Almost 700 Pound Woman!!!! 😧 (My 600 Pound Life)

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come on to sneak a little bit everyone before we start poaching guns are back and stock on the proto bakery website and today I'm having a huge sell on my personal training website my 12-week workout program is $99 instead of a hundred someday remember that with this purchase you get the 12-week workout program a nutritional program along with me helping you with your macros and calorie intake but the most important thing you can access to is the Facebook support group where I am very active and answering all of your questions I post videos I post workouts I post my meals other members those fair mills and the best thing about this is that the group stays open for a life because we are making this a lifestyle change right now not dassault week for what we would love to have you there this offer is up until December 7 hello everyone welcome back to the channel my name is Michele McDaniel I am a personal trainer a cosplayer and a proud mother of a pug if you are new here a welcome make sure to hit that subscribe button if you enjoy the video if you don't enjoy it then don't hit the subscribe button because then I'm gonna keep being suggested to you you're gonna keep seeing this face and you know we don't want people here that don't want to be here but if you do want to be here this is a channel where you ask my thoughts on certain topics shows influencers on anything and people in the comment section keep asking my thoughts on my 600-pound life on TLC and as you can see this is kind of a short video which is not normal for me because I like to talk but it's a short video because it's something that I actually don't like I don't like the show it's not me saying that the show is bad it's just me saying that I don't like to watch death I'm a very squeamish person so some of the images in there make me scream just like many of you guys keep asking me to do the show botched and that is a negative I try to watch no no no but you guys kept asking me so I found a very small segment instead of watching like the whole episode I found one that I didn't find very interesting and I wanted to talk about some topics within that little clip that I found so the woman that we are looking at today is LaShonda who is weighing in at 662 pounds and bedridden for two and a half years so I found it very interesting because her boyfriend was a huge enabler he told her if she loses the weight he's going to leave her then there's couple of weeks things have been really bad because JT and me broke up and she needs to lose weight according to her doctor because she will die and he left her because she's going to try to lose weight and I thought it's great it's great to get rid of the enabler I know he'd been worried about me losing too much weight but I thought I still had his support to do this and he just said if I lost the way he wouldn't be attracted to me no more yeah but there's no it's that though we're just sitting there and then he left me so I don't know what to do right now like I don't mean to be completely rude but she is literally just a blob like not able to move very well I guess she really can't move at all because she's bedridden I'm not too sure if she can walk but she obviously has some trouble moving on her own because she's so worried that her boyfriend left her and he's the one that helps her with everything including overeating shame on him without 18 I don't have anything a lot to help me no more and that changes are the plans for Houston too it just makes me sad like do you guys watch this regularly like my 600-pound life or anything like it do you wash it on a regular basis I just feel like for me it's like a one and done type situation because it's just so sad and not the funnest thing to watch way back to her boyfriend her boyfriend is basically a theater a theater someone who's kink is feeding an obese woman like this they really get off and watching the person overeat they get off on the person like being super bloated super slow super sluggish it's actually very huge in the fat acceptance community except it's covered up with acceptance so many of the fat acceptance people get money by having men or women feed them are helping them overeat I think if you don't look at her legs and just get kind of just sad I don't know like I just look at that like that's just sad I thought the bones are also very messed up if someone saw the full episode let me know if anything's wrong with her bones but it just looks like something's wrong with her leg so I'm really depressed about all this because it feels like every time I try to turn my life around and get my head above water it just feels like something there to trip me up and dragged me back down so the next thing that she gets on the phone and she's basically complaining that her boyfriend loved hers you can't really do anything you know we broke up you know I'm gonna really do this now about Texas now every time I get something um started something always feel something always blocking it every time is she like tries to put in an effort and you know there's a whole wall just stopping her some some things happen for your greater good so maybe you need that lead so that you can concentrate be focus on what unity focus on a positive person that she needs in her life the boyfriend leaving is great because I saw a clip with a doctor who was supposed to perform these surgery on her to help her lose weight so he said that she needs to lose a certain amount of weight before she actually gets the surgery so having someone in the house who is a feeder and influences someone who is obviously addicted to food to eat dress that because people are gonna stress my words you over eat it's probably the best thing that he left if I don't shape up and get myself together and get the help I need it's gonna be over from life gonna pass me by I'm gonna be in this bed ain't gonna have no way oh no no - i'ma just be it's gonna be awful she needs to speak to everyone in the fat acceptance community or just be the poster child of the fat acceptance community kind of like you know like before you get initiated in this is what you get to see especially people like Sanne Lee because she said it's completely okay to just eat yourself to death it's great it's fine it's fun it's liberating it's freedom life don't pass me by imma be in this bed I'm gonna have no way oh yes Sanne Lee sitting on a bed with chips being better in for two years is definitely freedom anyone watching who binges all the time made of your rapidly gaining weight and refusing to notice that you actually have an eating disorder and mask it with body positivity this is your future well you're so switch you and you know only one that could stop you you know Anna Castle I love that she told her that she is the only one that is standing in her way because it is true I completely understand that things happen you go on vacation holidays come up and it makes it harder or something happens in the family like a death happens in the face and it makes it very hard to like even just go on with life in itself and some people turn to food I get it because I went through all of those things and more I was somebody that the slightest inconvenience or the biggest inconvenience could happen and what was I doing just eating my feelings away watching TV or playing The Sims or both using food as that escape so I had to find something else to help me with my depression other than food overeating honestly just made all of my mental issues worse so I really really want to stress at find a hobby even if it's playing The Sims away from the kitchen and that was one of my hobbies I really enjoy building houses in the sins and then burning it to the ground I'm just kidding I think I'm one of the few simmers that do not enjoy burning everything that I worked for on the game in my virtual world so Shanta ended up going to the doctor who obviously told her she needs to lose weight and through the journey she did what I would think most people on my 600-pound wife do make a ton of excuses Himanta sneak a little bit of it when no one's looking and made me special little fun either that doesn't mean I'm not working home that didn't play well English on this paper because when she went back to the doctor to do her checkup to see how she was doing she was actually doing a lot worse than her first session with him she's doing so bad that he kept her in the hospital for a month because of a lot of serious health issues what does he discharge sir he gave her a goal of a hundred pounds in two month which I don't know if that is extreme I know that she weighs almost 700 pounds so the heavier you are especially that extreme you're going to drop a lot of weight a lot faster than say someone who is 50 pounds overweight like the average people that are overweight or trying to lose a few pounds you're going to be losing ones two pounds a month [Music] as perfectly healthy perfectly normal perfectly good I say if I go on a diet right now and I'm losing five to ten pounds a week something's going on but like I said I'm not sure about 100 pounds in two months it's completely normal so she goes back to the doctor again to see how she was doing after he gave her her goal of a hundred pounds in two months and unfortunately she loses three pounds in two months and someone and for someone that size that's not good I personally feel like she didn't lose any weight because that could be an easy you know water loss for someone her size so he was very disappointed in her to the extent that he dropped her from his weight loss program and she begged him to keep Ernie said you can come back if you lose 50 pounds now that might seem harsh I see a lot of people like when I say I let clients go if I can't do anything for them because I feel like me keep on taking them back is just enabling them even more I've had the lesson clients go and I tell them hey well can you do this on your own you you think I wouldn't have no problem you know taking you back and I've been called you know the B word oh you don't care about your clients you don't care you say that you want to help people but I try to let them go and usually every single time I let someone go they come back thanking me because they needed that big wake-up call and that's exactly what happened in this situation she ended up losing the weight on her own and she came back and he brought her back into the program so I tried to find some more info on her weight loss because I was really rooting for her I really loved to hear like the success stories when it comes to people this extreme but I couldn't find anything if you do let me know because I'm very curious now she does have a YouTube channel that has absolutely nothing to do with her weight loss and everything to do with the songs that she writes about her boyfriend leaving her a song for personal experience my boyfriend left me apart friend left me my boyfriend left me my bar for nothing he's not coming back Udyr male fell normal track my boyfriend left you not coming back he did Mel fell no more track anthem it's the new female anthem so base my feet on my 600-ton wife is I think it's great for people from the fat acceptance group to watch just so they know what they're getting into and but their future can look like I think it's great for people in general just to walk you know one or two episodes just so they know what food addiction can lead to it's very scary it's very sad like I said I have family members like that I don't need to watch a show to show me what it does I have seen it in my real life I have seen myself going down that path I have seen family members get legs cut off because they just refused to change their diet I mean I haven't seen the actual surgery but you know what I'm saying it's not fun to watch it's definitely not something that I would tune into now on a regular basis but something that I would probably watch if I was going through my weight loss journey it definitely makes me appreciate that I didn't let myself get to that bingeing level because I was on my way I have potential to be like that people don't believe me my boyfriend didn't believe me when he first met me when I say no I have an issue with food like I I can keep eating until I'm sick until I throw up and if I throw up and I will eat some more and he didn't believe me until one day he was like oh we should have like a day of food and then he saw what this mouse can do but literally I have an issue I have to make sure to work on it every single day it takes a lot of work so anyone watching who is dealing with binging dealing with mental issues that like causes you to binge I was there it takes a lot of work to get out but it is completely possible if you are struggling and is normal I struggle to other people who have gotten out have struggled if it wasn't a struggle then we wouldn't have shows like my 600-pound wife so you guys asked my opinion on the show my 600-pound life and my opinion is I would rather watch anime remember you do not have to be a size two having big biceps to scare away the boys are great to have but not need it to be healthy but health is so important and I want all my Watchers yes your cute little face right there to be as healthy as possible and I commend anyone who is taking those steps you did it healthy remember if you want to sign up for my 12-week program that's not really told lease is actually a lifetime program and I would say full advantage of because I'm trying to get people to sign up before the new year you got sophistic show that usually people quit when they start for the new year so let's get on it now so you can get a head start before everybody else also remember if you sign up that you don't get access to the group until Monday just because I'm giving them a little Thanksgiving present because they are my cheese of the group and I think that they deserve it if there is a show a movie a situation a celebrity an influencer anything that you want my thoughts on make sure to leave it in the comment section and you never know a might show up as a topic on this channel if you want more we make sure to check me out on Instagram and Twitter and I will see you guys next time this is why my fingers freakin dented okay any new dance no just the ones that you guys keep noticing in the comment section bye and loving memory of my dog that I had through college we just lost her a day after Thanksgiving I'm very thankful that my mom got to visit and bring a penny so I could see her and have her constantly put her paw on me to make me fed her one last time [Music] [Music]
Channel: My Thoughts Will Probably Offend You
Views: 229,629
Rating: 4.9744606 out of 5
Keywords: weight loss, weight issues, morbidly obese, my 600-lb life, overweight people, reality tv series, tlc, tlc my 600 pound life full episode, tlc my 600 pound life, obesity epidemic, obesity, fat acceptance, body positivity, body positivity vs fitness, michelle mcdaniel, my thoughts will probably offend you, my thoughts will probably offend you fat, weight loss journey, weight loss motivation, weight loss transformation, my 600 lb life, my 600lb life
Id: P7A8afB57qA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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