There's another MAP problem on twitter

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we are gonna be talking about unfortunately a topic that is recurring on this channel so because I hate myself I spend a lot of time on Twitter I'd say 0.2 percent of that time is positive memes laughs whatever and the rest is toxic disgusting depraved disappointing deranged just a mess I every so often go to check up on pedophile Twitter a sentence that I really hate that I can say without lying and one I go on pedophile slash map Twitter because that's what they call themselves and I know people always ask why don't you put pedophile in the title it's because the video would be hidden because the term pedophile well already YouTube thinks a lot of things are offensive but when it's actually a term that is very loaded like pedophile they know so I have to put map I want to check on pedophile Twitter and there's a new aspect of pedophile Twitter that is seriously scary to me of course there are the usual run-of-the-mill pedophiles who think pedophilia should be accepted it's valid or it should be part of LGBT just you know those people so I want to look at a couple of those just so we get in the vein of what we're gonna talk about it gets a lot grimmer so prepare yourself the only thing I care about is ending all forms of oppression a-spec aspe see what the [ __ ] they come up with new things every time I check a spec means someone identifies on this asexual aromantic spectrum that makes more sense had never heard that term Pro contact age flux NB and come what's in calm anarcho-communism my god this bio look iconoclast in supporter of all including you quick note i forgot to mention that i don't want you guys to send these people hate or death threats if you want to take any action I suppose you could report their profile but aside from that I would strongly suggest not contacting them at all if you're a minor go ahead and block them but let's not resort to death threats or any thing like that now out of that mess of letters put together the thing we really care about here is a map it says that their maps are there pedophile and pro C means Pro contact now for the most part all the maps that I've come across on Twitter they say that they're anti contact which honestly to me doesn't necessarily mean that much because they could very well be lying to say that you're Pro contact you could also be lying but it's a lot more damaging because people are gonna assume that you either will or have abused children I found this person so that was interesting I found someone else who says hi I'm newbie nice 18 year old he him from America loves love age is just a number yeah age is just a number 902 number in prisons just a room so I guess it's all good Kumbaya right no and then it says map Ally anti maps need help I go to therapy and I'm an anti map and trust me my therapist has confirmed with me that me being an anti map is not one of my problems out of the many problems I have trust being an anti map is not something you need help with and being an anti map I think on the contrary proves that you have morals ethics ideals also I don't like seeing children in pain which is something pedophiles don't grasp but moving on last one before we get to the meat of this founder and leader of the Legion of infinity whatever that is pro map activist Pro contact anti religion but spiritualist polyamorous and polysexual feel free to ask questions boy I have a lot of questions I have a lot of questions what is a pro map activist really because in my books activism is fighting for something that typically is worth fighting for and I find it laughable in like the most depressing way possible that you are proud to be well at least proud enough to put it in your bio activist that is pro pedophile I have questions just like what happened to make you be pro pedophile like what what occurred because trust me nobody wants to claim them nobody except the pro map people want to claim the pedophiles not the lgbtq cuz they don't belong they're not abuse victims cuz I'm one of them and I will not claim them for the whole of us none of us want pedophiles here okay so there are these disgusting people online what's new you guys are aware of them probably what now concerns me very deeply is that there is a subcategory of maps the underaged maps I know the concept seems a little bit crazy because it's like if you're still underage how do you know that you're attracted to minors and of course there are multiple ways in which that could work so it could be for example a 14 year old realizing that they're only attracted to 5 year olds but it also could mean you know a 16 year old who's attracted to a 14 year old so underaged maps confuse me mainly because a lot of them don't write down their age of attraction so I feel like some of them may have convinced themselves that they are pedophiles when maybe that's not even the case we hope you can understand why this is concerning because there are profiles and I'm gonna blur their information because they're underage but there's this one profile that says map /a am plus a a.m. now can they just write the whole thing American alliance of museums I don't think that's what they were referring to I don't know what a.m. is if someone can enlighten me I can't keep up with all these terminologies that ok 8 years old non chronological trans age and arc okami it's like you can't even commit to having one problem like you're also trans age now listen there's a difference between trans age and age regression I have a limited understanding of age regression but I hear that people do it as a coping mechanism and it can be therapeutic and it can also have to do with like I said personal therapy that people are doing to recover from traumas and such so we're not talking about age regression here trans age as in the idea that you can be a different age well listen I identify as 17 because back then I didn't have to pay all my bills that I could be a little bit more and mature and more irresponsible so I'm 17 guys officially I'm nine years younger there's nothing you can say see how stupid that sounds yeah well this is what that stands for to be honest I've always always always thought that trans age was an excuse for people to be pedophiles but rationalize it by saying oh well I actually also identify as an eight-year-old and this little boy this little girl is eight so we're good and it's like no Steven you're a 50 year old man like you can't just say you're eight and have it be just done automatically we all accept you know this person being a map and also translate does not surprise me in the least because I think in their minds it's a way to rationalize the way they're feeling apparently they're eight years old non chronological so I'm assuming that's there trans age that they identify with the thing is I found minor accounts that say really troubling things now not all these minor accounts are Maps some of them are just throw map in the sense or accepting of maps which in and of itself is dangerous like I found this profile that says fourteen maps are valid DM if you want to chill this is scary because I'm sure there are pedophiles whose favorite age is fourteen and as this person that thinks that pedophiles are valid to me it just stands to reason if one reached out to them they wouldn't immediately block them as you should and report them they might engage with them and that is truly what scares me because teens and children that young of course have somewhat of a grasp of what a pedophile is but at the same time I'm scared for them because they could really get into something that will traumatize them for the rest of their lives and having maps are valid in your bio how is that not gonna attract maps there are pedophiles here there's another minor whose bio says miss me your favorite stupid ugly fat female twelve-year-old a.m. again don't know map Ally bish is back I support anti contact maps that won't help CS a survivor not depressed just said this person is anti contact but at the same time again being if they really are 12 online making these statements that essentially they're in favor of maps as long as they don't make contact this person again could easily become a victim of these pedophiles especially if they're older if they're you know say 30 they're going to be able to manipulate a twelve-year-old so this is what concerns me that minors have in some ways inserted themselves in the map community even if they're not even maps themselves even if they're even if they're just allies it's scary to me because this is exactly a pedophiles dream that children and young teens are not only aware of them are actively accepting of them that to me seems like a pedophiles best scenario because imagine imagine there's a 30 year old pedophile on Twitter and then there's a 14 year old person who is a pedophile a lie these two coming together is perfect because the pedophile doesn't even have to force themselves or like validate themselves they can just like they're already automatically respected and considered valid it scares me okay like I know I'm not vocalizing this well but it scares me so then there was a tweet by this one person who is also a minor and they're they identify as a map and it says it's heading to see maps go at least we're not sociopaths in an effort to gain acceptance the map community was founded upon the ideas of inclusion and acceptance having been rejected from the lgbtq+ community in the 80s bigotry hatred and ableism are not math values now this is the other aspect of the underage map slash pedophile identified people I believe this person is 15 or 16 if I recall correctly and having this type of ideology so young concerns me because no kid or teen thinks this without some level of indoctrination in my opinion at 16 nobody could ever ever convince me that being a pedophile is valid and should be happily accepted so like this type of rhetoric to me I'm not saying this person has been groomed I know nothing about this person but this rhetoric to me does not sound like the typical rhetoric of a 15 or 16 year old this sounds like someone who has heard things over and over again and is repeating them or has repeated them enough until they maybe actually believe them and that scares me because that puts them in vulnerable position again because they're underage and so the people they're kind of it can easily prey on them because they can you know weep about their victimhood as a pedophile and this person would be like yeah you're right you've been rejected from the lgbtq+ community did you understand where I'm coming from this person also identifies as a map which adds on again another layer it's really hard for my brain to wrap itself around the concept that the pedophile community now has a subsection where there's people who don't identify as maps who just openly support them who are minors and then people who are minors who also identify as maps and therefore support pedophiles slash maps whatever you want to call them so it it genuinely scares me because like I said I don't necessarily believe that every minor who says that they're a map truly knows what they're talking about and second of all if they do think that and they continue to think that I feel like I I worry that they will continue to reiterate to themselves that they are that and that they therefore can never change or shouldn't go to therapy and things like that you know what I mean so I don't know I am just deeply concerned for for the minors here because I feel like they're just open targets right now anyways guys let me know what you think let me know you know what if you have any idea of what to do thank you guys so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always and let's get right to the fan er [Music]
Views: 613,447
Rating: 4.9653406 out of 5
Keywords: twitter, twitter community, twitter news, social media
Id: rnRAVvck400
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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