New info on Chad Daybell - the unsealed affidavit

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so today we're gonna be talking about Chad de Belle because an affidavit has been released where we have more information as to what happened to Laurie bellows children JJ and Kylie just to be clear in the affidavit I will have highlighted sections because there are some parts that I've already discussed in Prior videos which will be linked down below but I will also give you a link to the full eleven pages of the document though we're pretty much gonna go over all of them just skipping certain sections this might be a long one okay so this is page one of the affidavit the only reason I'm showing you this is because there's a person in the affidavit who refers to as I that I is detective Ron ball and he's been with the Rexburg Police Department law enforcement for more than twenty seven years so just to give you context on who is talking about this so on page two there's a lot of reiteration of the basic facts of this case which we already know I'm just gonna underline here the timing because the timing is extremely important since November 26 2009 teen at the Rexburg Police Department along with the FBI have been investigating the location and whereabouts of these two minor children the last verifiable sighting of Ty Lee Ryan was on September 8th 2019 in Yellowstone National Park the last verifiable sighting of JJ valo was September 22nd 2019 in his mother's apartment Laurie Valois moved to rexburg on or about September 1st 2019 with her children at Ty Lee Ryan and JJ Val oh and her brother Alex Cox alex Cox resided in the same complex initially living in the same unit as Laurie and then moving into his own unit so I'm gonna pause here this is important because Alex Cox who is now deceased allegedly due to natural causes which okay Alex Cox ends up being a very big part of all of this so him living close to Laurie is very important and a key point to remember Laurie Dollaz close friend Melanie Gibb has cooperated with Idaho and air law enforcement regarding the investigation of the children Melanie give has reported that from September 19th 2019 through the morning of September 23rd 2019 she visited Lorri valo at her new residence in Rexburg Idaho Laurie valo informed her that JJ valo had become a zombie give further reports that the term zombie refers to an individual whose mortal spirit has left their body and that their body is now the host of another spirit the spirit in a zombie is always considered a quote unquote dark spirit while the dark spirit inhabits the host body the person's true spirit goes into limbo and it is stuck there until the host body is physically killed as such death of the physical body is seen as the mechanism by which the body's original spirit can be released from limbo this belief was told to give by Laurie valo Laurie Vala had learned it from Chad de Bell and immediately told Gib Gib was present with Laurie below when Chad de Bell first taught Laurie this information on the phone in early 2019 in reference to Charles valo Charles bellow is also dead and was shot by Alex Cox okay so everything here is deeply deeply connected and I just don't want that to be forgotten Melanie git has further informed me that Laurie valo called Kylie a zombie in the spring of 2019 Gibb was on the phone with Laurie and heard Lori called tighly a zombie - which Ty Lee responded not me Mom this arose out of Laurie requiring Ty Lee to babysit JJ and Ty Lee did not want to Laurie valo also told get that Ty Lee had turned into a zombie when she was 12 or 13 which was approximately the same time Ty Lee had become quote unquote difficult to deal with so just a quick note the rest of page four are things that we've already discussed however it is very suspicious to me like everything in this case that the qualification for being a zombies essentially acting up if you count a teenager saying I don't want to babysit my little brother even acting up it's interesting to me that that was like the turn the determination made for her being a zombie and of course there are things that happen behind closed doors but considering that this whole theory of being a zombie is ridiculous it wouldn't surprise me if it just came out of Ty Lee not wanting to babysit her little brother which is not an atypical thing for a teenager to not want to do so on such a heavy label for such a non-issue is to me a way to scapegoat you know because if there's nothing really wrong with your children but you want it there to be you can always find a reason why there's zombies and why they're negative spirits right the cellular analysis survey team here and after Cass or CAS T is an FBI unit that provides analyses of cell phone records and presents the information to law enforcement cast has analyzed Alex Cox's phone and provided the location information mentioned in paragraph 13 the cast analysis provides the location of Cox's phone the location of Cox's phone ends up being massively important so it might be a little bit confusing but I've created like a little chart to contextualize things so on Monday September 9th which is one day after ty Lee was last seen midnight to 44 past midnight Cox's phone was located at his apartment however from 242 a.m. to 3:30 7:00 a.m. Cox is located again at Lori's apartment where Laurie lived was highly and JJ this is significant not only because he's there in the middle of the night but also because this is the only time in September he appears to go over to Laurie's between midnight and 6 a.m. at 4:30 7 a.m. Alex went back to his own apartment until 8:59 a.m. at 9:21 a.m. he was located at a property with the address so-and-so which is the residence of Chad de Bell the 9:21 reading is a GPS data point and places him behind the home on des belles property near the east end of the barn Alex Cox's phone was still at the de Belle residence at 10:39 at 10:57 to 1139 cox is located at the de bell property at 11:52 to 1202 he was at Del Taco in Rexburg now there's one important thing to note here at 10:47 it shows that that he hit the city of st. Anthony but the thing is the city of st. Anthony is a five minute drive from des belles residence so many are making the assumption that he never left des belles residence and that it just pinged elsewhere so then on June 1st 2020 I was informed by special agent Ricky right of the FBI that the FBI had been examining a phone believed to be owned by Tamara Tammy de bel Tammi was Chad's wife and died on October 19th 2019 the FBI found a text conversation between Tammy and her husband Chad de Bell on September 9th 2019 which is the day after the last known sighting of Ty Lee Ryan in the yellowstone national park so the text conversation went as follows Chad to Tammy at 11:53 M well I've had an interesting morning I felt I should burn all of the limb debris by the fire pit before it got too soaked by the coming storms well I did so I spotted a big raccoon along the fence I heard and got my gun and he was still walking along I got close enough that one shot did the trick he is now in our pet cemetery fun times so I want to pause here a second because I know that it might seem a little confusing so here's a little graphic thingy I made just to kind of contextualize what happened Ty Lee Ryan last seen on September 8 Alix Cox was at Laurie bellows home in the middle of the night of September 9th in the morning of September 9th he was on Chad's property near the east end of the barn and like I said due to the tower ping he could have left but the minimum time he spent on the property that's confirmed was from 921 to 10:47 if the ping was incorrect then he was actually there in 211 39 so he never left it was just consecutive from 921 to 1139 this same day Chad de Bell claimed to have shot a raccoon and texted Tammy de Bell his wife to let her know he'd also been burning debris and burying the raccoon so as you can see all of these things put together don't seem like minor coincidences why was it that day that he decided he was gonna burn the debris also texting his wife shortly after Alex Cox left also the way he brought up the raccoon things seemed really weird to say it's interesting and like fun to bury an animal and this pet sematary everything here seems weird but I definitely think that telling his wife about the non-existent raccoon obviously that's made up in my mind anyway was a paper trail right because now anyone who says oh I heard a gunshot there's like that paper trail and in fact the neighbors will also come into this because they end up asking about hearing the gunshot okay so hopefully everything makes sense until now so then I the text message is suspicious because raccoons are normally nocturnal animals and are not regularly out during the day it should be noted that from interviewing neighbors of Chad de Bell we are aware that in mid-july of 2019 garth de Bell Chad's son told their neighbors that Chad had shot a raccoon out of a tree on their property during the day those neighbors are named Matt and Regan price garth told matt price about the raccoon in a response to a question from matt about hearing a gunshot the prices informed me that the fire pit in the back of the de bell property was hardly ever used until the last few months regan informed me that there appeared to be frequent bonfires in the pit on the de belt property over the last few months and the first one she noticed was soon after Tammy's death on October 19 2019 On June 2nd 2020 detective Bruce Mattingly of the Fremont County Sheriff office contacted Samantha Williams who is the sister of Tami de belles he asked her if she was aware of a pet cemetery on Chad and Tammy de belles property in Idaho when asked the location of the pet cemetery on the de belt property she stated that it was east of the red barn near the fire pit Samantha was then shown an aerial photograph of the de Bell property and she pointed to the same area near the fire pit where Alex Cox's phone pinged on September 9th so they had a pet cemetery because apparently they were pet lovers and that's just where their pets were buried the interesting thing is that that is exactly where Cox's phone pinged indicating that that is where Kylie was for at least a certain amount of time if if she's not dispersed elsewhere also as you see the raccoon paper trail was important because the neighbors did end up asking what that was the fact that the fires only started being burned after the death of Tammy Day Bell is also significant in my opinion but let's keep going the above facts established the Alex Cox appeared to be at the table property on September 9th 2019 at least until 11:30 9 Chad sent the text to Tammy about burning debris and shooting and burying the raccoon in the pet cemetery only 14 minutes later at 11:53 the pet cemetery referenced by Chad de Bell is located at the same location as most the pings on Alex Cox's phone on September 9th 2019 On June 3rd 2020 I interview Melanie Gibb and her boyfriend David Warwick in Pleasant Grove Utah we discussed in depth the weekend of September 22nd and 23rd 2019 due to the fact that both given Warwick stayed at lower valleys residents in Rexburg that weekend get informed me that she arrived in Rexburg on September 19th 2019 soon after she arrived lori valo informed gabe that JJ had become a zombie and pointed out behaviors such as sitting still and watching TV claiming JJ said he loved satan and an increased vocabulary as evidence that JJ was now a zombie give observed JJ's behavior and felt it to be the same as she had always observed it the last time Gibbon Warwick verifiably saw JJ was the night of September 22nd 2019 Warwick informed us that it was late in that Gib valo and Warwick were going to do a podcast Warwick said that JJ acted up and so Alex Cox took JJ to his apartment in the complex when Alex returned later that night he was carrying JJ who appeared to be asleep with his head on Alex's shoulder Warwick further informed us that when he woke up in the morning of September 23rd 2019 he asked Laurie where JJ was this was between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. Laurie informed Warwick and give JJ had been acting like a zombie and had been crawling on the kitchen cabinetry and had gotten in on top of the cabinetry in the space between the cabinetry and the ceiling she informed Warwick and Gib that when JJ climbed upon the cabinetry that he had knocked a picture of Jesus off the refrigerator Vala than informed Warwick and Gib that Alex had come and taken JJ the FBI cast team had analysed Alex Cox's movements on the morning of September 23rd 2019 by his cell phone GPS and 955 Alex is again on Chad des belles property he was there until 10:00 12:00 the pings on his phone locate Alex near the pond on Chad's property at the northern edge of his property so let's pause here a second and go back to my little diagram JJ's I think is more direct because again similarly to Ty Lee so again one day after he's last seen Alex Cox just happens to be on Chad de belles property on September 23rd Warwick and give ask where JJ's valo says that he's with Cox due to misbehaving which we'll get to that and then at 9 fifty-five the same morning Alex Cox's phone pinged at des belles property and he was there until until 1012 and then later on a search warrant will prove that that's where his body is okay just so we're clear so the whole zombie talk again is ridiculous and difficult to believe and like I said a scapegoat but the whole premise that he that JJ said that he loved Satan first of all sounds like a lie to me but also the fact that he'd been climbing up on the cabinets and he specifically got to the refrigerator and knocked off a picture of Jesus and that's what essentially made valo pass her son off to Alex Cox again what I do want to say and this is just speculation I could be entirely wrong but in paragraph 25 it says when Alex returned to that night he was carrying JJ who appeared to be asleep with his head on Alex's shoulder to me that could even imply that JJ was already dead I don't know if that's true I'm just saying and the other situation with Ty Lee there was a gunshot here maybe the methodology of the murder was different but I just thought it's interesting that the last time he was seen he was asleep as far as they knew this is also an important thing to note because here we have two instances where Cox is on Chad Abel's property right after the kids are last seen so it says on June 3rd 2020 a special agent Ricky right of the FBI to analyze the frequency of Alex Cox's visits to Chad Gables property during the month of September 2019 his response was I checked the visits by Alex Cox to Chad's house again there were only four visits by Alex Cox during the month of September these were on September 6 September 9th September 23rd and September 25th during the two visits on the 6th and 25th all the pings were in and around the house and there were no pings anywhere in the backyard near the fire pit or pond as you can see these visits were also short about 11 minutes and 17 minutes like the one on September 23rd which was 17 minutes the visit on September 9th was the only long visit approximately 2.5 hours so two out of these four visits were one day after the kids were last seen on June 9th 2020 a search warrant was executed at Chad de belles residents and property with the assistance of the local FBI ERT team we lo at least multiple sites of interest these sites were identified and correspondent to the cellular data of Alex Cox's phone when he was on the property mentioned in paragraphs 12 to 16 the first site of interest was located on the north side of the pond near the edge of the property this site correspondent with the two GPS pings from Alex Cox's phone on September 20 30 2019 a patch o ground was located that appeared to be disturbed the disturbed area was approximately 4 feet by 2.5 feet members of the FBI ERT team removed the top layer of sod underneath the layer of sod were several large flat rocks the rocks were removed and two pieces of flat paneling were found the paneling was removed and investigators exposed a round object covered in black plastic upon exposing the round object covered in black plastic a strong odor was noticed an FBI ERT member used a small sharp instrument and made a small incision in the plastic and a layer of white plastic was observed an incision was made into the layer of white plastic exposing what to appear to be human remains the crown of a head covered in light brown hair the remaining dirt around this object was methodically removed exposing what appeared to be a body wrapped in black plastic Cheryl Anderson associate professor of anthropology at Boise State University was present on the scene and advised the remains found near the pond appear to be human the second side of interest was located behind a red unattached outbuilding located roughly in the center of the property near a fire pit next to the fire pit is an area used as a pet cemetery the site correlated to several GPS pings off of Alex Cox's phone on September 9th 2019 ground in this area was probed with steel pool in several areas of disturbed ground were located once the bricks were discovered the soil was examine aided and what appeared to be two bones were located based on the condition of the bones Cheryl Anderson was not able to determine whether the bones were human methodically the dirt in this area was searched and several other items of interest were found including other bones charred tissue and charred bones Cheryl Anderson indicated these additional bones both chart and uncharred and tissue found were human remains investigators provided photos of some of the partial remains that were found at the pet cemetery - Sarah gets PhD a forensic anthropologist dr. Getz was able to identify these remains as being non adult human remains so from everything we've gathered here Alex boxes phone pings were pretty much essential in terms of determining where the bodies would end up being we don't have much more information about what happened to Ty Lee but based on the fire in the bonfire situation and now charred and uncharred bones we could maybe think that her corpse was burned to end all of this while officers were conducting their search Chad de Bell was observed by officers to be continuously watching where officers were searching around the time the head mentioned in paragraph 32 and 33 was discovered Chad de Bell was observed leaving his daughter's residence in a gray SUV I and other officers pursued him in police vehicles conducted a traffic stop and detained him due to the fact that human remains were discovered on his property so no we covered a lot here and I think that for me the most surprising thing was the extent of Alex Cox's involvement and I never thought he wasn't involved at all like I knew that he had to be complicit in some way considering that he had shot Charles valo and even the circumstances around that are suspicious obviously like everything here but the fact that he was so involved that his phone pings were essentially the map to find the remains was extremely surprising as I hadn't really seen much else in terms of his involvement and I also wonder how much of this has to do with Laurie valo in the sense of was she with there with him except that she just didn't bring her phone or was she telling him what to do like I wonder how much of this was in Laurie's control versus how much she just told him like just deal with it you know what I mean and also with Chad clearly since it was on his property he can't be completely unrelated obviously especially since he was the one who came up with or told Laurie about this idea of zombies so now I guess I'm just wondering which of the moving parts might have had a bigger role or if they all had a similar role or how that is you can let me know what you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching and thank you to my patrons as always and I'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Views: 169,617
Rating: 4.9704351 out of 5
Keywords: Chad daybell, lori vallow, alex cox, jj vallow, tylee ryan, tammy daybell, affidavit
Id: RoyaE0ECfB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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