What the HELL is Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs?

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👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Saberspark 📅︎︎ Jun 19 2020 🗫︎ replies

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this video is brought to you by Ray Khan [Music] back in 2017 there was some drama I know drama on the Internet this never happens well guess what it did and it happened for a movie called red shoes and the Seven Dwarves is it dwarf or dwarves or whatever okay so the drama as I said went down in 2017 and there was a poster for it that was on display at the con movie festival it said what if Snow White wasn't beautiful and it shows a skinny character next to a girl who is overweight so it heavily implied that it was saying if you're fat you're ugly and yeah the internet wasn't very happy about this it saw the poster as insulting that it was fat shaming but that was three years ago and was like the last I heard of it until about a month ago I got an email somebody said hey this movie is out you should see it so I did I wanted to see what the actual movie said is it insulting does the plot reflect the poster or was that only a mistake and also it looks really good I watched the trailer and I thought wow this looks competent also it's from South Korea and let's be real here I don't get to talk about South Korean or foreign animated movies too often so I figured hey why the hell not and for those asking yes I will be reviewing paddock Pat paddock paddock I will do a word search on how you say that appropriately whenever I review the movie but yes the dark version of Finding Nemo I will be reviewing that on my channel next month that movie looks very very grim and I can't wait to see it but for now let's talk about red shoes all right so who's behind this film as I said it's from South Korea and it was done by a studio called locus creative studios the main director is sung ho hyung and I don't know much about him it says here that he's known for something called AG Cola a miracle in the desert which I've not seen looks interesting I'll have to check it out but yeah this was like the premier film for locust a big step into the world spotlight to say hey we can make animated cinematic movies check it out they just had the unfortunate luck of having all fall-off full marketing because the movie was planned I believe to be released in 2017 but when this poster was revealed to promote the movie it was a disaster like the internet turned on this film they were saying this is body shaming this is fat shaming you're being cruel to people who were overweight by calling them ugly it is a pretty insulting poster so that's probably not for the best and the studio locust and the folks who were the distributors behind it called fine cuts they were both like yo we messed up we apologize that is not the message of our movie even the main voice actress for this film was like yeah this was a mistake for the marketing I swear to you this movie is so much more than that it's not trying to be insulting this was just really really really bad marketing to which at some point someone who was in charge had to have signed off to approve the marketing so there is no doubt here somebody messed up and and they paid the price for it when I was talking about this movie on Twitter a lot of folks in the comments were like oh yeah that movie the one that was fat shaming and I'm like well that's a bummer because the movie itself which I've watched by now of course is like the complete opposite with its message but I'll get to that here in a bit here's something that's very interesting though there were teasers for this film back in 2016 and in the teaser you have Snow White who's a lot more what's the word I'm looking for risque I'm a bit more sensual if you will you have the dwarves who are white and skin tone and because we look at the poster they have green skin so there were some changes from the teaser car and how they move forward with the final cut of the film I looked up to see what the original premise was about and it says that in the movie the dwarves are actually handsome Knights who have been placed under a spell to lift the curse they must recover a pair of magical red shoes that are being worn by a woman who has put on a few extra pounds yes again I I really think that the original concept they looked back at it and said we need to change this so hey maybe the original movie was a lot more insensitive initially and then when they saw the marketing the backlash to the marketing they said okay scrap the original idea we've got to change it now I'm just speculating I don't know what the original idea was cuz maybe the original idea was something a lot more sensitive but I think the backlash was enough for them to go we will never touch this idea if that was their original like objective once more it is disappointing how damaging this marketing was for the film because a lot of folks didn't see it or didn't care to see it they saw it as just something that was not worth their time and that had bad press and like again the distributor's the studio they were backpedaling hard to make up for the marketing but at that point I feel like the damage was done and that the only way they could really clear their name is for folks to hopefully watch the film and see it for what it's worth which was what I wanted to do and is what I want to relay over to you all because guess what this movie is much much much better both in visuals and tone and story than what the marketing leads you on to believe it's kind of cool because when I saw this film I thought wow this looks a lot like frozen and it's because one of the designers for the characters for frozen worked on this movie you also have Tony Bancroft who worked on this film he's also a previous Disney animator I believe he did Pumbaa for the lion king so you got some real talent who worked on this film so it's again like disappointing that the marketing punched this film in the gut when it could have had a much more successful release that being said as far as the release goes it hasn't been officially released in the US yet it's been done in Germany a bunch of other countries across the world but like the US no not not here and I don't know if it ever will probably not now considering the circumstances of the current time that we live in for the world maybe it might be picked up by a streaming sites who knows but that all being said yes the film cost twelve million to make it only made around half back at the moment so kind of not a success and that's a bummer yep it's me red shoes so what is the movie about a quick synopsis I'll try to keep this brief so this film is a of course fairytale story you've got Snow White you got the dwarves but this film has its own take on this story on the original fairytale that's even part of like some of the other marketing where it's like what if the dwarves were like this and what if Snow White was like this except this kind of marketing is not the one where it was fat shaming but yeah the premise is about Snow White she's overweight her father remarried to this one which and this which has a tree which can grow fruit apples and the apples will turn into shoes and these shoes can provide immortality and eternal youth and the tree though wasn't cooperating with the mother and red shoes that's her nickname but Snow White's her actual name is walking past the tree one night when she was investigating her father's office cuz again the father's missing and while she's in the office she sees the tree she grabs his shoes she escapes the castle and her mother is who's evil she's the villain is like we must find those shoes and find whoever took them cuz she didn't know that Snow White her daughter-in-law her stepdaughter the stepdaughter that's the right word took the shoes we're also introduced to the Seven Dwarfs who were actually not dwarves initially they were just humans humans with superpowers they were like the defenders of the kingdom they were called like the super 7 and one day they attacked a witch because they thought like oh it's a princess no it's a witch witches are evil so they attacked the witch the witch turned them into dwarves it's a kind of a cool curse actually the way the curse works is whenever another human looks at you you turn into a dwarf so when they're by themselves they transform back to their original self but when they are around like other people or their friends or out in public they come across as a dwarf that's kind of cool there's even some bits in the film where they have some like comedy routines of like the frustrations of being tall than short then tall that is shorts have you seen my cookbook have you checked in the kitchen the main character for the dwarfs is Merlin yes Merlin that's the name they decided to go with and Merlin here is driven to get back to his original self because he was handsome he wants to be back to his beautiful original body so he can be back in the public eye his beauty is very as you could guess surface-level getting a kiss was never a problem with this place the dwarves run into red shoes they say oh wow she's beautiful they don't know she's under a curse or spell so they're like hey if we help her out with helping her find her father maybe we shall kiss one of us and it will break the curse cuz that's the only way their curse for the dwarves could be lifted as if they kissed the most beautiful woman in the kingdom and the only way to break the curse is to get a kiss from the most beautiful so that's the synopsis really snow white with the shoes on looking beautiful trying to find her father the dwarves who want to help her so they can be turned back to their original selves and then the mother Regina I believe was her name trying to find Snow White and get her shoes back overall it's some pretty basic stuff nothing that's too complicated but it's enjoyable and changed into different forms but only if someone looks at us it's very complicated we're all clear alright let's go over my five points first the story as I said this is a fairy tale setting but it's one where it feels like different enough where it's having fun with the concept of a fairy tale world not as sarcastic as Shrek but not as serious as like a Disney film like Cinderella or Snow White we get some of that initial exposition at the start to cover the Seven the dwarves and tell about who they were how they screwed up how they are on the hunt to find an answer to break their curse and also we get to see some exposition about Regina who by the way when I look at her I see a bit of like yzma she has the attitude and the character arc of like Mother Gothel where Mother Gothel she did the same thing she wanted to use the hair of Rapunzel to keep herself young and that's kind of the same thing going on here with Regina except it's a tree with shoes she doesn't care about Snow White the daughter she only cares that Snow White has her shoes which by the way as the movie goes on Regina finds out that it is Snow White who took the shoes and she's on the hunt for her so the main plot like the main plot in this movie is Snow White trying to find her father because the only reason why she left the kingdom to begin with was to track him down because she thought he wasn't dead that he's missing and he's out there in the world but here's the problem she's getting help from these dwarves and she thinks the only reason why they are helping her is because she looks beautiful which hey that's kind of the case see they don't know that Snow White is actually overweight and there are parts in this movie where you have people treat Snow White differently because she's not traditionally hot and I like that I like that they're like there's a reason why Snow White is hiding in these shoes and she hesitates to actually reveal herself because Snow White as a character I like this so much Snow White likes who she is she likes her original body she just knows that she gets treated differently because she's not traditionally beautiful so you have someone who likes their inner beauty but is stuck in a body where she looks beautiful to the mainstream audiences but then you have these dwarves who like Merlin he's internally not beautiful he has a very small ego he's very fragile he wants to be big and strong and his hands himself all over again so it's kind of a reverse situation this girl is in a body that's hot but her inner body her original self isn't mainstream hot they have Merlin who is stuck in a small body where he thinks he looks ugly and he wants to be outside of it so he doesn't love who he is he loves his skin he loves his body but not really himself so I like that dynamic that's a nice twist I don't care about your height or what color you are I mean that's the way you feel about me right yes of course and that's basically the two main arts of this film you have one character who likes her previous self but is afraid to show it and then one who hates his current self and will do anything to return to his original form when it comes to loving yourself it's Merlin who has the longest way to go his journey is about discovering inner beauty for himself and also learning to love Snow White for her personality and not just her looks there's a part in the film where Merlin kisses Snow White he gets the kiss Snow White while she has her shoes on and the curse doesn't lift but later on the movie spoiler alert he kisses her but that's when he kisses her as her original self the shoes are off and at that point he's like listen I love you for you you were the most beautiful woman in the kingdom to me and that's what lifts the curse kind of a bit of a like okay this feels like Beauty and the Beast at the end were Belle's like kissing the I don't think she kisses Beast but she cries over his body because he finally discovers true love I get the same energy at the end of red shoes but it's great because you see both characters end up loving themselves for good wholesome valid reasons and not just exterior beauty but instead inner beauty and once more the irony that this movie has such a beautiful healthy message compared to the marketing this marketing did the movie so dirty it's just insane how it's like that is like literally the opposite of what this movie is about as far as other characters go because like merlin and red shoes here they are the main characters but then we have our side characters you have the other Dwarfs it's kind of funny it's like a DND campaign where you have like the warrior you've got the tech guys you've got like the paladin cuz again these guys were previously superheroes for the world and now they're little dwarves but they're still like trying to fight for justice they were fun none of them really knocked my socks off where it's like wow these characters are so wonderful and hilarious and great it was like they're good enough whatever you took you'll shut you get slapped may I remind you that this is the closest thing to a kiss anyone's odd since the curse you got Regina the villain she's pretty basic to just kind of a off-brand version of Mother Gothel from tangled I thought Mother Gothel was much better a lot more intertwined with the film for tangled while Regina here is like okay things are set into motion and she's trying to get on to the world to get her shoes back well not really herself she sends like minions to do it but there was a stretch of the movie where she just disappears and I'm like where did she go where when I literally said that she's back on screen for like two minutes and then she disappears again so she's there at the start a little bit in the middle and then at the end for the climax but compare that to Mother Gothel who it's like she has a big role to play with Rapunzel versus here where it's like no she's just kind of a generic villain bad guy who wants his shoes back and that's about it she has a sidekick at mirror though who's voiced by patch of Warburton he's great I thought he had some pretty good jokes and I love his design really cool you're going after her yourself what were you going to go and then the best character in the movie timmy was Prince average and it's funny because it's Prince average he's voiced by the guy who is the voice of gear loose I believe from ducktales but the nerd dude from the new ducktales reboot that's the voice actor for this character and it fits so well they did a great job casting this whiny version of a prince this guy reminds me more of like a more pathetic spineless version of Lord Farquaad where it's like I want things my way just knocks it out of the park I love it you're not loyal hag ah friends a barrage shalt find a fugitive and by making her attend my birthday party and of course like when it comes to themes and subtext and I've been saying this throughout the entire video it's about inner beauty that's what this movies about it's about loving who you are on the inside and you have Snow White who loves who she is but is stuck in a predicament where she really can't reveal that if she wants to get help to find her father but along the journey she's trying to help Merlin love himself to realize it's not how you look on the outside but who you love on the inside and in that regard I thought the movie was satisfying where the main course is it was great if I given up their magic you wouldn't have helped me find my father would you what do you [Music] next there's the voice acting so something really cool about this film is that they reanimated the lip-sync where it's like okay here's the English dub but the lips of the characters work with the words being said in English so that was awesome well done you got some great voice actors it's so funny because when I was watching the movie I was like wow this Regina character reminds me of yzma and as soon as I said that you've got Patrick Warburton who's the voice of Kronk talking in the other room with Regina so that was great timing then there's a dialogue there were some moments where I feel like the dialogue was a bit too on the nose but it's forgivable I have to remind myself that this is also a film intended for kids to watch and be able to understand that being said there are some good exchanges between like Merlin and Snow White where they can talk about what is inner beauty how to grow how to learn to love yourself I thought the dialogue had a nice flow to it where it felt natural enough where you have Snow White who is constantly saying like Merlin I love you for you and Merlin trying to wrestle all those emotions with his inner dialogue with how he reflects on himself and trying to understand who he is the character and what like Beauty really means for himself and for others I just wonder what I would have done if I had seen the real Snow White seriously it's still all about appearance for you know know exactly next there's the editing I liked it my only complaint is that there are scenes where the music feels out of place you've got these pop star songs and I'm like yeah I was kind of hoping for something a bit more original that would fit better with the scenes and it seems that like these songs would just come out of nowhere and just take me out of the movie but it's forgivable it's probably something where the producers were like let's put some popular songs in this movie for the kids watching it who will like it but for me watching and I was like yeah I don't really care for the songs there weren't any songs in the film where I was like wow that was amazing compared to things like tangled or frozen or whatever thank you and finally there is the animation this is the best part of the film the designs the characters I loved now I wouldn't say that they're like my personal favorites ever like obviously there's other films that are much more interesting to me with their designs but as far as the designs for these characters I enjoyed them I thought that Snow White in both forms for her overweight body and for her like other body both versions of Snow White are beautiful to me it wasn't like oh wow overweight Snow White is so gross look at her like her lips are falling off of her face or something I don't know I just watched Elephant Man recently so it's kind of like wow at least Snow White didn't look like a David Lynch character who's like the Elephant Man III mentioned David Lynch true videos in a row I can't do it anymore I've hit my David Lynch quota for the year but yeah the designs the characters are great I thought they all had their own cool designs for each dwarf I like that they look different enough how the looks of their bodies fit their personalities you get the kind of a meathead a sword guy who is more emotional and like yeah I'm handsome how strong I am that fits well with his looks and how it reflects to his personality you've got like the handsome boy with the cloak who's like the French dude to me a good design elevates of course the character and can work really well off of each other with their expressions with their eyes their body language so in that regard with the designs the characters very well done and I like them a lot though I gotta say that like for Snow White and her like magic body she looks a lot like a kpop singer I look at this and I'm like I've seen your fan cams before because I've been spammed them because fancams every day all the time God saved me yeah it's like you look like a pop singer both for Snow White and her magic body and then Merlin for his original body they're like you're South Korean k-pop singers and I'm not sure if that was intentional or not but there you go and also the hair FX for Snow White just wow to see her hair flow in the wind and move with her body with the movement just wonderful well done [Music] now when it comes to the actual animation like the movement of the characters that was well done and there were some action scenes where I was like wow this is wonderful like there's some good flow and movements with the action choreography with fights and duels now there were a few moments where I notice where the animation chugged a bit but it's like barely noticeable compared to like the main course of the action where you have like Merlyn fighting monsters or dueling or whatever so the action like 95% of it throughout the film super well done oh and the backgrounds and the setting these cinematic shots and how they framed them with like Merlyn walking with Snow White or when they reveal a new setting like this movie did a really fantastic job of world-building where it's like yes this is a fairytale world we know that we're relying on old sources to do this but we also will make something fresh and different with our own take on it with castles with settings with the landscape with mountains and water and and lakes and whatnot just so beautiful and it also goes for like the wildlife you got like these wooden rabbit characters and bears that was unique too I like that the textures were great the particle effects were great you've got like this scene where like Merlin's running around a field of flowers and the flower petals are lifting off the ground that looks wonderful you've got scenes where there any dusty old house and you see the lighting shooting through the particle effects that's another layer of like quality to this film where they know their craft how to do proper animation designs lighting particles just it's such a well-made movie visually and again it makes me so upset where I'm like curse this marketing that poster did so much damage to a film that truly was well made I'm already kind of like revealing my final thoughts about this movie as y'all can see throughout this entire video hump like it's good it's good it's good because it is good I'm just so bummed out that a film that had so much potential was just completely washed out by one stupid poster whatever I'll get more to that here in the conclusion of the video let's talk about improving the film would I change anything so the main thing being that I feel like the movie at the start moved too quickly because you have snow white here who gets the shoes very quickly she's like wow there's her overweight body for like a minute and then BAM she turns into her magical self I would have liked it if there was more time to flesh out the relationship between her and her stepmother Regina where it's like okay here's a morning routine there's a reason why she's searching for her father outside of just loving him she's also like I hate my stepmother I don't like her my father's out there I know Regina's behind it I'm gonna keep searching I know about Regina's shoes because like when Snow White got the shoes it was like why'd you put them on there was a magical Apple and there's even like a bit of exposition from her father saying the apples are to blame apples the most suspicious of fruits then Snow White's like it doesn't look that bad and then she puts the shoes on like off-screen suspicious of fruits I wish they would have spent more time explaining the relationship between her snow white and Regina having like more time of Snow White and her overweight body maybe being looked down upon by the staff of the castle because she's overweight really solidifying why she means to hide herself because when she's hanging out with a 7 to help find her father she's like I can't reveal myself because people won't treat me the same and throughout the movie they start to drill more into that but I wish they would have set that tone earlier on in the film like know like there's a reason a big reason why Snow White hides behind these shoes of course she's a princess how could she be so beautiful if she would obviously and as I said before Regina to me Foca the flat I thought she was just like I'm the antagonist and that's it I'm here to chase Snow White and that's I mean she had some fun dialogue some funny one-liners with her joke she reminds me of course of Mother Gothel with like her character with her being this evil stepmother trying to find eternal youth but Mother Gothel to me had a lot more reason and better like the way they developed her character and how she wrapped Rapunzel around her finger that was very well done versus here where it's like home think Regina and Snow White won't even really talked at all throughout the entire film so there's a bit of a distance between them and I wish they would have closed that gap to give us more reason why Snow White really dislikes her stepmother so yes the movie has its problems and there are ways where you can tighten up the story and the pacing just a bit but overall my criticisms for this movie quite that many so when it comes to like placing this movie compared to like Pixar films or DreamWorks I'd say it's like mmm the low B range like I give it an 80 where it's like okay the story it's suffice is it's got its fun moments it's not perfect visuals competent well done well made just give me a bit more umph next time like I feel y'all are getting there and that there's talent and potential here that can be unleashed in the future damn shame in the marketing curse this film and that it might have scared all folks from watching it but like take it from me this movie is like the opposite of this poster it's good I recommend it check it out once again a big shout out to this video sponsor ray con earbuds legit I had my doubts about earbuds but ray con totally won me over I use them all the time while doing tours around the house working on videos going for walks just every single day and let me tell you it's nice not having a wire constantly getting tangled up in me all the time I also appreciate how stylish they look and they fit well in my ears too they also come with earbud adjustments to get a fit that's perfect for you there's also a recharging case that is very potent and can get your way con earbuds to full power four times over on a single charge and best of all ray cons aren't stupid expensive like other brands they are actually fairly priced 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Channel: Saberspark
Views: 4,284,608
Rating: 4.945241 out of 5
Keywords: saberspark, saber, what the hell is, what the hell, review, red shoes and the seven dwarfs, red shoes and the 7 dwarfs, red shoes, fat shaming, body shaming, what the hell is red shoes
Id: 5TyQYt-6Nlw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 21sec (1941 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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