I Let Kurtis Conner Pick My Girlfriend: Dean | Bestie Picks Bae | Seventeen

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girls roasting Kurtis: me:

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/YOUREABOT 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

This video could literally cure cancer

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Notacoolbro 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

oh my god cant wait to watch

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/lemongrass160 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

The best part, is that Seventeen themselves invited them and made it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/amintberry 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2019 🗫︎ replies

Did he edit this or did seventeen attempt to copy his editing? Cause it seems like the latter lol.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/saddingtonbear 📅︎︎ Oct 07 2019 🗫︎ replies
I might not know karate but I am crazy and we won't get my baby here okay this is great this is so fun this is awesome that a quick little clip but yourself fun this videos yeah I'm gonna up I'm Curtis hey I'm Dean I'm here to take a bay for my best yeah he's my bestie I'm taking a day for I'm a youtuber he's my friend I'm a feature player and I'm just series on on my channel where we we make fun of this show that we're on right not because we enjoy it but we love you we do yeah you're right we do we're we're stoked it's gonna be a good time yeah fine and love did Curtis and I have known each other for like five years maybe six years but he definitely is qualified to find a significant other for me right no problem I know everything about my best friend and he knows everything about me so he's been a relationship for five years I have been in one relationship and it blasted like almost a year and it was tough and I prefer I usually prefer to be single but hey why not give this a try that's totally cool with me great sense of humors number one you got a you got to be able to joke around with me keep a joke going let it get to that point where it might be too far and that's kind of fun and we can have that connection that's always a good time has to be drop-dead gorgeous my celebrity crush is Olivia Wilde or Cameron Diaz from the movie the mask great answer really great interest right definitely looking for they have to be really tall I want to play basketball with them and make it like a really even matchup yeah I can't believe I'm always looking for someone who doesn't take themselves too seriously cuz that can get pretty annoying because I can get pretty annoying this is so when I am with someone I don't need to be constantly in trouble and I'd like I'd like it I'd like the ball to be in the other court sometimes yeah I mean well I've seen a lot of episodes of this show because every time a new one comes out some at least 500 people are like hey watch this one have you seen this one so I know it I know how I know it I know it all dude I'm gonna trust my gut I'm I know the type of person that Dean enjoys being around we're gonna throw some curveball questions at him oh my god I think I've seen enough to know like what exact and what will not so yeah this is really odd I'm gonna right here and straight I'm gonna straight-up find your wife today yeah yeah they're getting married today who wants to elope all right man you ready to find me a bay yes I am let's go let's go do it come on welcome hello welcome the bays I've been hearing all about selling perfume hi my name is Chantel 24 and I was lit on fire for a burlesque show um the extra bones here is and I was like yeah let me go so I went up there and she put some fluid on me and the first time it didn't hurt but the second time she did it I got a little sizzle like it's sound and I was like oh yeah no no but it was it was a great experience what's up my name is Miami I'm 23 and I can do the robot really well [Music] hi I'm Molly I'm 21 years old and I convert my ABCs hello my name is Jenna I'm 24 and I'm allergic to some fruit so I can't eat them but I can juggle them so I'm going to show ya know hi my name is Justine I'm 22 years old and I am a specialized ghostwriter for a living but I can't really tell you anything else about that hi I'm a Neela I'm 22 and I'm really good at doing the worm on principle not to be doing it for you hi I'm Lainey I'm 20 years old an interesting fact about me as I could touch my tongue to my nose hi yeah I'm Madison I'm 21 years old and this accent is completely my name is Ivana I'm 22 and when I was 5 I felt down a bunch of stairs but you know what the moral of the story is that I survived and I'm not afraid of anything hi my name is nya I'm 20 years old and I can shoot a bow and arrow with my toes I don't know they all sound very interesting they're all great I'm sure all you're all lovely it's gonna be it's gonna be tough it's gonna come down to the wire I'm sure yeah great good job all around for sure well they all sound really nice and I've never heard a group of like such individual unique skills before that's really cool and no matter what everyone had each other's backs so it's not like everyone here's a really good person I like that Dean is my best friend you know we've been friends since college first year college like five six years ago I guess yep we have a lot of fun together we makes me laugh harder than anyone I know yeah he's always been there for me forever so yeah he's like I'm with swore he's the fricken he's the frickin like best guy I don't and he yeah you'll have a lot of fun all the time with them so yeah he's great all right and I'm gonna get to know you guys better to see who is the best fit for my best best friend Dean so me and Dean we make fun of each other a lot and we make fun of other people and other things all the time so can you guys give like your best roast it seems like you kind of got a little bit lost in elementary school cuz it seems like a lot of elementary school is just drawing on you kids are just going on your arm like you look like a subway in the Bronx right now like I just and then the knees are they cold here's looking like a pack of noodles what's going on here shoes from the 80s nice tattoos a little cousin to him yes he's very talented very here's looking like ramen noodles a little bit there's this thing called diva curl have you used it no well it's really good okay good good to know kiss genuine advice kind of giving me like discount Harry Styles but you know I like Harry Styles you're okay I'm alright okay so we're gonna skip the elementary school stickers and the elf ears so I want to know how high up your socks go right right right that's kind of it's a little bit of a lot I mean you kind of like you can work in the mall during Christmas time as one of Santa's helpers oh wow we went a little far but alright we've been talking a lot about how your tattoos like kids are on them when you actually look like the kid like have you been to the gym bro oh you really took the role of being besties to heart because outfit you picked out look like you spent all of two minutes looking for it it's like a follow point reject oh I don't know you like I don't know music but I don't think I do either okay what you you look like you make songs like really sad boy songs we just like waiting outside their house like please give me another chance I thought he was a musician I don't know who you are that's the best road yeah literally yeah that's so funny if she can't make fun of my best friend I'm not interested okay so the roasts are all pretty good it was nice but not a fan of people taking other people's jokes or so Ivana I think you have to go sorry [Music] having a rose sim was actually really funny but um it's like not my style I'm more like a banjo person with my friends so not really knowing people and like picking on them is not my thing I don't think it was fair because even though I did say a Fall Out Boy reject it is true it kinda does look like okay so me and Dean we like we like memes and stuff you like laughing I stuff on the Internet yeah can you recite your favorite vine for me on the spot if not your favorite vine just do like your favorite meme like where your favorite maintenance of all time whats 9+10 21 yes classic so this is a meme and it's a picture of Jesus and the title is I wanted to go out and celebrate my birthday but everywhere it was closed his face is like get it cuz it's his birthday imagine me in a car roadwork ahead uh yeah I sure hope it does hi welcome to Chile pre Shiva yes some great references all around but there was one that I did know and I didn't really make me laugh and there wasn't really like the other ones so Jenna I'm sorry thank you I don't know too much about funny vine' so I said a meme so we just have different tastes of humor and that's okay I feel a little disappointed because I juggled I showed some of my skills we just weren't on the same frequency okay so scenario Dean gets kidnapped all right what are you prepared to do to save him if Dior cannot save him and you could be my Robin you know I'm saying like you just spoof Annette kick some whoops and then take some heat all that good stuff so I hope you will take care all right I might not know karate but I am crazy okay that was great oh I got your back so he was kidnapped we do a little taking for here do different country fight for him pulling some backup is not fight training we got this the in your youtubers so I'm guessing that maybe clowns kidnapped you since that seems to be the trend and I'm pretty definitely afraid of clowns but you know I will fight them for you if it's for you and just for you all right I got you thank you yup also huh let's be honest first step panic second step third step panic loudly then after that we get in the car and we drive I don't know that's how the action movies go so we drive to whatever location call for help and then don't wait for help we just bust in there and we do what's got to be done I can't fight but I will get in to good punches before I go down I guarantee you that you're going down I'm not gonna stop swinging you tell him down I'm going down no I called help so they're saving both of us but I was there for you that's where I showed up for you yes that's what that's what matters yeah okay so I'm not much of a fighter but I'll find a location offer the kidnapper free donuts for you to pull a cause like whooping through now free food all right so to be honest I have no upper body strength but I do it yeah great yes we know that [Music] but I do have a minor and dance so I feel like maybe I maybe you know kick it out if I needed to if not you know I could use as a distraction guys the galaxy yes I don't really know that reference but yes a lot of the girls are saying they don't they have no seems actually box but the most nonviolent person you will ever meet in your life so that skill won't come in handy but you know I would threaten you know oh good a good threat oh yeah yeah love a good threat yeah straight up I want someone to put their life on the line for my bestie I want someone to die for me yeah they met I know they met him today but I don't care that's love do you love this out your place better be ready to flatline it mm-hmm so the answers were all very good and nice you all seem very easy willing to to fight to save your guy yeah that was cool there just one and I just didn't answer didn't really sit well with me it didn't it didn't really you know so Molly I think her in there call it quits I'm sorry I am sorry he just kind of said didn't sit well with them like my answer he said it was a he did say it was a hard decision though he took a couple seconds to kind of figure it out okay so I really like this question I think it's a sort of funny question if you're a dog what kind of dog would you be and why I'd be a husky because they're super cute I'm not that big but I wish I were a little bit bigger like a fuzzy I'm good to hug I think I'm good promise you and I'm super cute and you know i wag my tail so we're good I'm very loyal to I'd be a great dog great gym - yeah if I were a dog I'll definitely be a chihuahua I'm feisty crazy unpredictable you're telling me if I were a dog I would be in Iggy just like the chill around you know Olivia and I can do my own thing sometimes just chill like snoop if I was a dog I would be a Corky because they're small and also sometimes they like they trip over their feet oh not saying that I'd do that but I do fall off it so and they're just fun they're just like fun they want to chill but they also want to play they get tired very easily that's me in a summery if I was a dog I probably a Dalmatian cuz they're really cute and I can help firefighters and that'd be cool cuz I'm not gonna go in a fight a fire like this but as a foundation maybe I'll do it that was precious I was very wholesome I were a dog I would be I believe they're called Saint Charles where they have like their long ears down and they're like just really chill really quiet that's what I'm like too big not too small I was a dog I'd probably be a poodle because of my hair and because they're really cute may have long legs which I don't have but if I had to be a dog I would want to be one with long nice no Dino's what your hair looks like anyone else on another episode ask that question and we both made fun of it so I'm gonna be fun if we ask the same question you're the golden retriever of humans thank you I guess I do have and I do have to take what they said in taken into consideration so Madison you're great I'm very sorry but yeah I think Dean I don't know if he's a very high-energy and I think needs someone else to kind of match that I think so I think that's why I'm sorry very sorry I'm also sorry I am sorry good this is great this is so fun this is awesome yeah he was more high-energy and that's alright so for my next Bay I would probably look for someone who doesn't base their date off of a dog there's this thing that happens twice a summer whoa with Dean where we'll be out like after a breakfast or lunch or something and he will poop his pants just get into eating badly in the summer because you're just out all the time yes I'm owning it too so what there's mics and cameras so if you were if what if that happens it's not like a full one it's just a little bit right so say you're both out of concert and that happens what do you what do you do if have loose bowels that's cool you know like I'm with it you know if you're excited like you just like the concert I'm totally worth it cuz what happens is I'll get excited too like it's the concert is the ish and you you know making dish it's just the synergies right there it's already there I'm here with you you know I'm saying like I'm not gonna do it with you but I got the white I got the Wet Ones we're good but you have my back on this whole I got your back in you got you definitely have your bag that was good actually I'm not bring a pair of diapers so you gotta wear diapers before we even get to the concert make sure you're clean because you know cleanness is next to godliness we have to make sure you look good all right yes okay let me tell you I am the oldest of three siblings with an age difference of 10 and 12 years old so Curtis when I tell you that I have been trained for this my whole life I mean it I'm prepared I'm ready diapers wipes handy prepared trained I also have some years of training I babysat for years and that's great and I wouldn't be prepared but mostly I would just be concerned that you're uncomfortable so I will probably get out of there yes like we would just go home play Netflix chill yes exactly exactly but like I'm not gonna make you just stay out with you thank you thank you yeah that's not gonna happen I don't want to be with you like in public when that's also happening so we have to go home yeah we gotta go I'll be embarrassed basically we'll make you a care package yeah you some depends Febreze baby wipes actually change of clothes if you can't leave we'll just change you up act like it never happened and move on all right nice going to security at a concert why do you have all this stuff with you so I'm like 95% this is true lay off the five percents like this is like school a joke but if it's true 100% yes true well when I tell you my friend poops his pants yeah you better believe it's pants okay 100% true then yeah I know what I signed up for that you know I'm gonna treat this as like an accent you know it's a part of the human body girls are on their period stuff happens so we would definitely leave you know we would leave the exact same thing I'm not gonna ask what's going on in there but they're out of the place and the pants thank you make it better thank you yeah that was nice will you be there for again will you care for him will you could wipe them will you be like we're done yeah that was gross enjoy your poo yeah well the thing is everyone else here doesn't poo their pants when twice a year as crazy as that question was you're all very supportive and I appreciate that that's cool but there's one person that seemed a little bit a little bit too grossed out by it so Miami I think we're gonna call it quits I'm sorry it's very [Music] that wasn't asked honestly I thought I was gonna last the whole round but then I heard he's gonna poop on himself and I don't have any kids I'm not taking care of anybody so I had to roll out I said I'll bring him a diaper you know it home down there like nope you have to wipe it I said no thanks no I don't need love that much this'll be fun can you give me your best pick-up line let's say they say it to the back of Dean's head are you a library book because I'm definitely checking you out nice no I just lost my number could I could I have you're sick Wow bars can you feel that for me Curtis you want that sure go ahead you know what that is girlfriend material are you a beaver dam because that's where they live are you from Tennessee Jimmy only ten I see nice classic ah yeah that was it's a tough question but y'all had some good ones it's it's getting on the wire so it's you know pulling teeth right now it's tough to pick one but the reason I'm getting rid of this person is uh took a while to think of one and what they have wouldn't wasn't really a lot I think it's okay I think I'm gonna say goodbye I don't need a pickup man I'm a whole pickup line I don't you speak just a lot of times on the on the show they ask people that their exes and how it was and everything and it's always like tough to UM to say because relationships are tricky and stuff so what's like one message that you would say to an ex to all my exes I guess just thank you next you guys are great but I'm moving on I hope you have a great life I think all that's left is like thank you like I learned a whole lot and I never have to look back that's great yeah well I would say thank you for texting my cousin after we broke up maybe learn that you can't trust people a thousand percent so Wow I can say one thing to my ex it would probably be hey cuz he's my coworker and I see him every day that's fun I hope I never see him again yeah that'd be a good one that's but I mean yeah if you straight-up say I hope I never see that person ever again in my life that's pretty good all your answers were great but I just think gets to like this one person I don't think they would just be they would really fit well with with Dean so uh no I think just say bye bye I'm sorry [Music] I don't think it's fair and it was even more not fair when I saw his face face face but I can't help that my ex works with me and so I didn't know he was not a musician like I have no idea who they were so that was like a double roast by accident pretty important question I think are you an organ donor and just extrapolate on being an organ donor it was very important to a relationship [Laughter] we got one organ donor two organ donors I am an organ donor same currently using it but you know I think it's important to give back in any way you can and apparently that includes like body parts yes I am a an organ donor and one time me and my name is because she needed a kidney so we talked about me giving giving her one of my kidneys but it turns out it needs it back there all right so it's nice that you're all willing to give up your organs when you're dead super lid of you guys and it's very important in a relationship to want to do that so you all had the same answer so I'm just going off straight vibes right now just how I'm feeling it and stuff and I'm sure you would all get along well there's one I'm just picturing it I don't know if it'll work out down the line so you know what my I think so I love you so much though you're so cool I'm sorry [Music] she was really cool top three okay that like in America's Next Top Model that's like you're out there you know so I feel good about having my placement so why should I pick you for Dean you should definitely pick me because we could have a really great time together I'm a working girl so you know I got my own money I'm gonna pay my half of the bill I can treat him sometimes too I'm very open non-judgmental and I think we just have a really great time and I can feel the vibes you know him joking around everything was hilarious I won't have to fake laugh which is great yeah is huge I feel like you should pick me because you know we could either go out and do crazy things have a lot of fun going roller coasters go out and do things but then also we could be like couch potatoes together and just eat and watch Netflix and I'm also really loyal and yeah I'm either outgoing or like really shy so festivals were great sweet Oh God all right so you both had great answers for the whole time that it comes down to the wire it's really tough I'm just going off my gut basically right now I'm just seeing how best you guys would get along yeah this is tough so yeah I think this comes down to someone who I just don't think would uh you know just get along the best you probably would both but this is tough yeah I think Lanie I think I'd have to say goodbye [Music] you got one maybe he made the right choice maybe he did in uhm he's missing out on a lot of fun and hi nice to meet ya this is Ravina good job thanks man I picked justine because her answers were good I got a good vibe yeah like throughout the whole thing I thought you guys would get along really well and joke around and stuff so yeah that's why this is my friend Dean he's very handsome he's very funny he's always there for you and he's done he's a good guy to chill with and you know he's alright he's a good boy he's a good good boy that's enough you're gonna get along really well thank you I could feel it thank you thank you a lot in that chair so I can feel like we're gonna have a lot to talk about joke about she's very pretty she's a beautiful complexion and she's got good colors on too and I like your earrings and she's a very smooth smooth voice it's the ear right thank you I can't really imagine her ever being annoying what'd she just say sweet no I'm seeing like little eat thank you very nice voice a nice voice she's guys my best he picked my bag guys did a great job he hands were here he had a lot on his plate he had to handle a lot a lot of stuff and he he did a great job she's beautiful and she's super sweet thank you no problem the first question that Curtis asked was to roast them and I've never been genuinely mean to someone my lives because I was so hard I was out for the beginning my teacher I don't like make fun of me first and then Curtis it's all good I roast in yeah I'm sorry man gez Walmart true love yeah speaking of bananas check out this top roasted so he said twice my second one was last week oh great when I walked in and I saw it was Curtis indeed I almost could not hold myself together I've seen the videos and actually that was why I applied Curtis if you look in your DM there's there's a message that says yo you're not gonna believe this but I applied to the show after watching my best he took my bank he knows he knows me he was me through and through and that's all that matters don't do that I trusted him the whole way through and he did it and I can't believe we're here right now I don't remember her name but one of the girls when she walked by was super hot and I was like whoa but still you did a great job no matter what no and if she wasn't for me she wasn't for me and I trust his judgment thanks buddy big time dude I was like Justine's the one I think it was like not the second last question but the question before I think she had like a funny answer and I was like sick and I could just like see them getting along she's not like the same energy level as Dean but like I think she's like they would like play off each other really well so that's what I was trying to think about like spending long periods of time together who would be the best fit for my buddy Dean so I think I think she was the best can of it looking people in the eyes being liked by my friends not gonna like you see ya bye bye that was tough I felt really me and I probably gonna lose sleep over it but that's fine it's gonna be cool but we found you bass was fine yeah I enjoyed it this was great I had a lot this was fun this is really cool that we're here I think the poop one was really funny yeah I was really uncomfortable but it was really funny the fact that they were like huh is that your man I had to be like yep yeah yes I do sometimes thanks for having us yeah thank you so much for this is really cool 7 strata 17 for being cool enough to let us do this after making fun you guys are really good sports and smart thanks for watching uh yeah subscribe I thought you're gonna say it thank you so much for watching this video and if you want more videos like this subscribe to chess thank you so much for watching this video yeah and if thank you so much for watching this amazing video and for more videos like this subscribe to 17s YouTube channel [Applause]
Channel: Seventeen
Views: 5,078,574
Rating: 4.9589458 out of 5
Keywords: seventeen, seventeen magazine, seventeen youtube, 17 youtube, kurtis conner, kurtis conner bestie picks bae, bestie picks bae, bestie picks bae cringe, cringe, I let my best friend pick my boyfriend, I let my best friend pick my girlfriend, my friend picked my girlfriend, best friend picks bae, best friend boyfriend, best friend girlfriend, seventeen bestie picks my bae, bestie picks my bae, jubilee, bestie picks bae seventeen, 17 bestie picks bae, best friend picks my bae, kurtis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 31sec (2011 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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