The most vile streamer

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're going to be talking about a streamer that i've been made aware of the name had come up a few times but i didn't actually know what the streamer had done until recently when i started looking into it and frankly it's so enraging so actually i should put a trigger warning here like this is genuinely one of those topics that is so i think unilaterally enraging in the sense of no matter what channel you're gonna come across commenting on this they're all gonna agree that this is disgusting behavior and there's nothing really funny about it in my opinion but we'll get into that and troll behavior and so on and so forth but i do think what we're gonna see is one of by far the worst people trolls i'm assuming that stream but before we do that i did want to thank today's sponsor which is skillshare skillshare is an online learning community with thousands of awesome classes for people of all skill levels to explore or deepen existing passions they offer classes in a wide variety from graphic design film and video and photography to business analytics to marketing i've been taking a class by parker guard titled building an etsy shop that sells strategies for e-commerce success i chose this course because i'm currently trying to evaluate the different types of online stores because i do want to start selling some of my own crafts so that course was really useful in telling me how etsy works from a seller's perspective and also the pros and cons of etsy as opposed to other platforms skillshare is curated specifically for learning which is why there are no ads and there is continuous addition of new premium classes so you can stay focused and follow wherever your creativity takes you and it's less than ten dollars a month with an annual subscription the first thousand of my followers to click the link in my description will get a free trial of premium membership so you can explore your creativity thank you again to skillshare for sponsoring this video so today we're talking about a streamer named playmate tessie now i wouldn't really know how to categorize her content as much as it's just like trolling filler content in the sense of never really seems like there's a real topic or a real conversation it's just like i'll show you her videos here it's her trolling titling things saying how rich she is or how she's so talented and so beautiful or like breakfast stream you know like those kinds of streams that are more like a hangout rather than actual content content if that makes sense and for the most part there's nothing wrong with this type of content there's something wrong with hers but other people who just hang out on stream no shade to them but with her there's no real theme or genre let's say this individual got into trouble about a month ago because she went on omegle while she was streaming and she made fun of a cancer patient when i was first informed about her making fun of a cancer patient i had a general idea of what i was going to be seeing and i thought that it would be something rather predictable perhaps even a mistake you know like someone saying something insensitive without thinking you know like i was really being optimistic i don't even know why anymore what she said to this young woman slash girl that she was talking to because you don't see her and as far as i know she's anonymous is so gross and so utterly infuriating that i commend the girl for not losing her [ __ ] and also the girl is hilarious because she claps back every single time without even raising her voice just being calm even though horrible things and horrible insults are being thrown at her i'll put a couple of clips here obviously the stream was longer but i think these will give you a general idea of what was happening take off your wig you big [ __ ] take off your way i don't need to take it is a wig oh my god that's embarrassing leukemia do you have cancer oh my god do you have cancer you are such a loser you're wearing awake as you're a ball don't be a [ __ ] take off your wig leukemia you're [ __ ] cancer you're such a loser oh my god i can't so what's it like having [ __ ] cancer and having to wear wigs well it's great because people give me money people pay you to be ugly and bald no people pay me because i'm dying you're such a [ __ ] loser basically you're getting a welfare for special needs oh god so people give you money to like go away because they don't want to deal with you like they pay you to like go away basically people give you money to be plastic and to go off on people and to make fun of people is that what it is uh no i'm not putting this on my video i'd get cancelled [ __ ] i'm never gonna get caught my supporters will not like you're never going to expose me my my supporters will never know that i call fat ugly [ __ ] losers like you who even are you since i'll take all of your cancer money and like i'll see you for all your wigs and cancer money what's your name since you're such a big celebrity i know what you're doing and you're trying to incriminate me because i know you know exactly who i am i'm not stupid like i have no idea who you are yeah yeah yeah right yeah i'm like like who do you did you forget did the plastic in your face make you you know exactly who i am i'm not stupid i know you've been filming the whole time because you think you're gonna cancel me and get clout off of me never when you're trying to get me to confess incriminate myself yeah nice try nice try so i don't even really know where to begin because i think it's very obvious that all of this was gross and granted i don't know if this playmate tessie is really this stupid or it's part of her gig this behavior was so gross and so degrading and belittling thankfully the girl she was talking to was not taking any of her [ __ ] so i was very happy to see that though i'm sure some of it all of it parts of it were actually hurtful whether tessie was trolling or not who knows and this brings me to the argument of trolling because i know i've talked about this before but it genuinely is saddening to me that at this point and i mean like this has happened in the past too like prior to social media you know like acting scandalously for attention is not by any means a new thing to do but the fact that these trolls if that's even what she is like that's me again being optimistic hoping that she doesn't actually think the things she says trolls or people generally let's say since we don't know what she is feel this comfortable to say this type of heinous [ __ ] online makes me sick like it genuinely makes me so disgusted with the human race generally regardless this is getting testy attention which i'm assuming was the whole ploy but then again you don't really want attention from channels like mine like if you're on my channel 99 of the time it means you've done something that like it's not a good sign to be on my channel at all so like i've said in prior videos some people think that all attention is positive attention and that it'll end up in some kind of positive way but truly i just don't agree with that whatsoever i would rather have no one talking about me than like 10 people saying how horrible i am but that's my own thing kids with kids with retardation are [ __ ] worthless people with autistic are [ __ ] worthless autism autism is not real i think people with autism are just pretending to have autism because they're [ __ ] lazy and worthless they they should all be gassed and put in concentration camp so basically the repercussions of her saying these disgusting things online were that she pretty much thought she wasn't gonna get caught which i'm like how stupid are you you're doing a stream the other person could be screen recorded i whatever let's not pretend we can understand an organism that has no brain cells but anyway after that she continued streaming and she did streams where she was asleep i don't know for what reason and basically what happened is that in that one of those streams she lives with her father and she has a sibling the father was angry at the sibling and yelling and he said some information that made them essentially doxable or easily found online and so people started sharing clips those clips of her making fun of the cancer patient to her father's job so the father obviously called her being really angry and really upset i'll just put the clip in here but just for context basically after he calls her being upset she calls the police essentially saying that he threatened her life when he was pretty much just saying get the [ __ ] out of my house kicking her out which is understandable considering she almost lost him his job apparently he actually still has it but he was at risk of losing it yes i need you out of my house i'll be home in an hour you better not be there i'm trying to delete i can't delete it i was sleeping i was sleeping i didn't know you were screaming it doesn't matter you stopped streaming in my house it just cost me my job live stream get the house i could lick you i was sleeping like telling me to leave right now or he will like hurt me my like my dad wants me to leave right now i like i don't have a chance to move i have no internet he is saying that if i don't leave that i will be like he he he is threatening to hurt me and he's coming back in an hour and i have to leave immediately or he will harm me and i no notice no anything i am 18 but there's no notice i'm just being told right now on the spot it's one am in the morning and i'm being told that if i don't leave that i will be in danger that my life is being threatened right and i'm fully capable of moving like i work all the time um so uh i you know i do the internet like i'm like i do youtube and like stuff like that youtube twitch whatever i'm financially fine and my dad is threatening to sue me because i fell asleep on a live stream and my dad was screaming at my sister and my viewers leaked the clip of him yelling and he's threatening to sue me i i like i don't remember exactly what he said but i he basically said that if i am not out in an hour that he is going to like seriously harm me and he said that i better be out or or or it's over and he's gonna hurt me and like he's gonna like whatever and then my sister's banging on my door and it's really scary and my dad's like threatened to kill me multiple times my dad's very like he's on location right now no he is not there right now he said that he will be back in an hour so i'm like i'm terrified like i need help does he have any weapons yes yes he has multiple weapons and i do and it's like i don't know how he even got access to the weapons he's got he has serious mental disorders he has multiple guns he has swords they're everywhere he doesn't even keep his guns in a case i really think he's gonna kill me please have someone come so then after that apparently she just started living in a hotel that's what i can understand as far as i've seen from her channel though that's just a detail at this point the basic idea though behind all of this that i find sickening is that unless she really feels this way which i really hope she doesn't because that would be even more disappointing and disgusting the idea is that this is all a ruse to get people to talk about her to then get attention because even when she was speaking to the cancer patient she was saying oh you know who i am and it's like girl truly no one knows who you are and even if that's your gig of like pretending you're famous no one's laughing that's the disgusting part for me that this is kind of like the pathway that she's trying to build in order to get attention or internet notoriety it might make sense in the short term you might make money in the short term it might be maybe fun for you in the short term i don't know but the reality is is that what's online is online forever as much as that's like a boring very like mom type argument there's going to be a point in your life where you don't want to be a troll anymore there's going to be a point in your life where you just want to be potentially hopefully a decent person so like when you're 30 or 35 and maybe you want to settle down maybe you want to i don't know go into a specific career path have a family whatever it is you decide to do do you really want to have this kind of baggage that you've imposed on yourself like that's what is confusing to me is like yes now that might seem quote unquote fun i can't relate to that but what about later sometimes people get categorized online as one thing and you cannot escape that no matter what and that's the thing that i think is why trolls are so confusing to me not like the ones who are funny and harmless who are just being silly those i feel that are more akin to comedians frankly but the ones who are just saying scandalous things to say them and to get some kind of reaction it's it's sad really because the only reason people are looking at you is because you're like the child throwing a tantrum kicking and screaming and we're all just looking at you like this is pathetic but anyway you guys can let me know what you think of the comments down below let me know if you have any particular opinions about trolling something i rant about far too frequently anyways guys thank you so much for watching thank you to my patrons as always let's get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 220,750
Rating: 4.9785142 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 01 2021
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