How To Build a Stack Interchange in Cities: Skylines!

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everybody welcome back it's me yumble and today i'd like to show you how i approach building a four level stack interchange a stack is one of the probably most popular ways to to connect four different one i guess four different directions two different roads in this case you can see we've got our main highway going down the middle and then there's this other intersecting one and i don't want them to miss each other i want them to connect to one another so that traffic from this lane can turn right and left traffic from this side should also be able to turn right and left and the same thing for this one i want them both to go straight through and be able to turn in any direction as i said it's going to be a stack interchange four level stack it's a free-flowing interchange so just like the clover the um sorry just like the trumpet we did in last episode it's a free-flowing interchange but this one is is four directions where the trumpet is three so this is very very useful if you're trying to cross the highways and also have them connect i'm sure there's a bunch of different ways to do this i'm going to give you my take on how to build a four level stack interchange so as a first move i'm actually going to take our highway and this is going to be a little bit crazy but i'm going to run it right into the already existing highway just so we can see exactly where our roads are going to have to go basically a stack interchange is four levels high for a level stack i keep saying it it's four levels high and there's going to be a lot of roads going over and under one another and right now i have to see where those crossroads are going to go and what heights they're going to be at so so a good a good move to start with for this sort of thing is to have a height template i know we're not going to be doing anything over here so i'm going to start our height template we are going to need a negative 12 meter road so you can see i'm using fine road tools here we've got forced ground so i don't want to make a tunnel i want to make a negative 12 meter road i want to make a of course like ground level we don't really need a guide for ground level but it's going to be negative 12 meters ground level positive 12 meters uh let's see where's a good plate we want this one to be elevated now positive 12 meters and we're also going to need positive 24 meters so these will be our guides our height guides effectively where anytime two roads cross at different grades this is where we will use move it we will select the node that we need to move for example and we will move it to object height boom that's insane we're not doing that but that's just for example makes it really easy rather than tinkering with everything as you're going um i don't recommend like tinkering know exactly the heights you're going to use and stick to the template you know i know if we're underground it's negative or if we're lower than ground negative 12 above ground is either 12 meters high or 24 meters high that takes care of all the guesswork a stack will always have roads kind of going diagonally across the roads we have here so i'd really like to get some guide roads we're gonna these aren't gonna remain connected this is just for measuring purposes but i would love to get some guidelines going for these roads and i'm gonna use precision engineering precision engineering is a mod for skylines where you where you go you connect to a node and if you hold control it gives you this handy little you'll see the the degrees there so i'm looking for 45 degrees on each of these just as a guide there might be even easier ways to do this let me know in the comments if you can think of an easier way to do this but that's my favorite way to approach this and to complete the guide now that we've got our spots here i want to draw two units pretty sure we did two unit spacing on our previous uh previous little build that we did yep two unit spacing will be fine this is for highway ramp for the record so i'm just doing two units and node snapping has to be off for this so make sure to turn off node snapping before drawing these in and for some of you this may not be necessary if you can think of a better way to do this i am all for it but this is my personal favorite and this will give us guides on on where our diagonals are going to go so when you turn road guidelines on now we have these handy dandy markers so we'll know exactly like let's say that let's say that the roads start here let's say that this is the beginning now we know that this is perfect that's a bit of a perfectionist with this and that's why i make all these guides yeah that's a good starting point now let's disconnect these roads what did i say i think i said i wanted the crossing one to go over the top i just built basically the whole thing before i came to that conclusion but i'm gonna do it again means i'm fresh means i'm fresh and i got the i've got the skills to do it since i just did it so we're going to start at this node this is the 35 units away from the center node so 35 units back is just the measurement yours might be 40. you can make it whatever you want you don't have to follow exactly what i'm doing per se but i happen to pick 35 as my number and we're going to use our guide road here this guide road is going to come into play so we're going to make an elevated road that goes from there to this guideline right here you'll see that we get a nice little if you use road guidelines you'll you'll get a nice little snap there off that guideline that we positioned and this one's going to go to positive 12. positive 12 meters i have straight slope turned on sometimes this doesn't work the way i expect it to but right now it is straight slope is turned on so we got a nice road that goes up at a nice even grade and stops where this intersects so that's exactly what we want this road let's say this is our our first road here is gonna go all the way around to the other side so check this out when i say all the way around i mean think about where this road's going if this is a left-hand turn it's going to go all the way around to here so let's build let's mimic that same thing but on the opposite side with oncoming traffic so we're going to do this we're going to go to the guideline that we determined earlier and that guideline can be any number of places all the the numbers that i pick are almost arbitrary you can do whatever you want but i happened to pick you know uh 10 units diagonally to make that little that little guy there to get guidelines and i happen to pick 35 units from the center to get this amount as long as you're consistent you'll get great results that's really all that matters so now in theory we should be able to take our free form road tool we're going to go turn node snapping back on 90 degrees off of this we should get about 180 there 179.5 i'll take it that's that's within that's close enough for government work right so we've got it i'm gonna have to go back and kind of add some pillars in to some degree just for appearances but functionally that's gonna work great if we do the same thing on the other side it comes out something like this cool so that went really well we've got our this is the original one that you saw me do so that's a left turn and then our next left turn originates from the opposite side so we're going up and over left turn and once again these are stopping at the guidelines created by this thing here so this this guideline here is where that stops so we're going up to positive 12 stopping at this point it stops at the same spot on both sides that's perfect um it comes out like that so we're halfway done we've got our crossroads done we've got our left turns for this side done we need to do our left turns for this side so let's see exactly what that looks like i'm going to replicate the same process but instead this time i'm going to go up to 16 meters apart i'm gonna go up to 24 meters high straight slope is on um node snapping is turned off to get the initial node and then you can turn node snapping back on it might help with the guide we're going to go to this line that we have here and we're going to crank this all the way up hopefully this grade doesn't look too crazy but we're going to go all the way up to 24 meters high looks good to me yep i like that it's a it's quite a bit steeper than this one is but the bigger you make the interchange the less steep that grade will be the more the more runway you give yourself the longer you make the interchange the less severe that grade will seem and we're going to replicate the same thing on this side here so we're going to go back down to ground you can hit the home button on keyboard if you're playing on on pc to get back to ground that's something i didn't learn i didn't learn it for a very long time saves you a lot of time because you end up going back to ground quite a bit uh so we're going to bring this up to 24 meters high just because that's a nice number here we go we're looking for this is is that hitting it where is it there's going to be a magic spot there it is beautiful hover over the guideline you get that nice 24 and then to connect these hit free form road leave it at positive 24 give yourself a 90 degree angle and free form over to the other side would you look at that now we're getting somewhere excellent we're going to add the pillars in later is the thing there's going to be there's going to be a pillar you know a pillar a little bit closer to here probably but we'll paste those in a little bit i'm going to do the same thing on the opposite side just a moment there we go so now we really look like we're getting somewhere with the stack i've converted it all to highway roads highway ramps specifically so now you can really see the the kind of appearance that it's going to have really all that's left to do is connect the connect all the roads to the highway get that settled get that straightened out then it'll be fully functional and i'll probably take a little time to dress it up there's a thing called node controller that you can download on pc and it actually makes it so these peaks aren't so severe you know you can you can use a curved i'll show you what that looks like in just a second but you can convert things to to curves but yeah let's let's get these all connected this is the way i do it i'd like to i'm thinking 24 meters is the way to go in the last video we did 24 meters i like that result a lot so using uh precision engineering combined with your freeform road tool make a 90 degree off the ramp hold shift and you'll see when 24 meters appears beautiful and then we'll go well it's not but we'll fix it and then we're going to go 90 degrees off of that to the other side and that will determine uh where where the other side is going to go once you have that node created just so it's identical for for cleanness cleanliness and that is great uh now all that's left is to download is to downgrade this one to two lane this should sort itself out this one's backwards but yeah that's that's what it is i'm going to do that on every single side just using precision engineering making that connection making the 90 making the other connection converting it give me just another moment to take care of that looking good cool so it's all connected on on all the different sides um the connections should look the same all around bingo bingo they're all a 24 by 24 kind of compound curve using the freeform road tool yeah i like the angle of the curve we got here we'll see if this stays for now i'm going to change it back but i like what we did as far as angles go i'm going to go in and maybe try to finagle an extra pillar or two by going around like this and hitting copy and then seeing where we can fit a pillar and all this madness because there will be spots here actually let's let's do it just like this that's a good spot for a pillar just because something has to hold this whole thing up something has to be in here and that actually looks good typically right at the end of the curve is the weak spot that's where you'd want the pillar in real life i'm not an engineer please don't engineer a road based on anything i'm saying i just want it to look like it could function that's that's really all there is to it as long as this looks like it's plausible enough to function i am i'm here for it so same deal i'm just using move it i selected one of the one of the other pillars we're just moving them into position just to to make it look like the road is being held up because we we used a lot of anarchy on this thing there's a lot of anarchy going on and you know the way that i'd recommend doing it is just copy from each pillar from each different height so those two pillars complete that height this one you can copy it and it'll complete the height over here i don't want the pillar to be in the road the road is like the perfect spot for the pillar to go except that it's in the road we want it to go right in this little nook here so it's centered on the centered on the the ramp and also not in the road is all i'm trying to do if we get the same thing on this side that would be awesome look at that they're already using it no problem there we go i'm not going to bother rotating them or anything like that i think that looks much better there we go if you've ever driven through a stack or any sort of tall interchange then this should be a somewhat familiar sight that looks very good i think i'm going to take a moment in detail a little bit and you know get some get some intersection marking tool put some bushes around it the usual suspects you know how it goes i'll be back in just a second okay guys some of you probably noticed i've started detailing this is looking good but there's something missing in this interchange and it's all of the right hand turns uh the left-hand turns are the hard part fortunately but i almost neglected to put in right-hand turns there there are a couple different approaches to this one is the lazy approach which is that which is pretty lazy that's i mean that'll function that'll that'll work they can make the right hand turn there you can jazz it up a little and turn it into a curve that's one way to do it but the way i'd recommend doing it fortunately this is insanely easy is you just take this node you take your original peak and you go off of it as if it were going to continue straight and then you you simply elevated connect it to the opposite one right and it'll look a little funky but you can just take move it and if you give it the slightest nudge just that just a little teeny nudge it actually fixes it entirely so i'm gonna go around it it should only take a moment actually just do that i'm so sorry everyone you some of you were probably wondering hey what's what's this guy doing where's the right hand turns um they were in there they're just the the easiest part so i wasn't even thinking about them they were just an afro afterthought you would notice if you were driving you would realize that there that that there aren't any right hand turns your gps would notice without a doubt just a little nudge so that the textures don't overlap so yeah that's that's the way that i recommend doing that i'm gonna finish detailing it and then we'll look at it give it a bird's eye view in just a second now it's got right-hand turns hopefully they're all facing the right direction etc uh the cars are gonna love it thank you so much guys just a moment and there we have it i think i'm going to call that completed at this point um it's all functional all the right hand turns are still there wow close one i was looking at it like wow it's done that that's easier than i remember even but no it needs the right hand turns and you'll see the people will thank you because half of them are going to want to turn right at any given more than half in some places some things that you could do to improve it further things like adding um adding two lanes here and maybe adding a four lane highway like check the lane math and if there's merging happening that's that's holding you back you can always adjust that um i didn't i didn't want to take the time to do it on this one it's not necessary but if you have higher traffic needs than my current city does then maybe consider that also just a clever little tip i do this on most of my sunken interchanges watch any of my other videos where we're doing interchanges but i usually do a key wall on the side along the highway so if you do a sunken section you can use key anarchy and if you're if you're real lucky on this one the pillars line up right where the key is and you'll see that the it just looks like they're embedded in there which i think is pretty nice because it's already concrete that's already you know that's already in there but yeah you end up with this cool like concrete jungle look underneath while you're in all these pillars and all the foliage that you might make also intersection marking tool and node controller are very important node controller increases the size of the transition so it's not so awkward and intersection marking tool allows you to fill in that space with some useful markings and such yeah there it is that's the stack the the interchange of legends definitely the biggest undertaking i've done um in this series on youtube but also guys feel free to check me out on twitch i stream at least two days a week these days um sometimes more sometimes more but feel free to come over and ask questions come hang out with the community uh join up it's a lot of fun and definitely subscribe to me here as well many of you who watch the videos are are not yet subscribed and maybe you forgot did you forget did you forget to hit the button maybe you did feel free to go down and hit the subscribe button um if you got anything out of this video or if you even if you just enjoyed yourself um that's all i got guys thank you so much for watching and i'll see you in the next stream or the next video
Channel: YUMBLtv
Views: 91,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: City skylines, stack, interchange, 4 way, Tutorial, cities skylines, citiesskylines
Id: pxzjpNn7mAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 18 2021
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