Everything You Need To Know About CAPTURING Humans In PALWORLD!

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what is up ladies and gentlemen welcome to another power world video and today guys we are discussing human NPCs now they are capturable in pal world you can run up to them and capture them they do have a very very low capture rate and I honestly would not waste your time trying to capture any of the standard guards or anything like that what you want to try and aim for is the black marketeer or the wandering Merchants now you can find these guys in towns as well so any of the wandering Merchants that you find in towns all you need to do is simply shoot them a couple of times and you can capture them you can currently see here in the bottom right hand corner we do have some legendary spheres so we've got three of those they are the highest percentage sphere that you can get in the game as far as I've found at the moment during Early Access so you can capture human NPCs you can capture this guy you can capture this guy whoever you want so what we're going to do is Showcase some of the capturing methods so you can see here we've got the wandering Merchant I'm going to try and not kill him that went smooth for him absolutely smoothly for him and smoothly for me we're going to just kill this go away there is a pal Merchant up here as well so let's try our luck shooting him in the chest you know what we're just going to hack him with the pickax oh God now I've got a whole squad on me so you can see that all right let's throw the P sphere oh man this is going to be tough so they don't actually get shown the percentage chance when you aim the P sphere at them you can see there there's no percentage chance popping up like it is for the pal so all you need to do is simply actually just throw the sphere at them instead where has the okay the merchant is dead wonderful there goes my chances of showing you guys the merchants I luckily have one prepared earlier let's come over to this guy let's just smack him a couple of times we are currently now wanted for six charges of assault so we're just going to Wile this guy down a little bit there we go so exact same similar between the pals you you want to weaken them first and then throw your Power Sphere out they have extremely low capture rate as well this guy is 23% cuz we're using a legendary sphere and because he is a lower level you can see there with the meas sphere it's 0.07% chance so you really need to have a high level sphere in order to capture these guys but once you do you will have them available to you they don't have any skills really and they're not really worth using as fighting members you can see here they only have one skill and that is the punch skill their work suitability is only the handywork level one their attack and defense as well is also extremely low I wouldn't recommend getting them there is a button where you can pet and feed them but that doesn't do anything for you I would not recommend petting the black marketeer it is not a site that you really want to see to be completely honest well we'll show you anyway just to scar you for life like I've been scarred I would not recommend petting the black market here looks like there is some funling going on down there and I do not want to know about it now you also cannot breed them or or anything like that none of them have any genders so they aren't breedable as well so you can't even transfer any skills from your poers into them and that would be really messed up if you could breed your powers with the human NPCs just don't try it just don't do yourself a favor and don't it'll it please please just don't now they do have a use however especially the merchants now what you want to do is you do want to put them in your base you can see here we've got the wandering Merchant and the black marketeer we're going to Chu him in here like that we've also got a PF guard who actually got really lucky with his passive skills now you can see here we've got the wandering Merchant the black marketeer and the PF guard we can't currently speak to them because it looks like we're being raided but let's just put them back in our party for now for a second while our powers deal with all the nightmares going on okay so once they're in your base you actually gain the ability to talk to them now you're probably wondering why do you want to talk to your slaves for well because if you speak to the merchants you're actually able ble to buy items from them that's right and you can also sell items from them so this is super handy to have around your base if you're too lazy to go out to the various towns located around the map and trade with the Traders you can have your pocket Merchant wandering around with you same for the black marketeer now you can do this with the pal Merchants as well the black marketeer is kind of just a I wouldn't say an upgraded version just a different version but you can sell them you can buy Contraband you can sell Contraband you can see if we wanted to we could buy bloody war seex for if we wanted to just from having him wandering around our base so if you do encounter human NPCs in the wild I would heavily recommend trying to capture the black marketeer as well as the wandering Merchants but like I've mentioned you will need very high level power speres in order to get them other than that I would not go out of the way to try and tame up any of the MPCs they're all kind of useless asides from the merchants so guys that is pretty much all you need to know about cap ing human human powers human NPCs in power if you guys enjoyed the video don't forget to leave a like subscribe down below for more but other than that thank you very much for watching and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Cjthecheesedj
Views: 125,847
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Keywords: ark top 5, cjthecheesedj, genesis, ark 2, genesis 2, Travelling, Dinos, Dinosaurs, Gameplay, Ark, Creatures, Taming, best, deadliest, lists, top 10, TOP 5, abberattion, rockwell, ice titan, king titan, kill, MODS, moddded, best mods, modded, moddded top 10, new top 10, snow owl, dodo, creatures, ark, pvp, pve, solo, new dlc, new dinos, story, palworld, breeding, infusion, combine, how to palworld
Id: z2zi7XD8how
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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