The Agenda of Angels Kevin Zadai Session 4 The River Of Waupun

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just so you know this this jacket along with 11 others there was one morning we woke up and his clear you have a store named Belk here Belk well this what happened we woke up we woke up and I I liked I like to wear something different like for each TV show I do I just like to have something different on for the seasons you know so I have to do these shows and but I have to do them all at one time so I have to go down for a week and record and I was believing God just to have different suits for every show you know you know so anyway I woke up just to show you how God works I woke up because I would just rather wear you know you know wear t-shirt when I teach I don't care but see when you're on TV and stuff like that I mean you know you want to be presentable and you want it to be something where it's new every time so I totally get that and um anyway and I you know I don't use any ministry money for my clothes or anything you know I just pay for that out of my own pocket so I'm believing on my own faith and I'm not using ministry money for these things so I woke up and the Lord said you're going to Belk today and you're gonna get your jackets just like that but I wasn't thinking about it you know and like you know I just I believe in Matthew 6:33 I just seek the kingdom but I want to show you how he was talking about cheap suits and stuff like that so it's an hour away and so I told Kathy after church was born we're gonna go to work the Lord says we're going to Belk so we get up there and they're getting ready to close because it's Sundays they close at 6:00 and instead now you know so it's a whole hour away and we get in there and the $200 suit jackets I and I got I got 11 of them for four they were like 17 dollars because there was 75% off and then the manager gave me a pun they said well I got will give you another coupon and another 25% off and I'm thinking well what's left you know and so anyway but anyway it ended up being like 17 or 20 dollars so this one was like you know around 20 dollars huh 35 no no no because that doesn't add up but anyway she sees it it doesn't matter that we got 75 percent off of the I'm just telling you that God can do that for you you know just just remember that God God likes you to dress up he likes he likes nice things but he doesn't want you to be focused on that and the Lord told me I mean the Lord told me this but I get so much pushback on on all the things that the Lord said in the Bible I get pushback from Christians on what the Bible says and I end up I end up not stopping anymore and arguing with anybody because I think you know if if if the Jesus was sent to people that had a third-grade education and they accepted him and it was the Pharisees it was the religious leaders at the time that rejected him and had him killed but the people they they accepted him but they had a third grade education then I'm not gonna argue with somebody about what the Bible says if it was given to the people that were very very simple people like me I'm very simple you know if the Greek and the Hebrew take away from the power of God then the Greek and Hebrew interpretation is wrong Jesus told me any to any translation that takes away from the power God is not the right translation no I investigated this I I went and I looked and I I learned Hebrew from someone who grew up in Jerusalem so I think that they know Hebrew and when I learn Hebrew I I found out that the scholars took the same classes I did and became a scholar and then when I looked at what they chose they chose the fourth the fourth meaning down which is the least meaning because it supported their doctrine and so when you read books if you look well the Greek means this well if you look it up they chose the one that has their slant to it now I know this because I took journalism I learned how to slant any article so I can't read the newspaper I cannot read anything because I know what the slant is because I know the formula so when I read something I know exactly what they believe in their agenda did anybody get this ok so you can slant anything any way but what this is the my point my point is is that God is not as uptight as you are and and he's saying whatever he is saying it's gonna be beyond your ability to accept except through faith because it's from another realm if God's really speaking he's gonna speak but it's gonna change and it's gonna shift you into righteousness because God's right and you're wrong and even if you believe you're gonna start to say help my unbelief because there's this element in human beings that needs to be burned out it's called pride there it blinds you so you don't know it no I remember that that when I when I bought that that new car was a it was a Nissan Maxima and you know I don't need a Mercedes because it's eight hundred dollars to change the oil and I can change the oil on a bad day with you know I can change my oil for free you know so why do I you know what it's so anyway you know I I believe in nice stuff but you know why should I pay somebody to do that so the Lord gave me $12,000 off a new Maxima well that's God you know what I mean I go from point A to point B but I remember that he told me he said now in this car this car this is the word of the Lord to you this morning this car right here Kevin he says there's no blind spots in this car so I took that word I took that word and I went on the highway and almost got killed because I looked in the mirror and there was no one there but there was someone there there did anybody just hear what I just said I took his word and it was wrong so I felt like driving it back to the to the Lord and saying now that you go and you eat your words you know so anyway God has God God God's ways are not your ways and there's certain things that you don't even believe in and it doesn't matter because God still believes it anyway now there's some of you in here that are gonna die early and you don't have to but you say you know I just trust God you know whatever he whatever will be will be you know I just want his will and you died early I know this I see I got I can't hold back I can't hold back what I know there's certain things that you're doing that that are are shortening your life and it's not just spiritual things but see because you have you've been told there are no blind spots and there are everybody has blind spots I'm surprised this morning the blind spot that was removed from me no here's the thing that where the Lord had to come to me and say go to Belk and I would never pay $200 for a jacket I grew up and I paid $19.99 for a whole Leisure Suit it Sears there was made out of tent canvas and it never does it was destroyed you couldn't even you could he couldn't destroy you know 2,000 years from now they're gonna find that Leisure Suit [Applause] it's it's gonna outlive you know whole you know anyway see God had I'm telling you something here by the word of the Lord God where I was they take your joy they would they want your jewelry for building material everything that you value down here is just building material up there it's pavement that you use for for pavement what's valuable is you so when God values you and he wants you to receive from him it's it's different than giving receiving is not is not giving giving is is something you do towards God but then what God wants to do is give something back to you and if you don't receive it then like if you don't receive eternal life then you don't you aren't you don't given the power to become a son or daughter of God that's what John chapter 1 says so to them that believed he gave them the power to become sons of God or children of God okay so God has God has to get something to you sometimes but you have to receive it so what I found with me is because of the way I grew up I was you know hungry half the time we had you had five kids in my family when I got my my first one I started my career after college I made more in three months than my dad made in a year and he had five kids to take care of and he worked hard all the time and he taught me how to work hard all the time and I um blow my money on stuff so God to interject in me here that the word of the Lord had actually come to me all the time so like with those jackets I would never do that like I would never spend ministry money on it even though it's for the ministry I don't do anything else but the ministry I'm not gonna wear that I wear to church but everything we know when I when I go to church I'm really representing my ministry because you know where I'm at my church supports me and my wife they support my ministry that means Jesse Duplantis ministries believes in me and he doesn't do that he doesn't do that with me but if you notice he never he doesn't endorse anybody okay there's a reason why is because he had a visitation and the Lord told him this is your son it wasn't his idea it was God's idea but see God had to speak because Jesse would never do that because he knows he knows a lot more than he says okay it's the same with you God knows a lot about you he knows your needs but he has to get you to receive and if you don't receive the Word of God then you don't get the word of God's benefits which means faith is born from the heart because you hear the truth so God had to start speaking to me and telling me what to do because I would not do it so I wouldn't have these suit jackets if it wasn't for the word of the Lord coming to me and he wanted to bless me is anybody here listen to me listen to me it was cheaper for me cheaper for me and my wife to go to Hawaii for two weeks than it was to stay home it's cheaper for me to go to work than it is to stay home because everything is paid for and I'm taking care of it my job everything is taken care of there's always someone there to assist me everywhere I go I have escort I have everything I need everything's paid for everything's arranged it was cheaper to go to work than it was to stay home it cost me nothing to go to work they took care of everything and they gave me extra money they took care of me and they're not even a Christian company so they said you know what you can take you can take as many people as you want up to ten people your family you any up to ten people for $25.00 to Hawaii anytime you want to show your ID and let them have an ID and so we went we went three times a year and took my parents with me and then right on the water right on the water you know that the $400 night was was was adult 125 so I just took my parents weed you know people were taking and you know their friends and everything Forte you know 25 bucks cheaper than stay at home okay but see God has to do certain things like that alright cuz I wouldn't go with it I wouldn't go to Hawaii I thought it's a ripoff it's just really expensive it's an island you know and um you know they got you anybody still here okay so it's the same way it's the same way with everything else people don't even believe in angels unless they actually have a visitation and all of a sudden they they change you know people I remember Ron Phillips one of my favorite people Baptist preacher he was up teaching against tongues and he got baptized in front of the Baptist Convention and so in his church Nell is Church there's a spot over here where an angel stands has been assigned to his church and so that the asurs will not you know if you go into that circle you follow so they have like people standing there so they do you know the visitors don't walk through that because they fall this is a guy that doesn't even believe in this stuff so what I'm trying to tell you is is that God will will walk you into things that you don't believe because you have blind spots you've been told you don't have any blind spots but you do and when you hear the word of God it should stir you into the the realm of the possibilities not the impossibility so like in other words you know you what what is impossible to you should become possible because that's God's bigger everything about his kingdom is bigger and he's done this to me he's constantly changed me I'm not the same person I was even an hour ago I am completely transformed since I came out into this room but I've been transformed when I came over here from the house to the office something happened in the office that transformed me forever so it's happening every hour but God had to give me a word to go do something that I should have should have you know what in other words he had to insert truth into my spirit tell me what store to go to because I wouldn't have done it on my own does everybody understand it so this is what he told me he told me he said he said I desire for my people to prosper but he said it a lot of people when they prosper he said I would lose them because they would be carried away with the fact that they could do other things he said so they would start making decisions that that weren't good decisions based on the prosperity they had so the thing about the man the the rich man it's hard for a rich man to go to heaven that is true but it doesn't exclude you from being rich what it does is it shows you how hard it is to be rich and stay in line with what God's doing in your life and not depending upon it see he depends that man could just write a check you know he didn't they didn't have checks back then but he could do anything he wanted at any time without depending upon God when I when I when I when I went into a status that if I I'm not gonna say cuz I'll offend a lot of people they'll be mad but God took me into a financial status but I was not seeking and the reason he did it is because I wasn't seeking it but when I reached this level financially it was because he could trust me no no here's the key he said now now that you've reached this he said now the key to keeping this is you pray about everything before you do anything with your money so in your hot water tank brakes this is what he told me he said when your hot water tag is done it expires he said you just don't go write a check and get a new one you you pray and you committed to me because he said that's what the rich he said that's what he was after with the rich man what he was after with the rich man is is that he didn't need to depend upon God so he would just go and he could write a check essentially for anything that happened and he was his own God he was his own provider it is it everybody for me can I go a little further or do we need to talk about fuzzy animals on the ark or whatever you know okay because God wants you God wants to help you but you you have to understand this system is set up to take you away either either in enslave you into a debt system or take you away with dumping prosperity on you to where you don't need God so you have these two extremes you have people that most of most that most of the people that have the money control all the money and then there's very there's very few of those but then you know there's there's those who are under there they're enslaved to dead and that's how they control you they keep you they keep you under control by controlling your finances controlling how how well you do I know what I'm talking about I saw this I didn't want to come back I did not want to come back because I saw that Satan has so sealed it so tight that the only way that you could prosper is if you sold out to him and sold out to the system and the only way that you can win is if you look at every penny that you have as being from God because then you are not attributing your success to this world system okay so there's things that there's things that you don't accept about God because there's a there you have blind spots but what happens is is the word of the Lord will come to you and you'll have visitation and you'll realize you were wrong and I know this to be true and I can't tell you everything because you're you're not ready for it and you'd be mad at me if I told you that that God is not limiting you so I'm not going to tell you that but he's not he has not limited you you're in a fallen world and you're wondering like well why did this just happen why did this person just do this you're in a fallen world it has nothing to do with God God's not the god of this world if you look at what Paul said in Ephesians it's a small G Satan's the god of this world a small G he's the spirit of the of the of the world he's a spirit of the air and everybody that doesn't serve God serves him automatically defaults to that no I I told this to I told this to a chapter of the full gospel businessmen in Tucson you know I I was invited to speak at these different things in and it was a small chapter but the Lord had called me there but it was interesting how there were things going on that really hurt me with the finances and it wasn't the leaders fault but I noticed that they were like what we would we would meet at this restaurant for one of the meetings you know and then I would go to churches and stuff and and I'm we do we just came there from July July we did 24 meetings in different churches and then Full Gospel businessmen things like that okay now Full Gospel businessmen if you if we remember how they were formed by Dimas chick Aryan they were it was every known evangelist world known leader general in the Army of God started started there they they were all guest speakers William Brannon Viking AAA Allen of Kenneth Hagin or Robert all those guys spoke I remember that the kenneth hagin in class told us that one day he got a call because Kathryn Kuhlman was in full feeling well and she was supposed to speak at full gospel businessman and they called and asked him to come he goes well I'm not flamboyant I don't dance around the stage and people don't get out of wheelchairs you know like you know do you I mean and he's like I what am I gonna do and the Lord said go do it and he goes I'm not like her and he said as I started teaching just standing up there not moving not flowing you know doing any hand motions he said people start getting out of wheelchairs so I was telling them I said I said I saw that there was something going on and I found out that that this the secretary or the the the lady handles the finances for that chapter they didn't want to pay for me and my wife's breakfast that I'm speaking at is anybody here no mind you I'm paying for my own hotels and for the person who runs my book tables hotel and I pay for my own airfare it's not costing them anything I try not to cry when I found out he's 29 businessmen no one stood up for this so you know what I said this is what I said I just I said you know because I did I have enough money to buy my own airplane my own for my own money but I realized that in Christianity right now I can't have one even if I pay for it myself but if I was a businessman and I was jacking up all the prices to 300% and then buying that jet that's fine you'll you'll pay 400% for my product whatever business I'm in so I said to them I said you know if Bill Gates came here to speak to you about how to be successful in business if he if he would even accept your invitation you would love it that he come here and speak to your chapter and tell you how to prosper and more I run a business and he flying a Gulfstream 650 which is 98 million dollars and you'd have no problem with that because it's Bill Gates I said I said but here I am I've been to heaven came back and I flew Southwest and I paid my own way and I'm buying all your breakfast this morning so they handed me the 350 dollar bill and I paid it because I've had it Bill Gates and pray before he takes off he doesn't pray when he wakes up he doesn't even mention God's name and he's a billionaire 47 billion when you go in his house he has he gives you a lapel pin that has all your art all your music everything you like is in this program and as you walk from room to room all of the LEDs displays change to your artwork the music follows you from room to room everywhere you go it's your music everything that you like is as follows you throughout his mansion and in your room everything's just exactly programmed from from a little lapel pin already everything is already designed 29 car garage I know I lived up there I've seen his mansion that's okay but I have to have the word of the Lord come to me to tell me to go buy jackets because I won't do it and I have to pay for somebody's breakfast can I quit please I just don't want to go on but I'm just trying to tell you something here the full gospel businessmen was formed so that it could support the kingdom of God through success in business that is taking the devil's money out of the system and putting it into God's system because it costs money this stuff costs money everything costs money so I just wanted to say that that you have blind spots and it's going to take a supernatural intervention of God to destroy those blind spots so God doesn't need your money he needs you but he knows he told me he said I will lose most people if i prosper them isn't that sad because he wants to so I can't even say that every time I talk about this I get lambasted I have to hold back when I'm on TV because that they getting you dated if I say anything about finances or if I say anything about raising a dead or healing the sick if I say anything about the Great Commission I get emails arguing with me about it the Great Commission and here's the thing Jesus said did you see any time that any money was put in that bag that Judas had I said no he said that there is always money going out of that bag he said an offset and I'm like what did you just say it's a never-ending supply it has nothing to do with what you think it is it has to do with a never-ending supply that's supernatural I don't get credit for making money I get credit for what I did with it okay so angels angels are the thing I got to get into here is is nobody wants that nobody likes this but see angels are they don't they're not hung up on your issues that you have they understand that there is no money in heaven there's only money on this earth so the correction it has to come to the body of Christ is is that money is not a God it's not a thing that you hold on to so tightly money is just a is part of the system down here that is meant by Satan to restrict you but it has no value except the paper that in the ink is worth nothing even as I've been speaking we put ourselves in the hole even more as I've been speaking so you are the ones that are valuable not money you are the value and it hurts me it hurts me that people don't know the truth about this subject now if you can walk away no I'm going to share something with you I don't I care about what you think but I cannot let that rule my life but I got to tell you something so you know what I'm talking about I passed my money test my wife has passed the money test and because of that what you see you can't understand about me and her you can't understand it B you need to know something you know yesterday I mentioned this business this mist multi-billionaire that asked me to pray about this deal 42 million dollars well he flew to Turkey I told you and they signed that deal and he said he's going to give me the 10% that tithe off of it well do the math that's 4.2 million dollars to my ministry and and so they won in my bank account number you know everything and so I I said oh no no no no no no so I called the pastor his pastor I said I just want you to know I'm not that is your money that's your church's money that's not my money and I just want you to know I'm not taking it I said you two work it out but I'm not taking that if he wants to give above and beyond then then you go ahead you you you work it out and give me a call back well they never called me back I can tell you story after story about that but yet I got to by 29 businessmen there their breakfast because there their treasurer's arguing is anybody here we had to go to a hotel because that that house that we stayed in that treasure and welcome to we never could fall asleep because it was so hot in there the thermostat said 85 so I asked them to turn it down and they said no we can't do that I said well then me and my wife they said where you going I go me and my wife we're going to a hotel right now watched us pack and leave I said my wife is not going to be in this condition if it was just me I put up with you I didn't give up my career f-16s and everything to be treated like this I offered first to pay their whole month's electric bill if they would just turn it down they would not this just happened so I just want you to know some things that God has to supernaturally intervene in situations to get you to receive from him because it's more about receiving than it is giving and I that just goes against everything you've ever heard but see the thing of it is as I saw that if if if we had really truly received from God we wouldn't be in the condition we are as anybody here so my message to them was you are not on a fixed income because it's all retirement down there and Tucson I said you're not on a fixed income you think you are but God is going to generate through intervention supernaturally you know what happened to the this couple he was a scientist and he was able to unfold something that had to do with a huge problem that they were having he's retired they asked him to come back because he had discovered that bees communicate through vibration and and and the things the thing the problem they were having with the bees he solved it one night because he woke up and God showed him what's going on he was able to pinpoint how they communicate so he told the government they patent it and now he's back he's not on a fixed income anymore because he just unfolded a mystery you know why because he told me he said secretly Kevin I just want to know I pray in tongues all the time and I you know and he almost like he let you know I'm like then I found out it wasn't really him it was his other half did anybody get what I just said so so my message to that whole place was it's not a fixed income but they're all trapped in their retirement and that's all they get is their their money every month but see all the sudden God gave him a revelation about solving a problem and the government is like that's it so they were able to help the bees because of bees they're you know there's all kinds of stuff going on right now and um he was able to resolve all that and that's that that's the God that I serve so God wants to intervene through through a visitation so think about it right now because the power God is in his room think about like what you're going through your environment see Satan is disturbing your environment so that you never get to the place where you're visited where you have an encounter with God because you're not settled and so even marry them you know that even Mary when she was visited by an angel it was too much for her you're kidding I'm not gonna have relations with a man but I'm gonna be pregnant and it's gonna be God God's gonna be in my womb but what she said the angel may it be unto me as you have spoken because she didn't know what else to say how she can explain what just happened to her because it was beyond her in every way but see Jesus sent me back to tell people that every person has an encounter like that that God stretches you and you have to it is so much more what he has for you all that you're gonna have to say to the angel may it be unto me as you have spoken because what else do you say now I was told I was told to do things that people don't even believe in today because it's Old Testament but the only thing that's different between the old and the new is that blank page in your Bible between the two because Jesus quoted the Old Testament because there was no New Testament he wasn't a New Testament and he was walking it out at the time and they were recording it but if you notice Jesus didn't speak anything in the New Testament because there was no New Testament Paul Paul didn't quote the New Testament because so Jesus fixed it but nobody nobody that I know really is getting this that you know completely he said not one jot or tittle is gonna disappear from that law then he said this I am the fulfillment of that law and then Paul wrote chapter 7 of Romans in Chapter 8 and we still don't get it the things I want to do I don't the things I don't want to do I do wretched man that I am but praise be to God through Jesus Christ there is therefore now no condemnation and like the passion translation says your case is closed there is no accusing voice against you anymore but it says to him who walks in the spirit not in the flesh ok so the New Testament involves choice so if you like if you don't want to go to heaven you can go to hell no stopping you if you want to be poor you don't want to be rich then no one's stopping you but if you can't make it in this country at this time that I don't know what you know I don't think any seminar is going to help you because this this land is a land of opportunity you go to other countries like I was telling you it's urlan you get penalized you go over to the fifty percent tax bracket that the day that you pay your house off so guess how many people pay their house off but if you mortgage it's second third and fourth mortgages your tax rate goes down so that's what they do they they mortgage it out so they get in a lower tax bracket is anybody here you're telling me so do you understand it be careful how you judge be careful on how you discern because God is none of the things that you think he is but he's everything that the word says he is and he's a good god and he's very happy with you because he's staring at the blood of his son but within that your will has to be involved so choose you this day who are gonna serve and and this is what I this is what the Lord told me this morning in the office he said he said people have too many choices see in the Old Testament because he knew man's condition he gave you know how'd you like it if you went to McDonald's and there was two things on the menu well that's what he gave that's what he gave the Israelites he said choose you this day blessings or cursings you're gonna be the head or the tail above or beneath two choices that's all you get so Jesus was a fulfillment of that Old Testament then what we have is based on better promises it's a better covenant so it's got to be better okay so what's better than not getting sick they didn't get sick he says if you choose this day none of these diseases will come upon you you'll be the head you'll you will not borrow from anyone you'll be the lender Old Testament you want to get rid of that what else you gonna rip out of your Bible are you are you following me to see because when I met Jesus I thought men if I go back and tell people this I'm wondering like if I am I going to tear the fabric of people that are latched on to their ways which won't house the new wine you know that it's going to tear it's gonna tear so right now it God's believing in you more than you're believing in yourself and he wants to give you more than you're receiving right now so I have to tell you that before I teach because if you don't if you don't open up we can't go we have to go beyond last night we can't just stay there we got to go on but in order to go on you've got to grow up and realize why would the devil and his people prosper and you wouldn't why are they not sick you name one day that our previous president was sick and he smoked and he had that grin on his face like he couldn't be hurt or killed or touched or anything that's because he's got protection and yet my friends who interceded for me who went to prayer every day they they died in a car wreck died of cancer he got somebody he got these people have been senators for for 200 years and can't and won't die and they they blaspheme God do you understand I'm trying to say Maury telling you this I'm being burglar because I feel like you're family but when I was in heaven I saw this I saw that it's so skewed in the wrong way that we got to grow up and say you know what we got blind spots we got to allow God to intervene and speak to us and it might not be what you want to hear so why everyone is arguing about if God raises the dead it's happening why they're arguing about tithing I'm doing it enjoying the benefits of it it's weird no I got I'm I'm the one I wish I would have recorded this conversation that I had for days because I got audited by the IRS because we were we were giving away half of our income and wit threw up a red flag and they said Mr Zeta I you know I said what's the problem here and I and they said well mr. Zeta you know no one gives away half their you know they you know you know you don't really no one's doing really doing this no I don't know how to start with a person like that because I'm thinking okay someone was spoken by God and paid our house off so when is that going to be in your equation on you know well mr. Zeta you know people just don't really do this legally you know they've been nice to me I said well what do you need what do you need from me I have nothing to hide I said we're enjoying this I said we're Christians and we believe in giving I said so what do you need for me and it took her back and she's not defensive anymore she goes well I'll tell you what there's this one here's you gave to this church twenty three thousand dollars if you can just send that receipt in on a letterhead I will close this case so I did and they closed the case they didn't even care about that was not even half of it but that they just wanted they just wanted the receipt from one church and I thought I pay I pay my taxes I do everything I won and they don't bother me anymore the bank would not accept the house pay off the computer refused to take the pay off they they couldn't override it the bank couldn't override their own computer it refused to let me be free me and my wife free of our debt so they were threatened to report us to the three credit agencies because we owed $0.00 and I got it I got a threatening letter and I called them and I said what is this I said well the computer won't let you go and I said no I'm thinking no the devil won't let me go so they said they did that the computer refused to do it so I thought well you tell the computer you know no they said you got to send a check for zero dollars and zero cents and we got to run it through with that that number on there and it released me the Cathy I'm not making this up so now that I've said all that you know what we tithe offer what we wanted to make and so with Southwest Airlines settle with a flight tenants who in one minute one night they were gonna walk and not show for work you see the problem with that is is it the flight has been eighty percent of the time with a with the customer and everyone else and the whole company spends very little time with the customer so the president at 12:01 decided you know what these people just give them what they want so I got a hundred and ten percent raise so I went so what we were tithing I went to that ended up being my tithe in other words I got a hundred and ten percent raise which was I was tithing off of that for three years me and my wife so typing doesn't work now my retirement check is that amount to for the rest of my life the same amount I don't think that's a coincidence so something something about blind spots is I so I've had angel visitations where they've told me things that that that were beyond my box so I had to make a choice am I gonna step out with this angel with him or am I gonna stay in my box when Jesus appeared to me I had to decide to go with him and leave my my agenda and my beliefs because my interpretation of Scripture is not always correct but his is because he wrote it and he really doesn't care about our opinion he cares about what we believe which is based on truth so opinion is not doctrine but we make it doctrine okay so now that I've gotten that out of the way do you really want Jesus to appear to you do you really want a visitation of this an angel to appear to be as if they do it's gonna be from your future not your now it's gonna be the truth from the kingdom of God in heaven and they're gonna come and make it as it is in heaven on earth do you want that because if that's the case they might tell you to go to Belk and buy something that you don't want to buy with your money they might tell you like they did for us to take your your extra money you're going to do towards your mortgage payment and give that to your pastor or we would give to people that were poor in our church to pay their rent for the month and I I said the Lord I said Lord that this money is to put toward our mortgage and I I should have known better and the Holy Spirit grieved me and I was talking to my pastor about it and I said never mind because the spirit wasn't siding with me and then the next month our house was paid off see the Spirit knew that but here I am I'm thinking oh well if I keep giving money out to people I'm not gonna ever pay my mortgage off and I didn't have to pay my mortgage off because it was paid off because God's God's God's now is my future so I'm thinking well this is pending but with God it's already happened so a lot of things will be resolved if you just get over yourself get over what you think it's about and find out what you know what you get it into your knowing because I can accelerate you you don't have to die and come back but you have to listen to me these you have to trust me but I'm not here for myself I'm telling you what I saw I'm telling you what I know the Word of God is absolutely true but your body needs healed there's a discrepancy between what you you see written and what's happening in your body right now well I can help you with that I've watched all my body respond but it's taken a long time I still have issues that need healed and I believe in healing but I had I had to get to the place where I realized that the timing is not a lack of faith it's a lack of receiving so I'm gonna be honest with you I have to tell you something when I was in the presence of Jesus I realized that it was my inability to receive not his ability to give so that's why I shared all I did this morning with you is because I have to tell you the truth it's never gonna be God's fault but it's all it's gonna be your inability to receive always you're never you can't do it the Angels will take you out if you confront Jesus and say that demon didn't leave when I used your name or I wasn't healed and I believe you cannot say that to him because he will turn around say it was enough what I did was enough I'm not gonna die again on the cross he won't let you finish he'll put his finger in your face you know say it was enough so then you're stuck see you're stuck now okay if it isn't his fault and there's no one else around here and if you look at an angel egg not me you're gonna have to look at yourself so you don't have to die and go to heaven and come back you just have to resolve that it's always going to be your inability to receive God is more gracious more kind more merciful than you can receive he's always going to be more he's always gonna want more for you but it has nothing to do with money it has everything to do with provision see you all didn't get that the rich man the rich man it had everything to do with provision he could write his own checks Jesus was after his heart he to the wall on purpose he took them the whole way of the wall he just left one thing sell everything you have and give to my ministry no Jesus didn't say that he said sell everything you have and give it to the poor then follow me he didn't say give it to my ministry see Jesus wanted him to do it to the poor because then God has to pay this man back oh you didn't get that see you have to put it you know you have to you have to lock yourself in to the supernatural the only reason that I'm here today again is cuz I sewed the first offering that I was given in his church I sitting right there and I leaned over to pastor Wayne who was not the pastor at the time and pastor Jerry was right up here and I said tell him that I'm sowing my whole offering back to this church he ran up and told pastor Jerry pastor Jerry was and I you know it wasn't surprised when I got the call that the the church was paid off it didn't even it didn't even it didn't surprise me a bit because I know how this works you see I believe I believed that what was done there was powerful because I don't think anything is insignificant you know what I did I got back on an airplane that I paid for myself and I went back to work I wouldn't write back to work but now I just got a call from I just got a call from my father you know you know to put to put me on TV costs $200,000 per show in CID just said you know what the Lord spoke to me I'm giving you another yearly show we just filmed for next year he said I'm giving you another one we're gonna have to going at the same time and I'm writing the whole thing off that's where weekly shows for a whole year at 200,000 a piece you all didn't get that but the death surprised me no because see do you understand you got to learn to walk in this it's not the money it's about your ability to receive God's provision for your life and that is supernatural in my jobs not my provision it wasn't for 30 years I always told people that Southwest was supporting my ministry so I went to work and they just supported my call so I didn't I don't differentiate between all that I just because who I am as a person is more valuable than anybody can pay me I'm helping you here see you have to get to the place where you're not afraid anymore about anything you have to conquer fear and in the only way that you're gonna conquer fear is to realize that the devil is shaking in his shoes but he's very nervous because he never counted on this you see I was under the radar all these years and people like me it's gonna happen over and over it's gonna get to where there's gonna be so many people there saying the same thing that Jesus said it's gonna come back the message is gonna come back a very simple message get over yourself and follow me the only I'm just telling you don't wait to find out what I did I got a second chance I got to come back but he said the only person that's limiting you as you because there's no one up here limiting you there's no one up here that has ever talked against you everyone believes in you who told hey like the head of the universe asked you who told you you can't do that and I'm thinking well I don't know but you got to get over the whole money thing cuz it's not about money it's about you receiving can you receive from God because money is not going to ever be a problem if you get rid of that problem the problem is you don't need money money needs you because it needs a vehicle to distribute it because it's in the wrong hands you'll get this revelation someday but all all the communication satellites all the highways everything that's the planes the trains the automobiles God gave those inventions to people he trusted them because he wanted this gospel to be preached all over the world and that's why you have i-10 that's why you have the International Airport as why you have Boeing and Airbus it's because God wants to increase communication in this last day so that though knowledge of the of the Lord is throughout the whole earth and then he's going to come back because he wants to redeem everyone he wants everyone that come to heaven so why do we make it about money it's not about money isn't an offering teaching either so don't even don't even in fact don't even give it to me I dare you I don't need your money see I'm not afraid if you die and you come back there's nothing left to be afraid of if you're told by the head of the church that it's all extra credit from now on and you can't lose then you just come back swing it and it's like Groundhog Day you wake up at 6:00 and it's I got you babe and you go you go out and it's a safe thing that's what it is like for me I'm sure so you see me last night I just stood right here and waited because I saw the future in this room and it wasn't happening yet so I was waiting until my help came to create the scenario I saw but if he notice it ended right but it took awhile and it was about you receiving what was already in the room if you notice I stood right here and I went like this with this foot and I thought I'm gonna wait this thing out because the devil is going to let go of these people's destinies they need the joy they need to drink of the wine so I saw that it's reversed like when I leave when I leave when I leave here and and in a week or so it's gonna the tables have been turned and the curse has been reversed [Music] because angels in force a blessing and that is the bottom line okay here's the most important thing you're gonna hear at this seminar is is truth is absolute and truth is foundational now here's the whole thing that the Angels operate on they don't operate on their own accord now they're given they're given assignments and they are given there are certain angels that are given a little bit of latitude as far as how they can get something across and do something so they can actually appear as people they can appear as your friend they can do certain things in order to do what they need to do so they're not restricted in that sense however they are restricted in the end result the end result has to be exactly what God has told them now if if you have a blind spot and you need to get rid of it then they've got to get this truth over to you so they're going to send you to this place to sit on a Saturday morning to listen to me and they're going to have you turn your TV on you're gonna hear the same thing again and then you're gonna get a news letter and it's gonna say the same thing again and then you're going to be talking to your friend and they're gonna start spouting off or the load told me this and it's gonna be exactly what you just heard okay that's those are all angels that's angels and the Holy Spirit operate now angels know there's think of angels that have an inner peace hid their special forces with a communication device and their communication is the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit coordinates everything at one time and he doesn't get confused as multiple missions going on as angels are listening now their ultimate goal is souls because they want to wrap this dispensation up so we're way behind Jesus can't come back he doesn't know he doesn't know when he's coming back but he does know when he's coming back he told me he told me that Russia and the Middle East and China have to come in before he can come back but he doesn't know the time of the date but he said it's situations know based on our either inactivity or activity so he said in fact he he showed me the the war with there was supposed to happen four and a half years ago with Israel and all the surrounding nations and had to do with Russia so he said now you can stop this I Oh No according to Perry stone we can't you know Perry stone said no and he said he he said there he said their theology is right but their timing is wrong he said the church can stop this he said you need to stop it and get other to pray against the war with Israel he was totally serious he it was it was going to happen they wanted to completely wipe Israel off the map you they were we had a stop you because this has to come in angels priority is well within that then where do you it affects all it affects everything so like if your supposed to be like if you don't want right Church if you you you can name them that's the honest truth and I pray for these people every day no not not I'm not meddling or of everybody I love the people that are in hell and I could have been one of them I would have been the best well-behaved person in hell because I was self-righteous but when I accepted Jesus I realized it and everyone would tell me I don't know why you're here you're so good it didn't matter so no one no one even the the most person on the earth doesn't deserve to go to hell trust me you don't wish for anybody to go to hell my spiritual father he prayed to the Lord because his his mother-in-law hated him and he became a Christian left the rock world he gave away his millions because he thought you had to be poor because he was Catholic so he gave it away as millions twice now listen to this his mother-in-law hated him so he said God he he's the one who went to heaven so when he told the Lord he said Lord he said just send my mother-in-law to hell because the devil will kill himself in three weeks [Applause] he says and they will done you a favor so in Psalms 89 verse 14 it says in the rivet to associate righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne unfailing love and truth walk before you as attendants okay so in heaven there's layers on his throne and they're named here in Psalms 89 but the idea that of a throne is that a king sits on a throne and it represents the rule over a Dominion so like when you have a king you have a king dumb okay and then the throne represents the seat of power but it has to do with authority so like if a king would say something from sitting on his throne then it was it was in stone as law and they would have people that were recorded so like like in the old days you didn't even approach a throne and unless a a scepter was extended you didn't go uninvited that's why Esther you know she was what they were won't worry that she they could she could lose her head because it was she came in unannounced but if the scepter is extended then you can come forward you won't know that the attendants won't take your head off you know take you and have you killed so the idea about God's throne is is that there are certain layers that are underneath where he sits and they're distinct layers and the foundation of this is righteousness and justice so God rules from a throne where everything he does is right it's righteous and everything he does is just okay so that is your king that is your God he sat on that throne and he breathed you into a mother's womb from that place now that is the absolute truth I'm talking about absolutely truth here that is the truth it's not how you feel this morning it's not how you were treated on the way here you see we need supernatural visitation just so we can get over ourselves because we don't believe right we can't receive love and forgiveness we can't receive His mercy we can't receive future because our past is so terrible and our now isn't looking much better but but the Lord is here this morning to write to reconcile with you and and say that it doesn't have to be this way from now on if you'll become a good receiver so you understand that like right now the sound people they could actually switch frequencies and this this mic is tuned to a certain frequency back there because the the transmitter has a certain frequency but there are multiple you can have multiple mics as long as you have arrayed them with different frequencies they'll have different channels if not we're all on one channel okay so this one he could go back back there and you could back go back here and switch the frequency well then this one is tuned to only receive the previous one so he's broadcasting this signal but it's the the thing that is is that this will no longer work but he could transmit like he could transmit a signal but if I don't receive it or vice versa so like right now there are things being transmitted to you through the angelic through the Holy Spirit what God spoke on his throne about you when he breathed to you in your mother's womb those things are all true there they've not been in any way diminished so you all made a big effort to be here today and I've made it a big effort to be in a place where I can speak truth in love and I've endeavored to do that I believe I've accomplished my goal here however you have to realize that God is still transmitting the same intention he had for you when he thought of you not when he even formed you in your mother's womb but when he thought of you first according to Psalms 139 so he thought of you then he he breathed you into your mother's womb and you were formed so really your birth your inception was in the heart of God before it was in the womb no when he did this he did this on this foundation on his throne now this is the absolute truth that's why I believe in you more than you believe in yourself that's why money or anything else is not the issue with me what is the issue is his truth being spoken and his truth being received and I can speak truth and not be successful because have to get you I have to win your you over in your soul in your mind will and emotions have to win you over you see Solomon wrote he who wins Souls is wise but that's not that's not that that's not spiritual because there was no getting experience back then your spirit is still the same as it was before you were born again until you renew your mind that's why you have so much trouble is because your spirit now is born again but your mind and your body want to do the same things it always did okay so there's it's the same thing with what God thought of you when he thought of you his intention for you is so much more than what's happening to you but it hasn't diminished at all that it's still being transmitted it's the receiving part of it so this is what I want from you all I want you to have the best Christmas you've ever had I want you to receive from heaven this season starting right now I want visitation to come to your house I want I want it to be so overwhelming that you can't even put words to what's happening because it's already started it has already started and if you watch these angels they aren't just here they actually follow you they could go with you the Holy Spirit's intention for you there's so much greater but if you notice why is it that only a few people actually and grasp it in a generation why why do we need revival we shouldn't you know if I go if I go to have a checkup and the doctor wants to put those clampers on me and say clear it's like I don't need my heart stop start it again it's it's beating what you need is to be a good receiver you need to learn how to receive you need to tune it in so that this idea of truth we're gonna we're gonna break for lunch but I want it I want to I want to I want to talk to you just if you can give me an a couple more minutes and then we're gonna worship and then go ahead this is this is why I'm telling you all this you see how many believe that if I stick my finger that lights that socket over there that power will be transferred right and if I get a really good jolt I'll have three feet of hair by tomorrow it's gonna start growing again but but how many know how many know that nothing nothing since I've been here has happened - that is outlets I mean I haven't seen any sparks I don't feel anything coming from there but how many know that it's there I'm telling you that's how it is every time you come and you gather together in agreement it's there but you just tapped into it last night but I had to stand here and wait for it to rise to a point where it was overflowing but it doesn't have to be that way now all of you are in need in some way however I'm asking you would you consider trusting the your heavenly father not God he's God but he's your father would you please help me out here I'm telling you I was in heaven and I only had one parent and there's no appeal after him and yet he looks at me and I'm his creation and he adores me and he adores you it really does and the things you think you need you don't need see you don't need a better job you need the will of God for your life I'm saying this so that it tips you over because this next move of God is not revival what if he gave you a new heart what if he gave you a mind what if your life becomes new you wake up and you remember what you were worried about anymore what what happens if worship is like your you can't believe we're not having worship or you it's only gonna be ten minutes you've got to be kidding me you know where worship is something you do when you wake up and you just continue it here or wherever you go what what if he started to discern then God puts things in your life that were there all the time you just didn't see him so I'm asking you this would you be careful about what you hear from now on and what you see we'd be careful I know this because I I flew from Seattle the whole way all day after I had flown at work I ran to a gate met my wife and we flew we flew to a place to hear an apostle speak that I was told I need to meet this person I need to be under them and I need to meet the editor for this magazine and all this and so I did it all day I had to buy tickets on my own airline to do this check into a hotel go to the meeting that night and if I named these all these people there was a whole group of you don't know every one of them and I sat there and listen to this apostle never mention the name of Jesus in an hour sermon ever mention his name and and Jesus is his commander so I went back to my my room disappointed and this wasn't this long ago and so this night another big-name person was supposed to come in they they were sick so this guy had to speak again never again he never mentioned his commander and then he wanted to lay hands on all of us and I said Cathy get up and go with me this man is not touching me if he's not gonna knowledge his commander well what happened if you taught this person is very nice but you see how people can get off they forget what's important but I guarantee you he's he's forgot how to receive I guarantee you he has a receiving problem he's given out but he's not receiving now that has happened to so many people there are churches that up because the fountain is shut off that's why I tell I tell I want to come in a day early I want to talk to your staff I want an exclusive staff meeting and I want an exclusive meeting with your intercessors and then I'll come in that's my requirement from now on because I want to get to the root of what's going on I don't want to speak to our congregation I want it I want to I want to I want to talk to their staff by the Holy Ghost for a whole hour i prophesy to them and then their intercessors I let them know they're intercessors they're not the pastor I I say you're standing in the gap for your pastor and you're praying for your pastor you're praying for this work you have the same vision and you're going to I just tell that I say here's how I said and I tell them I said this is this this is how we are how we do things this is way it is in heaven this is what angels are told to do so if you want to work with angels now if you want to do it on your own good luck with that be a smoking hole where you were you land every time if you want to go out and do your own thing just just do what I've told you don't mention your commanders name you know become become the pastor when you're an intercessor you know and open now you're the authority you're not the authority you're under Authority so help me out here there's a lot of error going on right now a lot and discernment needs to be at its max right now no I asked Jesus come on up you y'all come up now I asked Jesus because you know that there's a lot of verses that really are troubling curses how many understand what I'm talking about you have a lot of questions jesus said be as innocent as a dove but as shrewd as a serpent right well I asked him what does that mean because dove and serpent they're totally opposite to me he said no I'm talking about their characteristic their character he said this is what he said he said if you notice a snake always rises up to strike to protect himself he doesn't strike but he goes up rattle rattle ursday rattle but rarely will a snake just do anything without first of all and he said that's how you should be you should always rise up and be discerning are you friend or foe but it'd be as innocent as a dove in it that's what he told me so it's amazing to me I spoke at a college just like here like here I'm like I'm right here the whole front row just falls out this is in the morning at 8:30 in the morning when everybody's still trying to find their Starbucks cup which is right in front of them and they're all laid out they all fell onto their desk I just kept talking they cannot lift their heads up it is just a 40-minute class after that one of the people on the front row I saw them in another state and they said hey you know one of the big boys was in town they say are you gonna go to the meeting - I need a word I go don't you I go no I'm not going I guess you don't need a word I go nope we got plenty I got to start doing them she looked at me like you don't want a word I need a word like you just got laid flat two weeks ago and now you want to take me with you and go get a word and I got that I got the thinking about I go it doesn't matter if you come up here and I pray for you and you lay out shaken what matters is when you go to your car can you overcome the devil when I'm not here that's what I'm called to do I'm called for Monday morning when I'm called to train people so you don't need me anymore see I want to be one of those people that that I'm not trying to keep a crowd I'm working my Jesus told me and if I do it right I will be completely like Evan Roberts you see me anymore in three in two years from now two years from now I should be done he said work yourself out of a job now how many apostles will do that or prophets see they want that following you know Jesus thinned the herd he had too many people falling in one time so he just said drink my blood my flesh or away with you see what he was doing amen everybody stand let's wash up thank you Father hallelujah father I just thank you so much for your word Lord I'm just going to speak it out I'm going to speak it out Lord says prosperity now in every area of your life yeah I said it in church prosperity I said it trust me if an angel showed up and said I'm gonna lay hands on you and make you poor he said get out of my house jack right well if he gives you a menu which disease do you want today I've been sent by the presence the law to you but you get to choose no get out of my house see what I mean anybody anybody has enough sense to know that that's not from God so we need to shift our mentality I shouldn't have to go to a city and and tell somebody to turn the thermostat down or pay for the businessmen's breakfast all 29 of them dear Lord I only had eggs and bacon it would cost him what five or six bucks do you understand what I'm saying it's a spirit they wouldn't do that to bill gate right and they had no problem with him having his own jet but see I'm telling you what it is it has nothing to do with money it's a spirit every one of you has a right to prosper even in the Old Testament every one of you has a right in the Old Testament to not have any diseases in your body according to the weather the Lord said he has word in heal to every one of them now they sent Jesus and you're healed yeah but you just limped to your car yeah I know but every morning when I wake up that cartilage is growing back just you be you don't you know these people that criticize I that I limp they don't criticize affected I have documentation that I have booked two new kidneys and a new liver and I haven't wore my contacts or glasses I and I woke up and nobody breathed on me and I didn't give a thousand-dollar offering it just happened because God is good so what can't happen to you I'm not I didn't come to impress you with myself now you you have it everybody raise your hands and receive from heaven father in the name of Jesus I break every curse every lying devil has lied Jesus name they go forth and everything they place their hands to prospers every part of their being prospers every part of their body prospers I speak healing into their flesh I speak healing into their hearts I speak healing into their minds in the name of Jesus Holy Spirit you're welcome here the Holy Spirit enforces the blessing though there it is and there's grace the Lord says now he's giving you an impartation of grace to receive receive receive the breath of heaven is here nautical event risottos kesha terra cotta thank you Father
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 124,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Kevin Zadai, The Agenda of Angels, Teaching, Holy Spirit, Bible School., Supernatural Finances, #kevinzadai, Spirit School, School of the Spirit, Jesus, The Mystery Of The Power Words, Praying From The Heavenly Realms, It’s Supernatural, Warrior Notes, Life in the Spirit, Conference
Id: bRcw7e-avv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 23sec (5663 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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