The Agenda Of Angels Kevin Zadai Session 5 The River Of Waupun

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thank you Pastor wake father we're firmly convinced of who you are we thank you so much for sending Jesus we thank you so much that Jesus speaks thank you that the Holy Spirit speaks we thank you Father for all the good things you have in store for us we accept them where we see them yes we asked Lord as you hand out the bread from heaven that heals our bodies and heals our minds and heels heels heels our unbelief hmmm how many how many of you go through times where you feel like you don't measure up yeah I know and you know I I have that kind of a thing about think about this I really legitimately left my body and was with Jesus for 45 minutes and I legitimately didn't want to come back but I was I was legitimately sitting back and I was sent back with a message but even knowing that I also know how people think I know how people process things and so it's hard for me to understand because I really don't measure up to the standards of of what people think someone should be I understand all that but I also understand that people need to take their medicine you know people people need me they need you know you're gonna you're gonna take it you're gonna like it you know type thing I guess that's the prophetic it's kind of like you you know what you should do you you know you should deliver it you should take your medicine you tell people you know you need to do this you need to listen to me and I go through these times of weakness and there's times where I'm sitting across from somebody who is considered a general you know I've seen in heaven where there's people that that are here on the earth they're generals they were like pillars in heaven and they're on the earth right now and I know that and they're they're so important to this generation and I sit before them and I think how did I get here and the only thing that comes to me is is that is that I didn't pursue that I and because you know there's certain things that are just they're given out as a gift and they're they're not you can't earn them in the sense of you can't apply for the job it's beyond that it's about what's written beforehand and a lot of people like a lot of things I can never teach because people can't grasp like for instance I had I had questions about how God could be a Trinity and then I got there and I had no questions I had no questions about it I saw it and I had no questions now how do you how do you figure that out because then you come back and you can listen to people argue for four hours about that right you know what I mean it's the same thing with predestination you know I grew up in a church where you didn't go out and witness because if people were going to hell they were going to hell and you can't change God's will so you don't go out and tell anybody that they need to accept Jesus so I was in this church and I was going to hell because my pastor never told me I needed to be born again and it's right there in the Bible and I actually showed him I said has come you didn't tell me this and he just looked at me he couldn't answer me I go it's right here Jesus said it you unless you'd be born again you know and he didn't have an answer for me and he believed didn't you know predestination you know it's that word is actually misinterpreted but which is why I can't teach on it but I had no questions about predestination when I was in heaven but down here I couldn't get an answer out of my pastor so what happened was as the youth group was actually bigger than the church so I just let all the people in the youth group to the Lord and then they wanted to go to church for where's where they believed like that and my the place where I went to get born again was not the church I was attending you know and so I took them with with me to a service and they liked it so much because they talked about Jesus all the time and and then I got blamed for a split in the church you know I didn't split the church you know the these kids they wanted to be born again so I got the thinking about honestly who really split the church there you know do you understand what I'm trying to say okay okay well I'm saying this because there's times where I know I know that there's things that are written down beforehand like God gives you a free will but he already knows what you're gonna choose but he doesn't interfere with it so he already knows if you're hard-hearted and you're not going to to listen to him but he'll have me or someone call you out and give you a word constantly and everybody in the congregation will be mad like why do they always get a word they're living like the devil that's why because the Holy Spirit is speaking those things over that person because that's God's perfect will and he's reinforcing it in front of the whole church for the whole body of believers to agree with and that unity will cause that person to turn because of God's goodness they'll actually repent that's how I converse because it is God's goodness leads us to repentance so you're wondering like why does that person always get a word it's because the Holy Spirit is continually speaking the truth over that person's life and so God will continue to speak to you he will continue to tell you the truth even if you don't turn but the thing that discourages me the most is knowing that when I say something to you like I'm the one that shows to do this extra service and no no minister in their right mind would do this I mean I woke up and I slapped myself why did you tell them that I just woke up I woke up I fell asleep for ten minutes I go why did you do this but you know what and then you just go here clear and and then you're okay you know and you find the door and you come in here and you act like nothing's wrong you know no yeah do you understand so so God's saying some stuff because he told me to do this this is not my comfort zone but I'm telling you this because God keeps speaking it's just interesting to me how you know it's not the size of the crowd it's not the size of the offering it's not the size of of any of that it's it's it's about hungry hearts it's very interesting to me how the most powerful meetings that I've had where ones were I had to pay for everything and there was 55 people it was so powerful because God sent me there you know and God but God sends you places and you speak but then if he keeps speaking it's a good sign that we're going somewhere okay so here's the thing I have to tell you this because God does have favorites he really does and um you know there's a lot of cow sacred cows just falling over over but no no there god this is this is what this is what happens you can become irresistible to God because of your response and and here it is God said to the devil he said have you considered my servant job and God was picking a fight and if you read the same thing happened with Sampson when the angel appeared to her his mother if you read that story about the visitation it says that God was looking for a reason to pick a fight with the Flis teens he chose Samson's birth to have someone to pick a fight with the listings for that God used him and picked a fight to free up Israel so if you look at if you look at the wording of what's said there God picked a fight with Israel's enemies by having someone born it was a sign in a wonder and like he would just be just doing his thing and all sudden the Spirit of Lord would come upon him and he would go and pick a fight he would go take the gates of the city rip him up and then throw him on a hill or he would burn their fields by tying torches to the Foxes tails you know etc etc and the power of God would come upon him to do this and and I found I found out that with this group of people here that that God is wanting to pick a fight with the enemy through you and so you cut you you you think you're just coming to this or that I don't know why you know I hope you know why you're here but I mean you know but do you understand you might not you might not understand that there's some things I saw when I was there where you can become as favorite you could be favored because of your response so I don't get words from God from it for through anybody else I don't ask for words I don't go to a meeting to get a word I never I never have asked for I don't ask for a word and there there's a there's a couple friends of mine that dealt their prophet you know most were accurate prophet on the earth is my friend I mean the most accurate man on the earth right now prophetically is my friend but he'll talk to me for five hours that not have a word for me but he has a list of all the ministers that you could name and you know that er that are waiting for him to call back and give them a word and there are people that you depend upon to get a word from God and they need a word and he won't call them back and I can name them you name them all they're all on TBN they're all you know all the big the big people they're there right now they're they're dry they need a word from God but no one wants to lock themselves in a closet not eat and pray and get one everyone wants to have the drive-thru window so you you want to work from God without any cost and that's why you do nothing with it when you get it because it's not valuable oh I can't believe I just said that did I just say that I'm in so much trouble so the Lord speaks to me a lot about about giving people words and then I feel like I'm supposed to give words to people and then there's times where I don't give any and there's times where their whole congregation I just stole or said line them all up everyone gets a word and I go you do that I'm gonna go home you know like I just cuz it's 3:00 in the morning when it's you know but but but when he does that it's so powerful because it's it's usually the first time I'm there and it never happens again because then I'd get to know people then it's not really you know it's not really prophetic it's pathetic if you if you know if you know people already and you're telling them you know you tell them what they ate for lunch and you went to lunch with them you know that's not prophetic so it's not familiarity it has to be it has to be you have to be hooked up with the Holy Spirit you have to minister by the spirit so I'm telling you all this because there is a way there is a way to become God's favorite and it's the secret of Enoch and what you don't know about Enoch because the Lord took me back and let me see his last step but on this earth I got to watch it I got to watch him cross over and the power of God that it took to wrap that man up and take him encapsulate him in the flesh to heaven is beyond your imagination because he still he still has his body up there and so does Elijah and I got to see that and it in the angel that was chosen to come and get me off the airplane me and my wife were going to Seattle and the angel grabbed me in the aisle from a deep sleep and he took me back you know before the flood put that in your pipe smoke it and I got to see Enoch take his last step and I saw the power God had encapsulate him now it's one thing to raise somebody from the dead but it's another thing to take somebody living and transport them to heaven like it's big it's it's beyond oh so the power that it took to do that it it almost knocked me and the angel over because we were standing back about I'd say 50 50 yards well no it wouldn't even be that much I say 50 feet and when that power encapsulated him and he went like that right through to the other realm it came back it affected this physical realm and there was these waves that came back and hit us and an angel grabbed me embraced himself embraced me so that we didn't fall over that happened with Elijah - I was I went to the other side of the flood and I saw Elijah get taken and the same thing that power and the angel told me he said you've been fasting and praying about the powers of the coming age that are spoken of in the book of Hebrews chapter 4 and it says that if you tasted of these things including the powers of the coming age but yet you were to trample underfoot the blood of Jesus has an unholy thing and if you were to kick to treat those things as nothing there is no repentance for sin you know there is no because Jesus can't come back and die again okay so I said well I don't even know what the powers of the coming age are and I'm supposed to have already encountered this and so I was fasting and praying about it and then this this thing been to me and the angel told me the angel told me he said I have been given permission to show you the powers of the coming age and so he showed me this and then he turned to me and he said he said Behold the powers of the coming age is resurrection its resurrection life and it's an endless life that's where you don't you see I'm just telling you you don't you don't ever die your body dies but you don't ever die you don't ever diminish in any way so whatever you die of down here it's not even mentioned in fact you don't know I didn't even know how I died I wasn't told I couldn't know it when I came back I figured it out but it wasn't considered a bad thing even though I was only 31 years old but I had favored in heaven I was spoken of in heaven because I would immediately react to God's voice and do it but he said it was the fact that I didn't question him and in the bottom lines I didn't question his authority you know I am a man under Authority and so I tell you this because angels are under authority and they're sent to give you a word the Holy Spirit will give you a word but that word if it's really a word it has authority from now until the next age and through into the next age so whatever God speaks over you it's it's it's an endless life so angels that are assigned to you are with you even in the next life because you're you're gonna be you're gonna be assigned you're gonna have positions where you're going to be working oh you'll be over in authority over territories then in the end the Angels the angels will be under you and as that's the bog so everything you do down here you should be sowing into your eternity it's not works it's not like you're trying to get your favor has to do with your endless life through Jesus Christ you have eternal life you live forever and your your body is just a costume that you buy a big lots it's just a five-dollar costume and it doesn't even look like you your body as a result of generations of genetic interbreeding it's just a result your body is actually just genetics it's just it's a result of your family line but it's not it's not your heavenly line your heavenly line so what you look like spiritually is different than what you look like physically but they're similar you'll know you got a you out understand some of you have evil spirits that have been assigned to you and they're hounding you and I see how far they they work into you by they actually start to change your physical appearance so people that have evil spirits I'm not talking about being possessed I'm talking about an assassin has been assigned to you don't work his way in into your domain and take you off the throne of your life is there anybody here so it's about the minion so the word the word is is demonized not demon possessed so we're like hooked on this okay there's a person to have a demon in them or not you know and a kind of Christian have a demon and all that and um can a Christian have a demon can a demon have a Christian that's up to you can the demon have you see that's the way you should think about it you all didn't get that because you'd be dancing around right now we go back into worship because the devil can't take anything and unless you give it he really can't because you are the one in authority so you're demonized in other words he's come into your domain and he's working his way in and how much he has of you is how much you've given him that went over well okay let's go to the next chapter no I'm serious I could fill I feel it you know and I know it's not easy but I got to tell this stuff I've actually known this stuff think how long I've known I know the origin of demons I know everything about them but I can't teach it and and if somebody one of my father's asked me he says tell me everything you know and I go you don't want to hear it he said well try me so I did he goes yeah you're right you you know is no one's ready for that and he said I know it's true though so I'm gonna have to write listen to this I'm they're already written it's too it's a two-volume said called warrior notes that's how I got the ministry but I've been holding on to them because Sony wanted him to bake a movie and the Lord told me not to because they wanted to change it and then Simon and Schuster was supposed to do the book but they're just in it to make money and so they said well you got to take this out this out because you know you're gonna ruin you that the crowd that you're gonna touch and I said well I said I can't take that out that's the that's that's what what Jesus told me because all we we know that that that really didn't happen I go it didn't happen and you're not touching it and so I walked away from all those contracts so I have this two volumes set that shows it I made it into a story but it's all the things that have happened to me all the things I know and I made it into a novel and so I'm gonna have to publish it as as fiction but it's not because the church is looking for a certain thing you know they're looking for a pitchfork a red red person with with a horn with horns and they've they've made it something that's not and that's what bothered me the most I'm just being honest with you you probably know how to hear this much anymore after this I just feel like I could tell you this but the things that I saw bothered me so much that I didn't want to come back because I could I turned back to the earth and I can see all this so I understood everything can you imagine understanding the demonic understanding why you feel the way you do why the things that happen to you happen and they happen to your ancestors and you you realize what now why the continents are split you realize why the pyramids are there you realize UFOs you realize dinosaurs you know the whole thing and you know what the government's hiding from us and you understand why sir play man I understand the mark of the beast it's not what you think I understand all that that it all has to do with your genetics it all has to do with you who you are and Jesus died for a purebred human so so all the all the lineages in the Bible are in there to prove that none of the Nephilim had influenced human beings to the point where they were hybrids so that in that genealogy of Jesus's body he would become a blemished lamb he had to be a spotless lamb which means he had to be purely 100 percent human so the whole idea was is for the for the the reptile that that Lucifer to insert his seed according to the Word of God that God pronounced on that serpent he said the serpent seed is going to bruise the seed of the woman woman's heel but that seed of the woman is gonna crush your head okay well I didn't know the serpent had seed I didn't know the devil had seed I didn't know the woman had seed because she doesn't man has seed but women don't have seed and so I saw this stuff I saw that that Jesus that the whole thing with Lucifer was is after Jesus came and he died and he went and took his blood the devil was gonna go and say ha ha gotcha and he shows where the hybrid got into the lineage does everybody follow me this is this is actually the bin the war the whole time the war was is that Jesus he knew he couldn't stop Jesus for coming but he didn't want him to be perfectly human as well as God because the scripture says a body you have prepared for me jesus said a body you have prepared for me okay so the only way for you to lose your salvation is this you've you up for genetic alteration so you'll live to be 120 your healthcare will cover you because you you won't ever see it sick and you'll you'll live longer than anybody but you're gonna have to take this authorization which means you're not gonna be 100% human anymore do you want you know and that's that you see Jesus didn't die for a hybrid he wasn't a hybrid and he didn't come down and die as a hybrid that's why there are no other races you know Jesus is not going to come down as an alien to to buy the alien race those are hybrids hello I've done all these studies I spent hundreds of hours and I found all this demonic stuff that the government knows about and they've extracted it out of a history having taken it out all these cultures they don't know how all those monuments got there they said where they were there they say well that was the Egyptians know when we got there those were there but there was these giants that they just disappeared but they're the ones that built it so it wasn't the ink as the Mayans it wasn't all this this is this was the Nephilim okay so we're we're at war with our genetics there's a war going on with our genetics because Satan doesn't want us to be redeemed but were redeemed were 100% human right but see Noah was the only one that was perfect in his generations it says he was perfect so only eight people qualified in that world so what you were told in Sunday school is not true no one qualified for that boat because they were hybrids and there were millions of people on the earth so you got a race of people that are disembodied and they're out and you're in you've been redeemed and they hate you and that's all I'm gonna say about that fact I didn't even say what I just said so just forget it the dinosaurs were not on the ark because they were part of this Satan was trying to put the snake back up on his legs again I'm not kidding you is anybody here no you didn't get that dinosaurs are part of this corruption they were not on the ark Barney was not on the ark you see there's a because of the fallen world listen to me because of the fall the fall there are a lot of species that actually were altered because of the fall so within the species they did they not the way that they were made they they don't act the way they were made now are you getting this or not I'll help you I'll help you out roses didn't have thorns but now they do what happened it was a fall okay you're getting it okay all right so this this alder there is an altar ization that happens in the fall and things become mean they start eating each other they turn everybody it turns and so human beings turn on each other but God didn't create that so he created the angels but he didn't create C he created the fallen angels but he didn't create him fallen he created angels and then they fell so he didn't create a murderer he created a human being who learned how to murder okay get it so God didn't create evil I know what you're what verse you're talking about in the Bible but God permits evil but he didn't he didn't he didn't author it the person who is evil he created that person so if they're an evil person he didn't create the evil they became that God's not the author of confusion but there's confusion okay God doesn't that didn't invent division he doesn't cause division but yet we have division and we have division because somebody preaches the truth and then the church splits because people make a decision to either accept the truth or not so every Church Jesus for instance Jesus split the seven churches Jesus split them right down the middle when he told John the right to the pastor's because he told them the truth and then he said this that you read it every time after he spoke to one of the seven churches then he says he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches he says it every time so you can be God's favorite but it has to do with hearing and and believing and accepting it and then you become his favorite and then everybody else gets mad at you but see they didn't pay the price so you want a word from God but when you get it you can't treat it valuable because you didn't pay anything for it and I'm not talking about money I'm talking about you see God and then you come to church and you get a word because you sought God on your own and hopefully it's a confirmation and and I'm and I asked the Lord well why because I used to be is I usually be used a lot and the word of knowledge I mean it was just a blue mean way and then it stopped and the Lord I said Lord why I want to know what what happened because if it was me if I need to do something else I will do it you know and he said no he said he said my people are lazy and he said I have nothing to confirm I said him then he gave me all the scriptures about the that though that though that the word the word of prophecy and and the gifts of the Spirit are supposed to up to build up and they're supposed to be confirmation because it says it says in the first part of Romans says he is led by the Spirit of the Lord his is a child of God so the children of God are led by the Spirit of God not by prophets they're led by Spirit of God so he said that my people haven't been seeking me they're lazy so I have nothing to give you to confirm what I've already spoken to them and I realized that that's what the gift of prophecy is for in the word of knowledge the word of wisdom it was to confirm I'm not supposed to be telling you anything new and so it's wrong to seek out a prophet in the New Testament the way they did in the old because if you're a child of God I mean I'm just telling you that Jesus I met bought it all for you so that you can hear from God yourself and I'm just being honest with you he told me that we've gotten into this mentality where we're going through a man now to get to get to God again and it's not right being the fivefold ministry is not for that it's for the up building and bringing into unity of the faith until we all reach that we're supposed to be built up so the fivefold ministry is very important and there it is the government of God however it's not the way to God I mean there are people like Martin Luther who who said you know what we don't need anyone except Jesus Christ to get to God a father and the Catholic Church wanted to kill him is there anybody here so whoa okay I've done it again okay so in Isaiah chapter 6 it says and then the New Living Translation the whole earth is filled with your glory it says ho today we're calling out to each other holy holy is the lord god of Angel armies in the new neelu and the New Living Translation it says it says holy holy is the Lord of heavens armies the whole earth is filled with the glory and the voices shook the temple to its foundations now I say this because that's happening right now and you haven't felt the trembling that's going on in heaven but it's happening anyway but if you'll open up your spirit you can feel the trembling right now because I can and I can I can see God because I got to see Jesus I wasn't a lot of look at the face of the Father but they were they were taking in the worship of all the saints that had come and there was so many of them and it was shaking heaven and these angels were shaking the throne with their voice and it was like the voice of many waters and how many know who Daniel kolenda is well I was just I was this down there he asked if I would do like a you know one of those shows with him interview me and we were I was talking about this on the show and I'm he said well what it sound like up there in the throne room and I said it was like the sound of many waters there was millions and there was a be on number of white robe saints and angels as far as I could see and I was at the end of the age so I was in your future we all make it so look it looks good for you and we were all worshipping and Jesus was he's actually like leaning back in it on his throne and all this beautiful substance was coming from the Saints mouths and it was reaching and intoxicating them the father was there but I wasn't allowed to look at him and I remember thinking this is such unity and it was so powerful that was shaking heaven it was vibrate that song was the song of the redeemed and it was it was it's just impossible so Daniel asked me he said well what'd it sound like and I said it was like rushing it was like rushing water it was like the sound of many waters and he said let me show you something and he took out his phone and when he was he was in this meeting where there were over a million people there and he took this shot with his camera and a pan the Holy Spirit came in and swept from one side of the other over the whole place and the roar just kept building building goes don't listen right here right here he goes was anything like that and I go yes and I looked at his eyes and he started tearing up I said yeah this is it right here and he just teared up and we became friends instantly because of that but what is it about unity and the power of God's voice what is it about that because we want that we want to experience that and I'm telling you their days are ahead for you where you will experience these things in this realm and you will not want to leave you will not want to leave a service and it's so close to happening and it's already happening in some services it's already happening I just want to announce to you that you are no longer stuck and you you you are no longer in able you're not in your abled you you know you're not no longer just you you no longer disabled you're no longer just just sitting there God has released you you're not unable you're able and the power of the Holy Spirit that's bursting in you right now with fire is the same far that's in a throne the same spirit that is in the throne room as the same spirit that caused you to be born again so there is favor I saw that each breath we take is a gift now huh DX how do you get somebody to really grasp that well you take their breath away right no and that's what happened I couldn't get back into my body I could not get back in and I I couldn't live another day the books were sealed and I was with him and I thought how valuable life is and how valuable our words are you know there are there are today there are there are sages there's Hebrew Hebrew sages that that right and a lot of the the Hebrew scholars you know the holy men they believed that you had a certain amount of words and when you had spoken all of them you died so you only had a certain amount of words and then you that was it and you know I know that's extreme but I thought you know what if that was true then you would choose which I think is the whole idea but I saw that if we would yield our spirits which what really came from God it's embarrassing that there are human spirits in hell because it's it should never be that's why I I don't want anybody to go to hell but if you would yield let your spirit do the talking if you would go down here and now you asked me well how do you do that well the thing that is is you've got to allow your spirit to be so lit up that you can see the difference between your soul and your spirit so the only way that you can do that is you've got to read the Word of God meditate on it and eat it like bread I only don't just do a couple verses it's all I do I just do a couple verses and I go and I do I go about my day and I pray in the spirit and I let my spirit will to get lit up by that and I'm I let it become real to me and I pray these things out so my prayer times you know I pray for people all over the world all day that's my job you know that's my job so I just let the Holy Spirit give me faces and I pray you know I do this every day but I never pray for myself except except what if you would have consider the fact that I live in John 15 I live in first Corinthians chapter 2 I live in Romans chapter 8 yeah that dude job 1012 and and I live I pray those out but you know I'm not praying you know I'm not giving God my son my you know I'm not making my Santa Claus list if you feel that's what you consider prayer I don't have one I don't have a list I pray for people because my you know listen to this Herb Kelleher who started Southwest Airlines he he told us he says you take care of the customer and I'll take care of you and he remembered my name every time he saw me never mentioned the name of Jesus never except when he swore but yet he got it so I know if I if I pray for God's family if I take care of the Saints if I feed them if I if I attend to you know my I have eleven thousand people that follow me on Facebook that's the Lord told me that's my congregation so I don't have an opinion on Facebook I just I just the Lord tells me what to write and I write it and then then any prayer requests to come in I I mean I hire people I hire people that that pray with people that answer emails it takes eight hours a day for me to answer prayer requests so I can't do it anymore in fact just recently I hired six people because the Lord told me to and when I had handed everything over them I realized what me and my wife we're doing on our own I don't know how we did it no we were doing fit we're still doing 15 hour days I had to hire another three people last week just to make those study guides for this conference because at the last minute I found out that the books weren't gonna be available so I had to make something for you to have when I leave so you can study but I just did that on my own but I found I found out I found out that I have assignments I have responsibilities now a man a man of God last week oz the Lord told me to watch something manna God and he said there's pastors out there you know he had like a pastors in his conference you know he said yeah there's pastors he says he is you're gonna find out that 80% of your people went to hell and you're gonna be responsible for it he says this is why you're in your skinny jeans and drinking your soy latte becoming popular but he said you'd never gave him the Word of Life he says you're gonna be responsible for that do you want that do you want to be popular in an ad but he said what if we find out 80% of your congregation went to hell God gave you those people it hit me I was like whoa somebody's really speaking the truth there because you know there's a lot of people that go to church that aren't saved and I'm I don't I bought does it bother you that that a devil would actually be comfortable and not manifest in a service like this a devil shouldn't feel comfortable I realized that I realized it cuz I in in other countries there's I've been there three or four times in some places and this beautiful young lady was there every service for last couple years and so this time the pastor said would you please meet with her I said I totally I can't meet with people I just I just ministered sixteen times in a week and you keep bringing people in in between service I can't do that anymore he says well this is different this is like our daughter in the and you I really she really needs you to minister to her and I'm like well what was she you know I saw you know I saw her in the services and this is what happened she came in and as soon as she walked in the power God hit me and I'm telling you that was a miracle in itself because I'm worn out I'm doing two and three services a day and I walked over to her and I said and I just laid my hand on her on her shoulder and on her neck like this didn't even let her talk and I said I break the power the enemy over you and her shoulder went up like this since she went like this and I said uh-oh so I thought okay just to make sure I'm gonna put my hand on the other side and say the same thing and she went like this and next thing you know she's in a ball and this thing's trying to kill her so I'm just rebuking this thing she curls up into this little ball and the demon takes her fingers and puts them in her ear so that she can hear the word of deliverance that I'm speaking to her and I'm thinking okay I got upset because I thought you know I'm not hot I wasn't hot enough in God for these last two years and all the sudden I'm hot enough in God what what that embarrassed me that a demon sat in a lady who had just been a Christian just become a Christian and it didn't manifest that devil could sit there for you know you get what I'm saying so I got gotten in a place where I I I'm almost hourly changing and repenting and growing in the things of God because there I realized that it isn't okay if somebody has a demon it isn't okay if somebody goes to hell that was sitting in my service it's not it's not you know I mean you know I just found out that some some some teenager just committed suicide and I know that they were in my services I was invited to Teen Challenge how many know who are teen challenges with a drug recovery I was invited there a guy hung himself the day before I got there that's an insult to me she had devil didn't want that guy to hear what I do you understand see that's the way I look I take it very personally so I can go on and on I'm only telling you stuff so that you shows you this is war its war against you it's against its against who you are so when God speaks something to you it's it's forever it's not just to get you by in this life is everybody okay okay I'm looking for something but I think it's in the book that I'm writing right now and I thought it was in this book yeah it's in the book um okay here here's here's what the spirits say he's saying listen I have a good end for you and expected any plans for you to prosper okay Jeremiah 29:11 but the thing that is is the weight of that verse is actually starts in verse 1 which I already talked to you about when Daniel was reading The Book of Jeremiah 175 years after Jeremiah wrote this he was reading that scroll I told you was in captivity Jeremiah was writing a word from God that didn't apply to him but yet really theoretically it did apply to him because it was an extension of his ministry for another generation so as ministry even though he mentally did not participate in what he wrote and he did not see the fruit of it it was gonna change another generation which was Daniel generation because he wrote that after the 70 years of captivity you you know you're gonna pray call out to me and I'm gonna answer you and so you you find a deliverance being written into the prophecy and everything that happened to Daniel and then an angel visitation God knew this but the man who wrote it didn't participate in it so what you do is very important even if you don't participate in it oh you don't understand who you Mary is so important because you inherit that person's war and and they're their heritage God is not a racist but he told Israel don't marry someone who's worshipping false gods why because when you do that you bring that into your family and then your kids encounter that war so you've got to take out your Giants and you got you got to marry the right person now if you if you've already married then you have to let God work at out but see it all has to do with taking out your Giants now most of you probably can't handle this but that's good I'm going to tell you anyway these these spirits they they don't die they've already died they're disembodied they cannot win and they know it so they're sore losers so essentially God has kicked them out of the toy box and puts you in there but what they did was they were so mad that they've been driven out that they broke the toys they took the toys with them and broke them so that you can't enjoy what was given to you so they can't just leave if you if you notice it do you ever notice why demons tear people like isn't it embarrassing that Jesus said leave and throws them down and they throw a fit and the person's like being torn they call it well you'd think with the authority of Jesus they should just leave and don't let the door hit you where the dog should have bit you you know that guy think of you but no they throw a fit and they have the audacity to tell Jesus Jesus have you come to torment us before our time well you know what good luck with trying to convince Jesus of doing anything other than what he's going to do but they they knew that they were going to be tormented they also knew that if they were sent out of the area that they would lose their power because they fight each other they they're actually territorial and they build up a matrix and they don't want that disturbed so they don't want to be sent out of the area because they'll have to go and they have to start over again but see the other demons they don't want them there is that hilarious so like like right now like if you take me to the airport as soon as I get into into Illinois whatever was buffeting me will leave and I'll have open heaven and I'll start crying it happens every time I take off because I'm encountering the territorial spirits of that city this would happen to every hour so you could actually literally you could you could blindfold me take me to the airport blindfold me put me on an airplane don't tell me where I'm going but when I land I will tell you what city were in because I know the spirit of the every city because I've been in them all I I've been in these cities overnight I've been at a new city every hour at work just about every hour I was in a different city because Southwest doesn't do very long flights at the time anyway there's a spirit that's that's that I know is different from other cities I can't believe I'm telling you all this stuff but if you if you don't if you don't accept this well then you just how's it working for you but if you realize that your enemy hates you and you're in you're the favorite now and they're not and they're out and you're in and they don't want you to be happy they want to break all the toys and that's what's happening they make it hard for you to just be normal so you have to be super natural which then he tells all your friends that you're abnormal but you're really natural because you're acting like you would in heaven because you're you have an endless life so you got to get to the place where you you don't have a mentality of debt you don't have a mentality of sickness you don't have the mentality I'm talking mentality you you don't let your mind consider something that's not true well yeah but I have symptoms yeah I know that is not the truth though the truth is you're healed by the stripes of Jesus but the fact is you're sick like right now the fact is I'm sick I actually am sick I have all kinds of things happening in my body but the truth is I'm healed but the reason I'm not wearing context right now is because in 1983 on the way home from the ultimate risk with the contacts in my hand and the glasses in my pocket and I'm crying saying I don't believe this I said I will be healed I am healed in Jesus name since 1983 I have said I am healed well it didn't happen until last September but I haven't more contact since well what happened I received God gave a long time ago he sent his word with a capital W named Jesus and healed me but I didn't see this it's the same with the demonic they they didn't listen to Jesus right away they argued with him and they threw the person down and they try to throw him into the fire too okay I gotta go the next level and I don't want to go here but Jesus Jesus Jesus is told by the Father to go to the other side of the lake so he tells his sciples let us go to the other side because he didn't do anything unless he his father told him to he didn't say anything unless his father said to say it okay so he didn't do anything on his own he said that I didn't do anything all these works there my father there my father through me okay so he was told to go cross the lake halfway across he's sleeping now he had a word from the Father that he's supposed to go to the other side so it doesn't matter if the storm comes up because he knows where the storms coming from its from Legion come on Legion sent that storm so that he would not get cast out of that region but Jesus had reserved that where the Lord so he was asleep he wasn't bothered by it so when he got there the shore legions waiting for him he cast them out and then he leaves Peter Peter's in jail and he's gonna get beheaded the next day and people at the house in the book of Acts are praying for him it says that he's asleep and he's so asleep that the angel has to kick him it says the kicks him in his side to wake him up now who of you would be that's on the sleep the night before you get beheaded well see Peter had a word from Jesus he said when you get old people will lead you where you don't want to go well he wasn't old yet so he wasn't dying tomorrow did anybody just get that do you see how valuable the Word of God is do you understand now that if you will value the Word of God you're gonna get the Word of God and I'm gonna start giving you words because you value but once you have that word you have to hold on to it and it's more true than your circumstances see that's the way these people these men and these women they lived like this this is the secret to favor have you considered my servant job God knew the job wouldn't fold but you don't get that do you or do you okay okay all right I'm gonna go through this and then we're gonna we're gonna break again I'm gonna do some worship and we'll come back tonight I'm skipping through a lot of this because we're running out of time to cover everything I want to cover but there's this one thing that happened to me take Kathy go the airport where is she Oh No okay okay no I'm just kidding save me a seat no no I woke up one morning hi hi honey bunny right I get it I'm just kidding I woke up one morning and you know if you I don't tell I don't tell everything that happens to me because then it would separate me from you and so I always share enough to get you to encourage you but I don't say it I if I if I ever found out that you put me higher than you that I would I was about failure because I can't I wasn't sent back I wasn't sent back for that you know I'm not I'd rather not be an apostle at all I'd rather be just a servant and and and so that you can identify with me and then you can walk in this then set myself up as a super apostle and then you need to console with me in order to get to where you need to go you know we're all in this together so when I tell you this things I'm telling I'm speaking right across from you even if I'm two feet higher than you right now but these are I wake up and and there's there there's an angel in my room and Kathy's asleep but this angel is different than I've seen ever seen before I've seen different angels they're different men and they their robe differently and there's angels that are huge that have armor on and they're fierce and they they don't they could care less about your drama and they they'd only want to talk to you in fact if you try to talk to them after they've given you the word they just like give you the hand they don't want to hear it they didn't come to be your friend and then there's other angels that that have come alongside of you to assist you and help you and then there's these kind that they're a mystery to me and and I encountered them in this last one was Sinai I don't know what they were they were dressed differently and they were beautiful they had these like breast plates on and all this ornamentation here and I don't know what that means I I mean I do but I'm not going to tell you and I'm that one of the one of these was in the room and he said come with me no the Lord wants me to talk to you about waiting on the Lord which is a chapter in this new book they'll be coming out next month and we talked about this on the Sidra show when it comes out in December or January I talked about this and this is what what happened to me and I want I feel like I'm supposed to share this with you the angel took me so all I did was stand up I don't know how it happens but I'm physically in my bed everything's fine and I look and there's someone in my room and it's just like you you know there's a part of there's that there's no fear so it's not like I'm looking for my revolver or my you know my handgun it's it's like I'm I know in my spirit that it's a visitor from heaven I'm not afraid but all the sudden they take me into their world and I don't understand how it happens because I don't know if my body comes with me or not I don't know if I'm in my body or not I still to this day there are times that this has happened and I can't tell you if I was I had my body or not I don't know but these angels they are there sent and they're that they watch you they they're in your bedroom there they're there watching you they're there but this one took me and he said the Lord wants me to to talk to you about waiting on the Lord and so he took me and he started talking to me and then the Lord the Lord was there and I don't know where we were but we weren't in my house anymore and Jesus very sadly said and he says my people aren't waiting on me anymore they're not waiting on me and it was with the idea that they're gonna make mistakes are gonna get ahead and mess things up so because they haven't waited and it's it had to do with the culture had to do with our society today you know we're too busy and were rushed and you know no one wants to be put on hold and so between these two I was I was explained this whole thing about waiting on God and that when you wait on God you're really not wasting any time it's the most effective thing at the time it's more effective than praying or fasting or anything waiting on the Lord when you do it it's it's more effective than any thing you think you could do to twist God's arms to do something for you you wait on him in his presence like right now it's so strong and I'm waiting on him as I'm talking to you and they explained to me that it's not wasted time that something happens in your spirit it has to do with an adjustment where you have a lot of truth but it's data but it needs to be implemented so that it becomes part of you and it's a spiritual thing but you physically have to open your Bible and meditate and then you physically sit there and you tell your mind we don't need you right now you can take that you can take it you take the rest of the day off and you make you discipline your body to be still and you discipline your mind to concentrate on the things of God and you sit there and you wait on God and you say Lord I just want you to talk to me I just want you to tell me what your heart is and you get to this place where you don't have any though you have needs but you don't you don't come to God with your list it touches him deeply so I'm telling you this because you won't get this on the show you won't get this in any of the teaching but it touches the Lord deeply when we don't come with any requests we just come because we want to hear what is on his heart and we let him talk to us and what will happen is is scriptures will come up out of your spirit and things will come up out of your spirit and all of a sudden you understanding comes to the data that you have and he allows you to file it correctly and it's called waiting on the Lord but what it does is it equips you for your next move which is very strategic to put the devil in checkmate every time you're constantly putting him in checkmate to where he has no more moves and he opts out he will literally leave you he will literally leave you alone he can't get to you and when he leaves yell out that's all you got you're done you do you do you do that you you throw a little salt in the wound little pickle juice you know and you you know you you you make sure that he understands that you have completely 100% sold out so anyway this waiting on the Lord the Lord Jesus said that the next move of God is already here it has to do with the glory of the Father coming to the church which he said the father's been hidden and he's going to reveal himself he saved the best till last so the Lord Jesus said my first miracle will be my last miracle and so he told me that his first miracle was turning water into wine at the wedding well then the wedding at the end he's going to do it again he's going to to take all our tears and turn them into wine he's going to turn water into wine at the end of the age and it's it's gonna happen and sooner than you think it's already happening and you had it happen last night but it's gonna be constant where the the joy of the Lord you you just you feel the you feel like you're lifted into the heavenly realms so the glory of the Lord is is from the father the father is gonna reveal himself in this last move so no one's gonna get hands laid on them there's not going to be the sermons are gonna be like 20 minutes long and there's gonna be two hours of worship the that's way it's gonna be and people are gonna get healed and they'll be lined up I saw this I already saw the future though people will be lined up everywhere to get in because if you get in here you get healed that's what the word is the word gets out that if you get in the building if you sit in a chair in that building God will speak to you and they're like you believe that so they're like wind up because if you get in a church building God will visit you and you'll hear from God and if you're sick you can you'll get healed that's what I saw in the glory okay this has to do with waiting on the Lord which means you can you can go back and forth with two cords and get a song of the Lord back and forth is two chords so I'm already preparing for it's gonna happen in two years we're switching over to that so we're already getting ready for it right now and we I actually am training there's people I have groups of people all over the world they'll be part of what I'm doing we're gonna be worshiping we have teams they're gonna worship and then it's gonna create in a place where the glory of the Lord will come in and it will be habitation not just visitation and people will be healed and they'll get saved and so I'm already like telling pastors you need to get ready and get people that can disciple people because there's gonna be a lot of large influx of people coming in that are gonna get saved they're gonna need disciple they're gonna need they're gonna be put into leadership but we're going to worship we're going to a lot of worship and the word will still be spoken but it'll just be a simple message for people to get saved and and the discipleship will happen in teaching sessions that are different than the service so you got two years all you have is two years left to get your maturity you need to mature to a certain level where you can train people you know instead of coming just so you can make it another week you know that those days are over for you just coming just so you can make it another week I'm talking about where the devil the devil doesn't want to come near you anymore and you have nobody to fight oh you don't get it no you don't you don't get it no you don't get it because something happened to me that we told nobody about and we walked into our church and there was a guest speaker and that guest speakers stopped when he saw me and my wife come in I'm not gonna tell you what it was cuz he'll be jealous he'll be mad but God had done this amazing thing that if I told you you'd be mad they were it was it was is be it's beyond it's I can't even tell you but it was so amazing and this is for everybody but but people think it's just for certain people but you know anyway this miracle happened beyond like whatever you can think of it was beyond that it was so amazing and as soon as we stepped in the building I don't know this guest speaker but my pastor you know he had vitam in I heard about him he stops he says you sir get up here he prophesies about what just happened that nobody in my church knew and so hey they thought he had missed it but he's talking about he's talking about the next thing that's gonna happen that's double what just happened and you all don't even believe in prosperity do you or do you but something beyond the number that you can even think in your head happened to us and that guy said it and he said now the next million that's coming and everybody's looking at me like what they still drive that old car so the devil goes so the devil says oh you don't getting at that next million I said now it's four million he goes you're not getting that four minutes now it's eight million we got up to and I'm an amazing amount and he finally just stopped because he realized so I'm gonna get it no I'm sure he just pushed it I'm not even seeking this but how do you how do you explain how someone left us a large gift because they they said the Lord told me that I'm that you guys are going in the ministry and I want this money going into that so they left us this and then this guy stops I've never met this guy he goes you sir the Lord just wants you to know that the next million that's coming and then the devil is trying to talk me out of it so I just kept doing it get to keep talking and then he's not said a word in three and a half years now not another word now I'm a flight attendant and my wife's a hairdresser but it didn't seem to bother God hopefully doesn't bother you okay but but if he can do this for you I'm risking a lot here but I'm going to tell you this because if he can do this for us he can do it for anybody it has nothing to do with you working it has everything to do with can he trust you see so God starts fights all the time but how he starts him is in the times of waiting so the Lord showed me he said now in this waiting he said he said well I'm gonna teach you how to wait so we walked into this room and the Angels stand in there and he goes we're gonna wait we're gonna wait on the Lord so I looked in Jesus bowels his head and the angel bowels his head and so I just bowed my head and I looked over at that there was a panel and it looked like an elevator and there was all these floors and the doors I could see that there was doors in this room of what he goes this is the room of waiting and I looked at the angel I said what which button should I push and Jesus looked up and said that's up to you how high do you want to go so I just pushed the floor and we all went like this and I felt it move and I mean the power of God it's beyond Jesus being there and that angel being there there was a power that was from the Father it was the glory and we stopped at a certain point and I looked up and the door opened and he went like this so I went out to the edge of it and I looked down and we were so high that my problems were about this tall now and he said you see it's all perspective so he told me to go everywhere now and teach this so when I got this call I included this in the book as an angel visit because we need to wait on God in this for this next move because it's it's about God coming and in inhabiting our praises in our worship and visiting with us to where we don't have to work we don't do anything we're two chords back and forth worshiping in prophetic and a prophetic in a prophetic way was enough to please God two chords which you can teach a five-year-old to do I think I'm getting healed right now amen maybe you can help me on something you got you got four minutes for I have someone got to share with you maybe you can help me out with this I mind my own business and I I love doing what I'm doing but in order to stay on top of a wave it takes a lot more energy than it does to get on the wave it it's you think getting there is is the work but I'll tell you what it's staying there when I watch all my friends get disqualified because they're sleeping with girlfriends and they're married and they sat in the same class as I did yeah all my buddies you know and the Lord sends me to these people and I have to tell him and they look at me like I knew they said I knew the Lord would tell you I go why are you doing it you said the same class as I did so I said can I have your phone I want to take a picture of your eyes right now he had Python eyes his eyes had turned to slits and then demon was of mana and he's my babies I'm assistant pastor to him he's my head pastor and his eyes when I said that they stay turned to a Python eyes and he had slits instead of eyeballs I said I could take a picture of your eyes you and I took a picture of his eyes I said he goes oh yeah it does they do that sometimes I said can I cast it out he goes yeah so I just went like this with two fingers I went like this in a restaurant touched touched his hand right here and I'd river of that daemon out is anybody still here so staying on the wave is harder because everybody gets offended everybody wants to leave because they don't get their way but staying in there is where is where the the character is [Music] so this is what happened I have been offered I've been offered even up until I was 25 I was offered to to go to flight training for a year and a half and take it an f-16 position after I've walked away from it and I would go into this simulator and do so well they would say we'll sign you up right now and I wasn't allowed to do that and I'm even when my company asked me they I could go and go for two years and fly regional jets and then come back and I could be a pilot for Southwest they would give me my employee number back and everything my seniority and on the Lord told me not to do it so I kept walking away from the opportunity after it presented itself because the price that I paid to begin with to walk away from it but see it was harder to maintain that when you're getting offers to do things and and um I say this because in in the spring I woke up one night and maybe you can help me on with this I I dream about the country I'm in six months before I even get the invite but it's exactly what will happen in six months when I'm in that country i watch it unfold exactly what the same people I saw in the dream the same things are being said in a in a place where I've never been before but yet I was there in the dream okay so I I woke up in February because I had had this dream that I was on a jet that was my jet but I don't want a jet not believing for a jet I've never uttered a prayer for a jet I've been prophesied over but I don't I don't want one but in the dream I was seated I saw everything in the interior I saw who was on it with me I know the color I know everything the stitching on the seats I woke up got out of bed and I said Lord what are you doing what are you doing because he's picking a fight he's starting something and I kid you not I brought back the smell of the leather the brand-new leather and it was all through my house and everywhere I went I couldn't get rid of it so when Cathy woke up I said Cathy I can't get rid of the leather smell it's so strong and I said Lord what are you doing he goes well why don't you go find it and I said I don't what was so I went on Google and I couldn't find it and then finally I looked at there was one company in Switzerland pilatus and they are they were on the assembly line at four of them and they were going to be out in foreign you know in four months the first four so I went in there and I looked in the interior and sure enough because they looked like race car seats they had stitching there were there were light tan with with white stitching I've never seen anything like that in a jet I've been in all kinds of jets you know I live on a jet but I'd never seen anything like these seats they were like race car seats so I said okay so the next thing you know we're going to Switzerland so I get over there I don't say a word but that that Factory is like an hour away but I don't know how this is all gonna work out because I'm not gonna do a thing about it because you know my spiritual dad's getting hit because he wants another jet so I'm like you know so but the pastor over there gets a call from this Swiss banker who follows me every Tom Ament Europe he's in every meeting he said he wants to take you to his house for for lunch do you want to do that and I go well I don't really know him if you go with me I will so they come and they take us to his house it's an hour away in this in the in the Swiss mountains there and I'm he goes welcome to Stan's I go stands where the Pilatus Factory is he goes yeah that's it's right there that building right there he says you want to go within 45 minutes I'm sitting in that jet in the very jed and my wife says to me this leather smell is so strong BMW makes the interior that's why it looked the way it did all the stitching in there so I I was in that I was in there and this the Swiss banker goes well it's a two-year wait do you need me to put down the five hundred thousand I go no he goes what he goes what didn't God isn't God you know cuz I told him the whole story cuz he didn't know nothing he's just doing what he does he doesn't know that I had this dream I said no we're not doing anything he goes what I know we're not doing a thing cuz I didn't start this he goes what he's well his he said we can get we can get this money for you wait we can we can work it there's all these people that have promised you know I have two or three businessmen and I promised that their their investments are when they sell them they're it's going towards your jet I didn't ask him for a jet but I just want to ask you this what happens if God starts it and picks a fight now don't touch me because I didn't start this but you got to know I walked away I walked away from this so many times it's not even funny and isn't it kind of funny I think it is I think it's hilarious but it gets better Jesse got me a jacket with the wings that his pilots wear and he says you're gonna have your own department someday and I'm just giving you this this jacket has got his wings on it and it's four it's the new new plane he has the 50 that that he that was paid for with cash he's a visa he's a billionaire and he doesn't take a salary he's invested he prays in tongues and invests in gold and diamonds and oil he became a he he didn't get this money from the ministry but he won't tell anybody that he paid cash for his own house I'm not here to defend him I'm telling you something because I had his jacket on and the salesman at this factory was were walking he goes who has a 7ex I said well you know our friend is is believing to get one I go have you ever seen one of those come here and he goes now nothing like that would ever come into this Airport on final is a 7ex and it lands right in front of us [Laughter] I'm telling you this for no other reason than to show you what what if God wants to pick a fight with the enemy in your life that has nothing to do with what you believe or not believe what if it's about God picking a fight with the enemy why did that relative pay off our house before they died why did they leave us all that money because she had a heritage that she wanted to transfer to a godly couple that was in the ministry that was sent to the world didn't want it squandered and so her life still speaks through me and my wife but she she was used to pick a fight so be careful how you judge things because you don't know like if you knew what I knew you you would change your mind right away about a lot of things like a lot of things about Jesus that I know it would change your mind because Jesus would say to you I have never limited you he would say you've limited yourself because you look to man you trusted in chariots and foot soldiers and your faith was contaminated you see faith is about relationship so I wanted to share with you waiting on the Lord will actually start a it's a breeding ground for the supernatural but then it the supernatural I just want you to know that it picks a fight and it's harder to stay on the crest than it is to get there see everybody that all my friends that have been disqualified they got there but then they didn't know how to stay there they got taken out by Delilah and and all these other things and money money money money all the time money and it's not money see what I told you this morning is its provision everybody stand father thank you lord the Lord's asking how bad do you want me because you can have me but I will not share my glory with any other thing how bad do you want me the Lord says don't you know that I will give you everything if you don't seek after it if you'll wait on me if you'll worship me in spirit and in truth I will give you everything I'm speaking by the spirit and the Lord just telling me that favor has has fallen upon you and that you shouldn't leave here without allowing it to go into your spirit what you've heard just take hold of it you see the Lord wants you to move in the supernatural but today it sounds like the warning is is that he might want to pick a fight with your generation because favor will bring a battle Danny no Sheena Devendra kena toe tsavorite Reseda esata revered Rosato squishy deliver la vaca pas de Oliveira dressy at a squishy deliberate ratio a squishy Dovid [Music] the Lord said I have not limited you I have not restricted you I have made a new and living way for you I have gone before you and fought your battles I've gone behind you to protect you nothing is impossible now rest in me and know that I have seen your labor that I have seen your commitment to me I know your heart I will reward you I will come and I will clear out the enemy I will make it so that you can breathe and live and move and have your being in me I will give you breathing room [Music] just stay out of your mind right now the Lord is a saying do not doubt do not doubt or fear but grasp the realities of the Spirit of God [Music] [Music] thank you Father for the impartation I just pronounced that your bodies are healed right now father have mercy on those who are having pain and break the power [Music] I break depression in the name of Jesus fear of failure I break it in the name of Jesus that demon leaves in Jesus name fear leaves in Jesus name the love of God dries out fear [Music] [Music] we receive Lord we receive from you we receive [Music] let's just spend some time find a spot at the altar by your seat and just go vertical wait on the Lord tonight at 6:30 is our next service [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 116,079
Rating: 4.8641129 out of 5
Keywords: Teaching, The Agenda of Angels, Kevin Zadai, Supernatural Finances, School of the Spirit, Life in the Spirit, Holy Spirit, Bible School., It’s Supernatural, Praying From The Heavenly Realms, Warrior Notes, Jesus, Conference, Spirit School, #kevinzadai, Christian, #theagendaofangels, The Mystery Of The Power Words
Id: q8LUUrZR4K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 54sec (6294 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 26 2019
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