The MAP Community Is Seriously Disgusting...

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/xGejak 📅︎︎ Jul 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen this video was sponsored by people really getting on my nerves grinding my gears now let me get this started real quick okay now this video might make me come across as a little old-fashioned a little boomer-ish and you know what that's just fine considering the context of the video now ladies and gentlemen i don't know how many of you have been on the war zone that is twitter it is generally one of the worst platforms ever to exist if not the worst all right like absolute if we had to equate these two levels of like the underworld twitter is probably at like the bare minimum there are only a few social networks worse than it okay and now that i pretty much got it out of the way uh let me tell you something that happened months ago now months ago i basically talked about the map community if you don't know what a map community if you know what a map is all right there are generally bad examples of maps okay there's things like apple maps or a very terrible navigational guide but this video isn't about mapping services this is about minor attracted persons all right now this is sort of the new in thing you know sort of sort of what sort of looks like popular with with the homies these days not really if you don't know what's been going on twitter's infested with this community called maps in fact the internet really is these are basically people who say loud and proud you know listen i just like them little kids all right now uh in modern times we might equate this to other more more memetastic situations all right but i'm not even going to go there all right ladies and gentlemen the map community is absolutely one of the most disgusting communities out there and the fact that this is being paraded and tried and attempted to become normalized is just something that's absolutely disgusting and the reason i'm making this video is because i myself have constantly ever since i made that tweet a while back i've been hit with people trying to justify it they're like listen all right listen these are just regular people even before that tweet when i made deep web videos talking about every time i come across this and saying wow i think pedos are disgusting and then you got a bunch of people who constantly message me like muda you should really think about it okay these are just people all right they they go through a bunch of stuff moody you should be open-minded listen man when you're involved in little kids all right and you're sick little thoughts into it yeah i'm not going to be open-minded okay i'm going to call it like it is now everything usually has an origin point right and the origin point for this hellhole may have just been 4chan here's a post from a from 4chan back in 2016. we're creating a new gender to troll sjws with clovergender a child trapped in a man's body who is attracted to other children pronouns uh ci okay clear klimself that we will be trolling on tumblr and facebook needed propaganda images accounts and they have like a discord service that's completely removed so as you can see everything has an origin point all right it is there but as you can see this is back in the highlight of the sjw like political wars i don't care about any of this i don't care hey listen if you like to fight for social justice do it all i care about is is these people just staying away from the little kids all right it is what it is so as you can see this was a trolling campaign that was created now i don't know how legitimate this is but this is martin shkreli if you don't know who martin shkreli is he was uh one of the most hated individuals ever okay this is the guy that basically took the hiv drug and priced it so far up the ass that people who needed it to survive were kind of screwed up with now whether he did that to troll pharmaceutical companies or insurance companies i'm not going to get into it because this guy is currently arrested under securities fraud yes martin shkreli is dumb enough to end up in federal [ __ ] prison all right it is what it is i don't even know how real this tweet is i've just seen everyone tossing it around please spread clover gender awareness i i actually don't want to say this is fake either because i know martin was at one point a pretty pro a pretty epic troll you know he was like he's a i mean this is the guy that took the hiv medication and butt [ __ ] the price up not just that not just that i think he bought like a wu-tang clang album wu-tang clan album and just like up char or like he bought the last one that was unreleased and never released to the public they even rift on him and watch dogs too he's actually like considerably hated i don't know what he's gonna do when he gets out of prison i'm pretty sure he's rich as hell anyways not that it matters but as you can see a lot of high profile trolling was definitely occurring this is where the legitimacy of the map movement is dead that's why i'm showing this to you there is no movement there is no like there there is there is none of this okay you literally started off on a trolling attempt from 4chan the people that took it seriously and made it into something your basis is literally based off of a [ __ ] image board raid an image board trolling operation imagine i just blew your minds alright there you go now it's interesting that they have an entire hashtag called map positivity and again like in the beginning of this video i talked about no harassment and i definitely don't want to get into it because all these map twitter threads all these like hashtags okay so this is like infested with a bunch of like psychotic haters you know it's like they they make some pretty like dark jokes and no way do i promote that there's definitely a feel-good section of this video going forward but as you can see they show like fun facts with squidwards maps aren't valid and never will be get help you are sacrificing a child's mental health by saying that pedos are okay every day children lose their innocence someone couldn't keep their sick and twisted desires and don't try to defend it in the comments that is a factual [ __ ] statement all right now if you don't understand what's going on these people have basically tried to attach themselves to the lgbtq plus and it's like well you know them gay people you know you know what else should be fine after them gays uh the map group which is not okay all right let me let me give you a factual difference okay for the people in the audience that that may try to defend this gay people are two consenting adults all right if me and steve want to pork each other's buttholes later on we're two consenting adults it's okay for us to do it all right if we want to get into that we'll get into that but when you involve a child you know too young to make a conscious uh proper rational consensual decision that's when it gets really [ __ ] bad and that's where these people should never ever be accepted there are individuals literally trying to normalize a criminal behavior all right it's just not okay you know if i'll be real there's been a fair amount of people who tell me but muda back in the old days this was okay all right why are people such prooj now you know it was okay back in the old days of the caveman no [ __ ] consent too you want to get back to that humanity evolves and so do our ideals and values so don't you [ __ ] throw that [ __ ] at me dog all right because i got all the rebuttals in the world to win edgy you think only destiny can debate bro i'll br i'll bring the heat just right there it's very easy to win against people like this now it's also what's also interesting and intriguing about this is like you can see like how how much they vie for attention like here's one tweet that came out i'm not gonna like name names or anything or drop because that's because these people really just want attention the less attention you give them the better it's more seething that it happens that way erica from erica world network supports map rights literally using someone that passed away and then like [ __ ] unironically calling them a [ __ ] pedophile after they passed away like holy [ __ ] not only that but the reason i'm showing this to you is like the amount of vitriol that it generated was insane it was so bad that they took like someone i think maybe from their follower list or someone random they took a d they faked a [ __ ] dm from them and then pretended that it was real just to take the heat off of them that's why i'm sure it's insane and this person's like i never asked that you sick [ __ ] don't you dare photoshop me asking for that oh ow that's a little that's a little that's spicy as hell they're literally faking dm's at this point just to get out of hot water it's kind of insane now what's also kind of weird and wild is people trying to like justify the crazy [ __ ] so i'm going to read you a couple tweets again nameless because i don't really like giving attention to people that do not deserve it at all now what's also interesting is getting into the [ __ ] terminology of a map all right now there are maps that like to call themselves anti-c or what the [ __ ] do you think anti-sea must mean it's what we call anti-contact so basically it's people that are attracted the kids were like all right we know that it's wrong to get involved with kids so we're anti-contact i could only hope to never meet somebody that's pro-c if you know what i mean you know they're like you know i'm a little pro-contact if you will i'm glad that if the only ones i've ever come across are anti-contact because the pro-contact ones would definitely have an fbi van outside their house no lie ash mains rushing in anti-contact doesn't just mean we haven't offended it's an ethical position meaning that we would find sexual contact with kids immoral thank you even in the absence of legal restriction that is because as adults we hold the monopoly of power over children so they can't consent and this is where you start to hit a [ __ ] brick wall with these people right like why why even go to why even choose to die on this hill i love this one too i went to market today saw plenty of attractive young girls know what i did i kept walking and carried on with my shopping paying them no attention just like i did with the adults i also found attractive almost like attraction is just that and doesn't control my actions it's also great when you read the comments it's like the fact that you were even looking at kids alarms me oh boy oh boy now to understand real quickly okay i'm not here to hate on these people like blatantly right listen okay if you genuinely feel attracted to [ __ ] children i never understood the concept of trying to normalize and make it okay there's things like psychosexual therapy there's actual therapists you can talk to when it comes to situations like this i almost liken people who are minor attracted or map individuals to someone like [ __ ] almost like borderline serial killers like people who have like that that like that like thing in their brain that like sort of sends them off that path right you know they're almost like people who have who who because like what's the next step right like what's i know that i'm going at a leap of logic but let me explain what's the next step if you're attracted to kids all right and you keep festering those thoughts without seeking proper guidance and counseling what happens is a lot of these people let these thoughts fester and maybe it takes a day maybe it takes a week maybe it takes a month maybe it takes years eventually the thoughts go from just thoughts to eventually predatory to eventually actually performing these actions in reality that's unfortunately what you go down to and i don't care what statistic you tell me because the end game of this entire [ __ ] defense squad the entire endgame of this is something that's just not [ __ ] legal and that's what i'm trying to get at there's nothing you can say to come out and defend this to me and make it look somewhat normalized and somewhat okay am i with the people who blatantly hate you and want the worst for you [ __ ] no i'm not i don't think that's a cure for it either but why is it that you're so dead set on defending why are you so willing to die on this hill rather than appropriately seek [ __ ] help some of them do seek help and some of them move past it and i'm so glad that they do look i don't claim to know how the [ __ ] human mind is wired i'm a goddamn engineer not a psychologist but what i do know is there's plenty of help programs out there why choose to continue dying on this hill and let this happen i have no [ __ ] idea all right why would you even go publicly and [ __ ] say this outright too it's like these people want to get a barrage of hate it's like they want to get a barrage of negativity headed towards them and i'm not saying you should keep everything closeted and hidden beneath you the entire point of this video is to guide you people into seeking some form of help because at the end of all of this when you're attracted to kids literally something illegal the next phase from thoughts goes into performing the actual crime and that's what i'm getting down to ladies and gentlemen i'm done and tired with this map nonsense i'm sick and tired of it it's over it's done it has no place and there's nothing you can say to normalize it to me i want you people to get help and i want you to seek help and i want you to do better okay it is what it is all right ladies and gentlemen there's no aim for harassment there's no hatred headed in this video if anything i'm just trying to rationalize and normalize all this with you and tell you that there's help available and so you should seek it your entire [ __ ] your entire sexuality and basis and belief core is based off of a 4chan trolling operation and if that's not [ __ ] sad and pathetic i don't know what is ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike it if you dislike it this is me mudahar and i am out [Music] [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,553,609
Rating: 4.951488 out of 5
Id: nQX9HslxIa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 53sec (773 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 29 2020
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