The Cringiest Religious Family on TikTok (ft. Kurtis Conner)

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hello everyone and welcome back to what is probably the last quarantine collab I know I haven't done a quarantine collab in months I'm sorry we're joined once again with Curtis hey last time we took a look at a beautiful man called McKenzie soul who reacted very well to our video yeah we're really good friends now we might go to a cabin later we got away with somewhat bullying him I mean and I feel like why not try it again you know if it ain't broke don't fix it so right this time we're going for more than one person I've actually found a family pop rock band rate they called sm6 okay so there is one two three four five six okay so that's for the six culture oh my god I have actually realized the order from Toronto they're from where I live six six six you know like Drake running through the six Oh with my words yes I doubt these guys have any correlation we're great so they refer to themselves as a good time family band a tight knit group of siblings who plow high-energy songs with catchy melodies near pleasing harmonies opposed to harmonies which hurt your ears your pleasing is a word I never wanna dance worthy rhythms and relatable lyrics to celebrate their love of spreading joy through music so let's believe them Devan I like the guy in the fedora fedora basically today we're gonna be looking at their tick-tock page which is mountains more successful than their band which is like a peerage shame to me what is the SM stand for you know I don't we gotta find out what it will say sorry mom their mom doesn't want them to have a band so this is the dad actually you know I'm actually quite sold yeah that's a great intro I want to listen their music now this is them live in a tick-tock as you can see the boys of summer tour oh yeah I was for Meryl well I I kind of like I started this this is like mine and I oh I was supposed to go cuz I was like organizing the whole thing but I was traffic you start a festival and invited a load of kid bands and you yeah yeah I mean they're not bad now that is a good time family band yeah exactly look you can even see there's all kinds of people in the audience there's even a slap head right at the beginning as you can his kids are like dad why did you bring us here you know I love boys of summer you know sm6 you ask I feel like the tick tocks I've seen of this family it's been people kind of a roasting well we would never ya know I'm very disillusioned with the idea of really cohesive family yeah so when I see something like this where there's six children all enjoying their time together and they all get along yeah that's there there's something else going on that's not passive imagine having siblings that you harmonize with like this why the drill though was that part of the sound maybe it's kind of like we're drilling the harmonies into our head kind of me me yeah by practicing we're doing odd harmony drills now I get it and it's from your favorite member as well yeah his name's Tyler is it uh yeah I've decided that his name is Tyler maybe he was the person who signed the boys of summer contractors yeah that's Tyler he was I remember talking to him when I was setting up the tour this is actually the first tick-tock of there's the I saw again if the harmony one didn't make your comfortable [Music] I don't think I even need to say anything is there anyone of these family members who wouldn't murder you in your sleep I wouldn't murder me you know they never said the rules of this staring contest they were just like okay staring contest and we else and then what am I supposed to do are they just kind of should we try and beat them it's just like we don't blink yeah yeah okay cut it this go the front [ __ ] up straight away just kind of told you I could blink you can't this is my sweet ride yes I guess should we just like look dead ahead at the camera while we do it again I'm just gonna do a few breathing exercises okay well is your eyes you don't need your lungs for this why breathe through my eyes all right you ready our reptile yeah [Music] this is this is probably very entertaining for everyone at home my so dry I [ __ ] up I'm so good no way [Music] I will wait I will be this family you're so darling you're the newest member now that's a habit I just got inaugurated I got smart well if you beat them at the staring contest yeah it's no sm7 expensive covergirl okay in the last tick-tock there was the word monkeys on the table do you think is that's what the M stands for Oh silly monkeys silly listen sorry sorry monkeys no I feel like that's more of kind of like a electronic indie folk band yeah that's a good name for a band someone's got a [ __ ] tape that's all bad yeah [Music] but could see your face [Music] okay this is like if every kid in my 10th grade drama class like all I got together and had a ticket on channel I'm like I'm happy this is tripping me out gotta turn around the next one's just gonna have you and which one would you have been takeo so I'm making an offender T on the right for sure the the girl wearing the only good vibes sure hey only good fine if I see one bad vibe you're at a debate how old is the the pink floyd guy cuz he looks like he's like our age yeah he looks like a middle-aged trucker stuck in an 18 year olds body okay what if s the s and s m6 stands for sm6 man so it's s m6 and monkeys six so the S funds for sm6 yes sm six band monkey sakes is the full the full van if s funds for sm 6 you surely got a van Gogh s monkey 6 in a cool nice family way ok I had an issue with this one it's obviously a big epic prank feeding him or even are these are these Doritos they're pop corners those are thing they're very good pop corners are really good it's like popcorn but they're littler like triangle Dorito shape wait do they taste of popcorn yeah it is like pop there's like different flavors there's like white cheddar I like that one a lot it's like salt and pepper ones they're really good I won't slander them then I'm sorry my issue with this is no one sleeps like this no one sleeps like arms crossed the [ __ ] food in mouth he just wakes up and laughs if my sibling was to do that to me I would not laugh yeah last thing I do I would be [ __ ] mom I'd [ __ ] punch him in the neck I'd be so upset you know put popcorn isn't my mouth when I'm asleep you do it when I'm awake unless there watch other unnecessary chatter and you can do it put them wherever whenever this one is a magic trick good well being musicians are also magicians the M never magic simply magic six simply magic six Satan Satan magic they must be religious they don't see that's the thing is yeah there is anything that can bind a happy family like this over them religion yeah you gotta have God in the Bible I want you to tell me how she's able to do this magic trick so pay very close attention okay hey you put it off screen don't act like you just did a magic trick to me taking this screen I'm gonna do a magic trick to my camera right now in my hand I have this this beanie here this is being well where did it go No yeah I'm a good girl gone rat I really want that shirt that she's wearing good girl gone rat that's so fire dude why would being rat take you away from being good it's just like murder people in a rad way yeah yeah if you like murdering someone while you're like I'm like a surfboard or like a roller blades I think that's pretty rock it's a pretty rad murder dude is has a we mix all of these clothes he's wearing Hollister the hobbitses we a man you're a family bin that's so goddamn funny to have just a piece of clothing that was just the name of it I drag on my ecstasy socks t-shirt that just says black tar heroin and he's wearing a dog tag Oh which Lee has the number of people he's murdered on that's so sick dude he's actually like pulling it off which I'm really to this day I have no idea how they managed to do this take talk again I feel like this is one that magician Curtis is gonna have to explain to the world it's a polar shift I mean ignore the fact that someone clearly runs past the screen they were falling to you it looks like they're running because their feet are on the ground and they're running but it's not they're not run what's interesting to me is how gravity is shifted but the necklace seems to point to the left I keep through the necklace always points towards hell oh they're a Satan Magic Man okay I have so many questions it's a voice like Lee video so that's hot sauce in the middle there whoever's most likely to do something out of the these sisters here the cup moves like to the left or the right and then by the time it hits the outside they have to drink it I love the way they decide this stuff it's really funny I don't think the older one is more likely to get mauled by a bear the kids gone straight away yeah for sure it's easy by one stomp more grown person it would take at least like two stomps maybe like a claw be a little harder yeah if the bear was going it would be easier to Maul you'd go for the child most likely no please please don't you K please don't watch our movie that's even worse than being mauled by a bear she looked so embarrassed by it oh I'm sorry maybe I would she's cold damn just no emotion she's judged her and executioner and place the keys that kid look at the camera like bro sorry you're destined to fail bro yeah you're gonna be broke as [ __ ] I'm sorry it's probably like tomato juice you don't even see the reaction here oh oh oh that's the equivalent here would be Nando's okay yeah sorry we got Nando's - that's what the O in Nando's Nick oh okay this is another prank one you can tell because there is complete disaster in those eyes do you that look like it like really hurt I feel like that should be our handshake if we if we ever made yeah eyes and we knock each other out it's like they enjoy it if they weren't on camera I feel like the reactions would be different which is why it's got to be fake yeah you gotta like laugh along and play along with it I mean that is a very over exaggerated reaction one of my earliest memories is my sister hanging me across the face of a wooden cloth and I'm so scarred by it that I remember it to this day very very sure and she's never admit I had really bad eczema when I was a kid like on the back of my leg like so that had like open sores on the back of my leg you know so one time my sister she grabbed an air freshener and sprayed it on the back of my leg like right of the accident literally the bus painful thing I've ever experienced in my life so we were like fighting after that I was laughing okay yeah this one's just odd you you eat brunch with a member of sm6 this is like the night changes video for one direction and that's like blended kidneys or something yeah there's Nash's I love that I mean I could say with confidence just by watching this video that they are enjoying like more than anyone I've ever met I want to view the choreographer there is a seventh sibling they keep them like locked up in a basement somewhere okay we need new dance for dick dark until age 8 you're not allowed to be in front of the camera you have to do whatever you know how much we loved our bang energy ads from McKenzie last time so they don't have bang energy ads this is obviously bang energy is not a drink of God so instead they have oh my gifts oh my gift okay oh my gear so it's like a little a little pizza slice that moves also it's like a real-life game yeah gif bit like a bit of a gift okay because you know gifts are just like moot like moving pictures right so really anything in real life is a real life game they're destroyed this is defamation you can't come for their brand like this okay sorry I mean whoa I've hated how long gifts are so I've always wanted them to be shorter in a little box that I can have next to my bed you can go and see your friends in real life and when you want to do the Drake clapping gift you just yeah you get out a little version of Drake clapping good I will never clap with my own hands but I'll show you and then they moved on and they found an old-school toy okay here we go no family members should get this close six feet apart guys this is really taking the piss the rig is halfway through his stomach but celebrate hey there's one tick tock laughs but guys I've left a very special one for us okay I didn't know if you know this but you can vlog on tik-tok now that's the thing that people do am i watching this for the first time it was like all of my suspicions about them being a family were true I mean that's not necessarily a bad thing any family if I was to watch any family interact I'll just be like yeah I know what you mean yeah - our woman to vlog what goes on in the car breaking Starbucks alright we don't have to we don't have to play this I think we're good hey Starbuck I'm actually man yeah I got a phone call I gotta set up boys a summer tour Oh give us the camera back you [ __ ] idiot you're gonna be so broke when you're older oh my god I mean I don't want to be to me because I know they're like young but like if I had to be in a van with this family I wouldn't be in the van anymore I would be on the highway there would be a man-shaped hole in one of those windows yeah yeah like in the cartoon I mean we could free Adams in jail is Adam one of the members he was arrested for section of marijuana the cop saw his hat and they're like you know what that's imagine having photos of them in your house it's so weird to me cuz I'm sure these kids enjoy what they're doing yeah but like it's got to be the parents right that are just like living their dreams for their kids yeah sure I'm by the way they're not bad like musically they're really quite good and there's a load of this girl doing because I think she's the vocalist there's loads of like tech talks of her singing with her sister and they're good but it's kind of like it's always a bit worrying when it's a family thing unless the family really is that tightly knit yeah it would be the last way I would do music that seems like a nightmare to me I mean maybe we're just like oh not maybe I think we're just [ __ ] [ __ ] if you wanna be in curtis's boys of summer festival next year shopping yeah I don't know if I'll be able to make a kiss traffic's pretty bad but every year just so happens to be you don't want me to get sorry someone seemed to jump out of a van on a highway happens every year that's all I wanted to show you today guys we get it we do this sf6 cured OS monkey six band monkey six bands it's great and a cured corona if you have enjoyed this video please leave a like down below do make sure to go and check out Carissa's channel if you haven't done so already and yeah I won't catch you next time next cook next pandemic so big too
Channel: James Marriott
Views: 2,457,646
Rating: 4.9648066 out of 5
Keywords: the cringiest religious family on tiktok, james marriott, kurtis conner, james, marriott, kurtis, conner, tiktok, tik tok, tiktok cringe, tik tok cringe, tiktok reaction, eboy cringe, james marriott tiktok, kurtis conner tiktok, the cringiest eboy on instagram, sm6, sm6band, eboys, tik tok memes, tik tok funny video, tik tok dance, tik tok reaction cringe, tik tok cringe 2020
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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