The Nearly 800 Pound Youtuber | Dr Phil

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i've struggled my whole life trying to lose weight it's not something that just happened i mean we i've tried forever that's what it feels like got out to the health at every size people i just found a slew of obese related topic videos it gets very scary happy halloween month guys please make sure to hit the subscribe button me and yoshi have a huge goal so if you could help me that would be awesome plus you get to hit a button which is fun and it's free which is also fun okay let's start hello youtube welcome back to the channel but if you're new here and it is your first time on the pug set my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer a proud a mother of a pug a past theater nerd gone grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person and i'm hoping that i finn the fat acceptance movement and people think that you can be healthy at every size even though well and from that first clip we can hear that it's just tried forever is what it feels like this guy's struggling today we're looking at a guy that is about 800 pounds you need the metric system it's this much even watching him just sit in the chair on dr phil's stage it looks like he is struggling to just breathe to just speak to just live and that's really sad and since the holidays are already among us there's going to be parties there's gonna be tables at these parties with tons of colorful delicious treats specially cookies and hopefully some cake i guess that's what cake makes me do simple shake give me cake and the tits will shake but since the holidays are basically here and i know people start to slack a little bit during that time of the year i thought that i would share some videos that would help motivate you stay away from the path of obesity some of these will end very positively some of these will end very not so positive and some are just gonna make you quite angry watch out for that one it's coming someone pissed me off and i'm gonna tell you about it but not today today we are talking about robert gibbs at the time of filming he was 23 years old and struggled his whole life with his weight dr phil did a great job of holding him accountable on the show and told him that he made these choices and only him robert put himself in the situation no one else can do it for you so you feel like you've tried to stop it but yet you continued to make choices that got you bigger and bigger and bigger so before robert appeared on the show he revealed that he hasn't weighed himself since he was 18. so that is about five years i was thinking 650 to 700 and this just shows that people don't really notice how much weight they put on especially at his size do you really notice question for everyone though when did you notice that you started putting on a way i noticed when my jeans don't fit over my already big hips i feel like a lot of women feel it when it goes around down here so they had to fly in an industrial sized scale to be able to weigh robert he stepped on the scale and it revealed that he was actually 756 pounds about 50 to 100 more pounds than he originally thought that he put on were you surprised that it had gotten that high yes i was surprised that it was had gotten that high almost 800 yeah see i told you just look how much he is struggling to just speak i feel like he has to take a lot of like air in with each word like each word is a struggle for him yes i was surprised that it was had gotten that high yeah i was thinking 650 to 700 not almost 800. and this is what the lovely fat except in health at every size individuals test holiday sauna leah bergytovar girls we're looking at you promote health at every size at 13 years old robert was 453 pounds so in five years he put on 303 pounds according to this random study i found on google take it with a grain of salt but i still believe it has some truth to it studies have shown that as we age we tend to gain weight to the tune of one to two pounds per year so i'm not talking about special cases like anorexia if you put on weight that is a good thing i'm so proud of i'm talking about like average adults people that are fully grown how much weight have you put on within three to five years and while that may not seem like much over time it can lead to significant weight gain and in some cases obesity so an average adult who would have put on five to ten pounds within five years robert put on 303 pounds damn that's a lot of weight he says that he feels that his life is just passing him by tell me reality from your point of view feels like i've never had a life and the fat positive movement always says it doesn't matter how fat you are live your life don't let society tell you to hide away in your house do what you've always wanted to do girl he can't i just miss being able to ride a bike and play basketball with my friends and going out and being active being able to go walk somewhere he literally can't he can barely move he spends most of his time sitting and it's hard to get place to place when you're that size and that's the reality of it people that say go live your life also the people that say weight loss is fat phobic the weight is stopping him from living his life what i want to be able to do i want to be here for my family i want to i want to be able to have a family of my own one day so even though robert has a family to help him when he needs help he's extremely lonely they don't know how trapped you feel within yourself and it just feels like everything's working against you including yourself so then dr phil asks him does he ever think that he can have a normal body and a normal life do you really believe that you can have a normal life in a normal body and i can hear the fat acceptance community saying he said normal he is normal he's beautiful oh wait they don't really support obese straight male so i guess they wouldn't say that they'd be like this but you get my point they get upset when people use the word normal weights and there is nothing normal about being almost 800 pounds okay some people didn't watch wall-e and it shows time for lunch in a cup but anyway dr phil asks him do you think that you can be normal and he says yes yeah i know i can but the story is not over yet people so a year later he comes back to dr phil and hallelujah pray sky daddy he lost weight he lost 260 pounds of weight that's a whole person well i am glad to see less of you me too yeah so right after robert was done being on dr phil right before he left the stage dr phil set him up with a place called wellspring academy as soon as dr phil said we're gonna send you to wellspring academy i was ecstatic because i either needed to lose weight or i was gonna die the wellspring academy is a private weight loss boarding school in wrigley california the school is open to students grades 8-12 and has a college age program that is operated with really college founded in 2004 is the first weight loss boarding school in the u.s wellspring's program is run with the philosophy that healthy living and nutrition can lead to improvements in students physique while spring claims that its programs can lead to weight loss of up to three pounds a week the school offers a full accredited array of courses that include math and science as well as course in nutrition and healthy decisions wellspring uses a self-monitoring journal to help its students achieve their goals and offer a wilderness experience of the beginning of the fall semester and all of that is just awesome if you have the money for it and you need help i suggest it some people need a place away from all of their toxic family members friends their normal environment to get away get out of that comfort zone and just get a new set of thinking that made sense they just need a new mentality and be around people that have the same goal have you ever tried to lose weight around people that's goal isn't to lose weight it's hard they will literally try to shove cookies in your mouth i don't know why i'm not too sure why my friends wanted me to be the fat friend it definitely wasn't smooth sailing for robert when he got to the program he was the biggest person to be enrolled into wellspring academy and unfortunately right when he got there he got a skin infection so he couldn't work out he was pretty much only allowed to sit there wonderful more sitting it was really depressing because i wasn't able to do anything i wasn't mobilized for i think two to three weeks straight i just really wanted to like get started but once he got going he got going he said it was the best but i finally got off of bed rest and i was able to start moving again is the best and like i said in the beginning he lost 260 pounds two of me he's using his wheelchair less which means he is walking more cracking down on nutrition and being more aware of what he's putting in his body obviously food is different now to me quality of the food is more important than it was before along with how much he's putting in his body using a scale his confidence has increased he's more happy i still have a long journey ahead of me but this training is stopping anywhere soon so that video was about seven years ago and you guys know how nosy i am i got very curious as to what the heck was robert been doing for seven years has he lost weight has he gained weight what's going on my nosey head needs to know and it was extremely easy to find because he has a youtube channel he does a lot of vlogs and he titles them like shenanigans tattoos living art it's very early 2000 vlog style so i tried to find the ones with weight specific titles i found one from a year ago titled robert gibbs weight update may 15 2019. and well he's at least still under 500 pounds he's around 498 as of that video 99 yeah buddy that's how that's how we doing so that's good but i think he's definitely still struggling i saw that he tried a vegan or plant-based diet he also did a keto diet as well i was obviously hoping and i'm sure you guys were too for an even bigger transformation physically and mentally so i'm personally just going to send him positive vibes over to him and i hope you guys do too we are happy that he's at least trying he lost a substantial amount of weight and we want him to keep going and that was a story of a man that was almost 800 pounds thank you guys for coming to the show today thank you for hitting that subscribe button remember you do not have to be a size two biceps are great to have to scare away all the boys but not needed to be healthy but health is very important and i want all my washers even the people that hate me especially the fat acceptance movement to be as healthy as possible but it takes you that cute little face come here that face yeah i kissed you on the forehead i gave you some good virtual motivational kissy kiss that's gonna go straight to your brain and say you know what body we're gonna get healthy and you can do it it's just gonna take you thanks so much for being here i'll see y'all next time
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 188,830
Rating: 4.9763894 out of 5
Keywords: the nearly 800 pound man, 800 pound youtuber, 800 pounds, dr phil, the nearly 800 pound youtuber, dr phil full episodes, dr phil full episodes 2020, interview, diet (nutrition), obesity, selfhelp, doctor, wellness, the doctors, therapy, dr. phil, help, moustache, advice (opinion), diet, problem, series, self help, personality, mcgraw, dr., weight, author, show, dr. phil (tv series), mental, phil mcgraw (author), fat, mental health, help me, phil, advice, dieting (symptom), drphil, daytime, host, health
Id: biAjE-TJLjU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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