The Cannibal Cafe ? Murder or Volunteer? MurderMystery&Makeup a Grwm|Bailey Sarian

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She did a pretty simple eye look with one of the new Colourpop Festival Collection neon eyeliners. Iβ€˜ve really been enjoying this Murder Mystery & Makeup series on her channel. I’m loving the fusion of beauty and true crime. PaulinaBeauty has been trying this as well.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 52 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/citizengatsby πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

She is just so delightful.

I’m not really one to order BG merch but I got one of her T-shirts recently because I just love what she’s been doing!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/unicornsexisted πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yellow wing looks so nice, time to make an order L

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lis456 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just adore Bailey and this series is fascinating. I’m not sure why, maybe it’s because you can tell that SHE’S into it, but I could listen to her talk about true crime for hours.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/anaiya02 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I just started watching her and I love it too!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/seleneosaurusrex πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am a true crime addict and love this idea so much!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Futurames πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love the way she tells the story. Her sarcasm and mannerisms are just funny.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MrsVoussy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m gonna have to watch this. I’ve never seen her videos but this sounds fun.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 17 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I haven't watched yet but I just realized that ALL I want from YT is a BeautyGuru that talks about True Crime. GRWM + lpotl? Everything.. i want.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ateeightate πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 18 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Don't ever get in front of a high-definition camera and bright lights, because you will see what you really look like, and it's unfortunate (sighs). I'm just kidding, I'm beautiful. Hi, guys, how are you today? My name is Bailey Sarian, and today is Monday, which means it's Murder, Mystery, and Makeup Monday. If you're new here, on Mondays I've been doing a little like, series thing where I sit down, I talk about a true crime, or like a murder story. I know, it's weird. And then I get ready. True crime and makeup, we married them, and we're here. If you like true crime stories, you like makeup, go ahead and subscribe. Every Monday, I'm here for you. FYI, a little warning about today's episode. If you watched my Katherine and cannibal episode, um, and that one bothered you a lot, then I would suggest that you do not watch this one, because, um, spoiler alert, another cannibal, but it's a little bit more intense than Katherine. And if you haven't seen the Katherine video, I mean you can go back, or I'll link it down below if you wanna watch that one, very interesting. This story today is about Armin Meiwes. I tell you, I watched over, and over, and over again, a YouTube video with an interview with Armin. Get into my head, like how he says his last name. I'm just gonna call him Armin, because that's his name. No need to use his last name. And he's German and this is based in Germany. I can barely speak English correctly. (sighs) Sorry, I'm trying my best here. But something that really interests me, and I'm not trying to like glorify or idolize these people whatsoever, but it definitely interests me, and that is cannibalism. Not in a way where it's something I like want to partake in. I wanna like be in it. No, it's nothing like that. It's just I find it like very interesting. I think because it's so far opposite of anything I have ever heard of, or my brain truly can't comprehend. And I consider myself a very curious cat, meow. So, I get very like invested in these types things. I just wanna know like everything I can about these people, and like find a pattern in their stories, or have an understanding of, is it something that you're born with? Is it something that you learn? Like the nurture verses nature type of deal. It really gets my brain like. Everything I use will be listed in description box below, all of the products. So, if you're curious as to what I used, it will be listed down below. Okay, so, Armin, he was born on December 1st, 1961. Armin's father, ah, he was a police officer. So, he had a good job. He saved up enough money to buy his family a 36 room, 16,000 square foot mansion in Germany. So Armin's parents, they married when the mom was 40 years old, and dad was 21 years old. So there was a big age difference. Armin would say that like his mom was extremely controlling. She was manipulative, Jesus Christ. She was manipulative. She was jealous. She was always accusing her husband of cheating, and that she got pregnant with Armin pretty much as a way to keep her husband. Not because she wanted a baby, but because she just wanted to pretty much keep her husband so he wouldn't leave. His mom was extremely just possessive of him. I guess his mom and dad would always fight, and then she would threaten to kill him all the time. Like this was just a normal thing that would happen in the household. And it was just a very toxic relationship. So, there were a total of three kids. So, Armin was the youngest, and then he had two older siblings, but when he was young, like five or six years old, his older siblings actually left the house. They just were tired of it. Since they were older, they were like older teenagers. They just decided, like peace out, we're gone. So, they left, which just left Armin at home with his mom and dad by himself. Armin would say that his mom would just not show any affection. She wasn't loving. She didn't show any type of love. There was no relationship really at all between them. If anything she would just yell at him. She was always asking him to do all of the household chores. Like she wouldn't really do anything. It was always up to him, and he's like six or seven years old. And then eventually, Armin's father just picked up and left. And Armin was seven years old. So, when he was pretty young, his dad just stormed out of the house, got into the car, and drove off. No explanation, nothing, and he never saw him again. So, not only did his older siblings leave, I mean so did his father. So, I can't imagine what that's gonna do to a child. But life goes on, and to keep himself busy, like to pass the time, he would read. So, he started reading Robinson Crusoe. I guess just to keep it simple, the story in it, there is a part about cannibalism. He found himself just being fixated on eating another person and would kind of obsess over it. He was 10 years old at the time. Yeah, that's where it started for him, the introduction. So time goes on and then at 19 years old, Armin left home, and he joined the West German Army. He wanted to be a professional soldier, and spent 12 years in the armed forces. He felt comfortable, and normality that stopped him from pursuing his fantasies. During this period when he was in the Army, he developed friendships with women, but it never went anywhere. He started to question his sexuality, and would ask his friend, like, "Do you think I'm gay?" And his friend would say, "That's something that you need to know. "I can't tell you that." His friend, because there's an interview with his friend. He would say that like everyone kind of knew he was gay, but it was kind of like Armin was the last to know. Or maybe he just didn't know what it was. And then he started drinking, and he started drinking pretty heavily. He ended up getting in two car accidents, and both of them were because he was driving intoxicated. And then he ended up getting kicked out from the Army. So then he moves back home with his mom. And at this point he's now 32. So he was in the Army for awhile. So Armin moves back home with his mom. At this point she's older now. She's ill, she really can't do much for herself any longer. Not that she, from the sounds of it, doesn't sound like she really did anything on her own anyways. But he went there to take care of her. Plus there was plenty of room, because she lived in this humongo mansion. He decided to go on a different career path though, and he ended up becoming a computer engineer, and he succeeded in his job doing that. He worked for I believe a bank. So then the '90s come around, and Armin got introduced, or the whole world got introduced to the World Wide Web. The good old days. Now, back in, well like when the internet first started, first of all, websites were super janky, but also, the internet really wasn't that monitored as well, so like there wasn't anyone policing things that could be illegal. You see what I saying? Armin started to poke around on the internet, kind of like typing in whatever, and he came across a community of cannibals. It was like a website that was for cannibals, and they would all discuss. It was pretty much like a forum where everyone would come together, not everyone, the cannibals would come together, and talk about how they pretty much want to eat each other, and their fantasies of eating people. So, when Armin saw this, he was like, hell yeah, there's other people out there like me, so I'm not alone in feeling like this. Like there's other people out there feeling like this. And the internet, really, it bridged a gap between fantasy and reality. He ended up building his own website where he can openly talk about cannibalism. And he would also create fake images. There was this website that he would visit. It was called Cannibal Cafe. And naturally when I read that, I was like Cannibal Cafe. And I tried to like go to the website, whatever. (chuckles) I was just curious to know if it was still up. It's not up anymore, but if you use Wayback Machine, it lets you browse past internet stuff that you really can't find nowadays, and you can find it through there. You can't find Armin's posts from back then. A lot of them got removed once shit went down, but it's such an interesting website. It's creepy, and it's pretty much just a cheap looking, well yeah, because the internet back then was so basic. So it's like a forum. People would just post about like their fantasies. "I wanna eat your flesh." And just, "Well, I can't wait "to murder this girl and eat her." Yeah, a lot of that. So, Armin, being the little crafty little bitch that he is, he would go down to like a butcher shop. He would buy some meat. He would take this meat and like shape it and sculp it, and to make it look like they were body parts. He would take photos of it, and then he would post it on these websites that he was visiting, and make it look like he really did kill somebody. And like brag about how he killed somebody, and cooked them, and ate them and stuff. So people have been lying on the internet since day one. So just FYI. He made it look like it was real dead bodies. And he was sharing these images on the cannibal websites. And people were believing it and like idolizing him, because he was actually doing it. Like all these people on there were talk, and he was actually doing it. So he kind of became a little internet famous. Then the 2nd of September, 1999 rolls around. Armin comes home from work. So, he's still working his computer engineering job. He comes home from work. He goes up to his mom's bedroom, and he finds his mom dead, dead in bed. Now most of us would be really sad, but Armin was like, fuck yeah, she's dead finally. He was excited, because he was free. He was finally free from his mom's control, from her abuse. And he felt like he could finally deep dive into his fantasy of eating people, because his mom wasn't there any longer to judge him. His mom didn't know like what he was doing, but with her not there, he decided, I'm gonna turn one of the bedrooms into like my dungeon, or my cannibal room. And that's where I'm gonna like take photos. All that good stuff. He was just relieved, because now he could live his life in his own rules. He felt a sense of freedom. He now has the house to himself, and his dominating mother was out of the picture. He then took his fantasy to the next level. Two months after his mom was gone he started advertising on these cannibal websites. So, Armin decided to post on the Cannibal Cafe website asking for a volunteer. He was asking for anyone willing to be eaten. So a lot of the people on this website would post like role-play. They would say role-play when they wanted someone to just kind of play along with the idea of being eaten, but Armin was actually looking for a volunteer, someone who wanted to die and if he could do it. At least he asked before he did it, you know? That was nice I guess. So he kind of hit like a couple of websites, because there were multiple cannibal websites, and he would post in German and in English. One of them said, "I'm in search for a young boy between 18 and 30 years old. "If you have a normal build body, "and you are willing to die, then come to me. "I am butchering you and eat your horny flesh." Hot, I'm not sure what horny flesh is, but okay. So Armin made his way around these websites, and he was looking for somebody who was willing to die. Something that Armin stood by was that he didn't want somebody who was not willing to die. He wanted this person to willingly participate, and he made that very clear. I love that I'm trying to do winged liner while talking. Like this isn't working, hold please. Anyways, so, Armin wants horny flesh. Surprisingly, he gets a lot of responses. A lot of people are writing him back, but then last minute they would back out. But Armin had one guy come forward and say like, "Yeah, I'll do it." So, this man, I didn't get his name, but this man comes forward. They start emailing back and forth, and this man seems really interested. He's like, it's my fantasy to be eaten. So, Armin writes back, cool. I'm sure he doesn't say cool, but he says, "All right, let's meet here at my house. "We'll go through with it." So this man comes over to Armin's mansion. He's in this huge-ass, creepy mansion by himself. The man comes over and he lays out on the table, and Armin is telling him play by play what's gonna happen. And then the man tells Armin that he's not feeling well, that he didn't really wanna do this, he didn't wanna go through with this. And Armin, he says, "Okay, let's not do this then." And he lets the man get up and walk out and go home. Again, Armin wanted somebody who was willing to be eaten. He didn't wanna murder somebody. Like that wasn't his fantasy. Which side note, that guy is lucky that Armin wasn't fully crazy, because he could've easily just died that night, but he didn't. Armin didn't wanna be a murderer. So Armin was a little bummed that it didn't work out. But little DIY Armin over here. He ended up paper macheing a body. He painted it and made it look like it was a person, and he took photos of it. He also got a mannequin from a store. One that was being thrown out. He got this mannequin, painted it. Again, making it look like a dead body. He would take pictures of it and post it on the cannibal website, making it look like he did kill somebody and ate them. I mean the internet was just going crazy over him. They were like, wow, you're our hero. They were just really idolizing Armin and the fact that he was killing and eating people. So, Armin was, um you know, internet king on this cannibal website, and was determined to find somebody who was wiling to die, right? And he prepared one of the extra rooms in the house to be the slaughter room. And the slaughter room had no windows in there. He had a cage to hold his victims or whatever. And he also had meat hooks hanging from the ceiling. Kind of like Katherine. So, finally, he gets a response, okay? Someone who was willing to be eaten. The final person to respond to Armin's post, his name was Brandes. Brandes was an engineer. He was 34 years old. He was actually married, but he came out to his wife as being curious. He wanted to experiment with men. I think he knew he was gay, but maybe he was just too afraid to actually say it, because he was married. So, they ended up separating, because it caused a lot of tension in the relationship. So, Brandes was on the cannibal websites as well. He's interested in this. He writes Armin and he's like, he volunteers himself to be eaten. They email each other back and forth, and Armin discusses with Brandes the best way to be consumed, and what he plans on doing with his body. Brandes actually throws out a lot of ideas as well. Like, I want my skull to be used as an ashtray. That was his request. Brandes also expressed to Armin that he wanted his penis to be cut off, and for both of them to eat it. He wanted to share the eatation of the penis. Brandes said that this was a big fantasy of his to chop off his wiener. Dream big they say, dream big. I forgot to say if you hear humming, I'm sorry, I had to turn on my fan. It gets so hot in this room with my lights that I was melting, and it's got me nervous about what's to come with summertime approaching. So, if you hear humming, I'm sorry, but a bitch is hot. Anyways, so Brandes was telling Armin his fantasies, and Armin, as crazy as this sounds, in interviews he said that he didn't want to be disrespectful, and not do anything that wasn't of the volunteer's wishes. So, if a volunteer wanted to be eaten a certain way, he would make sure and do that for the volunteer, because he didn't want to disrespect at all. So Brandes is telling Armin, I want my dick to be eaten. So March 9th, 2001, Brandes, who has been communicating with Armin for awhile now, they set a date, they set a plan. March 9th come out here, Armin's place, and we will feast. We will eat. So once Brandes gets there, um, they have sexual relations, right? Armin gives Brandes a bunch of sleeping pills, and he gives him some Vicks and he gives him some alcohol, and the reason he does this is because he doesn't want Brandes to be in any pain, and he thinks that this will help with the pain. Now, Brandes takes the sleeping pills, and the alcohol and everything willingly. Like, he's not sneaking it into his drink or his food or anything like that. Armin tells Brandes that this is gonna help with the pain. This will help so you don't really feel anything. Armin tells Brandes ahead of time that he's gonna film the process, so he can watch it over and over and over again, and get that sick thrill that he's looking to get, and like probably take his pants off to it or something. So Armin sets up the video camera. Brandes, he lays down on the table. Armin then decides we're gonna start with the penis first. We're gonna chop off your penis (exhaling rapidly), and then we're both gonna eat it together. Armin has the video recorder going. Starts to cut off the penis. In an interview Armin says Brandes screamed horribly, but it was short, maybe 20 to 30 seconds, and that blood was squirting from the open wound similar to a fountain. These are his words, but they got the penis off. So Armin decides to then cook the penis, because you know like that was the wish. He goes over into the kitchen. Goes to the little stovetop thing. He puts a little bit of garlic, some salt, some pepper, (clicking tongue) chop up the wiener. Puts it in there, some oil (clicks tongue), flipping it. Ooh, I kind of hate this liner. It's burning my eyes. So after cooking the wiener, he serves it to Brandes and himself on a nice plate. Feeds it to him. Armin says that the penis tastes disgusting. It was super chewy and it just wasn't edible, and he was pretty bummed. He said it was really disappointing, but it just was not edible. Brandes is bleeding a lot, creating a mess. Armin decides to put Brandes into the bathtub. That way he could like run the water, and it wouldn't be so messy because he's bleeding. He's just gonna let him bleed out essentially, and he sits in the bathtub and he just waits it out. Every 15 minutes Armin would go and like check on him in the bathtub. He said that it was a really slow process. Like he thought he was gonna die a lot faster. But he was just dying at a slow pace. So he busted out his Star Trek book. I'm not lying. This is what he said in the interview. His Star Trek book, you know, kill the time. Read this book and wait it out until Brandes died. He wasn't dying fast enough, so about after like three hours, Armin just goes in there, he says, "Sorry, I'm just gonna slit your throat, "because you're taking too long to die." Gives Brandes a kiss and then he slits his throat. You know, there's just a lot going on in this story to the point where like it's really hard to believe. Okay, once Brandes has died, that's when Armin now gets to work. He takes his body out of the tub, and he chops Brandes into pieces. He puts part of him in the freezer, and then he buries the skull in the garden. In an interview, Armin says that he decorated the table with nice candles. "I took out my best dinner service, "and I fried a piece of rump steak, a piece from his back. "Made what I call princess potatoes and sprouts. "After I prepared my meal, I ate it." These are his quotes. He then goes on to say, "The first bite was, of course, very strange. "It was a feeling I can't really describe. "I spent over 40 years longing for it, dreaming about it, "and now I was getting the feeling "that I was actually achieving "this perfect interconnection through his flesh. "The flesh tasted like pork, but stronger." He then stored a lot of the pieces of the body like in little Ziploc bags. He put them in his freezer. He hid them underneath a bunch of pizza boxes, and he would spend the next six to eight months eating parts of the body. He would add it as pizza topping. He would eat some for breakfast. He was just using this as his food supply. I don't know what to say to that. I really don't. So I forgot to say, Armin took video footage of this whole process, right? But then he also took photos of the process as well. Armin then went onto his cannibal websites again, and he uploaded these photos of Brandes onto the website, and like his body. And, of course, once again, like this website goes crazy for him. They're like, oh my God, you're the best. And they're really idolizing him. I mean Armin never acknowledges this, but I personally believe, which means nothing, but that he probably was getting some kind of high from this. Like, comes from a family who really didn't even acknowledge him to now like being recognized for something, and that probably really made him feel good. Late November, early December, that's when Armin decides to go back onto his cannibal websites and advertise again, because he wants a new volunteer. His supply is running low. He's been eating all of this meat for the last couple of months, and he needs a new fix. He needs some new fresh meat. He posts on a couple of different cannibal websites again. On this site there was this Austrian student who saw Armin's posts, and saw the pictures of the bodies and stuff, and then saw that Armin was looking for a new victim, so he actually tipped off police letting them know, "Hey, I think this guy actually killed somebody." And on the morning of December 10th, 2002, police made a visit to the mansion that Armin lived in. Now, police, they go into Armin's house, and they start snooping around, looking for any type of evidence, and they weren't coming across anything. Which is odd because he had a slaughter room, but maybe they just didn't make upstairs yet. We don't know. But the get to the refrigerator, and they look in the freezer, and underneath pizza boxes they find 50 pounds of meat. And Armin tells the police that it's wild pig meat. But then another police officer looks closer, and they notice there's skin on it still. And so they take the meat out and upon further inspection, they notice that it's human meat. So when the police ask him, "Is this human meat?" Armin says, "Yes." And he admits to what he had done, and he tells them about the photos and the VHS showing what he had done, and Armin actually never once denies what he did. The only time he did deny something was when the police showed up he didn't confess that it was human meat in the freezer. He said it was wild pig. But other than that, he was very honest. Told them exactly what happened. Showed them where the tapes were at. Gave them his computer, everything. Police arrest him naturally, as they should. On January 30th, 2004, Armin was convicted of manslaughter, and he was only sentenced to eight and a half years in prison. Look, real talk, that made a lot of people upset, okay? So this case picked up a huge amount of media coverage, and people were outraged, but Armin's defense, and I think it's actually pretty damn strong, was that Brandes was willing, he volunteered. All of the email correspondence that investigators had found, he actually drove out to Armin's house is like more proof. It also proved problematic for German lawyers who discovered that cannibalism is in fact legal in Germany. So instead they charged Armin with murder for the purposes of sexual pleasure, and with disturbing the peace of the dead. They ended up showing the court 19 minutes of the video that Armin took, which I'm sure probably ruined a lot of people's lives, because I couldn't imagine what they saw on that tape. Their argument was that he should've been convicted of murder and not manslaughter. And also, that he should be given a life sentence, not eight years. So in the retrial they fought that Brandes was not in the right mind to be able to give consent. And then finally, May 10th, 2006, Armin was convicted of murder, and was sentenced to life in prison. Afterwards, Armin, which he's in prison now. He's still in prison. He actually became a vegetarian. So, he doesn't eat meat anymore, and he has done interviews, which you can find easily on YouTube, and I can link some down below. In these interviews he's very calm, like very well spoken. You would not even. Hell, there's one thing I've learned about doing these murder mystery things is that nobody ever looks like a killer, but they're probably a killer. So he looks normal, normal as hell, but he's a fuckin' killer. And yeah, he seems good, I guess. I don't know. He says what he did was wrong and he acknowledges that. So yeah, I mean this is Germany too. Like, I have no idea how their legal system works. I don't even know how our legal system works for Christ sakes. Don't know what the hell's going on over there in Germany. So that's the story about Armin Meiwes. Let me know what you think of this story down below. I would ask the question, do you think he deserved life in prison? But I have a feeling everybody's going to say yes. A piece of advice would be, anyone who looks really normal to you, they could potentially be a murderer, so don't be judgemental. I hope you guys have a really good day today. You make good choices. Let me know what story you want me to talk about next week. Let me know your thoughts. But other than that, I hope you have a very good day today. You make good choices. Be safe out there. I'll be seeing you guys later, bye.
Channel: Bailey Sarian
Views: 4,821,776
Rating: 4.954051 out of 5
Keywords: Armin Meiwes, murderMysteryandMakeup, bailey sarian, true crime, true crime stories, true crime daily, mystery, unsolved mystery, unsolved, buzzfeed unsolved, true crime docuementary, makeup tutorial, colourpop neon, neon eyeshadow, kendallrae, cannibalCafe, trending, coachella story, story time, unsolved mysteries, true crime story about, cannibal story, mystery story, tattoos, cooking, crazy stories, crazy killers
Id: pXWyeg2GFBc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 28sec (1528 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2019
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