Pedophilia is ok - MY TAKE ON IT

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel so I'm wearing a military hat because I haven't had the opportunity to wear it and I just feel like it's not gonna happen and also because we are going to war once more I don't know why I whispered it maybe because it's disgusting anyways before we get on with the video let us look at today's pin art so I have it on my phone that's why I'm looking down so I really really love the fact that it's when I'm wearing my green wig because I love that wig I wish that were my real hair and the writing what the hell is wrong with people that is essentially my channel in a nutshell so thank you so much for representing me so perfectly and I love the beanie the facial expression everything is awesome thank you so much I will link the artist in the description per usual anyways let's get on with the video Oh actually wait let's not get on with the video one thing I'll be live-streaming from now on about twice a week the only thing is I can't tell you exactly when because it really depends on when I'm free but I will be doing it in the mornings and at different times just so like hopefully everyone I can at some point make it if they want to make it now we can get on with the video okay so today we're gonna be talking about a MOS use video I don't know if that's how you say it but a most kind of makes me think of a monster I don't know maybe that's just cuz of his views but I'm just gonna call him monster um yeah his video is 11 minutes and 48 seconds so I don't know if I'm gonna cover everything because I don't want to keep you here for half an hour but let's just let's just see what this person has to say the title of the video is why pedophilia is alright which is already how you know that we need to get the setting spray right I'm also running low on setting sprayer ironically and I think it's because of all these videos where I actually have to protect myself so we're gonna be testing some new ones soon okay let's go let's have a nice civil discussion on pedophilia I've made videos and tweets about this topic before but I don't think that the points I made previously will be asked clear as the ones that I will make in this video and also at that time went around calling everyone of fascists for those who disagree with me yeah I don't think I should have done that it seems pretty dickish so if people want to most accurately represent my position on this issue cite this video take this video as a far better draft - let's begin first we need to agree on just one thing that sexual abuse is not determined by age but instead on whether or not the relationship involves consent most people would make the absolute brought generalization dad any kid that is below the age of 12 are not able to consent to sex but then one day a 42 year old Adam comes along and says that while he was 10 years old he had a perfectly consensual sexual relationship with a 30 year old adult 10 year old him was not traumatized afterwards the relationship was perfectly fine and consensual and both of them enjoyed the sexual relationship [Music] [Music] we're even to begin first of all you know what someone has like a very dislikeable quality this person has one his voice is shrill and annoying which makes this more unbearable to listen to not because everything that he's saying is essentially [ __ ] pouring out of his mouth but the voice man of the voice uh anyways first of all this little anecdote of that 42 year old with the kid like cool story but I mean just because one person was a traumatized that doesn't make it the rule that'd be like me saying oh I hate the color red so no one's ever gonna like red does that make sense to you no because it's [ __ ] second of all sexual abuse is sexual abuse not only because of the violence included but because there is such a thing that called the age of consent and while the age of consent is different in multiple countries the reason that it is there is because children when they're ten do not understand the concept of sex and the way the education system is going right now there are plenty of kids that are even close to eighteen who still don't understand a lot of the things that go into sex so if you think that a ten-year-old if they consent to sex they're still uninformed whether they say yes or no in the end is actually irrelevant because they don't know what they're saying yes or no to I mean what the [ __ ] so do you think that that kind of relationship should not happen that just because the child was below 18 that relationship that was perfectly harmless should be considered child rape no that's absolutely ridiculous nobody was harmed and this is not a fantasy story that I just poured out of my ass there are numerous stories of children below the age of 12 who have had mutually beneficial relationships sexual relationships with Adam okay so first of all I'm not gonna be told what's ridiculous by a pedophile apologist and probably a pedophile too because why are you making this argument if you're not interested in having sex with kids but I digress anyways you showing me a wee via page about certain places where this is okay doesn't make it okay like just because in those cultures it's part of their culture or ingrained or whatever I'm still not down like your examples mean nothing to me and when he's saying like oh this isn't a fantasy story yes it is a fantasy story because in reality most people most children that are with an adult are going to be in some way traumatized and I'm pretty sure that if you went to people who had sexual relations with an adult when they were kids they will confirm that they won't say that it was the greatest thing of their life's and a maturing experience no no okay so don't don't try and pull this and when you said oh this is not just me I pulled that on my ass everything you're saying is pulled out of your ass so let's get that out of the way too anyways before I continue I wanted to say I found an article that talks about the effects of child sexual abuse on victims only flat below if you want to see some numbers get some ideas of what happens to a person who goes through this so if you agree that that kind of relationship should be completely fine and legal then you should also agree that every relationship between a child and a adult is alright as long as it involves consent let's continue now I'm absolutely certain that we should not discriminate against pedophiles our society's treatment of pedophiles is inhumane and horrendous oh my gosh a pedophile is simply defined as an individual who has a sexual attraction to children that's it it doesn't mean he's going to molest children it doesn't even mean he's going to act upon his sexual urges all he has is the non violent sexual attraction to children if you have to desire to rape children then yeah that's bad but most pet if you want to rape children yeah that's bad yeah that's tragic horrendous scarring life-changing I mean uh and the fact that even brings up consent multiple times consent cannot be given aside from the whole age thing aside from the law thing if someone doesn't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about how can they consent to that files like most people do not want child abuse most pedophiles and people in NAMBLA absolutely condemn rape and child abuse what are you were biologically born with that sexual orientation or you are influenced by your surroundings if you just have the desire to have a perfectly consensual sexual relationship with a child there's absolutely nothing wrong with that and pedophiles like the LGBTQ community seem to exist in very significant numbers in society why should we immediately discriminate against such a huge group of people say that they are scum and days should be imprisoned when they have done absolutely nothing wrong there so if better file gets help and doesn't do anything to kids great I still think it's weird I'll still be creeped out but I will respect the person for getting the help they need and for restraining themselves that's out of the way however however just because there are huge numbers of pedophiles it doesn't mean that they have to be accepted or you know like deemed as fine because they're not fine there's something wrong with them like I said if they get oh great good let's keep the kids safe but if you're out here trying to act like it's normal trying to act like you monster to pretend like all of this is just a normal thing and it's an orientation no it's not an orientation because pedophilia is based on abuse it's violent it's never consenting so that cannot be an orientation if it's based on violence and abuse first of all second of all I hate it being related to the LGBTQ community because it's just kind of like there is no relationship there I can't explain it I can't even go into how many times I've had older family members think that gay people molested kids because of this crap because of this mixing together it's like there is no mixing there is a harsh line of division pedophiles are not in the LGBT community do not try that or people who realize that they have a sexual attraction to children but since society discriminates against pedophiles so much these people contemplates suicide there are even stories in the US where adults apply electroshock therapy to boys as young as 12 who think that they have a sexual attraction to children like what the [ __ ] I do not want to live in a society where we condone this kind of discrimination and hostility towards a group of people who have done absolutely nothing wrong this is vile this is absolutely horrible if a child in an adult have consensual sex they both film it and they both agree that it's fine for the footage to be on the internet there's absolutely nothing wrong done why should it be illegal in the US for producing child porn an adult gets a minimum of 15 years in prison and a maximum of 30 that is [ __ ] insane even worse is most countries criminalized simply possessing child pornography possessing child pornography a completely nonviolent Act whether you viewed it based on sexual attraction or non sexual curiosity in the u.s. you get a minimum of five years in prison and a maximum of 15 what the [ __ ] and even first of all if you have sex with a child you are by definition of using that child whether they consent it if they said yes it still doesn't mean consent they don't understand their bodies even just physically speaking their bodies are not like I'm sorry to get graphic but their bodies sometimes are not depending on the age big enough to be able to do that stuff I don't want to get more graphic but you know what I mean so there's that aside from that there is implied violence whether they you know like seem to be you know consenting or whatever there is implied violence so there is a lot wrong with filming that and then putting on the Internet and then again if they can't consent to have sex they can't consent to put it on the Internet you want to have a world where people can film it and put 12 like 10 year-olds being raped by like 30 year olds like what kind of world is that how is that okay and my question is if you ever had a kid you would be okay with this this video is already getting kind of long so I'm probably not gonna finish talking about this video but I will link it if I gave you the benefit of the doubt and said that okay all child sex is rape and so all child pornography is essentially footage of rape is it wrong to upload or view for of child rape no now people might argue that the reason why footage of child porn or child rape should be banned is because having it on the Internet would promote such behavior however the fact is there really is no evidence that there's a link between watching violent footage and an increase in violent crimes and if there is please show it to me it's kind of like the people who say that having the death penalty helps reduce crime or banning violent movies helps reduce violence like it seems like there would be a logical connection but the fact is there's absolutely no evidence to show that there is okay so there are these things called morals and they dictate a lot of how a human behaves right obviously you don't have any um but let's say there is no evidence proving that putting child porn or child rape on the Internet is normalizing it that still doesn't make it okay because it is an act of violence an act that is traumatizing to a child and acts that has no consent so the fact that you're minimizing it to just be like oh yeah like what's wrong with you view it why would you want to view it unless you are a pedophile and in which case you should not be looking at child porn you should be getting help get a therapist get locked up whatever it is get help but the fact that he's minimizing it like this to me is frankly disgusting and I can't believe that he's talking about this trying to be level-headed oh and on that note he started by saying let's have a civil discussion the thing is like we're talking about abuse trauma like things that stain people's lives forever people kill themselves after [ __ ] like this so the fact that you're saying that child rape is okay and uploading it is okay I just know the video goes on for about five more minutes I've obviously already seen it and to be quite frank he doesn't make any valid points it has six K dislikes and five hundred likes and note this person has fifty five thousand divers would you stay subscribe to someone if you didn't agree with a view on something like this like an important view anyways guys I'm sorry to bring you this dose of depression but I didn't want to make this video too long either so thank you guys so much for watching and I'll catch you next time
Views: 704,937
Rating: 4.8652039 out of 5
Keywords: pedophilia, amos yee, pedophile, rape, abuse, child sexual abuse
Id: iW4q67OkIEY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2017
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