Why Are Celebrities so UGLY & FAKE | Khloe Kardashian (Instagram vs Reality & Plastic Surgery)

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okay let's just say it right now i know you can see through my shirt most of y'all have seen me in a bikini it shouldn't be a big deal as for the shirt the girls just wanted a little break today okay don't worry you'll see them next time hi guys welcome back to the channel and if you're new here hi my name is michelle mcdaniel i'm a personal trainer wearing a long sleeve shirt so you can't see my muscle so here's a picture for validation i'm a proud mother of a pug and a chihuahua a pastor theater nerd gone grown up cosplayer and this is my channel my thoughts will probably offend you where i share my thoughts that will probably offend at least one person because whenever you share your opinion online someone takes it personally and has to tell you that they're offended i've been having life-changing results since i learned how to get offended now when people don't see things the way that i see them i just get offended oh will you be the lucky one today let us know in the comments section i hope all of you had a wonderful easter because lord knows it's probably going to be one two maybe three weeks until i post this so i hope it was great my babies are ready for our easter party i've got my easter outfit my springy makeup my easter five dollar glue on nail because we are ready to party which is me in my living room with my dogs on the couch not wearing any of this because i don't be wearing none of this in my real life and since we're talking about fake let's talk about celebrities and fake beauty recently khloe kardashian had an unedited picture exposed oh yes one of the queens of photoshop filters plastic surgery has been exposed her real face her real body was posted on the internet and people went crazy so much so that she demanded that these pictures get off the internet after a photo was recently posted that chloe didn't like the 36 year old reportedly worked hard to have the pic removed and several fans who reposted the snap claimed their accounts were frozen and their posts were deleted so we are going to talk about that but we have a lot to talk about today instagram filters plastic surgery photoshop how dare they it always kind of cracks me up how angry people get when people change their well anything when it comes to their physical looks surgically people get upset and i've noticed the ongoing comment with celebrities is celebrities are actually ugly they just got rich so they could fix it another recurring comment i see when it comes to celebrities and plastic surgery and before and after pictures is they should have stayed natural they looked way better back then and i definitely think it's very important that we know that many celebrities are fake to me it's their job to create this fantasy to their fans that they are somewhat perfect their life is amazing they are very rich they have all these super nice things they look a lot better than normal people and they are just up here off the screen and we are all the way down here also not on the screen but obviously below them and this fantasy that they created gets broken when they are having a bad day or an ugly picture gets exposed or you see a wrinkle on a celebrity holy [ __ ] you got old what the celebrities don't get old ew what is that is that a roll i see celebrities can't have rolls not on their stomach or they can't eat it a celebrity not wearing makeup i didn't know they looked different without makeup i didn't know they didn't wear me i thought they always looked like they did on the red carpet and then people take those pictures and then say see celebrities are freaking hideous proof and i do think most celebrities and i kind of want to say all have gotten work done when it comes to plastic surgery i notice a distinct difference in the comment section when a celebrity has plastic surgery and when a normal regular person gets plastic surgery people are way more critical of the celebrity but more accepting to the normal person alright keep all that in mind i know i covered a lot in this very long intro but i had to like get you ready get you nice and warm i just like a little bit of foreplay before we get into the topic i know i know i think of your needs so sit back and relax for today's episode why are celebrities so ugly instagram versus reality along with why does plastic surgery anger so many people this is a long ass title and i need to figure out how the hell am i gonna title this when i post it anyway let's start okay so for some reason all the time these plastic surgery celebrity things come up on my instagram like the before and after i know some people are new they're gonna ask have i ever gotten plastic surgery i am definitely afraid of anything cutting me open the sight of blood makes me weak and pass out yeah it's a bob's belcher situation over here plus he can't clot to save his life you okay i'm fine it's just a little blush yup just like that i've got nothing done i am a huge baby i have endometriosis i am scared to death to even get that surgery that's supposed to help fix me if i'm not gonna get something that's gonna help me just live a better life and not be in pain every month do you think i'm gonna go willingly and get some kind of cosmetic surgery done just for the fun of it i'm just gonna deal with whatever i think is ugly and live with it but if i ever got over that fear yeah damn right i would be getting whatever i want to get done and if that personal choice hurts you in some type of way holy you are a weak ass person and weird okay now that that's all out of the way so madonna here hollywood ruins everybody they all look like the life is being sucked out of them i mean she ain't wrong her whole like lower half just looks sucked in what the [ __ ] i don't like it so then i came across this picture it's completely different mood so there's a woman here and then it's the same woman here and to me she looks completely different yeah i think she looks like her younger self but if you saw the first one and then a week later saw the second one would you think it's the same person and the mood is completely different oh my gosh wow she looks great amazing clap clap clap looks like a younger version of her incredible i'm finding hard to believe it's real incredible work i am shook she went from being in her 50s to her absolutely incredible excellent facelift results my friend and then we've got a celebrity now everybody has the same plastic face all this time i thought she was naturally gorgeous the question is what didn't she have basically a new face and then there's a bunch of people just angry that the original post commenter or poster said that this is a glow up i don't know when people are going to stop calling this a glow up and start calling it getting rich stop calling plastic surgery agloa then we've got this one who i think she looks completely different as well just a regular person wow they did great it really emphasized her cheekbones but that's the vibe that i get when it comes to the comparison of celebrities getting plastic surgery and just regular people getting plastic surgery on the internet in real life i think everyone's just critical if i once if i told you guys that i'm gonna go get my nose done there'd be people in the comments section being like wow i'm so disappointed by your personal choice of changing your nose like it affects them in some kind of way but i thought it was super interesting how people can see someone like this she looks completely different super young like 20 years younger and be like wow that looks great within a celebrity trying to look younger then it's well because they're rich and they should have stayed natural i can't believe hollywood is doing this to people in hollywood maybe maybe madonna just wants to look like that so then i found a page of just all celebrities getting compared from what they were before to what they are now and they do a lot of instagram versus reality and they've got beyonce on here talking about her but they've got little young beyonce here then they've got older beyonce here with something a little different down i actually never noticed beyonce's butt being so small but she was like pretty slim like back in the day and then her curves like started popping out but a lot of people don't understand with like black women they think that no black woman gets like lower body stuff going on not every black woman has like a big butt like i've said before plenty of my friends get those butt injections because in hollywood or just in l.a in general their body is their job and so i have curvalicious friends that don't think that they're very curvalicious and they need more of an extreme that shock factor ah she got a couple bbls why are we always bashing kim and not her cause hers looks good kim doesn't so i guess uh that's our reason we can bash kim about her plastic surgery but not beyonce i just think people hate kim because of the way she got famous and her voice [Music] why did they have to do jlo like this first one makeup's all done lashes on second one looks like she's about to whoop her kid's ass shut up old lady so i thought that that one was pretty interesting they were comparing her obese picture to her weight loss picture and the comments were funny people don't want to admit that she got surgery done but she off he has double chins doesn't just go away like that uh yes they can if you lose weight and you're continuously losing weight and you have body fat here it eventually goes away not everyone i mean she could have but not everyone gets the fat sucks out of their neck remember people tammy gained weight in her forehead and everywhere else but her forehead knows i've gone up and down and weight and i'm talking drastic like her and my nose doesn't change my nose actually changed when i lost weight and i've had other clients where their nose like kind of slightly changes a little bit once you start losing like i didn't even know we could like have fat in here you can but like you never really think about like oh i want to lose weight in my nose oh it's possible it's not that much of a change okay i'm not crazy i looked it up and found pictures of people who lost a significant amount of weight saying that their nose changed so did a dog get surgery on her nose she could have but i think it's funny that these people think that this is all surgery she couldn't possibly work out and eat less noses change you can gain weight in your forehead shoot i remember when my feet were less pudgy and i started seeing veins in my feet i was like oh my feet but i i didn't think i was gonna lose weight in my feet sauna monkey wasn't she like known to like really heavily edit her pictures she does look completely different i mean they did her dirty by like super edited to just like why they always pick pictures where they look like they're about to fight someone so this is a comment basically saying these are always super cool to see because us average people get that confirmation that celebrities are just like us ugly i think that's why people are so like mad when they get like plastic surgery to look better because people don't like that these people are now like higher than them oh they look better than me that means they are better than me but when you find out that a celebrity that looks perfect really isn't that perfect in real life then you have a sense of comfort i think that's what people like that's the relatability for them her body looks like my grandma's first of all if your grandma's body looks like this then she's got a very nice body and i want whatever she got so then i found a page that is very like heavily focused on before and after plastic surgery type pictures and they tell you exactly what they got done which is very interesting to see what are the people getting done maybe you'll be interested in some of them so we've got her before and then two weeks later and supposedly this is not like the second picture is not filtered nothing she's got a different hair two weeks post pdo brow cheek lift and lift chin tear trough and jawline filler she has no filter in the after picture but is looking fly for halloween and the comments once again are just completely different than a celebrity beautiful result wow holy wow she looks amazing she was beautiful before and even more after great job so this is okay like the pictures kind of gross me out i'm sorry if that's offensive but i can't take like anything surgical or anything to look at but that's how it looks like oh it just looks like such a stretch on the face it looks painful but it's called a jj brow lip damn that is something um that if i was interested or if i got over like my my fear is something that i probably wouldn't do that it just looks like it's like painful ooh i know we're gonna get something with this one because she does look completely different she looks like those brass dolls now throw up horrifying horrible sad she looks like some animal now this [ __ ] said give me the kylie jenner face isn't that a thing though like plastic surgeons like people go into plastic surgeons asking for like the kylie jenner so they have like a snapchat filter surgery so you can look like the snapchat filters in real life better before disgusting terrifying weird so you guys are telling me that if you saw this just walking down the street you would be like look at that oh my god disgusting she's freaking hideous she's ugly holy [ __ ] what the freak is that i find that hard to believe that that would be your reaction your insecurity shows so hard online second pretty sure if she still looks like this people would make fun of her so if she wants to look like a brass doll completely change her whole face i'm happy for her all the people in the comment section can kiss my fat ass anyway let's move on to photoshop so when it comes to chloe i really wanted to put myself in her shoes people really act like celebrities aren't insecure and chloe is interesting because everyone freaking called her the fat sister the ugly sister the sister with the big ass nose and then she does all this stuff to change exactly what people told her what is ugly and then all of a sudden it's your fate you got too much surgery why did you change yourself you looked better before why did you do this because you [ __ ] love making people feel like [ __ ] and she wanted you to accept her and call her pretty celebrities do have to read some of the comments that y'all put on here and some people don't think they do i mean they do probably not all of them because they get so many and it hurts just because they are celebrities doesn't mean that the comments about their appearance from random strangers don't hurt them and gets under their skin if it didn't she wouldn't have been throwing such a hoopla about that picture being you know out chloe responded to the picture and how everyone says that she alters all of her photos and she's completely fake and fat and actually gross and ugly in real life so she uploaded this video of herself showing everyone that she is not in fact the fat sister anymore proving that she is not completely fake to the people who are still going to make fun of her no matter what why is it important for an almost 40 year old woman to prove her body is not photoshopped and at the same time people are like making fun of her because like she's she went all crazy but think of about a time when you got a picture taken of yourself and you like hated the way that you look and you like had your friend delete it now think of that and then just think of that friend being like no and then putting it out in the world for everybody to see wouldn't you be a little frantic most likely especially if you were already insecure yeah but then on the other hand chloe you edit your picture so much that people don't even recognize you i don't really understand the mentality of like editing pictures so much that it looks just completely different than everything because obviously people are gonna see her in real life and be like one of these things are not like the other one of these things just doesn't belong can you tell me which thing is not like the other before i finish my song that one girl this ain't you and then they're gonna see you in real life and be like click got her girl who are you trying to fool so i saw this comment on instagram and as i agree that celebrities set impossible standards that many of us can't reach without surgery or they use photoshop to alter a lot of their images and don't disclose that that is photoshop it's not their job to disclose that it's fake or not and it's not their job to make sure that young girls feel good about themselves that's not their job we know by now that hollywood is fake we know that there is photoshop we know that instagram models use facetune we know people get plastic surgery we know things are not always what they seem and if you are someone who is mad that people are using filters and getting surgery you are gonna have to stay mad because it's only gonna get worse from here because like that comforter said we're evolving into bratz dolls and if you're mad at making teenage females or women in general feel bad about themselves talk to them it's not the kardashians job to tell young girls that they are fake it's not my job it's the parents and if you're an adult it's your job to get therapy and talk it out and keep in mind some people are just insecure i was and i had to look at myself and find my confidence throw out my insecurities shoot now i'm like hell yeah you want to be fake you want to use filters you don't want to look like you do in real life girl do your thing you happy cool so there was this comment a picture of her leaked where she looked natural and authentic it wasn't even a bad picture too people were just criticizing how much they edit their pictures to make their bodies look like ideal body type this could have been a teaching moment and spreading awareness about social media versus real life but instead she posts videos of herself posing and flexing her perfectly sculpted body to prove her body's not photoshopped uh yeah i'm sensing a little bit of jealousy and upset and anger that chloe does have a really nice body and doesn't look like the picture that was taken jealous anyway she doesn't realize how toxic it is for young girls and even women to see this what kind of example is she setting for her daughter too i mean yeah she could have but when the freak did chloe become a good representation for young girls what the she's like almost 40 right chloe's not your mom if you people are counting on the kardashians to raise your daughters right holy [ __ ] you're the type of parent i make fun of raise your own kids don't count on hollywood wait let me rephrase that don't [ __ ] count on hollywood you've seen what they do to childhood stars you sound foolish make sure your kids know that there's a lot of fake talk about health talk about realistic body standards and appreciate people that do show the realities of behind the model life there's a woman that i talked about before that does the different poses soft like cellulite versus non-cellulite picks sloppy stomach stretch marks she talks about all the apps that people are using to make them look different in pictures show them these people appreciate the ones that do do that and use people like chloe who obviously are insecure as another example and then hope for the best your kids are going to feel what they feel all you can do is provide the info but i really don't recommend expecting reality stars to implement healthy body standards to your kids teens or as to you as an adult so i think it's very important to remember that no matter what you look like someone's gonna have something to say if you get plastic surgery someone's gonna be upset if you wear makeup wait lose weight someone's gonna be very mad so to me just pick what is gonna make people upset and what's gonna make you happy honestly if i was chloe i'd be like yeah that's me and of course i'm irritated because you guys call me freaking fat and ugly you guys make fun of my looks and make me feel like [ __ ] yeah of course i'm upset my picture got out and of course i use photoshop because the general public makes me feel bad about my looks so here it is everyone i hope it makes you feel better i'm gonna go back into my mansion bye pick it up pick it up pick it up you see the dripping i'm fitting up in my car in the video [Music] neighborhoods
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 199,426
Rating: 4.9371309 out of 5
Keywords: khloe kardashian unedited picture, khloe kardashian, khloe kardashian new face, instagram vs reality, instagram vs real life, Why Are Celebrities so UGLY & FAKE, michelle mcdaniel
Id: u3IgC5LSs4I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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