The Restaurant That PAYS Fat People!!

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don't worry this'll be very quick and it won't hurt at all oh my goodness yoshi you didn't tell me we had guests i'm so happy you decided to join us today oh no no don't leave stay i made my special muffin just for you would you like one of course you would there you go don't worry about that just chew chew and swallow what's that you say muffins and hamburgers have nothing in common why am i here taking time away from my very prestigious muffin bakery to talk to you about a restaurant whose most ordered item is a greasy artery clogging hamburger what could my delicious muffins have in common with these hamburgers we're going to speak of they're both quite steadily that's right my adorable muffin pup there's something that's just beautiful about food that kills the sponsor we have a sponsor today is it's greasy high sugar food that will send the person eating it to a very slow death health donuts odd but we'll go with it hey guys this video is sponsored by me michelle not the creepy baker lady yeah we're two different people anyway this video is sponsored by my small business proto where each donut has 10 grams of protein and 2 grams of sugar because i'm not a fan of heart attack we're in the works of getting a warehouse but i need your help don't worry it is free after this video click the link below and just participate in a poll and answer the question if you could buy this product would you it will really help us get the amount of equipment we need along with the size of the warehouse and yes i see you guys questions once we get the warehouse and equipment and able to keep the shelves stocked instead of constantly running out we are steps closer to getting a vegan donut gluten-free donuts and more so please click the link participate in the poll it'll help me so much thank you again the donuts we stock every single tuesday at 10 a.m pst okay back to your friendly wacky creepy neighborhood baker now let's talk about a restaurant that has customers falling over from having heart attacks in their establishment the heart attack grill now that's what i call a restaurant the heart attack grill is an american hamburger restaurant in downtown las vegas nevada it makes a point of serving food that is very high in fat sugar and cholesterol in other words food that if eaten regularly would cause a heart attack hence the name but it has a hooters touch to it with cute women dressed as nurses who are friendly and bubbly to you the patient who gets the pleasure to be dressed in a hospital gown to enjoy the food at heart attack grill and the girls are a nice chef kiss touch but most people go there for the food and their challenges single bypass burger double bypass burger triple bypass burger all the way up to the octuple bypass burger eight beef patties stacked upon each other with cheese and bacon the burgers range from 8 to 32 ounces of beef up to about 8 000 calories all you can eat flat-lined fries cooked in pure lard beer and tequila and if you're lucky the waitresses will hand feed you your alcohol through a syringe butter fat milkshakes shake i'm sorry that is a piece of butter on it not white chocolate cause butter makes everything better customers or shall i say patience can also order cigarettes or candy cigarettes for the children and guess what if you are obese specifically 350 pounds or more you get rewarded for your size and can eat for free test holiday i've heard about you i've been watching you people say that you're lying about your weight you say that you're below 300 pounds people think you're lying all i'm saying if you're near that 350 pounds and you want a free burger the time is now one of the challenges the restaurant holds is the complete consumption of the triple bypass burger or the quadruple bypass burger oh yes i love seeing people eat food that will lead them to an early grave i don't think i can do it don't feel bad about losing you're only going to get a little smack on your tushy and that's only scary if you're a child oh and i think the proof is here the face says daddy like now if you do complete the challenge your reward is to be placed in a wheelchair and wheeled out for the rest of the restaurant to see your big fat butt buy your own personal nurse or nurses who you might think is amazing numerous stacks of beef but they truly think you're pretty gross this is their job they're paid to flirt with you they are not going to sleep with you she literally smells death on your body because people have died there along with having heart attacks don't act surprised it's literally in the name heart attack on february 11 2012 a customer suffered what was reported to be an apparent heart attack while eating a triple bypass burger people thought that the customer and the restaurant was in cahoots with each other and playing a little joke people pulled out their phones and started filming it people were taking pictures i had people ask me you know is this a stunt do you guys do this on a regular basis on april 21st 2012 a woman fell unconscious while eating a double bypass burger drinking alcohol and smoking smell that it's america god bless it so like i said people have died and like i said before can you be surprised the slogan is a taste worth dying for me blair rivers the spokes model of heart attack grill i'm at 570 pounds six foot eight yeah blair starred in commercials for the restaurant that ended up going viral bringing in a blast of business for the restaurant i'm big you know what i mean and so so why not i don't eat here every day so why not have fun with it and and go with it as long as i can unfortunately a few months after that interview blair died blair sadly passed away at the age of 29. according to his family the cause of death was pneumonia every single person cared about blair had he had been thinner he most probably would have survived that pneumonia and that's a hard fact that i'm not here to deny and one week later the owner of heart attack grill found his new spokes model ernie hart what a fitting last name even though my cardiologist and my wife tell me not to come and after surviving a coma and multiple heart surgeries i i still come i enjoy the burgers 50 year old john elman died of an apparent heart attack while waiting at the bus stop in front of heart attack grill the place that people who knew him said he loved according to the owner john never missed a day of eating the heart attacks grill oversized food according to the owner he lives ate and breathed the heart attack grill so now you're probably wondering who is the owner who created this deadly restaurant the name's john beso and according to many people he doesn't seem to have the slightest remorse about his restaurant and the people who eat there we're selling a legal but lethal commodity and we're selling it and selling it and selling it on the walls of heart attack grill john has a painting of himself recreating the last supper with iconic fast food mascots accompanying him as he is perceived as jesus christ john beso who goes by dr john actually started in the fitness industry i was a fitness trainer at the time spent a lifetime involved in diet and exercise stemming from high school and college athletics and for years and years i was playing doctor as a personal trainer pretending i knew much more about the body and so forth it's disgusting because you are promising people things that are outside genetic possibility give me money and i'll make you look like arnold schwarzenegger and that's not going to happen eventually a popular burger chain noticed that john's fitness studio had a very similar name to their restaurant jon's studio was called the in and out you put two and two together and figure out who that popular restaurant was i couldn't fathom that this was happening because i was the do-gooder the hero no you weren't sorry guys quick pause break michelle here personal trainer any trainer that promises you that you're going to look a certain way is a tainted personal trainer just like the tainted patty and you should find a new one no one knows what you will look like when you lose weight or build muscle and they can't just morph and mash you into someone else that's what plastic surgeons are for and then john decided he needs to change his priorities people want to be fat people don't want to look at the reality of eating these types of foods people don't want to know about the severity of being unhealthy john decided to play the game with him since nobody gave up neither will he so he opened up his restaurant that literally tells them if you eat this you're going to die it's a sacrifice that has to be made somebody has got to stand here and say screw it wake up world you're fat no i'm not going to call you plus-sized i'm not going to say you're poorly no you're fat lose some weight or just hurry up and die and be done with it many people can't stand john they say he's killing people making a mockery out of heart attacks using people's death and profiting off of it you won't be surprised to hear real nutritionists take issue with this fake doctor and argue he's laughing all the way to the bank yep he is he openly says it i'm here to tell you straight up that i'm i'm here to make a buck he has the man's ashes that die because he ate his food on a regular basis in his restaurant and he will take it in a bag and put it on the table can you keep the man's cremation here and i'll tell you something i am setting the bag on the table he even says openly that other restaurants lie to your face with their happy meals their colorful logos and fun mascots and i challenge any other restaurant to set the bag on the table i'm talking about a bag of truth he openly tells his customers if you don't listen to him about health and what his food actually does to you you will have the same fate as the man in the bag if you don't listen to me this will happen he full-on says he glorifies obesity aren't you glorifying obesity which obviously kills absolutely he's not worried about health at all we're not concerned with side implications little trivial things such as whether or not she'll live long in fact he said that when people have heart attacks in his grill it increases the money in his wallet did that heart attack pad my wallet with money absolutely and he doesn't care because no one else seems to care either you want to play with fire well here it is who doesn't want to risk a little danger every once in a while if i could put danger back into hamburgers all the better all between two buttery buns and served to you by a cute nurse with a smile so now my opinion when i first heard about this little eatery it was a little off-putting even for me just you know your customers put them in the muffins and then move on but now after watching all the clips reading the articles i'm quite into it a restaurant that tells its customers exactly what happens when you eat it death no lying no conniving just truth and people still eat it willingly giving you money visiting your line of establishment and you get to sit back and watch these smiling buffoons get closer to death with a smile on their face is he making a mockery out of food addiction and death debatable but what he's not doing is lying to you do you know who is lying the fat positive influencers like tess holliday and friends who act like obesity and eating whole cakes is great and watching what you eat is some sort of shackle holding you back from living life when they know good and well they wish they were able to move like they were 150 pounds lighter this guy tells you exactly how it is and people will still eat at his restaurant eating there once is probably not a big deal but as you can see the people who ate there regularly had a very unsettling fate isn't it just ironic that people like tess holliday get covers can say things like health at every size and that she's completely healthy and she's not glorifying obesity she's making women feel good but this guy full-on tells you if you eat this you will die and people are upset you just love to be liked you don't you america so i say good for him at least he's not lying to you like all the other restaurants so the people upset about this restaurant but eat fast food go out to eat and eat extremely large portions binges on large amounts of food i have a question for you what is the difference the names on the menu on the hospital theme scares you of the truth well that's too bad because it can happen if your diet consists of what's on that menu and if it is well that's good for me your body will taste great in my next batch of muffins zone
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 184,852
Rating: 4.9759111 out of 5
Keywords: Michelle McDaniel, Cooking, Burgers, 10000 ca, 10000 calorie challenge, 10000 calories, 10000 calorie cheat day, abc news, news, health, mens health, food, fries, shakes, my thoughts will probably offend you, what would you do
Id: abJvy_qg28w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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