Another MAP on instagram

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna be talking about another map or miner attracted person or as we in reality refer to them as pedophiles now if I use the term map it's mostly to avoid D monetization which would then hide my video and then there's no point of making a video if none of the people who are subscribed see it but anyway so a couple of days ago I was made aware of a profile on Instagram that's called rawr face mish now on the profile it did say mish so I don't know if that's the real name and nickname of pseudonym whatever I'm gonna refer to them as mish and they had a post up that was talking about being proud of being a map a pedophile so this was the post that brought a lot of attention it said I'm proud of my attraction hash tag map positivity no map pride map pride pedo sexual and if you'll see it doesn't have a thousand likes but it does have almost a thousand comments and all of those were essentially dragging this person and rightfully so so then I went on their story where they were doing like a QA so it says Matt pride at my age of attraction is two year old to 12 year old ask me anything so under there's also a curious cat profile I looked it up and it's gone so I don't know if they just removed everything or if they were removed by these various platforms after being reported to hell so anyway let's go through these and the reason I'm going through these is because first of all I'm going to show you a picture of this person so if you're under 18 and ever come across them block report and if you're over 18 probably do the same thing block and report but you're obviously less at risk also because this person's age of attraction for children is between 2 years old and 12 years old which in and of itself repulsive so a lot of these questions or a lot of the answers to the questions this person gave were extremely taunting for example someone said are you that you're disgusting you're proud pedo and they responded I'm proud of it silly but then it said as a female who was born a female and preyed on maps you scare me and she said my age of attraction is two to twelve so if you're older than that you shouldn't fear anything to be honest and a lot of the times this person seemed to actually miss the point now mind you I don't believe that any persons comment can automatically change someone's mind and I don't think mich would one day wake up and being like wow being a pedophile is [ __ ] disgusting and I need to seek treatment I know nothing of that was gonna happen but I honestly almost wonder why this person did a Q&A if it's only for ego boost to have like all these people asking you questions and giving you attention even if it's negative or what they were trying to do maybe they were trying to find other maps who the [ __ ] knows and I just want out a quick point that if they are looking for other maps and if they are looking at you build a community I find that in and of itself concerning because she seems to be very okay with touching children abusing children and so on so it wouldn't even be a map community of people supporting each other in going to treatment and doing whatever they can to not be threats it would be rather a community who might be sharing child pornography who might be sharing profiles to lurk and try to I don't know get in contact with so that's what scares me about the fact that she was so openly posting because it would probably attract others that would be like oh hey I'm the same and that just seems disastrous to me so then it says are you ever gonna have kids if so are you gonna do this to them I plan on it if my kids are girls then absolutely part of me really wanted to think this was a troll and the fact is it almost doesn't matter if they're a troll because what they're doing is inherently hurtful because they still are pushing the narrative that maps should be part of the LGBTQ community that being a pedophile or a pedo sexual as a lot of these people refer to themselves is okay and on the same level as being gay bi trans whatever whatever part of the LGBTQ community you want to pick and it's just not it is under no circumstance part of the LGBT community as the be in the LGBT I'm telling you get the [ __ ] out we don't want you here we really don't I prefer prison that can be your community the prison community [Music] and here we come to the typical argument we see from pedophiles over and over again which has been debunked over and over again not that you really need crazy amounts of science to debunk it but it said why are you Pro contact and they responded because I believe children can consent and I'm honest children can't consent I love that in 2020 I have to say that children cannot consent but I don't know what kind of idiot [ __ ] [ __ ] em hmm this person I don't know how this person who is interested in two-year-olds and in one of their stories even said the younger the better it's deluded to think that they can consent and I honestly think that they don't think that children can consent more like they trick themselves into thinking that because that in some way makes it what less perverse I suppose that you pretend that children can consent granted some people might actually genuinely believe it but aside from that there was also another story which of course I didn't have time to get the screenshot because we're like a billion stories where she likened consent to children picking an ice cream flavor she said oh yeah children can pick vanilla or chocolate therefore they can choose to consent that analogy does not compute so this is a part that particularly pissed me off because you'll see it says how do you feel about the backlash coming out as a map and the person said it's expected I faced worse as a trans woman to each their own I wasn't sure if they're saying that they're facing worse because they're trans and a pedophile or if they faced worse adversities just on them being trans now if it's just on them being friends I don't know I'm not trans but it's hard for me to believe that people would be more aggressive towards you than pedophiles like I think that overall pedophiles are one of the most hated group of people period hard for me to believe that they got worse backlash I just don't know if they were trying to link the two together or not you guys can let me know what you think in the comments and then I thought this part was interesting because someone said being a map isn't cute a girl who was sexually abused by adults mesh said yes it is a girl who was sexually abused by adults so then I started thinking okay well this might be one of the cases of people who become or are pedophiles because of abuse that occurred to them in trauma of the past which doesn't make it okay suddenly to be a pedophile who's all pro contact but it could be an explanation as to why they seem so brazen and comfortable with what they are so the last thing i screenshotted was a picture of this person and typically i wouldn't do that but considering their profile was public considering that they were putting out these dangerous messages i do think it's important to have a picture to associate in case they start a new profile and in case they try to start a new maybe create a profile that's a little bit less blatant I would like to believe that Instagram took them down however if you followed some of my videos in the past Instagram is [ __ ] just pure [ __ ] because the amounts of profiles that have been sent to me and that I've talked about on this channel before the videos were removed because the person filed a privacy complaint there are so many profiles of young girls I want to say between the ages of 11 and 14 who posed and completely sexualized poses sexualized attire I'm talking about there was a person I made a video about Karen Lopez she's the one who got my video removed and I got threats and it was not a good time because I think there's something to do with trafficking going on there she has now evolved the last I checked she has a bunch of different pages to essentially just wearing pasties this person is not 18 on a live stream they admitted to not being a teen in the dm's they tried telling me that they're just pretending to be younger which is even [ __ ] in its own thing because then what your your whole audience is pedophiles and you're just good I could go off the reason that profiles like this concerned me so much aside from the fact that they could be preying on young children in the is that like I said because there are so many sexualized profiles of young girls I feel like both of these two worlds that are kind of the same world but not exactly one panders to pedophiles without being outright about it and here we have someone who's outright about being a pedophile the fact that those two worlds exist on Instagram and they're very lightly monitored scares the [ __ ] out of me because there are 12 year olds who are just posting normal pictures 15 year olds were just posting normal pictures just being kids and then there are these [ __ ] creeps who are lurking and might make contact might pretend to be their same age no absolutely not but Instagram doesn't take these cases seriously because a bunch of my subscribers did report Karen Lopez and what happened nothing I got my video removed for shedding a light on the fact that what she was posting was inappropriate while this was about this particular predator I'm also talking about Instagram not really stepping in to do things which is why we kind of have to step in and try to report as much as we can when we see people who are Pro contact the sole concept of people feeling comfortable enough online to say yes I think it's okay to molest abuse traumatize children is disgusting let me know what you think the comments down below let me know if you've noticed anything about how Instagram is treating these particular accounts anyways thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Views: 1,239,669
Rating: 4.9638805 out of 5
Keywords: instagram, instagram map, maps instagram, map
Id: DCNBTs--K7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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