The Turbulent Tale of Yandere Dev - A Six Year Struggle | TRO (ft. Thafnine)

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TRO took on Alex? Hell yeah!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 58 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Street-Return2 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m happy that someone with a built in audience like TRO will bring Light to this situation and get more people to realize what a fraud Alex is

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 50 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BirbMaster445 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

After watching the video all the way through, I like that he went into it very neutrally. However, I feel that in one area, he could've covered things better.

I felt like there wasn't enough explanation on the splits in the fanbase. The entire time, I was kinda hoping for a mention of this subreddit, especially when he talks about the buyout of and censorship on the main subreddit. I feel like it's important to distinguish between the many types of people who Yandere Dev categorized as "Gremlins", which he does sort of do at one or two points in the video, but it imo felt too gray-area. But do let me know if I'm being too critical here, or if y'all kinda felt the same.

Overall, I the video was very well produced, and will do a good job at opening up the minds of Yandere Dev's supporters. I can also see it possibly influencing Yandere Dev into either changing the way he is going about the project, or simply dropping it/passing it on to someone else. But in time, we'll see how Yandere Dev takes in this video. I sure hope he starts to listen.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GoldenJ19 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Great video as always by The Right Opinion. Definitely more neutral sided, but we must always be open to peoples opinions. It's focuses on many points such as his insecurity and need to comment on every single critique, and how it could affect him and his life.

10/10 - IGN.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Xylven πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m SO glad TRO made a video on this, I love his content and he has a huge platform so this video will definitely garner a good deal of attention.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 26 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rj-crispy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm happy that such a fairly well known youtuber like TRO is talking about this. Can’t wait to watch this!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/dopeoplereadnames πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I feel like this video might actually change something and be a milestone in the game’s history, kinda like The Rise and Fall of Yanderedev.

i’m probably wrong but still

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ItsAMistakeISwear πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

LMAO his patreon in bellow 2k now. Idk if it was a coincidence that it drop dwn again after this video was release.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm so excited that TRO took on this topic. Hopefully it puts a little (read: a LOT) more pressure on Alex to get himself together (which I doubt will happen but we can dream.)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/miss_cactus πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the right opinion the home of a [ __ ] with too much free time and as I'm sure many of you know I am a gamer it is a bona fide fad to this point for my early period throwing knife montages to my entourage on gta5 my gaming skills are seldom equalled and certainly not by anyone who I am covering today I am the epic gamer your parents tell you about so you better hide your wife and true gamer fashion we are going back to the world of video games with one of my most requested topics of all time and that topic is yandere simulator an anime based game ah anime my favorite what do people who like anime talk about hello fellow anime watchers who I'm gonna level with you guys here one of my most commonly asked questions is if I watch anime and although I've seen a couple movies when I was younger spirited away Howl's Moving Castle I haven't really had the chance to enjoy much of it although I've heard great things and I really do respect the Arts and it looks truly beautiful now anime has been relatively popular since the early 20th century it obviously originated in Japan and often represented the cultural zeitgeist the development of digital mediums has allowed the art flush and expanded new genres while those of course is the video game genre there are many anime video games and it was in the in video game heyday of the 1980s the anime inspired video games and video game inspired animes rose to prominence since then their popularity has continued to extend beyond their borders with the style attaining international prestige amongst of a variety of audiences I also want to take a moment to talk about manga which is typically used to refer to comics and graphic novels often created in the Japanese style manga precedes anime and although mangas may be made reflecting an anime style they are by no means the same however there is overlap and that overlap can be demonstrated in many characterizations this is where we meet the yandere yandere is a portmanteau which is our word the day of the words Y and aru and de Raider a yondeiru meaning sick and diretor a meaning infatuated deeply in love so combined you reach the lovely idea that a person is in love to a sick extent they will do anything for their senpai even if that means often less than charitable activities this personality trait is attributed to manga characters however it has gained popularity in anime as well with many characters being modeled around that mold the psychotic behavior often paired with a cute design and sometimes demeanor seems to be a good contrast that has become quite the rave but it wasn't until one very cheeky game developer had a very cheeky idea how about we make a whole video game from the perspective of a yandere that cheeky game developer was a person by the name Alex Mahan currently operating under the very fitted name of yandere death he was an independent developer hailing from California he has a degree in animation and was previously known under the name eva zphone where he'd worked on the game of Lunas site however inspired receiving some initial interest within forums it didn't come to fruition that was previously his most renowned project but he has been a resident of the online world since the mid to late 2000s working on various concepts one I found was a game called shader lots and lots of fun it appears that yandere dev was a man with many ideas so let's talk about the idea that has brought us to this titular game he conceived the idea of yandere simulator in 2014 pitched it to the Internet and allegedly after receiving positive feedback decide to initiate development starting a YouTube channel to document this development and progress the YouTube channel like all channels was a bit slow at first but in perspective gained subscribers at a relatively rapid pace catapulting his content and the respective project into the public eye it wasn't too long before other large craters gave the game a burst of publicity including PewDiePie markiplier jacksepticeye and i has cup quake given its accessibility even in the early stage of development yandere simulator was pushed towards the spotlight and although it was not remotely near finished many were more than willing to let this slide considering that it was an independently funded venture and sometimes true quanti does indeed take time he would typically upload content that would provide updates and ideas and was interactive on social media however it was a lot to do for one person with this in mind in 2014 yandere dev also set up a patreon to support this endeavor and it gained a reasonable amount of donors at one point totaling $5,000 a month with the production in 4motion new ideas ready to be worked on plenty attraction and support from the community members and even the odd volunteer along the way everything seemed to be going perfectly fine however if it was a perfect story we wouldn't be here today if you went by his YouTube channel it's unlikely you'd see many issues yandere dev has now amassed over 2.6 million subscribers his content appears to receive universally positive feedback from his audience and his subreddit is a place of joy and epic anime memes but this hasn't changed the fact that there have been many videos equally well-received dishing out some hard-hitting criticism and numerous threads outside of the yandere dev chamber you see our friend Alex here seemed to have a lot of creative ideas which definitely gave hope to the project on principle however as time passed in spite of the notion that these ideas were receiving support many began to become frustrated with the lack of progress being made on the game one year passed two years past three years past four years passed and people didn't feel like they were seeing results now minigames take a long time and with one developer it was obviously not expected to be completed too quickly rome wasn't built in a day however many began to challenge whether this project was comparable to Rome or whether it was more of a well Pompeii with criticisms going after his management development and even basic ability in the pursuit of this vision there were a diversity of criticisms to cover on this run but many also claimed that yandere dares response was regularly documented to be lacking the filter that many craters may have when dealing with criticism this led to additional criticism for his demeanor attitude with many stating that his hostility and often censorious response to criticism shows an arrogant and entitled side to him that he hadn't earned yet others who defend him said his responses were just those fine individual under a lot of pressure to deliver a game that has been weighing on him for a long time add this to a load of other drama regarding attitude and treatment of those around him responses alleged harassment all escalating in severity and you ended up with a very messy case indeed that came to a head in the year of 2018 if you're confused don't worry I'll do my best to get through all of it and maybe we'll make some more friends along the way full disclosure laughs 9 my good collaborator friend put out this tweet which did significantly well in the Twittersphere and in a reply he then stated that I was making this video which led both yandere dev and a prominent critic of his to reach out to me overall they had quite little impact on my script but as always I will put it out there and I will clarify that unless you're someone like Austin Jones I'm not here to bite your head off there's going to be a lot of criticisms and opinions from me but as always I encourage everyone to form their own I'd also stress the some of this criticism is retrospective you'll know by the tense I use there is no guarantee that individuals involved feel the same today about a lot these things but these instance have had a bus fly effect on to the current situation and this cannot be ignored now let's talk about the video game that was almost completely derailed by internet drama ladies and gentlemen it's game time given that the root of this video is the game and the origins I think it's most appropriate that we begin there yandere simulator as a concept was conceived around the 2014 period now first yandere dev was a one-man band working on the project he may have had a lot of Drive it's hard to tell completely in a late 2014 interview a tech Raptor he seemed to be pretty motivated he had some decent ideas of what he wanted to do with the game even if they weren't fully realized you don't exactly need them to be at that point he also appeared to genuinely enjoy interactions with his audience of the delightful medium of emails stating that it filled him with joy at the end of the interview he committed to making a game that would fulfill expectations and not let anyone down but that is easier said than done projects on a large scale are always a challenge to an extent you will inevitably go through periods of high and low motivation developing a game is never an easy process however there also things you can do to facilitate the development of a game to maximize the efficiency and to make sure you're able to turn out high quality product in good time without being sidetracked by menial issues these are all important aspects of management without even considering PR PR meaning that you need to build hype and turn out content that eventually justifies the height now yandere simulator is clearly a neat concept that is popular with many people but it's also just a game and given the fact that the developer hasn't exactly released any other acclaimed work for people to build off in spite of its popularity a trust in this developer and his ability to deliver a game has to be earned with the almost immediate success of yandere dev on principle it seemed like there was a lot to celebrate when a concept is popular and takes off you have a lot of momentum and a lot of people and businesses wanting to provide their services however if you're not prepared this success and it can yield many problems for anyone probably one of the best examples of this is child stars now children need to be represented in media to an extent and many of them deal with it reasonably well however for those who have been thrown into the spotlight at such a young age whether it was due to a hit song or an iconic film performance many don't deal with the sudden spotlight and pressure to well many end up in rather uncountable places in many instances it's the case of peaking so early and having much pressure to maintain that in other cases it's simply not being prepared for the responsibility the success brings although yandere dev is by no means what one would consider a child star the yandere simulator spontaneous success was somewhat equatable and I don't think yandere dev was remotely ready for what it meant not just as a crater but as the developer of a game although the 2014 origin was pretty relaxed 2015 was met with a huge spike in attention with the aforementioned craters showcasing the game to millions of fans publicity can be premature and / yandere simulator it was let me explain why as noted the build up of the game is partly about hype typically the discovery of a new game or a new piece of media will lead to a process where we either discard that discovery and leave it behind or we become more invested and we fall down whatever rabbit hole that game has nonetheless it's unlikely our venture down that rabbit hole would last forever eventually we will hit a wall where we can no longer find any new information and the information that we already know no longer engages us for some people this takes longer than others and in a way that's all right now when we hit that wall we have one of two responses we can lead the source of what we know behind and continue with our lives destined to fall down another rabbit hole eventually or we can try and obtain new information by either creating it ourselves or trying to get it from the crater this is often represented by the sentiment of impatience I'll return to that soon however I want to make the point that although yandere simulator was an interesting concept and it was great that yandere dev had a lot of support in developing it initially yandere simulator wasn't developed enough to be deserving of the publicity it received the Android dev had very ambitious ideas for the game at the time the game although you could roam around and do a few actions some which were fairly brutal and amusing in their shock value there was no deeper substance this meant the game built hype almost immediately yet off the back of mostly very superficial elements that wouldn't keep people engaged for a prolonged period with the hype and the influx of new donors on the patreon yandere dev felt the pressure to maintain that hype but as said it's equally a PR job as it is a developer's job so he liked a document progress which is a time-consuming venture in the short term this was a sensible decision to make but it could only work out long if the decisions that he made were backed by his ability the decisions you make early on in the development of a game can have long-term effects at a later stage you're setting the Foundation's on top of this as documented in a later video any possible overhaul of the game seemed troublesome because the dev was worried that doing that would kill the hype the game is only alive for as long as people are interested in it if people lose interest in the game it's dead if I release frequent updates people will remain interested in the game if I release updates slowly people will lose interest in the game and the game will get closer to death given that so many people had experienced the game in some capacity he clearly saw it as a challenge to revive the hype if he lost it on the surface maybe people would just see him as trying to resell the same product and wouldn't buy I'm not going to go into complete depth regarding why his decision to continuously work on the project since to maintain height was eventually what has fundamentally crippled it we'll cross that bridge when we reach it however as is inevitable eventually even if you're adding content there's no clear compilation of a plot line or overarching concept that people feel satisfied with they will begin to become frustrated results are important this was a huge problem for yandere dev as he clearly prioritized certain components but although may have provided progress in the moment didn't necessarily provide the feeling of progress to his audience particularly regarding the rivals which to many was a significant selling point many of you began to hone in on the fact that they didn't feel that yandere simulator was making the progress that it should have with focus being overly centered on trivial matters and Easter EPS this led to a basically placebo sentiment to progress the project felt like it was moving forward but not in the ways that people would want it to and by 2016 people were becoming Restless not just in the games development but in yandere devs responses to these frustrations how did he handle them well let's talk about it [Music] now yandere dev is an interesting person his past shows that he was never the most socially act and when you watch his videos you received the impression that he isn't a massive people loving extrovert so clear that he wasn't used to this level of positive attention what this can do to a person is often buried but given that he was always a bit of an oddball the outcome wasn't exactly favorable it's hard to say exactly where the switch was flipped but at a point the feedback he received was no longer universally positive he just stopped taking it with the decorum that one might expect him to and when questions started being asked they look to you to answer and let's just say he didn't exactly provide the desired responses arrogant is a word I see used a lot and honestly I completely understand why a lot of people had that opinion particularly in 2016 there are multiple screen shots of him being incredibly short-tempered with people who were making inoffensive - good-faith criticism he likes to use the word stupid a lot when describing anything he doesn't like which in the wrong context can come across as rather superior he would regularly clash with bans and critics alike there was one situation where a fan was using a mod and in response to this yandere dev kicked them from the game and left him an interesting message honestly the video is a bit pissy but it's obviously just a fan who's annoyed and his videos go it's fairly math manners it would be reasonably easy to diffuse as a crater who the fan probably looks up to instead yandere dev responds by going on an angry diatribe about how this guy's a dumbass and he can eff right off when asked to justify this on reddit maybe saying oh it was just a heat-of-the-moment thing he stated that he was a passionate guy he didn't really see any issue with that tone because he's a person who puts his all into this game but it's not that simple you can work hard on something but that doesn't give you free license to be a colossal dick about it this is what people mean when they speak about arrogance they mean this attitude that someone is entitled to behave in such a way because of a greater cause that they are participating when those things are not connected at all you're not above certain principles of civility and sometimes as an adult as a public figure people will hold you to much tighter accounts this was a pattern with yandere death I could go all over these examples but I'd just be repeating myself he frames it as honesty him speaking his mind but being honestly unpleasant is still being unpleasant from the position he was in it came across as arrogance as well and as we'll find out later when other people were unpleasant back to him he didn't take it well nonetheless this isn't my favorite example because it eventually he didn't just go from responding badly to audiences who were impatient he went to blaming them altogether until recently on the yandere dev wiki it stated that yandere dev is best known for working really hard it's almost like yandere dev wrote it himself well it's possible he did however as mentioned many people have doubted that given the slow progress but in 2016 he decided to finally explain what was holding him up what was Gander a simulators biggest problem well you might be surprised in this now remove video yandere dev blames emails for the prevention of progress on the project yes emails you are probably sick of hearing about it by now I'm certainly sick of talking about it I'd love to stop bringing up this subject but that can only happen when it stops being the biggest problem I'm facing in fact he stated that he spends 8 to 12 hours a day on them I receive an avalanche of emails every single day depending on how much email I get sometimes I spend between 8 and 12 hours going through my email leaving me with no time left in the day to write code for the game now this is where the contradiction appears because you must be thinking to yourself well these must be important emails if you spend so much time on them well there are parenting ops when you send me a stupid email you are actively sabotaging the game's development if you want this game to come out faster you should not email me unless it's absolutely necessary Ceri in fact throughout the video he brands a high majority of these emails as stupid he goes through each category of stupid emails I do wonder how this video flew with anyone who isn't stupid because there is no way that this makes any remote sense I strongly dislike this video whether it's the floating screen demon or is incredibly condescending toned like he's talking to a bunch of 12-year old so he might be I don't know his audience that's my feelings but even feelings aside this was about as watertight as the Titanic post iceberg of course the emails that I receive fall into five categories volunteers Bud reports questions suggestions and fan works I don't understand firstly I'm surprised and somewhat skeptical that as many people as he said emailed him secondly if so few emails that you receive a worthwhile although they can be irritating in the moment what was stopping him from either not bothering to open them or just opening seeing what it's about and once they've been deemed stupid by his standards closing them again stupid emails should take less than 10 seconds to check and doing the maths that means he was getting through a lot of emails in a day and I found it hard to buy that he was just engaging with every last one if someone volunteers to help me out and they don't include any examples of their previous work I immediately delete their email and move on to the next one I'm not going to waste my time typing an email that says I don't know whether or not I want your help I haven't even seen what your work looks like yet show me what your work looks like first Oh eighty does that too so he might just be held up by the volume of emails how many emails would he be receiving though if he was receiving emails from so many people offering to volunteer maybe he should have a volunteer for his emails the video seemed like a rather mean-spirited way for yandere death to scapegoat his own audience as the reason for his shortcomings it's basic management and blame your audience because you can't handle it is just daft employing that they are sabotaging the development ridiculous making a simple request for less emails is fair enough but telling people that sending emails is ruining the progress of the game is not just blatantly untrue but do you not know about the Streisand effects why would you bring more attention to your emails pretty sure the yandere simulator demographic aren't the biggest users of that medium of communication why would you remind them that it exists it's like Superman making a video about how people shouldn't bring kryptonite near him it's a waste of time he wasted his time making a video about how emails are wasting his time stop stop right there after two years of this nonsense I've already heard every single possible suggestion about how I can solve my email problem there is no idea that you could possibly suggest that I haven't already shot down so don't send me your brilliant ideas for how to solve my email problems because it's not going to work the only way you can help me solve my email problems is if you stop sending me emails you can see what part of time management I'm not really a fan of on his behalf even if the video is not intended as a scapegoat it's clear he cares too much about things that can be handled fairly easily as noted he definitely has his limitations however capability to not spend whole days on going through emails should not be one of them of course he didn't recognize that and after listing out all the ways you shouldn't email him does actually address some of the rather unpleasant interactions that he's had however he does it by making a monologue about how he's descending like some kind of antihero over Beethoven's number seven symphony as if the boy thinks he's slick you know there was a point in time when I was a very nice and patient person but working on this game for the past two years has been very stressful and it has sucked all of the niceness out of me I no longer have any patience left I've started responding to emails using very harsh and abusive language I'm not proud of myself for doing this and I'd like to stop but it has become impossible to control my temper when I'm subjected to the same stupid garbage every hour of every day despite the fact that I constantly ask people to stop I'm only going to get grumpier and grouchier and angrier the longer this goes on please stop sending me stupid emails we all deal with stress in different ways and it's okay to open up about these things but yandere deaf has a way of doing it just seems to push blame onto other parties even those who may admire him and he's just so unnecessarily irritable that it makes it very hard for others to empathize this was the first time it appeared that he had made a seemingly direct video addressing his issues and it didn't give me hope for the coming years of research it seemed to like a sense of responsibility an understanding of the life he's living and what comes with it but it was about to get even deeper than that but let's talk more about his time wasting [Music] I think this was somewhat deeper than just that though and I want to talk about the nature of time wasting him why he was doing it yandere dev had a problem known as chronic justification syndrome it is the motivation to respond to every single criticism and suggestion to give the impression to your audience that you are on top of everything you are in control do I think he's exaggerating in his emails video for sure I highly doubt he ever spent 12 hours a day on his emails but it wouldn't surprise me if he did go about responding to bearish people who didn't require responses there are more reasons for this that I'll also divulge soon as a crater you have to understand with an increased audience you will undoubtedly not be able to respond to every single person who criticizes you because it is terrible time management but also unless you actively enjoy it it's a mentally depleting activity once you reach a certain size so wrapping himself up making videos going through emails is obviously going to hold you up yandere dev clearly feared people having an image of him that he didn't desire and therefore wrapped himself up in so much drama that it was almost laughable another heavily referenced example is this one way exchanges an email with someone from the wiki admin team I think was yandere dev wiki once again I don't know the exact context of this so I can't say if he has a point or not but it doesn't sound like a particularly necessary problem it's a case of control he likes to control the narrative regarding how people perceive him this is probably because in 2016 he was called out for his previous persona who went by the name of Eva's Yvonne I think that's how you pronounce it though I could be wrong and how this person had behaved in communities honestly regarding this whole discussion there's a lot that you know I'm not gonna hold against a person all I'd say is he's quite strange and I think many people felt the details were a little discomforting there's a whole additional drama attached to this which has been covered in some other very in-depth videos he used to be active on the delightful hub of 4chan which is where he originally pitched the idea for yandere dev however they had a field day with this situation and a fair few others so now he hates them despite the fact that he made the quote most anti s JW game Enix is and they rejected him what a sad story there were a few more serious blames we'll briefly touch on now most warring Li was the claim of pedophilia for which his response left me feeling a degree of confusion there's been a lot of discussion about whether he was in favor of certain less than palatable activities though he says seem to have clarified them now he also responded to the claim that he'd received news from an underage person and I mean it's all rather incoherent does seem like he's just adjusting a statement to the tune of the criticism that he was receiving but there's not really too many more details to this there was one account against him and although a detailed testimony there's no verifiable physical proof so do with it what you will on top of this there was a paste bin detailing what is allegedly him trying to groom a younger individual but pace means format doesn't make it a particularly reliable source unfortunately now it's fair to say the yandere dev is a strange character and his internet history is not flattering to say the least but is also because of that that it's not entirely clear if or where the truth ends and the lies begin in this case we've seen a few situations where strange behavior is escalated with additional claims that turn out to not be entirely true which is why it's hard to speak conclusively here however there is something conclusive it can tell us simply put with all these old posts and new claims floating around it would likely make yandere dev fairly paranoid and explain why he may have felt the need to constantly defend himself because he wanted to stomp out criticism and to quote debunk the narrative while it was still fairly fresh he didn't want it becoming the predominant perspective though as noted by this volunteer it's probably worth remembering when considering working under him if 2014 to 2015 was the high 2016 was the hangover yandere dev did not seem to coherently understand both sides of popularity he appeared to have faced these claims back in 2015 but it seems that people didn't really call how this was affecting development of yandere simulator until early 2016 but ok if his behavior was not how to deal with criticism how should he deal with it it's important to remember the source of being patience the game itself the fact is that regardless of whether yandere dev was a good or bad person a sensational jority of the fanbase just wanted the game and there will always be a small minority who will criticize you for other things now when you become successful you need to adapt to that success that's something that yandere dev clearly couldn't understand because although he had hired volunteers and made a commitment on his patreon that he'd be hiring volunteers after a certain amount which he did hit at one point given his lofty ambitions he clearly didn't have a grip on balancing the outsourcing and what he wanted to talk about himself one of the problems here is that yandere dev was and maybe still is rather possessive over his game this is probably why he lashed out at people suggesting changes sometimes or criticizing the choices that he made it certainly doesn't justify it but it makes a little more sense however being possessive also means wanting to retain creative control to a large extent you want to see your game develops how you would like it I understand that but if you spend so much time working on your own image of course you're not gonna have anywhere near enough time to actually focus on the game and this meant that even if changes were being made the fact that yandere Deb was in control meant there was a lack of pace however was that about to change you know the right opinion we are forgiving I think is important to let people have the opportunity to grow as long as you haven't done anything too grim it's not too late for a Redemption arc and following the yandere dev story at one point you would have thought we might get it now email bollocks aside that routes the problem that anyone could draw from what we've looked at so far was organization it's clear that given the output if it wasn't laziness which you know I'll entertain for the benefit of the doubt sake he clearly wasn't handling it well and at the start of 2017 this seemed to be an issue that he was finally coming to terms with let's talk about the speed of yandere simulator z' development the obstacles that are slowing down development and potential solutions that could speed things up I mean obviously it's a complex discussion on principle we know that yandere dev hires volunteers so he's not necessarily doing this alone and those volunteers are quite involved with in the creation of the game 90% of the things that you see and hear in yandere simulator would never have been possible without the of those talented people however all of these amazing assets come at a cost I am the game's director producer and manager I am also the lead artist and the lead animator modeler composer etc I don't create artwork or animations or models or music but I am in charge of managing and directing all of the people who produce those things free and air a simulator I am also the game's only programmer I must perform all of the responsibilities that would normally be performed by about 10 different people if this was a real game company in spite of this he is still heavily involved in managing each area as the director and the manager he needs to make sure it comes together to make a cohesive vision something that on principle I do empathize with this is covered extensively in parts 1 & 2 of a set of videos that cover the delays of the game and exactly how he plans on resolving those problems Wow we were making progress so how did he resolve those problems let's talk about it in a pair of videos at the start of 2017 titled watch taking so long he responds to the rhetorical question that many of his audience have asked however he doesn't throw any tantrums he doesn't lose his cool nor does he try and pin it on emails he explains the problems of his job and how they and other factors influence how he manages his workload so in a final deeper analysis of his problems he looks at a few solutions in the past I placed a strong emphasis on low-hanging fruit in other words features that could be implemented within two weeks with minimal assistance from volunteers so for a long time I was able to add significant new features to the game every two weeks but eventually I ran out of low-hanging fruit to implement the next step was to work on the medium hanging fruit which required more collaboration with volunteers and more programming work than before this is when features started to take four weeks or several months to implement the fruit that I am aiming for now o sana najimi is the highest fruit on the tree and requires me to spend extensive amounts of time speaking with volunteers which leaves me with almost no time to actually write code now some might question some of the statements that he makes in this video particularly pertaining to his workload and those questions would be completely justified but whether he was being honest or not he at least seems to grasp that the current rate of progress is unsustainable even though I devote almost every single hour of my life to yandere simulator I've made zero code related progress on asana over the past two weeks because of all the other things that take up my time and require my attention I have no problem of managing a team of people and I enjoy programming but there simply aren't enough hours in the day to manage a team of people and make significant progress with the game's code I think that the most elegant solution would be to hire someone to take my place as the game's lead programmer so that I can focus exclusive on being a director / producer / manager while someone else writes all the code I have specialties but I don't specialize in most of the stuff that yandere simulator needs the most I put forth my best effort but if a more experienced programmer had been in charge of writing and dairy simulators code they probably would have done a bunch of things way differently the general tone of this video outlines that he's going to begin making inquiries regarding the outsourcing of various tasks so he doesn't have to manage everything himself he's seriously contemplating handing over control in executive areas that for many developers may be a brave move but it was a necessary move to him because by keeping the production public and the game accessible he had a pace that he had to maintain and if he felt like he couldn't stop it would not only sacrifice the speed of development but the quality as well however how he would hand over control is another question let's discuss the possible methods that he presented the first one was a crowdfunding campaign the Android dev was playing through a crowdfunding campaign at some point in the future regardless this plan merely involved moving the campaign forward and hiring a team to work on the project earlier now there are positives to this such as the fact that it allows him to retain control over the greater product even if he's assigning roles to other people this would allow work to be completed faster and maintain hype for the upcoming game while staying in line with his model nonetheless it's also possible that at this point people would feel insulted that he is once again asking for money on top of his patreon and the amount they've been waiting already would not justify this the crowdfunding campaign was something he really should have been doing back in 2014 it's also possible that he may not have been able to raise the money at all and that may be quite embarrassing for him as a developer I could forget about our sauna launch the crowdfunding campaign immediately assemble a team begin refactoring the game's code as soon as possible and then release a sauna after the refactoring was complete but I'm not sure if you guys would really want this the second solution was the e contracts with another company to finish the game the benefits of this were that he wouldn't have to ask for money from the audience and thus avoids them receiving the impression that he's exploiting them and he has the stability of a larger business supporting him if he ever feels like he can't hold up the project himself is more of a mutual support system nonetheless this came with its own problems particularly if this was done over contract giving up certain creative controls may lead to the sacrifice of one vision something that yandere dev was notoriously possessive over it also led to being found into a contract that under strain may cause the whole project to collapse throughout this video yandere dev clearly paints himself as very skeptical toward businesses I have already been approached by multiple companies who have expressed an interest in getting involved with the and Ares simulators development in exchange for a cut of the games profits they've proposed deals that involve me giving up 50% of the game's profits or losing ownership of the games intellectual property or removing certain features from the game these terms are all very unappealing to me so it seems that whatever option he wants to choose there is a degree of reservation regarding them that was a lot of pressure but at the end of it all it was an ultimatum if yandere dev continued to try and do the project alone the time would take the videogame to be released anyway would kill the hype regardless so he stated that he was prepared to take the plunge there was one more option that he presented but I'm gonna save that for later yandere dev conducted a poll with these options and the fandom decisively backed him to remain on the current trajectory but the problem was although preferable to many maybe even two yandere dev himself it wasn't sustainable yandere had continuously committed to wanting the game released by 2019 and there was no scope of that happening if he continued in the current direction however was this all smoke and mirrors or was he going to follow through on a commitment for once well not too long after he posted a video which announced the yandere simulator was about to enter a collaboration phase alongside this the criticism of the companies in the previous video had been reeled in a little during this part of the video I portrayed companies as evil greedy entities that would steal money from me take full possession of yandere simulator and censor the game it was a bad idea to portray companies like this because not every game developer or game publisher is like that the language that I used to describe companies in my previous video probably had a strong effect on the poll where I asked people what they wanted me to do let me take a moment to talk about companies in a non biased way over the past two weeks I've spent a lot of time speaking with a company that has experience developing games publishing games and also working together with struggling developers to help them finish their games this company has a very good reputation among indie devs and their name came up numerous times when I asked other developers to recommend a good company to work with when I asked people for their opinion on this company nobody was able to tell me a single negative thing about them the Android app had made decision to go towards a publisher developer rather than a crowdfunding projects who though well a publishing company named tinybuild toy builder an independent games company based in Washington the state not the city well they're multiple cities named Washington but you know what I mean they're the developers of the game no time to explain however they've also published games to all over the globe and you've probably heard of some of them tinybuild was probably one of the better options they have experience and credit within the industry however they're not to corporate and that might lend some more trust between the collaborators in question yandere dev himself was very optimistic stating that he'd never heard about any bad experiences with the company and that many had recommended them to him his partnership with tinybuild would assure many new developers coming on to the game and working under his management he would still with the lead designer he was still out the final say there was no power being taken away from him the only catch was that there would be no content that may provide it with an adults-only rating but that was something that he had anticipated regardless a rule the plan was for tinybuild to take over many of the more business-related matters on top of the development aspects that yandere dev felt like he was we current I have no experience hiring people drafting contracts trade marking things or any of the other business related or law related aspects of game development I'm good at making prototypes and implementing low-hanging fruit very quickly but I'm not really experienced enough to write complex character AI or do some of the other complicated things that are needed to make yandere simulator become a reality so it makes perfect sense for me to partner up with a company like Tiny built and let them handle all of the things that I'm bad at while I focus only on the things that I'm good at the Android dev also clarifies through this partnership mostly covers creative resources rather than monetary funding thus although crowdfunding may still be a possibility who would eventually charge people to play the alpha version of the game once he considers it complete enough to begin charging this is a decision that he would make after he had finished asana he also said he would not be changing much monetarily and YouTube ad revenue alongside patreon was still his only sources of income however one the most significant developments was that tinybuild will be providing yandere dev with a programmer who would sort out a new code for the game while he was working on asana progress would be slow at first but eventually as according to this very professional graph the pace would pick up as tinybuild take over more assets levy and/or a dev to focus on his executive role Wow like Ajith saw it was all finally falling into place except it didn't it kind of failed well yeah but we're meant to build up the tension yes I'm sure your viewers are on the edge of their seat waiting for me to pop up one day what we're supposed to do is talk about coding do you know about programming I'm a gamer first and foremost and I always will be huh I don't see you as the gaming type okay then let's talk about the friendly of the tiny build partnership shall we a game development cycle is the most turbulent time of the year there's a saying when it comes to game development if all else fails hire someone to do the job for you and then reap all the benefits for being a sole developer while leaving the poor person and the dust have become a ghost in the industry I made that one up but the point is that extremely rare for someone to work on a massive game completely and utterly on their own with no assistance whatsoever and when someone does and releases it to a white audience there's a chance that it could turn out really really good or really really bad I've talked about this in my own video but for the uninitiated yandere simulator is a game that runs on the Unity engine before you get your super powered panties in a twist I'm not slating the Unity engine itself games that are made on the Unity engine like any other engine all have varying degrees of quality you only noticed the bad asset flips because the developers didn't have enough money to remove the watermark at the beginning of the game and have to hang their heads in shame as the dreaded grace-filled showed up saying that yes this game is indeed made on the Unity engine going back to yandere simulator and the most common complaint about the game was that it runs like an athlete in coop but he's got a third leg protruding from his stomach and he runs by constantly from flipping down the track and the buttons also included the mouse keys on the side the game was horrible to run even on a beast rig loading up into the lobby and you're greeted with less frames than viewers on the standard mixer stream and all you could really do to keep your PC from breaking itself was look at the floor of course this spells problems for the casual player with a less than stellar PC and significant lack of YouTube money as opening the game would open your entire talented nuclear destruction there are quite a few reasons why this is an issue especially in yandere simulator but the biggest one goes down to the way the game is being programmed by the dev if you looked at the game without any knowledge as to its background or how it was even created you'd probably think that it could easily run on the calculator but if you play there you'd probably be lucky to get a frame in but why is this I touched upon this in my own video but if those one thing yandere dev wasn't really the best at it was programming his game properly to work efficiently and on all devices the code looked like a complete nightmare it was like the whole concept of variables was unheard of to him before you guys brandish your pitchforks and Coe for my public execution for being mean about his coding when he never had any experience before let me explain why a lot of people take a big issue with this programming yandere simulator has been an active development for about 5 to 6 years and he's been programming the game the entire time when he wasn't live-streaming video games on making more videos explaining the law he's being paid the same wage if not more than professional programmers who by now would have completely finished the game and done several patches to her and released on the Nintendo switch and luckier brick he's commented that he knows his code looks awful and that he only code on areas that aren't used frequently if he's saying that then that means he clearly knows how to code properly so why isn't he doing it the code looks like a complete mess in the code he uses the update function and he fills it to the brim with things that the game will do at that specific point the problem is that with this function said things would run every single frame I can go into more detail about the coding but several programmers have made comments and points about sir so I'll leave notes about what the professionals say were true so he can add it to the really really large amount of sources that's been compiled for the video now where does tiny build come in turn you build offer to extend their services to yandere dev as any professional programmer would look at the code that he's done and projectile vomit all over the screen initially reluctant to have another program into a better job than him he eventually caved and a developer was sent to work on the game with tiny build hopping on board to publish the game should it get released good coding is meant to be flexible quick and efficient so that when needed you can make quick optimization edits and make sure the game doesn't murder your Intel Atom processor from 1923 this is what the tiny build developer ended up getting up to optimizing hundreds of lines of code to make sure that the game runs slightly better than it did before that point which meant removing the depressing amounts of else--if arguments in the code the planner ship lasted a while would the programmer allegedly redoing most of the code of the game until he was suddenly dropped with a statement made on yandere devs patreon pretty much saying that the code couldn't be read because it was too simplified and there was a lack of else if statements to boot as it would hinder the progress of him making his game at this tiny build packed their bags and left the project probably not seeing a completion tape for the game this decade or even century with their departure and the program is heating off the project yandere dev was now free to execute an extra 20 48 lines of code in a single update function to run every single frame and finish his plan to cause global warming all over again and raise the overall heat of the earth with the amount of fried pcs the game would end up causing over the next few years but this wasn't the only thing that you and area dev had been accused of neglecting nay he had more trouble under his belt that even more information has been shown as recent as a week before writing the segment and that heinous crime is stealing assets allegedly it's been stated that he's been stealing assets for his game and while I wouldn't put to do such a thing I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt in this situation throughout the entirety of the development cycle of the game thus far yandere dev has promised that the models and assets that are currently in the game will be replaced down the line with more polished model from the ground up the very model for the main character of the game is taken straight out of the unity asset store and quite a lot of the assets around the school were taken from various places from the internet now standard development practices list that without a license or specific written permission from the owner of the assets as well as credit you cannot monetize your game whatsoever you just got caught using that one font that you downloaded from the fund years ago on a used park bench asset that you forgot even existed well too bad someone found it and now you're thousands of dollars in debt super games been banned from every single market place ever conceivable now your narrative didn't want any of this to happen to his game he was planning on making big bucks and selling it on the biggest marketplaces known to man and the acting game store so he promised that the models of the game would change down the line now you guys must have heard from either me or TRO earlier on that yandere dev makes use of volunteers to keep the game going on he isn't a one-man band the man needs help and what better way to get help them with people who are sacrificing their free time in order to provide you with some assets to improve your game which is exactly what one artist did for him on Twitter an artist named sir Micah recently made a thread unearthing the turbulent tales of her encounters with the dev she had improved the character designs of the game to make them 50 times more original than the original concept providing concept of a yandere chan amongst other things she states that she was asked to modify the in-game model design posters illustrators YouTube skits redraw another artists word because he didn't like the quality design skins and contribute some props now you're probably thinking to yourself that's a whole lot of work surely she didn't do all of it well she ended up doing the entire thing and submitted it now before you get your pitchforks house again and blast the artists for working for free you guys need to understand that at the time she was still a teenager and worked on multiple jobs in addition to trying to build her online presence and portfolio and besides it was the perfect opportunity to work with via under a dev just as long as she got credit the video was released and to the shock and horror of a grand total of no one there was no credit in the video she had to email you under a dev to get credit for the work she did and when she asked he told her citing nepotism as a reason in this thread micro also shows the emails that yandere dev sent her and I'll just present these without comment discounting the melodramatic nature of some of these emails why does that need to be a back and forth about this just credit the artists other games don't seem to have this issue so I don't understand what the problem is here especially if the artists didn't ask for payments or anything just credit the work that was handed to her was very intense and that's enough work for a full-time freelancer gig so the fact that she didn't ask for money in the first place makes it even more essential that you give her full credit for the work she did immediately on publication all in all the rampant mismanagement of the game seems to never end and hopefully there's going to be some improvements to the way the game is run yeah not too sure about that one but at least this was a fun revisit to the antics of yandere dev back to you in the studio if I hire an experienced veteran programmer with experience in the Unity game engine to take my place on yandere simulator he's not gonna want to work with my code and pick up from where I left off he's going to want to rebuild many of the game's most important systems so that the game has a proper foundation that's gonna be a massive hikes from me yandere dev was never particularly well trained in the area of development although he described himself as strong at implementing the quote low-hanging fruit this was probably simply because it was something he was capable of doing using a less than ideal methods in some future pose he said that he couldn't talk about the deterioration of his partnership with tinybuild although he later said something so I'm not sure what the terms of his legal contracts were in summary it appears that yandere dev had compatibility issues with a more efficient system and I think that can be a problem he would often go on in the future to frame as a subjective difference despite admitting to being ported in previous videos and I don't think it's merely creative differences so let me explain ok so I play squash it's a fun game for most squash players who want to win matches there are a general set of principles that your style of play should adhere to we all have personal touches that help us develop our own brand but the end the day if you play in a style that is too incompatible with the game of squash chances are you woke win the game this is a general principle that you can follow into most professions and hobbies crazy a video game stems from the same general rules it is likely that we have our own personal Flair and approached with their general rules that will alter the outcome in a possibly favorable and unfavorable way with your audience at the end of the day the only person I'm playing a squash game for is me there is no one else out there who is invested in my performance so I'm not expected to perform however if I was contracted or if I was playing for a league team I think it'd be reasonable for me to adhere to a few rules to make sure that my performance in the task was somewhat efficient now yandere dev could develop a game how he wanted to on principle however he also had a lot of people who had an implanted expectation based on industry standards and given that he was often appealing to that audience for the funding and support you'd think he would have been more focused on delivering when his initiative received a groundswell of support in 2014 what he should have done is worked out how to improve his skill at programming before then working out how to develop the game in a constructive way rather than basing his developments of what would build the most hype and just doing in his own way which only postponed the eventual confrontation of the unfinished game when a solution had finally been calculated almost three years after the development began his previous approach to creating a game made working with what he had incredibly difficult and his prevailing stubbornness when presented with a possible solution eventually prevented the progress that may have been achieved it reminds me of an old post he made where he turned some hard coding feedback he received from his idol into a Batman's origin story I've turned the hatred into a burning passion it's a dark post and he did actually admit he was wrong in 2015 so I'm not going to hold it against him but I don't think he thought about the feedback enough because we ended up in this mess regardless it's hard to fully empathize with him because to me it seems he must have apprehended these problems in advance and pushed on regardless is said by going for the quote low-hanging fruit it meant that the problems with his style didn't become apparent until after a significant amount of development had taken place because he was focused on that and it pushed to a point where it was much hard to reverse to the point where tinybuild couldn't continue yandere deaf himself was too stubborn to learn how to adapt and the progress of the game suffered for it however living in this world denial come 2018 he said that actually all these factors that are basically self evidential at this point were not to blame and he had his own theory in another condescending video I don't know how he does it with that tone called how long does it take to make a video game he presents his own version of events how long does it take to make a video game the answer is it depends on a large number of different factors such as the genre the budget the size of the team the complexity of the game whether it's an original game or an imitation and a bunch of other factors that you probably wouldn't have considered it's not an exact science you can't really create a formula that tells you exactly how long a game should be in development for because each game has a different set of circumstances let's break down the main points the video then the first one is that the length of a video game takes to be developed typically corresponds to the quality he once again used a very compelling graph to demonstrate this and although obviously it's quite easy to pick out the low sample number he uses and the fact that obviously it would not be difficult to cherry-pick this at all as a point it's much easier to focus on the implication the somehow this has a universal rule can be applied to his game even though he specifically opened with the statement that there were no specific formulas for the completion of a game so we've established that the more complex a game is the longer it's going to take to develop it small teams usually stick to simple games when a small team tries to make a large ambitious game the development can really stretch out for a long time do you see where I'm going with this after asserting that games that are longer in the making are typically higher in their complexity particularly when they are comprised of small development teams he goes on to say that the complexity of his game yandere simulator is comparable to a hitman game combined with a persona game he then goes on to expanded all the complexities of this game and I'm not particularly sold first as the complexity of a project increases it will become proportionally difficult to work on it every time you add a new feature it will affect other features create new bugs increase the amount of time you need to spend waiting for the code to compile increase the loading times of the game etc something that was simple and easy to work on at the beginning can eventually become a nightmare that you are constantly wrestling with we're making even the smallest amount of progress becomes very time-consuming and difficult it's hard to deny that yandere simulator is NAMM vicious game in many ways however I certainly wouldn't say it's almost as complex as two renowned games combined particularly when a lot of the actual results are not there in 2017 yandere decently simplicity or complexity of the game would be based on the amount of support it received implying that he was willing to compromise on certain elements the scope of yandere simulator will be determined by the size of its budget the more money we raise the more time worked and features we can put into the game but in this video he clearly implies that it will be complex regardless of the outcome and uses it as a shield for the length it is taken to develop the game once again is a sacrifice of realistic goals for personal sentiments and the condescending explanation of why everyone should deal with it on top of the programming argument that that nine is likely debunked in his part yandere dev eventually talks about mental health a very serious matter if you push yourself to work as many hours as humanly possible every single day then eventually you're gonna burn yourself out you'll become too exhausted and fatigued to be productive if you work on the same project for multiple years you'll eventually get tired of it this will lead to a loss of enthusiasm and motivation which will cause you to become more easily distracted and less productive if a group of weird people on the internet decide that they feel completely justified in treating you like garbage and you're subjected to abusive treatment on a daily basis for multiple years you'll become depressed which will affect your productivity which will cause people to call you lazy or a scam artist which will cause you to receive even more abuse which will cause you to become even more depressed and less productive which becomes a never-ending cycle of abuse and depression your fan base won't know about this for a long time because you'll do your best to never speak of it eventually your comments sections will be dominated by people who want to hurl insults at you and spew ridiculous misinformation that isn't anywhere close to being true maybe a handful of people will behave with dignity and respect but an overwhelming number of people will be cruel and abusive I have to break this down because mental health in many ways is a subject close to my heart but at the same time there are a lot of less this firstly let's talk about motivation we have good days and bad days I empathize there but you also have to understand that if people feel that you are not keeping up with these things particularly if they're supporting you monetarily they're gonna become impatient and the problem with the Android dev is that he never explained himself in a way that was empathetic to people's concerns that was his failing all the way back in 2016 and he hand amended people's concerns by this point either how about the unjustified harassment that he had been receiving and how bad D motivates him now I would agree to an extend that honestly there are people out there who are too obsessed with yandere death and he is quite the target nonetheless as said to implies those experiences that make you demotivated while not being able to take a step back from the internet and seeing the bigger picture is a weakness that has to be partly careful to you asking where these obsessive individuals came from as if you think they just randomly threw a dart and landed on you is dishonest I feel that a lot of these sentiments built from 2016 2015 where they were jumped on by bad actors after a point is another discussion he acknowledges that this is a small minority who were going after him and he says that a lot of the people he has interactions with are positive Buneary defines those people from the parsha critics I'd say it's probable that there were some people looking to stir stuff up but it's only because sharks smell blood and when summer yandere Dez behavior and responses started coming to light they saw a guy who they could bait into lashing out and decimating his own image even further and yandere dev just could never understand that that's the other issue I take that this his framing he acts like he's avoided the drama and negative comments and acts like it's all flared up out of nowhere he says he hasn't talked about it but that's just a lie there have been times when he's been too far involved and the only reason more fans probably didn't know is because he does suppress a fair bit of it and this led me to a new point but I think social media harmed yandere dev and the simulator more than anything let's talk about it YouTube is not the most fun environment a lot of time the feedback from people can be pretty negative pretty depressing and I completely empathize with how that might affect productivity but as a game developer if you're prone to responding badly to negative criticism maybe a YouTube channel and multiple social media accounts wasn't the best idea that doesn't justify any harassment I want to make that a hundred percent clear for very personal perspective it's clear that yandere dev cannot help himself but try and respond whether that criticism was valid or not and when he can't respond to it he'll just try and censor it the video that we just covered in spite of its rather significant view counts Olli has approximately 740 comments where he's dinked lack of critical comments even polite ones and you're gonna have a hard job convincing me that no one posted anything remotely new one at one point adds seventy two comments off over 800,000 views another place where censorship has been documented was the reddit for yandere simulator where many had also been critical of it at the end of 2018 it was alleged that he had bought it although the exact words in the disk or posts were in exchange for compensation in the past the Android EV had attempted to quash the claims against him by making a post on the subreddit admitting he had attempted to buy it but clearly this was not enough with many people were bussing him at that point along side one now censored comment comprehensively responding and sharing some evidence of their own which shows yandere Devon a less than positive light while proudly stating that they were pleased that the subreddit wasn't booked however this did not last in the end he purchased it what was the price $3,000 for a subreddit let that sink in he had attempted to make his own subreddit too but it seems that this was not enough due to the volume of people on the other one yandere dev had made it no secret that he was not particularly fond of the reddit community in fact he often doesn't seem particularly fond of many communities but his post announcing his acquisition was quite dark telling a story of a person who had manipulated administration's of the subreddit into believing that yandere dev was an evil person and then the harassment just spread like a disease and it all became too much for him as a person he writes what other game developers had to deal with this is become anxiety inducing to even look at the subreddit can you name any other game developer who has had to deal with this nonsense all these other subreddits are just so lovely and they don't have any issues Whitey's yandere dev just received this unprovoked backlash looking at the archives it's clear there was a lot of drama on his subreddit and if you want to keep your subreddit away from drama I'd understand in all this I found post about how they were going to decrease discussion of yandere dev and create a new dedicated reddit for him sounds peachy however it seems that a large majority of what yandere dev is alleging happened earlier on the year and the most popular critical posts although quite scathing weren't really harassing although it's hard to tell exactly as a large majority of them have been deleted however I did manage to dig up some of the censored post mostly following his how long video and a lot of them are pretty concise and some are just plain responses nonetheless one trend I did notice was the promotion of a patreon boycott following that and in that month it seems that yandere dev lost over $1000 in patreon money which probably bothered him a lot there was also a comic court case which is like this court in reddit I don't think they have any legal jurisdiction but it's a thing and I'm not gonna pretend to understand it you guys do you to summarize there was some BS happening to what extent I'm not sure his comments weren't the most encouraging he wasn't really interested in where the criticism was well struct or whether it was harassing regardless of how he frames it yes at the end of the post he states that any public criticism of him can only be done in bad faith as it means you're trying to stir up drama and if you have any other criticism of him you should email him now if you want you subreddit to not be about criticism against you you're the boss it's a subreddit not a democracy and that's what I always say about these things but with the context of the criticism that he'd been receiving too many people this justification once again did not seem concerned about harassment but more about a desire to control the narrative rather than focusing on the damn game I have a hunch that yandere dev felt that a lot of the criticism were mostly people pretending to care and that it was a slippery slope to some of the harassment that he claimed to have been receiving but may that theory just wouldn't cut it the reason why public criticism exists even on a personal level is because yandere dev is a person asking for money and support on the basis of trust in his character that he will deliver a game and if people feel that game isn't going to be delivered and that people's money would be better invested elsewhere than they a hundred percent have a right to say that publicly because that is in the interest of every single person who is invested time or money into your project now once again although presenting himself as a very busy person in gander a dev managed to find time to moderate the subreddit many of the critical posts disappeared and in spite of January Deb's claims he was very involved in the control of what appeared on his reddit because managing a subreddit is definitely what a person under time constraint to create a video game should be doing yandere dev was very blessed to receive the feedback on his game back in 2014 and I can understand that when faced with this support he decided to try and use social media to maintain momentum however he should have directed his interactions maximum to youtube uploads for what he was trying to do maybe if he was a bit better at responding to criticism consistently than he would have been able to engage on other mediums but there's a reason a large majority of game developers even indie game developers do not rely on public sentiment as buoyancy for a game alone however I have a feeling that yandere dev was aware because as we saw a tiny build he would have trouble without that public support the fact is that in spite of yandere race narrative or personal persecution a majority of YouTube's audiences are a lot less pedantic than industry experts funnily enough and that fact was why I love that criticism didn't appear until much later when people started looking at it with a more critical eye if he had taken this concept to a larger developer or Industry player early on then he probably would have received some sharp technical criticism that could have averted these issues later on if he had listened to them of course I know fairness in spite of the volume of criticism that he has been subjected to his videos are still relatively popular people are still engaging with this content and the one thing that he hasn't censored the liked to dislike bar is regularly heavily in his favor it seemed like his tactics had worked in a way although I feel this would have been less of a big deal if he just hadn't engaged it at all he was certainly able to prevent the narrative spreading to the core of his support base I made that statement with a level of reservation because his patreon which is probably a barometer of those closest to the game shows a bit of lost faith with its current amount being less than 50% than its peak it seems that there are a lot more viewers who perhaps buy more entertainment value in just watching the videos rather than directly monetarily supporting development of the game although patreon isn't his only method of income and he does stream and collect YouTube ad rep which would be a very impressive amount if all his videos are monetized although they probably aren't my god Christ in many ways yandere dev managed to shelter a lot of people from the criticism that he had received and if not he managed to hold them to one side of the narrative however he roots the problem seemed clear to me in light of these shortcomings of the development of yandere simulator pill began to become Restless and that restlessness as man tested into certain behaviors some which irrational and so which are rational but yandere devs response was often less than rational let's begin to wrap this up this video has gone into a lot of detail about the failings of yandere debt now I've laid it out I hope it's clear to see why certain decisions led him to this ultimatum it's a classic snowball situation one where neither the crater nor his critics and sometimes more obsessive followers were prepared to yield so it escalated and when these situations transpire one of the inevitability is is that commentators are going to pick up on it now going back to the start of 2018 this was definitely part of the attention that really bothered you and er a death the video that was the harshest was the rise and fall of yandere dev a two hour Sangha that spent a decent amount of time going through a lot of his worst old posts in crippling detail it probably did upset you Android dev given how he hope it was behind him and he probably felt he had responded and he had to a degree he wrote a lot of posts on his tumblr attempting to quote clear up misunderstandings I think some of his post do clear up certain issues but there are also two problems with these responses firstly the structure it would often involve him quoting without any context this could allow him to create straw man arguments at will and obviously reading it many would argue that he did the responses were quite general and thus never gave a sense of closure to a lot of specific situations that occurred secondly if the responses weren't easy to find they were on his tumblr but they were spread out and hard to follow if you wanted something specific good luck by doing this it gave me the impression that he was typically just appealing to the fans that he already had who would hear what other people are saying through yandere dev as well rather than going directly to those sources and on top of other comments such as the ones made on his reddit post I think he often viewed public critics as beyond conversion fair enough but pushing away your critics requires your audience to have some faith in you and as said although he has an audience financial support has taken a hit through organized boycotts and other krater spreading publicity his responses often hit the weak point of being too vague to provide himself reasonable defense but existent enough to draw more attention to them other commentators jumping on this didn't help his flights often looking with a critical eye towards his rash nature I've also tried not to harp on the content of his old post too much but it doesn't help that many of them are pretty unnerving even though as I acknowledged they were done a long time ago at that point his sporadic and even dismissive responses would obviously sour many people now I wanted to spend this final or nearly final part please God let me finish talking about this because towards the end of 2018 yandere dev continued to reflect on the criticism and hate that he had been receiving and decide to make an over twenty minute video addressing it called hate and shame nor the most valuable usage of one's time but I digress the video is an interesting one imagine that someone decides to take all of these embarrassing moments from your past put them into a list and show that list to his friends then he claims that this list represents you his friends believe him and develop a twisted mental image of you they perceive you as a caricature of who you really are with all of your flaws greatly exaggerated unfortunately for you their hobby is ridiculing and shaming people and they've decided that you would be a fun target and so they start stalking you they follow you everywhere you go taking pictures of you recording videos of you and digging through your trash to look for anything embarrassing you might have thrown away sometimes they even try to directly provoke you because they think it's funny if they get a reaction out of you if you're an artist they'll claim that you're bad at painting if you're a chef they'll claim that you're bad at cooking and if you're a programmer they'll claim that you're bad at writing code I assume this is meant to be an analogy although it's hard to tell the hate and shame video is basically 22 minutes of yandere dev talking from this disconnected perspective about his own personal experience his purpose player is to try and make people empathize with him and maybe give him some advice I was gonna say that his video shows a failure to distinguish between the online from real world but then he goes to talk about the real world harassment that he alleges to have received after enough people have been convinced that you're an awful terrible person who deserves to be ridiculed and scorned you will begin to receive harassment prank calls weird things being mailed to your house getting spammed with pictures of animal abuse and bestiality being stocked in real life the video made me feel two things sad and manipulated it's a depressing video and this could be how yandere dev interprets the situation he has this status that would obviously not make elements of the internet enjoyable and there is a lot of personal stuff out there but I also find it very manipulative the use of generalizations vagueness and purely anecdotal content it personally rubs me the wrong way and I get that the Internet can be a pretty toxic place it's such that there are always people out there a little too obsessed with you and with something like yandere simulator and the sort of cult-like status it acquired it's very easy for one of those arid fans to become sour and then be on an all-out crusade to get you probably bolstered by some real sycophants on the more menacing side to the Internet and that will probably spill into your real life so I'm not saying for certain that this didn't happen but my god you don't feed the trolls yandere dev was practically providing them with an all-you-can-eat buffet in a later post he stated that his video on emails actually led to an increase in emails so I don't know why he thought a video on this topic would lead to any sort of de-escalation these videos also had a tendency to spray fire at their targets although in a later post Yantra dev would claim that his video is mostly directed towards these draws and harasses in the video he draws a clear link between the people who have criticized him as those who are also responsible for the harassment implying that they are the people who then go out and do that harassment although as mentioned it's likely these were quite different parties due to the altering motivations and goals that would come with it on top of those parts of his video seems to encompass points even more general attacking a youtubers who have spoken about him using video titles to reference creators like Kapoor kaiju and staff 9 while calling out their approach to making their videos channels that are dedicated to ridiculing and shaming other people these youtubers make money by degrading to basing and defaming others eventually these youtubers will hear what the gremlins are saying about you and then they will start making videos about you it doesn't benefit them to portray you with accuracy and honesty it benefits them to exaggerate your flaws and depict you as a cartoonish caricature of who you really are because that would be more entertaining and will result in more clicks and views maximising their ad revenue if they really were interested in telling the truth then they would contact you directly and ask you for your side of the story however none of them will ever do this I think ultimately the problem with this video and the problem with all of this drama is that he skips a key part of responding to drama and it's ultimately why he ended up in this mess and that is evidence I know people like capric ID you and that nine they may not be gods or gurus they may not be the all-seeing eye I'm not either but they don't go out with the intention of crucified people if they go with what they're given and at that point they had very little from yandere dev you can't just say oh if they really want something they should email me if you're not prepared to put something out there publicly why should they trust you in private I've trusted people in private before and it has cost me if you don't have anything publicly revolutionary to say to the drama don't say anything at all yandere dev always wanted to talk about it but never had anything to actually say unfortunately his audience recognized that because at the end of his hate and shame video he conducted a poll asking whether he should make more videos regarding this issue both God or whether he should leave it behind and focus on the game people voted pretty conclusively for the latter the game I think that's something of importance to note regarding this video it is once more an appeal to his already existent audience on what he should do about this drum if you don't like yandere dev you're not gonna like this video and boy a fair few people did not there were a load more criticisms about him deleting comments including this video which shows them being removed in live time once again even mild ones there was a person who claimed to be the original artist for the video had own comments to make about the devs behavior I clear yet unsurprisingly this video about drama caused more drama I'm not going to rule out the idea that yandere dev may have experienced some legitimate harassment at the hands of trolls and he has regularly cited this as the reason for why he has behaved in a rather erratic and even toxic way himself nonetheless I feel that this can only be used as a defense up to a point because his short-tempered demeanor was existent prior to the escalation of the drama that he argued to be engaged in and his behavior has extended beyond the erratic and emotional into the calculated it just reaches a point where you line all the drama up and it becomes hard to say that these instants are as isolated as he claims them to be I don't doubt the Y Android air probably had many positive interactions with his audience and I'm not going to argue against that point but even in context with yandere devs greater character the negative interactions held a significant frequency and relevance to the discussion at hand I'll other video was once again focusing on what he was experiencing rather than an actual response to the points against him and maybe if we would have received a more concise response if people had voted for it but I don't know how he would respond to the barest criticisms that escalated throughout the year such as the volunteers who claimed he wasn't treating them well enough the discord users who they just spontaneously banned them for no discernible reason the people he flipped out at over email or whatever other communicative mediums since then he has reiterated the idea that the harassment was what caused him to behave in such a way if he believes the harassment placed him in a negative state of mind that predisposed him to behave in such a way then what else would he have had to say in additional videos I think for the benefit of him his audience and for anyone involved it was best left there so what has happened since then well the only real point of interest in this is what is known as the debunk page which provides running updates to criticism that he's been receiving it's certainly more nuanced than his previous responses and one thing I did appreciate was that he seems to recognize those who are frustrated with the game's development in a nuanced way though I'm not sure how he treats that attitude publicly and I do feel that such an approach is prone to miss categorization and I'd stress that it's always best to side on the benefit of the doubt when dealing with certain criticisms as you the viewer you're more than at liberty to check out these responses as they're probably the most composed yandere dev has been although I would stress that many have taken issue with them still and made videos of their own I find the response page rather defensive and although definitely a bit more refreshing it's not a significant deviation from its alternatives but I would still personally take issue it the point is when dealing with drama if you don't have anything that's gonna turn perspectives on its head particularly when your content is being well received otherwise it's not sensible to make videos obsessing over the situation in a discord post he said that everything after this was gonna worsen first a 20% just like more than a 30% dislike bar than 50% a hundred percent 1,000% everything was gonna fall apart and the game would be canceled and no one would support him anymore but wait it didn't why not let's end this [Music] yandere dev acted like us on the verge of losing everything yet even at its lowest his videos were backed up by strong dedicated audience there are only two ways that losing momentum of his size could happen firstly if zomick's a well-written devastating exposed video or post and completely turned public perception on its heads or if people in general become disillusioned or bored as a whole and stop supporting the first one didn't really happen the only well-organized videos were fairly mild mannered and others were just not well produced enough so maybe it's the second but that didn't really happen either there were disillusioned people but not that many of them and even fewer who were actually taking part in any of the stuff that he accused people off people who want to spread kris ism of your game or hurt your image probably aren't gonna be the same as people who want to harass you because that would compromise their own points providing that happened that was likely mostly trolls who latched on to the disillusion as an excuse to cause havoc a lot of attention on the drama was generated by yandere death himself and although the minority was quite vocal at points its reach was limited to certain domains only being boosted when yandere dev would respond himself let's be clear the people who said shut up and focus on the game would doing yandere dev a massive service and he should have listened sooner [Music] for a bit it did tail off but it flared up again at the start of 2020 with what seemed to be more completely unnecessary drama yandere dev placed his discord server in a position where you pay to message due to an alleged number of rates and although it's his server once again it seems like a bad thing to be managing himself sew-on tweeted out an interaction where they messaged him suggesting technical changes that could prevent raids while also maintaining activity which of course there are multiple you turn off link embeds turn off images slow mode strong moderation team IP banning blacklisted words and I hate this discussion because eventually when this guy clearly presents a load of solutions and rebuts he and array devs comments yandere dev just turns around and says actually you don't get it no my friend you don't get it and I wonder if you'll ever get it if there are technical solutions to a problem you can't appeal to some greater level of understanding which doesn't exist some people might get past one or two blocks but discord has a load of settings and bots that can be used to prevent such activity without using a paywall which is what it is no semantics he did open up again thankfully but jesus christs this drama has turned the discord into a bit of a punchline with you speedrunning it people see this stuff is funny yandere dev doesn't takes it very seriously and then people meme it more it's a cycle a now-deleted tweet made in January 2020 the Android ever also alludes to taking his own life due to this harassment and without sounding like tyler crater and with all respect about that online work can be extremely stressful he needs to take a step back from the internet and stop engaging in it to the degree he does add this to the claim he's making less than minimum wage right now which although I personally find to be doubtful given his revenue stream if true I have to wonder what his motivations even are for continuing at this stage there are so made posts of him involving himself with drama DMing people long messages interviews some petty arguments I don't know if he thinks he needs to have this interaction to maintain interest in the game maybe he's won people over in the DMC probably has but so many times it just gets published and shows him as someone with an inability to communicate with basic criticism in spite of him proclaiming his proficiency it's like yandere dev has this almost parasitic relationship with the internet he sees it as the only way of maintaining the development of his game and yet he has so much drama and conflict he thinks he's attaching himself out of necessity rather than desire and this leads to completely destructive behavior which he feels he has to suffer through but by proxy that makes him a victim on the other hand ye Android eggs critics view this victimhood as being exploited at every opportunity in an attempt to blanket harassment with legitimate criticism and yandere devs continuous failure to deliver a finished product which for many should have been delivered a long time ago if you're a fan then you may well sympathize with him but few would disagree that a lot of this has been avoidable and people have still been contacting me about it I wonder if it's because people want my verdict on the actual progress of the game it's hard to say yandere dev now post update reports but they don't show anything too radical people are still waiting on the character asana he seems more focused on other developments before moving on to that and as obvious the video game is not going to be completed by the end of 2019 given his commitments that will likely disappoint people by the time any of you are watching this he'll probably be 2020 development still seems relatively slow there are probably people impatient with the progress but yonder a dev at least has probably learned not to make promises he can't keep there's no sign the crowdfunding project yet so I guess we'll see how that will be received in due time the video game itself seems like an exhausting venture given yandere devs desire to retain a lot of control he clearly feels a commitment to finish it he doesn't want to give up control given his investment it's the sunk cost fallacy he is sunk an investment in and he isn't willing to give it up or compromise easily on a creative vision in the hope that he will get there and he might get there at the same time continuing this will undoubtedly be a draining endeavor and I think it's a justified concern deposit well the game will ever be finished given the scale and ambition I'm not here to fully write anything up and I don't think it's a bad thing to follow if you're just interested in watching the development which i think is where a lot of his current audience stands but I'd advise caution in investing with the current trajectory is a risk you'd have to accept the whole situation became where to follow for me because on the one hand yandere dev seemed to acknowledge that the people who may be rather extreme in their behavior warson were part of a small minority and yet he dedicated so much time and attention to them often causing a Streisand on the issue he said that he was ok with criticism if it was delivered in a constructive way but constantly sense of public criticism regardless of tone implying that he perceived even well-delivered criticism in bad faith he acts like he wants to be out of the drama but keeps involving himself in it he constantly said things were taken out of context but never really provides the context that would help his case out I know it's a while back but the example that still sticks out to me was one regarding that clearly disgruntled fan it was annoyed about his mod after going after him yandere dev said he doesn't regret it on the corresponding reddit post in his debunked post he said he often felt remorseful but I don't think many people ever saw that he just saw someone who was belligerent and arrogant in reality I think yandere dev was just so incredibly fragile over his public status that after the hostility backfired he just went all out to suppress criticism he's stubborn and a bit paranoid and I don't think that's been to his favor often ending up in conflicts with people in his own audience as the hype slowed down and the patrons dropped out he became more frantic although the more public nature of yandere devs involvement with drama has subsided the censorship has not there I loaded these situations but probably my favorite was a post criticizing Corona Chan Oh God being removed with a person suggesting in the replies they should just look to this other post for a more constructive way to communicate his criticism but that post has been removed as well it seems rather authoritarian with the dev and his admins becoming more and more obsessed with tracking members movements including their participation and other service and subreddits to read their intentions it feels a bit like a cult to be honest and I'm not gonna leave many warnings in this video because enough information is out there for people to make informed decisions but this sort of behavior is gonna create a bubble which is bound to burst and it's a really bad idea but why is this bubble being created in such a way my hunch is that yandere dev had trouble distinguishing between fans legitimately frustrated about the development of the game and those he would class as concern trolling people pretending to care about the game's best interest but having slightly more negative in tents he felt that he was being targeted and he probably knew that well worded yet more biting criticism would do more damage than anything else so he tried to lump those people in with the harasses the problem is that yandere dev often went for false positives rather than false negatives which led him to lashing out and censoring people who may have genuinely cared about the progress of the game 2015 and 16 definitely saw controversy coming from his own attitude 2017 saw the exposure of certain technical failings and 2018 saw an escalation in the arguments frustration and angst both sides had amounting in an eventual burnout of the drama when the fans simply told him that enough was enough now in 2020 I guess we'll see how it all progresses do I think he's a bad person I don't know but I do feel his arguments regarding the progress of the game and his abilities were pretty poor I also think his time management was exceptionally bad I'm not sure if he knew they were or he genuinely believed that the games complex he justified the amount of time it taking on it but if he'd spent half the time arguing that he was working on the game well working on the game he'd probably get a lot more done you have to accept that there will be people who go out of their way to hate me does it make it right no does it mean you should become equally invested in it also no I'd also say that a lot of people had completely valid quarrels with him and although his intent may not have been outwardly malicious it doesn't undermine the grief caused by belligerents rancor or any other behaviors that can be attributed to this curious character I'd say it's probable that there were some people looking to stir stuff up but it's only because sharks smell blood and when summer yandere des behavior and responses started coming to light they saw a guy who they could bait into lashing out and decimating his own image even further and yandere dev just could never understand that you've already forgotten when addressing his what's taking so long video I said there was one other option that we'd get back to well let's talk about it actually all that Y and Ray Depp talked about it's presently yandere simulator is my full-time job I get paid to work on it as long as I'm getting paid to work on it I feel obligated to pour every second of my life in to it as long as I'm getting paid for my time it's perfectly fair for people to complain if I don't make timely progress on the game but what if I wasn't getting paid to work on it what if I closed my patreon completely then I could downgrade and dare a sim from a full-time job to just a hobby I would have no obligation to work on it for any longer than I feel like working on it I would have no reason to give it any more attention than I feel like giving it I would finally be able to play video games and watch anime again nobody could call me lazy anymore all of my problems would be solved but all of my fans would hate me someone else would develop a yen dari themed game to take the place of my game I would fade from memory and all of the work I've done over the past three years would be for nothing it's tempting to downgrade yandere simulator to just being a hobby so that I can take my life back but it would probably be a one-way street with no turning back now aside from the fact that he's playing Beethoven's again dude really likes Beethoven it may be too late now but in 2017 this was the best option in my opinion this was the option that if I was a fan I would have voted for it's his choice but it fees as pressured as it appears passing it on wasn't a bad idea I think the main concern is that it's a decision that he would not be able to revert maybe he wants to prove people wrong by finishing the game but back then I think a quarter of his audience understood I tell him that he shouldn't listen to poles alone but he went with the option that only 5% the audience voted for so I can't really say did yandere dev seize the source of his life in this community that's the thing there's more to this world banner community I get there's a concern that you fade from memory I get it too but this is no way to be remembered yandere dev and his game yandere simulator is the perfect example of a social media propelled video game when everything goes wrong the obsession would fight over practicality the motivations keep't online the lack of expert consultation feed lucky developer who was ill-prepared and his volatile involvement with a passionate audience he led to criticism which then snowboard and led everyone to lose out and without his fanbase just telling him to stop it probably would have gone in the direction that he said it was going to this current route seems to be less destructive and I am grateful fact but I wonder if he's really learned from his mistakes or he just learned to hide the glaring flaws a bit better only time will tell for now he should be grateful that he has a relatively committed and open-minded audience in spite of all the antics he's still doing okay and if I were him I wouldn't take that for granted for any other craters slash want to be game developers take this as a cautionary tale regards of who you think is right or wrong there's a lot but can be learned don't let you to drama cost you your life passion it's not worth it and don't think that everyone is out to get you even if it may hurt I hope the game is worth it first things first make sure you go and check out that nine he does great video essays on games I love his work it's got a great energy about him and he's such a lovely guy too I can root for that big-time so definitely go and send him some love because he's done a great job here you know I can't thank him enough for coming in and filling in a gap that would have taken me a lot of reading to get to grips with so thank you on that front so yes that was the video I would like you to check out all the editors below there once again done a fantastic job and definitely definitely check out fantastic fantastic work also want to give a special thanks to my patreon $10 plus patreon up on the screen right now and I need to give a special thanks my 50.83 on some hullabaloo Caroline and hypercute thank you so much it means a lot to me means a lot got a lot of love for my patreon $50 guys girls whatever very special thanks also to my hundred dollar patreon brandoni more Cool J and Christopher Karis thank you so much for your contribution it makes such a huge difference to the channel and to the progress that's making and it gives me a lot more mobility so I really appreciate difference that you're making if you want to check out my Twitter is at the right pinyon Facebook right opinion official discord there Instagram the dot right dot opinion very fantastic name all those links will be in the pinned comments and as always my references that I used for the video are there too I'm gonna die this was a long one thank you for your time [Music]
Channel: The Right Opinion
Views: 5,169,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: yandere dev, yandere simulator, yandere, yandere sim, yandere dev drama, yandere dev twitch, yandere simulator update, yandere simulator dev, yandere simulator development, yandere dev controversy, yandev, yanderedev, yandere chan, yandere dev reddit, yandere simulator drama, yandere dev opinion, yandere simulator opinion, thafnine, tro thafnine, thafnine yandere dev, thafnine yandere
Id: p1Zb90MFf20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 5sec (5885 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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