Top 10 Beginner Tips You NEED To Know Before Playing Palworld

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welcome guys it's the xman here and today we'll be going over 10 beginner tips you should know before starting power world these tips are based around the first couple hours of game play so no spoilers for The End Game stuff so if you do enjoy this if you find it helpful make sure you whack a like make sure you subscribe and if there's any tips that I miss out whack them down below in the comment section and let the community see them all all right kicking us off a really simple one the workbench can be placed anywhere so right at the start you'll get the tutorial it will tell you to place your workbench and and then build a base what I would recommend do your workbench get some tools get some uh P spheres go and explore the map a little bit once you comfortable you found a nice flat spot where you want your base you can then build a second workbench there you can then build uh your base on that I've seen far too many people build their base in the workbench right up at the top there's not really much room so uh yeah build your workbench go and explore then set a base up next up I would recommend catching every pal you see if you've got spare P spairs then I'd recommend just catching all of you see especially early on they give you great XP you'll also be able to pick which power you want to use in your base cuz you will have different skills and then later on in the game you can actually sell breed em merge Pals so the more you have the more you're going to be able to play around with later on once you found a nice spot for your base I would recommend leveling your base up a few levels before you go venturing off and exploring too far the reason for this is you'll get more pal slots meaning more Pals meaning more work they can do so when you are actually ready to go and head out there's work going on behind closed doors another base Focus tip is placing two to three Farms this is more than enough that you won't have to worry about your pals going hungry also you get a bunch of spare berries which you can eat or you can actually cook and you will never ever run out of food for yourself or your pals if you ever hear a sparkling sound it means there's a lucky pal close by these are pretty much shinies or Alpha variants of the pals I would highly recommend hunting these down and either catching them or if you don't like the look of it if you've already got a couple kill them because they do give you a nice bit of XP and they can drop some half decent loot every now and then this next tip is going to save you a bunch of time and that is placing storage boxes next to the lumber and the stone Mills because the base has a pull system but it only pulls from storage boxes it doesn't actually pull from the wood Mills and the stone Mills and obviously the wood and the ston Mills can up to a th000 of the wood or the stone you won't be able to carry all that so I recommend placing a little box just next to it go up to it take all the wood and then just literally turn put it in your box there you go whenever you're trying to craft something it will just pull wood from there and you don't have to carry all and be very very heavy so next we're going to focus on your Pal's passive skills you need to be checking these before you put them to work because some do actually have negative effects such as laziness which means they won't actually do as much work they'll take more naps so so because you followed the earlier tips where you're taming all the pals you should have a range of different Pals with different skills you'll have ones that work harder ones that don't work harder so you want to pick and choose between them which ones you want actually working and producing wood or doing the farming and stuff so just make sure you're checking them out before you throw them out on your farm your base your Ranch whatever it is so this one might not apply to everyone but if you have kept your world settings as default then it will and that is don't be afraid to try the boss fights the boss fights that you have to teleport to actually get to if you fight them and you lose you won't lose all your stuff forever like other games you can actually go back there your bag will be outside the teleport there'll be a big beam you'll be able to collect all your stuff again and yeah you can try again or go home you know you'll be able to see what level leveling up you need what new powers you need but yeah don't worry about losing your stuff another boss themed tip here is you can Farm the mini bosses the mini bosses I like to call them are the ones on the map where you can see their little faces in a circle you can find F these the reason you want to farm these number one especially if you're starting out it's a great way to learn how to fight these big stronger dudes cuz you need to learn how to avoid attacking when to attack when to throw your poers out when to switch them out and stuff but also they do give a lot of great XP especially the lower level ones early on in game and you can get some decent loot from them as well so yeah I'd recommend just playing around with these learning how to do all the combat and leveling up and last but certainly not least is don't be afraid to go out at night there are are actually some really rare and cool monsters that only appear at night time to venture out at night time just make sure you've made yourself some clothing so you don't get cold bring yourself uh a light source like a torch and you're good to go Venture around a bit like I said there are some cool dudes out there a couple really rare ones as well and you don't want to miss out there we go then so that is my 10 beginner tips before you start playing power world let me know if that was helpful at all uh make sure you whack and like if you enjoyed it and subscribe for all the good stuff as well but if there are any that I did miss or ones that you know youve thought of make sure you are whacking them in the comment let the whole Community seal we can all grow and learn stuff together but yeah thank you very much for hanging out and I will catch you all in a bit see you laters
Channel: The AxeMan
Views: 38,544
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AXEMAN, THE AXEMAN, AXEMAN ARK, AXEMAN TOP 5, EPISODE 1, the axeman ark, axeman lets play, axeman ark, ep1, Palworld, axeman palworld, the axeman palworld, palworld pokemon, palworld pals, palworld creatures, palworld best, palworld ep 1, palworld episode 1, palworld beginner, palworld first, palworld mons, palworld monsters, palworld how to, axe man palworld, palworld top 10, top 10 beginner, palworld begin tips, axeman top 10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 20sec (320 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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