Your Kid is OBESE and UNHEALTHY!

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don't touch me I'm rich Powerpuff Girls I need you I can't open the pickle jar again this dark pickle jar Oh are we are we doing this already okay I didn't know that we only just put this to the side and save it for later so I can talk to you Townsville the morning Townsville citizens today I want to talk to you about a very important topic childhood obesity Michelle thought I would be the perfect person to talk about this topic because ottoman I love children the Powerpuff Girls are children I kiss the babies on the forehead oh you're so cute Oh Townsville I just love the children they're just so cute please take care of your kids feed them healthy foods give them desserts occasionally and make sure to always kiss them on the forehead just like your mayor does I just love these kids so much that I'm here to tell you that our children are obese and we don't want that for our kids of Townsville so let's move on to the big mayor chair and talk about this hello you guys over to my channel my thoughts will probably offend you my name is Michele McDaniel and I am a cosplayer a proud mommy of a beautiful little girl named Yoshi a personal trainer and this is the third of the five episodes of Powerpuff week on this channel so make sure to hit that subscribe button so you don't miss any of them they are all connected to each other so they're even better if you watch them in order now I understand that this is a very sensitive topic when talking about children especially when we're talking about obese children and especially if you're a parent watching who has an obese child but please watch the whole video and do not judge my title just like you are probably judging me because I am a grown woman dressed at a cartoon mayor all we're going to do in this video is lay down some facts mixed with a ton of cartoon references and then end it all with some positivity because that's how we do it on this channel and maybe some pickles along the way okay I'll be serious so you guys wanted me to talk about a boy who went blind from having a diet that consisted of Pringles white bread and french fries scientists from the University of Bristol examined the case of a young patient who's extremely picky eating led to blindness and have warned of the dangers of a poor diet the unidentified patient told doctors yet only eaten fries from the fish and chips shop Pringles potato chips white bread slices a process him sausage since elementary school and he avoided food with certain textures he first visited a doctor at age 14 complaining of tiredness according to a case report published in the annals of internal medicine he wasn't taking any education had a normal BMI and Heights and showed no visible signs of malnutrition doctors discovered low vitamin b12 levels in anemia treating the patient with vitamin b12 injections and offering dietary advice one year later there were signs of hearing loss and vision symptoms but doctors did not find the cause eventually he went blind now I wanted to brings up because the boy wasn't obese from what I understand because I would think from all the articles that I read they would plaster that up there and say his weights and you know how much overweight he was and I didn't see any of that so in my mind he is just an average weight boy who happened to have a very horrible diet that was just a lot of process fatty not natural foods so I thought this was a very good opportunity for me to say that a lot of average-size are skinny people have health issues too with what they're eating but we feed children is important yes calories are very important but the quality of our food is very important as well I know many people who work out all the time but Smith's McDonald's on the daily eating greasy artery-clogging foods and they have heart issues you know look at the Powerpuff Girls they're scared of eating broccoli we had to have a good heart-to-heart talk about their health and now they're eating those green delicious little morsels and saving Townsville while they do it but athletes and bodybuilders usually have a lot of heart issues but fat acceptance individuals love disabled thin people have health issues - they have heartfelt heart issues - and they are completely right in that aspect and they always also say that thin doesn't equal health and I agree with that completely that is something I agree with the fat acceptance movement on but this was a great opportunity whether the boy who went blind was heavier not to just say that yes Fitness does not mean that the person is healthy what if you go out and just look into the world and you look in thin people's carts in the grocery store a lot of them will have their cart full with unhealthy food a lot of people on the internet doing these muffing things are not you know obese they're still relatively healthy looking so just something for you guys to think about and something that I do agree with the fat acceptance people on now let's look into another story that in 2018 a thirteen-year-old has collapsed and died due to being severely obese at 16 stones that's 224 pounds the teenager is believed to be a young victim of the frightening rise in youngsters who are overweight post mortem by a pathologist said he could find no other reason for the clot developing apart from the youngster severe obesity the boy who is not being made to protect the family's privacy had been to see his doctor the day before he died complaining of swollen feet by the time he died earlier this year he had a body mass index at 42 and it was twice as recommended wait NHS school nurses wait the boy when he was 10 and send a letter home to his parents about his weight but it was apparently never followed up so just a second to anyone watching right now me included could you just imagine if any of the children of the fat acceptance woman went to school and came home with a note saying your kid is pushing the weight thing he's obese and something needs to be done with his or her weight can you imagine how much rage how much just backlash that school or whoever the nurse was who sent the Hulse at that home would get and my question to you is what would you guys do if you had an obese child or someone who's about to get obese or just overweight came home with that note what would you do say to the kid and what would you say to the school I'm very curious as to what Townsville's opinion is on this one the boys post mortem report also showed he had an enlarged liver was evidence of fatty liver disease an early sign of liver failure due to obesity dr. Jude Oban who works at Landon's Royal Free Hospital said children and adults were at high risk of blood clots due to their obesity he said I've not heard of it in a child it is shocking in tragic case the obesity constricts the blood flow in the legs a clot forms due to sluggish flow it breaks off and lodges in the pulmonary artery in the lung a leading obesity expert Tom Frei of the national obesity forum that schools and other professionals should do more to flag up overweight gates so that is another that I actually have for you guys tents well do you think that the school should be more involved in overweight obese morbidly obese students so we don't know what is going on in people's homes but personally I don't see a lot of effort being put forth when it comes to obese or overweight kids I personally don't see a lot of effort getting put into just average-sized kids eating healthier I mean the school lunches are crap the food is marketed towards children is crap and they wouldn't have so many commercials so much you know advertisement of these foods to kids if people weren't buying it usually when I got the groceries sort of buy all my pickles I mind my own business but being a personal trainer I do like to look you look in people's carts occasionally especially since I've been working on this video and average-sized people obese families if I look in their carts they've got so many fruit snack cookies chips crackers sugar filled yogurt you know everything that's just sugary filled chips insulting snacky just filling up and spilling over in their cart and they're feeding their kids that and that is gonna set them up before when they get older can I just be completely honest with you and tell you something that makes the mirror very sad [Laughter] an adult that is leading a kid down the path of food addiction so yes I find it very very just heartbreaking when I see a parent who's not educated when it comes to the health leading their children down the path of food addiction but something that makes me even more sad and actually quite frankly pissed off an emeritus and get pissed off very much I get more sad than anything the whole pickle situation seems to happen every day but something that really does just arc the mayor is when there is a parent that is getting healthy or is healthy whatever the state being they they're trying to get their life together and be a healthier person or they already got there but they feed their kids shitty food oh my god look what you make them there do I use the potty word but it's just true I don't understand why these people say well you know kids are just kids it's what kids just eat what you give your kids when they're a little Mitch humans is going to set them up completely for what they decide to eat when they are a full functioning citizen of Townsville adults they're either going to have a really hard time taking the steps to get healthy like I did or they're just going to continue to eat how they did as a child and then have a very slow painful and sudden death just like the boy from the article most of the food marketed towards kids are some of these sugary foods out there and we feed them that at the start of their day I personally ate so much cereal before school Captain Crunch to be exact and cookie crunch and we wonder why people can't focus in class if your kid is eating the typical American diet and your kid is probably a sugar addict and rold be a sugar addict when they grow up and struggle just like I did and still do Townsville I still struggle and I would struggle for the rest of my life do you want your kid to struggle for the rest of their life until they die seriously it sucks please change it so your child does not join the old mare on the struggle bus because it's not fun it stays with your kid think about it next time you're making their lunch and it's just full of sugar and I know it's hard because I'm sure your kid will just beg you for those rice krispies treats and that cookie and that fruit roll-up and you have to say those words that every kid hates no I went through the same thing with Yoshi guess what Townsville it's story time [Music] Yoshi was my first dog that I got to pick out pay for train and just love she's extremely food motivated so I trained her with lots of treat and the amount of treats that I gave her trickled into her adult years even when I wasn't able to play with her or Walker as much as I could because I started working full-time and going to school almost full-time and so she got oh what's the word that a lot of you people like to use um sick people what do you been tell me um you're a personal trainer yeah your fix yeah you've won tons of trophies for being things yeah and [Music] why is your dog fat sad bad thought oh my god John there you fought my little perfect baby fat she's not fat she's beautiful she's a [ __ ] clean eventually I started to see a decline in my little baby's health and it made me very sad that I was the one to blame for her decline so I had to put my foot down first myself to get up earlier to take her on a 30 minute walk which she hated at first forced myself to not give her any extra treats even though she would beg me and go as far as throwing her whole body at my face eventually she started slowing down she started enjoying the walk begging me to go on walks playing more playing longer she seems to always want to be active and people even think that she's a puppy I meet a lot of other pugs that are younger than my dog and they're overweight they don't really move a lot and they just seem very sedentary and super slow and I personally think it's because a lot of the pub owners and I was one of them was like well they're a pug it's kind of part of the whole pub thing they're supposed to be like that slow fat and just you know sit there be my little companion that's all a huge difference in my Yoshi when I would always stay active with her too when I took away all of activity because of my own personal things going on with work I mean she still complains about me not giving her so many treats but she's fine so pretty much what I'm trying to say is you have to put in the effort you make the choice to have a child or get an animal so is your responsibility to put your foot down and make sure that you are doing your job when it comes to it there and your health I really have to shout out this mom it's amazing mother from Instagram who put her foot down and loved her daughter so much that she got her daughter healthy her obese daughter healthy and lost weight I'm not sure exactly what her exact weight was at this stage but Melanie is five years old her mom took control changed her diet got her active she even made food fun for her little baby girl and just look at the after she looks so much more comfortable picture on the left is when my sweet girl was our heaviest berries no words then she is just a different kid if you guys remember our wonderful friends on Elise saying putting a child on a diet is on the same level as sexual assault I find that completely ridiculous and absurd because if this mom didn't do something about this beautiful child weights the child could have ended up like the kid that we talked about in the beginning of this video so please go to the Instagram and tell the mom good job and of course little Melanie a great job with her getting on the path of health I find that story is just amazing if we make the decision to have children or gonna put it it's up to us to make sure that they live the healthiest life that we possibly can give them I know many people do not like to hear that it is their fault for their child unhealthiness or in a healthy weight but I'm sure you also do not want to hear that your child or your pet just died from something that was very preventable I love kids and animals so much that I need them alive and healthy because I need help with my pickle jars this reminds me miss Bella miss bellum miss Bella yes mayor the pickle jar is acting funny again mayor you know I can't do this for you after I leave and today's my last day in Townsville please miss bellum just this one last time Oh miss bellum I'm gonna miss you so much [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 230,782
Rating: 4.9619851 out of 5
Keywords: childhood obesity, weight loss, obesity, childhood obesity documentary, childhood obesity ted talk, your kid is fat, your kid is obese, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you weight loss, my thoughts will probably offend you fat, responding to fat chicks, boy loses sight due to diet, boy loses sight eating chips
Id: 5O0XGW_oaJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 52sec (892 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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