal to murder people and it's completely legal to pickpocket people meaning we've generated 500 000 in wealth it's impossible for us to lose the game oh it's fantastic we've completely broken you the guild free i'm so sorry you're a pretty fun game i rate you a solid 5 out of 10. i can't wait to see what happens with more updates this game is actually multiplayer so i recommend probably picking up with friends and then decimating them in multiplayer when you pickpocket your poor friend which decided to play the game in a manner which is actually constructive for society as everyone knows actually helping society is the worst way to play any game anyway ladies and gentlemen i've been this way from brit and this has been the guild for it if you have indeed enjoyed today's video then feel free to give it a like as it does massively help out and hop on down to the comment section and see what you can steal hopefully each other's comments like literally just find the funniest comment and steal it it's how you gain infinite karma on reddit so it probably also works on youtube as always a massive thank you to each and every one of my majestic patrons who are really helping us out at this very strange time so thank you very much each and every one of you i'll try and post even more corgi pictures as and when they become available and hey if you sat there wondering what video you'd like to watch next then i've got exactly what you're looking for it's on screen now and it's your perfect cup of tea trust me you can absolutely love it anyway i'll see each and every one of you in the next one have an absolutely lovely day and goodbye for now
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 1,501,099
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Spiffing, Brit, Simulation Games, greystillplays, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, the guild 3, the guild 3 game, the guild 3 robber, business tycoon, the guild 3 tips, Breaking The Guild 3 By Legalising Crime - Guild 3 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits, breaking the guild 3, perfectly balanced, perfectly balanced game, video game, game exploit, exploit, guild 3 exploit, legalising crime, pickpocket, pickpocket exploit
Id: ijt_aaYvRA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 12sec (2172 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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