Taylor Nicole Dean's Fall From Grace

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[Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to my channel so before we get into this video not covering every single scandal taylor nicole dean was involved in i'm not covering every single death of every single pet and every single thing that's ever happened in the history of her youtube channel that's not what i'm doing i will leave links down below if you want to see a more comprehensive thing but i'm going to only talk about select events so this list has been circulating i don't know how accurate it is but here you can see animals that have died have been re-homed are in an unknown condition which ones are alive and so on and so forth i will leave the link for this down in the description if you're interested one thing we're not gonna do in this video is we're not gonna shame taylor for drug use we're gonna acknowledge that doing heroin is not a good idea we're gonna acknowledge that that was not a good choice but we're not gonna call her names for that bad choice we're gonna just acknowledge she shouldn't have done that i'm a former addict years ago i had a problem with cocaine so i'm the last person to really judge someone for that apart from saying don't do it let's just get into it who's taylor nicole dean for someone who's watching him might not know so taylor nicole dean is a pet youtuber pet tube is a very interesting beast as much as we might think that the beauty community is scary i'm far more scared of the pet youtube community which is why i waited for a very long time before making this video one of her biggest videos that gave her a significant amount of fame was in 2016 and it's called how many animals do i own and it was a room tour if i'm not mistaken taylor's been involved in a lot of scandals in relation to her animals and more recently in relation to drugs and her animals so taylor has a few illnesses as you can see in this clip uh diagnosed with celiac disease and um that was it basically celiac is an autoimmune disorder where my body attacks itself anytime i eat gluten it's so sensitive that if i like go to chipotle they have to change their gloves and they can't touch anything with flour on it ultimately they confirmed my diagnosis of celiac and they confirmed my suspicions of having ehlers-danlos syndrome and on the spectrum of complex regional pain syndrome basically i have a cluster of things wrong with me ehlers-danlos syndrome is a connective tissue disorder which basically means i can dislocate my body very easily i can hurt my body i can get myself hurt very easily basically complex regional pain syndrome basically just means a certain part of your body is uh hypersensitive the pain receptors are all screwed up and everything hurts like hell so that's fun but like i said i'm just on the spectrum for that i don't have it full blown so i don't have like a part of my body that's always aching and flared up it's kind of comes and goes two recurring issues that people have with taylor and her videos relate to animal care so on one side it's animal care in relation to husbandry misinformation and deaths and on the other side it's about her animals in terms of hoarding in a relatively recent video taylor admitted to buying animals quickly but claimed she was still able to care for them all properly there was a period in my life where it was about last year last year until like march or april so like a good five months of me just buying animals like accumulating animals extremely fast i went from you know having one snake to having like eight or nine extremely quick i brought in twisty i brought in my crabs i brought in my satanics i brought in my monitor there was a period in my life where i was accumulating animals extremely extremely fast and i always always was very defensive about it because before taking them in i have spent so long like learning about animals so i knew what i was taking in like for example my green tree python is doing amazing and so even though i took him in probably way too quickly i knew what i was doing when i took him in and he's been thriving for a year so i've been very defensive about that and refused to acknowledge that it was not a smart thing to do because i was just like you know the animals are doing fine please stop saying that i'm hoarding them please stop saying these mean things because they're doing fine and while that side of it is true to me it's also true to me that like i did some self-reflecting and there was a time in my life where i was just not happy with myself at all and the only thing that made me happy was taking care of animals and i always wanted a new animal to take care of i still loved everyone that i had but i wanted to bring in more and i wanted to keep taking care of animals and just explore all these different amazing creatures and it just gave me this like natural high basically where i just felt so happy around these animals and euphoric i still do feel that way but i have slowed down a lot with my animals i haven't bought a million or anything i've gotten a few new snakes and stuff but nothing crazy in a while i plan to keep slowing down even more so the other question that's relevant to answer here is who is johnny craig johnny craig is taylor's boyfriend they started to publicly date in 2017. johnny craig was recently the lead vocalist for a band called slaves prior to that he was with amarosa dance gavin dance and ghost runner on third amongst others johnny has been in a series of scandals relating to scams abuse both physical and sexual as well as drug abuse his scamming was related to selling macbooks that he actually didn't sell he just got the money but never delivered the product so the buyers were left empty-handed and short on money 2011 he went to jail for two counts of possession of narcotics two counts of possession of drug paraphernalia and one count of failure to appear this was just one drug-related incident amongst others now i want to talk about a few noteworthy scandals now like i said i'm not saying these are the most important i'm not saying these are the only ones these are ones that specifically caught my attention that i think are representative of the scandals she's had the first one the croc skinks and the pacman frog so due to an issue with her electricity the enclosures of her skanks and pac-man frog overheated so she made an instagram post which we're going to read now this month something absolutely heartbreaking happened my electricity and my animal room malfunctioned while i was asleep basically the breaker box shut off all electricity in there for around 12 hours that alone thankfully caused no problems but when i went to turn it back on there was clearly an issue with one of the power strips i didn't notice this and that is clearly my fault but basically the temperature regulators that i had for an entire row of my cages never turned back on after this this happened in the morning time and by night time i realized something was very wrong i returned nine to ten hours-ish later to the room to turn everyone's lights off feed and water when i got to one area of my cages i felt an immense amount of heat coming from them this is the sad part brace yourselves i opened my crocodile skin's cages to see neither of them alive they had both overheated along with my pac-man frog i broke down in tears i was hysterical i couldn't be calm for hours i just sat there and cried and tried to water them down even though they were clearly gone i was in denial the heat for their cage was not being regulated and it didn't shut off when it got too warm including the heating pads on my frog's cage heating pad for my crocs skin seemed okay their overhead heat was unbearable usually the regulator shuts off the heat when it gets to a certain temperature i've never had it malfunction before so i didn't think to double check it when i turned the electricity back on i'm so heartbroken over all of this every single animal is my child every single animal i have needs me to take care of them to live i'm hurting so much i rethought everything when this happened and needed counseling and rigorous talks with all my friends in the community i'd lost so much faith in myself over this simple mistake all i want to represent with my channel is ways to love your animals and keep them and help them thrive and this was heartbreaking after this was posted many found issue with the fact that she only checked the room hours and hours later and people were wondering and also claiming that this was negligent on her part because they were saying surely you should return to the room more than you know once every nine or ten hours this led people to again question whether her care was adequate was this an unfortunate happening or was this a symptom of a bigger problem one other scandal that i was actually present for before all the tweets were deleted was when taylor tweeted about johnny craig and his behavior towards her or his general lack of appropriate behavior tweets seemed to concern her relationship with her and johnny these tweets pushed many of her fans to dislike johnny either at all or more because they were really showing another side of him that taylor had not yet shown the media not long after she backtracked and just dropped the issue all together she deleted her tweets many thought she had a moment of clarity but then was manipulated back into johnny's arms so here are the tweets this is the page that i got the deleted tweets comments and so forth from so shout out to this page okay so she starts by saying finally i'm gonna say i deserve [ __ ] better if people only knew the [ __ ] i stayed quiet about i've been my tongue for so [ __ ] long about so many things in respect for people i've loved but it's all [ __ ] done now and i'm sorry for standing quiet about it and making everyone worry for so many months but i did it out of love [ __ ] boys i wasn't ready no matter how much of a hit my career took and no matter how many people were concerned to leave someone i loved because i loved them i wanted a family with them and i wanted to work through any damage and watch him become a better man don't ever [ __ ] blame your mistakes on me don't ever act like i didn't give you everything unconditionally because you were my entire world and i would have protected you always and been there for you always but you couldn't do the same for me so this is your mistake not mine i'm tweeting all this [ __ ] because every other time i wouldn't and it would allow me to forgive [ __ ] because nobody knew there were problems and nobody would call me on it so this time i'm tweeting it because i want to be done if a man tells you he loves you but his actions don't show it stop trying to convince yourself that he's just troubled or damaged just believe the fact that he doesn't love you and drop him okay not with your pain i promise so once these tweets were deleted like i said the case was dropped by taylor she didn't acknowledge anything else about that particular situation and instead found excuses for why she would have tweeted that in the first place alright so next we have the scandal of the black throat monitor so at one point taylor posted a video that she took down after an hour where she was introducing her new black throw monitor due to the comments she found out that this monitor in fact was not a black throat monitor but was a rough neck monitor now you might say what's the big deal well rough neck monitors as far as i understand are wild caught which taylor is against wild caught animals in case you're not familiar are ones that are taken from their habitat and then forced into like a new man-made human enclosure type habitat so their entire life is really uprooted by being wild caught and also she thought she'd bought a black throat and they both have different care so after finding this out taylor's distressed because she doesn't know whether she what she should do because she doesn't support wild caught but also she's had this monitor for i believe a month at that point so there is a level of attachment there so taylor got this monitor from place x she also got satanic leaf geckos from place x so people began to question whether maybe her geckos too were wild caught because it stands to reason if the story is gonna lie to you or [ __ ] up once how do you know they're not gonna [ __ ] up twice so people began to question that and like i said a big part of people's problem with the error between the monitors is that she kind of made this look like it was an impromptu buy because she got it for her assistant who was pregnant at the time and wasn't doing well taylor two was depressed and so it seemed kind of like an impromptu buy that wasn't as well as educated as it could have been so people were already annoyed by that but they were also annoyed by the fact that roughneck monitors require significant humidity while black throats require dry heat which doesn't seem like a big difference but it is a big difference so people were worried that she'd been taking care of this monitor in the incorrect way for a month next up we have the death of her fish cheese and the funeral so cheese was a major part of her channel she has a tattoo of cheese and she had a video where she turns herself into cheese just from that you can understand that this was a very popular fish on her channel she decided to give cheese a viking funeral not the full thing like lighting it on fire but somewhat of a viking funeral many thought this was distasteful and a mockery and just not appropriate personally i didn't see that big of an issue with it in the sense that people process death differently some people have morbid senses of humor some people need to laugh about these terrible things in order to get through it now i don't know taylor i don't know her way of processing i just know i have a morbid sense of humor and that's my way of processing and coping with shitty things that happen so i wouldn't be so fast to say you know like she clearly doesn't give a [ __ ] or this was [ __ ] up i think this is a little bit too nuanced of an area to just be like it's a or b bottom line our response to death is individual and unique and i just don't know how much we can hold that against someone like i said these are by no means oliver scandals but i feel like they are representative enough so you know kind of what recurring problems her channel and she has had in the past why are we talking about this now but while the drama has been continuous and seemingly infinite we now have new concrete information that is causing a lot of concern between fans non-fans just people who watch whatever so a few days ago it was made public that taylor has effectively been using heroin for the past couple of months she was using this heroin with johnny i said previously johnny is not new to doing drugs on the contrary he's been quite notorious for doing drugs for a significant amount of time so this information came out when johnny opted out of his tour with the band slaves one hour before they were supposed to leave get on their flight he just chose to go back to taylor after that colin vieira another member of the band slaves took to twitter to expose a few things that had happened so he published a number of tweets to which taylor responded confirming the drug habits so we have physical proof that she said yes this is a problem yes i've used so on so forth there they had a back and forth and colin consistently referred to taylor as a liar and an enabler here are a few of those tweets like i said they were deleted so i got what i can find most of these aren't in order but the fact is the order doesn't matter because we're just extrapolating information from the tweets at hand so here we have taylor nicole dean saying i just want to get this help that i'm getting and get better and this nightmare to end he needed the help too which is why he couldn't do the tour i'm going to sit back and let the drama happen i guess i literally am making an extra appointment to go in today to the clinic i never denied struggling with addiction colin i'm denying why he didn't join the tour i'm sorry you're upset rightfully so that a band you're a part of is falling to pieces but you can't simultaneously tell me i better be quiet online and then also publicly say things like this then colin says no i see you trying to turn things around on the only people that were actually there for him unlike you who's been shooting heroin with him for the last two months are you denying that because i have those screenshots too then he says remember me telling you i was gonna call johnny's dad and your mom to try and get you guys help and you flipped out on me saying that won't do anything but hurt your mom i have those screenshots too so when i say you enabled him i [ __ ] mean it and she said yes i remember that i'm not denying that you said my mom needed to know the precious daughter she really has in regards to me being an addict i said that literally won't help anyone and only hurt her because it's true she can't help so those were some of the tweets that came out then there are screenshots between taylor and colin taylor says you tell my mom who can't legally do anything and all that'll do is hurt her not me he says i think your parents need to know exactly who their little girl is she says i'm trying to sober up so hard closer than i ever been he says he got you hooked on some heavy [ __ ] that's true love i wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy and you're sitting at home doing the drugs that are killing johnny and ruined his whole career and she says you really do not know anything and he says no taylor you really don't know anything he says when he's dead you'll be the enabler and she says you know nothing about what's happening and he says if you think that will work then you don't understand addiction are you [ __ ] kidding me it's the same [ __ ] thing you idiot and yeah [ __ ] me for giving a [ __ ] that's the truth and you said he needs supportive people around him well you're doing the drugs that are killing him with him you will be exposed promise you that subsequent to all of this taylor just deleted her twitter altogether it is still down as of when i'm recording this now she was posting a lot on instagram she was posting a lot of her animals with long captions kind of trying to show people that her animals are still alive which to be fair can't blame her because if people are saying a bunch of your animals are dead you probably want to show that they're not if they're actually not so a couple of comments on her instagram read are you gonna address your addiction here on instagram for your fans here or pretend like the twitter thing doesn't exist and taylor said i only started using two months ago after being clean for over a year so here we have a confirmation that taylor had already had problems which i believe was speculated but never fully confirmed as far as i saw i might be wrong and then another thing that happened in her instagram comments someone said if y'all want to help her with her addiction maybe don't shame her for it that's one of the number one things that fuels addiction if you didn't know and taylor said i relapsed initially because of the drama online this is why i just deactivated my twitter again i'm healing and don't want to be triggered thank you for the reminder to those who are being nasty i genuinely was very torn about this because as someone who struggled with addiction i'm aware of how that is obviously it wasn't heroin for me but i was very close to her age a little bit younger there are a lot of things that need to be counted in addiction so let me say right off the bat me getting addicted i'm accountable for her getting addicted she's accountable for so nothing that i'm saying is claiming that it's not her responsibility i just think it's important and responsible to count the other factors that come in with addiction so taylor has had problems with depression okay that's a big thing a lot of people start using drugs when they're having a [ __ ] time another thing i want to put in there is that taylor is young she's not even 25 yet which doesn't excuse anything like i said but if you are effectively dating someone who is significantly older than you who you are a fan of that creates a power dynamic issue in the sense and i've always thought this about most celebrities when they start dating normal people i always wonder about let's say i'm single and for some blessing i were allowed to date lana del rey can you imagine she would automatically have power over me because i am in the position of a fan so i am immediately almost subordinate because fans are very easily manipulated whether we like to believe it or not i just think that's a reality even when you're not a crazy fan it's just like when you really respect and admire someone it's very hard to get away from being under their thumbs hopefully that makes sense so i really do think another big aspect of this problem is not only depression but also the fact that he's older and i believe there's a power in balance now i might be wrong i'm not inside a relationship this is just my view as an outsider okay drugs are bad sometimes things push you to drugs but you still need to be accountable everything i did when i was on drugs my fault what she's doing also her fault which doesn't minimize the fact that i hope she gets better and i hope she gets the [ __ ] out of this really fast because heroin is so dangerous and so scary we're not here to drag her we're here to hope she gets better but we're also here to say what's what so what's what in my opinion is she actually posted on instagram today on her stories and i'll put that right here she was talking about the fact that she didn't want to re-home her animals because she didn't want to just like put them in a new environment all of a sudden shake up their lives potentially and [ __ ] up their daily routines so instead she got animal experts in her area to check in on her animals and make sure that they're all okay now i genuinely don't think this is a terrible idea i just think that honestly she should go into inpatient rehab that's my opinion i think that doing outpatient rehab just seems so difficult especially with heroin i just think that it would be easier and probably more successful to just kind of shut the world out for a little while and just be somewhere exterior hopefully that makes sense so if she wants to leave her animals at home and she goes to an inpatient thing and people come in and do it that's fine that's a quite that's quite equivalent to rehoming for me because she wouldn't be there and they'd be taking care of it i do think she has too many animals i've thought this for a long time especially if we consider her illnesses whether they're mental or affect the physical i just think it's too many animals let alone for someone who has no illnesses and doesn't have depression or any kind of issue it's a lot of animals so for someone who does have extra issues i just don't think it's responsible to have that many animals i do think she thinks she can take care of them so i don't think she's getting them being like oh [ __ ] it i'm just gonna get another animal i genuinely think she believes she can take care of them i genuinely think she thinks she can and this is no shade i think most humans cannot deal with that many animals whether you're ill or not it's just too much it's too much responsibility it's too stressful and for me just the idea the concept of having 30 or more lives that i need to take care of on a daily basis that's too stressful there are too many things that can go wrong whether it's her fault like not checking up on them or whether it's a freak accident because there are times when unfortunately accidents happen and there's nothing you can do but it's just like when you have a certain amount of animals it's it feels like it's almost inevitable for that accident to happen right because it's like the probability is just multiplying that being said i don't like talking about people's relationships though this has been very public so that's the only reason i'm really touching upon it and this is not even really about the relationship but i must say i think johnny craig is bad news a lot of his previous girlfriends have claimed that he is abusive in multiple different ways whether it's mental or physical or even sexual that's all alleged of course i just think it's very strange that multiple prior girlfriends would claim that and for none of it to be true seems rather impossible also considering the fact that he has been on drugs for a long time and i don't want to stereotype people on drugs but drugs do make you act outside of your norm so it's not crazy for me to believe that he might be more aggressive more violent you know just a series of things especially when you're coming down on drugs when you don't have any to take again [ __ ] gets [ __ ] i know i've been there i have to say that i think that he really is a big stick in the mud here and like i said taylor's accountable for her own choices she is an adult so she's an adult she did choose to be with him but if it is an abusive relationship as i think it is it's not as easy as like ah just get rid of him like i think she needs a really big support system to really kind of do an intervention here i think that's genuinely what's needed interventions suck i don't always think they're useful and successful but if someone in your family or in your friend's circle is in that [ __ ] of a relationship where they have moments of clarity like we see in those tweets but then they don't get out that means you need to intervene as a friend you get with the other friends you get with the family you find a way to get her away from this man even if it's just until she gets sober and then she can make her own decisions from there i keep going back and forth about how i feel about all of this because like i said drugs just play such a huge role if drugs weren't involved here my opinion wouldn't be black or white but it would be a very particular shade of gray here i keep going into lighter and darker grays and i just can't place myself anywhere it's a little bit like a pendulum and i stay within the same ideas but i bounced towards one side more than the other and i just genuinely don't know what to believe anymore i don't know how guilty everyone is here which is what makes me question all of this even more so please let me know how you guys feel about all of this in the comments like i said before we want taylor to get better because whether you care about her or not or whether you just care about her animals she needs to get better for herself and also for her animals thank you to my patrons as always feel free to let me know what you think in the comments down below let's just get right into the fan art [Music] you
Views: 1,365,281
Rating: 4.8461661 out of 5
Keywords: petube, pet youtube, pet community, taylor nicole dean, jonny craig, slaves
Id: owDjqJUdBzY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 58sec (1558 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 04 2019
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