MAPs aren't the only problem on twitter

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[Music] hello why I spin in I have no idea I'm probably just losing my goddamn mind so today we're talking about depravity I'm sorry if you can hear the rain out but I can't really stop it and it's kind of like rain ASMR while you lose your will to live with me so glad we're hanging out so yesterday I could have taken the day off but as a very sane person I decided hey let's go check the trash on Twitter now Twitter is almost entirely trashed so what trash zoophiles now along with pedophiles I have a long-standing war with zoophiles now a lot of the time zoo files and pedophiles kind of team up because they're outcasts rightfully so who want to be included in communities who don't want them essentially the whole population of the world except for zoo files and pedophiles there was a hashtag it wasn't trending but a lot of people were using it and it was hashtag zoo pride so at first I thought I had to do with Joe exotic so I was like people are proud of their zoos or some [ __ ] that's great no no no the things I've had to see that I can't forget so I want to go through the zoo pride posts and as you can probably did use from my more than usual deadpan want to die type tone it's a hashtag that is for zoo of files to essentially hype themselves up and pretend that they're not so to be noted they use the term a zoo a sexual as some have used Peto sexual to make it sound like it's part of the LGBT or like it's something that's generally acceptable which it's not because it's a paraphilia but anyway it says zua sexual czar just like anyone else the only difference is we have a deeper connection and love for other species some of us have non-human lovers and that is a beautiful thing not a tragedy it's not beautiful just putting that out there it is a tragedy because you are abusing animals but on top of that the thing that makes you more assholey is that in making these claims of having a deeper connection you come off as a pompous ass who's insinuating that anyone who isn't a zoophile doesn't have a deep connection with their animal which is not true because you're abusing them so you don't have a deeper connection you're projecting you probably have delusions of grandeur with this connection because you think your dog and you are sharing something magical but in reality you're abusing them so it's no deeper connection and also don't be pompous also it's important to be noted the symbol that they're using in their name I'm pretty sure that's what the zoo of files are using right now to understand that you're a zoo a file without necessarily having to say it so if you see a profile with that and they're retweeting a lot of animals it's probably not because they enjoy cute animal videos I'm sorry to ruin that for you because I've seen some of them share like animals and like wolves and [ __ ] and I'm like oh yeah cool animal and then I saw who posted it I was like oh okay so someone has a boner now case in point what a beautiful boy yeah you're trying to ruin animals and I'm not about to allow you to do that so then there's this one person who tried to make the big galaxy brain argument that if two adults display through body language that they want sex is that not consent if you say no this makes every human that has had sex with someone who speaks a language they don't understand rape and then this other person responded only if the two adult humans can both understand each other and then the zoo vowel said so you're saying that you can understand another being through body language right this claim is by far I think one of the most outlandish ones because I'm having a stroke the insinuation is that you can tell that your dog is consenting because adults can consent without literally having to say do you wish to do so and so and then that's the parallel you see the difference is when humans consent non-verbally I don't want to go into a detailed scenario here and make everyone along with myself uncomfortable there are very clear things humans do to each other that insinuates yes I'm consenting like they can kiss back they can do whatever okay a dog is not consenting because they lick your face like they are not looking at you in a sexual a human could look at another human in a sexual way they do that but a dog isn't the scenario is so different that I'm having a hard time trying to explain why apples and oranges are different the whole idea of a dog being able to consent it's kind of the same thing that pedophiles say with children if children can pick a flavor of an ice cream they can decide to say yes and that's just not the reality and also there's a small tiny detail that dogs animals generally cannot consent they don't want to have sex with you and then here we have the local hero no matter how much hatred you target us with or how far you will go to silence us we will never give up we will never be silenced we will never stop fighting for what's right we are strong we are proud we are zoo well look at that I cannot believe these people are still still kicking after all the hatred they must get online rightfully so so I mean can we give them a little round of applause for still going after what's right I don't think we have the same definition of right again there also is a massive massive victim complex here and this is the same with pedophiles who are like woe is me my life is so hard as much as it must be hard to have an attraction to something that's societally not accepted it's not right and it's delusional to try and convince other people that it is right because we're not gonna go for it and most of the arguments here like with pedophiles is that oh I can't control it whatever and that may very well be the case and that is why you go to therapy to learn to manage things do I think therapy really helps frankly there are very few studies on zoophiles and I'm gonna talk about that in a second but in making this video I was looking for studies the only study I actually found was that there's a connection between zoo Ophelia and psychosis that's been made I'm not saying that everyone who's a zoo a file is in a sighted state of psychosis but there was an argument being made about that but aside from that there's nothing so because I was looking into studies kind of trying to explain things more scientifically shockingly there was very little I'm assuming it's because most people unlike these deranged people from Twitter don't like going around saying that there's no files because they know that rightfully so people are probably gonna say well [ __ ] you then this [ __ ] only gets weirder I don't know how I keep finding myself and these things so there was a guy who actually claimed to be a doctor and had a PhD from Harvard and he duped everyone into thinking he'd done Studies on zoophilia and they were all complete lives this guy this doctor also duped advice and they had to put like an edit note at the top saying like oh we found out this guy's a [ __ ] con artist so there's this one article from Gizmodo and it says the fake a sex doctor who conned the media into publicizing his bizarre research on suicide but fisting and bestiality so it says IFL science and Meo magazine featured Sendler doctor in question Sendler study titled the similar mechanisms of traumatic rectal injuries and patients who had anal sex with animals to those who were but fisted by human sexual partners both outlets called it the most not safer work study of all time in the paper titled why people who have sex with animals believe that it is their sexual orientation a grounded Theory study of online communities at zoophiles Sendler found that zoophiles explained their attraction using a warped reading of genetics debate if it is a true sexual orientation discussed the legality and morality around having sex with animals and compared animal love to human love he's hoping that understanding how this community views itself will help clinicians treat zua files in the future it's not an easy read at times especially when zua files speak about how they know their animals want to consent to sex my dog will always make a strange little bark and it will always try to lick my feet or my head with a very slight lick and then lay on his back continuing with that little bark until I respond wrote one user who goes by the name and my ass who knows if I do respond he will either jump on me and [ __ ] me like crazy or he will turn his back to me wanting me to do the same to him Jesus the taboo nature of the topic extends to the academic world Sandler has received pushback from other clinicians and researchers who call his subjects deviance something he is constantly pushing back on he told Weiss he his duty as a doctor to help people suffering from these illnesses because so few are obviously all of this is [ __ ] and made up as we now know but this is kind of what he was trying to put into the world the thing that I really want to focus on here and the reason that I'm bringing this up is because the zua files on Twitter those UBA sexuals whatever the [ __ ] those people take articles like the ones that this wannabe doctor posted and use those as justifications and I'm not saying specifically him but as much as we can laugh and be like oh it's kind of funny that he did that it is kind of funny like the butt fisting thing okay sure but also it's a very big problem because anytime people do this kind of duping a conning [ __ ] there's always going to be a cost and I do think the cost is bigger when it essentially allows communities to kind of justify what they're doing to themselves and to others and act like there is science to back up what they're doing aka being a zoo of file I found this pretty interesting because like I said there is very little scholarship so I wonder how many people who are zoo of files or want to convince others that zoophilia is okay came across Sandler's work and we're like oh yeah finally we have a reason to explain you know either why it's it should be okay according to them or why they can't control what they're doing let me know if you want me to actually cover Sendler because he's written [ __ ] about necrophiliacs like all the stuff I talked about on my channel he has made some crazy ass claims about and it's pretty interesting as much as it's [ __ ] up don't really want to get too much into the but fisting one so please don't recommend that please for the love of God anyways guys let me know if you think in the comments down below thank you guys so much for watching and I'll catch you guys next time [Music]
Views: 710,624
Rating: 4.968564 out of 5
Keywords: twitter, zoopride
Id: Ps348oMy13s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 10 2020
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