TOTAL WAR Three Kingdoms A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits -Excluding Unlimited Gold Glitch

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Its ok ranked isn’t very fun anyway, its mostly two sima yi’s sitting in the bushes while everyone else plays shogun 2.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SBFms πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Kind of a shame the multiplayer in this is kind of farty.

If they combined the Avatar Conquest of Shogun2 with some aspects of Total War Arena I think it could have really worked well in the Three Kingdoms timeline.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Beans8844 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

How does he find this stuff

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Zalethiv πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Basically there is a bug where you can go into battle with 6 Heroes instead of 3 in ranked battles.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheronNett πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This already was found a while ago. There is a guide for it on Steam in Korean and a reddit post I did about it and other exploits

However, now that he has done a video about it, pretty much everyone knows so ranked is ruined until CA fixes it. Which according to their bug forums It doesn't seem that plan to fix the issue.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Athrek πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I suddenly have the urge to start a Kong Rong campaign.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Fancy_Gur πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Empire Total War has tea as well. I thought that Spiff was the expert but now I'm not sure the man knows his tea at all.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lesser_panjandrum πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 26 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Just watched it. Really like this YouTuber. And this was a very enjoyable video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RhapsodicHotShot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

People play ranked in this game?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/devolth πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 25 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
so hello there ladies and gentlemen I'm of course the spiffing Britt and today you join me in the fantastic game of total war three kingdoms the latest game to be released in the Total War franchise now we've only ever played two total was no we played free total Wars haven't we already so I guess is is now our fourth foray into the wonderful world of total war yet it took four forays into total war for them to actually add T into the game that's right ladies and gentlemen finally this is the total war where they have T it's a physical resource on the map you can drink it you can harvest it you can trade it it's fantastic it's everything I wanted in this game and yet so much more but what are we doing here in the game today ladies and gentlemen well I'm going to be showing off to you free lovely cheesy exploits and yes they're all going to break your game to varying degrees this first exploit the best show you can ruin all multiplayer games and so I'm going to be very careful when I show this one off because hopefully we'll be fixed soon chances are it's probably still going to be in the game for a few more weeks but if you want to basically win every single multiplayer game then look at what I'm about to do now ladies and gentlemen so if you already make sure you set back your elective a nice warm cup of tea in front of you today ladies and gentlemen I'm going to show you how to break total walk free kingdoms let us have a foray into the multiplayer so like any good total war game there's of course a multiplayer section where you can join some of these fantastic games look at the but we don't want to join a scrub normal multiplayer game no no no no no we instead want to do the true battles you see you can do custom battles and ranked battles these are ranked battles that affect your standing on the leaderboard that's right you can get to the top of the leaderboard using the exploit I'm about to show you I strongly advise against it but hey if you have absolutely no moral compass whatsoever just like most of the generals in free kingdoms then you'll fit right in so what you want to do is load up the custom battle section and as you can see here in the lovely custom battle section you can say have the AI generate an army look at a nice lovely army there and they're quite powerful our army of course not so good but one thing you can do is say turn on large armies wow look at how big that AI army is now and suddenly you're allowed to have six generals instead of free now it must be known that in the competitive side of the to war free Kingdom scene you're only allowed free generals in a fight however of course in a large battle you can have six so we're going to give ourselves six generals let's say zu Chu ones on and he man yes he man and if you want you can even give yourself multiple he man's a go just for he man's all running around being he man however I made a little template earlier which we can take a look at allow me to present to you the yet force 9000 costing us nine thousand gold this is the yet force nine thousand a specially selected group of ultimate mean Lords and fighters it is quite simple all you need is a zoo Chu a Guangdong a he man a Zhang Fei and more Zhang phase because you know they're just brilliant and you want to make sure they're all at the highest level they can be meaning each of them cost you 1,500 now what if I told you these could take all of that no problem there might be a few of you sat at home going hmm that sounds a bit suspicious but don't worry ladies and gentlemen I know what you want to do is back out and take a look at what lies before you you have historical battles all ranked battles we of course want a ranked battle now if you want to play against your friends then hey feel free to do that and that way you probably won't feel as scummy when you do this because against public people yeah but don't worry ladies and gentlemen against the person we're playing I'm gonna concede defeat I'm not gonna give them the worst and most aggravating to think they've ever seen before there we go we found a nice match and we'll load into the lobby hmm also today's cup of tea was brought to you by the lovely folks at Yorkshire tea and by goodness is it a fantastic Yorkshire tea blend today another word in the game you just want to load up your you boys 9000 so we load up them and hit load now you can see something interesting has happened because it shows that we've six units despite the fact that we clearly only have free that's where this funkiness kind of comes into play and the thing is you can even add units if you like if you want a couple of horsemen you can whack on a few horsemen and now we have a hundred and eighty six men in our army now that seems good we spent all of our points a ton of horsemen and some generals that's all we want glorious now many historians would look at you and say hang on a second spiff Yorkshire tea didn't during the time of the free kingdoms and that's where I say you're wrong you see free kingdoms history there's a lot of it up in the air a lot of people are saying it was literally just written by one blow cause he was smoking tea leaves but I say it actually physically happened Yorkshire tea was there supporting them on the sidelines handing out tea anyway here we are just loading into a lovely game byte goodness this game is gorgeous in terms of total war games or the detail Wow admittedly does help that I am running a brand-new computer from the lovely chaps overclockers UK I did by myself but they gave me some nice lovely discounts and by goodness is this an absolute beast of a PC now although apparently they decide they couldn't fulfill my request of having the water cooling system inside the PC just be filled with tea but maybe that's one for the scientists of the futures to try and conquer can we get tea inside of a computer even better could we attach a kettle to the side of the computer oh no that would be good here we are in the game we're ready and as you can see our army is with us we have six Yellow Turban horsemen some of the strongest horse people in the game and we have our six generals in a game mode where you're only allowed free mm-hmm this seems suspicious spife what have you gone done here and even better these generals my goodness they are me me allow me to demonstrate why you see in this game generals have abilities this general here has incredibly good ranged attack melee evasion he's just fantastic at everything but he has a special ability which is to decrease morale of an enemy and it basically hits them they get -20 morale there's quite a high chance they'll run away then we've got zu2 because he's just a fantastic fighter and does incredible things including massive damage resistance then we have our scholar who has the ability to just buff everyone in the area that's fantastic and then finally Zhang Fei Zen face special ability is in a massive circle around him everyone receives minus 100 morale that's enough to make all the units around you immediately retreat now we have free of them meaning we can immediately retreat one group then the next and then the next as we can use this free times the only way to counter this is to have a good fighter but the issue is I have zu Qiu the single greatest champion in this game he is completely broken because the fact that he is 50% of all damage he takes anyway now the enemy player is going to start noticing something slightly awry he has a nice combination of horses and two generals yep the plain old two generals the amount you actually meant to have versus six generals and some incredible horsey boys ah now I'm going to wait for him to make the first move because this is going to be completely not to leave wacky let's go horsey boys let's go this is the great tea brew Sade and there is something quite satisfying about having free generals who are all the same I love the fact that I saw two kind of like snakes so here we go off to battle and of course we have our lovely little R to do to us the ability to shoot arrows literally everywhere look at him plus 100 percent range attack rate which just shoots so quickly anyway here our ball get ready what you want to do is group of your hero ball and have them charge and we'll have all of our horses charged into the right flank and finally our fighters are getting ready and also we'll do the surprise attack which gives everyone around us increased speed and attack there we go and so now we end up in the fight glorious stuff and you want to pop off your first blazing rule that adds a minus 100 morale and as you can see all of the units around us and our wavering and then barela's of minus forty nine and so they're about to break there we go we've just routed the entirety of the enemy army and that is the high bid Oh God and that's only one of them you know we've got two more of these to go we're not quite done yet oh no he actually conceded oh no I'm so sorry would have given you that victory there you go ladies jeez oh my goodness that battle took two minutes and ladies and gentlemen that's how to win the rank battle section of two two or three kingdoms thank you for watching everyone ah make sure to smash like and subscribe and what's your never compilation oh goodness ah there are some very wacky combinations where you can come up with which I haven't even finished off looking at yet you know we're going to I have another Mimi go we're gonna swap out Zhang Fei here and replace him with the legendary meme Lord that is Zhuge Liang he has way of the wind which basically means all of his range stuff is completely over the top so what you want to do is get rid of all of these Jade dragons we recruited which were fantastic and in the game we're going to be using him and loading him up with some fantastic melee cavalry and finally we want Trevor chase Trevor Shay's are fantastic they can't do mellow fighting but by goodness can they eat objects very fast so we're going to be spawning in a couple of those when we get into the game now we just want to simply save our army preset as ope Claire's nerf and hit save job done now you want to back out of this go to rank battles again and find another match terribly sorry for the one player whose game I ruined today if they'd like to see compensation then call this number on screen now and I'll send some Yorkshire to your way if you've been affected by some of the shenanigans you've seen on screen today then you could be entitled to PPI compensation have you suffered a workplace accident from a sudden increase of six Hemans consistently destroying all of your morale then you could be entitled to up to one thousand Yorkshire tea tea bags call now and find out more today I must say absolutely love this game it is a complete and utter shenanigans but the issue is yet the morale is completely broken because you can do minus 100 morale you can cause the enemy heroes around you to rout and run away meaning if you were to say Jul the person who has the massive hero board he can simply route your hero away from the combat and there you go you've just won this game was a majestical sausage indeed oh here we go we found our next victim victim no no no no no merely friendly rival yet another Chinese player anyway let's load into the game load successful for Trevor Shay's and we've cause still have our hero ball let us begin ah right I don't think I'll do one volley of Trevor shows and then immediately just concede because it's unfair so here we go the Battle of ending quite famously fought between six completely over-the-top romanced heroes in a pile of Trevor Shay's really and now we begin the long load time as we can nekkid via a carrier pigeon to an Asian internet server oh and here we go here's all the catalogs we'll just put ourselves in a position where we can hit the entirety of the enemy in one go that seems good and then we want all of our heroes lined up and ready to go yes well group before the five zeros and then we've got all the trevor shades here and our lovely strategist in charge of Trevor Shay's all right and I think I'm ready Oh their army is deployed all the way over there fantastic right Trevor Shay's use flammable round and fire and go everyone fight oh goodness what have we done why have I done actually right Trevor shades fire go with the funky flammable rounds they're trying as best as they can to stop our Trevor Shay's it's so they'll probably do actually I think they're likely to win this fight excluding with our ability to route everything yeah the routing ability is probably going to float in our favor now that I think about it yeah yeah there's that big route going oh I'm so sorry unknown Chinese player Trevor Shay's opened fire in just all of our own units it's okay you'll be fine a strategist man do you strategist oh goodness what have we done here I'm so sorry total war players I'm so sorry I just shouldn't be doing this to games should i and there we go their entire army is mass routed fantastic absolutely fantastic and Bostick routes we love flaming balls of great big fire into them you know what they are wavering so I'm gonna consider fleet as theirs it's too risky there's a chance that they could actually have lost their I don't want that there you go ladies and gentlemen that's how to choose the game completely Natalie 232 kills that's why the Trevor show is so good my goodness what an incredible machine there we go so there we go ladies and gentlemen that's our brief foray into the fantastic world of multiplayer total war free kingdoms so instead ladies and gentlemen what I'm going to do for this next part of the video is to demonstrate to you another exploit this is going to be using the fantastic if you can believe it economy system in this game to completely Natalie cheese all diplomacy now the exploit that I'm going to be showing can be used by little we only want but instead we're going to be playing as Liu Bei because he has a very nice friend early on so we're BAM we start out as Liu Bei he's very special because he actually starts out with absolutely no land in this game but we're going to take him from being a no land peasant to a lord of tea and money anyway were bad we want to defeat this army in front of us Zell Bao apparently that's our mission you want to take that and then dong the iron man well is generally called dong that's fantastic let us seize the doll but before we do that we just want to throw our army into cell Bao this is the Yellow Turban rebel forces I'm just gonna Auto resolve this it would have been a lovely easy war and perfect job done so there we go and now we want to capture dong the iron mine sir we'll get an army and March it down to dong and this should be yet another very easy delegation victory and success lovely and we're going to use the lovely occupy function perfect now in this game there's a lot of diplomacy going on to ourself we have this fantastic lovely old dude here of the tower Quinn's I'm pretty sure he is a fantastic friend of ours as you can see he kind of likes us just a little bit positive 80 in friendship that's not bad at all but basically we're in a situation where we like money and we don't have much land at the moment so we could really do with gaining more money per turn as we can see on money per turn is shown here 94 basically we're making no money whatsoever 94 not much money at all but we do have 5,600 lying around in the bank so maybe there's something we can do with that 5,600 to increase our gain per turn now the game would have you believe the best way to go about doing that is to build up larger armies and upgrade the existing land you have look at Scone we gained 200 per turn free-spending 3,700 we'd only gain an extra 100 per turn that's useless that's terrible we don't want that instead we want to make money by just doing nothing and the best way to do that goes to tell Queen here negotiate and let's do a bit of trading with him firstly let's get a trade agreement now trade agreements to cost you absolutely nothing excluding the fact that I can ask for a trade agreement and then immediately also request a regular payment from him now a regular payment is basically over the course of 10 turns we'll pass a set amount of gold the base is to give us 50 gold every turn for 10 turns resulting in you guessed it ladies and gentlemen 500 gold not bad at all but we can increases just a little bit here we go we found the sweet spot we can offer him a trade deal which guess what gives us money as well and in return we receive a hundred and 25 gold every turn for 10 turns that is fantastic that has suddenly taken our income - suddenly something a fair bit higher also trade has added 245 to our income already that's brilliant we've gone from 94 to 464 but let's get it higher how do we make a tire well to make it higher we're going to want to do it again we're going to the quest regular payments what you want to do is click this button up till you hit a sweet spot around about 23 to 24 and then what you want to do is slowly tick down until you find a beautiful sweet spot okay this is the sweet spot here basically at 117 this deal is a position of minus 2.2 meaning we need to give something of positive 2.2 for them to want to do this deal however you can tick this down a bit from say 117 to 114 and in their eyes this is still a minus 2 point to deal in given 114 gold per turn in their eyes is the exact same as given 117 this is where the exploits occurs because in return we can ask them what do you want to make this deal work they are asking quite simply for 636 gold as a wore off payment and in return they give us 117 gold per turn this immediately as effectively alone as you can see ladies and gentlemen we're giving them a lot of money in the short term know for a long period of time they're giving us a lot more money in this case they'll be giving us a hundred and seventeen gold times 10 meaning they're going to be giving us 1170 Gold in return we're basically giving them almost half that however you can actually clear this even more we could probably take this from 636 to 630 and if you're even lucky you can take this down to 625 maybe even 620 no 620 is too far 621 perfect now you want to remember this number so there we go basically we give them 621 gold and in return we get given 1170 gold that is how capitalism worx ladies and gentlemen so immediately we're going to propose this deal he loves it fantastic now you want to remember those numbers because immediately we're gonna go back to him negotiate again trade requests regular payments of 117 and lo and behold it's the same 2.2 and then we do make this work it's immediately defaulted to 6 to 4 let's drop it down 6 to 3 6 to 2 oh can we do 6 to 1 there we go perfect and then once again we do the exact same deal we give 621 we get 1,000 back to you again and I'm going to repeat this just a few times ladies and gentlemen so I'm not quite done yet as you can see but what you can see is that basically we've stacked one two three four five six times him giving us a large amount of gold per turn and even though we hold one piece of land which is literally an eye in mind one of the worst things in the game in terms of money making early on we are gaining 1,000 gold per turn a fantastic thing we're not even done yet ladies and gentlemen once again requests regular payment and then we'll do one one seven make this work drop it down from six to eight to six to one proposed deal job done and as we do this his money slowly ticks up our money slowly ticks down this is where we can start choosing the AI just a little bit and then fantastic we've done all of our lovely deals and in return we're down to twenty nine gold but we are making 1107 gold hertert as you can see his money has risen to a fantastic seven thousand five hundred not bad at all well Doug tell Quinn he's a lovely guy he absolutely loves us look at it past friendships plus twenty seven relationship by the way this actually really low you can get this up to 150 and guess what he'll give you even more favorable trade deals but nonetheless these are our fantastic deals we have going on and on top of this we could technically steal some land if we really want it like say we could ask for his farmland that's minus sixteen point seven that he's willing to give us his farm land for technically in return then we could offer an absolute ton of gold and this is where you can start getting a little bit cheesy so he's giving us effectively 1200 gold per turn and in return one thing we can do is give him six hundred and twenty six gold per turn effectively half what he's giving us per turn and if we also throw in just a random guy if you have some spare gold floating around you could replace this and celery that I'm giving him for just some gold but it's just some random builder dude so we can drop that in and in return he'll give us an entire region of his land and yeah that's where things can get a little bit cheesy so if you want to take China without actually even invading anywhere you can just buy land off of everyone alternatively one thing we can do is request payments from him so this is basically instead of requesting gold per turn we are requesting just a bulk sum of gold what you want to do is get this up to about 2.2 ago this region seems about good as you can see we can go down 1 and that number doesn't change so you want to get this about as high as you can without the game breaking there we go the cutoff point 962 perfect and you want to hit make this deal work now this is where things start getting a little bit awry because we've managed to convince the lovely tile queen here that he'd like to give us some of our money back as you remember we just gave him a ton of gold on the promise that he's gonna give us gold per turn now toquyen suddenly has a ton of gold in his inventory he loves the fact that he has this much gold however he's also willing to give us some of that gold back because he doesn't need seven thousand five hundred eighty nine gold in fact he'd be happy with zero gold because he's an AI for some reason so he is willing to give us nine hundred and sixty two gold in bulk and in return we need to give him eighty eight gold per turn that means over the course of ten turns we're giving him eight hundred and eighty gold and we're receiving 962 gold upfront can you see the issue here we've effectively done the exact reverse of what we've just heard so yes I love this deal thank you very much how quaint I'm going to remember that 962 and eighty eight perfect so we make this fantastic deal and now we want to negotiate again after doing such a fantastic deal so what you want to do is of course request a payment yes 962 the perfect amount make this deal work perfect number is 88 so you just repeat this deal again when you have these two perfect numbers you want the highest on this end the lowest on this end so we get nine hundred and sixty two gold and in return we give eighty eight gold per turn and I'm just going to repeat this until I've completely drained him of funds so I'll be right back ladies and gentlemen go grab yourself a nice cup of tea and if your name's Dave and you don't have a cup of tea because hey you might be some kind of heretical coffee drinker then too know that I'm greatly disappointed and I forwarded on your situation to the Queen and she might set her corgis upon you you have been warned if your SATs here thinking well spare fluid this is great but this is only like early game you're not really getting too much from this well that's because ladies and gentlemen in the later game this scales as a percentage so the profits we're making now are at effectively 200% because we're giving money and gaining a profit on it and then we're getting the money back with a profit so effectively we're getting him for the money for free but also this scales late game so if sait al-quwain here I'd say had 60,000 instead of 6000 that way when we're doing this deal instead of making a profit of about 200 every time we do this deal we'd instead be making a profit of 2,000 every time we did this deal everything scale was perfectly in this game for some reason so now you can see we're in a unique situation when we started this exchange we had about I think it was 5,000 gold maybe in our inventory and we were gaining only 94 gold pattern or something like that yeah it was something ridiculously low like them now we've finished and we have 7000 131 gold and we're also gaining 1200 gold per turn from diplomacy was only spending 528 gold on diplomacy yes this is absolutely wacky and of course if we one more hey you can just do it more if you I don't know for some reason what to unify and become a glorious faction together if you won't say some of their lands like I love that idea of taking a farm land from them so let's ask for that glorious farmland they have how much is that gonna cost me 16 okay what if I make a payment of say a few thousand say we go one thousand five hundred that's quite a good little buff and then we can also make some regular payments so here's a little trade we can do because of course we have infinite gold if we won't say more land we can trade of talc Wayne so yeah we can give talc Wayne here what is effectively just over five thousand gold and in return he'll give us a fabulous piece of farmland of his which we could use to I don't know harvest the crops off and actually have food in our empire because lo and behold we at have none and of course if you want to increase your money per turn even higher then don't worry ladies and gentlemen you just once again request regular payments find that lovely sweet spot actually wait 49 is his maximum if we actually kept him out yes we've broken his income perfect and so for that he's willing to oh goodness yes he's wheelin comes 490 gold in return for 450 well let's drop this even more it's a 440 oh let's say 430 yep perfect so he's gonna give us 490 gold in return for 430 over a long term and oh goodness and that's all his money he's no longer making gold per turn he's just giving it all to us Oh ladies and gentlemen what a game we play what a glorious and beautiful game we play hey you know what we're here we've just upgrade our lovely little iron by now there we go let's have great that iron mine no problem there we go fantastic ladies and gentlemen this is how to get Liu Bei to just be an absolute meme Lord of pure success and just off general winning sadly of course we are at war with a lot of people but hey you know it doesn't have to be that way we have a lot of gold now so we can find some war we've say this guy here Wang Shao he's not that difficult of a fight if I'm honest but if we wanted peace we can do oh he actually never wants peace wow that guy's pretty intense and say the Yellow Turban rebellion Oh they'd love peace wow they really would take just peace immediately wow that's nice and easy you can pursue a route of just complete and utter peace where you don't fight anyone you're just friends with everyone you don't want to fight people because you know your lovely guy you've got a lot of money you're not interesting that sort of thing if you really want to play that kind of playstyle then there's a character I think over here somewhere but positioned around about here yes I think one of the settlements around here and he is effectively trader he's a monopolistic trader and basically he gets a ridiculous amount of gold per turn and he has positive diplomatic relations with everyone especially if you go down say this reform tree where you give yourself tons of magical bonuses you can just massively max out your like diplomacy skills and you can effectively trick the AIS into not being able to attack you and then just win a nice little Blue Magic with victory over everyone books who doesn't like a good diplomatic victory oh my goodness absolutely love this game it's great fun it's fantastic I mean it's like the only total war game with tea why wouldn't they have more if I'm honest also by the way ladies and gentlemen hey if you want to see another episode of total war free kingdoms then I have one more export I can show you and when I say exploit it's uh it's pretty big it takes a fair bit to pull off ladies and gentlemen it's a magical feed situated over here in the world of China but when done correctly you can effectively start the Mongol invasion in whatever year it is 190c II I think yeah it's um it's perfectly balanced oh here we go we found our lovely mercantile master it's mr. Kong wrong there you go he owns this land over here now we've encountered the lovely Kong grande lo and behold once again we can do this lovely little cheesy deal thing where as you can see he's gonna give us 166 gold over 10 turns also known as 1660 gold and in return all we have to give him his 885 oh no no no about 880 you know whilst we're at it how about 870 instead 875 perfect there you go 875 we lose in the short term but in the long term we gain 1660 which is uh Oh quite a lot of money so thank you very much gone wrong we've effectively turned into a massive loan shark the loan shark of nube they would call us I mean you just don't even need money from your own lands if I'm honest it's just not really worth it instead you just steal land from everyone else yes if you'd like to see another Total War free kingdoms video then I will make sure it can be a reality but as it will take a lot of effort to do this next exploit I'm afraid I'm going to have to set a light target to it because both goodness I would need a lot of support for it so I'm going to say a fantastic and I believe in you that you can do this 15,000 likes oh sit down and I'll record the strangest export I've ever found in the total war series in row 2 total war we had completely and utterly free spare units and they would fight very well and they were great but in this game there's something worse there's something much much worse something powerful something that has no counter something so strong a unit which is free spawns instantly Glenna she's instantly is effectively invulnerable in all battles and has no counter there is no hard counter to it not ranged not Spears not cavalry not even generals can stop it and so for that ladies and gentlemen forth that can be a glorious video for the future warned powered by a lot of tea released there we have it ladies and gentlemen I demonstrated to you some fantastic exploits for Total War three kingdoms and how to certainly have a lot of fun during your very fun and cheesy games of this game so I strongly recommend you load up the game give these exploits to try bugs hate they might not last for much longer notice if you have enjoyed this video today then Hague please do give this a like as it massively helps me out thank you very much and if you'd like to see more of these fantastic and jazzy wonderful videos than hey make sure to be subscribed as that way you get to know as soon as possible when I upload next and I must say thank you very much for 500,000 subscribers we seem to be getting really really quickly heading towards 550,000 which is something I did not expect so hey thank you very much it's absolutely blown myself and my destroy way we have no idea of how to keep up really I mean I was trying to plan something for the 500,000 sub celebration but then it just kind of hit me in the face like a large mug of tea that wasn't really much I could do okay nonetheless hopefully we can plan something rather majestic for some of the future sub goals anyway thank you very much for watching ladies and gentlemen I will see all of you in the next one good bye for now Frank as always to my majestic patrons you guys are absolutely fantastic each and every one of these majestic and lovely Brits and crew these fantastic videos and love to pay for my editor and give you these wonderful videos that you've seen today and if you're wondering what video torch next then look no further than this one on screen now trust me you're gonna love it it's fantastic and I out further adieu I'll see all of you in the next one have an absolute lovely day goodbye for now on go refill up your cup of tea you should write a third cup of tea by now come on there's a rookie numbers get them higher [Music]
Channel: The Spiffing Brit
Views: 714,469
Rating: 4.9569802 out of 5
Keywords: total war, total war three kingdoms, perfectly balanced game, perfectly balanced game with no exploits, skyrim perfectly balanced, Excluding Unlimited Gold Glitch, unlimited gold glitch, unlimited gold total war, three kingdoms exploit, three kingdoms total war, spiffing brit, the spiffing brit, the spiffing brit total war, total war exploit, video game exploit, funny montage 3 kingdoms, funny montage, funny moments, funny clips, rt game, rome 2, morrowind
Id: kekKldxiU_0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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